7 Daily Edition if i W4tr vr4r -arty JxlwlJSi $dr & & 'il 4&4kj&sfo4LTM " 1111011 flMll liftltlI? USE TIMES WANT ADS f 1 V -r Member of Associated Press. 7f?7 v fr' N 2 - ,,.7 1 A.,,r ,j ' MARSHFIELD OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1907. No. 10. p m KM! S Uffl "yi uw'tifliLHUAus jr rpDflDUCDO FIGHT MARS convention m&u mi nilUUplLIl ! U 111 W1M I'I,X TO ltl'I,.; STKAM II I I Si IB M H ii B if fll I'OMCIS AH) IS XKrKSSAItY TO lfl HI I P CAIIItlKltM. M ImhmlaV t tl U BIL.E0I&J nrvri. inrvr-i.Mic ll'Ill UU ID SUBSIDY AN AID TO CUPID WOMEN'S CONVENTION WOULD PROMULGATE NOVEL PLAN. I'lemntitre Attempt By Faction to Address Meeting Creates the Disturbance.. Trades Unions WiU Give Dowry to Members Who Wed. ' 11 fl 1 1" I b iilinT ' npn mi" Aiaup. . Billlhr Vnb 1,tsidll,t Said To Havo Looked ULLLL ILLLU jjiGL LHinL ;; ritrUor. Urrtn Admissa- Evidencc in fners Deportations. COURT'S DECISION TODAY More Arguing Will Be On Program, HARRY ORCHARD'S MINE Interest In Hercules Was Sold to Pay Off Prisoner's Debts. Dolse, July 18. A day of argu ment of the admissibility of points of evidence followed the announce ment from the defense that they had no further witnesses to offer In be half of Haywood. The jury was not brought Into court, Judge Wood hav ing been Informed by the counsel of tho decision to rest without the offer of a sur-rebuttal. Clarence Darrow spoke for an hour and a half of the morning session. Borah replied in the aftornoon, and was followed by Richardson. The judge will an nounce his decision tomorrow. The point argued was the proposition to exclude from consideration by the jury evidence offered by tho defense to show by proof of the deportation of minors from, and the employment of Pinkertons In the Cripple Creek district that a conspiracy was formed among tho mino owners and citizens of that district to prevent tho em ployment of members of the Western Federation. Tho position takon by tho defense was that Orchard wa3 employed by the Mino Owners' Association through the detectives to commit crimen which wore then charged to the Federation and get public opinion aroused against tho union workers, and it therefore followed If tho Colo rado evidence for the state was ad mitted tho defense had a right to show a counter conspiracy. Tho re ply of tho state was that tho defense had failed legally to connect their case in those particulars, and there fore their evidence merely confused the Issue. Judge Wood stated In all probability he would decide tomor row. J. H. Hawloy wil open mo argument for the state at 1 o'clock tomorrow. It is expected ho will take the entire day. Richardson will Bpeak for tho defense Saturday. Orchard's Mine Interest Sold. Dan Cardoner, one of the owners, of tho Hercules mine, who acquired his interest from Harry Orchard, Is at tho Spokane hotel, returning from a year's trip to Spain, says tho Spokesman-Review. Ho left Spain Juno 17 and arrived at Burke, Idaho, his homo since 1884. Monday, com ing to Spokane yesterday. "I have read but little of the Hay wood trial, but some of the Spanish papers have printed a little about it," he said. "I bought my Interest In the Her cules from Orchard, paying some debts he owed. I do not rememuer how much I paid, as my accounts are at homo, and I do not trouble my mind about It." "It was a lucky buy for you?" was suggested. "Yes, indeed, it Has. I was run ning a store in Burke and Orchard owed me. I bought a wagon for Or chard to use In his woodyard. Ho could not pay for it and that and other debts I took up when I ac quired his Interest. I had been up on tho hill onco and liked the pros pect, and made up my mind that If I over could get a chance to buy a share of tho Hercules I would do so." Story Hard to Bellevo. "What do you think of Orchard's story?" was asked. 'It seems Impossible that a man like Orchard could be such a villain as ho claims he has been. I can scarcely believe It. ' Mr. Cardoner said ho had met Or chard only onco since ho bought " interest In tho Hercules. He it native of bpaln and went to Bu Idaho, In 188 4. Counsels DiffpOn diiity jn Mexico City, July 18. Minister of Finance Jose Yves LIrriantour, in an interview with .the correspondent of tho Associated Press, discussed to day the report whieh recently reach ed this capital to tho effect that Presldont Roosevelt had under con sideration a proposal that the rail road question in tho United, States bo solved by tho adoption of the "Mexican plan." That tho president has had such a plan under consideration for some time was made evldont during the course of the Interview, when Min ister Liniantour declared that some months ago, when he wall in Wash ington, both President Roosevelt and Secreatry Root questioned