tSar""" THE DAILY .COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1908. m COGS BAY TIMSS :Vith thT ""; An Independent Republican news-,' I OAST AND TEA S ??: published every evening except i.saa,5o' 'Suwiay, and. Weekly by j vVvSVV0-V0 JTW ki Hay Time P.iiblMiIng Co. ' GOOD EVENING. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notlco Is hereby given that sealed bids Will be received by the common council of the city of Marshfleld, C003 county, Oregon, up to half past seven o'clock In the afternoon of the 22d 1 day of December, 1908, for the 'm- Entered at tbo Dnsto(Il?e ut Marsh- r JNJ, Oregon, for tr nsmlbslon If our faults were written ii provement with sidewalk of the fol "through the malls as second classic on our foreheads we should all , lowing streets, to-wit tnuil matter iSL O. 3IALONKV. . .lCdltor pnd Pub. fN K. MALONKY Newa Editor -SUBSCRIPTION KATES. In Advance. DAILY. Qao year 5.00 Six wonths $2.50 Jjess than 6 mon'hs per month. .50 WUttXLY. On Tear $1.50 ii have to go with our hats pulled i. ii over our eyes. Spanish Prov- $1 11L erb. Adarpss" All (' uumunlcntlons to VOOS HAY DAILY TIMES Wnrsnfleid Oregon Tho policy of tiie Coos Ray Tl n.-s rt!l l? Republican In politics, vrPh Ihe ludepi'iidencp of "'hlch Fresl lunt tcosevelt Ir the leading exponent 3EKMAXY'S OLD AGE PENSION. T'ro'bably few of us have noted how snpiflly the old age pension has been aspTeadlng about the world. In Ger aaany the plan in its practical opera tion might be called a form of com lpnlsory insurance under government -direction and with government help. Thus every person working for -wages or a salary not exceeding $500 si year must take out an old age or JiaSrmlty insurance policy on which iSre pays one half of the annual pre snimn while his employer pays the -other half. From the fund thus ob tained pensions are paid to persons selsom sickness or infirmity have in jcapacltate'd tor work as well as to SJxose attaining the age of seventy years. To each recipient 01 an in- MAN'S MASTER. Man has somewhere within his curi ous pate A silly notion of outwitting fate. He fancies that sometime and how His destiny will make its bow, Pull off Its" cap and bend respectful knee In humble reverence to such as he. So strongly doth his fallacy persist, It makes of him a pompous Egot ist A blatent boaster of his mighty power To rule the happenings of and hour. From early manhood doth he make this claim That man is master of his life and fame. The joy of giving at Christmas time would be greater if we were not -trciHd or old ace nenslon the srovern- . compelled to rack our brans to But when hard luck has fallen on his way And gripped his vitals in its mirth ful play; When woe has palsied sorrow racked his brain, This monarch at last this knowl edge safe instils Man rules himself exactly as fate wills! ANON. 1. That portion of the west side of Glabam street from a point 10 feet south of the north line of California avenue to the south line of lot 25 of block 52, In Railroad addition to Marshfleld, Oregon. 2. That portion of tho north side of Washington avenue from a point 10 feet west of the east line of Bur nett street to the east line of Graham street, in Railroad addition to Marsh field, Oregon. Said improvements to be made ac cording to the jjlaus and specifica tions thereof on file in the office of the city recorder and thero open to the inspection of all persons interest ed therein. A certified check for five per cent of the amount of bid must accjmpany day 'each bid, to be forfeited to the city J in case bid is accepted and bidder fails to enter into contract within five days after