The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 28, 1907, Weekly Edition, Image 8

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'"i THPMB'l
Editorial Rooms - - - - 1331
Business Office - - - - 1331
4, $ i s : :
MONEY? The Dally C009 Bay
Times will place a correspond-
ent In every town and commu-
nlty In C003 county. For every
lino of newsmatter turned In
correspondents will bo liberally
paid. In a short time the paper
- will b0 materially enlarged and
equipped with new machinery.
Its aim Is to build up and devel-
op th0 richest country on the
Pacific coast and In tho United
States. To attain that end tho
paper is not only willing, but de
tnrmlnml t.n snond money. If
you have a few sparo moments
4 each day you can utilize them
to your financial benefit. Write
4, 4, 4, 4. 4, 4, 4. 4. .$. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
Following is a list of those who
registered at the hotels Blanco and
Central yesterday:
Central Hotel. Cha3. B. Coleman,
San Francisco; G. W. Beach 'and
wife, Seattle; C. H. Brook, Sumpter;
E. B. Norris, San Francisco; William
Allen, Portland; William Kemper and
-wife, wife, Kent, Wash.; E. B. Inman
and daughter, Bandon.
. Blanco Hotel J. C. Yale, San
Francisco; Miss Yale, San Francisco;
F. D. Layton, Portland; G. W. Hatch,
A. F. Estabrook, Ed. Keng, Ada John
son, San Francisco; Frank Howe,
Portland; Melvin Buss, Florence; E.
E. Standard, Portland; Mrs. F. Hol
comb, Ten Mile; Lester B. Hiscon and
wife, North Bend; D. E. Severy, Flor
ence; W. C. Finpaugh, Chicago; J. D.
Hamlin, Paul Boyd, Frank Dlnga,
Beaver Hill; J. A. Rhoder, Portland.
Increase Capacity. The Coos Bay
Manufacturing Company has pur
chased a hopper feed box resaw from
tho Mereen Johnson Machine Com
pany, of Minneapolis, through A.
Mereen. The machine ha3 a capacity
of from 30,000 to 40,000 box shooks
a day and Is the first one of its kind
to bo placed in the establishments.
It will arrive in a short time with a
largo shipment of machinery to tho
C. A. Smith Lumber and Manufac
turing Company.
Improve BuhruIows. Dr. J. T.
McCormac and F. M. Frledburg are
having a pump and gasoline englno
installed for pumping water from a
well near the river Into a reservoir
above their summer homes up Coos
river. Tho reservoir has a capacity
of 5,000 gallons, and is about fifty
feet abovo the river olovatlon. Tho
installing of tho pump will save a
great deal of work, as heretofore It
lias been necessary to carry the water
a distanco of 500 feet.
Mr. Friedberg and family have
moved to their summer homo on Coos
river. They are tho first to occupy
tho summer quarters. Dr. McCor
mac and family will move to their
bungalow Monday and will stay until
tho mlddlo of September, when thoy
will again return to Marshfiold for
tho school season. Tho Friedberg
and McCormac bungalows are flftcon
miles up the river, a two hours' trip
"by launch. (
1 L. .1. Simpson Iledirns. L. J.
Simpson, who has been absent from
tho bay for tho past two or threo
weeks attending to business matters
In San Francisco and Portland, will
arrlvo from tho former city today on
th0 steamer M. F. Plant. While In
Portland Mr. Simp3ou made arrange
ments for a delegation to meet Vlce
Prosldont Fairbanks while ho is In
that city, and extended him an Invi
tation n behalf of the Coos Bay
Chamber of Commorce, to visit the
liny. (
I jMMHIMMmWWMMH WIM 'IWII 'Mi 'IBill'illi1 WTHi'iW iHWIWIIiiiWnWi ' li i MIB II II ifl iffnij.
Melting Letter Comes To Light Written By
Man Wlib On His Own Confession
Is An Arch-Fiend
Monaco to Navigation. Au old
discard id foverniuent scow wnlh is
uscloss and has beon fastened up
one of tho sloughs for tho past two
years, has for tho lrast two days
boeu floating around In the bay, and
in said by captalus to be a menace
to navigation. Tuesday oveniug it
was noticed for the flr3t time and
again yesterday it was seen floating
in tho main channel of the bay.
'IVmiw Practicing. The High
School and Junior Independent base
ball teams are practicing hard for
tho coming game at the Depot
grounds on Sunday next. Both teams
n ro confident of winning and patrons
will bo given full moasaro for their
mouoy. Tho proceeds are to go to
tho public library fund.
