PPPT "Tiw "wmr r wammwmf;f' THE COOS RAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON,. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1010 EVENING EDITION TAGE FIVE I::JU"m,:"n::::m,::" I This Is the LAST 111 Cluett Shirts for Monarch Shirts Hub Clothing and i CASH ONLY I fqy2S2SHSHSZ5H52S2S2SSSHSZSHSHE2SaSaSH !5HF2S2S2"ilS,25Z5Z5HSH5H5H5H5H5H5 KEEP THEM PARENTS SHOULD SEE THAT THEIR CHILDREN DO NOT FORM THE STOOPING HABIT! DROOP ING SHOULDERS AND HOLLOW CHEST INDI CATE AN EASY PREYFOR TUBERCULOSIS, THE BEST PREVENTION AND CURE FOR THE STOOPING HABIT IS A GOOD SHOULDER BRACE, WE HAVE THEM IN GOOD VARIETY AND ALL SIZES, THE PRICES ARE VERY MODERATE, WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR TRUSSES, ELAS TIC STOCKINGS AND ABDOMINAL BELTS, Brown Drag Co. S2SSS2SHS2S5S2SHSHSHS2 "2i55aKSS5EFFSHSSH5ZEaS2SHStiiZSa5a5SSHSHSHS255 The Tioga IWIIJi LEAVE NORTH BEND AT o'clock each evening to accommo date those desiring to attend the Shannon meetings in Marshfleld. SVI11 return immediately after close of meeting. Russell & Smith Proprietors. Eclipse All Others' If you want to get the best Hard- fare and at the cheapest price, call n us. Inferior tools are worse than useless, it never pnys to buy them. ne best made Tools cost llttlo more ad are guaranteed to eiva irood "vice for a long time. It will pay- u to call and look over our stock o matter what kind of a Tool or npiement you may want. Yon will urely find it In the Best Quality and owest Prices. ioneer Hardware Co. ? FOR Strictly Fresh BUTTER. Sterilized Cream, Sterilized Milk, Buttermilk. COTTAGE CHEESE ICE Call up Coos Bav Ice 8- & Cold Storage R I tt W ( K I n i R i 8 A. M. AXD 2 P. M. Plipno 73-J. IaZ0nSarV bbW and tuel n,. ry da' ln the most maner possible by men who ' -n For th eshocked at the Immoral-, f 0l we corporation. WEEK to Buy I I! . ' SJ.20 for - 80c i Shoe Company MONEY TALKS j STRAIGHT 19 "tiii.7 mr.iT.niv cwrtirroi f" 3 3 LOST Friday night, four letters. Finder return to C. J. Bailey, Chandler hotel. FOIt RENT Four nci ply Ekblad & Son. o ranch. Aii- FOR SALE Buggy, piiciimatic tires, ball bearing, cheap. Fred M. Frledberg. FOR SALE 10 heads dairy stock, also hay. One No. 10 Sharpless turbine separator and boiler, a snap If taken at once. Enquire of Will E. Hoagland, Catching Inlet. WANTED Man with saw .to cut stovewood. "Home" care Times. WANTED Responsible party to train water spaniel pup. "M" care Times. PURE honey, cheap, 017 N Front. FOR SALE Siv lots Two houses best view In North Bend. Reason for selling Is that owner Is leaving the Bay. Address "T" care Times. FOR SALE Ono corner lot 25x81, on Second street. See Dan Keating, 55 Market street. ROOMERS nntl boarders wanted in private family. Phone 1C5-X. FuR RENT Stow in Coos Building. Apply at Woolen Mill Store. ROY Wnntcd to work before nntl after school and learn printers' trade. Apply Times' offlce. FOR REXT Breakwater hotel. Ap ply Robert Marsden, Sr., at Coos Bay Liquor Company. 1 1 AVn UlYTni formerly the Onrflelrt LLUIU HU1LL only family liotel In town Opened under now mniiHRcmcnt. TlioroiiRhly remodeled aud refurnMied. Rates 5oc tn $1 day or; $J to $5 per wrek. Special rates by he month. Tree Bath. Tine Ma Ine View. L. V. BRIDGES, Prop. ------::-----:; i BOAT n EVERYTHING FOR A AT- ? a U n i a i a I :i i a Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Waterfront, Near Market St., i -a-n-a-a-a-a-tt-u-n-a-n-a Try The Times' Want Ads. Ufi ?i w KATIIEK FORECAST (By Associated Press.) OREGON Occasional rain in west and fair in east tonight and Sunday; warmer in east to- night; easterly winds. O LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- POUT. For twenty-four hours end- ing at 4:43 p. m., Feb. 11, by Mrs. E. Mingus, special govern- men meteorological observer. Maximum 4S Minimum 44 At 4:43 p. m 45 Precipitation none Wind, Southeast; cloudy. Not Holiday. Lincoln's Birthday, which falls on today, February 12, Is not a legal holiday in Oregon. Neith er is it a federal holiday. Caso Dismissed. Among the cases disposed of by the Oregon Su preme Court this week was the fol lowing: "E. M. Rockwoort, appel lant, vs. J. W. Grout et al., respond ents, appealed from Coos County; dismissed by Chief Justice Moore." Capt. Allen Dead. E. A. Ander son has reecived word of the death of Capt. J. G. Allen, formerly one of the best known mariners running tf:Vi $13.50 BUYS A HEAVY CASHMERE SUIT S15 $10 $18 VALUES, GO AT $13.50 FIXIP $0$0$$&&$00$$$$$$&&XX You want to buy