such acceptance. Dated this 9th day of December, 190S. J. M. UPTON, Recorder of said city of Marshfleld. I Fi FINANCIAL " iv. t inr fflr First Trust and Savings Baal 5100,000 Capital, Fully Paid STANDS FOR CONSERVATIVE BANKING Pays Interes' on Time and Savings Deposits Tho ofllcers and the entire directorate are citizens of Marshfleld and vicinity who own and control the cnpltnl stock Whose every interest and success mean" the success of this community. Wo solicit your business and Accounts. DIRECTORS. I r-y, r. JOHN S. COKE STEPHEN C. ROGERS, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, M. C. HORTON. WILLIAM GRIMES, JNO. F. HALL, W. S. CHANDLER, DR. C. W. TOWER, HORSEY ICREITZER, B Di business JJirectory Doctors. K. GOLDEN hysiclnn and SurKeon 202-03 Coos building. Office hours: 10 to 12 m. 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p.m Plumes: Offlco 1051 Residence 105. C. BURROUGHS " Homeopathic Physlclnn Chronic Diseases a Specialty Residence and office, corner 'C a .......,. UnTO, ninrMifidd. DR. A. Hon OFFICERS. JNO. S COKE, President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. Ljj M. C. HORTON, Vlco President and Manager. znent makes an additional grant of .its own. The amount of the pension is de termined upon the double basis of tlie -wages received by the pensioner while he was at work and the amount lie has paid in premiums. In 1907 there were 'insured in Germany In the government old ns;e .and invalidity Insurance more than .Sburteen million persons from select something the recipients will value longer than three days. That Massachusetts woman who can sppak flfty-fourlanguages ought to find it easy to tell her husband just what she thinks of him when he comes home in the early hours of the morning. It has been ascertained that the most common cronnrt for dlvnrne Is -which astouncling fact you can gath- ( desertion. ,In other words, this coun try Is overrun with matrimonial quitters who fight and run away. r something of the proportions of SSSiB new idea. In practice the invalidity pension Sirs proved more popular than the strictly old age pension, for the rea ason that tho infirmity pension can be fientcred upon when the invalidity oc curs and after the age of seventy it Jtakoa the place of an old age pen sion. Thus while In 1907 there were .110,907 persons receiving the straight old age pension, there were snore than 800,000 who were in re ccelpt of the infirmity pension. The oial jiational expenditure in 1907 on "4he insurance account was $52,750, O00, of which about $4,200,000 was (Tor old age pensions. The average pension paid was: Sor old ago $30.52 a year ITor permanent Invalidity, $10.04 a year. For provisional invalidity, $40.14 a year. Or course these sums seem According to a news dispatch, thir ty nurses have been engaged for the little three-year-old emperor of Chi na. Every job in the world, it seems, has Its own peculiar drawbacks. I shot an arrow into the air, it fell In the distance, I knew not where, till a neighbor said that It killed his calf, and I had to pay him six and a half ($G.50). I bought some poison to stay some rats, and a neighbor swore it "killed his cats; and, rather than argue across the fence, I paid him four doUars and fifty cents ($1.50). One night I set sailing a toy balloon, and hoped it would soar till it reached the moon; but the candle fell out on a farmer's 1 straw, and he said I must settle or very go to law Anu" that ,5 tlie wa w,th . NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notice is hereby glvsn that sealed hids will be received by the common council of the city of