""mmwrv "'-wwvs'" i Jim i iBirjy)Miff))!iL"-'y;y 1 THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1907. Coos Bay Times AN INDEPENDENT ItKrUOMCAN XEUnrAFF.R PVB- LisiiEi) r.VEity hay kxckitino munhav ami aio WKRKLY nV The Coos Bay Times Puhlisiiinci Co. The policy of The Coos B.iy Times will be Republican in politics, with the independenceof which President Roose velt is the leading exponent. Entered ntthe po'tofliee nt Mnrshflelri, Ore gon, for transmission through the mulls as second class mull matter SCHSCIUPTIOX KATES. In Advance. DAIIA'. One year $5 00 Six months $2.50 Less than G months, per month ,ri0 WJEBKTA. One year $1.50 Local readers. 10c per line. Address Am. Communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES Marshfielii ... Oregon THE PASSING THUXHEK CLOUD Most of the men and women who are active In business and social af fairs today have very vivid recollec tions of the great depression which affected this country from 1893 to 1898. They realize from actual ex perience that the dull influence be gan to be felt as early as 1889, Im mediately after the failure of the Barring Brothers in England and the incidental cashing of American se curities to meet the demands devel oped by that failure. The recollec tion of the dormant tendency, the ever increasing and disturbing agita tion which accompanied It, the anti cipated but not less shocking panic of '9 3, the long, gloomy and seem ingly hopeless period of liquidation, is even now Impressive. In those days the people really doubted that a brighter day would ever dawn again. They had confidence In gloom and faith In disaster. But the skies cleared. Gold began to come out of Alaska. Transportation companies began to get busy. Confidence was surprised iatp a revival and the de pression fled like a long dreary night before the rising sun of prosperity. The notable feature of the pres ent flurry a black thunder cloud obscuring the sun in passing Is that everybody has confidence in pros perity and nobody has any iaith in the duration of the present financial disturbance. Already the thunder cloud, sudden, swift ad black, hap swept past, and the edge of prosper ity Is developing Into a largo space, so that everybody knows the full orb will be shortly seen in all Its splen dor. And everybody is ready for it, because the recollection that the j former night of depression came to an end impresses everybody with thi fact that good and bad times aro in termittent. The lesson of the recent tlurry is worth considering. The na tion is growing rapidly. It is no longer a now country and can never again do business safely on haphaz ard methods. It must get down t tnfe conservative methods of bank ing, railroading and business of every sort. The expanding impor tance of Orego'n requires, especially, thnt she adopt the most up-to-date systems. For Oregon is on the verge of mightier changes than her people imagine. Admitted Into the Union In 1S57, she has developed more slowly, considering her great re sources, than any of the states. Okla homa, whoso resources and attrac tions aro not comparable with Ore gon, has becomo a commonwealth of startling proportions In ouo decade. Population, feeling the pressure of ICnstern crowding, moved Into that Klato by the hundreds of thousands. They occupied tho land In advance of the railroads. Then camo tho rail roads. But there is no Oklahoma now to invito tho multitudes to her virgin soil. Oregon alone blazes llk a fixed stnr to attract tho homo seoker to bettor unoccupied oppor tunities than any stato ever before I presented. Tho multitudes aro com- I ing. They aro on tho way. Lot no Oregoniau feel that disaster con fronts this great state, Tho world needs It and its resources. Tho thun der cloud has passed and the sun shines. Even the great railroads were Im pressed into service. Harrlman and all the rest of the manipulators, who had got the Instruments of industries Into their hands turned them Into im plements of torture to twist money from the organized victim. The rail roads cried cash, cash, when there was no cash. But the buccaneer may make his victim dance under his fusillade of) shots for a time. The victim's turn' will come next. Whne the mourn ful holidays are over and the east begins to liquidate and pay its debts to the west the west will be a little more cautious with the east. She will not trust the financial bucca neers quite so much. She will not be quite so dependent. She will do many things for herself. Perhaps she will seek to establish a financial center of her own. Perhaps she will take the hunch and build a few rail roads for the east to operate on west ern terms. But Independence and liberty have no life except on a basis of sense. Has the west sense enough not to fall into the same old trap again? When the holidays are over and the money comes marching back will the west be once more anxious to supply the coffers of insurance com panies