syn EH2Z2I "w73!!! TnE BAIL COOS BAY Mutts, MABSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY T, 100; s y II The Manager Of the B. By VAUGHAN C Copyrltfht, 1901, by Vi (Continued from Saturday.) 8bo was unauiy conscious pcrnnps that sound morality was on her sldo In thli. "Lot us leave him out of It After all,'uu no odds who told. Tho harm la dono." "No, I shall nsk Griff." Dan smllod doubtfully. "That will settle it If you bcllevo what ho tolls you." "His denial will bo qulto sufficient for me, Mr. Oakley," with chilly polite ness. Thoro was a long pause, during which Dan looked at the carpet and Miss Em ory a, nothing In particular. He real ized how completely ho had separated himself from the rest of the world in hor eyes. Tho hopelessness of his loro goaded him on. He turned to her with sudden gentleness and said penitently: "Won't you forgive me?" "I havo nothing to forgive, Mr. Oak ley," with lofty self denial, and again Dan smiled doubtfully. "Her saying1 eo did not mean all it should have meant to him. Ho swept his hand across his faco with a troubled gesture. "I don't know what to do," he observed ruefully. "Tho turf seems knocked from under my feet" "It must have been a dreadful ordeal to pass through alone," she said. "Wo are so distressed for your sake." And alio seemed so keenly sympathetic that Dan's heart gavo a great bound in his breast He put aside his mounting bitterness against her. "I dant know why I camo to seo you today. I just wanted to, and so I came. I don't want to force a friend ship." Miss Emory murmured that no ex cuse was necessary. "I am not too sure of that I must appear bent on exhibiting myself and my woes, but I can't go into retire ment and X can't lot pcoplo seo I'm hurt" Hlo faco took on a strong resolve. Ho couldn't go without telling her ho loved hor. His courago was suddenly riotous. , "Onco, not long ago, I dared to be lievo I might levol tho differences be tween us. I recognized what they wero, but now it is hopeless. There arc aonio things a man can't overcome, no matter how hard he tries, and I upposo being tho son of a murderer Is ono of these" no paused and, raising hla eyes from tho carpet, glanced at her, but her faco was averted. lie went on, desperately: "It's qulto hope less, but I havo dared to hope, and I wanted you to know. I hato to loavo things unfinished." There was a long silence, then Miss Emory said softly: "I nm so sorry." "Which moans you've nover cared for me," dryly. But sho did not answer him. Sho was wondering how sho would havo felt had tho confession como forty eight hours earlier. "I suppose. I'vo been qulto weak and foolish," said Dan. Sho looked Into his faco with a slow mile. "Why do you say that? Is It weak and foolish to care for somo ono?" "Wasn't it!" with suddenly kindled hope, for ho found it hard to glvo her up. Mlsa Emory drow herself together with a sigh. "I nevor thought of this," sho said, which was hardly truo; sho had thought of it many times. "No," admitted Dan, Innocently enough, for hor lightest word had be come gospel to blm, such was his lovo and reverence. "You couldn't know." Poor Oakley, his telling of It was tho smallest port of tho knowledge. "I think I soo now, perfoctly, how great a difference this affair of my father's must make. It sort of cuts mo off from everything." "It is very tragic. I wish you hadn't told mo Just now." ncr lips trembled pathetically, and there wero tears In her eyes. "I'vo wantod to toll you for a long time." "I didn't know." "Of course you couldn't know," ho repeated. Thon ho plunged ahead recklessly, for