Marshfleld, Coos county, Oregon, up to 7:30 r'clock in the afternoon of the 22d c'ay of December, 190S, for the con struction of sewers on that portion of Baines from Coal Bank Slough to the center of Washington avenue, and tnat portion of Washington avenue fiom the center of Baines street to the east line of Graham street, in Railroad addition to tho town 0 Marshfleld, Coos county, Oregon, ac cording to the plans and specifica tion of said improvement dn file in the ofilce of the city recorder, and there open to the Inspection of all 1 arsons interested therein. A certified check for five per cent c.f the amount cf bid must accom 1 any each bid, to be forfeited to the city in case bid Is accepted and bidder ffils to enter into contract within five day? after such acceptance. Dated this 10th day of December, 1908. J. M. UPTON, Recorder of said City of Marshfleld. We Handle VVaches mwmw - Jit simill to us, but we must remember, Srst, that tho difference between our country and Germany in respect to .Tae relative cost of living Is a fact always to bo reckoned with In mak ing comparisons, and second, that Germany was the pioneer in these .reforms and her cautious first steps 'Aave been far exceeded by the na tions that have followed her: Thero arc Ave classes of contrib utors to tho German fund: 1. On annual wages or salaries of SJX7.50 tho annual premium is 3 V6 cents a weok. 2. Ou annual wages ar salaries of $137.50 tho annual premium Is 5 cents a week. 3. On i.ho annual wages or salaries of 55212.50 tho annual premium is G cents a weok. 4. On annual wages or salaries of $2S7.50 tho annual promlum is 7V& cents a weok. 5, On 3BEuial wages or salaries of $500 tho annual premium is 9 cents. Benefactions under tho act are somewhat restricted. Thus old ago pensions aro paid to only those who iiavo contributed for at least 1,200 weeks and tho disablement pension to Uioso who have contributed for jat least 500 weeks. It was thought 'ihat a wholly unrestricted pension astiheme was too fearsome an oxperl- jnont, tho wholo thing being at best jso-bold a leap in tho dark and in do tflnnce of sacred traditions. tho random shot; It never hits in the proper spot; and tho joke you spring, that you think so smart, may leave a wound in some fellow's heart. Exchange. Don't miss GOODRUM's ad. A PERSONAL APPEAL. If wo could talk to you personally about the great merit of Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds and lung trouble, you never could be in duced to experiment with unknown preparations that may contain some harmful drugs. Foley'3 Honey and Tar costs you no more nnd has a re cord of forty years of cures. For salo by RED CROSS PHARMACY, JOHN PREUSS, Prop. that cannot be surpassed for perfect beauty and accurate time-keeping qualities. They are In Gold and Sil ver for Ladies and Gentlemen. Our present stock of high grado Jewelry embraces Watches, Chains, Charms, Bracelets, Brooches, Wedding, En gagement, Mourning and Signet Rings, Ear-drops, Breastpins, and a variety of other handsome trinkets that will make handsome presents for either sex. THOS- HOWARD Jeweler TWICE TOLDTALES. How Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures coughs and colds has not only been told twice but it has been told thousands of times nil over the world and will be told again from your own homo if you will give It a trial. For sale by JOHN PREUSS Flcmsgaii 8l BesMMJtt Baak MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Paid Up Capital nnd UndivldM rroflts $73,000 Assets Ccr Ilnlf Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws on the Bank of Cali fornia, San Francisco, Cnl., First National Bank, Portland, Ore., First National Bank, Roseburg Ore., Hanover National Bank, New York, N. M. Rothchlld & Son, London, England. t Also sell exchange on nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check safe deposit lock boxes for rent at 50 cents a month or $5 a year. I INTEREST PAID ON TIMS DEPOSITS o 94 .j. ,44 K'OvC'? T-yi. GEORGE W. LE8I.IR J- Osteopathic Physldaa Oradnnte of '.merleiui School of n.i OfTlce tlour: 9 b 111 to4n m n.i . Appointment. Oinceovcr Kim Nntfo.fil'i,? 