your groceries from us because you want the best. If you don't find it so, we want to return your money. F. A. SACCHI Corner. Commercial and Second f" WW w Br mammmmamatttanatttt:attnmattaaauaaataanHaaaaaii The Chief Reason Why you should send WE DO. BETTER than WHY? BECAUSE we best help obtainable. Coos Bay Steam Laundry J. E. LYONS, Manager "Think it tt mttmmwmmmtmmmmmwnn4nuuttumtmRttmRjmmtj Into Coos Day, which occurred ut San Francisco February 2. Capt. Allen was for years master of the Emma Otter, a schooner carrying lumber from the old Merchant and Dean mill. He is survived by a wife and two daughters and was about seventy-four years old. He carried $2,000 Insuranco in the local A. O. U. W. lodge. Goes to Jury. The $100,000 dam age case of the Reynolds Lumber Company vs. tho Simpson Lumber Company wont to the jury at Coquillc today. A verdict Is expected late this afternoon or this evening. Stop Boxing. John Herron, who has had change of the boxing bouts here and who recently purchased the skating rink announces that no more boxing matches will bo held there. He says they are a losing money proposition. The rink will be again used as a skating rink and also fixed up as a gymnasium. Change Meetings. At a meeting of the Citizens' League at the Fin nish hall this week, it was decided to change the meeting night from the second Friday evening to the second Wednesday evening of each month. F. M. Frledberg stated today that the principal matter discussed was the paving situation and that the concen sus of opinion seemed to be that bitullthic paving should be adopted. Prisoner at Coquille. The suspect In the Ryan murder case in Curry county was arrested by Sheriff Tyler of Curry county instead of Sheriff Gage, according to L. D. Pettyjohn who has just returned from the Val ley. He says thatvtlie suspect main tains his innocence but Sheriff Tyler thinks he knows more than he has admitted. At any rate, ho will be hold until his guilt or innocence is made certain. I Persona! Notes f CHAS. NORRIS of Ten Mile, is Marshfleld visitor today. MISS DOROTHY WATSON came over from Coquille today to visit relatives. MISS RICHA MCDONALD of North Bend, is the guest of Marshfleld friends today. A. J. MENDEL and Frank Lalse re turned today from a business trip to Portland. DAN ROBERTS will .leavo on the Ramona for Portland and other northern points. MRS. R. E. GOLDEN and baby have returned from Northern Washing ton where they have been visiting Mrs. Golden's parents. SAM MARSDEN returned this morn ing from Portland where he went to make arrangements for attrac tions for the Royal Theatre which he and his brother, Robert Mars den Jr., will run. Last chance for VALENTINES at COOS RAX' CASH STORE. Take your SUNDAY DINNER at The CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. No want so large and no want so small that The Times "want" ads can not supply It. Try Times' Want Ads. Read the Times Want Ads. your laundry to us Is because you can get It done elsewhere, have tho best plant and the over." GRANTS HELM II 01 CASE Members of Senate Claim They Are Not Subject to Order of Court. (By Associated Press. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 12. Follow ing the sensational developments In the Swope case when Dr. B. C. Hyde was arrested charged with tho mur der of his wife's uncle, Col. Thomas II. Swope,, and tho grand jury was summoned to convene nntl make a thorough investigation of all the cir cumstances surrounding the Swope mystery, a battle of lawyers to se cure depositions of Important wit nesses In tho damage suits brought by Dr. Hyde against John G. Paxton for alleged slander was resumed. In this civil suit, Dr. Hyde de mands $50,000 actual daamges and $50,000 punitive damages because Paxton wrote a letter to Stewart S. Fleming, nn executor of the Swope estate at Columbia, Tenn., containing statements which Dr. Hydo charges slandered him. MYRTLE POINT BONDS. Issue of 822,000 Accepted By" East em Buyers. The $22,000 waterworks bonds for tho city of Myrtle Point were re ceived Tuesday and during Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday Mayor Benson and City Recorder Rose were busy attaching their signatures 10 the bonds and the coupons. There are forty-four bonds of $500 denomi nation and each bond carries sixty Interest coupons for $15, which are due every six months during the life of the bonds. To make these legal tho mayor and recorder have had to write their signatures 2.C84 times, which was no small