THE MIS IAY TIMES MArlttoFIELI, ORItOi, SATURDAY, FEBRUARYS, 1909 EVENING EDITIQNr- XtmmwMimiiwt0tkt fimu0M0sinmw0tmiMit Personal Notes XC0009CO00MK)f NORTH f 2GdA SA V Do you wear sox? Do you wear holes in )J sox? Do you want sox that you can't wear holes, in? C I .have been fortunate enough to secure the exclu sive agency for the - - jStSA which are the best sox I wr ) Hosierv manufactured today. -The Kind That Wear" v I KTPN? Pa 8uarantee 6 months and tor the LID I Julie smaH sum' of $1.50 or 25c the pair; cheapen than the ones ym have been buying that only lasted one wearing. This is worth your while so you had better let your - BOSOMFR.IEND show you how to forget sock worry and save you money. I have just received a big shipment in all colors and sizes direct from the mills. Get the habit! f Advanced shipment of GREEN HATS ready for your inspection. Take the tip! rB? A New Palp u " fop a TrftiiMf frh vour itocklnei? We're col n article thit we jnnttntee if itnit helei ef I rlpafortlxmonthi. Ho Hi" or lodi" II 1 1 bole dtTclopi y6a ct I new pair. !Q The newest Idea In itocklngf. Made to wear; not onir to ceil. Tnat'i wor we faarantee uem ibtolutelr. FOR SALE BV Hole I j.j 9 ?-tt---a-n---tt-----4-a-a--a-n-K ------ 4 " 4 ? :: xx a i xx t XX I '? XX t f XX it t ' a t ? a t I J. tx iX I XX XX I Dairying Season Will soon be at Its height' so prepare now and save trouble when you get busy. Come In and look over our com plete line of the latest line of the latest model. De Laval Cream Separators Jf you have an old separator, come In and wo will allow you all It is worth on the purchase price of-a new one. If you haven't a separator, you f are losing money on your ranch and should stop the leakage at once by buying a DE LAVAL. Mi . TSmBIK' I fSfilil a a or W a TT MRS. SENGSTACKEN WRITES. Santa Barbara Not AH It Is Cracked Up to Ho For Winter Keorf. Mrs. Henry Sengstacken writes that Santa Barbara experienced a severe rain storm lately, blowing down large ornamental shade trees, filling cellars with water and flooding side walks. In fact it rained harder there than it ever rained in Oregon, she says. -a-a-a -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a s-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a United Wireless. Telegraph Company OFFICE IN "THE CHANDLER" Messages Received For All Farts of the World. PHONE 800 If you nro interested in the 7 PER CENT, PREF., PARTICIPAT ING, FULL-PAID AND NQN-ASSESSABLE STOCK in tho above Com pany, as an investment, please call on or write O. L. HOPSON, Fiscal Agt. COOS AND CURRY COUNTIES, BOX 823, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. BROWN's best. Cough Balsam Is tho Cream Separators at MILNER'S. LOST A large envelope containing gift deed, addressed Mrs. Maria Jordan. Deed signed Kate Llp pold. Finder or any Information concerning same wllj be rewarded by John Snyder, Jr. IFOR RENT Three room flat; bath. tollot, water, bay window, over Breakwater warehouse, Front St., Phono 481. FOR SALE Five first class milk cows. Address W. F. Piper, North Bend, Oregon. P COLUMBIA MACHINE WORKS Cavanagh, Chapman ($b Co. General Repair Work and Woodturninf . Launches a Specialty Foot of-Quee Avenue, Marshfield . frH5H5Z5E5Z5r!5HS25r5ae5S515E5H5r!5?5a5E5E5r Building Material CIHBNT BRICK limb. PLAjrrm FIRE CUT FIREBRICK ' SEWER PIPE DRAW TOE ui TBRRA COTTA GOODS WHOLESALE wd RETAIL PLUH3ING sfjPTLlES FIRST CUSS PLUMBING aid TINNING SHOP IN OPERATION SEE US FOR. FAR. PRICES NORTH BEND HARDWARE (Si, SUPPLY CO North Bead, Oregon. E5ESH525ZSHSE5E5ES25ZSZSBSHE2SZ5H3ffiSa5ZS3ZSZSZ5B52S2SE5afcE5rlHS25S.' WANTED To buy one yearling colt. V. R. Rood, South Coos River. WANTED A competent girl. Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. FURNISHED ROOMS For rent. Modern conveniences. Apply Phone 2003. FOR RENT Furnished roomB for housekeeping. Phone 1731. WANTED Girl for general houework. Apply Mrs. Robt. Mareden, Sr., Cedar street. FOR SALE Undertaking business for sale. For particulars, apply at C. A. Johnson Furnlturo Store. FOR RENT UcKeown bungalow In South Marohflold. FIro place and nST modern oonroniencea. Apply Arthur MeKoown, Flanagan & Dennett Bank building. WANTED Potatoes, fiee F. S. Dow. FOR RENT Large storeroom, dou ble front, adjoining Breakwater warehouse. See Robt. Marwden or phone 481, N J ' WEATHER FORHOAST '. (By Associated Press.) Oregon. Rain tonight and Sunday in thd west: rain or snow in tho