I (tan Haij cHimea THE COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, MAR8IOTELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 2D, 1007. AN I.VDKPKNDKNT RKPCl" """Va-'ArEH runUJIIKD EVKRV DAY EXCEPTl.VO MON DAY AND Af.SO WKEKLY BY Thh Coos Bay Times PciiLisinxo Co. FRED PASLEY, Editor. REX LARGE, Business Manager Compact, Neat Cottage. It Has Been Built Fifty Times at an Average Cost of $1,000. Copyrldht, 1907. by Glenn L. Saxton. Minneapolis, Minn. Tho policy of Tlio Coos Bay Times will bo Republican in politics, with the independence of which President Roose velt is the lending exponent. Entered at the postofllce nt MfirslifioM, Ote foil, lor transmission through the malls as sccuhd class mall.mattrr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single copy, daily, - - 5 cents Por month, daily, - - 50 cents Three months, daily, - - $1 25 Bis; months, daily - $2 50 One year, daily, - - - f 5 00 Weekly, per year - - f 1 00 Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marshfidd, Oregon. PAVING STREETS. Mnrshfleld need3 streets,. The city is rapidly attaining size and is be coming the mecca for many people In search of a suitable place to settle down In. Ono of tht most impor tant features of a city professing the advantages which we have here Is goad streets, and newcomers are apt to receive unfavorable Impressions when they find the city has made no progress in this mogt Important of municipal Improvements. With the heavy amount of Improvements which will be well under way this summer in the shape of residences and brick business blocks It becomes all the more Imperative that the city formulate a definite policy re garding tho kind and extent of pav ing to be done. The city council is handicapped to a certain extent because of the fact that Marshflold has never had prac tical experience with brick or cni3he'd stone pavements, and consequently is not acquainted with thc paving quali ties of the different compositions around tho Coos Bay country. The initial steps in the paving question are difficult ones. The men entrust ed with tho responsibility of deter mining the kind of paving probably realize this mor0 than any one else. In public questions such as this the thought is always present that the people will And grounds for censure. There should bo no fault finding with any pavlng tho city council may select. Tho Times believes the people of Marshfleld are anxious for paved streets. They have demonstrated It and their wishes should be followed. What kind of paving is to be utilized Is to be decided by the council. If there is any stono around Coos Bay which might be used In paving it would not be amiss to glve it a trial on a short street. By that method it can be demonstrated to the satisfac tion of all whether it will be a paying investment to lay the paving on Marshfleld's s'treets. It is generally conceded that this place will Increase rapidly In population in the next five ycarf. If it does then any paving laid will no doubt be superseded by brick, asphalt or bltullthic pavements. The city qouncil should bear this In mind at this time, and not Incur too heavy an expense on what will no doubt bo a temporary pavement. Ono advantage- of a crushed rock Jiavemont Is that it can be utilized tis a bed for any of tho pavements mentioned abovo. Once tho people! or luarsmield see tho advantage of a good pavement they will renounce forever mud and plank streets. Tho plank street is not only expensive, but a Korlous monnco to public safety. m'A ist?