THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1910 EVENING EDITION IEWWITH TOE STATE story of the Oregon Agricul tural College. RKED ERA OF PROSPERITY. Iglnnlng as n Small Denominational School, It Has Become una ot tna Foremost Centers of Loarmncj. Maintains Twenty-six Departments For OCienimu niuusfciim iiuiiiimij. Its Advantages Are Opon to All Per lons Free of Charge. ho celebration of tlio quarter ccn- bninl of the Oregon Agricultural col ic lit Corviillls on Juno 11 lends par- mattes, nnd it made good, scholarly mon nnd women. It served Its purpose well In Its dny, nnd the mathematics nnd science, like so muny letters of the alphabet, have since spelled out In full the courses Introduced later In ag riculture, agronomy, horticulture, etc. Ii'rom this embryonic stage tho growth of tho agricultural college has been phenomenal and particularly dur ing tho last few years. There camo a change in tho olllco of the executive In 1872, bul not until 1882 do we nnd tho first emphasis by the authorities of tho peculiar character of tho Institu tion as noted In tho election of a train ed agriculturist to the chnlr of agricul ture and chemistry. In 1835 the church voluntarily relin quished its claims on tho fuuds of the agricultural college, and tho state, as suming control, proposed to relocate tho collego at CorvallLs on condition that n brick building to serve as a col- - i 1...11.11 i- . . . lar Blsnlflcnuce to the history of - "'" - -"'"" lis grow.h, whkh Ins ""' 7". .." J " "l lego furm previously purchased by tho , board. Corvallls roso crandlv to the rheoilgln of the college bulks back occasion. Tho sacrifice required for tho sixties, the beginning of an er.i tho erection of the building tho pres- prospuilty and Industrial dou'lop- cut administration building was so heuvy at tho time that it camo liko their very hearts blood from tho mak ers of tho college, but It camo. In 1885 tho then "agricultural col lege" ns such ceased to exist, but In Its stead was born the Oregon Stato Agricultural college. How fitting then that this decisive point in tho develop ment of the institution should be cele brated at this tlmol Tho Infant of tweuty-flvo years ago has becomo a potent" educational factor of today. A few comparisons of Its past and pres ent scope and usefulness to the citi zens of this state will bo apropos last uth already existing at Corvallls here. Tho first graduating class num- d known as On-uiHIs collego was bered throe; the class of 1010 will In arged wilh the management of the cludo approximately 130. The faculty tlcultural college Just here it is in-, from three In 1S!7 hns grown to nine- restltig to note that Corvullis was ty-two In 1010. The proud old "ad" Institution. closely paralleled that of the Hliue. i a peculiar Inteieht at this time. nit In the history of Oregon. "Home iking" rather than "gold seeking ' bplo were pouring into the state Bo tendency oi mo nine icuuuu io rd agricultural development and In- Ileetiutl advancement. t'o this disposition of the period the legon State Agricultural college owes existence and present location in Irt. In 1S(!2 mugi-css appropriated lOOO acres of land for the suppurt of agricultural college, with the con- lion that the college be In operation 1807. I nder this act a donoiniiiu- nnl .school of I ho M. I. Church ONE PHASE OP INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION AT 0. A. 0. en a mere village, that the frame fucture which houbed Corvallls col- fce wived also for a time ns a public uool building and meeting house and Bit all grades from the primary to academic department were accom odated. The .Southern Methodist luich came Into possession of the lonerty in lSfio. Forthwith Rev. W. Flnley was chosen president, with