The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 25, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 1

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    '5-"- -
Member of Associated Press.
No. 270.
Daily Edition
At Meeting of Public Utilities Com
mittee Calhoun Is Accused of
Bribery-Violence Ensues
San Francisoo, May. 24. At a
meeting yesterday afternoon of tl e
public utilities committee board of
supervisors, called to consider a
resolution declaring forfeited the
franchises of the United Kail
roads. President Calhoun of that
corporation wis virtually callod a
liar by E. P. E. Troy, municipal
ownership advocate. Calhouns re
ply was a blow that caught his an
tagonist in the face and nearly
knocked him from his feet. Box
ton sprang from the chairman's
seat and ordered Troy from the
room. Troys reply was to fling in
to Boxton's teeth that he had taken
bribe money from Calhoun. Box
ton ran toward Troy, but others
intervened and hold the supervisor
and Troy was forced take a seat
outside the rail. A resolution was
drawn at tho instance of the San
Francisco labor council, nrd t
days meeting of the utilities com
mittee. was togive both sides an
oppor.u lity lo j.re3ent their cate.
Troy asked for and was granted
the floor and launched into a sav
age attack on the United Railroads.
In the course. of his remarks Troy
said Calhoun in a Philadelphia
speech three days after the fire, had
declared the disaster would benefit
instead of injuio his corporation
financially and that Calhoun
further declared the caithquako
had destroyed asphalt pavements
containing fho companys cable
"That statement," said Troy, "is
absolutely false."
Calhoun who had been sitting at
one of the desks regdarding Troy
intently arose and passed up to
his accuser and the center of the
"I will not, sir, allow any man
to speak of my statements as false,"
he said.
"I stand by what I said," Troy
Calhoun deliberately raised his
right arm and dealt Troy a sting
ing blow in the face. Troy reeled
back several steps but made no at
tempt to return "the blow' Im
medistely the room was in tur
moil. As Calhoun quietly resumed his
seat, Boxton jumped to his feet
and cried out to Troy "You come
in hero to get the privilege of the
floor to present arguments, that
you can use that privilege to in
dulge in personal attack. Let me
tell you wo dont allow men to be
called liars in our presence."
"I did not cull that hoodlum
president of a coiporation, a lia."
retorted Troy.
"You did," shouted Boxton,
"Now you shut up you get."
"i'il not shut up, I'll not get
out," cried Troy.
"Then by I'll
put you out,"
said Boxton and
ho started on a
run for Troy.
Supervisors intervened. They
blocked the chairman's progress
while other members of the com
mittee tried to push Troy into his
Struggling to get free, Troy
thrust up his arm and
J3neeringly to Boxton, "Yes, I've
no doubt you will stand by the
man whose money you took."
"You say that to me?" demand
ed Boxton.
Eighty-Four Counts Are Returned
Jointly Against Mayor Schmitz
Rnef And Other Officials '
Accused of Bribing Supervisor!, in
Amounts Itnuging From
94,000 to 15,000.
San Francisco, May 24 The spec
ulation which has been rife for weeks
as to what the grand jury would do
in the matter of the indictments of
tho high corporation officials and
municipal officers for alleged brib
ery In connection with the grant
ing of the overhead trolley franchises
to the United Hallways ended tonight
when the inquistorlal body returned
nine indictments on nine counts
chargng the crimes of giving and
accepting bribes and naming as guilty
the following persons; Mayor Eugene
E. Schmitz, Abraham Ruef, Presi
dent Patrick Calhoun, and Assist
ant President Thornwall Ttfullally of
United Railways; and attorneys Tirey
L. Ford and William M. Abbott of
thf.t corporation also President Louis
Glass and Former Agent Theodore B.
Halsey of tho Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph company.
Tho last named Indictments are In
connection with a deal by which the
established telephone corporation
sought to prevent the granting of a
competitive franchise to the Homo
Telephone company. Fourteen Indict
ments containing 84 counts were re
turned jointly against Schmitz, Ruef
Calhoun, Mullally, Ford and Abbott,
whom the grand jury accused of
bribing fourteen supervisors in
amounts ranying from $4,000 to
15,000 each, to voto a change In tho
franchise of the United Railways by
which that corporation, immediately
after the fire of last year, gained
authority to electrify 250 miles of
the street railway system in San
As a preliminary too the twenty
lound contest between Jack Williams
and Charles Ross Paddy Coyne and
Bert Peterson will fight a six round
bout. Coyne is a fighter of several
years ring experience and Peterson
Is still known as a local fighter.