him as to tljo method by which the republic of Mexico had gained control of Its great trunk lines without in any way causing the railroad companies or officials to sui render any of their rights. "Tho cardinal principle of the 'Mexican plan' as you term it," said the minister, "is tho absolute divert ing of railroad control from politics. The federal power merely exerts a controlling Influence over the great trunk lines of the country by the purchase of a majority of the stock of tho principal lines of the republic. Details are left to tho directorate and the executive officers. "Mexico does not want to operate the railroads within her domain. The scope of her control only entertains the proposition that the government exercises a dominating influence and is in a position to dictate when an attempt to bring about unjust con ditions as to the rates makes itself apparent. We believe that this sort of control will be a success." SAILOR BATTLES FOR LIFE MIDSHIPMAN CRUSE MAKES GAL LANT FIGHT AGAINST ODDS. Victim of tho Battleship Disaster Kept Alfve Merely By His Marvelous Courage. Boston, July 18. Midshipman Cruso, one of tho injured from the battleship Georgia, is making a gal lant fight for lii3 life against terrible odds and today seemed to have a slight turn for the better, with a pulse of 100 and a temperature of IOC. However, it Is only tho marvelous courage which Cruse has shown which has kept . him alive so far. Seaman Meeseal showed a slight Im provement today, but his condition Is still regarded as extremely sorious tonight. Thero is little change In the condition of tho other men. HEAT CAUSES MANY DEATHS. New York, July 18. The creast of the hot wave 'reached hero today and touched this summer's record mark of 89. The temperature this afternoon foil to 75, -where It stood at midnight. Three deaths were re ported and some 50 cases of pros tration treated m the hospitals. j $ $ j .$ $ $ J $ ! 2 $ ! $ $ i i BASEBALL RESULTS. San Francisco, July 18. Los 'Angeles 1, Oakland 0. Vancouver, July 18. Van- couver 5, Spokane 1G. Portland, July 18. San Francisco 2, Portland 1. Tacoma, July 18. Tacoma 1, Seattle 0. Aberdeen, July 18. Aber- deon 1, Butto 2. $$$$' $ $! $) $! $$'$' Mr. Cardoner has bought mining property in Spain and is making that his temporary homo. Lead, copper and quicksilver are found in abund ance in the part of Spain whoro ho has bougK property. His wife Js hero with her mother. He will re main urthls part of tho country for two months, after which ho will re turn to Spain. "I shall come back onco or twice each year," said Mr. Cardonor last night. "Mining Is not doveloped in Spaiu like it is here, for the people do not appear to be ambitious. An English syndicate has a largo prop erty near mine and works several thousand men in the mines." Turn Down Wage Increase Offered by Western Union Company. TROUBLE HINGES ON MEN Employers Wishes To Choose From Strikers, CLOWRY DENIES REPORT Says That No Advance In Salary Has Been Offered to Em ployes. Oakland, July 18. The striking telegraphers' union today declined the offer of the companies to grant a 25 per cent Increase in wages and reinstate all but a few of the mery. It was a busy day among the ranks of the strikers. Committees were appointed and many important meet ings were held, and during the aftor noon several members waited on the General Executive Committee, but tho committees refused to discuss their meetings. It was evident from tho bearing of the conferees that the situation is considered serious and there were hints of increasing fric tion among the leaders. The executive committee came In for severe criticism because of its re ported remarks, deprecating the call ing of tho strike and its apparent lack of sympathy withtho local oper ators. It has been persistently ru mored for several days that there Is a serious split between President Small and his executive committee. President Small wired the result of the meeting to Chicago, but did jiot say what effect it would "bear and whether he would go east. The sit uation from either side appears un changed today. Labor Commissioner Neill loft for the east today on ac count of the Illness of his wife. Clowry Denies Report of Increase. New York, July 18. When ho learned the striking telegraphers in Oakland had today voted to refuse the concessions offered by the West ern Union Company, including, as it was stated, a 25 per cent increase of pay after telegraphers were at work, President Clowry, of tho Western Union said he wished unqualifiedly to deny any advance In salaries had been promised the strikers. - WASHINGTON IS SWELTERING. Washington, July 18. Washing ton is sweltering today, the tempera ture being 99a6. A number of pros trations were