THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1907. m Personal Notes. Mr. B. O Holm Is .1 city visitor. J Mr. John Stlnllghter was in from (Ten Mllo Thursday. Mr. C. P. Trembly Is a city visitor. Miss Elslo Van Archer, of Port land, Is In Marshfleld for n few days with friend'. Mr. J. Johnson, of Coqullle, spent yesterday In Marshfleld with hla many friends. Misses E. A. Wilts and C. C. Seeds aro spending a few days up Coos River with friends. Mrs. R. S. Swane returned to this city yesterday from an extended vls'.t to Bandon and Coqullle. Miss Mao Swanson, of Minnesota, Is visiting with relatives on C003 Bay for an Indefinite time. Mr. F. II. Madison arrived m Marshficli .f.storday oi the Alliance ai:d wil remain for some time. Mr. AV. W. Helms and family came to this city yesterday on the Alliance and will make their homo here. Mr. B. B. West, of San Francisco, is making a business tour of Coos county and is at present In Marsh field for a few days. Mr. F. F. Bolstrom, of Minneap olis, Is on Coos Bay for two weeks. During tho time Mr. Bolstrom wl 1 invest In real estate an-l attend to other buslnets affairs. Mr. B. E. Davis, of Montana, lofc this city on a business trip to Ban don yesterday. Ho will remain in that city for several days and upon his return will leave by way of Drain for the southern part of California. Mr. A. D. Alfquist, of Minnesota, arrived in Marshfleld yesterday and began Immediately investigating business opportunities which resulted favorable. Mr. Alfquist has pur chased property and will begin build ing a residence during the first of next month. Mrs. Alfquist and child ren will come to Coos Bay in the spring. Tho Golden Rule storo has created quite a sensation by selling goods cheaper than other places. It has been noticed that those visiting tho place once continue to go. Mr. Copple says ho believes that the people of Coos Bay will appreciate good stores at the right price and de cent treatment and this ho Intends that they shall have In good measure. His place Is in tho new O'Connell building. You might call. HENRYVILLE ITEBIS. 4 Mrs. Frank Smith, of Maxwell, was in Marshfleld Tuesday. Mrs. John Kruse, who has been visiting with friends in Marshfleld, returned to her home at Pleasant Valley Tuesday. Mr. M. J. Bowron was in Marsh fleld Saturday. Mr. Ray Watson and wife, or Co 'qullle, aro visiting in Coos City. Mr. C. J. Mills and Mr. F. Russel were Henryvlllo visitors last week. Mr. R. F. Bowron, who has been visiting at Ten Mile returned homo Tuesday. Mother's Club. A meeting of the Mothers' Club will bo held Friday, November 15, at 3 o'clock, at tho Baptist church. The subject for this meeting will be "Homo making." An interesting program is expected. All who aro interested in tho work are urged to come. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a caucus of tho legal voters of tho City of Marshfleld will bo held at the I. O. O. F. hall In said city, on tho 19th day of November, 1907, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., to nominate can didates for tho office of Mayor for tho term of two years, and two Coun cllmen for tho term of three years, and a Recorder for a term of one year. Dated this 8th day of November, 1907. J. M. UPTON, Recorder. v BANDON NOTES Bandon, Nov. 14. A. J. Hartman has commenced a new warehouse at tho rear of his concrete storo build ing to be 25x30 feet. C. H. Chandler returned yesterday from the bay. He was compelled to quit his work there on account of a large tumor on his hand. A. R. Whitney informed the city authorities that ho had been set upon and assaulted by three men with knives last Tuesday night, exhibiting many slashes In his hands and slight wounds on tho surface of his skin. ""' alleged assailants escaped. Tho 'jr t investigating tho facts. 