w " J THE DAILY COOS PAX TOMES, MABSnPnXP. OlifeHdN, TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 100?. THE REFUGEES Bh A. CONAN DOYLE, Anllior of "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" ' - COPYRIGHT. 15D8. BY UARPpR & BROTHERS (Continued from Saturday.) "ASK mrn, Amos, suia nie suntnun, "why -wo aro yawing and tacking here when we should bo cracking on all sail to stand after them." pa Lhut smiled and shook his head. "Your friend la a bravo man," said he, "If ho thinks that with four men wo can follow a hundred and fifty." "Toll blm, Amos, that the Lord win bear ua up," said tho other excitedly. "Bay that ho will bo with us against tho children of Jeroboam, and wo -will cut them off utterly." But Du Lhut wavod aside tho sea man's suggestions. "We must have a care now," said he, "or we shall loso our own scalps and bo tho canso of thoso at Stc. Mario losing theirs as woltr "Ste. Marie!" cried Do Catlnat "la there, then, danger at Stc. Mario?" "Aye, they are In tho wolf's inoutli now. This business was dono last night Tho place was stormed by a war party of a hundred and fifty men. This morning they lef tnnd went north upon tfsot They have been cached among tho woods all day between Pol tou and 8 to. Mario." "Then wo have come through them?" "Yes, wo have come through them. Thoy would keep their' camp today and sond out scouts. Brown Mooso and hla son were among them and struck our trail. Tonight" Tonight thoy will attack Sto. Ma rlon - "It is possible. And yet with so small a party I should scarce have thought that they would have dared. Well, wo can but hasten back as quick ly as wo can and give them warning of what is hanging over them." And so they turned for their weary backward journey, though their minds were too full to spare a thought upon tho leagues wMch lay behind them or thoso which wwro before. Dnrk as it was, Du Lhut walked as swiftly as during the sunlight and never hesitated about tho track. His comrades could see, however, that ho was taking them a different way from that which they had gono in tho morn ing, for tvico they caught a bight of the' glimmer of the broad rlv(- upon their left, while before they hnd ofily seen tho streams which flowed into It. On tho second occasion ho pointed to Whore on the farther side they could spo 'dark shadows, "Iroquois capops," ho whispered. "There aro ton of them, with eight mpn Jn each, Thoy aro another party," "How do you know that thoy aro another party 7'' "Bocauso wo have crossed tho trail of tho first within tho hour," Do Catlnat was filled with, amaze ment at this marvelous man who could hear in his sleep and could delect a trail when the very treo trunks were Invlslblo to ordinary eyes, Du Lhut halted a llttlo to watch tho canoes and then turned his back to the river and plungod into the woods once more un til they came to the edge of a moonlit clearing. Du Lhut was about to skirt this, as ho had done others, when sud denly he caught Do Catlnat by the shoulder and pushed him down behind a clump of sumac, while Amos did the same with Ephralm Savage. A man was walking down the other Bide of tho open space. He hod just emerged and was crossing it diagonal ly, making in the direction of the riv er. His body was bent double, but as he camo out from tho shadow of tho trees they could see that he was an Indlai) bravo in full war paint, with leggings, loin cloth and musket. Closo pj: lis. heels, pome a second, and then a third and a fourth, pn and on, until It aponios as Jf the wogd was full of men and that tho (no wpuJ4 never come to on end, Last of all enmo a man In tho fringed tunle of a huntor, with a cap and feather upon his head, no passed across like tho others, and they van ished Into tho shadows. It was flvo minutes before Du Lhut thought it safe to rise from their shelter. "By Ste. Anne!" ho whispered. "Did you count them?" 