"1 -fc MADBAS, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, Till AUGUST 25, 1904. ft NO. 1 hern North Hound NoYl. STATIONS I Dally I'M lew ilioU a,m Arrire. PTibtons 11:19 a.m Btnka. It HUD a.m 11 :oo a.m 10:4 vm 1 V,KTI? 10:40 a.m caoai a.m .'lit, a mi .o:03l.tl," 1 1 a.q B.iJ B.m 8:55 a.m; B:io a.m 8:30 K.ral 1 ire... 8 wo a.ra Le T. : ratui information aprl7 to LYlVil anlk.0,1 WILSON, .Agent Hhanlko,Orec6n koPESSlrS'AL, CARDS ( 1 II. WILSON ATTORNrfATdAW ' in A ROTARY PUBLIC . I)ALtE3 I l OREOOVI - r TIT" lOTIiy BKOWNHILL t, ATTORNET-AT-L'AW and NOTARY-PUBLIC ctlcesin all th Courti of the State, alag 3 local au'd general Land OOlcei. , MADKAS, UKKUU.N r u- dver French & Co.'a Bank lleA OREGON JSAij'DEnft, D. D, f - DnfltDUtance Phona 811 t t plat of.wyi township Irrfrbe . "j j. ... . . ! liit,)C,t, corrected, tip jo ItacnUb br postage stanp1 incorporated) . , ' . ' . . . an ikd One Price . ; TUUv' U1- a ,r Oregon LANE ilpksrriith.-. n JJLnTcer. - . i . an r. amiiton Hotel First clues moala and beds. Prices reasonable. Head qunrtora for all Btngo lines Antelope, Oregon SEE EDWARD B. LELAND Tho up-to-date tailor, for stilts cleaned ana repaired on short notice. Mail or dors pronfptly attended to. Trices reasonable. '3 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Antelope, Oregon LAME r Blacksmith and Wagon Maker Hon o Shoeing a specialty. Dealer in coal, iron, wheels., cushions, rubber tires, siiriiigs, axles. The Etalles, i i Oregon 4- Geo. C. Btakeley your nialUoraermoUrltcil and till tecelvo proni)it attention. ' 1 ' 'T ThcDdlles, Oregbn ' ' t , L. 1 1 ,Y.The Dalles and: r .ShaniHp itage Lfae ' Comfortqpfe. 's.'good horses, pVortipt.l service, arcoro noi&una drivers, da iv ejeept Sunday. Ono tfray two dollars, rouiW, trinfS.oO. Kxprpss and. parcels carried at reanonahje fatti. ' Save ,vl'pney : t By. patronizing this, lin r i t?BAf?R. HOTEL'. -P. sPLUMMER.'tProp. , . . J First class in everr rosnect. 'travolers hcfldquarteAJLlkAlB-25t! and up. MearMf' 25cC tfnwial fuus'by tho month or to Ti"iot vd himu Uio (Jtjpoc. ' . k.V.,M Hruvftiil rffnf I I i .i 1 Th,e pa lies, 1 ee flojti. 4 M if. 1 A. 8; fc Alllster,' Prop., tocs aV goofl wflrk is tjie bt&tt aUH to specialty of collars, cuffs arid whHe' shirts, , k i ' t ' ' . .. ftfe, dalles,. bregoV.. ' f .. Bon. photo 'aplfi.lfc K -If V." ;!B9 Jt TftaWeiit cigar fpr the feaijt monifport Arthur a any ineinent: mac9irer on the Co uv d! e niKldia plo -box bl 60 Uft. tago prepaid 11.70. order, registered. -. WEEK'S DOINGS Newsy Items Gathered f romAII Parts of the World. OP INTEREST TO OUR READERS General Review of Important Happen pcnlfls Presented In a Brief and Condensed Eorm. A felling almost nkiu to despair roigns in tho ltusslan admiralty. Forest fires continuo to tago in the reserves of Montana, destroying much valuable timbor. Japanoso ships aro cruising off ?Ohe foo in search of. the Itusslan boats Dl ana and Novik. Paraguayan rebols tho city of Asuncion, liavo demanded allowing it 24 horns to surrender. A cloudburst near Globe, Arizona, caueod a loss of several livos and great dauiogo to property. A Ruesinn gunboat was sunk by' com ing in contact with a mine near the Lino Tung peninsula. Tllo Russians will sink tholr shins ut Pbrt Arthur tathor than let them fall into tho hands of tho enemy. The corporation counsel of Chicago has decided that tho packers have no right to house employes in their plants. Forest