reported. The ther mometer stood at 79 at eight o'clock tonight after a heavy rain storm In the western part of city. FLY It'a eaey enough to catoh thorn r Muskogee, I. T., July 18. An at tempt by Henry Asp, a railroad at torney of Guthrie, to address the re publican county convention here to day converted the meeting into a howling, fighting mob. Pistols were brandished, knives flashed and chairs wielded right and left, resulting In bruises and minor injuries ot sev eral persons. Officers, with drawn revolvers, threatened to shoot Into the crowd if the fighting did not stop and this failed to quell the disturb ance. Deputy Marshal Ledbteter appear ed on the escne and practically took charge of tho meeting. LedbetterJ who is a democrat, saved Asp from being mobbed and prevented blood shed. Asp, pale and trembling, was taken from the meeting. The trouble started when the anti-Frantz and anti-statehood forces, of which Asp Is a member, attempted to address tho meeting before the organization was perfected. Frantz' forces were victorious in a test vote for a tem porary chairman and the other ele ment then subsided and quiet was restored. OVER 2,000 PROSTRATED .MONSTER PARADE MARKED BY COLLAPSING PERSONS. Police, Ambulances and Surgeons Kept On Run Picking Up People. Philadelphia, July 18. The Elks' parade today was marked during its progress by prostrations from heat of tho army of persons. The number was two thousand five hundred, and would have been greater but for the eventual downpour of raiu. Nover has there been such a wholesale pros tration of people in this city. For six hours the police, ambulances and surgeons ,were kept on the run look ing tor collapsed persons and largely because of their excellent service but ono case resulted fatally. The other stricken persons are said to be in good condition, with no pros pects of fatal results. The parade traversed Broad street for a distance of three miles and back and the same distance south to the city hall. The paraders countermarched the last three miles, making tho total distance upward of nine miles. Few of those overcome were In the llneof march. Those who succumbed were among tho crowd jammed along Uie street in a solid mass from one end of the lino to the other. The tem perature hovered around 90 degrees and tho humidity was excessive. MOB TO MARCH ON JAIL. New Orleans, July 18. A mob is forming tonight at Cretna, opposite New Orleans, with tho avowed pur pose to go to Hahnsvllle. There is little prospect that they will get there on the train and attempts have been made to secure a tugboat. TIME. if you have the aticky paper. Bradley In Chicago Newt. OCEAN SKIPS Federal Government Faces a Very Serious" Problem of Transportation. SIX BIG SHIPS REQUIRED Pacific Mail Company Service Unsatisfactory, AFFECTS PACIFIC COAST Proposed Vessels Would Cost About $500,000, or $3,000,000 For All. San Francisco, July 18. An Im portant question, which affects the residents of the Pacific coast, will be submitted to Secretary Taft In tho near future, as to whether the freight traffic across the Isthmus of Panama will be left In the hands of a private steamship line, or whether the gov ernment, which already operates Its own line from-New York to Panama, shall establish its own line from Pan ama to San Francisco. To establish tho needed connection it would be necessary for the Isth mian Canal Commission to construct, to start with, six ships of about 4,000 tons capacity, with accommodations ior about fifty first-class and seventy five second class passengers. Such vessels would cost about $500",000 each, or a total of ?3, 000. 000, and thero is In sight a clear profit on the investment of $300,000 a year from trans-Isthmian business, or about 10 per cent on the investment, which profit would be applied to tho cost of construction of tho Panama canal. It is thought that this pioflt would be largely augmented by tho South American business, which lias grown amazingly since the service between New York and Panama has been put on a satisfactory basis, and which would undoubtedly more than double were tho conditions incident to the presont Pacific service removed. On January 11, 190G, Secretary Taft informed the Sonate Committee on Interoceanic Canals of the meth ods of tho Pacific Mail- Steaniship Company, and later his statements were supported by .those of various officials on the Isthmus, including Chief Engineer Stevens, and also by a long statement from Chairman Shonts. 