'Throe hundred and ninety-six," said Amos. ' ."I made it 402." Kjind ygu thought bat CTO wer0 pnly d hundred, and. fifty qf tbenj' pried Do Catlnat. "Ah, you do not understands This Is n f rosli bund, Tho others who took tho blockhouse must dp over thorp, fop their trail lies betwoen ns and tho rivor. In their camp thero are now nearly 000 wnrrlors. Unless wo warn thorn nt Sto, Mario these dovils will lay nomo trap for thorn. Their parties aro assembling by Jand apd by wntpr, and thero may be ft thousand boforo days brpak. Wo must push on and glvo pup1 warning," "Thoy had one who was dressed like ft whlto roan," remarked Amos, "Aye, and tho roost deadly of the lot Hla father wos a Dutch trader, his mother on Iroquois, and ho goes by the- namo of tho Flemish Bastard. By Sto.i rarni.'ies were an aroor. Du Cutiuat burst through tho throng and rushed upstairs to Adqle, who had herself flown down to meet him, so that thoy met in each other's arms. Together, with his arm nround her, they ascended to tho great hall. "All, monsieur," said tho old noblo man, with his courtly bow, "I am In deed rejoiced to seo you safo under my roof again, not only for your own sake, but for that of rnadamc. You aro doubtless hungry and weary. When you are yourself again, I must claim my revenge In piquet, for tho cards lay against mo the other night." But Du Lhut had entered at De Ca tlnat's heels with his tidings of disas ter. "You will have another game to play, M. do Ste. Mario," said he. "There aro COO Iroquois in the woods, and they are preparing to attack." "Tut tut! We cannot allow our ar rangements to bo nltered by a handful of savages," said tho seigneur. "I mint apologize to you, my dear Do Catlnat, that you should be annoyed by such people whllo you aro upon my estate. Now, when I played piquet last with De Lannes of Poltou" "De Lannes of Poltou Is dead, and all his people," said Du Lhut. "Tho block house la a heap of smoking ashes." The seigneur raised his eyebrows. "I always told him that his fort would bo taken unless he cleared away those maple trees which grow up to tho very walls. They aro all dead, you say?" "Every man." ' "And the fort burned?" "Not a stick was left standing." "Have you seen these rascals?" "Wo saw the trail of a hundred and fifty. Then there were a hundred In canoes, nnd a war party of 400 passed us under tho Flemish Bastard. Their camp Is five miles down tho river, and there cannot bo less than COO." "You ore fortunate in escaping them." "But they wcro not so fortunate in escaping us. We killed Brown Mooso and his son." "Excellent! Excellent!" said tho seigneur, clapping gently with his dainty hands. "You have done very well Indeed, Du Lhut. You are, I pre sume, very tired?" "I am not often tlrod." "Then perhaps you would pick a few men nnd go hack into the woods to seo what these villains are doing?" "I shall bo ready hi flvo minutes." "Perhaps you would like to go also. Achillo?" IIJs son's dark pyes and Indian face Ut up, "Yes, I shall go also," ho answered. "Ypry pood, And wo bhu.il uiako all rpady Jn your absence. Madame, you will oxcuso these little annoyance which roar tho plcamiro of your visit. Next tluio that you do me the honor to come hero I trust that wo hhall have clourod all these vermin from my es tate. You will excuse mo now. as there aro ouo or two tilings which demand my attention. Do Catlnat, you are a tried soldier, and I should bo glud of your ndvlce." It was bright daylight now, nnd the square Inclosure within tho stockade was filled 'with an anxious crowd who had just learned the evil tidings. Tho scouting party under Du Lhut and Achlllo de la Noue had already left, and at the orders of tho seigneur tho two gates were now secured with huge bars of oak fitted into iron staples on either side. The children were placed In, the. Jower storerqom witli t few w-graor tq wqtclj them, while' tho oth, prs'wprp told, pff tq attend q the fire Jjuckots, apd tQ rooad. tho muskets, '4'Jio men. had been paraded, fiftytwo of thorn In all, nnd thoy were dlvldod Into parties now for tho dofenso of each part of tho stockndo. On ono sldo It had been built up to within a few yards of the river, which not only relieved them from the defense of that face, but enabled them to got fresh water by throwing a bucket at tho end .lw I V ., , t ... m of a ropo from the stockade. Tho boats and canoes of Ste. Mario were, drawn up on tho, bank 'us$ under, tho wal) apd were, precious nqw'a's offer ing' q' last mean's q escape shpqld, all elso. fall". The next ?OTi pt Louis, was. but a few leagues up, tho rrvor, and. Do la Nope had. already sent swift messenger to them with, news qf tho danger, At least It would bo a point on which thoy might retreat should h$ worst como to tho worst And that tho worst might ww to tho worst was very evident tq so est perionopd a woodsman pa Ajnoa Groon. Ho had loft Ephralm BaYago epprlpg jn ft deep sleep upon, tho flqor- and. waa now walking round tho defenses with Ills pipe In hla mouth, examining with ft critical eyo overy detail in connec tion with them. Tho atockadp waa vory strong, nlno feot high, ppd closely buUt of oal? stakes, whlPh wprp thick. enough to turn a liullot, Halfway up, Anno. I havo a score to aottlo with blm.' It waa Joopholod Jn long, narrow silts and I may pay It before this business la over," ' CHAPTER XXII. I AY waa juat breaking aa tho four comrades entered the gato of tho stockade, but early aa it was the censltalrea and their) D for tho fire of the defenders, But. on the other band, the trees grow tq with in a hundred yards of Jt and formed a screen for the attack, whllo tho garri son waa so scanty that It could not spare more than twenty men at tho utmost for each face. Ilia face dark ened aa hQ thought of tho young wlto wno naff como so tar in weir emu keeping nnd of tho women nnd chil dren whom ho had Been crowding into the fort. "Would it not bo better If you could send Um up tho river?" ho suggested to tho seigneur. "I should very gladly do so. mon sieur, and perhaps, if we ore all alive, wo may' manage it tonight if the weather should bo cloudy, but I can- not spare the men to guard them and I cannot send them without a guard when wo know that Iroquois canoes are on tho river." "You are right It would bo madness." "I have stationed you on tho eastern faco with your friends and with fif teen men. M. do Catlnnt will you command tho party?" "Willingly." "I will take tho south faco, as it seems to be the point of danger. Du Lhut can take tho north, and flvo men should bo enough to watch tho river Bide." "Hao wo food and powder?" "I have flour and smoked eels enough to see this matter through. As to pow der, we havo all rfur trading stores to draw upon." "Wo have not time to clear any of these trees?" asked the soldier. "Impossible. They would mako hot ter cover down." "But at least I might clear that patch of brushwood round tho birch snpllng which lies between the cast faco and the edge of the forest. It is good cover for their skirmishers." "Yes; that should bo fired without delay." "Nay; I think that I rotght do bet ter," said Amos. "We might bult a trap for them there. Whero Is this powder of which you spoko?" "Theurlet, the major domo, is giving out powder in tho main storehouse." very good." Amos vanished up stairs and returned with a largo linen bag In his hand. This ho filled with powder, and then, slinging it over his shoulder, ho carried it out to tho clump of bushes and placed It at tho base of tho sapling, cutting a strip out of tho bark immediately above the spot Then with a few leafy branches and fallen leaves he covered the powder bag very carefully over, so that it looked like a llttlo hillock of earth. Having arranged all to his satisfaction, ho returned. "I think that wo aro all ready for them now," said tho seigneur. "I would that the women nnd children wcro in a safe place. Has any ono heard any thing of Du Lhut?" "Jean has tho best ears of any of us, your excellency," said ono mnn from beside the brass corner cannon. "Ho thought that ho hoard shots a few minutes ago." "Then ho has come into , touch of them. Etlenno, take ten men nnd go to the withered oak to cover them if thoy aro retreating, but do not go an other yard on any pretext I am too short handed already. Perhaps, Do Catlnnt, you wish to sleep?" "No; I could not sleep." "Wo can do no moro down here. What do you say to a round or two of piquet?" They ascendod to tho upper ball, where Adolo camo and sat by her hus band, whllo tho swarthy Onega-crouched by the window, looking keenly out Into tho forest "Moil pro rushing from tho woods!" cried Onega. "Tut! It grows serious!" said tho nobloman. "We can finish tho gamo later. Itemember that tho deal lies with you. Let us seo what It all means." De Catlnat had already rushed to tho