'"" '' "Rjy ' ?W ! u -s -Wt v-"- "" Ty ' ' ' "' " - r' W m - . -T gtl.Sm Pi R Coos Bay Times AN 1NDKPKNDEST RKPUEl'V VHW3PAPKB FUBLMIIED KVEnY DAY EXCEPTING MON DAY AND ALSO WKKKI.Y DY The Cooa Hay Times PcnusiiiNa Co. FRED PASLEY, Editor. R'EX LARGE, Businkss Manager. The policy of The Uoos Bay Times will bo Republican in politics, with the independence of which President Kooso volt is the leading exponent. Entered at the postofllce at MnrshflcM, Ore gon, for transmission through the malls as second class mallmattcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Single copy, daily, - - 5 cents PeT month, daily, 50 cents Throe months, daily, - - 25 Bix months, daily - - $2 50 One year, daily, - - $5 00 Wookly, per year - - ?1 00 Address nil communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marshfield, Oregon. THE WAlt WITH JAPAN. npHEItE will be no war with Japan. It would be pleasing if the sub ject could be thus easily and briefly disposed of. But there are many things which indlcato that a war is among the possibilities, and that a large part of the Intelligent world think It will tako place and that the nations engaged will bo Japan and America. As for America, there Is no feeling toward Japan but one of cordiality, and unless Japan declares war and puts hersoif on record as a very foolish little upstart, there will be no war. There Is no cause. If Japan should tako on hersoif the task of whipping this country for some fancied Insult, she will do her self Incalculable injury with the whole financial world. It would not only bankrupt her, but It would In jure her credit for many years to come, and It is not at all likely that sho could get civilized nations to have any faith In the soundness of her judgment for two or three gene rations. It Is not probable that she will do It. More thau this. Sho 13 well-nigh bankrupt now. In caso of war tho most sho could hopo to do would bo to disturb American Insu lar dominions in tho Pacific. So far as tho mainland Is concerned she would bo ablo to do some damage at first along this shore, because tho United States has certainly loft a large space unprotected. Tho strip of coast lino from tho mouth of tho Columbia to the mouth of San Franclbco Hay has been very much neglected. It Is not necessary for any person to become frightened on that account, but tho fact remains that tho first port which Japan would and could make on this coast, with a view to doing damage would bo Coos Bay. Supposo her fleet should go to Puget Sound. Not only would slitf bo met by tho dutcuslvo resistance orUift-Torts, but tho fleet would bo out of coal and would havo no baso. Jt has been stated on protty good au thority that Japan has nlready plunned her course In caso war should bo declared, and that if she should consider any action on this coast necessary or practical sho would llrst of nil havo to get coal after her long trip ncioss the Pacific, or her ships 'would bo entirely use less and lior dofeat would bo self inflicted. She could not do anything without coal. In order to proceed against San Francisco or against Soattlo sho would havo to "coal 'up!" AVhero would sho do It? Sho knows that this harbor Is entirely unpro tected, and that sho can sail into It without resistance. Sho knows all about Its resources and Its capacity. Sho knows that its coal resources aro without limit and thnt In a very short Umo sho could throw up fortiflcatlons ami hold this port while sho pro vided horsoir slth coal with which to continue to strlko. Sho could in this manner ostablUh a baso where sho would Inflict upon tho Amorlcan fleet Injuries which could novor bo im paired and cause groat loss of life aud property. It la a fact that this section has from tlmo to timo boen visited by Japauoso who havo oxamlnod It with tho thoroughness for which thtfy aro characteristic. Thoy know what is tore. Tho govornmont at Toklo is fcottor acquainted with Coos Bay and Its coal than is the government at Washington. That government knows that the most vulnerable, point of the American coast Is Coos Bay. They know they can get here the ma terial to fight every other city on tho coast. Thoy know that without that material they are