J. O'Kelly, the Marshfleld boat
man will act as official referee and
stakeholder for the Williams-Ross
fight. The contest will take place
at the North Bend pavilion.
The sailing date of the steamer
Alliance was changed from Tues
day until Wednesday night out of
Portland in order to do away
with the arriving on Sunday morn
ing. During the summer months
it is.the intention of the company
to optrato a weekly schedule be
tween Portland and all points on
Coos Bay.
" Oh, you
you out." Ho
now I will put
started again a-
the floor, his face sot and
eyes flashing. Aordon was quickly
formed about Troy and ho was
forced into his seat. Boxton was
induced to desist. Word of tho
trouble spread down tho stairs to
tho police headquarters and Cap
tain Conboy andja patrolman hur
ried up to guard tho peace Troy
waa required to take his seat out-
Bidethorau. llomaue no nirtiicr
effort to address tho meeting and
( . nAj!n tnlnn in ilin rncnlll.
tion which will probably bo
brought up tomorrow.
Former Resident Of Coos Bay Says
Dummy Was Substituted At
Mock Wedding.
Will Also IJrliiR Suit For Decree Por
hlblting Ik'itlm Lurch Claim
ing to be, Wife..
Of interest to Coos Bay people
will be the following article taken
from the Journal of Portland.
The strange case of Edward Sam
Gordon, the wealthy timberman'of,
Coos county, who was lured by the
wiles of a woman and has had end
less trouble in oxricaring himself,
and Bertha Etta Lurch, liiB Ne
mesia,has been revived by the filing
of a suit in this county to quiet
title to his property here.
The woman claims to be his wife
and has succeeded in preventing
him from'disposing of his property
interests in various parts of the
state, he claims. The cac will bo
remembered as the one in which
the wonTan was accuaed of having
procured a "dummy" representing
Gordon and marrying him at Van
couver, Washington.
The woman later created quite a
sensation in Portland by being ar
rested at the Portland hotel on the
chargo of counterfeiting. In her
apartments at tho hotel a coining
outfit was found. She was con
fined in tho women's ward at the
city jail for several weeks and then
removed to San Francisco, whero
she was wanted by the authorities
on tho charge of foi gery. She and
Gordon wore accused of having de
frauded a physician of that city of
a considerable sum.
The peculiar case of Gordon and
tho woman was one of the most
complicated and peculiar that was
ever reported to tho police of San
Francisco or Partland. Those who
followed tho case were thwarted in
their efforts to unravel the mystery
Burrounding both. They filially
agreed, however, that though Gor
don professed not to lovo tho
woman, ho is still infatuated with
her. t
The woman in tho case is re
markabl) shrowd and clever. By
her protestations of lovo for Gor
don she is said to havo succeeded
in gaining lajge sums of monoy
and valuable property from him.
During her imprisonment in Port
land she maintained that she was
his wife and claimed that he had
participated in all tho crimes of
which she was accused.
In tho suit filed hero Gordon
claims that he was never married
to tho woman. Ho repeats his
former charges that she secured a
"dummy" to represent him at the
Vancouver wedding, which was
performed, ho sayE, 60 that the
woman could claim his property at
tho time of his death.
The woman has a marriage li
cense which shows she and Edward
Sam Gordon were duly marriBd at
Vancouver, Washington, October
21, 1905, by Rev. Robert Yeatman,
the Baptist minister, in tho pres
ence of W. E. Wilson and Ora
Mohloy. Mr, Gordon, who owns
considerable property in Clacka
mas county as well as in othort
parts of tho state, 6ays he was not
present at the time of tho wed
ding. He further says it iu a scheme
concocted by tho woman in tho
case to secure a portion of his
property. Gordon claims that tho
woman has carried the idea for
some time that she is his wife.
She went to Coos Bay, where she
backed her claim to be his wife by
showing her marriage certificate
which she had in hor possession.
He also claims that she caused
him much trouble in selling prop
erty, as when he had a sale ready
to close she would appear, saying
she was his wife and tho sale would
not be legel.
