Madras MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1904. NO. 18. lOL I. Pioneer e mm cHargue si SPECI A r. mm Mm LT I E S AG CABIN CREAKS, TURKISH NUGGETS w . - ....... u nl litkin n iiiniln (iiiiillim on nli! nt And ft Am- III" i"'"' "" """' ui..m Mfl,"M T"P'": . U,.ryHloro V,,0,V.I' I md. Hturi.'. . .. i........ ml Dr. K,lArn II (,U(,k lir0 mH,iu to jlic 1mVo iimni'd merclmnlH Aft) I,,.!!..... l i.iMIIL' jtIi '' llliv"- I'flliuvlllc I'crkliiK Blimilko bitvl. It not tin rc'iirc'"fiilel. BOX 175. J. L McHARGUt, Prop., Shaniko, Ore. amiltoo First cln'8 i,ll' ani1 ,,C,,H' Prices rentonittil1. Heud qiMilewfornll stag. lines." " telope, Oregon r ,4vr ii. n. uflNB LACKSMiTH and WAGOHMAKER.., luwsliot'lng a i.pprinHj . rjculer In iron, wlu'cl, cualilonn, ruutior e Dalles Oregon r i i i. . ieo. u DiaKeiy The Reliable Druggist. rrMes tlic tirRoni utork nl ilriiRn fiixl iIwkkMn mnclrlm In Kwicni Ore fou, iliuln ujiIIch ynur mull order oollclt fJ mid will rc'i'ulvi) romi t nllitilloii, le Dalles, Oregon THE DALLES ani SHA1UK0 STAGE LINE tciftir'tlitc rlu good horn"., iirumid for- tfowmodatiiiK dilu-rn, dnlly wtcviH on wa tvi) !dlrtr! roiiml irln K.i-ro)i nnd ynicvh iHrrlM tvl r'umhi. Iltgs. kvc Money fKi'I'redoIirnli Home 'iwniinciit .ai l n.i.ii,.!.. i... tl l Witt lonXhMsn. All t ultivfilal.lo- i,( . !,,.. I' "II within om. ,tf to four mil.. nf pan iurv- ,. ,., , I,,-.,...,.. ,,.., t ' ndininn hv.i i ----- ... 'IRVI1VI1, 0 MadtTQSi Otto. VICTOR MARDEN Maiiufuvturur nml Duiilur In FiiiG Harness, Sail Tents, Wagon Covers ymu ciii:Ai'Ht in THK IAI.M!8, -Wliotrtburo,. tdpji in jrtiiil k1 jtIcch. East End Clothing Store JOE COHEN, PROP. IBBE HOTEL ff M V J '9lng, i. . 25c and up W Urick IIom In I0 ci,ri rr1' Op,ki, o. It. ,,. r F. N. WATT . nfectiohery ! I'uulur In wis JOKERS' SUPPLIES, ,0olooois&stati6nGrV 6 Telephone; Long CO-MI'I.KTi: LINK OI iliXTHf "Fl'ltN IHIII N'O OOODH, HATS, CAIH, flHOM AND Ul.OTJIINll. MM TItl NKB. jt will iy " l' Ki-'t our. jirlcen Intfiirc jmr cIiahIhk ulxuwhuru. COt KliCONIf hTi. Tit K UAI.I.KS, OltKJO.V. C'flrrlltK tin; PihikIo Shoo. Alo liimn li nt Iriu Vulloy, Oenu. HENRY L KUCK MANCFACTCKKR OV Harness and Stock Saddles cowjjoy orri'iTrf a pi' lli'olcr In Collars, Wlil, Tlubcx aiuliiKCli ernl line of Homo KurtilxliliiK !(i. Tonic, Aw iiIiik nml Wttgon fbvUr. All work giinr-nitticd, l'jit ityroitsl St, TIIK UAM.K,Ore. UO TO- &HANIKO Ami liny Your HARNESS Prom FRED DAVIS Repairs Promptly and Cheaply Done It ytnir wnlcli Ii In nofil of tepiiln or K yon nnnt (o Imy n now onv, you can not ilo buttur ttinn to write PHEO. LIEBE PRACTICAL WATCH &nd CLOCK MAKER THE DALLES, ORE., I'or price pud style. Mnll nnlorn fori'lvo prompt ntlctitlon. All work Kiiurivntced, Livery and Feed Stable A, IllXHO.V, Proprietor. HOItHKH OlviX IlliKT 01" CAIlli AND ATl'lSNTION. I'lttBuS ItKASONAlir.Ki. Antclopc,x Oregon GO T6 THfe MADRAS DRUG STORE FOR Pure Drugs, Druggists' Sundries and Patent Medicines A CohMe Like oi' Stationery, Jewelry; Etc,, la Slock At; Ei SNOOK, Proprietor; Md Muln BtVt, MmlrAi, Ornek THE STAE OF BETELEHEM, ' Ad hIimIowh cnt liy cloud mid nun 1'llt o'er the mimnicr urn, Ho, In thy nlnht, AIiiiIkIiI)- Olio, Knrth'H KuieriitloiiH uikk, And while the year, nn umMciut Iront" Come pronlui nwiflly nn, Tlio lirlKhtenl tminoM thut enrthWn honst Jiut Kllnten mid nre gone. Yet doth thu Hijr of llothlnhuin elicit A lntro pure nid xueut, And Mtlll it lendx, nn once It lend, To the Jlomlnh'H feet. 0 l'uther, inny tlmt holy Ktnr tlrow every year more bright, And neml It KlorloitH Iiuiiiiih nffir To fill the world with light. -Wllllnm ("ullun Ilryant. !gr CHRISTMAS. An annual church festival Decern her 25th and l;i sniiiu htntcH of the Union a legiil holiday, which in held in memory of the Midi of Christ. ('inciiTiiliiK thu exact time at which the hlrth nf our Lord reully occurred, utithorltlcs didVr. The first records we find of the ob servation of this ihiy ure in the second ecutury, about, the timo of thu Em por r Coinmodtifl. Thu docretnl cplHllcH, indeed, carry It up a little higher, unci pay tha TelcuphoniH, wlio lived In the reign of Antoninus Pius, ordered divine service to be celebrated and an angelic hymn to bo sung the night hefro tho nativity of our Bavlotir. That It was kept before the limit of Coustantiue .we have a mel ancholy proof j for whilst tho pers-i-ciitlou rnged under Diocletian, who then kept his court at Nicomedia, thut tyrant) among other nctd of cruelty, Uniting