ho found thero was a curious satisfaction in, tolling her of hla love, hopeless as it was. "It has been most serious and sacred to me. I shall nevor forgot you nover. It has helped mo in so many ways just to know you. It has changed so many of my ideals. I can't bo grateful enough." Miss Emory approved his nttltudo. It was as It should bo. She was sorry for him. Sho admlrod his dignity and repression. It mado him seem so strong and purposeful. "Ypu will find your happluess somo day, Mr. Oakloy, You will find somo one more worthy than I." Sho know he would bo insenslblo to tho trite ness of her remark. "No," geucrously, "that couldn't be. I'll not find any ono. I'll not look." "Oh, but you will!" Already, with tho selfishness of her sex and a selfishness which was great er than that of her sex, sho was regret tins that sho had allowed him to sten KESTER Harper t Brothers "You have heard the ttory from Mr. Ryder." so easily into tho position of a rejected lover. "I don't want you to think it Is go ing to ruin my life," ho said quietly, "or anything of that sort." An appeal to her pity seemed weak and contemptible. "I have striven to win what I can't have, what is not for me, and I am sat isfied to have made the effort." Miss Emory bit her lip. Ho was go ing to put her out of his life entirely. It was ended, and he would do his best to forget her with what speed he might, for he loved her nnd was too generous to wish her to suffer. This generosity, needless to say, was too altruistic for Constance to fully nppre-j elate Its bcautlos. Indeed, she did not regard It as generosity at all. She re sented it. She realized that probably she would not see him agnln at leapt, the meeting would not bo of his mak ing or choosing. There was to be no sentimental aftermath, no was' pre paring to go, Hko tho sensible fellow ho was, for good nnd all, and sho rebelled against tho decree. It seemed brutal and harsh. Sho was angry, hurt nd offended. Perlmps her conscience was troubling her, too. Sho know sho was mean nnd petty. "I don't think it could havo been very serious to you, Mr. Oakley," sho mur mured, gazing abstractedly from tho window. "I don't know why you think that. I can't say any more than I havo said, it Includes all." She wanted to tell him ho gavo up too easily. "At any rate, wo are friends," ho added. "Aro you going?" she cried, with a ring of real longing and regret lu her voice, lifted out of herself for tho mo ment at tho thought of loslug him. Dau nodded, nnd a look of pain came Into his face. "Yes, I am going." "But you aro not going to leave Antloch?" "Oh, no!" And Miss Emory felt a sense of re lief. Sho rose from her chair. "Thon I shall soo you again?" "Probably," smiling. "Wo couldn't well avoid seeing each other In a placo the slzo of this." Ho held out his hand frankly. "And I shan't see you hero any more?" sho asked softly. "I guess not," a little roughly. Tho bitterness of his loss stung him. Ho felt something was wrong somoivherc. He wondered, too, If sho had been qulto fair to him, If her ability to guard herself was entirely commenda ble after all. Ho knew in tho end ills only memory of her would bo that sho was beautiful. Ho would carry this memory and a haunting senso of In completeness with him wherever ho went. Sho placed her baud lu his nnd look ed up Into his face with troubled, seri ous eyes. "Goodby." It was almost a whisper. Dan crossed tho room to tho door and Hung It open. For nn Instant ho wavered on tho threshold, but a mo ment later was striding down tho street, with his hat Jammed needlessly low over his ears