task. The bonds have been returned tho Chicago firm that made tho success ful bid for tho issue and it Is expect ed that the money will be returned and made available for use in an other week or two. Myrtle Point Enterprise. Ojven Rackleff, who inherits the mechanical talent of his father, the late W. E. Rackleff pioneer ,boat builder of tho Coquille, has built a speedy little gasoline launch from which he and his friends' expect to derive much pleasure In making trips up and down the river. Full line FAMOUS ZENITH CUT LERY at Ekblad & Son's Hardware. SECURE NOTED SINGER. Miss Irene Lund, Direct From Pan tngo's Circuit, For Royal Theatre Miss Irene Lund, who for six years has been a star vocalist and pianist on the Pantage's cfrcult, ar rived here today and tomorrow night will begin an engagement at tho Royal theatre. Sunday evening sho will make her first appearance, sing ing tho noted illustrated sdng "Dreaming Love of You." Miss Lund was secured by Mr. Samuol'Marsden who with his brother will assume tho management of tho Royal Sunday evening. Take your SUNDAY DINNER at The CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tablas for PARTIES by -PHONE. DAN is COMING FEBRUARY 13. EASTSIDE IS A WINNER. ONE REASON FOR HIGH COST OF LIVING Short Weight Packages r Sperry's Gold Drop corn meal weighs 10 lbs a sack Sperry's Silver Drop corn meal weighs 10 lbs a sack Sperry Union rolledbarley weighs 74 lbs. per sack Sperry's Bran weighs 60 lbs. per sack Sperry's Shorts weighs 80 lbs. per sack Sperry's Middlings weighs 90 lbs. per sack Sperry's Best Family Flour weighs 94 lbs. per sack Sperry's Sound Ring Flour weighs 49 lbs. per sack Sperry's Red Shield Flour weighs 49 lbs. per sack Sperry's Graham Flour weighs 10 lbs. per sack Sperry's Whole Wheat Flour weighs 10 lbs per sack Watch Your Weights a-a-a-u-u-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a l LITTLE TALKS i a A t: i :: ABOUT TOW i A GRIST OF COOS BAY GOS- f SIP GATHERED HERE AND V THERE ABOUT THINGS OF :,: PASSING INTEREST. S -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- With these winter fishing flashes. INTERVIEWS "The outlook Is for an unusually good year at Bandon," remarked Geo. P. Laird, ono of the boosters ot tho Busy-Clty-By-the-Bnudoit Is Sea, who Is In Marsh Boomiiig. field today on busi ness. "Tho Cody mill Is being rushed to completion and the Installation of machinery will start soon. There has been consider ably building going on there this winter and will continue this spring. Tho prospects for building tho Ban don and Port Orford road are add ing to the air of optimism that every body Is exhibiting." ........ . " "We have disposed of the Bandon and Port Orford road, but we were assured that It will bo rushed through to comple Road Will tlon," remarked C. R. Be Built. Wado of Bandon, ono of the men largely In strumental In bringing tho project to a successful culmination. "As announced by Steve Henderson a few weeks ago, we turned it over to a new company that Is amply, ablo to build and operate the line. Stevo Henderson is now In Los Angeles but I expect htm back hero In a short time." ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The Nann Smith sailed today for San Francisco with a cargo from tho C. A. Smith mill. The M. F .Plantwill sail at 1 o'clock Sunday from North Bend for San Francisco. The Esther Buhne arrived In to day from the south and will load at the Railroad docks. The Redondo sailed today with a cargo from the North Bend factorles for San Francisco. NORTH BEND NEWS Dr. Bartlo and others are planning, to revive the Coos Bay Motor Boat Club. The Katy Cook, tho old towboat of the R. D. Hume estate, is being rebuilt at the Kruse and Banks,ship yards. ' Mrs. Wm. Lawhorno and Mrs. I. V. Johnson were the guosts yester day ot their mother, Mrs. Martha J. Pratt. The Epworth League and tho members ot the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school will hold a joint so cial in the Mickey hall on Sherman, avenue next Monday evening. J. A. Allen of tho North Bond News Company, this week received word of tho death of 'his mother, Mrs. Cornelia Allen at Port Leydon, N. Y. She was seventy-seven yeary old and died of pneumonia. Tho funeral of Miss Esther KIoc kars took" place today at one o'clock from the Swedish Lutheran church on Union avenue, Rev. J. Richard Olson officiating. Burial was In tho I. O. O. F. cemetery at Marshfleld. Use The Times' Want Ads. Read Tho Times' Want Ads. .,....- ------ i XI i SI