Area in Clarke county. Wash., are doinrf greadaBiago A number of homes have Hmjn" burned and much cordwnod destroyed. A suspect has beqji arrested. Tdio Russian flatlic fleet has sailed for tile Far fVast. ' d6noral Stocssol niadila defiant reply to theJpnnese domant that ho ,Bur rondcrl , ,.,.. Tho wcat ci on in Eastern Oregon and Vtaeington will bo to greatest ever kpown. , 9 jBIio Russian ships damaged in tho cceut battles can tale no further rait in' trio war. t , Tlin lirnntl Armv linn olpotml fnnoml Vilmon Jilackmar, bl MassachusettP, commander in Jliijif. f Jt ii believed that tho raids. of the RitBuian squadron will not cost ship ping more than 250,000. ' Indicafions are more, favorablo .than! ifvor thai Iftissfa will ggreo to thV a trt t . . a . . 1 1 t . Atneicoii ueunmon oi .cpmrauapu of Tho' Jnpinese -cons' fl. gi'ne icral at Shftnghal Iioa notified the taotal.thati Viee't, is co.ming to seize the Russian war. vuffiols Uiere. . ... Tlin Jniiinipsoiare lAnkiii? a final as' iflult on' Ilirt Arthur, and reports hay thp:, hitve already i sacrificed. ,20,00Q iijen.i beveiyl' tmpQrtanti .posit lens h.ye beei taken., I . - baran'.has demirndod the surrender otPort Artliur. J ' t A. .Goorpln,, mob ovtrpoworod ithe i. .Geprpln ' tnou ovtrpoworod the litia, ioizetTtwlnegioAurdeerB and rnbd tnem ajivf; ' J ' . t . miiiviti burtied firrat Jb-iliilii. InMiJr aniAver to Rus sia,' conteirdu tlia't foodsluffs cannot bjs cluseodju'n fontralid. i ' . ( 1 Tho gov.ornflient;,i'6 experiencing trou blo'in socariig Oregon old fdr the Lewis and Clark souvenir gold dollars, i . l . i ...V . America dcoms.that Japan wfca. .in' tho wrong in taking tho RuHBfcn toi p'ddq hqat from Clipfoo ap'd that, the yessol should ho rettir.ilbd j ' it: is now certain that .the Japanos. fcavo takpil.impoitant lund, positions at i'drti Arthur1: the flie flom whlck com"" iiolUjd Hip. Russian ifle to leiva ' lie. harboE, I ' , '"fodato thjB'Rusalsa .wavy, has lpst soVeti cruisers an, ofieHnleiipiIdefl thoso whlc'h lMe justiiakeA refuge Irj naiitrul Dorts and ibwrmed. Tlfe Jap- aiutMe iiftve )6ii one crulsr aAd one bat- ttJUl. . J ' ' 1 dorsbiirg expi lects .thh It ' - A . 1 WW .... . I . .i Th Maihour 'lrrkatlon withdrawal lq ULi;ii,.uvtfci" I. - JAjten.ij laying,-!; Rrei supplies, for A winter Am chuia.; t ' m( qtiantles 0 mpaigu S" Mary The iJapanese iavy co-oieratlrig with -the arm litU filial assault, .on Tinur. , I 't)d ma; Tho Russiah admiralty rasttll in tlio dark da t the fivtA dl WithotJt'a hlp not henvd.fron.1 rtnto tho Pot, Arthjir Iaud. Public Land, States arjc DivWed Districts. Washington, Aug. 20. To render the inspection of the service of the general (and olfice tnoro effective, the acting secretary ot the interior today divided tho public land states into nine inspection districts, placing a special agent in charge of each. Thin special agent will have supervision ovei all other special agents assigned to this district and will have charge of all in epections carried on in that distric, being in turn directly responsible to the general land office. Oregon has been mado a special dis trict with 8peclal Agent Thomas R. Ncuhausen, of Minnesota, in charge. Washington is another soparato di trict with Edward W. Dixon, of Oro- gon, in charge, while Idaho and Mon tana combino to make another district under Harry 11. Schwartz, of South Dakota. These special agents were se lected from the list of