ijsf-- j 'wnjSifr - .,-..... .. -.. ... wuiijtMi imiwiifi'iiiMiMwiiw Biimniwrinr -a; " gByt" ""1iIHIiWpi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1909 EVENING EDITION. 15 1 : & m 5E nr COOS BAY TIBLi Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil shall no: thrive unopposed. An Independent Republican news peper published every eTeulug except Bundny, and Weekly by XIkj Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. Kntered at the postofflce at Marsh eld, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mall matter. H. O. MALOXEY Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALOXEY News Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES. In Advance. DAILY. One year 5.00 BU months $2.50 Less than C months, per month .50 WEEKLY. One year H J1.50 Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, Mii-shflcld :: :: :: :: Oregon The Coos Bay Times represents a consolidation of the Dally Coast Mail nd The Coos Bay Advertiser. The Coast Mall was the first dally estab lished on Coos Bay and The Coos Bay Times is Its Immediate suc cessor. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MARSHFIELD. Qfllcinl Taper of Coos County. HOME OWNERSHIP, mi lIIE TIMES has frequently and earnestly urged everyone on Coos Bay to secure a piece of Coos Bay real estate and it has es pecially advised people to secure homes of their own. The Portland Journal working along the same lines, suggests the same splendid idea. Almost any family, it says, can pay for n lot and house In that city within 10 or 12 years while on Coos Bay it can be done In half that time. True, the cost of living is high, and Is increasing more than wages, yet with care and economy a homo is easily possible, and it will ho in later years a very and Increas ingly 'valuable possession. This Is a good year and a good time of year to make a start in this enterprise. The vacation season Is over. The harvests are being con verted Into millions of surplus mon ey. Lots are no higher than they were last year, but they will ho higher next year. It Is a good time to be gin to make monthly payments on a home, a place In which a family can take pride, 'In the Improvement and occupancy of which all will rejoice. Nothing so stimulates and strength ens the resolution to save a portion of one's earnings as this monthly necessits of making a payment on one's home, the permanent abiding place of wife and children, the dwel ling in which tho family altars are most sacred. Homo ownership makes a man a more responsible and a hotter citi zen. It makes the wife a more con tented, cheerful and better woman. It gives the children greater pride of tho right kind and a better chance In the world. ONCE WIIEX UXCLE SAM WIXS. HE EYE OF greod Is fixed upon thf groat forest reservations of tho nation. Timber cutters. sheep and cattle owners seeking1 pas turage without cost, and mining pro moters have all in their turn tiled to get their hands upou sections of the forest lands, now grown immensely valuable. A tjplcal attempt at seizure was that of one H. II, Yard, and the Noith California Mining Company. The governiutut has put no bars upon piobp. elms mi the forest re serves, it h.is, un the contrary en couraged fio uptMiliig or mineral v int.. TaMn; .id..mige of this pol icy. Yard .nut ihe mining company lot mod 20ii in.ii 11,10., of land iu the very heart nt tin- loioat, claiming this at e t.i o d mineralized prop erty. The timber thereon has au approximate value of $5,000,000. A Reologk.il stirves was ordered and in coiibMiuonce the mining company Toluutaiily relinquished $1,000 acres and protested agalust the vacation of 11,000 acn, Having Umber of a val ue of $320,000. Tho company, which had held the loeatlous for from two to live years, had under taken no work of development. When the hearings begun against It the concern spent six months prospecting and In that time roeovorod gold to f'e amount of three dollars. Ap ,i r i to the land commissioner In ' .. llngton failed to support the Cwinpany. The forest reserve again holds entire possession. The case was, of course, one of speculation on the part of the com pany. If It lost out it lest little since no work worth mentioning wa.s done. If it hrd won there was $5,000,000 almost as a gift. It does happen that, even with the public domain In California, Uncle Sam occasional wins. . .....aa. .a.a. . J COQCILLE, Oct. 1C. The Sen-1 O TOPICS OF THE TIMES, ojtlnel says: "A special meeting of a . A Kanrrs preae'-er has quit the Dulpit because he sa: he cannot ;ir'each and remain henest. He 13 now conductor on a street car, and It is safe to say his arm will soon be so wearied ringing up fares that occasionally his reach for the regis ter rope will be short. A man who cannot be honest In the pulpit will have to stand an awful strain in be ing honest in the tail-end of a street car. A California murderer was tried and convicted of manslaughter and a sentelice of twenty years in the penitentiary was imposed. One week later the murderer was freed, having been released from penitentiary on a habeas corpus writ. The jury had returned the verdict of guilty and sentence had been imposed on Satur day afternoon. Saturday afternoons are legal holidays In California. The murderer had been improperly con victed and sentenced, and was re strained of his liberty Illegally. Prices of food stuffs have gone up immensely during the past year, but no one will charge the producers or dealers with being extortionate when It is remembered that a New Jersey court has decided 25 pounds of pretty young woman is worth $25, 000. A young woman brought suit for breach of promise, claiming big damages, apparently not to her af fections, however . She averred that because of being jilted she had lost 25 pounds In weight. Her lawyers claimed that $1,000 per pound was a reasonable price, and the court agreed with him. Meshes of the law are so fine In San Francisco that minnows are caught but the web is so rotten that big fish dash through without diffi culty and afterwards are protected by the statute of limitations. A bookkeeper who altered a record to protect a political friend who had stolen a hundred thousand dollars was caught rnd will serve five years for his crime. The friend Is a mil lionalro and walks the streets of San Francisco an honored man, wliile the men who purchased whole city governments and stole miles of streets aro his friends. , WITH THE t t TOAST AND TEA t GOOD EVENING. Try to talk hopefully of life and its possibilities. You have no right to depress others be cause ou may have found it a disappointment. Selected. $ Slstoily Interest. Whene'er you see a damsel fair Ilnrk to a man with listless air, Or. walking with him ou the streot, She often lends him by two feet, Or if his tio Is turned askew Sho lets him lenvo tho thing on view That's her brother. And when you see her with a man To whom she gives a slstei's scan, Upou whose every word sho hangs, jj As. though to miss one would cause pangs, With whom she wallts at genWe pare, At whom she looks with upturned face That's not her brother, That's some other Girl's brother. Either Cook Is telling the truth:: or he has a certain party named $ Munchausen backed oleuu off tneJl docks. j: 18 The Kansas. City Tims devotes considerable spaco to "Some Thoughts ou Milk." Tho editor must hao beon reading the Portland Journal. "Always count ten before you strike," advises tho Chicago Tribune. ' OfflCEH 0 S Coquille City Council Ousts New Nightwatch For Sleep ing On Duty. tiie city tamers was nem at me cny hall Tuesday morning when the re signation of W. B. Xethery as night watchman was requested, and when tendered, was accepted. John Hlc knm was appointed by the council to fill the vacancy. This action of the city council was the result of reports coming In that the night watchman was sleeping a largo por tion of the after part of the night when he Is supposed to be especially vigilant. The matter was called to the attention of the council last week and investigations were insti tuted to ascertain the truth of the charges. "Marshal Hoberg, In pursuance of orders from headquarters, had bus iness in the neighborhood of the city hall in the early morning hours Tuesday and discovered the night watchman enjoying a refreshing slumber In the big ofllce chair. He reported the matter and Mr. Nethe ry's resignation was requested. "Mr. Nethery was appointed by the, council at Its last regular meet ing held two weeks ago and he has served" since the first day of the pre sent month." But is this plan a good one in cases where the other follow doesn't stop to do any counting? Every month lias its beauty, its treasure, its charm, In forest and J prairie, in village and farm. Most golden in gifts of all the months of the year, most lavish month, mat ron October is here. Overflowing with bounties, with colors ablaze, she fills the earth garners, through glorious days. Exchange. This North Pole squabble Is get ting on my nerves. I dreamed ,last night of discovering it myself. Got up in