and institutions which the "system" knows how to use? Or will the millions of western money now imprisoned in western vaults be in vested where they are always safe in the inexhaustible and even profit able enterprises of the rich, develop ing west? Probably the recent lesson so hardly learned, will not go unheeded. Money cannot be lost In the honest development of the un developed resources of Oregon. Coal, the precious minerals, timber, 'rich dairy and fruit lands, and real estate are all better in Oregon and for Or egon money than anything else in the world. A few state railroads could well be built with western money and state bonds for such in vestments would be safe and secure: A state railroad owned but not oper ated by the state, would help to solve the problem of western independence. Fresh Oysters. Received weekly at Gem Restau rant, North Bend. Served any style and open day and night. Also every thing else the market affords. O. E. S. Hold Social. Doric Chapter O. E. S. held a regu lar meeting last evening. After the business routine had been disposed of a general social time was enjoyed by the members. Frank J. Miller, of Albany, Eminent Grand Com mander Knights Templer, was pres ent and adderssed the meeting. Mrs. Bargelt, who had just returned homo from an official trip through the state as Worthy Grand Matron, was also present and told of her work during the two months she was ab sent. Games, music and dancing made up tho order of the entertainment. EUGENE HAS CLEARING HOUSE. Four Banks Un' nnd Art Issued. Certificate Eugene, Or., N6v. 13. The four Eugene banks have organized a clearing house association. ,The of ficers are as follows: T. G. Hend ricks, of the First National Bank, president; F. W. Osburn, of the Eu gene Loan & Savings Bank, vice president, and S. S. Spencer, of the Merchants Bank, secretary. There Is tPlk among the leading banks of tho Willamette Valley to organize an n? soclatlon among themselves, and in that case the local organization will become Ineffective,, the banks hero aro joining with those of other cities in tho valley. The clearing house certificates which were put In circulation here today by the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company will be accepted by all the business men and the Southern Pa cific Railway for freight and passen ger service, the same as currency. M I rarcaW432aCTVCTZSKE?Sl The Steamer PLANT Plant snlls from Marshfield Saturday No rescrvatio n will be held after tho arrival of shl) unless ticker Is bought. F. S DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : : : OREGON WMKTOaagBBggigqsgBigm ; Business Directory Doctors. DR. .1. W. INGRAM Physician and Surgeon. Office over Sengstaken's Drug Store Phones Ofllce 1G21J Residence 783 Lawyers. J. V. BENNETT, OJIlro over Flanagan A Uenneii Bank. Marshfield, Oregoi I Order 1 Io N I " I : i i o i Coos Bay Furniture Co. f I MWWWWWBWMWWWWWIMHWI.I IMWMM1WMJW Wl 1 WMM M 1 North Bend, Oregon. I - j It Now Some of that fine furnituie for Xnuts. Don't loi,'ot your iVi'oi iSj when the time v uues bu! ,, had better put the eid'r i now. V."t t-v.lvo all kinds of fix- '; ' fll a in" . . ... AVc give any finish re : --.IX as any style to suit the ca- tOllli'I'. Pec us want. :ibui:t thy !x:;s:s y-.u Wo will build what you want nnd save you :noi.p. tXKXKt! Francis II. Clarke Jacob St. IHnk Laurence A. LIIJeu.vi.st CLARKE, BLAKE Ai LIL.IEQVIS'1 ATTORNIOVS-AT-LAW Times Building, Marshfield, Ort United States Commissioner's Office C. F. JIcKNIGHT, Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bennett i WaP Bloel Marshfield, - - Oregoi COKE X "OKH, Attorneys at Law. Marshtlold, .... OroK' A. II. Eddy Architect Modern cottages a specialty. Office opposite Blanco Hotel, Over Tele phone Building. .MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor lor 'Ruining of all kinds Phone 1884. L. J. POST, Contractor and Builder 18 Years' Experience Has taught us a Motto. "Take ' our Time and do Our Work Right." Prices Consistent with Best Work Results Count and Satisfactory laundering is only made posslblo by omploylng a. well trnined force of expert work people, using up-to-date applinnces and following meth ods tho correctness of which has been proven. It's the sort of laundering which wo not only promise but can give to our customers, and do give It WANT IT? For convenience of Call pa trons the Laundry ofllce will bo open Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. Phono 571 today. Our wagon will call. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Marshfield and North IJpiul. SBBCEaaKeS CAB CALL" SERVICE AT ANY HOUR GOOD HEARSE and VEHICLES HEISNER, MILLER & CO. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Third and A Sts. ii,oiic, jam Sliitihili'id. rnliBiti. Gun Slop Steamer Ashore in Straits. Victoria, Nov. 12'. The steamer Princess Victoria passed close to the steamer Indravelll, ashore fax Kellett Bluff, and Captain Griffin reports the steamer hard ashore with her bow well up. The forward holds aro filled with water. Three steamers wero standing by this evening. Fresh Olyiupia Oysters nnd frozen Lake Point Oysters, hardshell clams, fresh fi-h nnd crabs today. The Empire Fish Market, near Pio neer Grocery. WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITI BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. NOTICE BACHELORS All kinds of plain sewing and darn ing. "all at Rooms '1 and 5 Central Hotel. Piano Tuning. By J. F. O'REILLY, Resident Tuner. Address J Joy 210, Marshfield. STEAM Ell. FLYER M. P. Pcnderjyrass, Master :00, SO California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company Steamer Alliance Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results. The C. B., R. & t R. R. and Navigation Co. THE C. It., It. & E. R. It. N. CO TIME TABLE. Subject to change without notice l'.JW. OLSON, Master. and 10:30 a. in., and 1 and 4:00 p. m. Leaves North Bend at S:lfi, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 p. m. Mnkes dall) inpj except Sun das. Fare- One way, lj cents; round trip, L'5 cents TIJIB TABLE. Leave. Marshfield 7:30. !:00. Tho only practical Gunshop on the Bay. Sewing Machines and Bicy cles Repaired and Cleaned Locksmlthing and General Repair Work. C. BEAR.Y No. Front S.. WHY Always has on hand a good stock of & General Merchandise AT PRICES THE CHEAPEST All Kinds of Groceries and Clothing u.t:tT.irrtTrri 1".1TTE3CL and No. 1. I Dally, ex. j Sunday '. 9:00n.m.Marsh'd Ar.l2:30p.ui junction Lv. 9:45a.m. Coquille Ar.l0:20a.m.Myrtlo Pt No. 2. Lv.ll:20n.m Lv.l0:45n.m Trains to and from Benver Hill dally W. F. Miller, Agent. Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. F. P. Baumgartner, Agt. L W. Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Dock. Portland, Ore. Marshfield. Ore. Phone 441. WESTERN INDEPENDENCE ' The financial dissipation nnd gam- . bllng spirit of tho cast are rospoi siblo for tho financial dlfilcullici of tho west and of tho whole country, j Tho east Is heavily In debt to tho wealth producer tho west. When j tho west needed money from its ( dobtor tho debtor could not or would j not pay. Tho west was crlpplnd. I Every schemo that tho eastern frenzied financier could devise to pqieozo I1I3 creditor and drnlu hts credit to tho last cont, was employed. Bank of Oregon Capital Stock fully paid up $50,000 Transact! a General Banking Business North Bend, Oregon Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line BREAKWATER Sails from Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Saturdays at Service of Tide. C. F. McCollum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - A. St. Dock FASTEST BOATS 0ll THE BAY. Half Hour Schedule. in- Between Mnislitleld nnd Norrl. Bend Made in lit Sllmires. Private Lansings. Faro: One wuv. lfic; r,u.0 trip, jni . .1. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. i All Pads of the World IMMI. U We use the necessary j faciiilies for sending money to all parls of :: the world, and without danger or loss. .'. EIRST NATIONAL BANK OF g COOS BAY, Marshfield, Ore. g :n:tt::m:::j:;:j::m:m:::H:uttKa lH?EJTWT"rrT"irihlW ' ' ' " McPherson Gfnser Co. Vi'Jioh'Bale liquor denier? CifinrH aixl saloon nup-jtlic. Double Entry Made Easy. Our now 1907 copyrighted "Business Course" with books, life scholarship, work criti cised and returned, complete $8. E. E. Harris, Agt. G. W. Ci-nln, I'rln. Phono 21. California Wines a Specialty Front St.. Mnndifiuld llillHi I IIIHI lagiwimaajwi. m ii'MP SHOW CASES and FIXTURES Plate-glass Floor Cases any shape, any style made to order by tho Lutko Manufacturing Co. THE MODERN COMPANY Odd Fellows' Building, Mnrshfleld Steam Dye Works C Street. Lnd.'cs' and (Tents RarnicntN t lininrri or Dyed I hi iH. kr, hop n f !! W . T.MU I fell G-i1'6 o WW I ti fsARsrrei, I PHONE 923 T : Flanagan &. Bennett Bank MARSHFIELD. OREGON Ciipitnl Hiih'-cribed JW.00O Uapftnl raid Up 4D,00J Undivided I'roMs $35,000 Does a seneral banklnc buslnefs and dri ou the Bank ot California. Sun Kranelw Calif., First National Bank Portland Or., tint National Bank Rosoburg, Or., Hanover K Honal Bank, New York, N. M. KutlictlW Son, London, England. Also cell change on nearly all the prlndp" cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, tafe dfP"' lock boxes far rent at 5 cents a montn or S5. a vnnr. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS 32 Waterman's Ideal Ponntain Pens the best on the market absolute guarantee, for sale at the RED CROSS M. K. SMITH, Agent For Charles A. Stevens CLOAK AM) SUIT HOUSE I HiCAGO Cor. Fiisit .V H. St., Marshfield Coos Bay Storage and Transfer Co. II. O. Breckonrldge, O. H. Walters. All kinds of Transfering and J06" bing. Prices reasonable ana Goods handled with care. Phone 661. Pull the BELL CORD Wet Votir WhlMl Iht-n l ' J. R. MLWRHN, Pr'. I'liU Mr, it, Itiil.l iirio '"""' KiHlffiliiHr' "' 'iiiiiiiHL