lofessur Ai lustrous as assistant. Tho o composed the faculty. This was ' hoglnnli ' I'his, tin n, was the Institution nnd Icli the conditions prevailing within precincts uhen the legislature of rtgoii oifercd to locate with il-in- cd, to designate lr Mir. At'ilciiltunil Gllege of Oregon. Therefore In 1803, appealing that "unless an agrlcul- jrui college Is provided by law at this ssion of the legislature tho grant by ingress will be lost," etc., the legisla- re of this state passed an net offer- K to designate Corvallls collego as tho Iricultuml collego of the Mate, and uoaid of trustees of the college nc- Ptcd the donation of the state. Two ars later another definite ston was ken la the form of nn act which per- luentiy located the agiicultural col- se at Corvallls. flio faculty now numbered three, Joseph Dmery harlmr been elected Eofessor of matlieniatics, mid these ree it was who arranged a two year urse cf flirty and distributed the rk of It aiuonc thenisolves to bo Inled along with executive burdens lieady shouldered. tlie agricultural courso of two years outlined w as one of tho liost In tho ,lou t that time, yet It has been eiiea to a course In nlmniiaev with Plmn.iacy left out. It w is u good, uug crn-o in giien. o and matlie- building, born a quarter of a century ngo, now lias seventeen descendants From the four courses then taught namely, agriculture, mechanic arts, household science nnd general science have developed twenty-six thorough ly equipped departments, which offer sclentlllc training In ns many branches of Industry as well as an educntlon of culture nnd refinement. Ten or twelve years ago only a limited number of students could take advantage of gra tuitous Instruction nt the Oregon Agri cultural college. These came from each senatorial and representative district of the stute. All others paid tuition. Today any person may avail himself pf the opportunities offered at the Ore gon Agricultural collego free of charge. From twenty-three studonts In 1807 the enrollment has grown to over 1,500 In 1910, including representatives of eight different countries nnd several states of tho Union. Tho coHogo grounds, consisting of 250 acres, ore located within the west ern limits of the city. The campus proper, covering about forty acres, Is beautifully decorated with magnificent specimen trees, flower beds and groups of shrubbery. Hroad drives and walks traverso the grounds in every direction nnd add to the attractiveness of the place. In place of tho single brick building which housed the college In 1S83 and which now serves ns the administrft' tlon building there nro twenty struc tures, many of which eclipse In every way tho original college homo. On oach .side of it Is a beautiful gray slono building, one of which Is- now called tho chemistry building nnd tho other mechanical hall. Tho npxt row of buildings Includes tho splendid nome or too meeiianle aits iw pin macy building, the gymnasium nnd the mammoth concrete armory !"l ,'iki.i? these buildings are Waldo hall the women's beautiful dorniltoiy, the nov agricultural hall, the central part of which Is just being completed, and Shepard hall, the student building Then there are the mining buildings, tho poultry buildings nnd I lie farm buildings, forming a splendid gmnp. During the next quarter century it Is safe to predldt that the Institution will do a more wonderful work than in the past twenty-live years and that it will become a powerful, factor In every phase of the state's develop ment Freed from the opposition which often frustrated Its effoits In the past It will take Its place In the van of the progressive movement In Oregon. Evidence of this fact Is not wanting Thousands of acres of waste l:lnd are being converted Into grain and lm fields; great orchards are springing u everywhere; better roads are in il making; great stock farms, br -edi-splendid unliuals, are establish d i large numbers; the poultry n.,d r dairying Industries have in iv.tsi d .i Improved, and in all the in u.