2eA,rIce shipyard Is working on tho lfrst vessel since rebuilding tho yard. She Is well under vay with keel laid and framing partly finished. J. II. Price, head of tho concern, returned from San Francisco yester day, her ICth birthday last night. The Miss Ethel Tlmmons celebrated occasion was marked by an exceed ingly good time and the young lad received many beautiful presents In cluding several pieces of hand paint ed china. Business is progressing as usual in Bandon In splto of tho holf'1 with a few exceptions. A. D. Morse reports a real estate transaction of considerable Importance held up for and order confirming sale by tho county court of Umatilla county. Attorneys Trcadgold, Wheeler and Wade each have proceedings In the justice court obstructed by the holi days. Justlco Topping has delayed several criminal matters because of his doubt as to the proper proceed uro and it Is understood that opera tion of tho mills dependent on San I Francisco exchange will be rendered impossible after another week unless employes will agree to accept time checks; however the feeling here Is so characterized by prosperity and general optimism that all contemp late a near change for tho better and none aro waiting for tho crash. Masquerade Ball, at Sumner, November 33. Good music. WILL BUILD ROAD INTO COAL FIELD Acodromc to Be Built In St. Louis. Will lie on Plan of Benchy mid Carry Small Gun. St. Louis, Nov. 12. J. C. Mars, of the American Airship & Balloon Company, of New York, arrived in St. Louis today from Washington to select a site for the aeodromo the company will use for tho construc tion of air craft and In which the first war airship ever built In tho United States for the Government will bo erected. The contract for the airship has just been closed in Washington, General . Allen, of tho War Department, acting for the Gov ernment. Tho airship will cost tno Oovern ment $10,000 and will bo modeled after tho Beachey, shown hero In the recent aeronautic contest. Accord ing to tho plans It will carry two men and will bo capable of a speed of 35 miles an hour. A 50-horsepower en glno will furnish motive power. A, light gun will bo mounted on tho framework. Piano tuning by J. F. O'Heilly, resident tuner. Address Box 249, Marshfleld. TO PLANT ZI0N IN NEW MEXICO Voliva nncl Former Dowietes Secure Big Tract Near 1ms . Vegas. Chicago, Nov. 13. Wilbur Glenn Voliva, tho self-appointed leader of Zlon, who has been deposed by his people and tho Federal courts, will lead those who followed him out of Zlon to Las Vegas, N. M., where his agents have closed a contract for 7000 acres. As rapidly as they can dispose of their property hero the Volivans will depart for tho South west. It Is hoped to settle 2000 fam ilies there within two years, and be gin a model city. The tract contains marble, Iron, copper, zinc, lime, lumber and clay In large quantities. Tho full extent of tho wealth of tho tract la not known. Primarily tho colony will devote Itself to agriculture, but It is tho Intention to build up a new Zlon, so there will bo employment of diver sified nature for all. Twenty families will start for the new homo at once, Voliva Intends to establish factories, stores and newspapers, and tho city Is to bo self-governing. A. H. Eddy for plans and speci fications of your new homo. Y0NCALLA MARSHAL KILLS CHARACTER " " 4 Fives One Shot, Which Proves Fatal Companions Held on Sus picion. Roseburg, Or., Nov. 12. Ono of tho most sensational events to bo re corded In this section of tho state for many months past occurred about 12:30 o'clock this morning at Yon calla, 35 miles north of hero, when Marshal Lundy, chief of police of that city, shot and killed ono daring desperado who was in tho act of making a break for liberty and cap- tured two others, presumably pals of tho dead man. Marshal Lundy stated that he was about tho streets as usual during tho evening, and In making his rounds noticed these threo men acting as if they were disposed to cause trouble. Ho ordered them to leave town at once. At first they seemed disposed to obey tho order, but later again made their appearanco upon tho streets. This time tho marshal thought best to take them in and therefore started In pursuit of tho trio. Ho overtook them after a short chase and started for