east. Brisk to high easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RB- PORT. For twenty-four hour3 end- Ing at 5 p. m . Feb. 19, by Mrs. E. Mingus, special government meteorological observer. Maximum 51 Minimum 40 At 5 p. m 45 Precipitation 58 Wind, southwest; cloudy. Put Up Fountain. The fountain which' the A. N. W. Club recently purchased for the benefit of the pub lic is being installed on C Street near Stafford's. Heavy Rainfall. The total rainfall from Sept. 1, which is the beginning of the rainy season to Feb. 19, '09, was 47.03 Inches according to tho records of the local weather bureau. Now Transfer Line. L. Wideman is at present in Portland negotiating for tho purchase of a bus, transfer and the necessary horses for service at the Chandler. Mr. Wideman Is about to close a deal and the new equipment will soon be here. Steamers to Sail. The steamer Wllhelmina, which -has been delayed by rough weather since Tuesday, will leave today for Bandon. The bar at Bandon is reported smooth. Tho steamer Eureka is due to sail from Coos Bay tomorrow for Portland. WANTHD Carpentering and Job work. Corthell, phone No. 501. An Evening With Washington. There will be a lecture on Wash ington at the Baptist church next Monday evening by Rev. G. S. Cle vinger. Music by the orchestra and a solo by Miss Mabel Millis. Ser vices begin at 8 o'clock. High Tide Today.-r-One of the highest tides of tho year today fol lowed a heavy windstorm at sea. Today marks a full moon and tho tide would naturally be high but the storm at sea with a stiff wind aug mented It. For a time, it threatened to inundate South Marshfield again. Gets Gordon. Prosecuting Attor ney Llljeqvlst late this afternoon, re ceived a telegram from Sheriff Gage saying he would be home on M. F. Plant with W. F. Gordon, wanted here for embezzling funds of the Sherman-Clay Piano Company. Gor don has been fighting extradition and the telegram came as a surprise. Boys Get Ducking. Arthur Whereat, a South Marshfield boy, had a narrow escape from drowning in a slough yesterday afternoon. He and Ed. Bolt, another South Marshfield boy, were playing on a barge when It upset. Both were badly soaked and Ed. Bolt with difficulty rescued his companion from possible drowning. Launch is Dnninged. The launch Monitor, owned by Ernest Sandberg of Fames Slough, was badly damaged by crashing against the dock at the foot of A Street this afternoon. Quite a heavy tide was running and the boat was not securely tied for rough' weather. Her port side guard rail and part of her deck was torn away. Pugilists to Coquillc. Lou Car ranza, he pugilist, accompanied by his Irr.iner, J. W. Josephs, and J. R. Hen on, left for Coquille this morn ing where they will give a boxing exhibition this evening. They will return to Marshfield tomorrow and Carranza will go into training for his contest with Yost, scheduled for March 5th. BRYAN MAY RUN. fBy Associated Press.) DENVER, Colo., Feb. 20. W. J. Bryan today reiterated that he is not an out and out 'candidate for tho presidency in 1912, but that If his own party should demand that he make the race again standing for his well-known principles "and Ideas, he could not very welf refuse. They say that a man Is a liar who combs his hair fn such a way as to cover up a bald spot. Moral Don't be a liar, go to Mo- Arthur's Drug Store and buy a bot tle of Luxor Hair Tonic." GEORGE FARRIN Is having a new launch built. E. L. ROBINSON of Ten (Mile, was a visitor yesterday. W. E. PIKE, a millman of Myrtle Point, Is hero on business. H. W. PAINTER has returned from a business trip to Gardiner. A. S. HAMMOND of Coquille, loft on the morning train for his home. F. W. RADFORD and wife, of Port land, are guests at the Chandler. L. H. HAZARD, the Coquijlo banker, was an arrival on tho noon train. JOHN YOAKAM, a lumberman and j rancher of Coquillle, is a visitor today. A. N. GOULD, County Surveyor, is In tho city on business connected with his office. P. C. GRAVES and P. B. Peterson left on the Breakwater this morn ing for Portland. WM. CANDLIN returned to his homo at Coquille yesterday after a short stay In the city. MRS. J. A. SMITH and daughter Stella, of South Coos River, are Marshfield visitors today. MRS. M. A. TUPPER, proprietress of the Coquille Hotel at that place, Is in the city on business. CARL NELSON is having a flno new launch built which will be equipped with the latest design of , engines. M W Boxlnff Gloves at