THE DAILY COOS BAY. TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 81908. THE WHITNEY GO-CARTS Have Superior Price from 4.25 to $25.00 Come To MEET W HW4W-!"i lHH f. Zn- fe-fe 'ft "'W$Si3Ms JOHN A. PROVORSE, Prop.and Mgr. Phone 1251 - - 14.4. W..4fW"H-M"! fr4M?,WlI"I''II'lI"II'fr 'SHk y noral Repair Work. Wood Ueys to order. Band Saw- Broadwav &OOG$W$C$QQGX?&ZZZXX GET YOUR Wood .. FROM IHN ARUNDSON. 9B 1331 I JIFfWa a aSHmL JMk S ifff you have no one to sing your X 'IB Ju ' ' " ' raises, wo recommend Law- 3. ','( X ' I (jKiorno's cuts ns tho host adver- T ' WsmS medium. T 0Y E. LAWHORNEf 1arren L Bachtel 1 I SffflffJ MACHINIST I Iffttfi milliugiit. $- I asfSfml noral Rona,r Work. Wood Q I wL? Ueys to order. Band Saw- 1 iill4 ' Broadwav I Points of Merit First They fold flat, Second Can be used as a go-cart or carriage, Third Does not require two carriages to raise a child, Fourth Economy Com fortDurability, ' Fifth We stand baek of them, Store a MARSHFIELD, OREGON. - l - H - H - H - H j-HH-hH"H- s4 .hm.,m-fita. . T a8b5s! ffgsggT sa? ' North Bend, Oregon H4H-i-r-H--HH-H Skating' Rink $ ve., Fek ESZ5Z52S25HSZSHSZSH52525E5E5H5H5Z53 EMPIRE A Street Wharl Fresh, Salt, Smoked and canned fish; in fact all kin da of fish in season. Wharf back of v PIONEER GROCERY. ESHSESESTiEraEfTasTinsTiSBSiisTiErssTirrabd Reduction Sl At A CHAS. A. BTEVKNS' t Cloak and 8it IIohso Chicago. Oor. First & B St., Mwheld. Mrs. M. K. SndA, Aont, Steam Dye Works C Street. Ladles' and Gents' Garmcuta Cleaned o Dyed Philip Bpckcr, Proprietor. QUICK DELIVERY For convenience of Call pa trons the Laundry office will be open Saturday evening mntll 8 o'clock. Phone 571 today. 0r wagon will call. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Marshficld and North Bend. muttittttmun, itmmtmttnromrKmji IMMEDIATE VICINITY It-is tho policy of this bank to ! comflno its business to the im I mediato vicinity. In following : this course, the bank not only I enhnnces its own stability, but promotes tho highest intereBt of the community. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF C00S BAY, Marshficld, Ore. O. B. Jlirwdalo W. 8. McFarland rresiuent oasmer x; John Truess R. T. Kaufman t, Vice I'res, A est. Casliier jtinnjmrrmitmtnmt:tmn:imj www GOLD MOULDED RECORDS mmmM&m&J m HE last trip of (ho Alliance brought domestic record made by the Kdisou Pronograph Co., wo nro now in n position to fill mi order of from ONE to TWO THOUSAND RECORDS at any time. WE liavo nearly half n car load of EDI SON PHONOGRAPHS and can glvo you n selection from $112.50 to SI 125.00 machines. In purchasing one of tlieso latest equipped machines you will find tho name THOMAS A. EDISON stamped on the machine, horn and crane. w Ill buy a cheap catalogue article tin horns, and pay $5.00 express charges, when we can save you tills money and give you n completed equipped phonograph with tho namo THOMAS A. EDISOX on every part of it? YOU have a chance to HEAR tho records that YOU BUY of US; why send away and have all your selections substituted? Xo records sent on approval. W. R.. HAINES MUSIC CO. !ti Brrmnr 1 If you are seekine something In a lino of garments a little moro nobby, a little more individual than tho average clothing, get the ABLER COLLEGIAN CLOTHES. niiinwinimiiiiiiwiiiMiiiiiiiiwwMiirninr All suits pressed and all nocessary alteration? made before leaving tho ctore. In sending for a suit made to your measure you will do well to place your order with mo aa I will bo responsible for tho fit as I am a tailor and understand how to take your measure and to give the proper description. L W. Tailor and Clothlr. Sacchl Building. STEAMER "FLYER" M. P. PENDERGRASS, Master. TIME TABLE. Leaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00. and .10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 o'clock p. m. Leaves North Bend at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45 3:15 rnd 5:00 p. m. Makes daily trips except Sundays. Faro: One way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents. The Motor Scow Transit Mukea kcliedulo trl betuten Vtireb. fleld oml Nortli Bend Jloiiiloy, Wdne. day and Saturda). I.ouvos North Jlcud at8-0on, m.and Marflifleld at 10: JO a. in. Lcavo ordera with, Titos. B, James, Agent PLAMZ us every ;F3 of painted Today's ads reflect the enterprise of "today's peoples" In this city. FOR RENT Furnished room, close in, heatod if desired. Reasonable tcrni3. Inquire at Times Office N. SNAP Six room house with 50x120 feet of ground; Bay