nnd his hands thrust deep In his trousers pockets. At the window Constance, with n white, beared face, was watching him from between tho parted curtains. Sho hoped he would look back, but ho nev er onco turued his head. (To bo continued.) STEAM! GARLAND Leaves Ma shfield every Morning: a 5 a. m. run- nine- up Ci ios River to Daniel Creel iAlueBVL. . X-" WANT ADS 77 rx WANTED.l-ANortlfBend Vylol, a dining rApni slrlminedlnAly. FOR nENvX-rir rooms VuFrent and furnjXiro&or sale. PhoX 1221. l g 5-3t WANTED. fitrong woman oglrl to care folKilderly lady. Wply to Mrs. H. Bengstacken. A4-27-tf M. Y f WANTED-Jjtfpft to work inswmlll, wages $ Jfa. day and upward. Simpsofftuinber Co. -24-tf . 1 FOR Sae Foinacres of "VinG In SoutllarshXUrfa for tho nex sixty days.fAddroA B. A. 11. $io-2m "bright piano Almost i fe $250 cash. Address Times office. FOR ENT.-Vofllce rooms, alsogood loogis for dressmaking lWrlors. Adfrcss BojS 349, Mnrshflcra. V"3tf NOTflPE-VBIchf will be receivd for paforinjfnd painting lAYbouse. Mm. Ancs Huthlnson.XMarsh- fleW. f 321tf ruooa paying re iiiur- location, two yeuiylease, is. Apply NortH Bond IVS, 4-9-lt 'RENT. Unfurnished ifousokcoplng ranius at lire A. B. MasoiV First Sonal ik. 5-5-4t f NOTICE. Those,' having bWftaEO stofcd at tho' Central hotelf will pleifce callfor same by Juiyl 1 or .- i -S-- it will beBold. AXl-211 ' FOR aALE.-V-SifTall gasoline latinch in pirfect Ajfldltion, withNpucIosed cablfl; alsAhoat house for same. Addit'ssf. Q. Box 22G 1 5-7-Gt MUSIC---Seuroythe Irish Orchestra ior nirn gl'iuio music on any occa sion, talcnjprby, conductlfr and violin Inyiructor, Marshflfeia, Ore 1-23 -tt FOR SALB 4J acres commanding quarter WUo of wateft fj?ont on ship chanriEl on Coos BaWat a bar gain. So5,Titlo Quaranteo & Ab stract Co. V f 2-B-tf FOR RENT. Wo furnlshei house- keeiiingroQhis suitable r man and wife lrwinlsor bloc pply to Fred Juohnsdn, Eag saloon, North Benu ,4-28-tf FOR RENT. One lare front robm with stovV, Well fiirnfshed,$l(rper month; wo smaller roiius up stairs, ? per month; plectric lights, ms. C. A. MetllnAl St.,' South Marshfleld. ' 4-13-tf Timber Land, Act Juno .?, 1878. Xotlce For Publication. United States Land Omcc,, Rose burg, Oregon, Marcl ICtli, 1907. Notice Is hereby given that In com plianco with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno h, 1S78, entitled "An act for thoj sale lot timber lands In tho states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," is extended to all tho Publlof Land states by act if August 4, 1892, Charles J. Vffn Zlle, North Bend, county of Cops, state pf Oregon, .has this day flleil in this ojllco hfs sworn statement Ne 7SS9, for tho purchase ist quarter of section No. 12 in township No. 2G south, range No. Jl2 west, aiid will offer proof to shfiw that the inndjsought Is more valuable for its timber or stono than for agricultural puspoges, and to establish nis claim to mild land' be fore tho County clerk ani clerk of county cojirt, Coos counti', Oregon, nt his at Cofiulllo.lpregoij, on Friday thfe' 7th day of Juie. 1907. He namoa as witnesseslWIllIajn II. Morgan, of Marshfleld, Cftios county, Oregon, Georgo M. Sells! of tyorth Bond, Cpos county, Odgon, Earl Schrimsher, of North pond, Coos county, Oregon, Georgo p.iMandlgo, of North Bend, Coos counts, Oregon, Walter A. Baring, of North Bend, Coos county, Oregon. ; . Any and all nersons claiming ad versely tho above described land,s aro requested to file their claims In this ofllco on or beforo said 7thday of Juno, 1907. ' BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. Micro )othes tho Itchl l fv scalp jfollBht. ihfMil, tf and croaifvs a feollnir of Sold at Viio Bod Cros, Marsh L. W. Planz tho tnllor wilU leavo ion tho iWt Kilburn for lhoirposo of purchiXlng a ftno lino ofl ready mado clotVlng which ho will uidlo In the nituVo. ' 4-Ct FOR afVLE.