nqp-MlMHKW'SWi $f. THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, NIARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1908. J 33! ""'" $ TIMES TIDE TABLE t ft 'frtl'Mnfc'tit t $ K A Getting Ahead Of The Sin ggards o LOW deep whllo sluggards sleep and you'll Imvo corn to ell ttnd keep," wrote Benjamin Fnuiklln.. If there Is any fenturo of yoiur UXo or business which has never been properly ex ploited in the advertising columns of tho newspapers tho opportunity is open to you to profit by Franklin's suggestion. Many of Uic rich men of today wero the pioneer advertisers In their respective fields not so many years ugo, turning (bo virgin soil with tho plow of publicity while their sluggish competitors rcetfully clung to tho antiquated Baled methods of another generation. "Plowing deep" is an advantageous policy under any circumstances; but It is ten-fold remunerative if tho chanco offers to do tho plowing before others begin. THE THE See The Ad. Mae ill4 444 4 $ " -.-jimm uimvum-vair wamsmJk i.' mmttffitmmus t:mmtnamj:tt:mmmj ttmmuttt:tu Send your teams or phone your orders for BEAVER HILUCOAL "Best Coal on Coos Ray." For sale by Masters & McLain, Sole agents $5.00 For Ton at tho Yard, prices on scow load lota. Thono 2011. $6.00 Fer Ton Delivered. Special v-k !. Tn1!n- fn Amtrtfl n Fliono 2011. i-roiiiii i.-ut--i, """"f The Southern Oregon State Normal School At ASHLAND, Ore. Offers especial opportunities for teachers to review for tho teachers' examinations in February and August, nnd to tAk wortc in Pedagogy and in Special Blethods of teaching in tho various grades of tho training school. Sinco the public schools of Oregon are calling for teachers who can teach manual training, numjr are taking advantage of tho industrial work lately installed 1h tho school. Expenses oMionrd nnd lodging and tuition nominal. The State- Normal School at Ashland is enjoying tho largest appropriation of tato fund ever granted a Normal school ta tho history of Oregon. Catalogues sent on application the jjodooeos0600 DRINK NATIONAL BEER STEAMER "FLYER" M. P. PENDERGRASS, Master. TIME TABLE. Leaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00. and 10:30 a. m and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 o'clock p. m. Leaves North Bend at 8: IB, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45 3:15 rsd 5:00 p. m. Makes dally trips except Sundays. Fare: One way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents. tmarotmttumttmttnmmsnmwnmai IMMEDIATE VICINITY It is tho policy of this bank to comflno its business to tho im mediate vicinity. In following this course, tho bank not only enhances its own stability, but promotes the highest interest of the community. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of COOS BAY, Marshficld, Ore. H O. B. Hillsdale W. S. McFarland President Cashier John Pruess R. T. Kaufman P Vice Pres. Asst. Cashier :mm:::n:::::m:uj::j:::m::!n:::n:mj ABSOLUTELY PURE BOTTLED BY Mirrasoul Bros. PHONE 1531 ii06000M0& 030 rfiwrwtr z-rACCC Plate-glaaa Floor Cues- bnUW UA5C3 ny shupo, any Btyte ado and FIXTURES Manufacturing Co. THE MODERN COMPANY Drill TVHmvs' BnlldinC iwrwiifiifiwiii'ffnMgnBf'''"''rl'1 ii Mnrshflcld wow; SWM ' H ?".t W V -1 -Use Tho Times want ads. You got a lot for a little. 