'WflHT 'HJ (iMHnHHHM- fMfPSKKiaHRain jESSS ' . fi BSHI) HHIIhHWPP?"--ilBHHMRSHHHRIHHHHBVBwr'xsch. A f? 1T.Y 4, 1007. (1 ft TI1B DAILY COOS HAY TiaiES, MARSIiyiELP, OnEQUN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1007. il P lillB- . - M r j ... HF Kit a flHyjr 2 llftk TAN YOIT I 1k "at BiG ATfENDANCE PROMISED TODAY I ,TI. I 1 1 I I - ,.,1 ,-i.-T. iiijliH!M3iI I Packard Shoes For Men We offer your poor, tried feeta rest and your purse ' a saving. Could any news be more interesting to you I I just now than this7 We offof the latest styles in the Julia Marlowe Shies for Womenand the Packard Shoe for Men at prices that cannot be beat, See our windows with a full assortment. I Finnish i Co-operative J Co m$m$ flBnCfSflSSS JmkrMm fMBW Every Indication points to a record breaking attondanco at the annual race met to be given on the Marsh field race track this afternoon begin ning at 2 o'clock. Among tho jockeys who will do tho riding are: P. Mauzy, G. Gray ling and B. Johnson. The final payments are' closed and tho probable starters are given. Tho Jockeys and colors under which horses will run will bo given later. The first race on Wednesday will bo well contested, as tho entries havo shown very fair work. The first race' today will bo well contested, as the entries have shown very fair work. It will be called at 2 p. m, second race 2:30, third race 3 p. m. fourth race, 3:30, Gate fee will be 50 cents for adults, and chil dren 25c. Entries. Race No. 1. Two and three-year- olds. Purso $100. Half mile. Fee $20." . J. 11. Ileri'on owner; G. Grcanllii, trainer.' Teddie, by Skipper. P. 1 Norton, owner; Chug. Montjoy, trainrc. joy, trainer. Headlight, by Jo K. North Bend Stables; Snyder, trainer. Evadnos, by Imperial Calvador. L. J. Simpson, owner; Armstrong, trainer. Chestnut filly, by Blenheim. br. iUVi Mr1 9 .TTnnr-ypnr-nlrlH anj 11 TAZZA-. aeJ logging igs until 1 ir.uus v. The Seventy. Hemingway, owner; Mnitzy, trainer. Diadem, by Divola. Va&cuX" -nn'f,ra&Yffflrf8rdS-BtorPflS hr.i ,--w .. - tn Snml nnd nrUstla home. Notice ri to near rest of larty aro ix, Jim L 1 ksafeascn Julia Marlowe For Vonien Pluin. tl coos TzrsmaTBZMMfg&iiK&rgxmgimizBa ON EAST SHORE OF BAY Level bench land, all cleared, for business blocks Qentel sloping, AldercAvered land, for residence Reasonable mctes-asy Terms Also 550 acres Dairy Fark&on Kentuck Inlet. Free Lmwhrllm Marshfield akd ortJk Bend. Call at ounoffice opposite Central Hotel, Marshfield, rercall us up on .phone. Coos Bay Townslte Com; O. C. SETHER, Pres, and Gen. Manager N. F. THRONE, Secretary .""fSioq, Jla Y If i I i I i j H If 1 ! Iff i I ! arrangement Is also notewortj other rooms la Georgia pine, and grate, 1 1,4G0, Simpson, oniur; iiiiiniiuiij.;! trainer. Chestnut filly, by Glenhelm. Brown, filly, by I. It. Glorolstein. L. Nsiy, owner; Montjoy, trainer. Greenlaw, by All Green. Raco No. 4. Free for all. Purse lf..ralle. Fco $20. fourth Wcdnesdayp, Odd Follows Hall KNIGHTS OP I'VTIUAS. Myrtle latilpn', No. 3. K. P. Clias. Nordstrom, C. C; Tom Hall, Keep er of Records. Meets first and third Mondays, K. P. Hall. Pythian Sisters, Laurel Temple, No. 38. Mrs. Bessie Nicholson, M. E, C; Mrs. Nellie Whereat, M. of R. and C. Meets first and third Wed nesdays. WOODMEN OP THE WORLD. Cnmp No. 100, W. O. W.. W. P. Murphy, C. C.; W. U. Douglas, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Coos Hay Circle, No. 1C4, Women of Woodcraft. Mrs. Nora Daly, G. N.; Mrs. M. Cowan, Clerk. Meets second ,and fourth Mondays, Odd Fellows Hall. RED MEN. TCoos Tribe, No. 33, Improved Order of Redmen. F. A. Sacchi, Sa chem; George Farrln, Keeper of Records. Meets Thursdays, Red Men's Hall. FRATERNAL UNION OP AMERICA T. Nicols, F. M.; Mrs. Nellie Owen, secretary. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Old Masonic Hall. GRAND ARMY OP THE REPUBLIC Baker Post, No. 8, Department of Oregon. W. E. Thorpe, Com mander; I. S. Kaufman, Adjutant; C. W. Tower, Q. M. Meets second Tuesday each month, Longshore men's Hall. SUOMI SOCIETY. W. M. Hagqulst, President; John Backman, Secretary. Meets first and third Wednesdays, hall over Times Ofilce. EAGLES. MnrHliflcId Aerie, No. 538, Fraternal Order of Eagles. T. J. Lewis, W. P.; H. McLaln, Secretary. Meets first Wednesday evening of each month in Eagle's Hall on Front street, at 8 p. m. Degree of Pocnliontas, Sacajawea Council, No. 9 . Meets first and third Thursdays. Nora Daly, Po cahontas; Ora McCarty, Keeper of Records. Blanco Lodge, No. 48, A. F. & A. M. Richard Walter, W. M.; Norls Jensen, Secretary. Meets third Thursday of each month. Masonic Temple. Court Coos Bay, No. 15, Foresters of America. William Longstaff, Chief Ranger; F. T. Sumner, Financial Secretary. Meets second and fourth Saturdays In I. O. O. F. Hall. North Bend Camp, No. 82C1, M. W. A. P. Maloney, V. C; L. A. Loo mls, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, 8 p. m., Tay lor's Hall. Visiting neighbors cor dially invited to attend. A. O. W. A. J. Savage, Master Workman; T. M. Dlmmlck, Re corder. Meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings In the Odd Fel lows Hall. I WE "SELL i I Coos Bay Real Estate I I Residence and Farming Property I A snap 40 aafifon Gatchingjrllct 4 miles from fi city 15 acres bottcftn land' underlay ftc. ft M 40 acres on County Rottd 4 miks from city $18 J per acre. I f j For furUierparicmars call on ft I F. M. Riimmell Jr. & Co. J $ Nasburg bldg. 1 MARSDEN'S COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS ROYAL SELECT GAMBtHNDS B0TTJ.ED BEER I H ilW ill ill I' i Quarts, Pir Phone Orders promptly attndcrl"tl L. UJi ... X INK . i BoLtJIedJrr its and One Half Pints. Phono 481. Ht.wuH-i.' i 'sirnri IBfawBgyavaiKMEgcMaHMESaiti' PERFECTS INVENTION Daniel Fiory Designs Car Slake for Logging Trains Eliminates ntucli Danges in If ABSOLUTE SAFETY is the best thingwe have to offer Othefnducements are . of secondary importanhe Uoet this basis onlydo we splrCit your patronalge First Natidi JOHN S. COKE, President W.S. McPAKLAND, Cashier ink of CoosvBay O. B. HINSDALE, VIco Pres. R. T. KAUPMAN, Asst. Cas. nfr"1" 'T1,f ' -.,- ., . ,,,.,.. a .. , yp-wr fgbAMggasSgEfanrgaiasi California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer .HJanee AJTfP jj -f tv7 FQ itForset Dpi jhe asj3Q&K oti oU-WtWt t .. - r liui ime wnn supplies at the Red Cross UMQUE PANTAT0RIUM Ladie and Gents What is said to be one of tho most Interesting and practical inventions in .lumbering and logging business has just been patented by Daniel Fiory of Marshfield, Oregon. The invention is an improved car-stake, and consists of a set of hollow metal TPsi t nl alonS the sides of a log car in such a.ztAtKsi j 1 jl a manner as to bo perfectly free to Imovo up or down in tho mounting irames. liach of tho stakes has a vertical series of holes right-through tho inner sldo of the square and a small toothed wheel Is mounted di rectly back of each stake so that Its teeth will enter the holes in the stake. These wheels aro all keyed to a shaft running lengthwiso of the car so that when the shaft Is turned in one direction or tho other the stakes are all raised or lowered. Tho shaft can be locked at the Meeting Nights and Officers Of Coos Bay Orders GREATEST LLINHRY SALb Iter HEm oNfioos bay ' be Lm&e& Wednesday, 6lh. V Jfozens fof