Park; $750 takes It. Good 5 days only. In quiro D. M. Wiikins ou premises. FOR RENT Furnished room gentleman, call at Tho Palm. for WANTED To buy Hill's Codes; Deady's Code; Oregon Session Laws prior to 1903. GEO. W ATKINS. WANTED To buy 20 foot floating boat house. F. W. Reeder. FOR RENT House, 10 rooms and bath. South Marshfleld. Large yard, barn, flno view. Apply A. B. Campbell, Phono 494. FARMERS & LOGGERS EMPLOY MENT OFFICE 291-2 North Second street, Portland, Ore. Help furnished freo to employers. Tel ephone and telegraph orders given special attention. Phono 6437 Main. OLD PAPERS For Times office. salo at Tho FOR RENT 2 office rooms over telephone office. See R. J. Montgomery. OLD PAPERS Tlmes office. -For sale at Tho FOR SALE Beautiful 5-acro tracts at ?C0 and $G5 per acre. Owner, C. ,H. Chandler, Bandon. OLD 'PAPERS For salo at Tho Times office. ------ TH0MAS0N &JjANS0xN- -DEAIERS IN Hay, Grain and Feed Phone 1751 Prompt Delivery Guaranteed t--t Read the Want Ada. v sss I: Tattle of the-Town Little grains of fact sifted from tho chaff of goeslp fliac P and down tho town. WEATHER FORECAST Western Oregon, rain to- night, warmer . south portion, portion, southeasterly winds in- creasing along coast. Western Washington, rain tonight and Sunday increasing easterly winds. COOS BAY TIDES Tho following tables glvo tho hours of high and low tides for overy day this week: FEBRUARY, 1008. HIGH WATERI A. M. P. M. Date. fh. m. ft. h. m.l ft. uriday.. .. 71 3:57 7.0 4:22 5.5 Saturday .. 8 4:47 C.G 5:29 4.3 FEBKUARY, 1008. LOW WATER A. M. I P. M. Date. Friday. . Saturday h. m. ft. h. m.l ft. 1.1110:23 3.5 1.1111:191 2.3 7110:24 811:14 In lrom South Slough Joseph Yonker came In to day In his launch from South Slough. He is making regular trips every Saturday. Gasco Leaves. Tho steam schoon er Gasco left this port yesterday with a cargo of lumber for San Francisco. Tho boat was loaded at tho Smitli mill. v Banco Tonight. Tho office em ployees of the C. A. Smith Lumber company will glvo one of their social hops tonight. These dances aro given every little while and are greatly en joyed by those attending. Rcdmen Celebrate. On Washing ton's birthday, February 22, tho Red men are planning to give an enter tainment and in celebration. A ban qut will bo served and speeches from prominent braves and others will be heard. Beautiful America Club The reg ular meetings of tho beautiful Amer ica Club are held on tho first and third Tuesdays of each month in tho city hall, North Bend, and not on the first and third Thursdays as pre viously announced. Pn villa Comedy Company. Coos Bay people will next weolbo given another tasto of tho dramatic when tho Pavilla Comedy company will play a two nights' engagement at tho Masonic beginning Tuesday night. Tho company Is said to bo very good. Cement Walk Laid. Tho now Flanagan-Bennett bank building approaches nearer completion each day. There is now laid around it a cement walk. Tho walk starts at tho postoffico and runs nround to the rear of tho bank building on A street. Will Rebuild Frank Rogers, who was in from Coos River this morning, says that the building recently de stroyed on tho S. C. Rogers ranch, was a substantial two-story build ing and not a bunkalatlon. Tho loss will bo in excess of ?1200.00 with no insurance. Arrangements aro be ing mado to rebuild Immediately. Rogers Building Nearly Done. Tho Rogers building will bo ready for occupancy in -thirty days. Tho exterior work lias been completed and carpenters aro expected from Portland within a few days to start work on tho interior. Thero will bo thirty-six office buildings and, as has been stated, tho structuro will bo heated by steam. North Bend Dance. Quito an at tendance is assured tho Leap Year dance to bo given in North Bond to night by tho Women of Woodcraft. Many Marshfleld people aro plan ning to go and thero will bo a largo number from North Bond. It will bo remembered that it is at this danco where tho order of things has been reversed, gentlemen freo, ladies $1. Elect Mrs. T. James Reporter. Mrs. Tom James has been elevated into tho Journalistic profession. Tho Beautiful America club, North Bend'B civic improvement society, has ap pointed Mrs. James club roportor. hereafter tho doings of this progres sive organization will bo handled by hor for tho press. Tho Beautiful America Is the first club of ladles on tho bay to appoint a pross roportor. In bohalf of tho newspapor fraternity on Coos Bay Tho Timos takos tho llb orty of welcoming Mrs. James