fivo land offices becauso of their protlcibncy and adapt ability foi tho service and will rocoive $1,600 instead of $1,200 as horctofoie, with an allowance of $3 per day for subsistence Nicholas J. O'Urien will bo in charge of the Idaho-Montana district. Oregon and Washington aro tho only states thp.t constitute sopacrato dis tr lets. Tho experience of tho past two years has demonstrated that, with all special agents ropoitlng 'direct to (ho general land ofllco at Washington it has been almost impossible to keep chock on those who go .wrong. Num erous discharges have lately been made, because special agents havo been found participating in fraudulent land opera tions, locating cottiers on desirabble lands, furnishing speculators with val uable inside Information, etc. It was this discovery that' led Land Cannula- 8loner(Richards to work, out the new system which was approved today. unccial aaonts in harae of tho dis trict will havo headquarters' at local land offices to be e( lected by them. Each will liavo a civil service clerk, wlioso salary will be f 1,000 per annum. TO SAVE TIMBER. r-icc Alarm Syttem May Be Put In Reserves. Washington, Aug. 20. Tho agricul ural 'flupartinont is .considering the m a . . . . .. auneauniy oi metalling winjiess tele-, graphyin I'forest reserves throughout tjhe Weflt with a ! vow to making to sten nf forest protection mo'to effect ite. While tho present ranger syatoin is quite successful, r)u;nerouB lirgo. fires havo decurred in,'rescrvcs Imtroiltid. i rangofsa Ixwuse of Ulolr iuAbHity to reach1 Uil' flrep af1 tho, .tiJie of. t'heJr iijgto. Becrqtary ilBon's fdjea. la1 to tlovldo 'each resorvd wth it practical (Ire prpteption system tjhat Can bo r to give an alwin , tl'ip moment tlij psed els' di Bcovijred anjl gut tHo Bokyirsaril I the ngers to tHo, scene wlipout delay n.ii- l tt . f I .. . i ft. ' ran Whjlo nqt satlfTltd wfrelesa bolCgrajrih . t I i . .I... .7.. pap-employ eu wi:j; ggjHi.euo, pec retaryAVilsop believci Ihtplan, woVtljf' (tf.investigatioq, and hfl dtjofttifj' Cl)ieF AlVporool thb weather lyureati, lo' tour thb lllack Hilla' tiaerso iti.fbMth jDfi kota with n.vjewj of nlettfuninihg' j tho rrosslbMl'tipsjof 'this potv, service.' lf it . i . i i eAili f) all the' forest esirves in the Wejit. ffwfil bellbvea sucna tire wrm sys' teV 11 be , especially voiaaulfef and . - . ..I ' " . " 'conutjeteq wipin ,.uie reservation mihi emplpy a' lai ioYf'M jnen-j men-i'JW:te-, tary wiisonvnrrtioio imo jJMWf given the nrdnoiiiloti". until Ufihlefi. Mobrcr '7 ft. Stot Hse.Qf WTnc. 1 Rrt taftjie thought: thatwln Unded, can "neither 'itparllJ ruRjiicR q ,....v, v.. ....,,v..Vij y, Dopiomow o (aty, gnti,"iirB worrying wil report on liWo ofhqr o alarAtJvory HttTo'aiyoriUrW The hops in system wl)ich will bo effeqtrSmip tea.ch- tift8 vicinity artfin'oxfoellfihtfcondUWn ing rkngorsjin all,patrf of,' the jrrtwf ve.' B? ftf if ,UaHty lB,confcQrhwl. apd't mm pa-wpllM4ietUv.upotvanl aUJacent ttf 'ifea beeho clWnae,W.the cetlmataa of lroreiKirH. H soma sysOm fcn befdo- ifje probable yiohf.'U. Jortuan,.',Wlo vfteat w lno "be Hob rapfithlvf, JlholJs'MOs of hoMM'p83 oecreiary iisun kVi recuiuGB. eo, ai DefdsetVan orTerfof 23K cantH adopttojind MVetomM tq,rke tle a p0itlar tlio lot.', ' !'. natesmrv flnnronriaiiorr iarYiuinniug i . n '. JiBAIii mh is i a iK ah virt( wi ho it is: prol)edftouse' wrteft tei-eorflnkV.- lie wifahes little. 