elegantly, CL&ANING PRISING a speciality. Phone 1444. MASONIC. Am go Chapter, No. 22, R. A. M. II. Lockhart, HighJPriest; Albert See Ug, Secretary, fleets fourth Wed nesday of each month, Masonic Temple. Pacific Coniinniidery. C. W. Tower, Eminent Commander; Albert See lig, Secretary. Meets fourth Mon- . day 01 edch month, Masonic Temple. Doric Chapter, No. 53, O. E. S. Mrs. Marsh, W. M.j Mrs. O. Macarty, Secretary, Meets second and fourth Tuesday, Masonic Temple. ODD FELLOWS. Sunset Lodge, No. 51, I. O. O. F. L. Plauz, N. G.; I. S. Lando, Secre tary. Meets In Odd Follows Hall. Sunset Kiicunipmciit, I. O. O. F. A. Hagenmlester, C. I'.; I. Lando, Scribe. Meets first and second Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Western Star Lodge, Iteuckiilis. Mrs. Tom Coke, N. G.; Mrs. Lizzie But ler, Secretary, Meets second and B. D COOS BAY to GEO. D. GRAY & CO., General a 421 Market St.. San Francisco. OLSON, IWaater. r SAILING FROAl-JL FoifUtfhcK ri, yf &n aiWLaMfgnwyygftrA.t aB- 1U,m The great mall order LIQUOR HOUSE. We pay the express Write today for r: t :.. MARSHFIELD GENERAL-- HOSRKTAL ratro MfSSfl Hospita Medical nblo. BiLACK, I ilor ii dnffis. 1 Rhone "atron urgical and ates reason- 991. CORTHELL & DURICEE Contractor Plans dra nished. Ca of Hibbard s and Bu wn. cjtim Wfpf D i sYrocesv rv n n ildcrs ates fur- rkce, back store. end so as to hold tho stakes at any desired hiegiu. The stakes aro so designed that they aro thoroughly practical In all way3. Slivers and pieces of bark cannot interfere with its action or clog up the holes which aro engaged by tho toothed wheel because tho holes extend through tho sido of tho stake and tho teeth of the wheel simply forces them through tho holes and they fall to tho ground through tho middle part of tho stake. Tlioy arc said to havo many desirable points which are readily appreciated by those familiar with the present crude, dangerous, and expensive methods of staking log cars. Tho Intorstato Commerco Com mission is said to bo working on a law requiring railroads to supply the loggers with cars having some means which will reduce tho dangers inci dent to tho handling of logs by the preseut methods, and one point which will bo incidentally accom plished by tho adoption of a stake, such as Mr. Fiory has patented, will bo tho saving in tho expense tho wood for tho present stakes, tho cost of trimming tho stakes for tho sock ets, and tho cost of unloading tho logs -from tho cars by tho present plan, Mr. Fiory is a former resident of Tacoma and it was at that city that ho invented his car-stake and has obtained his patent through a patont attorney there. Copies of tho patent can bo obtained from Mr. Fiory, or from R. I. Elliott, Tacoma, Washington. and Return L. W.SHAW, Agont, '. Marshfield. Phono 441 The Steamer i M .9 JB. Sails for San F. MARSHFIELD? P EJ AM3P ,Plvlir,lc,!''f5ivIi'7 Ifina oo p uOWAgent ' : : OREGON Z-Zfi.! r" ' " 9Hi WILSON WHI0MAS Contractors-'ariri Builders. JLJ Oihce fixtures a specialty. fbr Fronts, Counters, Shelving. Lot u workAxff' youplans. Seo us bo- fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street j MOMOHN CHURCH DISSOLVES Salt Lake Clty.July 3. Confira- tory of tho report that tho Mormon Church has decided to rotiro from business is tho announcement mado today by tho Dosort News that tho church has sold tho Grass Creole coal WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION BEOTJS It is choice inside rpidencfe-3perty, lots 50x100 with alkys, ili sheltered with A GOOD BA JEW and prices of lots are reisonfe For particulars see x. HJtie inarantee & Abstract Lo.. i 'i 1 i7 1. S h , Vj ' i ij r fy