Mtt-i JW tf THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1910 EVENING EDITION. T2 W ft r U m RiiU! II 4 "I COOS BAY TIMES Untered at trie postofflco at Marsh ild, Oregon, or transmission rtronga the malls as second class Bail matter. Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, M-mhilcld :: :: :: :: Oregon ML C. MALONEY Editor and Pub. AN E. MALONKY News Editor An Independent Hepunllcan nows pcpor published every evening except Ouaday, aiid Weekly by Tbe Coos Ilay Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall lack . champion, and that evi shall not thrive unopposed. voice In the choice of candidates and the choice of laws. ! "The same men who slaughtered Harry M. Cake at the polls In 190S and elected Geo. Chamberlain Sena tor are now In control of Assembly Republicanism and they will not hesi tate to repeat their revengeful tactics whenever It suits their selfish pur pose. The man who Insists that his own special brand of Republicanism must be accepted as genuine and that all other brands must get "the knife to the- hilt" Is not very reliable In the hour of battle. Oregon Repub licans have had too much "knife to the hilt" already and It will take some time to restore the olive branch to Its controlling place within the ranks." The Coos Bay Times represents a consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall And The Coos Bay Advertiser. The Coast Mall was the first dally estab lished on Coos Bay and The Coos Bay Times is its Immediate suc cessor. r SUBSCRIPTION RATES. In AUvanco. DAILY. Dna year $5.00 Six months $2.50 Cess than 6 months, per month .60 When not paid strictly in advance the price subscription of the Coos Bay Times is $0.00 PER YEAR. WEEKLY. Oca year $1.50 EASTSIDE IS A WINNER. BUILD Vote on Queen. MARSHFIELD, Aug. 10, 1010. MARSHFIELD. Myrtle Vincent C807 Genevieve Tellefsou ....5043 Pearl Rlggs 4107 Clara Rehfold 3105 Fnye Bridges 1000 NORTH BEND. Elizabeth lloclllng 2110 for LESS unicial Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MARSHFIELD. THE REAL DISRUPTERS. T HE TIMES has heretofore re ferred to the fact that the As sembly divided and disrupted the Republican party, and it v as one of the reasons for this paper as a bellovor In Republican principles, op posing the Assembly. The machine (manipulators propose to force fac Jianallsm on the party willy-nilly. 2?ow comes the Harney County News, a staunchly Republican paper and advances the same views. The News says: "The most serious mistake made by tho Oregonlan and Its repeaters in advocacy of and apology for tho as sembly is tho constantly asserted claim that they are the only Repub licans who desire party unity and success, and that Republicans who are honestly opposed to a return to convention methods and wish to re spect the letter and spirit of the pri mary law aro endeavoring to disrupt the party and invite its defeat. "Nothing could be farther from tho truth. The rank and file of tho Re publicans who oppose tho convention system aro zealous, ardent believers in tho basic principles and In the grand mission of tho Republican par ty. Many of them have been lifelong In their adherence to it and active in tho support of its candidates and Its platforms when tho Oregonlan was knifing both with all its well-known bitter vindictlveness. They wore bat tling for loyalty and harmony within Its ranks when the Oregonlan and" men who are echoing Its assembly rot now were sowing tho seeds of discord and factionalism which have brought tho only defeats suffered by the party in Oregon. One of tho noticeable advocates of the assembly through the columns of tho Oregonlan and Salem Statesman is a blatant talker and writer at Sa lem who a few years ago organized an independent movement in that city and wrested the control f the city for six years from tho Republi cans by u coalition with tho Demo crats. This same man and his Im mediate connections supported Cham berlain for Governor and Immediate ly afterwards ono of them was re warded by a covoted, appointment. Ho