The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 08, 1907, Daily Edition, Page 5, Image 5

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Stcnmcr Cziirlnn Provides Against
Contingencies. ,
The. steamer Czarina, Captain
Duggan, will sail today for Tacoma
whore she will be loaded with a cargo
of railroad ties, to be taken to Port
Los Angeles. The vessel has been
hero for two days loading coal to be
used for fuel on the round trip, hav
ing been delayed In getting out of the
harbor on account of a lack of coal.
Captain Duggan states that he ex
perienced some very heavy weather
coming from Port Los Angeles to this
port, and that he will take 285 tons
of fuel coal this trip, Instead of 150,
as he usually does.
Schooner Leaves.
It. D. Hume's gasoline schooner,
the Berwick, left Port Orford yester
day bound for Portland, with a cargo
and to bring back a cargo of gen
eral freight.
Will Take Lumber.
The schooner Omega is 21 days
out from San Pedro, bound for this
port. She will be loaded with a car
go of lumber to be shipped south.
The schooner Repeat Is 21 tiays
out from San Francisco, for this port,
to load lumber for shipment to San
Plant Arrives Today.
The steamer M. F. Plant Is due to
arrive In this port this morning from
San Francisco.
Hunter Brings Freight.
The tug Hunter arrived yesterday
from Gardiner with a cargo of gen
eral freight. In the shipment she
carried twenty boxes of butter from
W. P. Reed of Gardiner. The butter
will be reshlpped from here to San
Francisco. The tug is being loaded
with a cargo of general freight, con
sisting mostly of flour, groceries and
beer, for Umpqua ports. The vessel
moved from Marshfleld yesterday af
ternoon to Empire, and will sail on
her return trip early today.
Launch Repaired.
Edgar Wheeler's launch, which has
been on the ways at the S. Gilroy
boat shop for the past two weeks re
ceiving repairs, has been relaunched.
Engineer Has Resigned.
Ben Tracoy, who until recently has
been chief engineer on the steamer
Czarina, has resigned his position to
accept one as first assistant engineer
on a tug boat in San Francisco bay.
Mr. Tracey has been engineer of the
Czarina for the past eight years, and
is well Hkcd by all who know him.
Steamer Alliance Starts.
The steamer Alliance left Portland
last night at 8 o'clock, and will arrive
here today.
Breakwater Sails Today.
The Breakwater will sail from San
Francisco this afternoon at 4
The following table shows the
high and low tides at Empire for
each day during the coming week:
High Water.
A. M. P. M.
Sun., 6...G:47 7.6 S:27 7.4
Mon., 6. . . . 8:07 7.3 9:23 7.7
Tue., 7 9:22 7.4 10:09 8.1
Wed., S 10:24 7.5 10:52 8.4
Thu., 9.... 11:17 7.7 11:30 8.C
Frl., 10 11:17 7.7 11:30 8.G
Sat., 11 0:0G 8.8 12:47 7.5
Low Water.
A. M. P. M.
May. h. m. Feet h. m. Feet
Sun., 5 1:18 3.4 1:49 0.4
Mon., C 2:28 3.0 2:50 0.7
Tue., 7 3:39 2.4 3:48 1.0
Wed., 8 4:32 1.5 4:40 1.2
Thu., 9 5:23 1.0 5:2G 1.3
Fri., 10.... G:07 0.3 G:10 1.7
Sat., 11. .. . G:48 0.1 G:48 2.1
To find the tide hours at other
Coos Bay points, figure as follows:
At the bar, -0.43; at North Bend, add
0.40; at Marshfleld, add 1.51; at
Mlllington. add 2.15.
Little Girl on Launch Cnme Near
Going Overboard.
There was a little excitement on
the launch North Bend yesterday.
Sadie Lacy, the twelve-year-old
daughter of Rev. Mr. Lacy, was
seated In a chair at the rear. The
boat turned to one side as it wai
leaving the North Bend dock. The
girl's chair fell over and she would
have gone Into the water had not
some one caught her. The girl was
so 'uadly frightened that she fainted,
but was soon revived.
Born To Hillls Short and wife,
May 4, a son.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Harry W.
Skinner, at San Francisco, on May
2, a daughter.