Gorden stater that after a con
tinuation of this for some time he
went to Vancouver, where he se
cured an affidavit from tho minis
ter that he was not the "Gordon"
that was married some time ago.
Mr. Gordon now brings suit
through his attorneys, Dimick fe
Dimick, to quiet title to his prop
erty in .this county. He will
further ask the court to give him 11
decree as absolute owner ,pf the,
property, which shall; declare that
Bertha Ella Lurclulias no right to
any part of it, and to prohibit hcr
from claiming to bo his wife.
Postponed Bandon Trip Will Come
OK Sunday.
An excursion Is to be run Sunday
from Marshfleld to Bandon providing
the weather permits. The train will
leave Marshfleld at 8 a. m. sharp
and will return from Bandon, leaving
there at 4 p. m.'Thls trip will afford
a great many people an opportunity
to see tho rich Coquillo Valley and
the beach, about which co much has
been written and said. Every one is
evpected to take a well filled lunch
basket and be prepared to have a
good time.
Following is a list of sub
scribers to tho Marshfleld Pub
licity Fund. Tho amounts op
posite tho names aro tho
monthly installments for tho
period of one year.
J. E. Oren, 150
Dr. J. T. McCormac, 50
I. S. Kaufman. 10
F. S. Dow, 10
Robert Mai scion, 10
Edgar Wheeler, 15
Herbert Lockhart, 10
Meichant Estate, 10
C. W. Tower, 10
P. A. Devors, 10
Jim Bains, 10
W. U. Douglas, b
McCllland Invest
ment Co. J0
I. S. Smith, , 10
Anson Rogerst 15
S. Rogers,. 15
Title Guaranteo and
Abstract Co. 15
W. P. Murphy, 10
J. H. Milner, 10
Dr. E. E. Straw, 5
D. W. Small, 10
F. P. Norton, 5
Pioneer Hardware Co., 30
Magncs and Mat&on, 10
John Preuss, 10
J. M. Blake, 10
Flannagan & Bennet
Bank 30
F. S. Lamberton 5
Mrs Emma Nasburg 10
Claude Nasburg - 5
C. A. Johnson 5
Bradley & Traver 3
0. A. Moffett 2.50
C. A. Nicholson 2
P. Metzerlow 2.50
John Bear 2.50
Going & Harvey 10
J. L. Brown 2.50
F. E. Allen 2
J. W. Tibbcts 2
II. S. Thrift 2
Merchant Brothers 10
E. Mingus 5
Hall & Hall 2.50
W. A. Toyo 2.50
Dr. Leslio 1
Helming & Company 1
W. B. Curtis 5
M. A. Sweotman 2,50
B. M. Richardson 2.50
J. W. Ingram 2.50
McNeil & Forguson 5
II. S. Tower 2.50
Father Donelly 5
E. L. C. Farrin 5
Frank Sajschi 2.50
First National Bank 30
Henry Holm 2.50
Seymour Bell flat 50
I. Condron flat 20
W. R. Haines 5
Gow Why 2.50
Marshfield Chamber Of Commerce
Hobds Meeting For Purpose
Of Reorganization
Members of i:ecutie Commute Meet
Tonight to Formulate Plans
For Publicity Fund.
The Marshfleld Chamber of Com
merce meeting held last night In the
offices of tho Securities Company was
one of the most enthusiastic and
largely attended meetings held since
the organization of tho Coos Bay
Chamber of Commerce. On motion
the appointment of tho executive
committee, selected by the subscrib
ers to the "Publicity Fund" Avas
Following this action tho officers
holding office for the past several
months resigned. They aro J. M.
Blake president; Dr. J. T. McCarmac
vice president; I. S. Kaufman, cor
responding secretary; F. S. Dow, sec
retary and treasurer. The new offi
cers elected to hold office tho ensu
ing year aro Dr. J. T. McCormac,
president; I. S. Smith, vico president;
F. S. Dow, secretary, and James
Tho meeting was turned In to a
general discussion of ways and means
of running a Chamber of Commerce
as it should be. Soveral of the mem
bers gave their vnews regarding the
manner in which tho Chamber of
Commerce should be handled. Tho
members of the executive committee
of tho publicity fund will meet to
night in Dr. Tower's office.