1 On January 31st, R. P. Schwerin, vice-president and general manager of the Pacific Mail Steamship Com pany, appeared before the com mittee, and made a lengthy expla nation of his side of the case, to gether with a pathetic appeal for sympathy for a privately-owned line, which had long struggled for a prof itable existence. Schwerin was able to show that thero had been many faults hi the service across tho Isth mus, and although many of his as sertions were subsequently refuted, ho managed to impress on tho com mittee thnt the Panama Railway was almost as much to blame as his own line. Owing to the congested condition of affairs on the isthmus, tho lack of organization which then prevail ed, and tho necessity of giving right of way to certain supplies essential to the accomplishment of complete saniattlon on tho isthmus, tho Pana ma Railway had not been able satis factorily to handle tho bublncss of private shippers, hut it is claimed by the officials on the isthmus that, while tho Panama Railway has been double-tracked, tho terminal facili ties perfected, tho steamship lino from Now York completely organized and the servlco between Now York and Panama brought up to a high state of efficiency, the service of tho Pacific Mall Steamship Company has grown steadily worse. Another occasion of Indignation to tho officials of the Panama Railway i and the Canal Commission is that the Pacific Mail Steamship Company appears to bo seeking to convoy tho iraprcs Ion that tho grayo defects Ja'kefllcionc i tho government line, . Chicago, July 18. Trade unions as aids to Cupid and antagonists to race suicide was the novel idea advo cated today at an Interstate confer ence of women workers held In Hull House. It was one of tho first three of that character ever held in Amer ica, two others being conducted simultaneously In Boston and New York. Miss S. P. Breckenridgo, as sistant dean of women at the Uni versity of Chicago, appeared as ono of the champions of the idea and made a strong plea in favor of tho labor unions giving dowries to women. "We believe In this marriage dow ry," declared Miss Breckenrldge. "It places the marriage question upon a serious basis. Tho unions have their death and sick benefits, and a marriage benefit or 'dowry would be quite In order. If a woman unionist is going to be married, 3he must be taught that It is a serious under taking, but, at the same time, a plan that Is favored by the organization to which she belongs. The experi ence she acquires by being a unionist and wage earner will enable her to spend money wisely after she Is mar ried." Tho subsidizing of the god of love was first suggested by Miss Rose Pfanstli, delegate from the Cigar Makers' Union. R. R. NEARS COMPLETION RUSHING WORK ON VANCOUVER PORTLAND COAST ROAD. Trains Will Be Running Between Keiinewick and Vancouver by November First. Portland, July 18. By November 1st next, tho last spike will be driven In the Portland and Seattle railroad of the North Bank line and within a lew days thereafter trains will be running between Kennewick and Vancouver. Until about February 1, when the bridges across the Wil lamette and Columbia rivers are completed and an entrance into Portland effected, some arrangement will be made for tho transfer of pas sengers to this city. Already all heavy work along the line is completed, big Alls aro finish ed and tunnels are all driven. The grading work, which is already well along, will be entirely finished by October 15. Tho rails havo been laid for 90 miles of tho 229, leaving 139 miles to be laid. YOUNG LADY ASPHYXIATED. Is Found Dead In Bed By Land lady. San Francisco, July S. Miss Nora Belle Popejay, a visitor to San Fran cisco from Pueblo, Col,, was found dead In her room at C4G Cole street, yesterday morning by the landlady of tho house, Mrs. Laftln. Miss Popejay arrived here on Sat urday, and said she was on her way to Los Angeles. She retired early. Yesterday morning the landlady de tected the odor of gas and traced It to the room occupied by her now lodger. Sho sent across the street for Dr. Durner, who broko open the door, but found tho woman was dead, a gas jot was found to be partly turned on, and 'death Is believed to havo been accidental. Among the woman's possessions were found two lotters written to friends in Colorado before sho re tired, and sealed ready for mailing yesterday, but nothing was said In either about suicide. A return ticket to Colorado, some monoy and V -kets were also found in tho roorA 4 ! t ! $ $ $ J K $ ! ! ! $ $ ! f ! WEATHER FOREGO- " Western Oregon, fair In tho south; possibly showers In tho north portion. Western Wash- Ington, showers. Eastern Ore- gon, Eastern Washington, Ida- ho, showers. $4,JJfJJl,4,l!, J tho trans-isthmian service and tho serious inconvenience occasioned shippers are due to the bad service of tho P"'iuma Railway, and so far has this e htat Pacific Coast ship pers ha' econtly formulated and made puu a protest agalr the In- iA 'rfl Ajtm i -4 i I i KS3