J. C. Oren'B incidence. Work on
J. E. Oron's 4,000 resldenco has
hoon started," tho excavation for tho
basomout bqlng almost finished. Tho
concroto foundation will bo started
tho first of tho week, and as soon as
finished tho carpenters will start
A well known Walla Walla farmer
has Just received a letter from Harry
Orchard, or Alfred Horsloy. Tho
letter would tend to show Orchard's
complete renunciation of his old life.
Tho man who received It asks that
his name bo not used, to avoid no
toriety. He has received several letters
from Orchard, and Is personally ac
quainted with him. A letter received
prior to the Haywood trial Gtated
that Orchard would go on tho stand
and tell all, and that he expected to
pay the penalty for his crimes. Tho
man who received the letter was
maimed at tho Independence depot
explosion. Ho was once In the
woods for several months with
Orchard and stated that ho acted
much the same as any other man.
Orchard's Letter.
The letter Is as follows:
Boise, Ida., Juno 15. Dear Friend:
I have neglected answering your let
ter, but you will understand the rea
son. I have been very busy. As
you know I have just passed through
perhaps tho most horrible ordeal that
any human being over was called up
on to do. I could never have done
this In my own strength. But I give
all the praise to a kind and loving
Providence for giving me strength
spiritually and physically. I know
I have been an unnaturel monster,
but the dear Lord regenerated me,
so he could use me. I have told the
whole truth. I did not shield my
self or anybody else, nor did I
wrongfully accuse any Innocent per
son. I could not send you a copy of
the manuscript, as I have made a
contract to have it published and
have agreed not to divulge any of the
contents. I got a good contract and
Smith Work Progresses. The con
crete work on the foundation for the
now C. A. Smith offices and also the
work on the vault will be finished
the first of the week, when a large
force of carpenters will be put to
work to ru3h the offices through to
New Summer Home. Eugeno
O'Counell Is having a now summer
home built on his place near the
McCormac cottage, which will prob
ably be ready for ocupancy In about
two weeks. The family will move
just as soon as It Is finished. The
cottage is 22 by 30 feet in size.
Crushed Hock Sidewalk. Crushed
rock for thenew concrete sidewalk to
bo built on Second street In front
of the F. A. Sacchl and Johnson
buildings, was unloaded on tho site
yesterday. Masters & McLain will
begin work on this contract In a
short time.
Mother's Meeting. A mother's
meeting will be held in the Presby
terian church this afternoon at 3:30.
Everybody is invited to attend, espe
cially thoso Interested In children.
It is the Intention to organize the
mothers' club at the meeting this
McCulliuu Moves. C. F. McCullum
will move to his summer homo on
Coos river Friday, and will remain
there throughout tho summer attend
ing to his business In Marshfiold by
going back and forth In a launch.
New Cottage. C. L. Bonebrake'3
now five-room cottage, under way on
South Broadway, will bo completed In
a few days. It will cost about $1,000
and will bo for rent,
of from 30 to
Simpson Mill Order. Tho Simp
son Lumber Mill at North Bond has
received a heavy order from San
Pedro which will require about thirty
days to fill. The order Is for min
ing ties.
Returns From Fishing. J. W.
Bennett, Bishop Scaddlng and wife
aud Aithur McKoown returned yes
terday from a three day's fishing trip
to Ton Mile.
Visitinjt Empire. Mrs. C. F. Mc
Cullum, accompanied by Misses Kenne
aud Flanagan are visiting a few days
in Empire.
Mrs. Bell Arrives. Mrs. S. II.
Bell and son arrived In Marshfleld
yesterday by stage from Drain.
Hilly Taylor Returns. Billy Tay
lor and wifo havo returned from one
of the most sucossful fishing trlp3
heard of this summor. They were at
Ten Mllo lakes. (
Short VMt. F. B. Hague, Watt
and Hillis Short loft yesterday for
tholr honiestoads, to bo gone a few
Add Improvement. An Improve
ment was added to the Lockhart Gro
cory storo yostorday In tho shape of
new doors.
Marshueld Visitor. Mrs. W. Sin
clair, of Coqulllo, was a Marshfiold
visitor yestorday.
got $1,000 In cash to start with. If
you get McClure's Magazlno you will
get some of the first chapter, In the
next Issue. I think I will get enough
money out of this so as to make my
dear wife and llttlo daughter com
fortable. I have used them shame
fully and disgracefully, but the dear
Lord has watched over them and
spared them. And I love them bet
ter than my own life now since God
has taken away my stony heart and
given me a heart of flesh and blood.
I have been greatly strengthened
spiritually since I have been on the
stand. I relied upon the promises of
God. I fear I did not trust Him as
fully as I should have. His ever
abiding presence gave mo strength
If I had thought I was right, I could
havo taken my own life a great deal
easier thau to go through that awful
ordeal, and It Is not finished yet, but
I can go through the rest easier, as I
have learned to more fully rely upon
God's grace, and I know ho will never
leave or forsaken me, if I do not
I would like to use tho first two
letters you sent me in my book If you
have no objection. Please let me
know If I may. I will not use them
without ypur permission. I am well
and hope thi3 will find you the same.