my sleep and. took the kitchen stovepipe down and carried it all over the house on my shoulder. Eve ry time It bumped into something we stopped and quarreled awhile as to whether It was Cook or Peary carry Ing it. I thought It was a polar bear or a. walrus that awakened me, but It was only my wlfe .who sian,,e(l ni0 for emptying a gallon of soot into lier lett ear whUe she slet r shud. dor even now to tulnlc tmt a jolnt mIgnt nnve dropped off and cut a biscuit out of the pup. The Xorth Pole Is on everybody's nerves. It has roosted op the nerves of hitman- I Ity 'ince away back when they chained up Columbus to break him I of the discovering hnb. Almost un- i Known to the giddy throng men I with nn ambition to be mentioned in 1 geographies have flitted away to the north year by year and sat on tho cold, unsympathetic edge of a gla cier to gnaw their last piece of walrus hide or eat the sweet band from their straw hat while thinking of the folks at home and hankering with n great palpitating threeply hanker for an army mule sandwich and a cup of coffee such as mother used to make. Iwjrds, from death by drowning at In a big town, when you call on a;tnc tlme ot ti,e accldent to the man, his clerk takes your card, and;Aiert. n was a noble and cour- carries It to the man's private ofllce. a.;eous act worthy of unmeasured If the clerk conies bnek, and says , .Us0 and i tendor him this modest I the man Is not In, that Is a sign ho ! doesn't care to see sou. But in a "- m::Kt:::jt:5j::j::::::K::j:::j; ii ar :: J: :: :: :: ;ooi n LKJIIT H IF LKillT FOR STOR1 YOU WANT AM) CHEAP VOIR HOME OR , SEE THE PA LICE I: II HESTAIRAXT'S XEW SYS TFM. ASK THEM WHERE THEY (JOT IT AND HOW THEY LIKE IT. TUEX SEE OR RITE :: I: H L XM.9 :: "THE LIGHT .MAX" MARSHFIELD ORE. if immm;:n:nm:mmm s i 1 td no shs 4r m d N U it It Tl .s w Fulton MARSHFIELD'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY Realizing and responding to the need and requirements cf Marshlleld for a Library, we have decided to Institute the first one ever established here and conduct It In connection with our book department. This library will embrace all the very latest voljmes of Fiction as well as the stand ard and clnssic works found in the best libraries. The fact that we will issue tho very latest books the books that are fresh from tho press and that are being talked about today to our library subscribers makes It even superior to city libraries wUro It Is often Impossible to get tho late books because of the large demand for them. Wo -have at present , More Than 1000 Volumes and 500 More Coming From which you may make selections. We have determined on a graded scale of charges of 15 cents to 50 cents for the late books. Persons taking books will be permitted to keep them two weeks after which an additional charge of Five Cents Per Day Will be made. The following Is the schedule of prices and names of tho class and character of books. , 75 Cent Books 15c "THE GREY CLOAK" By Harold McGrath Can you think of anything you could so thoroughly enjoy these coming long winter nights, as sitting by a warm fire with an Interesting book in your hand? You don't care how hard It blows and rains the, do you? Join our Circulating Library Club. Watch for lists or cal3 at the store. NORTON & HANSEN STATIONERY COMPANY XEWS STAND --- llttl o town, you. walk right Into the j 0gq0g$$gg$sg$&q0$g$vq i's ofllce whether he cares to seea CATHOLIC CHURCH. man you or not. If a G"-cent cigar is ever named after Peary, it may be relied on to raise a stink. Whan you. telL a man a secret, and say to him: "Don't say anything about It," you give hini notice that ha knows something worth telling. All tho snap shots of Dr. Cook por tray him with a smile on his face. The liberal offers made for his lec tures have doubtless made the smile a fixture. The boys used to dress like cow boys, and loug to run off and fight Indians. Now they will dress like Arctic explorers, and long to run away and find tho North Pole. W. W. WISE? I AX, the well-known and RELIABLE FURNITURE and second-hand man WILL OPEX up for business SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1(1, at ISO Broadway in the Gow Why building where he will be pleased to see all his old customers, lie will carry a complete stock of new and second hand furniture, stoves and complete house furnish ings. KASTSIDE Is a. Winner. CARD OF THAXKS. I desire to mr.ke this public ack nowledgement of the brave, gener ous and unseifUh act of W. Wllle meyor, seaman of tho Breakwater, in rescuing my brother, Hiram Ed- b, t sincere acknowledgement of m, i.