to the fold. "May sho havo all its Joys and none of Us sorrows." ' j l'risclllas Meet Today. Tho Pris clllas will meet today with Miss Kauf man. They will spend tho afternoon in tho usual pleasant manner. Evergreen Whist Club. Tho Ever green Whist club will meet this after noon with Miss Agnes Hutchison. This club, as has been stated, is pre paring to give an elaborate St. Valen tino's ball on February 14. Mrs. Nicholson . Entertains. Mrs. Nicholson entertained Monday after noon at cards In honor of Mesdamea Fred Slaglo and Jack Lamb, who aro now in Marshficld, tho guests of Mr3. Nicholson and Mrs. Farrln. A Lively Three Year Old The Co qullle Sentinel celebrated Its third birthday this week. The Sentinel la an excellent weekly newspaper and will compare favorably with any o the country weeklies In tho state re gardless of years. May it livo to celebrate many more. Presbyterian Endeavor. Tho Pres byterian Christian Endeavor of North Bend is planning a campaign to ralso money for tho finishing and fur nishing of tho church. At tho last meeting, hold at tho homo of Mrs. Burkhart, plans wero mado for aa entertainment to that end. Returns From Honolulu. Dr. May Vandburg, tho lady practitioner, formerly of Coos Bay and recently oC San Francisco, has just returned af ter several months spent in the Phil ippines. She attended a womap pa tient who went to the Islands in. search of health. Whilo in Honolulu she visited with Jacob Lando and family, who aro well known on Cooa Bay. Light From tho Sun The two electric street lights at tho foot at 'canal" and one on Cedar street were out of commission the fore part of Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. If there is any part of tho city where the wayfarer and "grafted" property holder needs a glimmer to guide hla footsteps, it is in this vicinity, where the Coos Bay Gas & Electric shines la tho glooming occasionally. Cooa Bay Sun. Enlarge Breakwater. Work will soon commence on tho enlarging of tho Breakwater. (Sho will have her passenger capacity increased fourteen, more. In order not to tio tho boat up work will bo dono while sho 13 tied at tho docks and also while at sea. Tho lumber for the alterations will bo turned out on Coos Bay. Tho boat's present smoking room will bo dismantled to bo replaced by berths. A new smoking room will bo built. Stockholders Meet. Tho stock holders of the I. O. O. F. cemetery association met at tho office of John, Hall yesterday afternoon. It was the Intention to take up tho matter of setting a price on a portion which the school board Is looking after and al so to preparo for enlarging tho cem etery. As thero was not a sufficient number of stockholders present to transact business the meeting ad journed until two weeks from Friday. Rink Opening Tonight. Manager Avery, of the Marshfleld skating rink, said today that everything was in readiness for tho grand opening to night. Tho last bit of floor planing and polishing will havo been com pleted by tonight, tho mu3ic will bo ready to play tho initial pieco promptly at 7:30 o'clock, while the stock of roller skates will bo the same as new after the process of repair ing and oiling which they havo un dergone. Signals for tho skater. such as "stop skating," "skato slow er" and all tho other "high balls" havo been painted on cardboards by Roy Lawhorne, tho local pen genius. Melrose to Move. Tho Molroso restaurant will shortly commonca moving to Its now and commodious quarters, in tho old room occupied by Pick's billiard parlor, under tho Garfield hotel, Mr. Smith, formerly solo proprietor of tho Melrose, has taken a partner in tho person of Geo. W. Duttlo and tho now firm enters into tho business Hfo of Marshfleld with tho Inauguration of tho restau rant. Tho no wplaco will bo known as "Smith's Cafo" and will bo con ducted as an up-to-date and thoroughly forst-class establishment Tho now qunrtors havo boon over hauled and romodelled until it pre sents a fino 'appearance. Mr. Smith . will continuo to conduct tho Molroso as a soparnto establishment. Demand for Men. Tho opening of tho Lillian and Diamond coal minus up Coos river has givon omploymont to many mon and moro aro still in demand. Johnson and Anderson, composing tho Marshfleld employ ment agency, nro furnishing men for theso mlnos and aro sending all ap plicants for work thero. It Is said that tho bunk houses which the mon uso for quartors aro commodious and comfortable and that the commissary department is of tho very best. ''j l ( '. hi JMbfi..