THE DAILY fJOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1908. Tpi'vr') pj 1 Coos Bay Times Address All Communicatio nsto COOS BAY DAILY TIMES Marshfield - Oregon 4 T With the Toast and Tea i ? V W"W -WW wt T- w w w v-V V V V W T V V V 'V KEPUKLICAK COUNT1" TION. CONVEX- The Republican electors or Coos county, state of Oregon, are advised that a Republican county convention will bo held in the court house, Co quille City, at 10 o'clock a. m. Tues day, March 24, 1908, for the follow ing purposes: To perpetuate party organization; to discus sand recom mend Republican candidates for county and state offices. Tho representation by precincts will bo one delegate for each ten votes or fraction thereof cast at tho general election of Juno I, 190G. Tho following Is a lis-; of the dele gates to which each precinct Is en titled: Bandon 1G Burton 2 Coaledo 3 Coos City 2 North Coos River 3 Coos River 3 East Coquillo 10 West Coquillo 3 Deer Park 1 Dora 3 Empire 4 Enchanted 3 Four Mile 2 Lake 2 Leo 2 North Marshfleld 9 South MarshQeld 18 Missouri 3 Myrtle Point 15 Newport 3 North Bend 18 Norway 6 Parkersburg 4 Prosper 3 Rlverton 4 Rowland . . . 1 South Slough 1 Sumner 3 Ten MUo 2 It Is recommended that precinct caucuses bo held not later than Sat urday, March 21. P. L. PHELAN. Chairman Rep. Co. Central Comm. 'E. L. C. PARRIN, Secretary. tjj:mttttttinjmmmmm: GOOD EVEXIXG. I will not count on aught but being faithful. George Elliot. TREES. "Woodmen, spare that tree!" We sang It long ago; But just the same tho woodman camo And laid the giants low. We turned them into tables, We chopped them into pegs And things unique in styles antique, With queer, unsteady leg3. We swept them from the hillside And from tho mountain stream. And lest the ax our arms might tax, Wo sawed them up by steam; And oven art got busy With geometric marks; To ease tho nerves that shrank from curves, They cleared them from the parks. Across the sterile plaza The winter winds blow free; On summer days the sun's hot rays Beat fierce as fierce can be; "Ah, spare that tree" the echo Falls on the desert air, But such is fate; 'tis all too late, There are no trees to spare. Washington Evening Star. O The following "want ad." was handed in by Attorney Goss, and as ho desired it to appear following and surrounded with "pure" reading mac ter It is given a place in this column. LOST. A facial expression. Anyone seeing a strenuous look coming up tho street without an owner are requested to return it to J. II. U city recorder's offlce, and re ceive suitable reward. THE PORTLAND POLICY'. From tho signs most conspicuous in the press of Portland, and out of it thuro would seem to be a conspir acy afoot to center the political In terests of Oregon at the metropolis along with other state-wide concerns. This may bo all right, and it may not; and the people are beginning to weary of the one-town domination that leaves no choico to the outsider in the commercial and Industrial af fairs; and now to have tho political dictum taken over there, may prove too much lor the patience that has been stretched to breaking. Tho Portland sentiment booms to ha verging on tho Wilcoxian doctrine of "Portland against tho state," a slogan that makes thu metropolis hateful abroad in Oregon; but, since she ''has tactically half tho popula tion of tho state, It is pertinent and logical. JtiM. how the absorption Is going to bo taken In tho outlying dis tricts lumains to lie seen; and there One of those automatic jokes an automatic joke Is one that just works Itself happened in Marshfleld re cently. Attorney Tom Hall is having a new launch built, wbich wi 1 bo christened "Maud." He employed an artist to print a couple of cards to he fastened to the launch bearing iho legend : know was loaded. The doctor says, however, he will bo ducked in tho bay if he Is going to let either F. S. Dow or Attorney Hall select a name for the little queen of the Toye homo. A Card. To the members of the Republican Party of Coos County, Oregon: Gentlemen: I hereby announco my candidacy for the office of County Superintendent of Schools, subject to your pleasure in the primary election to be held April 17, 1908. Respectfully yours, W. H. BUNCH. A CARD. To tho Republican voters of Coos County, Oregon: Greeting: I hereby announce my self as a candidate for the nomina tion for School Superintendent of Coos county, subject to your pleas ure at tho Republican primaries. ROBERT GOETZ. One Block- Consisting of 40 lots In Railroad Ad dition, 2 blocks from Washington