1 COLUMBIA MACHINE WORKS I Cavanagh, Chapman (Sit Co. General Repair Work and Woodturning. Launches a Specialty ; ; Foot of Queen Avnue, Marshfleld DIIUTEVEKSTfilKE (g "YQU2 that your advertising space would become again as valuable to you by tho uso of a few appropriate cuts. I am now m u position to get them for you tho sanio days as ordered. ROY. E. LAWH0RNE :: Tattle of theTown Little grains of fact sifted from tho chair of gossip flying up . and down tho town. "WANTED Good pianist at the Crystal Theater. Leave namo and address at tho Times ofllce. No Sunday work. ' FOR RENT 2 house keeping rooms. Sophia Matson, S. Marshficld. ? WANTED Position as assistant manageress, hotel or restaurant, by lady fully competent, experience. Referenco A 1 dress N Times office. WEATHER FORECAST For the benefit of its patrons tho Times will hereafter run a tide-tablo of the tides of Coos Bay. Tho ta ble will be in calendar monthly form as below, Instead of tho usual week ly table run in newspapers. FEBRUARY, 1008. HIGH WATER Date. lA ample i . Ad-ht lp Western Oregon, western ; Saturday Washington, fair ton'ght and Saturday , continued eld. East erly winds. FARM TO RENT OR SELL Con taining 85 acres with house of ten rooms and barn orchard and other Improvements closo to town. Suit able for market gardening, dairy ing and stock raising Apply at Times. SEWING WANTED Work by dav. "SVI11 go out. Phono 493, Marshfleld. LOCAIi REPORT For 2 1 hours ending at G p. m., Jan. 30. Furnished by Dr. Mingus, local government co- operative observer. FOR SALE 2 Pacific Tool log engines. Works. Apply FOR SALE Concrete block and brick machine. Box 432. FOR RENT House, 10 rooms and bath. South Marshfleld. Large yard, barn, fine view. Apply A. B. Campbell, Phpne 494. OLD PAPERS For Times office. salo at The FARMERS & LOGGERS EMPLOY MENT OFFICE 291-2 North Second street, Portland, Ore. Help furnished free to employers. Tel ephone and telegraph orders given special attention. Phono C437 Main. Max. 48. Min. 3G. 6 p. in., 3S. Preclp. .02. Wind. N. E. Leave Their Work. A number of employes at Masters & McLain's rock crushing plant left tho job day before yesterday because of some misunderstanding which arose be tween the foreman of the plant and the firm. Transit Socu to Leave Tho Nor wegian steamer Transit, which sus tained the loss of her propeller and a portion of the shaft when ten miles off Coos Bay bar Just Sunday, will probably get to sea on Monday and Tuesday. Men are now engaged re placing the damaged parts. Si'NDAY boNDAY Monday . Tuesday . Wednesday imirsday. i-rlday.. . Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . . Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday r'nday . baturday. SUNDAY SUNDAY Monday . Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Saturday . . SUNDAY . Monday . Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Saturday , PER A. M. 1 J h. m. ft. h. m.l .111:07 7.G .2 0:31 6.4 .2 11:57 G.7 . 3 1:13 G.8 0:47 .4 1:57 7.0 1:37 . 5 2:37 7.1 2:27 . G 3:17 7.1 3:22 . 7 3:57 7.0 4:22 . 8 4:47 G.G 5:29 .9 5:42 G.4 G:51 10 G:37 G.3 8:15 .11 7;41 G.l 9:27 12 8:41 6.1 10:25 13 9:37 G.2 11:11 14 10:22 G.3 11:47 15 11:02 G.4 16 0:59 6.0 16 11:41 6.4 .17 0:47 6.2 0:17 .18 1:13 6.3 0:52 19 1:42 6.4 1:27 20 2:09 6.6 2:02 .21 2:37 G.G 2:47 22 3:12 G.5 3:35 .23 3:52 G.4 4:32 .21 4:35 G.3 5:42 .25 5:31 6.2 7:17 26 6:41 6.1 8:42 27 7:54 6.2 9:51 .28 9:03 6.5 10:42 29 10:07 6.9 11:27 ft. 7.G 7.3 6.7 6.1 5.5' 4.9 4.5 4.5 4.7 5.1 5.4 5.7 G.4 6.3 G.2 5.9 5.7 5.2 4.8 4.3. 4.1 4.3 4.9 5.7 6.3 OLD PAPERS For Times office. salo at The FOR RENT 2 office rooms over telephone office. See R. J. Montgomery. OLD PAPERS For salo at Tho Times office. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. A. H. Pow ers, Marshfleld. FOR SALE Beautiful 6-acre tracts at ?60 and $65 per acre. Owner, C. H. Chandler, Bandon. The Motor Scow Transit Makes schedule trips between Marsh fleld and North Bend Monday, Wednes day and Saturday. Leaves North Bend at 8:0o a, ra. and Marshficld at 10:30 a. m. Leave orders with, Thos. B. James, Agent Telephone Lino Impaired Tho telephone line to Gardiner was out of order during a part of yesterday afternoon and evening. Tho com pany is changing the telephone sta tion in Gardiner and it is believed tho service will show a marked improvement when this is effected. Marshal Makes Record. Marshal Carter Is making a record in collect ing dog taxes that will put him in tho Carnegie medal class If ho keeps it up. Sinco the first of the year he has brought into the city's strong box the sum of $206 on 78 dogs. "And I am not yet started," says Marshal Carter. The C. B., R. & t R. R. and Navigation Co. THE O. B R. & E. R. R. & N. CO. TIME TABLE. Subject to change without notice. No. 1. v. 9 :00a.m, Lv. 9:45a.m, Ar.l0:20a.m. Dally, ex, Sunday Marsh'd Junction Coqullle Myrtle Pt No. 2. Ar.12 :30p.m. Lv.ll:30a.m. Lv.l0:45a.m. Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. W. P. Miller, Agent. Flat Club Meets. Tho Flat club held an interesting Impromptu card party last ovening. The first prize was a flat pocket book, second prize a lease of rooms In a flat, booby prize was an old flat Iron. Tho winner of tho booby prize was flat broke and when last heard of was looking for a place where ho could pawn the flat iron for a little coin. Many Attend Dance A large num ber of persons attended tho Informal dance given by Prof. Smith in tho I. O. O. F. Hall last night. Phono graphic music interspersed with piano selections furnished the rytlun for tho two stops, waltzes and three steps which mado up tho" pro gram of tho evening. flHgpHil F. J. IIAYES Resident Optometrist. Eyes tested frea. Broken lens replaced. WORK GUARANTEED. Marshfleld, Oregon. Snlinon Eggs Hatching Tho Wed derburn Radium has the following in referenco to tho large shipment of salmon eggs that wero held in Marsh fleld for some time awaiting shipmont to Rogue river: "The salmon eggs lately received are hatching rapidly. About 100,000 wero hatched after be ing less than 24 hours In tho troughs." LOW WATER Date. Saturday SUNDAY Monday . Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday . Friday. . . Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . Tuesday . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday Friday . . Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Saturday . FEBRUARY, 1008. A. M. P. M. niGH WATER Date. Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . . Saturday . SUNDAY.. Monday . Tuesday. . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . . Tuesday. . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Friday . . Saturday . . Saturday . . SUNDAY.. Monday . Tuesday, . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Saturday. . SUNDAY . Monday . . Tuesday . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . . I h. m. ft. h. m. ft. . 1 5:14 3.0 5:59 -1.8 . .2 6:09 2.6 6:44 -1.7 . 3 6:59 2.1 7:27 -1.4 . 4 7:49 1.7 8:09 -0.9 5 8:39 1.3 8:51 -0.2 . 6 9:25 1.1 9:33 0.6 . 7 10:24 1.1 10:22 1.5 . 8 11:14 1.1 11:19 2.3 .9 12:34 0.9 .10 0:21 3.0 1:45 0.G , 11 1:33 3.4 2:51 0.5 12 2:45 3.6 3:49 0.1 , 13 3:49 3.5 4:35 -0.2 14 4:44 3.3 5:14 -0.4 .15 5:29 3.1 5:51 -0.4 16 6:05 2.9 6:23 -0.3 .17 6:39 2.6 6:49 -0.1 .18 7:09 2.3 7:15 0.2 19 7:39 1.9 7:39 0.5 20 8:04 1.6 8:07 1.0 .21 8:41 1.3 8:39 1.5 22 9:24 1.1 9:21 2.0 23 10:14 1.0 9:59 2.6 .24 11:14 0.9 10:53 3.2 .25 12:27 0.7 26 0:04 3.7 1:47 0.4 27 1:35 3.9 2:59 -0.1 281 I 3:051 3.71 4:031-05 29 4:14 3.1 4:66-0.9 i 1 1 ANUARY, 1008. ?ER A. M. P. M. h. m. ft. h. m. ft. 1 9:42 7.3 11:07 5.2 . 2 10:32 7.8 11:59 5.9 . 3 11:20 79 .4 0:49 6.2 12:07 7.7 5 1:37 6.4 0:57 7.6 ..6 2:23 6.6 1:47 7.2 . 