multitudes of Christians us Hcmbled together to celebrate Christ's nativity, commanded tho chuich doorB where they wore met to" be shut, and fire to be put to it, which soon reduced them and tho church to ashes. Why Wc Celebrate Christmas; or, Christ the Central Point. Ily John A. jrorrjusN, of Methodist Hill. Great demonstrations are the nat ural outcome of great eveus. When (ho famous Caesar poke those immorfnl wordu, "I came, I saw, 1 conrjuered," ho voiced iu elo quent words Mhe result of a great event. When Grant wired Hint famous mee sngo, "Wo have met the enemy, and they aiu ours," lie expressed hU Joy over a Rreat event one that awakened the entire world. And when tho three wise men proclaimed to the world tlie birth of a babe In a crib In Bethlehem, they heralded an event that should move nil tho world to an everlasting demonstration of tho greatest of all events. Other babes have bcSn liorn and are forgotten, other men btcame great, but all have left but a ehtidow of their being. .My themo leads to nn eveut which will not be forgotten so long us time hnll last. It will bo stamped upon thu brow or every human being. Even i he iliHtunt Hottentot and Malayan, thu Chiiitunuii ind tho Hindu, blmll know that L'hrift was horn, Tho adopted son of a carpenter, reined in poverty, and educated m the school of Nature, Ilo roso to such heights Us uo man shall ever ruweh. The world had dreamed of Him for centuries before Ills birth. By His birth nil tho earth waa suddenly awakened from ita slumber. Even tho ancient prophet Isaiah hnd already realized 1IU greatness when ho said: "Behold, my Servant shall deal prudently, Ho shall bo extolled amloxahed, utid bo very high. And to express Chilst's greatness among men, tho prophet added In an other verso: "Tho kings shall shut their mouths at Him." Bo groat nvas His influence that Juscphus, nn heuthon historian, said: "Ho was cer tainly ft wonderful being If not n god." Christ Is tho central figure of all m-os. Just ns tho compass points un erringly toward tho magnetic pole, regnrdlesa of which direction wo may travel, so Christ Is tho central point of man. Wo may eenrch In tho earliest writings of Moses, orlu tho unfath omcd prophesies of Revelations everywhere wo are directed to Him. But tho celebration of Christmas is tho prime mlle-stono that, like a monument, piduts to Him, Every ago has produced Ita great men. "Wo know thorn, wo praUo them but uouo comes to ollr raettiory moro Hweotly thai! tho lintne of tho meek and loWly Naiarene. History tells Us of uo mortal of greater wisdom than Solomon; of no greater oratbY than Detnostheue; of no greater re-; former than Luther. Each of theso men achieved greatness lu one ephbro; Not sq with ChrUt, for In Hlmftre 1. . II II .1.- .I..1II ..... A A tWlll greatness, He united wisdom with eloquenco nnd reform with character. Matthew describes Ills wisdom thus, us taken (mm the tongues of His greatest enemies, tho Jews: "Whence hnlli this man this wlidum, nod these mighty works7" Of Ills oratory, Mark snrs: ''And they were astonished ut His doctrine; for His word w is wllh power," But why was It "wllh power?" Be cause, unlike tho potentates of His time, Ho spoke words of comfort, of cheer and of linpp, Tho Bihlo says: "No man over spoke like this Mau." Christ is the center -of reform. Tdolatry had been for centuries the liighcbt idenl of the natiqns. Since Christ's birth I he noblest ambitions of civilization nro bused upon thu doc trlnes Ho,te'J. Christ is also the central figure in muslo. Even David sang of the coming of the Saviour, and from his time to tho preBent the sweetest ac cords have ever been those which rang out for Him. Last, but not least, Christ Is the entral figure in tle salvation of all people. "Go yo out iuto nil the world" Is the keynote of a universal salvation. Slriuld we not glory in such a noble character? If we And reasons for cele brutng tho birth of Washington and Lincoln, each of hom saved but one nation and one people, then wo have indeed manifold reasons for celebrat ing tho birth of Christ, for bo liberated all manklnJ. It is becaufco this omnipotent Christ was born for us in Bethlehem, Judea, that we celebrate Christmas. ft is for Him wo sing those sweet Christmas melodies. - May wo con tiuue to praiHe Him evormore. -a Annual Conference of the American Library Association. During the first week In July the tweutvsovonlh annual conference of i lie Atnertcau Library Association will be held