-pr- ss" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1910. - EVENING EDITION fl 2, ittm.'tW'jajwuKW wui mwawiw HRHPPmBimiHmmiHHEBiHnff'T w KIT 1 ? JUfSfj! Hi i w'mS H u Sil tt'rfUKli BBt iillfflilrac' m. ''"lilHiiI i ' II itSBInlHJ GH A'Sh W HbiEAHl tX k' t j'vgil ;fnHf 'fSsJy in mW r l HfllJ K JfJSh T I i 111 jUUMMXtTtt -COOT BAY TIMiS l'om All lans should be enforced, 1 If they prove oppressive or un- 3troa at tne postofflce at Marst, , o Hilar they will soon be repealed. ! Oregon, for tr&nsmlsslon ,.Not to enforce a law, Is to teach law ouch the malls as second class lene??. Every boy should know Ent mall matter. M. C. MALOXKV Kdltor and Pub. AX E. MALOXEV News Editor Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY times, MshiiL'lil : : : : : : : : Oregon Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. An Independent Republican news ypor published every evening except Banday, and Weekly by TIki Coos Buy TIiiioh Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. In Advance. DAILY. One year $5.00 Six months $2.60 Less than C months, per month .60 When not paid strictly in advance the price subscription of the Coos Bay Times is $0.00 PER YEAR. WEEKLY. One year $1.50 thi t ho is violating the law by ex pectorating on the sidewalks, and it breeds contenipt for the law to allow him to knowingly violate It." AGAIN THE COMET'S TAIL. THERE HAS been considerable discussion and conjecture as to what the effect will be when the tail of Ilalley's comet shall, in tbn near future, sweep this planet The most eminent men have assured us that our existence will be in no way disturbed. Camille Flammarion, the French astronomer, in his latest es say on the subject, brings forward the possibility of our beholding a tailless comet. He states that in 1S35, on the ocaslon of the last visit of Halley's comet, a remarkable phenomenon occurred. During its perihelion passage, which took place on Nov. 1G, the comet lost its tail so that when it reappeared on the other side of the sun it had the ao pearanco of a round nebulosity, with out an appendage, and it was on'y later, when it reached the distance of the planet Mars, that a new tail was formed. A peculiarity of the tail is that it does not follow behind the The Coos Bay Times represents a consolidation of the Daily Coast Mail nd The Coos Bay Advertiser. The comet in the course it is taking but Coast Mail was the first daily estab- is projected in a direction opposite lished on Com Day and The Coos to the sun. Bay Times is Its immediate sue- As for the head of the comet, As- cessor. tronomer Garrett P. Serviss says it is probably OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY soI(1 bo(,y OF MARSHFIELD. Ofllciul J'apcr of Coos County. ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS solid, but not a single lie thinks it likely that it consists of a multitude of solid particles, like a close-packed mass of meteors. The fact that many com ets are known to have turned into meteor swarms strengthens this pro- North lability. Tlle gaseous portion of the comet does not condense into crystals T HE property owners on I TTrnnf afrrnnf rira rlnvnlnnlnrr nn 1 interesting point in the matter because the-e ,s Practically no pres. of law enforcement. The quoting o ro ex,ertd u"on ll ln "en sPace cussed, and the question as to how far tho oxecutivo arm of the munici pal government is justified in polng 1 ' 1 My I r Ttspp"! -. li'fHHPl D . I . ilH I n fiFH The cold there would no doubt be sufficient to liquefy or solidify anv gas, but experiment shows that cold alone cannot produce this transform ation; there must be great pressure also. To add still further to the mys tery of tho comet's composition, a Berlin observer snva lin snv flip mm. ment by the authorities is being dis- et paM before fl yery pa,e gtar Qf twelfth magnitude without altering tho ordinance applying to tho case by Jesse Lus.o In The Times last evening and which he promises to bring di rectly before tho council seom to cover tho ground. In tho large cities all over tho country tho matter of law enforce- Its light or color. If solid, the nu- nions must Hinn ho fpfitictmpont JH ic.viiiB , u, ant.ui.uu uuiu m Dosto chrlstlnn Sc,ence MonItor. press and public speakers. Tho proposition Is a plain one, and thoro can be but one solution. The mayor, polico department and all oth er administrative officers have no dis cretion ln tho matter. Their business is to arrest or cause the arrest of aV s t Who Said MJlNftiHSra 11". Ik. 'i I W Mm $4 I ' i ml Jfcjtm w&KBmj3iiam arss ttiirWsraiBffl rrrJctvM fhr " fc: y3W CANDY a..i p nnsHnt , "Ul tV THE MODERN I I - I DEAtER I "SI Modern ConUcttonery Co., Mln., Portland, Ongon , BMfflMk!lSIffi st on Earth? i tjfsiL a fl v n IKl i iLverVDoav ircas ever wuie a oao SUIT knows they fit best, are cnt looser, hang better and wear as well as aivy on earth. Prices are right, $ 1 5.00 to $35.00. Every suit guaranteed all ivool and a aerfecti fit 200 pairs extra trousers, $3.50; $4.00, and $5,00 a pair. All bremd new patterns dsrect from factory. PACKARD SHOES for men who want quality. 1000 pairs m all the new shapes, .00 to $5.00 per. Get m Ime fellows, lor your bosom Friend certainly can fit yon out from head to foot $3.00 Goodrum and Kingsbury Hats, $4.00 and $5.00 Stetson Hats all direct from factory. Now is the dm QgQ GOODRUM f" mmmmimiiMBmMtnaBB 8$si 1$ nmnmsimnainE You Want ! to Get Our Prices Before buying for w 3 always have some snap Prices as we buy right. Our prices on wir.rs and fixtures can't be beaten. , IT NOW IT IS THE POLICY OF TIIIO XJ5W MAXAGEMEXT OP THE COOS I JAY GAS AXD ELECTHIC COMPAXY TO PLACE ALL 1T$ PKODUCTS AVITIHX REACH OF ALL THE PEOPLE THEY CAX REACH. WITH THIS EXD IX VIEW THE PRICE OF Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHOXE 237-J. GAS QUKSTIOX FOR THE DAY. 1 "Xow is the time to spray," says the Kansas State Entomogolical com mission. All right. Then let us Just how many dollars and cents nf n woman's lint whlpli mole So.-; )o wlio violate the law. It is the pro- va,ue nnd how much ,g st ,e? vlnco of the court to deal with tho , matter of punishment. Public ofll cials in the administrative depart ments seem to forget that they are not judges but from ton to bottom ro simply policemen of different sl)lnJ grades, and really have no more right , to wink at tho violation of an imll-1 Platinum has gone up to $730 a nanco than they havo to let a mur- l'011". "d for once we can thank derer, caught red-handed, escape. 0llr IwckJ" stars that platinum Is not Then again ln tho matter of tho ln tho llst ot tl'ngs to eat. violation of ordinances. It is just as t much against the law to break the or- ' The New York World devptei con- dinanco against throwing refuso In siderflblo space to a story about one iho streets or alleys, or play hall in "Bill" Snyder, who has devoted his the streets, or to overspeed an auto- life to "understanding animals." No mobile, ot- it Is to keep a saloon open doubt ho found that much easier than nftor hqurs or to loiter n honest understanding his fellow humans. and just official is bound to enforce equally all of the laws so long as Pederstrain Weston thinks one they remain on tho statute books. If good way to celebrate his seventy the courts fnil to do their duty that third birthday anniversary is to walk 1b no part of tho business of the ad- eighty miles. Certainly it is the mlnlstrativo branch of tho municipal cheapest mode of celebrating we can government. think of at this moment. Tho fact is that many of the laws , .- sire passed by tho politicians as a sop ' Ilr.ve yov..' lot"'- heal3, bill heads to public demand, and tho authorities ar.l cu lo.)C3 prir.tvV. at The Times novor havo an Idea of enforcing office. What toEak Is a daily problem, but where to buy is solved at once when you de cide to order all your table supplies from WOLCOTTS Ol'R GOODS ARE FRESH OUR QUALITIES ARE HIGH OUR PRICES MOST REASOXAIJLE These three cardinal principles of this grocery store should make you a permanent patron. We please oth ers and would like an opportunity to please you. C. W. WoScott THE GROCER. PHONE 97 J THE HEIGHT OF CIGAR QUALITY IS ACHIEVED IX A I HAS REEX REDUCED TO $1.70 CEXTS PER TIIOUSAXI) WITH I A D1SCOUXT OF TWEXTY CEXTS 3LYKIXG TnE NET RITE t $1.50 Per Thousand PHOXE US AXD A MAX WILL CALL. i Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. South Marshfield Coal LUMP C6AL Sl.oO PER TOX XUT COAL ?2.o0 PER TOX Phone 27:J-X. Doane's Transfer Does all kinds of Transfer business. Trunks and Baggage a Specialty. Prompt and Satisfactory Service Guaranteed. Phone 31-J or 273-X EGGS FOR HATCHING THOROUGHBRED BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS TRAP NESTED BIRDS. S1.00 to 2.00 per sitting. Visitors Welcome Fred Uachmnn Xoith End Front St. Uox 485 Old Dimmick Place Marshfield XOTICE. Anyone knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned will please call and settle at my residence, 332 First street North, before April 15, 1910, and save further expense. Yours respectfully. JOHN BEAR. ------ PHOXE 178. - FINANCIAL STATEMEXT OF COXDITIOX OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS BAY, MARSHFIELD, ORE. March 29, 1910 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts....? 80,473.18 Overdrafts 211.90 Bonds and securities... 