7 3:11 6.0 2:41 6.7 .8 3:55 6.7 3:39 6.0 . 9 4:45 6.7 4:47 5.3 10 5:37 6.7 G:00 5.0 11 6:32 6.5 7:21 4.7 12 7:27 6.5 8:40 4.8 13 8:22 6.6 9:47 5.0 14 9:13 6.7 10:44 5.2 15 10:01 6.8 11:32 5.5 16 10:43 6.8 17 0:13 5.3 17 11:22 6.9 , 18 0:47 5.7 , 18 11:57 6.6 19 1:19 5.8 0:29 6.5 .20 1:49 5.8 1:03 0.3 21 2:17 6.0 1:37 6.0 22 2:42 G.l 2:17 57. .23 3:12 6.2 2:57 6.3 24 3:47 6.3 3:51 5.0 25 4:27 6.3 4:47 4.5 26 5:17 6.3 6:02 4.2 .27 6:13 0.3 7:29 4.1 28 7:13 6.4 8:52 4.3 29 8:17 6.7 10:01 4.8 .30 9:17 7.0 10:57 5.4 3110:13 7.3 11:47 5.9 JANUARY, 1008. TH0MAS0N & HANSON -DEAIERS IN- Grain and Feed Hay Phone 1751 Prompt Delivery Guaranteed t--e Reduction Sals At CHAS. A. STEVENS' Cloak and Suit House Chicago. Cor. First & B St., Marshfleld. Mrs. M. R. Smith, As'cnt, Teachers Training Class. There has been organized a Teachers Train ing school for the purpose of train ing teachers for Sunday school work Elder II. P. Bohlon instructor, which meets every Friday ovening at tho Sweedish Hall at 7:30, Mr. 'Bohlen is probably tho best Bible scholar on tho bay and will interest you if you attend. Tho public is Invited. New Addition to Canine Society A thoroughbred Russian staghound has been added to tho canine society of Marshfleld. Lee Dale, tho well known Nutwood dispenser, Is tho proud possessor of tho dog which comes all tho way from Russia. It was sont him by his grandmother. Tho charges on tho hound from Rus sia to Coos Bay wero $78.63. LOW WATERI A. M. Bank of Oregon Capital Stock fully paid up $50,000 TraiuacU a General Banking Buiineu North Bend, Oregon Reported 8. P. Improvements Come reports from Myrtlo Point of Important Improvements in tho roll ing stock of tho local artery of com morco of tho Southern Pacific. Tho old combination coach has been re built and greatly improved in oxtor lor and interior appearance. A now box cur was a feature of Saturday's train and it is said othor additions will lie- made until tho transporta tion demands nro met. Irndnlo In Race Forndalo is making a good run In tUo present Date. Wednesday Thursday Friday . Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Friday. . . Saturday. . SUNDAY.. Monday . . Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . Tuesday . Wodnesday Thursday . Frldav . . . Saturday . SUNDAY.. Monday . 'luesday . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . 1 . 2 . 3 .4 .5 .6 .7 18 . 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 19 .20 .21 22 .23 24 25 20 .27 28! 29 30 31 l.: m 3:27 4:24 5:21 G:15 7:09 8:01 8:59 9:59 10.59 1:04 2:11 3:13 4:09 4:59 5:44 G:21 6:55 7:29 7:59 8:33 9:01 9:49 10:43 11:45 0:27 1:41 3:05 4:10 ft 2.9 3.1 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.G 2.4 2.1 1.9 2.3 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.0 2,8 2.5 2.1 1.8 1.4 3.2 3.5 3.G 3.4 h. m 4:39 5:24 6:13 G:59 7:45 8:32 9:21 10:09 10:59 12:04 11:59 1:14 2:23 3:24 4:15 5:01 5:41 G:18 6:49 7:17 7:44 8:14 8:34 9:07 9:45 10:29 11:21 0:59 2:14 3:19 4:19 5:09 M. ft. -1.0 -17. -2. -2.1 -1.8 -1.3 -0.7 0.1 0.9 .1.6 1.7 1.2 0.7 0.2 -0.3 -0.7 -1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.5 -0i2 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.6 2.2 2.7 1.0 0.4 -0.3 -0.1 -1.5 raco for building honors on Cooa Bay. Six now dwellings aro now un dor construction nud moro are being planned. The electric light company hns also Installed a number of stieet lamps. Tho citizens of the littlo suburb are beginning to feel proud of their showing and somo ara In clined to tho opinion that an Individ ual city government is not far off. Fancy valontlnes at tho Cross Drug Storo, Rod.