in Portland, Ore. This is an 'onnortnnitv which mu9t not bo neglected by nil tho3o interested iu the library development nnd educational progress of our state. The Ameilcnn Library Association had its inception in Philadelphia dur ing the Centennial year 1876. Since thats time yearly conferences have been held coverlug tho country from tho Atlantic seaboard to California, from Atlanta, Georgia In the Bouth to Moutrenl In the north. These raeot iugs are of n strictly practical nature; one object Is constantly kept in view, tho co-operation among librarians in the interest of better and .more econ omical administration, looking to u more efficient and satisfactory service of tho public. Among tho subjects usually discussed are The best library legislation, how to further tho estab lishment of libraries in every com m unity, library buildings, tho wise selection of books, the best methods of cataloguing and classiticntion, Horary records nnd bookkeeping, and, above all, t'ie educational and missionary features of library work, reaching the young people through the schools, and the adults by means of traveling li bra lies, delivery etatlons, etc. The conferences of tho A. L. A. have moused an interest in library matlerh wherever thoy have been hold, Those attending the meetings of this body of earnest men nnd women working to. gether with deflnito purpose cannot fail to be convinced of the necessity of a library to n community as part of its educational equipment, supplementing the work of tho teacher in the public school and giving young men nud women 'whose school life must end earlv tho opportunity for self-educa tion. Every tuah and woman In terested lu gdtid citlsenshlp, In library dovelopraoul, in the general progress of education in this, t.ur State of Oregau, should set aside thoso first fow days In July for a visit to Portluud to attend these meolings. The librarians of Oregon aro scat tered over a wide area nf country, The time la uow rlp'o for organization so that yearly or half-yearly meetings may bo held of bno or two days' dura tion for hotter acquaintance with one another for consideration of plans and dlso isslou of methods. A meeting of all those Interested in library work and of all librarians present or pros pective will bo held in the Portland Public Library, corner Heveuth and Stark stretd, Portlaud, on tho morn ing of Tuesdayj December 27, at 10 o'clock. Will All thoso .interested in this iwtvument or dealrltlg further lu. formation nleaee wrlto immediately to MlbS.Mury Francos Isom, librarhn of the Portlaud Publlo Library, roruanu, Oregon, f t n t Grand Masquerade DMI Frank Rodman will give a grand Mastiborade Ball on Friday night, De cember 23, at MoTaggart & iiye'a hall, Madras, Good music. A fine floor. Able uiauagera, Good supper. - Every one luVlted. P Cash ore Boy trie Till you see Malloy's assortment Our new store building is now under construction and we must dispose of all Christmas goods by January 1st. For the next two weeks we will give you one bottle of Elyaian Perfume FREE with each five dollar cash purchase in any department. Our store is the farmers home arid and we are the farmer's friend. We are always glad to show our goods. We live up to our motto : "Honest prices, courte teous treatment." Toy Department Illustrated Word Books. Hook ond Ladder Trucks. Fire Engines. Donkey and Curt. Tin Horns and Tops. Doll heads, all sizes; Dolls all sizes. Banks ; Drums and Sticks. Kitchen Sets (tin and China). Beds wjth Springs fot Dolls. Truck Wagons. Games Backgammon, Checkers, Old Maid, Authors. Perfumes and Toilet Articles Milk of Almonds, Complexion Soap, Toilet Powders, Face Powders, Face Cream, Bloom of Youth (Persian Beautitiei). Toilet Water, Toilet Glycerine, Cologne, Medicated Skin Soap, Glycerine Soap, Antiseptic Dental Powder, Manicure Powder, Hair Curling Fluid, Quinine Hair Tonic, Lavender Salts, Etc. A large assortment of Perfumes in bottles and in bulk. All Kinds of Stationery, Candies, Nuts Cigars and Tobaccos. PUMP MIRM V HOUSEHOLD LACQUER. "YILL make your old furniture and woodwork look like new and will brighten up and give new life'and lustre to your floors at nominal cost. Put up in eight colors and also Clear; One Coat is sufficient. Can be applied by anyone. It dries over night. ASK FOB INSTHUCTIVE BOOKLET AND COLOR 0A1D. FOR SALE BY T. J. JVIalloy & Co. tfain Sttfeeb, ft Mad, Oregon. 'Tr i fir ' Oregon nwr '-rr-riTrna eonoeutrateu an mo biiujuvow vi