.ywfiw j ,- "- (Mmes Daily Edition USE TIMES WANT ADS Member of Associated Press. VOL. I THE DAILY COOS CAY TIMES, MARSIIFIELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1007. No. 277. BALL GAME AND ELECTRIC LINE MAKES PROGRESS AND THE CAT CAME BACK. FOR MARSHFIELD ' iiwjp"755w;' ;- t"Ty (EtfflB mag i mxmmm wwmm mb jmm ii ipwi i m library fund grows rapidly ANOTHER BANK FIGHT TODAY Ten Hundred and Fifty Dollars Subscribed and There Is Every Indication of More TO. CANVASS CITY Committee WW Slake Every Effort to Secure Funds Andrew Mc ' Ccllnnd's Liberal Offer. The library committee appointed secure funds for the purposeaolln secure funds for the proposed public library in Marshfleld reports that over $1,050 has been raised to date and that a through canvass has not yet been attempted. The list of those cho subscribe to the fund will ap peal irom time to time as aaumons are made. It Is the plan of the com mittee to raise the necessary funds at once. The following persons have sub- scribed to date, with the proviso that at least $3,000 is to be raised and the city council will vote a means for the maintenance of the library; Dr. J. T. McCormac : . ?100 H. Sengstacken 100 J. M. Blake 100 t a oiti, i nr James H. Flanagan '. '. '. '. '. '. '. . 100 J. W. Bennett 100 j Andrew C. McClelland ...:.. 100 .Coos Bay Gas and Electric Co. with Bert Peterson, tno local iav- by Seymour H. Bell 100 orlte. Special boats will run to old Progress Club- 50 .North Bend .leaving Marshfleld in W. U. Douglas Ejotlme for passengers to witness the H. Lockhart 50 ' ball game at 2 o'clock and the fight J. S. Coke 50 Dr. E. J. Mingus 50 Total $.050 Mr. McClelland gave $100 with the understanding that $900 be subscibed before his subscription bo counted. I He also promised to give the last j three hundred dollars of the $3,000 , and if the fund went to $4,500 ho will give the rest of the $5,000. In addition to the amounts listed above there are at least two or three small nmounts that were promised when the library questioned was first' First Presbyterian Church H. H. Brown , pastor; A special Memorial service will bo held in this church Sunday morning at 11 a. m. at which Dupont Post G. A. R. will attend in a body. The sermon will bo preached by the pastor who has chosen for his subject, "The Great Decoration." At the evening service which begins at 8 o'clock the pastor will preach on "Tho Glory of Pathos." The ser mon will "be illustrated from the story of Dr. MacLure by tho late Dr. John Watson. The Sunday School .convenes for Bible study at 10 a. m. The young People's Society hold their devotional service at 7 o'clock. Tho topic will bo "The Southern Mountaineers." Christian Science Serrvices will be held In Redman's Hall, Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject "Ancient and Modern Mecromnncy," or "Mesmer ism and Hypnotism." -A cordial in vitation is extended to all. O. Helllsatt, who has been doing salvation army work In Marshfleld for the past for or five months will preach In the Baptist church Sunday night In the absence of Rev. D. W. Thurston, who is away on a short vacation trip. Mr. Hellisatt has decided to talk on tho following text; "Wo came with a straight course sermon is promised. Methodist Church Rev. W. R. F. Browne, pastor, 10 a. m. Sabbath School; 11 a. m. Sermon, subject "Tho Abundant-Life." 7 p. m. Ep worth League, Topic, "Missions, Res cuing tho World from Sin." 8 p. m. Sermon, subject "A Withered Hand." A lordlal welcome is extended to all strangers to attend these ser vices. Mr. T. Best, will sing "It is well my soul," at tho morning ser vice, Miss Agnes Golovson, will sing "O Dry those Tears," at the evening service. Born Saturday morning to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Morton of Libby a boy. 2U CHURCHES and RUN SPECIAL BOATS Indications Point to Heavy Attend- aneeat the Two Events In North Heml. J. O'Kelly, the Marshfleld boat man, will referee the twenty round fight this afternoon between Jack Williams and Chaise Roos. That there is more than usual interest in today's fight is attested by the heavy bets made. Besides the $250 side bet it is said the two men have put up personally several hundred dollars. The gate receipts will be divided be tween the fighters, seventy-five