powerless after crossing the ocean. They know they can not get coal at what must remain the noutral ports of British Colum bia, and that Coos Bay is the only place on the coast of North or South Amorlca which has it In quantity, except British Columbia. Yet the government of the United States does not know all this, and if she does not find it out until there is a war with Jopan her information may cost many millions of dollars. We could feel a double assurance In the correctness of the first paragraph of this article If only we were able to say that this most remarkable port of tho Pa cific coast had not been neglected by the government of the nation. One thing can be said with confidence. If there should bo a war, the most important place along the entire coast would be Coos Bay, because, while the Japanese would not at tempt an Invasion, thoy would seize certain desirable places and make temporary strongholds and coaling stations of them, If they could, and trom them they would pursue the usual warlike policy of Inflicting damage on tho enemy's country. That is the reason that Coos Bay would loom up as the most Important port on the Pacific. TIIK IIOTKIj PllOPOSITION. IT is just as'woll for Coos Bay peo ple to understand that no better tlmo will ovor come In which to pro vido for Itself a flrst-clas3 hotel than tho present. The Chamber of Com merce has done all that It can do as a body for the purpose of getting tho hotel established, and It Is up to the real estate owners to come for ward, not to give anything away, but to aid by purchasing a small part of tho bonds of the proposed hotel com pany. As these bonds carry a good rate of Intorest the purchase Is good business and at the same time help ful to the whole community. It is to be hoped that no potty jeal ousies exist In Marshfield which will obstruct the progress which Is so brightly promised for the near fu ture Tho time of tho little village potulancy and meanness which the best of raon and women aro apt to foster when they are Isolated to gether in a little backwoods district, has passed away, we hope and believe forever. Littleness defeats Itself. It does more. It defeats everybody else. Marshfield novor saw brighter and better prospects than now, and men should all got In lino and help, not hinder. Some mislit desire a lo cation for the hotel in somo other locality than tho one selected, but no matter where It is located, it will bo a great acquisition to all parts of thoi bay. If there is not a first-class ho tel put in here soon -it will be tho peoplo's own fault.-' Tho men who own real estate are tho men who should take these bonds, but tho Investment in tho bonds will bo good, anyway. Why should real estate men tako them? Becauso it 13 tho real estate which is to bo aided more than anything elso. Tho manufacturer can get his mon to como In bore and occupy or dinary rooms. Ho Is not In any Bpocinl need of hotols for his busi ness. Tho retail dealor Is in tho snmo shape. IIo soils to tho local Sign Writing Stric soldo J. B. Rohr Opposite Bear's Livery Stable Of dldiacd&ons. rJpnging, gralr ing, jbrriaee paint tag elf' I Iy Jure stoclf Jfe al jobs. trade. But the Jobber and real es tate man must expect to house the customers well and to offer them comfortable accommodations if they desire to do business. Tho real es tate owner hiust keep up tho price of his real estate by doing something for the town. One reason why any man Is entitled to receive a good price for lots is becauso ho uses a considerable part of the price in pub lic improvements. If he does not do it ho sells his land at a fraudulent price. A town lot does not improve in value by Just looking at it. A man is not justified in charging any more for his lot because he has just looked at it for twenty years than tho man who has Just looked at it for twenty minutes. A good hotel will Improve tho value of every lot in town and the duty of all who own lots Is to get busy and see that the building, of this hotel commences very soon. Let us bo frank. Coos Bay has been the scene of collapsi ble hotel propositions for several years now. They nave come up re peatedly and disappeared as soon. The collapsible hotel of Bangor; tho collapsible hotel of North Bend; the collapsible hotel of Plat B, Sherman avenue; the collapsible hotel of Marshfield; the collapslblo hotel of Plat B at water front. Don't lot this be another collapsible hotel. PERSONAL NOTES Mr. McKelllps, of North Bend, was a Marshfield visitor yesterday. Miss Jenny Curren was here yes terday, accompanied by Mrs. Bur me&ter. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Flanagan left for Portland on the Breakwater. Miss Molly is visiting for Bclien, of Roseburg, a short time in this city. Bill Noble returned home after a six weeks' visit ot Ten Mile. Miss Rose Arrlngton was a city visitor yesterday. - " Mrs. Joe Hodson, of Coos River, was here yesterday. Mrs. Win, Lawlor spent yesterday in Marshfield. - Mrs. Landreth, of C003 River, was in Marshfield yesterday. Mr. E. A. Colgan , and wife loft hero today for tho valley where they will spend two months visiting with relatives. Mro. McFarland, of North Inlet, was in Marshfield on Thursday. and Rm Between tiul North Beiul Mar linutes. PriVi Kare: One way, iiimI trip, jd&c. J. A. O'K Proprietor. raBBaa'ffiTagroiBEBH! Portland & Coos FAfEsfmpA rs ON THSfBAY HalfHoiilchldule MjffshflclJ Hii) 12 tin Landings ftc; va "Wrf! aw Mm fl ltd LiM,rl f Wi I wkKfeStttt WH marautft(Uit 3 J$?5iaHKl fiCEWiO vmu con baKad 3 mmmBm tyl I rSt f Sfrpv U .,., .-.,. inuiiuf - bails tor Portland arid Aitorid? everv Thursday C. F. Phone Main 34 jttmmtmmmsttttKmsmttmttmtMtttm Try The ror Ice Lreara. McOblluny Cake and pies to order.Niicnic lunches a specialty. Second and fcUstreets. Mrs. W. D. Smith returned home yesterday from a visit to North Inlet. Mr. V. Pugh, of Empire, was a Marshfield visitor yesterday. Miss Yoakum, of Coos River, was in this city yesterday. Jack McDonald, of Coos River, left yesterday for tho camp after a few days visit in this city. M. S. Smith, superintendent of the Bandon woolen mill, is In Marsh field. Mr. D. A. Utter, of Isthmus Inlet, is in Marshfield for medical aid. Attorney Hammond, of Coquille, was in Marshfield yesterday to look after business matters. Dr. Schoonmaker left yesterday for a two weeks' visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George Flanagan were passengers on the Breakwater. They will visit Portland friends. Major Tower came down yester day from his summer homo on Coos river, on his way to Empire. Nsison Iron Works P. E. NELSON, Prop MARSHFIELD, OREGON 6hD Then Blow RRONProp. rshfleld, Oregon COOS BAY IENTAL WORKS ler work nt Invo nrirwi elsewhere. Do not order work until you havo SEEN US art & Mitchell Corner 3d & D Sts. Main 1731 Pgg3csa Bay S. S. Line TER Agt. A. St. Dock An Amounts Furnished We repair all ti!mLMRchlnery, Steam and OaEugJnes, GrW and Bi cycles. l)cstf wop onippeomlty. : : We ramimaeturc Casting? In ilm nnd Bronze foj Raw Mills and Koggfn,-; Camps. Wis make tho best SlitSves nmtl Road Spool for Ioggors. - 8 : : TCTJSUaWE 921 '2Pr "V A Pull the X BEML d Wet YoirWhirtfe J. Rl HE Front Strclt, : : A oirtrket I hhelKmaklon you cmtlng trip; a rail ImewSth snpet the . ya "Patrick Hennessey, manager of tho Llbby coal mines, had business matters to look after In Marshfield yesterday afternoon. Geo. Beale, of Coos River, was in this city yesterday. Mr. Lace, of North Bend, was hero yesterday. Come Early to Make Selections of WALL PAPER Our stock is Pain will convince tlJ Coos Bay xbrmgfpg Wfithey are tAe Paint Jbl VgndSr Are You Looking for REAL ESTATE BA&6A; We reasonable pric$ iaiK witn youa j U A Souvenir P We have Rood propg I andwoM Bou&inem. UA I ArStreet nicjp-Ifife of 0iak ijuw w W AN are m 17 ; y &' m j- IS E - Jf ies. Write Us for Details a. &&w ' Electri CONFERENCE AT THE HAGUE Tho Hague, July 18'. Tho sitting of the peace conference today wub one of tho most important, both be cause of the interest in tho ques tions discussed and for tho powerful speeches . delivered. . Prominent among the speakers was Joseph Choato of tho United States. A trial of our ornishes best on the market Wallpaper Co. C. Street IMS? rties for sale at Id be pleased to Jr. & Co. mm Marshfield HANSEN ! or a rnlshing: y low plendid here in c Co. I A mwnnmmmmmmrotmmrommmrommtttt8mrmmttmmmtmtt;; Vlnmwml