- ,-- ' ?. s.;. h jm&mmmmik mm 1 mmk a ism mm. m,mmma;m qmj&t. r? -'- '" Q """""""ir-ii,, ; KELT LINE RAILWAY COMPANY. North Bend, Oregon. June 27th, 1907. To tho Hon. Mayor and Councllmen of North Bend, a Municipal Cor poration of Coos County, Ore gon. Gentlemen. You are hereby no tified that I demand, and if not paid will bring suit to collect the same, tho sum of Twenty-flvo Dollars (?25.00) for each and every day my Mill on Pony Slough In Coos County, Oregon, is detained from running, owing to your town Marshal, on tho 25th day of June, 1907, taking from my possession one Donkey Engine nnd Equipments used by m0 In con- i ncction with my said Mill for lod ging and other purposes; said bill of $25.00 per day will bo demanded and collected until said Donkey Is returned to my possession or a new one is obtained, as my Mill is ready for uso and only not running for the reason that tho samo is suspended for the want of said Donkey Engine. L. D. KINNEY. HninBBD nMonwijf inn warn w m A nice line of Souvenir Postals of Marshfield NORTON & HANSEN 8 11 i a, i i ,. .GREATEST MILLINERY SALE Ono 00x10 Russell Roller with full front. Ono 13x20 Russell Automatic Engine. Ono 35 Jo w. Thompson Alternating Dynamo, 1100 volt, 125 cvcio Ono 50 k. w. Thompson Alternating Dynamo, 1100 volt, 123 Cycl All'tlio abovo machinery Is first class and in good running order It is being taken out of our central stntlou by reason of its belli- too small for our requirements. The Coos Bay Gas and! Electric Co. -JS.- -- -- ." tw - PERSPECTIVE VIEW Vfjr H "I EVER HELD ON COOS BAY R JK STOREROOM S gWip I 0 rWtf W , JpSUa. Will be commenced Wednesday, 1 H Aft"1 WW taSW VrJ8fl7iR0OMt 1. ociL n i . II . a -TAltl i . cozens or elegantly 2T'''fr ILiLjuiaj enl vttI J"1 jL.-fL-i trimmed hats will be sold at a sac- KsX i S ' rtmt-ns Eimasas&as3i LI If-CKXtf-- l&trtll-k tcvr.13 1, lOWIi-tf I BUH.IHII'H III! i m'J.....-i. i ,, .rr, LTjTv3T g I BSW HeaT 9 scur B' J H CLOSET 8 li r. rxrr If. 1 r i lMfl v M?fca aKBmn wi wfByu , ri ww . i n n 1 -" Are yon a man who ap l&ji r-j " ' FIRST FLOOR PLAN. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. fJFlgCI&teS gWll dotlling Tliis compact and neat home has been built fifty times In Illinois, tha first three times by a Chicago contractor named Harris. Tbe central entrance into tho largo reception room and the tine bedrooms are Its special features. The cost for the fifty cottages mentioned averaged $1,000 each. GLENN L. SAXTON. mglT.'imjm3M3IHrOiiiJiimrmrT. -.. Come Early to Make Selections of at within-reasoBi prices? aper Our stock is going fast. A trial of our that shown by tho loading clothing establishments of New York City. If you haven't boon in this Spring to see tho splendid values wo offer in 5 If you are, you can come hero expecting to see many suits to intoi-est you in our tremendous and varied stock of spic-an'd-span now clothing for Spring and Summer, which in style, quality and assortment is on a par with Paint ifj Don't Forget J will convince that they are the best on the market. you shouldn't delay coming another day. You can't find tho equal of this celebrato.1 clothing anywhere in town under a third more than we ask. Of strictly high-grade, dopendablo mftterials, fault less in out and tailoring and up-to-the-minute in advanced fashion, you can make a selsotion of any suit at $12 to $30 with every assurance of perma nent satisfaction and that you got tho best value obtainable at the prico you paid. Your inspection is especially requested of our Spring sack suits at $15 We ask ou to judge these suits by the $18 and $20 standards of other stores as far m tho cmalitv is concerned and for styha, workmanship and finish, with to-measure-mado suits costing $30 or more. Do this and you will surely purchase one of these suits at $15 in newest patterned worsteds, ohviots and cassimeros in the fashionable giay, blue and brownish tones. Smart Spring Suits for Boys, $2.50 to $12 Olothos made of tested fabrics in handsome patterns, stronrfv tailored to SfiZ 'ld heir Shap0linOS8 P-ntIy-vah,'os that" 1 elsewhere at lfd.50 to 815, hero in a great assortment of attractive models at $2.50 to $12. fjfc CTftlftT IMP TMl MAUI Or MlCHAELS-ST&RN FINE CLOTHING michiiu. ntM cp. MMWII. the Kodak on your outing trip; a full line with supplies at the Coos Bay Paint & Wall paper Company. 2nd near C Street. JLi North Bend y W tfj beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabete3 'ft V fi"- r. m 'i(brm$ttiM., .'air, nzx ijfc& A, Mm- kM j. j ,-.. . K' Inra toagyj'ji 4