25,C03:90 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 56,811.10 Cash on hand and duo from banks 59,798.50 Styl IfouGet e Plus Quality A SERIOUS condition of the Cloth- u ing trade today is a continuous sacrifice of style for quality, or quality for style, to maintain a sensible cost. A few makers dacombine style and quality, but you know it results in an exorbitant price. The Big 4 lias Arrived- This is not idle railroad talk, but is of much Interest to the particular cooffee drinker of Coos Bay. The Big 4 Coffee Is invigorating, healthy and deliclotu and comes in Livery, Feed and! Sale Stable Rigs at all hours and a carry-all that we will send out with partloj wishing to go ln crowds. L. H. HEISNER Mnrshfleld, Ore. Phone 120-J Total ?22S,89S.5S LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. . .$100,000.01) Surplus fund 500.00 Undivided profits 1.962.4S Deposits 126,436.10 Total $228,898.58 G. W. Undertaker We invito your attention to tho strong condition of this bank as shown by the abovo statement to-wit: Cash reserve 47 per cent of deposits. Reserve required by law 15 per cent of deposits. Reserve ln excess of legal requirements. . .32 per cent of deposits. OFFICERS AXD DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DOIISEY KREITZER, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES, DR. C. W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON, Vice President and Manager. DOES A GEXERALRAXKIXG AX D TRUST HUSIXESS. YOUR HUSIXESS SOLICITED. " Let us tell you the problem to combine st)le andquality, )et K;ep the costuthin t!ie limits of the average man, is soled in Cloilicraft Clothes. Cloth craft makers have blazed the trail in their scientific tailoring methods. We investip: -' the clothing market thoroughly u:ij were independent, because e u anted to offer you the ery best tli commy alor-lrd And we an proud tu be known as t:c Clotujraft Store. inm ar MlWoalCloiiies $10te$25 Cloihvraft are the onlv i!.i- tli.-t pnraute vm both Mle and qu-lity at popu lar pricts. ana me uiuw uke .ill the nk; jou uU none. WOOLEN MILL STORE ' MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIERS MARSHFIELD - OREGON gra & W KtiT V "Mi b.r vjLLJr'i'iLs, YELLOW PACKAGES IJLUE PACKAGES ... GREKX PACKAGES . . 1MXK PACKAGES You can see this fine coffee displayed in our window. .lioc ,30c .i!5c .-10e Cook's Grocery Phone 189 You can always get Choice Cuts iu Beef, Veal and Pork 1 1 Telephone: Day 103-J 'a Undertaking Rooms Front St. Xorth j$ Mm-i1ill.-il nn,.. ! t . ., w..-,v.ia. -. I t: t a 1 tx 1 a t c t THE IFIR.ST NATIONAL BANK i Cash Paid for Furs 5 Skins C. F. McGEORGE 173 lirnndwny South, Marshfield Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL IMONE Hll. OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COJI.MERCIAL HANK Wells Fnrgo Xevnda Xntional Rank. San FranciBCO, CL Draws T,IP u,l,ted s,a,es National Hank, Portland, Ora. n Jt ' Tho ""1 I'nrk Rank, New York. NY. urailS Thp Corll Exchange National nank. Chicago, III. 00 The Hank of Scotland, London, England v The Credit Lyonnnls, Paris, France. " In addition We draw rtrnffa nn nil n.i..in.i i.i.i .miari In burope. Asia. Africa, Australia. China, Japan, North, Central and i bouth America, " Personal and commercial accounts kept subjecc to check. . ? Certiflcatea of Deposit Urjed. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. V -It 'We Are Now Prepared at- The People's Market AT A REASOXAHLE PRICE. PHOXE 17flJ to do all kinds fcf dyins, pressing and cleaulug. " Xow is tho time to get rid of the clothes that you have a, aside. We will make them look liKd new, and we a!so do fancy dyeing nil kinds of silks and fancy dresses, p.nd our prices are right. MAHSHFIELD HAXD .VXD STEAM LAUXDRY Phone U20.J FLANAGAN & BENNETT "BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGOX. Oldest Brink In Coos County, Established In 1880. Paid up Cnpitnl and Surplus SSO.OOO.OO. Assets Over Half .Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws drafts on the Hank of California, San Franciso, Cal.; Hanover National Bank. X. Y.I First .National Bank, Portland, Ore.: First National Bank, nose burs:, Ore.; The London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange ou all of the principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accountB kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxes for rent. OFFICFRS" t u ',"?'??!?' P"'"". 1. P.. Will JAMS. Cosdiier. J. H. ILNAGN, V.-Pres. GEO. V. WIXCHESTER, Asst. Cnslu J.J.;iLlL:Z1-. ' ") OX TIME DEPOSITS. A Want Ad will sell it for you IV", i mLMMX,maam JMM... -. . a V uAMUA K. toAtS