1J TTNR. GKO. E. DIX - I'IijhIcIjiii and Siirnei New Flanagan & R.,aontl nnnk Bid, Residence Phono 1055 DR. -1. XV. 1'hvi INGRAM hvslcinn and Snrifnn. Office 208-U00 Coos BlldlllK Phones-Office 1621: Residence 1623 TY"' A' L lr0rsEWORTII ., . .., IUII llnu &tiri:r,. Offices second floor of Flnnngan & Bennett Bank Bulldlnn Ofllco hours 2 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Phone: Ofllco, 1431: Residence, H3J THE FIR5T NATIONAL BANK ? OF COOS BAY Strict' a Commercial Bank Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank, San Francisco, Cal. The United States National Bank, Portland, Ore. The National Park Bank, New York, N. Y. The Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago, 111. The Bank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonnals, Paris, Franco. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking centers in Europe, Asia, Africs, Australia, China, Japan, North, Cential and South America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check Certi ficates of Deposits issued. Safe and Deposit Boxes for rent. Draws Drailsj on STEAMERS OALIPORXIA AND OREGON COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ? r- t Steamer Alliance . D. W. OLSON, Master. g COOS BAY AND PORTLAND I SAILS FROM PORTLAND SATURDAYS, 8 P. M. & Why is a cup of our coffee bettor than any other you can get? First It Is made of tho REST coffeo. Second Wo mako It fresh. Third WE serve it with cream. Our LUXCIIES aro like our coffee, they aro hard to beat. 'Stiletto Pocket Knives nnd Razors tat .MILNER'S. 4 CORTIIELL'S DELICATESSEN. "SCmas prosonts Try tho GUXXERY. Romombor the usual Tuesday t.-lght. danco at tho Rink, December 15. Chotco oat hay at HAINES. Fancy potatoes at MARSHFIELD xmOCERY, on Broadway. 1 SEASONABLE- ADVICE. Send homo a bottlo of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy today along with your other household supplies. It is tho best investment you can mako at this season of tho year, es pecially if thero aro children In tho home. Thoro is no bettor medicine obtainable. It contains no opium or othnr nnrcnMrs. For Rnlo hv .TOTTN 'pPP.TIRH u-u-a-n-a-a-tt-si-R-a-tt-n- n- 1 ii M I 8 I 8 8 I 8 t 8 8 I 8 ! Farmers Attention For T t 8 t t ? 8 s C W. WOLCOTT " TUJS FAMILY GROCER 8 T PHONE 071. 8 Front St Marshfleld. JL -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-K-tt tho following grass seed give us a trial. ORCHARD GRASS ITALIAN RYE RED CLOVER TEUOTHY SAILS FROM COOS BAY TUESDAYS, AT SERVICE OF TIDE. F. P. Baumgartner, Agt. H. W. Skinner. Agt, . $ Couch St. Dock, Portland. Ore. Marshfleld, Ore., Phone 441 ? I Portland & Coos Bay S S. Line I S. S. BREAKWATER a Sails from Ainsworth Dock Portland, Wednesdays at 8 p.m Sails from Coos Bay Saturdays at Service of Tide. js S. S. CZARINA SAILING BETWEEN SAN FRA.NCISCO AND COOS BAY, OAR- ft1 RYING FREIGHT AND COMBUSTIBLES ONLY. L. W. Shaw, Agt. Phone Main 233 1 A. St.. Dock 3SE5H5S5SSE5a5ESa5ES?SS5H5H5ES3H5?2S2 ESESZSB5H5HSllSa,SSSSHSESSSBSHSZSB.'JaSZ5H5S5HSHa?SS5HS?5HS25Z5Z5a5 THE fu Steamer M F. Plant 1 SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO EVERY TUESDAY. M RS. NETTIE HOVEL Mldwlfo Obstetrical Nursing With E. W. Knmmerer Phone lf Lawyers. Francli II Clarke Lawrence A Llileuuist CLARKE, BLAKE & LI 1,1 EQ VIST, ATTORNE Y8-A T-LAW United States Commissioner'? Jacob H. l!k(. Trust Building. 