I will closo with the kindest thoughts
toward you.
P. S. You will understand now
why I signed as I did before.
Orchard's previous letter was
signed A. E. H., per Harry Orchard.
This was before he revealed his right
name and prior to his taking the
The man referred to In the fore
going, Is named Ganey. Soon after
Orchard made ,hls confession this
man wrote him a remarkable letter.
He narrated that he was standing on
the platform at the Independence de
pot when the wire was pulled that
fired tho dreadful mine. In the aw
ful horror ho lost one foot entirely
and tho other was rendered useless.
After suffering great torture ho was
again able to get about, but was
obliged to face the fact that he was a
hopeless cripple.
The man added that, though he
had suffered so, he had fully for
given th0 author of the explosion.
Continuing ho sent Orchard a re
markable message of a religious na.
Those who have seen the letter say
It reads as If It might have been
written by some great bishop of
splendid literary attainments and
deep consecration to the cause of re
ligion. It shows this man who lost
his feet In the explosion Is splendidly
educated and had a polished mind
Tho letter was withheld from
Orchard for some time, as It was
feared It would move him too deeply.
When It was handed him, Orchard
was powerfully Impressed. After a
time ho replied expressing his ap
preciation, and the correspondence
has been f-firlcfl on at intervals
Ganey's consent to have tho letter
used was secured, and Mr. McCluro
now has It to appear In connection
with other Orchard matter In his
There is still another letter of
great Interest among thoso secured
by Mr. McClure. This is from
Orchard's first wife, whom ho de
serted and who had not heard from
him for 10 years until ho opened
communication with her after get
ting into prison. This letter shows
her to bo a woman of culture aud re
finement, of great ability and of the
highest character. Those who have
road It have found tears springing
to their oyes as thoy have pursued It.
After Mr. McCluro had read It, he
handed Orchard an additional ?50,
requesting him to send it to his wifo
from him as a testimonial of his ro-gard.
The graduating exercises of tho
Marshfleld High School will bo held
at tho Masonl" Opera House tonight,
following which tho Alumni banquet
will bo served In the banquet hall of
tho Masonic Temple. Tho stage
decorations for the occasion wore
practically finished yesterday after
noon, and tho placo will tako on a
beautiful appearance when the lights
aro turned on. Professor Golden had
tho diplomas signed up yesterday
2:30 p. m. and 8:30 p. m,
We will hold our REGULAR WEEKLY
HOUSE on 2nd Street between B. and C. in
The DAY and HOURS, for THEN you may buy ANYTHING and
EVERYTHING we have at YOUR PRICE, not ours.
TW UnAr. ATT. KTNDS and GRADES -New and Old- of PERSONAT
Property and it is no (rouble lo show and price our goods to you.
at"ANY OLD TIME but be certain lo come next Saturday and ENJOY the'
That we sell vou as GOOD goods -new and old- CHEAPER than you can
buy elsewnere.
That we arc ready to sell YOUR property for you on commission, at YOUR
HOME, or after removing it to our Auction House.
'if YOU will ATTEND our Sales and
T"7 Ann CI" A WOTTC that we are here here to stay and that
JC n.tL O iJrl JLaIXO if YOU will ATTEND our Sales
BID we will SELL.
That you can buy ANYTHING you want DURING THE WEEK at out
Much Less Money than Elsewhere
That we pay you ALL your old furniturs and furnishings are worth, and that
it is no trouble lor us to can ana see mem.
kg us rap
and we will let you know when we can call.
That by coming to our AUCTION House you can see that
Mammouth AnftAjue Bed Room Set and that
Masnif icent and Valuable Library
which is to be BROKEN UP and sold as you wish to buy.
3 P. M. and 8:30 P. M
MABMfflWH m 6XQl?flCbf&
Vvax ij,83aJ' V J vs" " t
If You Want
A Brass Bed, Hah- Mattiess, Clipper Springs, and Mahogany Dresscr Bedroom Set, a flno Mnttr
. . ... . . . .. , tU(
n Good Bed Lounge, a Cook Stoe, a Heating Stove, a tias Range (extra ciieap;, a gun, - 5
a Rug, a Clock, an elegant Dining Boom Sideboard, a beautiful Dresser, n ?05 Drophead While Sew
M.iPhlnn. n. Camera. Dishes. Toilet Sot. Child's Mali Chair. Walker or Bed. and oh! SO MANY O
...,,t ,m,..-,T, mTr,m vir r, . itt. ,ivr, rrr. UtTCH OUB AUOXI0
kJA&A44 -l-M.
Telephone 874