-e nn.i ,r,.,HHi,i, Alan tn tha V.. Ulll ...... fj. ....V..V.V-. .... .w ... marv frlonds whoso expressions ot sympathy In tho financial loss I have sustained, I tonder my thanks and susiaineu, i lunuur i,v assurance ot appreciation of kind v crds. their C. E. EDWARDS. Master of Steamer Alert. t AT THE CHURCHES $ ';os- K UNITED HRETHREX OF ,i XOHTU HEXD, X R. G. SUMMERL1N, Pastor, ii Sunday School at 10; preaching services at 2:30 o'clock. Young Peoples' meeting at 7 o'clock. Preaching, services at S p. m. : KsS1 LJ? CHRISTfAX SCIEX ko&o$o Services will be held In the Chris tian Science hall, 32 7 Third street North, Sunday at 11 . m. Subject: The Very Latest, Books 50 Cents "THE SILVER HORDE" By Rex Beach THE GOOSE GIRL" By Harold McGrath OFFICIO SUPPLIES AAw Doctrine of Atonement.' Itev. Father J. MORAN. Mass will be celebrated at 8 and 10:30 at St. . Monica's Catholic church by Rev. Father J. A. Moran. In North Bend, Father Curley will celebrate mass at S and 10 o'clock. METHODIST EPISCOPAL X CHURCH OF NORTH HEXD Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching by the pastor 11 a. m. Epwdrth League, G:30 p. in. Preaching by District Superin tendent Rev. M. C. Wire, D. D., ot Eugene, 7:30 p. m. H THE LUTHERAX CHURCH. X ? Rev. J. Richard Olson, Pastor. X' Services will be held at the Marsh field Lutheran church Sunday. as. follows: Preaahing service at 10:30 o'clock with special musical piogram. Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock.. At North Bend, Sunday school will bo held at 2 o'clock with prcacti Ing at 2:30 o'clock. t METHODIST EPISCOPAL X Rev. H. I. Rutledgo, Pastor. Services at tho Methodist Episco pal church will be held as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. in. At 11 a. m Sundaj', Dr. M, C. Wirl will pi each and administer the Communion. Juniors' League at 3 p. m. . Epworth League at 0:30. Evening service at 7r30. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. X CHRISTIAX. CHURCH. A large audience l'.stcnrd to Evi n goiist Gregg's sermon tho "Volun- jteer Soldier" last night. His lee aro I on the "Life of Christ" with the sttrerpticon vlws was well received. t - V - ! -:.,!;. j-.?.fr -,;. -,;, -.;... .. 1 lrr,l?i """"""' b l -VJ jm " Alb. 1WS Ui k CJ K ' m H I M IU ill h kT. 1 ' -':': BEGINNING SATURDAY, OCT. 9TH And continue for ONE WEEK. Best bargains ever j- offered for everything in to your special interest to :;"CarIeton Jewelry Company FIRST TRUST AXfi SAVINGS HAXK BUILDING, OPPOSITE CHAXDLER HOTEL, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. ri-.Ii l -'I'-' ! . ! .j, i. i..J, .,,. $ 1 .50 Late Books 25c THE WHITE MICE" By Richard HardingDavis BOOKS -- , fl, I - Mk t A The subject for tonight will bo "Re quirements of the Gospel." The subject for tomorrow will bo "Heav en," and' "-Fraternal Orders, Their Benefits nird Which Is the Best." Tho Sunday evening service will be iu the Baptist church. KXXXXX?8G&iGG3&ttXXiO&i X XOHTU HEX!) PRESltY- X TERIAX CHURCH i Sundaj- school at 10 o'clock a. m.; preaching: service at 11 o'clock, when tbore will be a christening ser vice at which a number of now mem bers will unite with the church. Ju nior Christian Endeavor' at 4 p. in. Christian, Endeavor and' Bible Study at 6:30. Song service at 7:45 o'clock. Preaching service at S p. m. Strangers -and friends are in vited and will be, inrnfo welconiQ' at nil these services. fcOiSiOSSOOOOOOOOOC PHESUYTEIinVX CHURCH Rev. FRANK R. ZUGG, Minister X XK$X&XX&&XZOXiVOO&0t Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Sub ject, "Paul, a Prisoner Before Fe lix" Acts 24. Preaching services In morning at 11 o'clock and even ing at 7:30 o'clock. The subject of the morning sermon will bo "Tho Elev9n'h Commandment." In tho evening, the minister will' preach on the parable of "The Goad Shep herd." Tho Y. P. S. C. E. will meet nt G:4o p. m. sharp under the leader ship of the president, Charles Low- ery. Subject will bo taken from "Pilgrim's Progress." Strangers will be welcomed. Chas. Lowry, tho president, will lead the meeting Sttnday evening nt fi:4u sharp. The subject will be taken from "Pilgrim's Prayers." Come in anil Talk Potatoes, Ap ples Onions, also Wool, Hides and Pelts. Mriiii samples of Produce, C. F. cuLiriv Ofllce 7H Soiiilx Uroailwij'. .:.--. - -- f H rmt .jUA.B.y l I 4 I i T the Jewelry line. Will be investigate. i . - ,.. j..4,.,,.,.,y.,t-li . I .-4 i t f T I I t t t I I j ! Iiiiiiitor'iiiiililiii'iiniiii for -