window. Du Lhut, young Achlllo do la Noue nnd eight of tho covering party were running with their heads bent to ward tho stockade, tho door of which had been opened to admit them. Here and there from behind the toees came little blue puffs of smoke. Aa tho gato swung Into place behind tho llttlo party tho brass cannon at tho corner gave a flash and a. ro,ar, while the whole outline of tho wood, was traced In a rolling cloud, nnd. thP shower of bullets rapped up aganst thp woodon wall like hall upon P casement. Having loft Adolo tq the caro of her Indian hostess and warned hor for her llfo to keep from tho windows, Do Catlnat solzod hla musket and rushed downstairs. Aa ho passed, a bullet camo piping through one of tho nar row embrasures und starred Itself In a llttlo blotch of load upon tho oppo site wall. Tho sclgnour hnd already descended and was conversing with, Du Lhut beside the door. "A thousand of them, you say?" "Yes; wo camo on a fresh trail of a largo war party 300 at tho least.' They nro all Mohawks and Cayuj gas, with a sprinkling of Qnedas, Wo had a running fight fr- a. fow. miles, and, we. ha,yo. (oat flvo man. We WANT ADS FOR SALE salo and Mrs. J. F. FOR SAL13- i Daniels' Jones. B FOR SA Marshflek qulro I la" iiousenoiu goods lor so for rent Addesa owman, Majfahflel 5 Two Lots Both for aufman & J V. I. I Anf Wcat MS5. vIn- TheC.B,R.&R.R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHElAtfLE NO. 2. Business Direfcton Doctor; a inriu onBU acres on reok. AdSrcss E. R. 110, Martrnflold. JB-26-1 In Effect Jifnunry 1, 1007. All previous scHedules aro void. Subject to chaigo without notice. W. S. Chandldr, manager; F. A. Lalso, freight ngfcnt; genoral offices, Marshfield, Oregon v E. E. STRAW, MD. niYSICIAN ANfo SUIUJEON Diseases of the Eye, Ear, N and Throat a specialty. Oflico in LockUart's Building. Marshfield, Oreef FOR SAM3-A first class nfllX cow. For parflculare lnquiro J. OYStoons. f. C-29-5 It FOR SALE mis is a & Hall' .Ml rfW small impr argaln. Ap fQce. Pvod farm. iMat Hall WANTED Boy or girl, lfe years old or over, to Warn the clpar making Trade; wages paid while, leoynlng. Apply overMTimes Bulldlni, Coos Bay Cigar (Co. No. 1. Dally Except Sunday Leavo 9:00 a. 9:30 a. 9:45 a. Arrlvo 10:30 a, No. 2. Trains. Stations. nx ,Marshfleld. .B. H. Junction. JCoquille. JMyrtlo Point. Dally Except Sunday. DR. HAYDON J u"'oPpoite union; Furnfturo Store. Ho' JU IU i4 IIIK1 2 lO t Special iiitcntfon pa It 2. ,y a . "'Eiatlvb organs u. a. i I'usiuu uxnminci to diseases of the t t Marshfield, Orego WANTED Me (to wor (Wages ?2 pM day 'J Simpson Lumber Coi sawmill, id upward. 8-241tf. FOR SALE teVSur acres of 1fnd in South MarslHlold for? tho ntoct sixty uuya. Auoness IS. tt ll.410iam. ROR RENT Threo for housekeeping, band stand. Mrl North Bend. FOR RENT Two two unfurnished. near schoolhousc Noith Bend. four rooms er, near 3has. Murr, Gt. shed rooms; susekeeplng, Mrs. Webber, Loave 10:45 a. in.iMy-tlo Point 10:30 fe m.lCoa'iiiie. 12:00 fn. IB. L.. Junction. Arrive 12:30 pjm. Marshfield Extra trains will run on dally special orders. Trains to and fromi Beaver Hill daily, w.a. haWng I Dealeljn Pure Crain Milk 1 nnd Juiutcrmilk. oTico do- m Hvorr tonll parts of The city. 1 NortlBend, Ocejron WANTED-l,00 ?NecktlesW clean and presXs cohts each.Yunlquo PantoriumY I A WANTED By mhn and wife furnished rooms for ligtrhouse- keeplng. Addrbsl LM. N., care Times. LiUbr On Comnlon Road, Ibrownlsh black pony, viijlyfnan's silddlB and bridle, brandelC. L. Reflard for return or information neVarding same. Notify iH. Sergstacken, Marshflerd, Oregon. 