-.. o o the collego is a nowerful fa tor. BIBLES Testaments, Prayer Books Tho celebrated lines of Oxford's and Nelson's Bibles are now being shown ' at our store. These makes arc car-1 rlod in pocket editions, both small ' and largo, then India paper editions, Teachers' nihles, lloforenco Bibles, With Concordance and Dictionary, lied Letter Ulblr-s and Testaments; in fact, IT It is in the lino of a IMV.Ui wo have It. PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENTS If you Invo nntliliiKfiir Rile IjrliiR It to the Kxrliimgeor list it with nr inUloti is it i,nmjL. Our com Wllllt nll Imv through flip Kvi'lifinirn la at uu in..', tr. tilim u miiiill riimiiiiiihloii, ulilcli is Included fn the Biiiouiits Ktiiteil 545 S(l. IIPOADWAV ' " ' mx-if- 't$ f Crosby & Homer t II Central St. raveesteie and lio.v. J. k. wrjATiii:iii'oi;i), i-itcsiuuxi BOAim or jiuoknts or onnoow aciki CULTUllAI, COLLUGU. SEASON Ol'KN TODAY. Salmon Can Xqw Ho Cmigbt Willi n Xct. Beginning today salmon can bo lawfully caught with a net. Deputy Game Warden Noah says that there are already some salmon in tho rivers and tho indications arc that there will be a good run In Coos Day. At the Columbia river there is a good run. Uoatmcu who were recently alwig tho coast of Curry county say that so far the salmon have not put In an ap pearance at Itogue river bunt the fish are not expected to run there as soon as In Coos Day. This is (be gaiden of nil selected Fresh Fruits ami Vegetables. IMione In your order ojirly for we have an e(rn fine line of Coos Hay vegetables, jusl arrived Irom.tho gardens: VKOKTA11LKS. Wn Deans, Green Deans, Green Peppers, fireeu Onions, Del luce, Tur nips, Cnrrofs, Hects, Caulillower, Cabbage, Cucumbers, Hliuhni'h, Pens. FltUITS. Apples, Oranges, Dauanas, Lemons, Xcctni'iiies, Plums, Grapes, Peaches, Apricots, Walerinelons, Cantaloupes, Cocoanuls. HKKHIKS. HaspbeiTios, Loganberries. We have Mason and Kconoiny Jars and Jelly Glasses. OlSivant & Weaver The Pure Food Groccrincii PHONIC 275-J. Cornei- Central Ave. and Third Street PROMPT DKIilVRHY TO ALL PAUTS OF TIIF CITY. FOIt KHNT. Mouse S rooms; Central Ave.; modern; -SI-. House r rooms, Park Ave., 4 blocks from postofilco, $15. Flal 5 rooms, nt G 15 South Broadway, $10. FOIt SALK. Collage. Four rooms, pantry and bath; strictly modern; W. Marsh Hold; $!,(()(. House 7 rooms, South Marsh enid, city water, electric lighted, $l,00(, $G00 down, halanco pay ments; snap. New Four-Doom Bungalow and lot r.OxliO in Hailroad Addition; .$1,200. FOB. SALK. Two Houses S and 4 rooms, and lot in West Marshnold; $2,700. ' Bungalow 3 rooms, 3 lots, So Marsh field; $l,itOO. "House 8 rooms, corner lot on Central Ave., West Marshfleld; modern conveniences; excellent view; $1,100; snap. Five Lois South Broadway, In Boise Add., $000. Slump Puller. Hercules No. 2; 125 ft. -lnch cable; !fSI2.-i. extras represent nearly that amount. Tents. 12x11, 10-oz., $0; lOx 12, S-oz., $5. ItOKTll BKND AND MAHSHFIRLD PASSF.NGKK BOATS NORTH BEND . BONITA MARSHFIELD The Finest and Fastest Launches on tho Bay, . LKAVE MAItSIIFIELD. LEAVE NOBTH BEND. i C30 a. in. 2.00 p. m. 7.00 a. in. 2.15 p. m. 7-lri it- ' 2.30 p. m. 7.45 a. in. . 2. 