nvenue; Prlco $8,000. For Particulars seo -. STUTSMAN & CO. tm:mnmmjmmj:mnmmnwmm:m:m;tmm;njm;:m:;:::$!;mm:::ui utnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuj Business Directory Doctors. DOCTOR IJ. W. BAUMDAUGH Physician and Surgoon. Dlseasea of Womon and Children. Office orer LocUhart drug store. Rooms E and F. Phono 1451. - - I 19. Her Name MAUD." Is Fine Weather liko this will make anyone want to get into their glad rags and join the bunch. It's an easy thing to do If you happen to have the rags that suit you, but one sometimes finds it dlfllcult to find what they want. Reall? ing this I am making it my business to help you out. I can furnish you out -with clothes made to order or I can make them myself for you. ..Examine my sample books and you will bo sure to find what you want. L. FIWF-. TAI L.ORJNG $1.45 Per Sack Sound Ring Flour v a noPx i HMH9H zzttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttu Hiittwmmmnimmi wwitt iiiinimiaHii iii'i m mi n n St Patrick's Day ADG ES and These cards were set up in his office to dry when F S. Dow in his biiby rounds dropped in. Now V. S. never overlooks an opportunity to make a business deal or a joke. Shortly after his departure Attorne" Hall noticed that one of his new and nicely painted cards was missing. Ho remembered Dow's visit and also his predolictlon for jokes. Goln? out Into tho hallway on his way to Dnw's office ho was surprised to notice the caid hanging from Dr. Toyo's door way. Laughingly Hall called Dr. Toyp's attention to tho card and (lion it developed that a little leap jear slrl had arrived only that very morn ing at the doctor's household, a ract which Dow did not know when he FASTEST BOATS ON THE BAY. Half Hour Schedule. Rui Between Mnrohileld xnd Xoi-rb Bend Made in 12 Minutes. Private LanrUmra. Fare: One way, 15c; roua trip, fje J. A. O'KT'.tiliY. Proorictor Front Street. smstfxrTimavorxfjaftmj.xsawrBsinffsmmjfjjm'svmK'MK 5HSaSH525aSHSH5iSH5HSZSHSESHSE5HSH"aSHSHSHSE5a5H53eSHSHSaSHSHSclSH52SZ5?. Portland & Coos Bay S S. Line D It. GKORGE W. LESLIE Osteopathic Physician Oraduato of American School of Osteopathy Onico Hours: 9 a. in. tn I p. m! Other Hours by limpet ill .uiiii til i. - - ... DIOl'K Appointment. Phono 1611. Marshfleld, Ore. DR. GEO. E. DIX Physician and Surgeon. Olllco-Plrat Kat. Hank Illilg. D" Phones- riiono 1G81 J. W. INGRAM Physician and Surgeon. Office over Sengstacken's Drug Store. Offlce 1G21; Residence 783. DR. A. L. HOUSEWORTII Physician and Surgeon. Office over First National Bank, Residence, two blocks north of Crystal Theater. Office Phone 1431. Residence Phono 1G56. Lawyers. Francis II. Clarko Jacob SI. Illako Lawrence A. Liljcqutst CLARICE, BLAKE & L1LJEQVIST, ATTOBNEYS-AT-LAW Times Building, Marshfleld, Ore. United States Commissioner's Office. J AV. BENNETT, Offlce over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshfleld, - Orogon THOROUGHBRED CHIOKE3T EGGS FOB HATCHING. I am prepared to furnish during the season egg3 for hatching from thoroughbred S. C. Brown Leghorns, White Leghorns, Black Mlnorcas and White Plymouth Rocks at $1.00 per setting. Incubator lots of Brown Leghorn at $5.00 per hundred and Black Mlnorcas $G.OO per hundred. Also eggs from tho famous laying Indian Runner ducks at $2.00 per sotting. J. C. WATSON. Breeder of Registered Jersey Cattle and Barkshiro swine. Coquillo, Oregon. Sails from Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Satu days at Service of Tide. IC. F. McCollum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - )- - A. St. Dock ?5ESHSHSESHSH5ffiSHSH52SHSZSE5ESa5ZSE5i nmnHP The STEAMER PLANT SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO MAR. 6th No reseruwdiis held after the arrival of the ship unless ticket is bought. F. S. DOW, Agent MARSHFIELD, OREGON c F. McKNIGIlT, Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bennett & Walter Block Marshfleld, - - Orogon -SOKE & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshfleld, .... Oregon Miscellaneous MARSHFIELD DANCING ACADEMY Odd Fellows Hall. Monday and Thursday Afternoon and Evening Private Instruction. Prof. C. P. Smith sprung his joko which ho did not ;:.:;:.,.:..;:.;:. .:.'.: .:;;.. t;..;:. i tests tit the polls mid In tho le.MsIn-1 HW,i-W-!