'Jflc Marshfleld, Ore. J W. BENNETT, OfTico OTer Flanagan ft BsnnrK Bank MarfihAnld. Oram r"OKJ3 H COKE, Attorneys at Law. fvrarahf.eld. ' rap Miscellaneous Oregon. c XV. MERCHANT, Does all kinds of house wir ing. All work guaranteed to be well insulated. Phone 1033. Marshfleld, Oregon. w.fl- TURPEN Architect. Over Chambor of Commerce MARSHFIELD, ORE. MARSHFIELD TURKISH BAMS 21M!13 Coos Building. Hours: Ladles, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m, ercopt Saturday Gents, 7 p.m. to a. n., except Friday. Phono 2141. TURKISH BATH $1.00. C. L. BUTTERFfELD, Prop. No reservation held after tho arrival of bouKht. tho fthip unless ticket Is F. S. DOW, Agent MARSHFIELD, OREGON feS2SHSiSESHSEfSSSE5SSEE2SESHS5Sa2SE5asaSHSBSHSESHSH2S15HSS5iSESHSH5a '.frii '!- i" fr-fr-fr ..- $$-!-$.$- I ;--.- -..t, .ft. $.., ,p- j, Steamer Wilhelmma LUDVIG CHRISTENSEN, Uaitcr. Suiting for Bandon erery Monday. For full initvewstttioa, apply i Chas Thom owner, or H. W. Skinner, agent. ym, l m.J, mil i. i ! - I.-.I. t-t-'fl- '!' 1...--T- -lIi-. - -!'-'! -1 De-Wltfs Carbollzed Witch Hazol Salvo is especially good for piles, but it is also recommended nearly every where for arythlng when a salvo i3 needed. It Is soothing, cooling and healing. Bo euro to get DeWitt'a Witch H-Eel Salve when you ask for It. We sell and recommend it. Sold by LOCKHART & PARSONS. Steamer Flyer IiAAVnORN & McCULLOCH, Owners. 1ve. Marshfleld .uve. North Bend 7:00 A. M. 7:45 A. M. 8:45 " 10:05 " .0:45 " 11:16 " 1:00 P. M. 1:45 P. M, 2:30 " 3:15 " 4:00 " 5:00 " Open for Clinrter Nights nnd Sundays Tho Fly or Always Leave on Tlino. yrasHszsHSErascLsasHSEFSScSHHasHSER STEAMER FAVORITE Two trips daily between Bandon and Coqullle connecting with all liarshfleld trains. Lewvea Bandon . , .0:45 M.m. Leaves Bandon . . .1:20 p. hi. Learcs Coquillo. -..0:16a.m. Leaves Coquillo ...4: 00 p.m. Travelers leaving Marshileld in the morning retch Bandon at noon. People on Coauille river can spend over three hours In Marshfleld and reach home the same day. COQUILLE RIVER TRANS PORTATION CO. 2S25H5?5a5"d2SE!ja525cS25a52SZ5Z,iE53 I " I twins & MASON mJ Photographers. Coos Bay Monthly Bldg. Telephone No. 017, MnrMifield, Oregom. I HOTELS The LATT5N Hotel Guy C. Lattin. New nnd modern throughout. Rntes $1 ier day, $0 per week. Frco baths, nonly furnished. Phono 2005. Next to cor Sheridan and Queen Atb. Marshfleld. Ore. ESZSiSTSHSHEESHHHSHSasaSHSHSHSBSa Hunting, Ashing, camping, bathing tho year around. Beautiful Ten Milo Lakes, tho BDortsmen's paradise. When you como to Ten Mile I TUit tho Ten Mile cafe, cot-1 tages, tents, boats, complete camp ontflts for rent at rea-1 Bonablo rates. In connection j with the cafe. Any size party j taken care of. Call and see us i or phone your engagement. Phone local or long distance. m-r mm ir null I'niii. w TiAKESnOE. ' ORE. r3 eSHSSSHS2SSSHS?53HSESZ5HSH5ESHr HI(iH fiRADF MFATC The odor of good roast beef howover IIIVIII VmttlL. IflUMIO apietizinc. can onlv bo suffocative of . . tho delicious taste and flavor that goes with every piece of meat we sell. ah our meaia are vnu cuoiccbi wo can proauce. R.II.Nob!- 'OEk CITY MARKET- C and Front Streets, Ma-tf&eld, Oregon -Phone 1941 f Temple Wilson UNDERTAKINQ PARLORS. Funeral supplies In general. Licensed embalmer with lady assistant. South Broadway. Telephones: OFFICE 3101. RESIDENCE 2103. Vt i i r ! d-tX 'i'XT-