per cent to the winner and twenty-five per cent to the loser. Williams stated Saturday night that ho.would win by a knock-out. Ross says he will get i the decision in twenty rounds. Which I ever way tlie fight goes there Is a , feeling that it will be the best con- test witnessed on the bay for years. ' As a preliminary to the Williams ' Roos fieht in the North Bend liavlllon this afternoon Paddy Coyne, who has been furnishing workouts for Will - lams every day, will go six rounds at three MARINE NEWS The four masted schooner Salvator has arrived at the railroad dock to laod lumber for San Francisco. The schooner J. M. Weatherwax will load lumber at the railroad for San Francisco. The schooner Compeer will sail for San Francisco Monday with 430,000 feet of lumber. The schooner Bertie Minor loading lumber at the railroad wharf will be loaded with a cargo of lumber ready to sail the latter part of the week . The tug Roscoe arrived yesterday from the Sinuslaw with a small ship ment of mohair and will return to the SInulaw this morning. The Roscoe brought the schooner Hugh Hogan from the Sinulaw with a part cargo of lumber which was to be finished at this port but owing to lack of lumber the schooner was sent on the San Francisco. The steamer F. A. Kilburn left Portland last night for this port. She is billed to arrive here this morning and to sail on her way south this afternoon. The steamer M. F. Plant Is billed to arrive here this morning from San Francisco, The engineer bout Arago, which has been working for tho past week at tho bar where a resurvey Is being made arrived at the Marshfleld com mission company dock yesterday to spend Sunday. William G. Carroll engineer In charge states that with a few more good days In which to work the figures for tho bar will be completed. The engineers were able to work three days last week just outside the south sand spit. The steamer Alliance will sail for Portland this morning, with a small cargo of general freight. BREAKWATER ARRIVES. Tho steamer Breakwater arrived from San Francinsco yesterday with a good sized cargo and several pass engers. She will sail out Sunday morning leaving North Bend about 0 o'clodk. This will be tho last trip of tho Breakwater for about four weeks. TO SUHSCIURERS. The Times will not be up to tho usual standard for a few days owing to lack of men in the mechanical department. former Will Come Off At 2 the Latter At 3 O'clock I -a E BURSTS- FIVE KILLED MANY INJURED Chicago, May 25. Five work men were killed and several others seriously injured when an ammonia pipe exploded in the beef killing department of the Armour and Company plant at the stock yards. The bnilding was full of workmen at the time and the dcndl)' fumes escaping under the high pressure penetrated through every depart ment of the building- in such a short time that 20 of the men were overcome before thej' could make their escape to fresh air. It was necessary to tako all but five to the hospital" An ineffectual attempt to Eearch for the dead in the built -ing M'as made by the employes by wearing safety masks, but they were driven back by the fumes and it was not until six- hours after the explosion that the first body was recovered, burned beyond rccogni t:on. A few minutes later four more bodies were found burned in the same horrible manner. The search is still going on as all the men are not accounted for. All the dead and injured arc foreign ers. ALLIANCE ARRIVALS. Among those who arrived from Portland Friday on the steamer Alli ance were tho following; W. II. Painter, Frank Premaln, and II. Pro main, of Bclllngton Washington all young men who have been con nected with the lumber Industry on the Sound. F. B. Walte arrived from Portland Frltlrj on the (steamer Alliance. Mr. Waito is in the city for tho pur pose of looping after business re garding tho Coos Bay Terminal rail road. DIES OF TONCIL1TIS. Charlie Montgomery died at his home In Marshfleld earlty Friday morning. Flollicular Toncllltis caused his death. The funeral services were held Friday afternoon. Last Sunday tho little boy's mother was burled. MUST ATTEND SCHOOL. State Schoo Law Goes In Effect May 25. Maay 25 the State school law com pelling children between the-ages of 9 and 14 to attend school during tho entire