-HH4- W4HK"-M-i. turc, and In which tho Multnomah ans may find barriers worth their notice. What does Portland want, any way? Must tho balando of this state ro nouueo its claims to choico and freo expression in all things political, simply to batlsfy tho lust for control and prestige that is warping tho common sense and decent judgment of tho metropolis? sagely remarks tho Astorian. Wo had best como to nn understanding at ouco on this scoro and determine) just how much of Oregon lies beyond tho doors of Multnomah, bo far as constitutional liberty and action are concerned. It is tlmo tho peoplo wono awakening to tho ambition of our ono great city and curbing its insonsato craving for nil power in tho commonwealth com mercial, political and Industrial. This, or sanction, by Legislative en actment, tho obliteration of her mu nicipal status, and mako her domin ion statowldo, with a franchlso that shall count us all citizens of Portland unaccountable to other authority of any kind. For That Baby of Yours This store has tho most complete line of supplies for tho baby to bo found in Coos county. Here are u few of the real necessities for every day use. HAIJY NIPPLES All kinds and styles of tho most sanitary character. HYGKIA NURSING DOTTLE This is the most approved scien title nursing hottlo manufactured. Hollow Return Tho Drain and Coos Bay stago line has transferred Its Marshfleld agoncy from Norton & Hanson store to II. C. Bneckoarldgo, agent, at tho offlce of tho Coos Bay Transportation Co., A Stroot Dock. For In formation phono 1C31 or inquire of Capt. Holden, of tho launch Gasco. Notice. All Scots are requested to attend tho mooting of Caledonian Club at lied Meu'B Hall Wednosday ovonlng, March eleventh. PETER SCOTT, Jr. See. X TKKTHING RINGS, Rubber Dolls, Air Halls, Halls, and everything to amuse the Infant. EUREKA URKAST PUMP and Phoenlv Hreast Pumps, tho best and most scientific on the market. FOR HAMY'S RATH Mother Gooso Soup, Haby Talcum Powder and wash rnj-s soft as down. The place to come for Baby's Supplies. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company Steamer Alliance B. W. OLSON, Master. COOS BAY AND PORTLAND SAILS FROM PORTLAND SATURDAYS, 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS BAY TUESDAYS, AT SERVICE OF TIDE. F. P. Baumgartnor, Agt. L. W. Shaw. Agt. uoucix St. Dock, Portland, Ore. Marshfleld. Ore., Phone 441. ::::::::j:::!:::n:m::m:j:K:tn:::t::t::ttm::::::j:::n:jnn::::. BEAVER HILL COAL l The Fuel that Made Coos Bay Famous j Send your teams or telephone your orders to Masters & McLain, j Sole agents H $5.00 Per Ton nt tho Yard, $0.00 Per Ton Delivered. Special prices on scow load lots. II Phono 2011. Prompt Delivery Guaranteed. ;jwwuiKnjjnnRjm;.xinjnn;:uamn::n::j:j5:Kj:nm::KK::: CARPENTER Call R. A. Cortholl. For all kinds of carpentering, building and repair work. Show cas es and office furniture a specialty. Phono 5G1. Corthell's Delicatessen. M R. ALBERT AIJEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kindo. Phone 1884. MUSICAL M' RS. GERALDINE MORRIS, Voice Culture, Pure tone production a specialty. Studio in Nnsburg Block. WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. PIANO TUNING, 1' J. F. O'HIELLY, Resident Tuner. Address Box Si 19. Marshfleld. ELMER A. TODD, Director Coos Bay Academy of Music. Voice, Piano I'lpo Orgnn. Harmony etc., from beginning to graduation. Singers coached in stjle diction and interpretations, for opera, oratorio ortoncert work New O'Connell Building. Marshfleld. QUICK DELIVERY For convenience of Call pa trons tho Laundry office will be open Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. Phono 571 today. Our wagon will call. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY MnrshflQld and North Bend. Lockhart, Parsons DRUG CO. THE BUSY CORNER. I-H-H-H-H ill H1HH MIH1H-HW M Ml IH& vwvAVvwAAlvvw New Styles and Samples JUST RECEIVED FROM Charles A. Stevens Coat & Suit House CHICAGO MRS. M. R. SMITH, Aent Cor. First and B Sts. : Marshfield AwvvvvlAvvw vwsovsawvvwvvvwvw THOMSON & HANSON -DEALERS IN- 'Hay Gairn and Feed' WE MAKE GAS ENGINES AND BOATS Speed Lanachei uJ Eatinti Specialty AU Cliuel of Boat ud.Enfine Repairing PrompuVJAttendedi apt U tbe North Bead Woolen MiUi North Bead, Ortoa H. R. BEVIES, MtchaakalEafbetr C. II. AUGER, BMtlBaadcr Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAKBnFIELU OKEOON. Capital Unbscribed 130,000 Capital l'atd Up $40,000 Undivided Profits (35,000 Does a general banking business and draws on tbe Bank ot California, Ban Franclro Calif., First Natlcaal llank Portland Or., First National Dank Roseburg, Or., Hanover Na. tional Bank, Neir York, N. U. Botbobild A Bon, London, England. Also sell change on nearly all tbe principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for rent at 6 cents a month or IS. a rear,