MILKER'S, VICTOR ANDERSON, manager and foreman for Masters and McLain, on their Broadway street contract, Is taking a short vacation. R. N. WALKER, who has been visit ing W. S. McFarland for the past week, left for his home at Port land on tho Breakwater today. Defeat Bandon at Basketball Last Evening, Insuring Cham ( pionship For North Bend. The North Bond High School girls' basket ball team last evening established their claim to the cham pionship of Coos county beyond a doubt when they defeated the Ban don High School girls' team at Simpson's pavilion by a score of 12 to 16. The game was a good one throughout and of course the great majority of tho crowd was for tho homo team, but generous applause was given to tho clever plays by tho Bandon maidens. Following tho game between tho girls' teams the Miller-Cleaver Busi ness College team defeated jtho Ban don boys team by a score of 15 to 12. Many clever plays were also pulled off la this game. Ernest Boak of Bandon, acted as referee in last evening's games and Mr. Davenport of North Bend, as umpire. The Bandon High School Basket ball teams left for homo on tho morning train accompanied by Supt. H. C. Ostien. Following is the line up of tho Bandon teams: Boys team Victor Brewer, center; R. Blackerby and L. Galller, forwards; T. Laird and A. Walker, guards. Girl's team Hazel Stevenson, cen ter; Nora Gibson and Dorothy Gib son, forward; Rita MpNair and Erna Crane, guards, The North Bend teams line-ups were as follows: Girls Helen Mende, 1 g; Hattio Van Zile, c; Ellen Anderson, 1 f; Edith Allger, r g; Lucile Greenleaf, r f. Ethel Metzler arid Amelia Bolt were substitutes. Boys J. E. Bright, 1 g; Will Shook, c; Henry Russell, r f; Wood Hyde, 1 f; J. A. Parrlsh, r g. H. M. EMERY, lighthouse Inspector with headquarters at Portland, Is a recent arrival hero on business . connected with his department. A. J. JONES, who Is connected with the Puget Sound Navy Yard, and who has been inspecting lumber for the government at Bandon, Is In Marshfield. CHRIS. PEDERSEN celebrated his half hundred birthday, February 19. He spent part of tho day cruising around tho waters of Coos Bay which he Is very familiar with having a love for hunting and fishing, may he complete another half hundred. COQUILLE OULLINGS. News at County Seat as Told by Tho Sentinel. Word was received last week of the marrlgo at San Francisco of Geo. A. Hansen and Mrs. Del Van Tisdel, both well known here and who went doWh-to the city on the Elizabeth a few days ago. The wedding occurred on tho ninth, Judgo Isaiah Golden officiating. Leo Curry mot with quite a seri ous accident while working night shift at tho sawmill Tuesday night. He was endeavoring to adjust tho planer belt when In some manner his foot was caught by tho belt and drawn over tho pulley. His left foot was badly crushed and ho will be laid up with It for some time. NORTH BEND NEWS Chas. Eckhoff has almost recover ed from his recent Illness. W. P. Evans returned homo on the Breakwater from a business trip to Portland. The North Bend mill Is closed down owing to the high tides of the-. past few days. , ' Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson, who. aro visiting in Portland, are expect ed homo next week. t Miss Susie 'Eickworth of South Marshfield, was the guest yesterday of Mrs. C. S. Kaiser. The Bunker Hill school held very fitting exorcises yesterday to com memorate Washington's birthday. E. R. Shlno after some weeks in Portland on business connected with the Southern Pacific Company, re turned homo on the Breakwater, Remember W. O. LUND is still on deck prepared to do all kinds of LEATHER WORK. Ho still make soles of shoes water proof. Don't forget to send your work to him. The only shop on the Pacific coast that does first-class work for second class prices. If you don't believe It give him a trial. Harness of best material at lowest prices. Harry Noblo's building on Broadway, across from C. A. Smith retail lumber yard, Marshfield, Oregon. rjitrcTtf'ffjt TEA PRICES OUR PRICE 'Retail Price PER POUND Per pound No, 1 Spider Log 43c, COc No, 3 Spider Leg 31c 50c No. 0 Gunpowder 43c GOc No, 8 Gunpowder 32c 50c No. O English Breakfast ...41c COc No. 11 English Breakfast . .28c 50c No. IB Ceylon 31c 50c Amount Saved Per Pound 17c 10c 17c 18c HH 22c 10c CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND EXAMINE OUR SAMPLES. Riebe Wholesale Co. t&tmimmi0HHtiiimty(totmPHiiiMi' m ,rfl ,-,-J 4