school year will be jint Into effect. Heretofore tho law compelled all children between tho ages ment ioned to attend school in their re spective districts for at least three months of tho school term but owing to the fact that a great many parents sent their children to school only long enough to comply with tho law it was deemed necessary to mako the now law. In order that tho law will bo camplled with truant officers will be appointed, in tho several school districts of the county, at tho July term of court. P Morris in Spokane Spokesman-Review. ROLLING STOCK FOR LOCAL RAILROAD First Shipment of Large Order Comes In Shape of Engine And Six Flat Cars. Tho power schooner Casco bound from San Francisco to Coos Bay has a large locomotive for the Coos Bay Roseburg and Eastern Railroad and a shipment of 6 fiat cars. Tho latter Is the first shipment of a large order of that class of rolling stock order ed some time ago by W. S. Chandler. The order will proably bo filled In a chort time. The new engine No. 5 is about the typo of tho no. 4 now In use on tho road. ROLL OF HONOR. Following is a list of sub scribers to tho Marshfiold Pub licity Fund. The amounts op posite the names are tho monthly installments for tho period of one year. J. E. Oren, $50 50 10 10 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 b 10 10 15 15 15 10 10 5 10 5 Dr. J. T. McCormao, I. S. Kaufman, P. S. Dow, Robert Mnrsden, Edgar Wheeler, Herbert Lockhart, Merchant Estate, C. V. Tower, P. A. Devors, Jim Bains, W. U. Douglas, McCllland Invest ment Co. I. S. Smith, Anson Rogers, S. Rogers, Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. W. P. Murphy, J. II. Milner, Dr. E. E. Straw, D. W. Small, P. P. Norton, Pioneer Hardware Co., Magnes and Matson, John Prcuss, J. M. Blake, Flannagan & Bennet Bank P. S. Lamberton Mrs Emma Nasburg Claude Nasburg C. A. Johnson Bradley & T raver 0. A. Moffett C. A. Nicholson P. Metzerlow John Bear Going & Harvey J. L. Brown F. E. Allen J. W. Tibbots II. S. Thrift Merchant Brothers E. Mingus Hall & Hall W. A. Toyo Dr. Leslie Helming & Company W. B. Curtis M. A. Sweetman B. M. Richardson J. W. Ingram McNeil it Ferguson II. S. Tower Father Donelly E. L. C. F.irrin Frank Sacchi First National Bank Henry Holm Seymour Bell flat 1. Condron flat W. It. Haines GowWhy, 30 10 10 10 30 5 10 5 5 3 2.50 2 2.50 2.50 10 2.50 2 2 2 10 5 2.50 2.50 1 1 5 2.50 2.50 2.50 5 2.50 5 5 2.50 30 2.50 50 20 5 2.50 Committee Meeting Is Held At Marshfield and All Towns In terested Are Represented ELECT OFFICERS Douglas-Coos Electric Railroad Com pany Will Also He Incorporated With $500,000 Capital Stock. Another forward stride was taken Saturday night in tho building of the electric link between Roseburg and Coos Bay when, at a meeting of com mittee representing tho towns of Myrtle oint (Joqullle, Bandon, Rose burg, ..North Bend and Marshfleld, temporary officers of tho Douglas Coos electric railroad campauy were elected, and plans formulated for tho Incorporating of a company with a capital stock of $500,000. The meeting was hold In tho rooms of F. B. Walte. The officers elected were L. J. Simpson, president; Sen ator Mastors of Roseburg, vice pres ident; L. H. Hazard of Coqullle, sec ond vice president; H. Sengstacken, secretary; and J. H. Flannlgan, treasurer., Walter S. McFarland act ed as chairman of tho meeting and L. II. Hazard acted as secretary. The Incorporators of tho company will be; Senntor Masters, E. L. Wheeler Myrtle Point; P. L. Phelan, L. J. Simpson, J. II. Flannlgan and L. H. Hazard. The members of tho differ ent committees feel certain, from In dications, that tho majority of tho stock will be readily subscribed be tween Roseburg and tho Coos Bay cities. FIFTEEN MORE MEN FOR C A SMITH MILL AVIll Arrive on Net Alliance Makes Total or SKty five Men. - Tho C. A. Smith Lumber and Man facturing company will recelvo quite a lot of mon from tho east on tho next trip of the steamer Alliance from Portland. Fifteen men and five families of the men already here arc expected at this time. This makes a total of Slxty-flvo men who have come from Minneapolis to Coos Bay As the men get settled their families will bo sent for and tho addition to Marshfleld population will Increase perceptibly. PLAY IN NORTH REND. """The game of ball