Is n pretty sort of critic to under take to read men out of tho Repub lican party. "And wo could go clear along the lino of prominent advocates of the .Assembly Idea and show that during their ontiro career in Oregon politics thqy liavo bqon treacherous to the party nnil its candidates whenever tholr personal und factional wlslu-a vqro thwarted, or whenever tlulr own porsonul lutorosts stood a chance of bulng subsorvod by Joining wlih tho enomy. This samo treachery will npponr again tho present year. Nel- thor the Assombly ticket nor the tick et llnnlly mnrto up by tho prlmar will suit the "manipulators" and thej will bo once again giving encourage inont to Democrats nftrt- Independents and tho real loyal supirort of tho Re publican ticket will come from tho men who aro anxious to nbldo by tho primary law and the other laws guar anteeing tho peoplo a full and free You can and our catalog tells you how to lave VL to M on SASH AND 5-Oroti Panel Boors 81.50 MlMlon Btyla Bungalow Soon. 1.60 Gottaffe Front Doors a.4S ronoy Front Doors COO Two-ilffnt Windows, from 78o BUY DIRECT FROM THE MILL We sell nothine but well sea Boned, lclln-dricd flr, put together to stay Your money back If not as represented. Wo are the larg est Sash and Door Factory In tho Pa cific Northwest, own our mill und save you the need less middlemen's profits. If you are skeptical send us a list of the ma terial you need. We sell anybody. Ship anywherv Send for Catalog No. 40. O.B.Williams Co. 1943 First Ave. S., Seattle, Wash. DOORS I GET READY Buy a I Friend Bro's. Suit $12 to $30 j Every Garment Guaranteed by Maker and Distributor v- ' Notice to the Public Having recently equipped my shoe department with new labor saving machinery, I propose to give the pub lic the benefit of this saving in lower prices for repair work. Until furtner notice I will make the following sche dule of LOW PRICES Shoe Repairing For Men: Pair Half Soles 75c Heels, per pair U5c For Women: Pair Half Soles 50c Heels, per pair 25c No. Children's Shoes: 12 and under, pair half soles, 35c Youths' Shoes: Pair Half Soles 45c All other repairing at proportion ately low prices and cheaper than ovor before done in Coos county. At these low prices everything is Btrictly cash as no book accounts, will bo carried at these figures. FIXUP u-a-a-a-tt-K-a-a-n-a-rt-B-K- For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. una 2 P. M. Phone 73-J. a i a , a, I1 t a aj : a a i a i a a a a i ? a i a a a uaaaaaaaaaa THIS IS THE IRON That, mckes Tuesday a day of comfort instead of a day of toil. It appeals to every housewife because it saves time, labor and perspiration IT DOES THE WORK RIGHT. COSTS LESS THAN FIVE CENTS AN HOUR TO OPERATE Telephone 178 and we will have; one sent to you for ten days' trial FREE. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. A NEW BUNCH OF Classy Fixtures just arrived, at prices to suit. O. O. LUND, 215 BROADWAY. Remember FOR A WEDDING or anniversary or event, of any "kind 'the having of a suitable cake is important. We make a feature of to-order cakes, any size or character, for parties of all kinds. Famous Ashland Peaches OUR 1JREAD is wholesome, healthful full weight loaves always. and Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 237-J. Stephan's Bakery I Baaaanaaaaaaaaauauaaaaaaaa WE HAVE PLACED IN PUBLIC SERVICE A Bus to Meet All Trains Will also make calls on telephone orders. Phone 120J. Phone 138J. A baggage wagon has also been added that will call for and deliver trunks, baggage and light freight. Also run private hack to Roseburg. L. H. HEISNER Livery and Feed Stable. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS DAY, MARSHFIELD, ORE. June 30, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .... $ 97,738.53 711.84 25,859.36 Overdrafts Bonds and securities . , Banking house, furniture and fixtures 56,820.50 Cash on hand and due from banks 87,330.01 H LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in...100,l Surplus and undivided profits '4,21011 Deposits 165,220.01 Total ?269,460Itl Total J269.460.24 I We invite your attention to the strong condition of this bwkwj showc by tho above statement to-wlt: Cash reserve 52 per cent of depositi Reserve required by law 15 per cent of deposit Reserve In excess of legal requirements 37 per cent of dep3lu OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN F HALL HENRY SENGSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY KREITZER. Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. DR. c, W- T0WER, M. C. HORTON. Vice President and Manager. DOES A GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. Wo will have a shipment of the famous Ashland peaches on tho Breakwater. As everybody knows who Is famil iar with peaches, the Ashland peach Is the best peach for canning on tho market. Our shipment will be fresh from tho Oregon orchards. Better place your order with us at once to Insure getting yours, as they are bound to go fast. TiTe BAZAR QUALITY STORE. PHONE !12. SteW VJS 'V'. S't of 1 1. John UapUM I fcolicnnal (UMidont paplli mut lis oer II iubSmiS woll recommended. The nimb.r UllmU?f?S flftr. Application ihould he made rlr.) Andrei Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL PHONE 100-L. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14 J Our Work is Our Adver tisement OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT-ISFACTION. .MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM v ri(ui'ittssiu..L CARDS. LAUNDRY. Mnuzey Bros., Prop. Phono 220-J. D R. 3. STEAMER RKDONDO WILL SAIL WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10th, von SAN FRANCISCO. .MAKE RESERVA- TION FOR PASSAGE. Iiitei'-Oivuu Transportation Co. l V. MoGEORGE, Agent. W. INGRAM 1'lirpMan niid Surgeon. Office 208-200 Coos Building Phones Office 1621; Residence 1621 i V. BENNETT, HOME LAND Co See us for Investments on Coos Bay. We guarantee owner's price to be our price. Phone 74L. or,, Kro( S FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK . MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Bank in Cooa County, Established In 1880. Paid up Capital and Surplus, $80,000.00. Assets Over Half Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and. draws drafts on the Bant of California, San Francisco, Cai.; Hanover National Bank, N. ?.; First National Bank, Portland, Ore.; First National Bank, Rose burg. Ore.; The London Joint stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange on all of the principal cities of Europe. wumuuai ana corporation accounts kept subject to check. San t deposit lock boxes for rent. I , . OFFICERS: f t' t'rrEiS, President, t. F. WILLIAMS. Cashier. . f iVTtnro;N;,.V,'Pmi' GEO' E- WINCHESTER. Asst. Cash. J IJSTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ' EI KERRY'S FISH MARKET. lid. T. BjiIcIi, Prop. Shell Fish of Every Description. Salmon nnd Deep Sea Fish In Season, Tel, Market 264 J. Foot of Market Avenue, Office ovor Flanngan & Beuntt Bank. Marshflold, or- 3 wM- S. TL'RPEN Architect Over Chamber of Commerce G. W. Diingaft Undertaker Marohlleld, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South 3d St.. Telephone, Day or Night, I05-J. I i tt 9 a t a a u r tx t a t THE FIR.ST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A Co;iMERCIAL BANK Wells Fargo Nevnda National Bank. San Francisco, CL DraWS Th VnUea SUltes National Bank, Portland, Or. Iln,f, ' Th Nnt,onnl Pnrk Bnk, New York, N. Y. ml )T,'e COr" Exchn"8 XtIonnl Bank, Chicago, 111. OH The Bank of Scotlnnd, London, England. The Credit Lyonnnls, Paris, France. In addition we draw rirnfta r. on i . . . ... .or. in SEoUurtOhPeAmAeBr?caAfr,0B' AuVt ' N-th.aCentr;. - j Porsonal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. f Certificates of Deposit 1st jed. Safo Donoslt Boxes for rent. J Coos Bay Roseburg Stage Line. Dally stage Ivetween Roseb mg ami Marshfleld, commencing" 10. Stage leaves dally and Sunday at 0 n. m. Fare $0.00. wiv, auifiiTWl .Agent. a t nAIrVATHl. - A . ', Agent, ROSEBURG, OR& l-o MARKET AV., Marshfleld PHONE 11 MM m V -II