-r-y new! will taJ A. B C., cad,Times office. jfc7-3t THE HEW AND ENLARGED EDITION OF WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Excels In VnpAtmlo! Itlsthnmo.qtUFO- ful in slzo mid conti ts. Judiciously so- iccieci to o.tclmlo c uwko, and to ovoid nlrnlltles. i ruptlons of Rood nlutelllglblo tech- Excels In Arrangement. Ench word bo- ems a paragraph iif its correct nlplmbet' lcnlplncqnndisrenJilycaiiKbtbvthoeio, Rtpaio In VtmnitlAt.. rM.nHn nM nm pleto nnd vclentlllf , and embody tlio best rCSUlta Of tlllllnlnu-f 'ninvnrnnnfuirimn. vvrx wvuuii mitt oncuro pinees. Excels In Pronunciation width Is Indi cated by wpolliifir with tho dlncritlcally marked lcttors lied in tho schoolbooks, ThOSOUndnnf wIlB 11 nm nntrlit. In tlin nnK ,1 ;.. "r ,."": .---- lio schools. J Jixcois la DotHiitlons. Thoy aro clear. tc, and aro fihen in tho in c-nn! line nnmilrnil If a siiaucs or meni: tlnnsnroilliisti Excels In Its j ppondlr which Is a packed slorehouso of 1 -ptnl knowlodno. Excels as a Working- Dictionary. No other book: ore lodlcs bo much nicful in formation or, s so indispcnsablo in tho home, study, b( iioo), or olllce. Tho Intern itional has 2380 quar to pages, 6000 illustrations, 25,000 new words, rivised Gazetteer of the World, and d revised Biographical Dictionary, efc. It received THE GRAND PRIZE (Highest Awa&d) at tho World's ruir, oc. IvOUIS. ,i ,, S FREF-ATitl ronunclatlon," In- struct ho and cntcrt nmir j or tno wnojo family Illustrated pittaphlct. jso yr DhlCt. vy G. & C. MERRIAlVlXJOi, . MERRIfl PUBLISHERS, I 'VW Springfield. Mahb. i l can urnish tho following ThoroiiL bred Eggs at $2j 0 Per Setting lUljde Island Reds linlred Plymouth Rocks Wltite Leghorns I'eKVi uucks JOHN FLANAGAN bendjn ur orders Now Eggs Sliijt county. nj' where in the Flanagan &. Bennett Bank MAKSHFIELD.OKEGON. Capital Sulwffbed J50.000 Capital rnii Up ?10,000 unaiviaeu irroiits ?jj,ooo Does a general banlJng business and draws ou the Hank" of California, San Francisco Calif., First Natlonalfiiank Portland Ox., Firsl National llank, Rosefcurg, Or., Hanover Na tional Bank, Now lrk, N. M. Itothchlld & Son, London, Englan Also sell change on nearly all the prlntipal cities of Europe. V Accounts kept subJcoUflLclieck, safo deposit lock boos for rent at Srcents a month or 5. nj ear. ,L INTEREST PAID ON TIME. DEPOSITS STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendergrass, Master TIStE TABLE. Leaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 i. m., and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 mm. Leaves Nrth Bend at 8:15, 9:45,and 11W.5 a. m., and 1:45, 3:15 aftdSjOkp. m. Makes dalrjCsIps except Sun days. Fare: go way, 15 cents; round trip, 2f5 cents. W. A. HARING Dealor in Pipe Cream Jlilk and Uutternlilk. Fiee do ll very to all iLnta of tho city. North Beit Ocegon Now Ready HOTEL OREGON New and Modern Saniplo Rooms iionnection NORTH BEND?ORE. Ready to show Soring Millinerv CLARKE Broadway aft il "C" Streets Correct! illinery irtvshaiies and' tasteful trim Smartshapes and' mining combine to make every hat in Boitmonta "s, PerfectStyIe tho as- "WEHSTEira ll llMTrnMATinMAl I M DICnONART J i wii N. ull the BELL CORD Wet Your Whistle Then Blow J. R. HURRON, Prop, front StreetTTMarshflelJ, Oregon Bmxk at (Dmjmt Caultnl HtiUK fully paliutu sn.nou. I ' ZTraiioartii a nYtirral Sanklitfl lIirnlnwM- V Norllf tUniitsW (Oregon TheCB.,R.'R.R. and Negation Co. TKATX CHEDUIiK NO. 2. In Effect tlnniinry J. !' All prcioiiB schedules aro void. Subjecl to change wiinoui nouue. W. S.I Chandler, manager; F. A. Lalse, ffclght agent; general offices, Marshfiold, Oregon. Trains. I jfe--- -4fifiO.' .i Slliuuiia. Extra train special orders. TraT Beaver Hill dally. SKATING RINK Announcements: Open aftiinoon and even- n . M r 1r-j 4 f ings, -z toi o and to iu, week days only. 