between the local and. North Bend teams which was to have been played Sunday In this city Is to be played In North Bend Instead owing to tho wet condition of tho local grounds. Captain Mc Keown will leave Monday morning for Coqulllo and Myrtle Point where ho will endeavor to get up a league schedule. GOOD FREIGHT TIME. J. E. Oren, manager of tho C. A. Smith Lumber and Manufacturing company, received his household goods nnd a flnedrlving horso yes terday on the steamer Alliance. Mr. Oren states that IiIb shipment was less than ten days in coming from Minneapolis, which is considered good time for the distance. The TimcH desires to stato that anyone wishing to ob tain rooms call at its oflico any day during tho ween. Quito a number of desir able rooms havo been listed and wo will bo vory glad to direqt all inquriors. Thoso having rooms to rent will please list them at tho Times Office Bl Free Room Directory Is Capitalized at $100,000 and Will Be Housed Spacious New Brick Building IS LOCAL AFFAIR Stated That Majority of the Stock is Owned by Citizens Here. Final arrangements have been completed for tho establishing of a banking institution in Marshfiold with a capital stock of $100,000-, tho capital of which Is held almost en tirely by local citizens. Messrs M. C. Horton of Popular Bluff Mo., and William Grimes of Guthrie Okla., aro Interested extenslvly In the new bank and will make Marshfiold their fut ure home. Mr. Horton Is now hero and Mr. Grimes is expected in a few days. The officers and directors of tho new institution will be announced In a few days following tho first meet ing of the stockholders. Tho stock holders in this corporation ropresent some of the strongest men finan cially In Marshfleld. Messrs Horton and Grimes aro both practical bank ers and will undoubtly mako tho now bank n strong instltuti'-.n. Temporary quarters v!. 1 3 s? iured for the bank just .' -. ii a i arrangements can bo mad ' b is- Incss will be carried on in Siie.i quart ers until tho now bank building at the cornor of Broadway and C streets Is completed. Construction work will commenco In n short time on the two story brick building to be erected for a homo of tho bank. This building will bo two stories with 100 foot front on botr Front and C streets. It is to ravo a pressed brick front and will bo complete nnd modern In all appoint ments. Tro building is tho first of a number -of brick structures to bo erected in this city. The banking offices will occupy space In tho corner on the first floor, while tho rest of tho down stairs and tho entire second floor of tho building will be fitted up ns a storo room and office rooms respectively. TEAMSTERS VS. CARPENTERS. J. J. Curren, acting In tho capalty of manager of the teamsters and graders of North Bend, Issues a challenge to the carpenters and build ers of that city, for a gamo of baBe ball, to bo played a week from Sun day nt North Bond. Tho receipts of tho game are to go to tho Mercy Hospital. F. J. Houck is manager of tho Carpenters nnd builders team. Mr. Curren is of the opinion that ho has a team of ball players that will easily prove itself victorious In tho coming gamo. G. A. R. WILL .MEET. Tho members oe G. A. R. will attend memorial sorvlces Sunday at tho Presbyterian Church notwith standing a statement to tho contary. The members will meet in Dr. Tower's oftico at 10:30 Sundny morn ing from which place they will go to tho church In a body. SUNRISE LAUNCHED. Itout is CIirihteiuMl by Little Norn Muring. Tho new launch Sunrise was launched from TIinmermnn'i yard Saturday. The boat was built for tho Coos Bay Condensing company which manufacturers Sunrlso milk. Tho launch was christened by little Nora Haring. It is said to bo exceptionally speedy. Tho domonslons are, longth ovor all forty-threo foot; beam nlno feet. It Is equipped with a twenty horso powor standard engine. Be sides carrying milk for tho condens ary tho launch will bo open for chartering. ARE ATTELL WINS. Los Anglos, May 24 Abeb Attell was glvon tho deelalon 'ovor K,ld Solomon In a twenty round bout last night. Liithcrn Church Rov. IJ F Beng stou, pastor. Sunday school 9 30 a ra.; sermon 10;30 a. in. young peoplo Boclety 7:15 p. in. Evonlng sorvlco 8 p, ra. I r ttfytmmiifi'4tr'i iii irtit ii i an Vi-ax., -i,j.M