First Half of Second Venire in Ilolso
Trial Yields Only Ono
Boise, May 24 Tho second spec
ial venire in Stounonburg murder
case is providing barren of men qual
ified to act as Jurors and unless con
ditions speedily change there must
bo another special venire summoned
Tho first half of the vonlro present
has yielded only ono man who has
actually qualified and only one other
who may qualify. Only twenty six
of tho present venire remain to bo
examined and tho assumption that
all of tho peremptory challenges will
be used soon moro Jurors mut be
Talesman Henry Curtis qualified
for the vacant seat of Juror Orrlo
Cole and tho defenso examined and
finally passod Juror John Whitlock.
That opened the way for peremptory
again. Tho stato challenged Juror
Isaaac Bedell of seat number 2 and
there the proceedings halted for tho
day. Nlnteen talesmen occupied the
chair during tho day and tho only
one who may occupy It Is Finley Mc
Bean, the last man to reach It late
this afternoon. Finley satisfied tho
etato and passed to tho hands of tho
defenso Just before adjournment.
Free Room Directory
The TimeB desires to stato
that anyone wishing to ob
tain rooms call at its ofiico
any day during tho wee.
Quito a numbor, of desir
able rooms linvo been listed
and wo will bo very glad to
direct all inquriors. Thoto
having rooms to rent will
pleaso list them at tho
Times Office
CARGO 10 m
Alliance Comes In With Three Hun
dred and fifty Tons For
Marshfield from Portland
Leaves Itosc City Tlnu'sduy Morning
And Ai riven Hero 21 Hours
The steamer Alliance arrived In
this port yesterday from Portland
with tho largest cargo over brought
to Marshfield, 350 tons. This is not
the largest cargo the ship ha carried
to ,Coo Bfay but tho largest for
this one port. Following is the ton
nage list; Empire 8 tons; North Bend
96; Marshfield 350 tons; railroad
freight for Coquillo valley points 180
The entlro lot of mnchlnery for tho
Courtney mill at Flagstaff was re
delved on this trip and Includes
their engines, three large boilers,
and several other largo pieces. In
addition to this machinery tho C. A.
Smith Lumber and Manufacturing
Company received a gangedger and
largo planer. A largo donkey englno
was received on this trip of the boat
for tho Coos Bay Lumber and Coal
All of the heavy polco r mach
inery wero unloaded direr t . si
and towed to their locatl 3. Tho
reason for a such a largo shipment
of machinery at this time Is that
tho water was within five inches of
the Couch Street dock at tho timo
of sailing, 4 a. m. Thursday and
still rising fast. It Is expected that
tho hip will bo unable to load at
Couch street next trip owing to tho
high stago of water. The Alliance
made better tim'o down from Port
land this trip than sho has probably
1 a. in. Thursday and arrivcr hero
at 8 a. m. yesterday, making tho
entire trip in 28 hours. She will lcavo
for Portland at 8 o'clock Sunday,
Cottage Grove Citizens Inaugurate
Movement For Road From
Portland to Roseburg
Cottage Grove, May 24. Smart
ing under tho continued car short
age at this placo by which tho lo
cal lumber industry isfcompletely
paralyzed tho CommoiciaJ club at
its meeting Monday evening turn
ed its whole attention to tho trans
portation problem.
The situation was fully discussed
and a movement inaugurated
looking to the" building of a road
from Portland to Roseburg via tho
Coast jifork J to connect with tho
proposed road from Roseburg to
Mnrshfiold and for which Douglas
and Coos counties havo already
subscribed over $200,000.
A committee of throe consisting
of A. L. Woodward, T. D. Wheolor
and D. M. C. Gault was appointed
to confer with liko committees
from all commercial clubs along
tho proposed route, the Western
Oregon dumber Manufactrer's as
sociation and tho Oregon and
Washington association.
fj&Tho call is for all these com
mittees to meet atCottago Grovo
in tho Commercial olub rooms on
Juno 25 to doviso ways andjnieana
for coiiBtructioh of such a road'in
order to rcliove tho transportation
situation throughout tho vnlloy.
This projoct may be dubbed
another paper railroad but tho
citizens hero declaro it if as feasi
ble as tho Drain-Coos Bay lino
and funds can bo secured to build
lLlu I nib UNl