tho City Jail to keep them out of mischief until this morning. When near the jail one of the men suddenly showed fight and succeeded in getting away from tho officer. He ran to tho middle of tho street and placed his hand upon his hip pocket as if to draw his gun. Mr. Lundy, not liking this move, brought forth his own gun and with ono shot wounded tho man to such an extent that ho died a few minutes later. Tho remains wero taken to tho City Jail, where they are awaiting disposition. Tho two companions of the dead man will bo held until Sheriff Mc Clallen can make arrangements to remove them to this city. When questioned as to their whereabouts of lato tho men stated that they wero on the road looking for a po sition. They aro hard-looking char acters and little credence is given their story, tho officers believing that they are yegg men traveling through the country with an idea of robbing. Sheriff McClallen was notified of the occurrence at an early hour this morning and leaves today for tho scene. It is quite probable that the pals of the dead man will be detained until their records can bo looked up. Tho townspeople at Yoncalla wero much excited this morning when they learned of the tragedy, many expressing themselves as pleased with the work of tho officer. Yoncalla, like other towns throughout the state, has been over run of late with hoboes. The local justice of the peace at Yoncalla was ordered by Coroner Hammltte to make an investigation, which he did, and no blame has been attached to the officer who shot tho man. Tho victim has as yet not been identified. A. H. Eddy has been busy since coming to town. New cottage de signs. DRAM BLOOD OF ALLEGED WITCH Shocking Case of Superstition That Occurred Recently in Poland. London, Nov. 13. Incredible though It may seem, the power of witchcraft still holds sway among Polish peasants, and those within an hour's jo.irney of Warsaw and eleven hours of Et-rlin. Tho following :n- cldent, worthy of the middle ages, oc curred at tho village of WIellszew, 'n tho government of Warsaw. A peas ant named Jan Zbroh had a grudge against a 1 eighbor, Jftephlne 7Aoi- kow, and Cetermined to vent his an-t.t-r upon ter. Ho took his daughter Mnrya In 0 l.'.f confidence. One mon. ing Marvi Oh', no: appear In t'iu fields as usual. Her father said, !n answer to '.nqu!i-es, that she was I'.i. Tho neighbors went to visit the girl, who told them that while sUe was milking the cows on the preced ing evening Josephine had bewitched her in such a way that she had not the leasL strength left, and could not raise from her bed. "But," sin added, ".' it el that I shall bo we'l If I drink some of tho witch's blood." The news had spread through tho village like wildfire, and a crowd of angry peasants now gathered around tho unhappy Josephine and beat her till she lost consciousness, and taking tho blood that ran from her nose and ears and gavo It to Marya to drink. Tho girl, as soon as she had swallowed it, declared that she ,-is cured, got up, and went to work. Tho victim, more dead than alive, sent for the priest, who communicat ed with tho police. Tho two chlol offenders have been arrested, but nono of tho peasants who beat tho woman can bo persuaded that ho has not dono tho village a good turn by punishing tho witch. Cold Day for Suffragists. Topeca, Nov. 14. Scarcely half a dozen women delegates aro In Topeka today to attend a meeting of Kan sas Equal Suffragists scheduled for today and tomorrow. So dlscourag- lngly small is tho attendance that it Is said tho meeting will not laBt over tho day. The purpose of tho meeting Is to form an organization for tho purpose of electing members of tho legislature pledged to give the wom en unrestricted rights of suffrage. WANT ADS Rates for want advertising Five cents per line. WANTED At once, a small fur nished house or furnished rooms for housekeeping, close in. Good prico paid. Address W. Smiley, Box 15, City. WANTED Capablo man desires po sition. Outside work preferred. Good all-round miner and can handle gang's In