THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1908. I i; Tattle of the Town ', Littlo grains of fact Blftcd from j tho chnfT of gossip flying up and down tho town. w Takes Stale Kxamlnatlon. Dr. A. Houseworth returned to Marahfleld on Saturday last after an absences of several days In Portland, where ho took tho state physicians' examina tion. The result of the exam will be known In a few weeks. Tho doctor returned by way of the Drain Btago line. Knew of Missing Man. E. E. Harris and his daughter, of Marsh held, report that' .Arthur Campbell, the young man whose parents are seeking him by mail In Coos county, ldtt this section for North Yakima last September on tho Breakwater. Tho young man boarded at their homo for quite a whllo, but they have not heard from him since he loft for Washington. COMPETENT girl wanted to do general housework. Apply Mrs. W. T. Merchant. WANTED Kitchen cabinet, side board or book case, In exchange for new Victor Qraphophone with RecordB, in splendid condition; cbstlng $42.00; bargain. Address "W," care Times. . '" ' Drives From Hoseburg. Dr. C. Dlx, who has been absent in Port land and Spokane for several weeks, returned to this city yesterday after noon by way of Uoseburg and Myrtle Point. He went to Portland to take tho state physicians' examination, the result of which will bo announced in a few weeks. Ho returned by se curing a vehicle for his own use, driving to Myrtle Point and by the county road to Mnrshfleld. FOR SALE Restaurant at bargain. Apply North Bond Drug Co. FOR SALE 5-acre fruit farm near Marshfleld $1,000. Terms $250, 6 per cent every 8 months. Titlo Guarantoo & Abstract Co. FOR RENT Flats in the O'Connell building Phono 1233. GIRL WANTED To do general housework by Mrs. J. A. Matson. FOR SALE Furniture. Must bo sold by the 15th of January. In quire of Times office. Clam Diggers Numerous. During tho past two or three days the mud flats opposite Marshfleld have been swarming with clam diggers at every low tide during the day. Every few minutes parties carrying buckets of clams may be met on 'the streets, and thus another one of the great resources of the C003 Bay district is being put to use. Where a week ago clams would be searched for in vain among tho restaurants on tho bay, clams are extensively advertised as a dainty dish. As a mens of lighten ing the demands for beef and provid ing an excellont dish for citizens and newcomers, the famous C003 Bay clams aro unsurpassed. Personal Notes. N. M. YOUNG, of Coquille, is visiting friends in this city. C. C. CARTER, of Myrtlo Point, 13 spending a few days in tho city visiting friends. A. N. GOULD, of Coquille, was a vis itor to friends in Marshfleld yes terday afternoon. GEORGE SCHROEDER, generally known ns the "king of Ten Mile," Is a pleasant visitor to friends In this city today. T. Y. HARVEY, father of Tom Har vey, and E. B. Dean, father of Mrs. Tom Ilnrvey, arrived in this city yesterdny from their homes nt Orant's Pass and will spend a few days In this city visiting at the - -liarvoy home. DANCING SCHOOL Every Monday and Thursday evening at Odd Fel- ' lows' Hall. Private Instructions from 2 to 5 same afternoons. I also Intend starting a class in elo cution and dramatic art. Call and seo me at the hall. C. P. Smith. FOR SALE-Cheap and A No. 1 billiard table at an exceptionally low price. Mickey's, North Bend. FOR SALE One lot In Caples Addi tion to Marshfleld. For particu lars apply to Mrs. Luclnda Chris man, 5G7 Milwaukee Street, Port land, Oregon. F. J. HAYES Resident Optometrist. Eyes tested free. Broken lens replaced. WORK GUARANTEED. Mnrshfleld, Oregon. MAIL SERVICE PROTEST QUICK DELIVERY For convenience of Call pa trons tho Laundry office will bo open Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. Phone 571 today. Our wagon will call. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Mnrshfleld and North Rend. GET YOUR Woo .. FROM . JOHN 4RUNDS0N. PHONE 1331 -- r--, ttntmttttUKtmtmttKmKKttsnsrmtnr n AH Parts of the World 8 ! : Congressman ilnulisy llt Call on De parlment' OfKiuille's Complaint. The Sentinel received word from Orvil Dodge last week saying that Congressman Hnwley and himself woro going to visit tho postofflco department and file a protest ngnlust allowiug Fenton to tako more tlmo in bringing tho mnfl from Roseburg and also protest against tho condi tion In which tho mall reaches Coos county. If Congressman Hnwley can do anything to improvo the mall ser vice ho deserves tho thanks of tho people, ns does Mr. Dodgo in call- I...