SSssasassa ", - Wiiw?PHflHW MWWWPIIpiPJiWW TEE BAttT COOS EAT TDCES. XAKSKFXXZZX OSSSOS, Wi UtsSlO; JT$E f i 'I fiXtsstSA yrL,I5. A!om Per ., M 3s. tMMK. v4 MARKETS $1 APTMTY IU i ri ilttnii I ill Laomm rw mm. : y i nnai mmn-zzz: IU luual mnimLi. 4 fi . lr cwaw- Busmess I mmm atos SasMKT Hfitii Are Bffcgfcf Jfecy Gate Offcdsft k Yariws fnit lias e m Mmr. weiteat, fw l-c gbs 12; liH. ptot. 13c U CrrnM rh . par 12-e. jfcj- f 1 ;!-. fft,tfc fc I" dusv Coos Bay Paint & Wallpaper Co. Carry a full line of festal styles in Wallpaper also best paints Varnishes, Stains Enamels Brushes Lining, Tacks etc. Don't forget, the place 2nd near C. st. ' "rti l i -f .25. I f it mM 9 PlMerf mm Ar H 9umwteute 13c CcawAwjiitMi I tarns fer 23c Afefics c 73c juqcvu. I have bought tlie clean ing and pressing business formerly run by A R. Wiikiiis tioder ihe name of i- Twr fa fa tot f Cff axt traJX Wuimg mtmmm mi imm 3fca at 14 t: .'"& jces aat to hi ? c la mmw trwttm fmm tKnt& $wam mm Om rtrrt Mi am vy&rJU tnm mtm. Ti xy"itm mtm fa si7a( s i cm Cirrtr t J t -i ', cae msy&j mot scar $ fa S :' tUPt Itr JOOi' -J-M . &Gtw lic jojuuocm comae. . frns PsvtSHNt Wcteeaftr csiac t I m4 f MBI f mttmt mmwm Frtdkr- t Sfc fB rotoMr Mil ber neatss . 'i lKaa4 ct & jorAt mt Smm 2 ZZA. mvmj t xMri0tMat f iy piatxxm mtm USUvmi: teuca ?er I 1C la 3Sc nwf-Fr ci. f iam l &Am VftJVSA? fm 2 t 9. Cafcwt? Per Ifc 3 to c CA.!:4vTrT Per Sms4, If auf 15c immm. i- ft 'H!k: niique antatoniim and will carry it on the same as before Will make good Ibices on all work Goods caSkd for and delivered Havt cfeaegei tie lecatscn to reicttas gvbt WALKERS ART STOR Clifford Bayfiss (1ML.S. t'.M IW, 7 : Wt, :i tor imm. W ... Hsr Per bosr, t ; OaVa Per Sc Bcur Per faasre, 3!3. to 4Ac Betlerf el&tr, per 4wrt, f fc Aaparz? 15. Ib- Kkaiarfc ? tbc lor 33c JBeeu Per ., tc Coestrr gg Per 4tmm, 'Hi. fUma Dnmm. , CUekewi Prre, eiwut, e fc. flKrtes BeM 13c 0. Freak P s l-3c CaV XI per mtrvzm. Itetttmt l4e. JU Ptafc 3c Ik, I-tif 2c lb. TVmz&tfrt, P- lb., 5c CteasKd.elftaas P (jBirt, 24c Es&re CUm Per bsciet, Sc 3IfciU. 4:11 7- S: -, If.... f:7 jiTvec 11 : WeA, l irfp 1 lr ft T 1.3 1. -7 f.2 -.1 A Jt $.7 . 4:f ! 4'.t 4f 3:41 2 1:17 1:4 P.M. 1:5 f l: I:S A Z ft .7 .7 t44f 11 7?, immm. ttar, l:f3 PMu. 7. ll:f Wu. 3 : Ihwrt f....l:3 Krl, 7 ll:f Sftt. 1 11:3 Swc. 5 12:27 J3to., 1 i:5r Ti, 11... 7:2 'Wed., 12 :15 Feet. ft.a.Feec : .: il:27 7:f If: 11 7:f lf:33 .i 11:27 7.f 1:11 7. If:3 7.f 11:3:3 j : -.t :57 -. 7:2 -.$ S:2 : t ? 51 ;7 4 7 . 22 ZA " f I! ii 2 4 12 ii C 1 c rower XmiBgton. tA& 2.15. J p- To fiad tbe tfci faowrj at other SlrJofa atai Per lb., 12 to lie!