any line. Ad dress Box 289, Marshfleld. FOR RENT Housekeeping and bedrooms. Coos Bay Auclton Co. WANTED Teacher with some ex perience, for the Prosper school. Apply to R. W. Bullard, Bullard, Or. LOST In .Bay Park a red leather pocket portfolio, containing mem- I oranua vaiuauie to owner. ice- ward will be paid for return to this ofllce. Times Want Ads Bring Results. LOST Small yellow dog, answers to name of Snoozer. Part pug and part spaniel. Return to Times. Times Want Ads Bring Results. FOR SALE Ten head of good dairy cows. J. E. Fitzgerald. N. Coos River. Times "Want Ads Bring Results. FOR RENT 3 modern and through ly up-to-date 5-room flats. For particulars see Dr. Richardson. Times Want Ads Bring Results. FOR SALE New furniture cheap. Will sell part or as a whole. Ap ply at Times. Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results. FOR SALE Lodging-house, at this office. Call Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results. FURNITURE FOR SALE; The furniture (used threo weeks) of a six-room house, for sale quick. House to rent. Inquire of times. Tinies AVant Ads Bring Results. AVANTED Boy or girl to strip tobacco. Inquire at shop over Times. Times AVant Ads Bring Results. AVANTED Party with $2000 or more to take Interest In local busi ness enterprise. For further par ticulars address X. D. S. care Times ofllco. Times AVant Ads Bring Results. AVANTED To notify tho pub'ic that after November 15 my price for shingling will bo $1.25 per thous and and for hips and Yalleys 5 cents per foot. This advance is made on account of rainy weather. L. C. DURKEE. Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results. FOR SALE 18-foot gasollno boat Apply to Max Timmerman. Times AVant Ads Bring Results. AVANTED AValtress at tho Blanco Hotel. Tinies AVant Ads Bring Results. FOR RENT Threo nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results. FOR SALE Adjustable plpo die. Cuts from to 2 Inches. Mickey, North Bend. Times AVant Ads Bring Results. WANTED Tho public to know that I have located at tho Marshfleld , track, and will take horses to train and break. Joe Hatfield. Apply at track. Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results. LOST $50 In greenbacks, two ?20's and a $10, Saturday morning last, between Coos Bay Cash Storo and skating rink and Crystal Theater. A very handsomo reward will bo paid for return of saruo to Chas. Noblo. Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results. FOUND Pair glasses. Owner may havo samo by calling at C. E. AVol cott's storo and describing them. Times Want Ads Bring Results. tti&i0kHtwititjtfmtmvWtji9000imiitfr ROBERT MARSDEN COOS BAY AGENT OLD CROW HERMITAGE YELLOWSTONE CANADIAN CLUB JAS. E. PEPPER ATHERT0N BELLE OF ANDERSON HILL & HILL OLD GRAND DAD AH Bottled in Bond. Nothing but straight Whisky Sold. All Leading Brands of Beers and Mineral Waters. The Jas. E. Pepper Whisky can ho found on tup at THE NUTWOOD SALOON IT'S UP TO YOU If you want to sell anything, whether it be in the Real Estate Line or House hold Goods, Horse, Buggy, Piano or : : : Sewing Machine : : : That Little "Want Ad" Does It ONLY 5 CENTS A LINE IN THE DAILY TIMES ' TRY IT. Re: ritwr..yjmvm:vranTmiirT-iigaT: Performances 7:30 and 9 p. m. Admission NS mm "CRYSTAL" Two Cliaiges This Week. I MMay and i aiirsc ti JflirJlmiCJpjn Cook with Gas - - use - - Electric Power and Flatirons IFe Coos Bay Gas Electric Co. COOS BAY ACADEMY OF MUSIC (Students may graduate In Voice, IMano or Plpo Organ. Kapld and thorough method for beginners, t lasses In Harmony, Counterpoint, etc, vocal tip lit reading and piano ensemble. Singers coached In oratorio, opera, or concert work by the director. ELMER A. TODD. O'Connell Bldg., Marshfleld ismal nra Vat WE MAKE GAS ENGINES AND BOATS Speed Launches and Engines a Specialty All Classes of Boat and Engine Repairing Promptly Attended to Shops in the North Bendtyoolen Mills North Bend, Oregon II. R. BEY1ER, Mechanical Eyipter C. II. AUG EN, Boat Builder. lay Matinee Saturday 3:30. Ten Cents. TON& HANSEN f.