'rices: 2o cents bkates, ttor use of Itink 13 cents nor thos-e using their oji sknte. 10 cents a admission to Gentleni evenings. Special ntte tion given to beginners very after- noon. Best of oi dei rays mam- tained. a L, A ry7 Manager Nalsonriron Works NIXSON, Prop. Wc rcpllr nil kliula of Machinery, Steam ill I lui KiiRine", Guns nnd Ill- Ctlu. est of work oui biicelully. WcmaiAifactuicL'aslliiKSlu Iron nnil llronze fi Snw Mills anil Loggfns Cnmps inukotlm liestbluncs imj Koailhioolfor Loggers. : ; :'! n MARSHF1ELD, OREGON F. H. BRIiHAM ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT Plans nnU specifications inndo foil all classes of buildings.X NorthBeQdX Oregon PHON'BSII g1" -"mniim-mrnmiiiiiini i ii. .i. -.."-- MASTERS& McLAIN i.Mwniiuciy umi AOlHi lieild CONTRACTORS TOR Wood amy btono l)lock pavemonts uiiieadaniaiul plank stieets, few er and witer mains, cement side walks and eurba, plain and rein forced contrete for buildiiiK. foun dations aji(l retainini; walls. Firo prooflnfcnml asphalt looflnir Crushed roepW building stom" Ci railing and eityating. Steam Dve Works t . Street Ladies'andfAni garments clean ed Yj dyed. Philip BcckJr, Proprietor. i noTT j Dally Excent aununy. Leave 0 40 a. m.MarshIlcld. I 9:3t a. m.B. H. Junction. I 9.4iaa. m.Coqulllo. Arrlvo 10:3Cn.m.Myrtlo I'olnt. No. 2. Daily Rvpont Simrlnvl I -. n . i- Iim.. ..m.. r..t..t leave iu.u u. niswwji'-'u ". I 10:30 a m.t'oiiuiilo. "1-2J00 m. J f. H. Junction. Arrive 12S,j).m.rrsliflold. is dllrun on dally HA to and from on sviv X w ii ft il ""N. TECK Business EctcrS Doct rs. 7 13. E. STRAwAl. D. 1'IIYSlUIANf AND -SUKOKON Diseases of the Eye, Ear, J i 'in t A iu.. IIUU LiUUilt UJCUllllLy. Olliee in LrJckhnrt's Buildin Miirshiield, t Orei DR. IIAYDC Ollluo niipoltc Union Piirnfluro Store. 1 1 iu in i IllKl HI," Hprrliil nttcntfoiffpa in In liillil ! ii'i'liil iittentfoimiafd tn dNcascn of the urinar aniiuigosinu nrgaus U S. l'eiisluu examiner I Marshfiold, Orel OK. J. W. IXGKAM, I'liysician anil Surgeon. Oincj over engstackon's Drug Stl Phones Offlco 1G21; residence It. .M. BICIIAUDSON, I'lijsfcian and Surgeon. Diseases of oye, ear, nose and thil a specialty; OITlcI In Eldorado Block. I Lawyers. i O. iFAItRIN. E. L Lttonicynt-Law. City Attorney. Deputy DIst. At Lockhartl Building. Marshlleld, Cl Phono 44. J. M. lUjTON, ! AttorikCy-at-Lnw. Marshfleld. I OregJ J. W. BENNETT, Oince er Flanagan & BonB Bank. Marshfleld, Or3l c. f. Mcknight, Attorney-at-Law. Upstaln ! Bennett & Walter b!o Marshfl&ld, Oregcl J. AV. SNOVKR J Attorney-nt-Law Rogers building Marshfleld, Oregi I COKK AitCOKE, tt orncy-nt-Iiaw. Marshflel Orego I'lXLKV &MAYBEE, Attorneys-at-Law. Ofllco Phone 701 ov ver Myers Store. North Bend, Or Real Estate Agents. OIKU LAND COMPANY Ileal Eslnto Brokers North Bend, Orego McPlierson Girfser Co. Wholesale lioftior dealers uigars and saloon sup plies. California Win a Specialty Front St., rshfield J Coos Bay Steam Laundry JF MARSHFIELDlnd NORTH BEND All work! now done at theNortl! Bend Plant CdgaAMauzey Agent, Marshfleld v North Bend PholteJ031 Marshfield PhoneHB04 I Office: tic i