45 p. m. ( 8 3u i. 3.00 p. m. 8.45 a. in. 3.15 p. m. !.00 a. m. 2.30 p. m. 9.15 a. m. 3.45 p. m. ; n-3-0 a. m. 4.00 p. m. fl.45 a. m. 4.15 p. m. 10.00 a. m. 4.30 p. m. 10.15 a. m. 4.45 p. m. v jj 10.30 a. m. 5.00 p. m. 10.45 a. m. 5.00 p. m. " 11.00 a. m. G.00 p. m. 11.15 a. m. COO p. m. i 11.45 a. m. 7.00 p. m. 11.45 a. m. 7.00 p. m. 12-:i" 1. "I- 8.00 p. m. 12.30 p. m." 8.00 p. m. j 1.00 p. m. 9.00 p. m. 1.15 p. m. 10.00 p. m. 1.30 p. m. 10.30 p. m. 1.45 p. in. 11.00 p. m. Throe boats are plying regularly between Marshfleld and North Bend from 0.30 A. M. to 11 P. M. Boats for charter at any old time J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. u-tt-u-rt-H-M-H-tt-H-H-jt-H-K-.n-a-u-H-a-M-a u-::-::--i:-- ft t V a a i a a a a Abstracts and Real Estate Phone I. Coal Order. S. Kaufman & Co. $1.50 PER TON. youi GOODWILL'S SUMMED KKSOItT 's now opan for summer boarders Excellent TENNIS COUKT, croquet grounds and FISHING. Launches Alice II. and Tioga make round trips daily. Ua'es ?1.25 per dny, $7.00 I'EIt WEEK. Phono 310X8. Buy Your BUTTER, CREAM and MILK of the Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Company. Free Delivery. Phone 73J. Covers buildings in every part of the world. You will find it in Japan. You will see it in Russia. It protects buildings in Alaska. It covers houses on the plains - of South Africa. It is used extensively in Australia Thousands of rolls have been shipped Indo China. You see it in nearly every South American port. Is very popular in Canada. It roofs the best buildings in every large American City. The magnificent buildings of the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition are covered with it. The St. Francis and Fairmont Hotels in San Francisco are ' protected by it. . , Malthoid has a world wide reputation. This is so because it is t f fche original ready roofing. , Its makers have' been making ridy roofings for twenty- ! six years. They have always made roofings that make good. It's free Ernd for It. A new and valuable book 014 "Cheerful Homes." TUi booklet illutttatri lume of toe most brauliful LuuKalowl oi Soulucm California.. A book every ' bome builder will prize. Sent free. I n i tt I -- To anyone interested In abovo we would say,' It is Important when buying to seo that yo u got title ns well as value. We are best prepared to give you both. Our work Is reliable. Aro General Agents Jor Eastslde and SengstacUen's Addition. Hence you will consult your own Interests to come to headquar ters to do business. a a t a Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. V Henry Sengstaclcen, Manager. Branch Office, Ooqujllo City, ------. t-..--.t.. --- Table Delicacies and Substantiate Si RiG FUYKIIH, MNK. SAUS.IGK, POItK SAUSAGF, WKINKB U'DKS i P.OIAH.'XAS, HKAD CHKKSK, JUICY DFFF. FINK POItK, GOOD MUTTON, SPUING DAMP. ' ; Phone your order to No. 58 and you will bo certain of satisfaction. Union Meat Market 1 STEAMER BREAKWATER ,-vl a Sails from Ainswortli Dock, Portland, O n. in., Juno 28, July SI, 8, IS, 18, !2:tt 28. Sails from Coos Buy Juno 30, July 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, HO, nt wrvlco of tide. Reservations will not bo held hiler than noon of day previous to sailing, unless tickets nro purchased. W. F. Miller, AgL. Phone Main 35-L ?JjTl!rc5E5B5H5E5H52SE5ZSH525Z5E525aS3?Jr!5 aSHSHSZEHSEiTi! SH5H5ZCT.5E5cl5E5a5H5ESHSEra525HS?SE5E5 STEAMER M. F. PLANT I In Sails for San Francisco every eight days, jjj r TICKF.TS HKSF.UVHD UP TO TIIH AllItlVATi niCSHHVATIONS WILD DF OANUFXIiKD AT DKSS TICK 1ST IS BOUGHT. OF Tim filIIPv THAT TiaiK UN- F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfleld Ore sasEsasssHSESHiTrisBi.'Hsasss'risssHs-r EsusasEjrasHSESEn. ESH532sasHsssHSEsi u-tt-a--a-a- a-a-a-a-a- a-a-a-a-a -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-::-n j Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOHSON CIUIRNT Tho hest Domestic and Imiiorteil brands. I'hip.rpr,' Mine, Brick, and 'ill kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR .110 SOUTH .ROADWAY PHONJ3 301 ------ -ft ------ . --