- I.I.. H.mHnn .v If The mnil hns been arriving in a j C00S B'V " --hf, If - fi littlo bettor condition, though Mon- 85ttttKK::KK!:mttMroi day wo had 110111, ns the stago as ' usual broko down nt Enchanted Prnlrlo and a team was seut from Myrtlo Point to bring It In. it th rived In that place at C o'clock Mon day evening but was not uiouum to this city until 11 o'clock Tuesday when tho Echo bro .slit It down. Most of tho paper mall arrives In a wet and bedrnggled condition nud somo of the papers It uikos tuvmil J hours to dry out so that a persou cau read them, Coquille Sentinel. We use the necessary facilities for sending money to all parts of the world, and without danger or loss. .'. FIRST NATUMf BANK flt FLYER M. 1 BELIEVE in nowspapor advertis ing a great deal mum than you be llovo in Bhow windows your ston can alwaya hav show windows. "Convincing" advertising Is usu ally put forth by the "convincing toro".--tho store that has something worth while (9 offer 'you.' ' " I'EVnEWJF SS, Master. TIME TA1U.E. Leaves Mnrshlli Id 7:30, 0:00. and 10:30 a. m., nd 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 o'clock pf m. Leaves North Bend .at 8:15, 9:45 nud 11:15 a. in., and 1:45 3:15 lUii 5:00 p. m. Makes daily trips except Sundns. Fare: One way, 15 fonts; round trip, 25 cents. lie sure that your chief business competitor do'usu't boat you In ad vertising and ho will beat you in nothing olso. Use Tho Times want adi. got a lot for littlo: " You Shoes - i ?t - t ; 1 Shoes - Shoes HBHHHiIHBHHiiHHHHnHBnaDHniiinin Extra Specials in our Entire Shoe Department for TOMORROW THURSDAY t SHOES FOR LADIES, GENTS, MISSES AND CHILDREN, IN LOW OR HIGH CUT AND IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE STYLES. UNRESTRICTED CHOOSING FROM THE LARG EST LINE bF SHOES IN THE CpUITY. GENTS SHOES $3,50, $4,00 and $5,00 qualities for $2.65 This assortment consists of broken lots of Crossetts, Florsheim and Nel son shoes, all sizes in kid, valours, and box calf and all leath ers and styles right up-to-date you are sure to find some thing in some one of these that will fit you. While they last '4 X, 1, '4- "i ' LAKES' SHOES $3,50, $4,00 and $5,00 qualities for $2.65 In this lot we have some of the very latest shoes of the season patent, valour, kid and box calf shoes, all fine qualities and represent ing the best makes, While they last Ml $2.63 5T?'TTWMMre:T,ra3 Ladies Fur Tops and Fe!t Slippers Ladies' Fur Top Slippers in Black trimmed with Green, Lavender or Green Fur Tops, Patent Tips All sizes regularly sold for $2,25 6( Extra Special for Tomorrow. -Pa.Ov Ladies' Felt Slippers in brown' and blue, Trimmed with alternate colors and scrolled with white braid pump style, one of the latest novelties this season regularly sold for $2,00, C-fi Ci Extra Sale Price Tomorrow 4:a JOU Nurses' Slippers, nice soft kid with elastic sides and rubber heels, finest comfortable shoe you can wear regularly sold for $2,00, Extra 1 fl Sale Price Tomorrow -V lW Netllefon aad Banisters High Grade Shoes For Men High grade Bannister and Nettleton shoes for men, Patent, Valour, Gun Metal, Kid in all concieve able styles, remember the best shoes on earth, are hand made, every pair guaranteed, Ladies High and Low Cut Dress Shoes $3.00 Qualities for $2.40 This assortment includes many styles for your choosing, all weights, heavy or light soles full range ues original price $3,50, For tomerrow fty A( Extra Special Tomorrow Cp4.4lF Ladies High or Low cut Dress Shoes $3.50 Qualities for .$2.80 h $5.00 QUALITIES EXTRA SPECIAL TO MORROW $6.00 QUALITIES EXTRA SPECIAL TO MORROW .- CJTuW)uff.Mw;;,iiil $4.00 1 .$4.80 Our entire line of ladies' $3,50 shoes, and the assortment is large, taking in any style, patent leather, valours, kid and box calf shoes, all fine val ues at original prices, For tomorrow C7 OtfTi Extra Special $A.5U Misses mA Childrens Department Our Boys', Youths', Misses', and Children's Shoes are too well established to need any intro duction, we carry here principally the Blue Ribbon shoes, and the styles and qualities of the entire factories' output is represented On account of the big variety of qualities will not quote any special prices Unrestricted choosing from the entire line at EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES FOR TOMORROW Only a Few Choice IsdiesCloaks Left All Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Jackets and Cloaks, NO RESTRICTIONS, while they last and have to hurry 1-2 Price Somebody is going to wait too long to take advantage of our Clothing Department prices Are you one of them? You will have to hurry as this opportunity will not last forever. Remember we give you the best bargains ever offered you and no old stock to shove off on you. REMOVAL SALE PRICES ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AND 0'COATS. ' " i. " Agents For The Famous HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHING If e ''Hi BUSY STORE" mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmwmmmm HUM' ll ioitljll Wi'AISllf t 1 Jjjmvrrr ftt O. -'.. fl u' .., r.'S ' P 4 rcssr gp3!