WANTED. At North Bend hotel, a
dining room girl, Immediately.
FOR RENT. Four rooms for rent
and furniture for sale. Phone 1221.
WANTED. A strong woman or girl
to care for elderly lady. Apply to
Mrs. H. Sengstacken. 4-27-tf
WANTED Men to work in sawmill,
wages $2 a day and upward.
Simpson Lumber Co. 8-24-tf.
FOR SALE Four acres of land In
South Marshfleld for the next sixty
days. Address B. A. 11. 4-30-2m
FOR SALE. Upright piano almost
new; will take $250 cash. Address
A. B. C, care Times office. 5-7-3t
FOR RENT. Office rooms, also good
rooms for dressmaking parlors.
Address Box 349, Marshfleld.
NOTICE Bids will be received for
papering and painting my bouse.
Mrs. Agnes Huthlnson, Marsh
fleld. 3-2 ltf
FOR RENT. One large front room
with stove; wel furnished. Mrs.
C. A. Metlln, I street, South Marsh
fleld. " 5-8-tf
FOR SALE. Good paying restaur
ant, good location, two year lease,
easy terms. Apply North Bend
News Co. 4-9-lt
WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished
house or housekeeping rooms at
once. Inquire A. B. Mason, First
National Bank. 5-5-4t
NOTICE. Those having baggage
stored at the Central hotel' will
please call for same by June 1 or
it will be sold. 5-7-22t
FOR RENT. A house in' West
Marshfleld, furnished or unfur
nished. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Lack
strom, West Marshfleld. 5-8-6t
FOR SALE. Small gasoline launch
In perfect condition, with enclosed
cabin; also boat house for same.
Address P. O. Box 22G 5-7-Gt
MUSIC Secure tho Irish Orchestra
for high grade music on any occa
sion. McDorby, conductor and
violin Instructor, Marshfleld, Ore
P'OR SALE 40 acres commanding
quarter mile ot water front on
ship channel on Coos Bay at a bar
gain. See, Title Guarantee & Ab
stract Co. 2-5-tf
FOR RENT. Two furnished house
keeping rooms suitable for man
and wife In Windsor block. Apply
to Fred Johnson, Eagle saloon,
North Bend. 4-28-tf
L. W. Planz the tailor will leave-
on the next Kllburn for tho purpose j
of purchasing a fine line of ready ;
made clothing which ho will handle i
in tho future. 5-4-Gt '
Terrible Accident on Fourth Street
Frank Johnson was badly Injured
last night while crossing the Fourth
street bridge. He, In company with
his brother John, were on their way
home, when on arriving in front of
the Mlnot house he fell through a
hole In the bridge, bruising himself
badly. John Johnson helped Frank
out and started to assist him home,
but fate was against them, for on
coming opposite tho Snyder barn a
loose plank was the cause of throw
ing both of them down, injuring
both quite badly. By an unusual
effort they managed to get as far as
Mrs. Stutesman's residence, where
John Johnson was thrown by a loose
plank which almost knocked him
senseless. Both staggered on to the
Intersection of Fourth and G streets,
where Frank stepped In a hole In the
bridge, breaking his leg.
Friends of both men are wondering
how they escaped death. It has since
been discovered that the Johnson
family use Sound Ring Flour and this
accounts for their ronderful consti
tutions. At latest reports both men
were resting easy.
Wanted, a city engineer to nail
planks on the Fourth street bridge.
Now Ready
New ,and Modern
Snmpl-e Rooms in Connection
Campbell's Wood and Coal
Four of the finest water
front lots in Marshfield
Paying business
Good reason for selling
l'u . .! ' &
D. D. Campbell j
$ -, "$
The Crawford Point Land
Offers to you . -
The Best Buys on the Bay. Land ready for the seed
No Expensive Clearing
C .
. ''TOT '' '
r 'mar -v . . -.'. ,'-.,',- l
. - ' ' - '
This is offered in Acre tracts Adjoining the City of Coos
Bay Plat, at Reasonable Prices $ 1 75 an Acre anc up. You
should see this if you want, a GOOD piece of land that will pay
for itself this year.
Crawford Point Land Co.
Offices with The Coos Bay Townsite Co. Across the street from
the Central Hotel.
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