4rMHliolty r , J, Can Washington, AMg.. 20.KmMH' jroteatK)f tta.Cfyetian 4fid6VPr. .cletlea.ot DoiOieclicut, ihh ftrail bottla of wlab .wrl'be.brok acr,cwjne u6w oj tlje bltlasMp .CoiHeddcTit (when she-is ihufcliedA "Ajtlng'tfecroi trVpf.thV&DarlJEt. Jr. hirfyep IWthe nrotM. wlltl; . TermJt .ie ta EGON NEWS OP INTEREST PINE TIMBEfXDESTROYED. IMre on McCully MouiM?'" supposco to Have Been Set bymPcrs' Albany Tho foieot Arcs ythfofr ,,avc been raging In tho mountains of oVp8on for the past ten days are hav usual effect on valley towns. A of smoke, so thick that tho eyes bur hangs over Albany, and the horizon ii narrowed down to a very abort dis tance Tho sun looks like a ball uro, uemg almost niuuen iron) 'flow a part of tho time. , ' Tho Btnoko in Albany is particular ly bad becaupoof a firo inclose proxim ity to tho city. Just ep't of Lncomb, which is only about 'l 5 Jjijea from Al bany, la n firo wh'ich has ien burning for several days, and is dollar Inestima ble damage. Tlio firo la on tba side of McCully mountain, which isovorod with ono of tho finest bodies of timber in tho county. Thero had been a num ber of fires in that section for some timo, but nil were under control and tho loss was normal. Albany people could see a largo column of smoke rlu Ing from tho sldo of tho mountain eust of Lacomb, and later camo the iiowh that an immense and destructive fire was sweeping over McCully mountain with Irreslstiblo force. Tho fire is thought to have been started by careless campers,. and tho authorities aro inves tigating to see of the blamo cannot be fastened on someone BRING HIGH PRICE. Last Year's Hops Sell Well, and Picking Soon Begins. Salem Krobs Brothers, hopgrowera and dealers, havo reported tho purchaBO of 130 bales of 1003 hops from the A. J. Luce Hop company nt 25 cents. Thl a in tho higbest'price paid for some time. Speaking of the hop situation, Leonard1 Krobs said that the greatest danger ls tnat growers will begin pick Ing too early. Somo are talking of bo gimiing Septcmbor 1, which Mr. Krebs says is fully a wcok too soon. Ill the liutterville, Hubbard, Aurora arjd St. Paul districts in particular tho hops aro usually too green, causint? a loss in weight and also in quul'Lv. Mr Krobs says that In view of tho ab sonce of vermin this season, there is no danger in letting tho hops remain on tho vine until thoy are ready for pick ing ' ' Exhibits of State Balom From information that has icon rocolyxl by Secretary Wylie A. nf'tlio otnln 1 1 b Iw.awll It la evJdent'that tho.otate fdlr 'next month will equal, if not excel tho splendid oxpomi for the noreoff jn-irniiiini. now than ever beforo at. thW tlmo of ,tho yeaj. Muny" breedQrsod, livestock who, havo never been 'here beiore aro ;nsUing arcaugomeivti to come with Ihelr herds.' and tho livestock denart- ment will bo se grtnyt Hn, Attraction as EpacoSn tiiQJniMri 'pavilion;, is tiitnrv .ant.llu .1 li.it -Irti. nniwi t if uml Ann. fiin premium' iMBplttya will linn BalcmThouXlfi 2Ctd,2I cnts Is free ly, offered'Jor jcomracttf for 1P04 ..hops, nbthinu m coieueiuo hi bujngdono )n, iiiJBimarKoi. y rovers aro preparing fdr tho harf o,st, $Mijh will beglnjtrbmit '. 