1H( IN0w Keai :l ore Now and Mod Samph lipoma in C, NORTM BEN GON DRE n neetion X DR. J. W. INGRAM. Physlcinh and Surgeon. Office over Senfestackon's Drug Store. Phones Office 1G21: residence 783. B. M. RICHARDSON. PliyslcUin and Surgeon. I Diseases of ojo, ear, nose and throat a specialty. Oflico id Eldorado Block. -awyers. E. Ii. KRIN. orncy--at-Lnw. City Attorney. Deputy Dist. Atfy. Lockhart Billldlng. Marshfield, Ore, Phone 44. L. A. LILJE United k V. FOR SALE A ttasollne launch 281A feot long, 5-hohso ptfwer engine, 27 feet beam andiafeet scow. Jno. Enetren, Marshflold. v WANTED iMrsj class paihte and paper handifrjat once. VApply J., w'u iiutu) lUlUlV, POSITION WANTED-Competent man wants pWtfcnas stationary engineer, firemanLor night wntch- tit man. P. O. Box 432. FOR SALE Tl good as new, not yet bei Mako your have to be rri: dress. Flam e two houses, ono as the P. KaIo, have bid qr given away. r promptlyVs thoy ved forthwith! Ad n & Bennett, FOR RENT Hevn rooVn house. Cor. BroadwaiYind WashWgton. Gt I C. H. Ktarsh. NOTICE; Pm at your dm Eton Motli had best havo oU ready to, retire to too house if they carry tho stockado, W can scarce hopo t? hold H When thoy are twenty to one," "AH la ready," "And with our cannon wo can keep their canoes from, paaalng, eo WO might send our womennwny tonight" "I had intended t? do so. will you tako charge of tho north sldo? You mght eomo acrosa to me with ten of your men now." The firing came In ono continuous rattlo now from tho edge, of tho wood, and the air wan full of bullets. The assailants vcr all trained shots, men who had lived by tholr guna and to -whom a shaking hand OT a dim cyo meant poverty and hunger. On the oth.er hand, tho defendera wero alao skilled in Indian fighting and wlso In every trick and lure which could pro tect themselves or tempt their enemies to show. They kept well to tho sides of tho loopholes, watching through lit tle crevices of tho wood and firing swiftly when a chonco offered. A red (To Bo Connnnes.y M y i ersey milk delivered East pt Dairy. Jollvorymam. W. C.Mub1c BtW of (BWki CSamtal atatli fully urns up 50,000. WrnBata a neutral jBauhtttn ffinhtitrBii. 1 mttl into, Wttgxm Pull the 'LL CO Wet Xour Wmstlo 11 jft. HERRON, Frontfstrdtt, : : Mnrhflel w 'riai. Blow Oregon FOR RENT Oflico rooms in Rogers Building fronftfngfon A street. Ap ply to A. O. Rogers. Gt FOR RETwSBfvtrooo., cor. Broadway arH VWmtolta'i. ic. H. Marsh.V VjJX FORxgALEThcvAvo housesr-ono as wfnMiiwmJ$.T' K"tWV0 I lf(il(iTimT$firwtfyiiin 4yay- MPWSMKW Ad dress FrnnagansT&onnett, PURE JER&J3V MIHK douVcd at your, floor. vEast Port DairV. Eton T--r " i Uiced Houso. Mettln, dbtAfery man. WANTRPyAn exi)erl3 at the Java Coffeo $10 per week. waiter Wages --EGGS ; I can furnish tl,o following Thoroughbrefl Eggri-at $2.00Per SeUing IthoderHland RcL liarrep SPlymoutijXRoclcB Whit LWhornB Pekiii Ducks JOHNJV. FLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped anyvhere in tho county, m Nalsbn Iron Works V. B..NELSONproD Wo ropal Steam mid 1 cycles, lie n r A all kinds us Knglnoa, Out of work our S Wo mnutacturo Castl Uronzoior Saw Mills Camp Wo mako tho IloadKpools for Logger: otB ncslnb iJbat Blica achlnery, nnd 1)1 lalty. : : on nnd ggfng es and TELEPHONE 921 MARSHFIELD. - OREGON DVIST, LAWYER, tntcs Commissioner, Land Matters. Filings, Entrllcs, Proofs, Contests, etc. Oregon. J. M. UPTOf, At oHvcy-nt-Luw. Marshfield, J. W. BENNETT, Offlco over Flanagan & Bonnet Bank. Marshflold, I- - - Oregon. o. f. Mcknight, Attotney-nt-IiftW. Upstairs, Bennett & Walter block. Marshflold, 4 Oregon. J. W. SNOVER1 Attoriicy-nt-Law Offlco: Roger. building Marshflold, Oregon COICE & COKE, Attornoy-nt-Law. Marshflold, Oregon. PIXLEY & MA1TJEE, AMorneys-at-Law. Oflico ovor Myers' Store. Phono 701 . . . North Bond. Oro. Reh F. H. BRIGHAM ARCIHTECTiANDSUPERINTENDENT Plans and Bpecificatione mado forYall clas building North Behd, PHONE 541 sik of A Oregon STEAMER. FLYER M. P. PendrgrasV Master VHME TABL Loaves Marshfield 7 and 1Q:30A. m and 1 and 4:0uYp. m. LeavesMNorth Bond 9:45 ana 11:15 a. m., 3:15 and 500 p. m. Makes dally trips days. Faro: One cents: round trip, ii t lao, 900, & !L00,2:30 oY 8:15, a6dl:45, :ept Run way, )B cen h. Steam Dye Vprks C Street V !P'V iiuUienta'giitu c(6 i-lwin- ' it nr ilvitil. . .. -j r I 4lill' Phllii Becker, Proputlot. DIER IiANO CO Real Estate North Bond, 1 Estates Ascents A- I i .' ANY rokera V Oregon. MU. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of nil kinds. Phono 1884. McPherson GiAser Co. Whole!, Cigars; plies. lo liquor md Balo Califordia Wines a Specialty Eront St., Jrarshfield udalers 1 iA sup- 1 Coos s Bay Steam Laundry I i op-4 MARSHFIFFD and NORTH BEND All work now the North Bend i Edgai "Vlauzey Agent, Marshfield done at I Plant North Bend Ph Marshfield P ;'v J El ' I l ! , I 1 fT r - . . & xwni'iiy mm nww'ff