-0 B7' Ku. n?ire a ioltmz nanivzr-Ver lb.. Sc to 3c i At tfeft r ' s: at N'&rth Befid, add Veal Sew. cr lb.. 2c: rt!t' -: Manhfild, add 1.51; at 16c to 12c PortaoMr xte&x. Ver lb., 12 He Mutos Rtu, jr lb.. 12 c to 15c; cUiyi, 12e to 15c; sinr, lc Port Per icma4, 12 to 15c Chock steak Per lb., lc f 15c Tloncd teak Per lb., le. IfaabBrgfer Urak Pur lb., 16c. Sajag Ptr lb., lc. Bologna Per lb., 1S; 2 for 2c SalMos CU; Per lb., Cc Bralas Per lb.. 15c; 2 for 25c FlekUd KrrkPer lb., 12 c Canted beef Per lb., 7c Vtaterxrnret Per lb., 12 c ' lAtah't tontine f, tor 25c Fruit and .YnU. Ap(rl l) , Coeoaaata Kifth, lwc. F. J. HAYES Optometrist LateiCfoentific nethods for correcting defective vhioa. Testing end fit ting ctl'dreret eye oar ifcafit.y. AB the lateit nove&tiet in op Licul goods. Stauffbldg. North Front St. The power you ean always depend upon, always ready at an instant notice fay the turn of a switch. Manufactories large and small take notice that ve will be ready to supply you with power about July 10, 1907 Place your order for your motor equip ments, or call us up by telephone when a representee will call and quote prices on motors and also the cost of runnino- them. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Company (ART lr I :. , COOKING f J I We otter to the tastes 1 1 dt aft. Have dainty A Btdedhhes, choke chops I - 1 and steaks, cutlets, sal- I ads etc, for those who 1 wane just a pick, and t, 8 sdbstan&fiai bcrt eauaiy 1 i , toodsome roast and L boflfd meats, eotrets, j fish, vef etab etc. for 2 ! 1 f die hearty eaters. AS' i , are of hh qualitf, wd! .; i -; coolced and served in' m J ibe best possible bq- "1 1 i ncr I , -I A ESMU ift'AILI'T - ffj S- , ' ' " S?'i ' N -1 ." opiKSatetfeeCity Hall S - - ir .21 .n . " & J &g!;rl'"' " "" -" "Ull 'I'll' 'l M'i" l' 'II I Jf s l'!H COOS BAY tifAnrrn lilimiAL WUKK V e Sfaarantee tter if k t Io-rsr prv., than ran I liid f-Wwbere, I not order u.'-n'imerita) work until yoa hae SEEN US Stewart & Mitchell Corner 3d & D Sis. Phone, Main 1731 A nice line of Souvenir Postals of Marshfield NORTON & HANSEN CHAMINADE CLUB CONCERT TONIGHT at, 8:3 O o'clock at MASONIC OPERA HOUSE Tickets on sale at. J. W. Bolter's next to Central Hotel. Phone 941 Reserved Seats 50c. General Admission 50c. Children 25 cents. We have opened up in the Old Dean Building an up-to-date, modern hard ware store. Every thing in the store is new and com bined with our long exper ience in the hardware busi ness are in a better position to furnish what you may need than most of the stores of this class. A complete line of gener al Hardware, Tin and Gran ite Ware, Household Sup plies, Sporting Goods, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Builders Hardware, Carpenters Tools Stoves, Ranges and Garden Implements. We trust that we may be able to do a share of your business and cordially invite you to call and inspect our stock. EKBLAD , SON i I i at Trya TimsT Want Ad ACZEBUUUaH ;PjPh-hwm '