7 Wheat b.iJ I no.. itfBO 'eprllir wheat' 16 U lURlQtll (JIJ.1 a.,u. Loua-c . .0,di ft 1 afeove alfo qxhort (illotatiq))sJ afeove alfo q?cfort fliiotatllVJs AnOf Aft lor ext'i'iiB-irieotftig' j,Tva,n ' ''forest ons wiuen nut. oecn.noia uoro laut-llvo'yqflrs. Tlerg aromornj on J.ono watt tracic irirestwMie i aysca f . i ji ami riuiasrvr aamztiBiaB. Tr r. w r . . lot of tlie fw cainju uiQrei A&iMi Rivet? nMtyW oK.Jl :f r.t-' i' ycAilha iSvffoi K in.' rUkd. .;'Kk,.i .M epiv 1. At I iJ;.jm ,Qmu Harvester .oi hwt'B H . rPerwJf.ine tkUULnin'9V TO ro i , HOP MEN INVSH-GUEj Crop Will Be Large, and Quality Bet ter Than Last Year. Albany Piospects arc. very bright for Linn county hopgrowera m. 111 1 Hie yieiu m "I'wwwmif. .- fhrMlPRTnaiil. atlfl lllfl fill the product much better. 4he weather has been all that op p could desire, and tha crop Is freo in .vermin. Picking will commance tho last of this month. The prices for picking will be tho same as last year. But fow contracts for sale of lops have been mado up to tins time. Ane prevailing price for thoso few that havo been made is 20 to 21 cent Although growers have mado no effort (o sell their hops beforo tho season is fairly opened, yet thero doea not eeeio to be any disposition to hold the crop, as there was last year. This iathouglit to bo duo to tho fact that tho slump it pricea late in the season last yrXr caused a loss of thousands of dollorsfo those who were holding for top pricifx. Land Patents Held Up. , Albany Word has been received in .mmy by Ed Dorgan, tue cator, from tho interior del' Washington, D. C, that All" ants of timber land in tio and Lako county (lis ti lets wil wait somo time yet before their pafents. All tho c. proved up on their clain coipts from tho locaUmi MftflArn. .Tnnna VrlnLraon on.l tho special agents sent out by Secretary Hitchcock, havo recommended that the land bo held up for further investiga tion. Thia is a great disappointment to tho holders, who havo waited for a long tlmo for their patents. And the largo number pi people in Albany who have timbei claims in tho Eastern Ore gon districts have a considerafcl ssettnt of money tied up in tho land Road to Aid Three Countie Albany County Judge Miffion coonty, has been in with County Judge Stewart, H?,. .egunty.egardlng tho propofleT$ connccuio w.-.iamcjto valltiy uescmHftcountry, in (; and JBkcoiho the jWWt Hon. Jo: the suhemo and disi A 1 . 1 . . inrougu wiucn tne r. at his mountain horn tho road, and will co-opt? county judges Jir an effoif ipnrerence with tho J county, to fee if the tin' work together arjd divi constructing liid road. mutual uenout. Cip.v in JojjriDi Prairie Clty--The4h Johp Day'valioy is thl ifBual, on anf a.terago.i Btocktnen.are complait ...... ly inionor qropr atnon a aunerior ono over 4l yqftra.. GtrtroVSL-Iof 25 tdns of timothy hay from ai parcel oi land.' Haylnc untK-r Way, and in nbout-anothl tne -nay Harvest will neaVly to od.r Only a small nmnnnt nt . being growiuhore. but It la ofi, eritgeAiuality. Tfio fruitorrfil leut, yitJi th rfxcoptprfn if afoj arils tlai'was damaged Dy 4M arid hall 'storms. tt,t , . , ( tf CovV Cherrles,'Gei PrlJ ' La .Gr4nae-4.Un4oic .cbuntV carrjua.uu uio prize nt mo mm falrt O. if. aild t), G.. Stack! j"- Ii ' . J LfC a I. . . f i A 1 .-..Bl GovBa cue fcltho greatest friilt u in. 'the BtaM, .-havo rocolved wJ tHoiroyaHan, cherrjea seut 1UUKUJfM .' 'rJA lr 4i-ed.tb puti'O.li thja bc syrai tultiatiH ,recomni9nuTj(iu biennial report tiv Vooiley.'ThtevcIv cairtitffliaAregej ' - M It IS. ho'ot.ato 9. r r coinrM'ia.w vim now.", f . . r- Km i . i r-i Cruisers llearrrom; teri'sac-j c ilxvo.ctii (aus. Ktiu yUdltok'squihjya rejurri. ltrt YJ(raBffjcJurj,s4f, . A Vi .V v a a ' ...il 11 r: