ppnii iiwmiBi i fjvUTiiii mirmiTii,.. mil Tllll KuitOTlSAN WaII. lirllftllll.MeX lunn war, whon our llttln nrtny wim cover loir llM'lf with nlory, mid wlnnlmj Imltlu nllor bnltlo n;nliil odils which nlimisl Mound fabulous, lliu EnulMi prosit mi no occiidlim roninrlinblo for llburnlity tuwiiitln (ho Wnlluil Hl;ilon wmi iotiftpicuun in ilH wiocr anil Iiidliiuiilluiid Unit to ulilp tlm MuxiciiiiH win no nrlilrvi.itiriit, nllor nil. Tim ilciul nuil tlio wuiimlnl, liuuiwir, on both filtliw, told it illlluruu. Unry, mul record n tnblct which will do full jiuticu In libtloiy to tint (nlluntry of our nrinn. Hut now tlmt tlio lltitlsli mddluryliiivolmd mi oppor tunity of iitwlng nli.it limy can do, nuiy wo, without living decnird ublriiklvi, In tpiiro n lu tht result of their pro won? Willi their I'leuchiilliee, mid outnuinherliij? tlio Uiisiiulis, tl'iuy Hiieceuded lu ffiiiiing it sort of victory nt Alnm, nnd If they Imvo yet inlien Bibntlopol, wn Imvo not hoard tliu nowB. I u tlio north thulrnchirvcuiuiilii ,nro nvmi less linportiiut. Sir Ciinrlun Nn ijiler, hnvliii; dimply followed tint example of tint nucluiit inoiiiircli of I'rnnno, in hitclc in lvii,lntid to rcr.t upon hid Inure!;. Wo did not innlio ipiltu diir.h a fuss lu preparing for vitr n l'.ii((lniiil has; nor did we tnku it yenr to eros tho. HI" tirade5, mid inorely fctiid our ships to look nl Voru Cru. mul then return home. And jet wo find miter lu tint Loiulou inivrd "illy euouli to talk of England whipping Jlusalii, mid then tur iiliitf round mid clintUIii; (ho United .States. llotJi! A'. 1". Herald. Ho. Hkmuv A. Widi: ox ImivNoiii irtiiin)!. TImh tAhiiited nnd nhln Virginian )iaa pubhMii'd in tint Richmond Ktrpiiror it loiiL'mnl elaliorntii letter upon Kuow.Noth. Iiij-Isiii, In which hu reviun tlio featured of of our nrttloual hUtory na henriuj; tijion to liyions nnd natlotinl e(iinllty under (hid uovoriiuieut. mid alto upon tlio nnturnlia tiou question. Wo regret thnt the extremo length of tlio letter prevent u from laying It before tlio public, nd it ii iindoubtedly ono of tho ablest ii.iixn et written upon IhU dubject. Mr. Who id uttoily mid uu compromising.,)' opponil to secret comb! tiatiotid to connect religion with polite In this country, mid argues with great power and ability o dhow that they aru directly in opposition to all tho principled of Ainoii catilim, tlm Constitution and tho l.iw, mid that thuy aro most dnugorond to tho liber tied of our country than might elmt ever attempted lu American politic. Here is ono H.ciineu of tlio treiichnnt blade wielded by Mr. Wise again1, this accrcl proictlptivo ortlcr. l'hiliitlelhiti Argus. Homiciiii: nv a Mi:ini:it or (Jonouiim. 'IIki Alabamn paper dtalo'thitl i!io Hon. Jatued Aiiibercroiublit, a Kepreiientatii(i in Congradd from that .Stato, rocently killed n man in Florida. Tlio particulaid nnt not given, but it pn..ir .Mr. Abercombio was discharged after n judicial iuvcMigrf tioo, thus implying that tlio homicido wad juitifiablo, OCT To dnn n waip.wnisted young lady In ringlets and nn nbuudnncu of flounces gracefully sail to the head nf tho tnblonlth it volco ad angelic ad n tenor flute, cnll to tho waiter for a plalo of cold pork mid beans, id (ho most trying thing romance can encounter. Tb proccullnjp umlcr tlie fugitive li litrv at lliwton, In tlio cmo of Antlimiy llurnviul lunf? slucu recllnul by U mmUr. O'upl. Kuttlo of Alexandria, Virginia, co-l ll.n I'lilu-.! Hl.il'i within a fraction ol turuly.MTcii lliomati'l tlol tnrs fur extra police ami military furco algne. TLUiloes nut cover Ilia usual ordinary i'X.ciic Incurrul In ibcca'f, mcli in the fivn of the rrKti Jar ofTiccrs oftlio I'nltctl stnteii, euiplnycl In tlm cav. I'lftveu tliuuml ertlicatioru tunty.M.'vi'n thouf-Mid dollars vsau duly paid tLls iiibrulug. If'aihingtoti Slur. OCT Of thu ono huiulrod and thirty thou and pauper in the United Elates, zixty eight tlioiisaiid nro foreigners, and sixty. six tliuusaiid aro natives. Oir John Van llureu returned to tho United States in tho llaltio. It is tlm gen vrnl opinion that ho camo back for tho imrposo of having a finger in thu Nuvcm tor elections. OCT It is Announced that uiitess thu treasury of tho Washington .Monument Ae nociation is speedily repleni.liod with funds, that thu enterprise will havo to bu nbaii donod. Ilor. Wm. A. Draw ha retired from tho 6'ospel jlaimor, at Augusta, Mo. Ho hns fcoon an editor UU yoars. Dread riots Imvo occurred in n number of placos In l.ngUnd, becauso tho peoplo thought tho bakers did not increase their loaves In proportion to tho fall In tho prico if flour. A negro, aged 1 10 years, died a fow days tjinco, in Loulsvillo. lite dtoamsliip Arctic, had m.ido forty-fivo trips prior to hur destruction. Elijah P. llurrows, nn old mid valued eIliion of llnltlmoro, died in that city on tiio lt)th Oct. Tho oorn crop in tho southeast portion of Iowa is not moro than n half orop this fonsou. '-Tho Joflorson (Toxas) Herald says Iho corn crop in that vicinity Is bettor than that of any previous year. An Irishman Irid bun sick it bnig tltiitt nnd while In tlmt hCnta would occasionally ctdfe bren1 tlilni; ntnl Ufa In apparently otlliiil tor ioihu tliiimvlim lio would oornn to. On uno if tti" c f c in loim when licliiul Jint nvtmkcii'il foui lilsidccp, I'nlrlck unkfl lilin, "Aiihuw'll wn lcnow.h rtitiiy, when its' id ileml ""llrhigluciigliiHofgliigniiil. noil siiy to mo, 'h"ri'.ii till ye, Jimmy,' mul 1 1' I ilou.l rldii unci drink then bury inc. WHOLESALE PRICKS CUnilEWT. Hi'iiiTdiiiito, December '-.'., 1&51. tlMit mul Nlititt .lll'lm, t'iljt!) Wax lliiots, Jlue, .)lt,Ui,m, per dor.., tfCnlAA' Orlt'nns pr gal, 050U (Jrulii, " " 4Hfi',ri Sliibrl'ii Kniji, In " lotninou, -IOiM'i lirK". 8liil(2.'i riiuicniriiO'itu, (i0n7.1 II. Jlonton, " J.aTio Com. " " WWM .Vulh Hoys " " 'irnXSf'M. andVil, ptr llnivy peKiil bro ' cwt, &IUii1ll Kiih pr iliir., ICnVO'lVrmiRlit, " I2nll I.lKlitdiir " IHrtUt'lloiDCfliou N'nllM, Mu Fliin " stHclidl,2ln:iU Oil l.itllifi'lltiii'iilt:rlr92l,(lllvn, In UUtlcs, C'lilMreil'N nli'iid fmO p'Tilo., I2o Itrttul-- .I.tiinnl, lolliil, I r I'llol llreml In Mtln, , nnt per Hi. --a'.S'icrin, liicnnd, l','i'a:i Tliiu Navy, " n- I'iiIiiI: r. Crnrkcm, fn 0 Iti jU'lilta-ltvl, lflu tliiR, 6:i'"nl lte-1 " it " Uxti; illlntli I'ulnt, Hit 10 J- r III., lf.t'.'Uc'Clmllt, per lb., Ha ('"fir - ,1'iilty. rjja .tttft. m-r lti., SAnZC Ulnsn, Am bm'IM MnnllU mul Itlo, 'JU'AV per 100 letl, I'JJnll (trmill I Cbircc, -!(Ja'i' 1'ititrtt, Cumllti- ,0)(lird, lllbtans Kjktiii, r lb, r.o.uVV hti1oi. 12Jatt Ailitmaillllii', l.'.n.'.O CIiiiiik, " n I'rt rich L'umpot'ii, I,oI.ut. " CJn" l.'antttgr .Surdlrnii, lif ioxtm, Mmilllit io, Hi., Xmiii' iivriloi., $7n7J llrmp, rt .I'lcklcd In vto'xl pfr llrt loi: ' kiiI., ".'aPO I'miti, com. Kutt. (lliiNt tit lT ilot., (. In.'. iKr.l-... tWr, ' ufKtU a7 ' line, ISnlhVoriVofii i;oin., ,0a... I'ork. clear, Ifca'JO Flilrli, Jenny l.lrnli mo 4, JfialH iter do., 7,f.0il0fmn. llllllngs u " lliu-wliltc lin''l " Imi m,,l,l vii,'.'. .Slicttlut. I.rown, laeoii. clear, Jfn'Jl piryard, I0inl2 " mM, a " MinrliM, lliiain I,anl, In tins. Jfa'.'O nrllllnp.br'wn.liljall!! " keK, ,, Culloti Duck, Nu. Iluttrr. Cln,ico, f.OaWt I to .', IWVtnH Clif.-w a C tn 10, 3Jtt3.', Ilm -lllankcts, c'd'd, 'rollna, J2Ja coin. i r p'r. $3nt ('lifnn, a " f,.i, fi7,f,0 Soai " extra li'vy iinile, per !!., n- wlill", Pa9 lllll jule.Vo. I, lliill'i llmlrry '.CUim. IlllVr, 1 la Wool lirliie,dof, lWi comi j'ro, -tty Cotton " 2a3,0 Srmu, Whit' oud col'd llitatin, mt M, S7.aI2S eot. bow, SrSOaT Am liex'illu, Uai'. l'ruih Salartilu,-- Oriel Atiplm. blil. In 'r fr Hi, 12Jain fi lif l.liU r lit. l.'alCUiMiMriJiu.. $;ia3t " IVaulits, " - a- .s,7 fresti " t lb. 1'ii.c table, t lb, &a.ij cnnn. SfcatO.'.o Itock, Clilll lVacliMi. 'JOaifl Sit I Ml WrIiiuIi, lllali tlorm, nr Hi a I'urrantt, a - CliiRtr. lb UHIm ililln,tr nx, a- prnlu.., $M& llrnndy Fruits t "AllipIotfjH-r lb. IHSO dm., l0'l,.'l XHtmei, jJia.l I'lf Fruit, J7a'J Peppr In -jraln, liuU J'uh Slnl Mackrrcl.bfbMs.l71a llrandv.Am. l.Ul.T.'i '1. a " l'r.. SJHmfin Salmon. bbU. a Hum. N U, I.RTa flour awl .1m (Jin. Holland. 2.M.1 nulinour..rfks,riJar. Am. lJial.T.'. lllp jiui. " i,,bT Whiskey, Fcoteli. t ItuckwIivAt. tln, a. " OMItte. IJOat.7.'. Corn Meal. bld. f.a " Com. Ial.13 " bf bids, U I i Sugar drain China. No. 1. K.ilf; Oat, iniall quanlb ' " , K'aUl tlw, rlb,, laHjCrube-l, lfn Uarley. '-: IMter.ied, 19a20 lloans, Am while, a- TvUifcn Chill, Cin7 Aiidfrm' k Rood dunpotnltr nln'n pr grou, Cat,,.", Illntlii. In V'g: C Ja7 (Jraw Ilrand, KUi liiM.iit',r4iinU ,Th1ii Hrolliori, Ma iff, per lu., 7.1af:o I'rult, f.O.tS.I Ibuinl, " "AaSu IVddi, C7uCJ Unci- , in, (Jiinnle. 20vWf,unp..wiler, In 1 lb drain ll.trs. n7ilj tain. 7'mR.'. Iliintirarr " 2 " l(tnJ.'. .SliovtN, iirlco nominal. OnlonK, i papers, 75a Axes. Crtllliu', $Ks2( H'ini iiiaiun, Aei, liandkil, Isathtr lf.ilfi Claret in eaCK. fiiOafi 22a2ISviterne, f,..'.0a7 rift it j;al llarneiw. f,0i- - Clmmivi'iif. ts. fale, a nir dJi. l7.ti bklrllnjf, 53a NEW ADVJJIITISEMEKTS. Wadsworlli. l'clcrs & Ladd rPI.Nl)l'.lt llilr thanks to their iiiiiuitous cue J- tomrrs for tliclr past lllvrat patroniRf, and pollclt i conilinmiir.i uf tho naine. They tuko pleasure In Informing Ilm public that they hare nn hand u largo nnd ilrnlrullo slock of Dry (lootla ami flrnctrle, to which they are making couitnnt additions, and aro enabled to sell at ad low rates as any other ntoro In Scottbur. One of tho partners residing at Fan Kranclwo, and in constant atlcndatieo on the markets, mo thin have Incrmseil facilities for iimklng pun hates at th lowest rates ns well aH selecting tho bat aid most suitable articles. The lilcheit tirlco paid fur Rold dust. Scottslmrc, I)co. Ill), '.'i l-tf. fpiN Ware, a pood ussorlmen for Mleby X Wadmvoktii, 1'ktkim & L,t tun. Dee.no.tf. OlIOICi: liquors of all kinds for s.tlo cheap by WarutvoiiTll, I'ktkim .V lain). Dec. .'to, If. COFF i:i:, KiiRitr, Tea, of tho llnut ipialltlen just reeeh ed by Wadswoktii, I'ktkus k Li). Dec. HO, tf, HAMS, l'ork, &c. a good tupply on bauds and for salo low by WAIlSWOltril, PltTVUS ii Laiid. Dec. HO tf. A Cook Wanted IMMr.UIATIlf.Yntl.aiiKdon's Hotel, Scotts InirKi O. T. Nono noeil apply unlcst well nuallllcil and experienced lu tho business. Deo. Uo.tr. A.O.I.ANOB-OX. jrtr Oregon SlatCHnnn and Democratlo Stand: aril ploaso copy tho alwvo t weeks ami send bill to this office, trnin ' "n n w. i.iii 'fMiigwTjii'nii in iniio in i.t'ii'yiiiium .mww .miisr""i'imHMma kwhj. w Now AdvcrfciHomonts. " ininr. Willi ..' wnoi.r.dAfj: ami iu-.taii. ih:ai,i:ih i;, Ktry tJoixln, WrnccrJi'd, u'vllnifi, Quce3waro Tinware &c. itc, Oo;imi:mi.'iai. lirnr.r.T, Hcorrsnuiu;, o. t. M.OITKVIIKIUCII. Y. I. MWIIIirr, 7 tifoth' Nun i'rimriifo. l.. d. TlioMlMO.v, J Airr. Ib-cloJHSt. 301 tScottshiiru: still Alive ! MKKIII'IT, OITI..N'in.lMl.ft & (Jo., haro on band nnd nro constantly receiving large atel well sclectpil stftcksorinertiiuii'iireiromrian I''rniiclc, J'.'r nteami r Uotithernor. Cnlstlng of Dry Uoods, Gro cries, Jlnrdwure, Ac, which they offer for sale cheap. HnWrig mado up their tnlri'ls to on a tlrlrlli rnth buimtti, can nilonl to lurt with their yi'Mn flt a less profit than by tnli ring tho snmo on Look. Dec. l!o, TjI tf. TOW DUII, and hourly excted, a Isrge let J l of DrmcH ami medicines. II, O. U Co. Die "in, tf. A.Sri.flNIIlD ntsortmeut of Hatllndtld for dalcUiesp by- 31. 0. A Co. Die So, tf. rA riKCIISHiiKy forialoat obnwt States' J J pricec, ny M. 0.4. Co. Die.;io,tr. A LI. the favorite brands of tolncco conilatttly J. V. wi band at M. 0. fe. Co. Dm'. So, tf. CI WAN (JIN always to bo found In original r ,UVtU (. H If lt W VV 0. Dec. So, If. inn. inn i tr.. Citninrrtiul tlrttl, SlUVi'VSttlJUti, O. T. wiioli:sm: ii:am:hi i.v J)U Y.UOOhS ii CI.UTJllXd, J toots, Shoe and Halt, Ilnrdirart, Crochrry, (Hats ii Tin Ware Willi a ccneral awortmont of merchandize. hultabls for thu mining trade. r"I'lesM call ami eiamln as we will set lat tuelovrrst market ratM."iWf Deo. .Jo, ly. )KOIA Premium Steel l'lows a few left and for salo at rwluwd prices by Dec. 3o, tf. Ukow.v, Dicu A Co. SAMEL S. HANN. wiioi.i:sai.i: ami iiutiii. ukalrr is I'JiT-fiDOXS, tS3lD3a2aSt3, Hardware, Qiiermirare, Clothing, i:c. Vr. Trent street, al 3feTaVM.' old stand, HCO'lTSIIUJtU, 0. T. Dec 3o, tf ' J C ( ( 1'ostn slitaf oats for mIc by OUUU S. S. MANN. Dcc..to,tf. ACHOlCKIotor Scotch nhl-key far sale by S. H. S5A.NN. Dee. So, tf. rPOIIACCO of tho (lnut brands for sale cheap rPOIt. J. by S. S. 3IAN.V. Dec. So, tf. ('tOl'FIJK, Tea.Sugnr. a good supply Jut r J c-utcd, and for ealcby MANN. re- iec. ao, ti. f Pill. II KST (ualltl of lliiuors and clears nl .1 t ays on band and for salu cheap by Dee. 3o, tf. SlANN. New Year. Pay Up. A S I wMi to settle my business up to the Lift t ftf l.nn.pv IK... mII Itini... I. nnt. Inc. ltim . - w. ..MMW., .w, V... III... P.HU ....... seltcs Indebted to me by liook account or othir xlo, will pleasv come lontaru immainteir anu mak payment .S. S. MANN. scotuourg, wee. no, ir. u:ii kkvt, i". . Tiiomvov. a. w. yoonc. s , SIANUrAOTt'lll.Itt AMI IIUALKRd IN licnliicv, Harness anil A Largo axortment of leather, such as sktrt llii lliirn.M R,il. ITttitrr nrtil ITnlf Vln w. ".ft. ...-. K.., W'p. V..... ..., vaj.u constantly on hand. Also oery tlilngln the sid dle ami Imrnc.M line. Saddler's hardvarc, Ae., at cheap as can bo afforded anywhere In Oregon. v.vf'...t. ...i.i r.. i.m.u . jt- wwm. .ii'. .VJ4 imv u Peottsburg, Deo. !lo, tf. Jl.AUJjiL.5Si.UIt sar-si "sm- i W "V TTIMi nmko regular trips as heretofore, T I from Scottsburg totlio mouth of thoUmp nun, Inuchlng at Providences Gardner, Umpua City, Pyramid rock &o. ucc. .io, u. ROSILIAN nOUSE. IHAVK ojkuiciI a new house, opposlto Proib ilcnco on tho Uniixiuu, for the accommodation of tho public. Tlio tablu will bo supplied at all times with tho best ,Jio country nllbrUs, such as Hear, P.lk, Deer, Autolope, (loobe, Duck, Grouse, Phcasaut, Poik, lleef uud mutton meats, togeth er viltli every variety of llsh. A trail will bo opened in a short tlmo from Winchester Hay to my house, which U only two miles, which will Kivo tlm dlOioulty of ferrying the Unioua, Dec. 30, tf. WM. OUA'E. JS. IV 4HV4iEs, mmm, mm, nmn MB OMAMOTAL F i I I I I I . jjar Glass cut to order, "ft Commercial Street, Scatlslurg,, 0, '-T Pec, 3o, 3m. Now Advertisements. LANGDOH'S HOTEL nAVING taken tho well-known Jtolol for mcrly kept by Mr, Crnie, will u' every (ffort to nmko tlioso comfortable whomavglto him a call. Tlio tnblo will ! suppllt I with the beet the trinket afford. The choicest liquors and cigars may nlwar l f'Hind at tho Imr. A. 0. IiANGDON. Wcollsbiirg, Dec. 3o, tf. Dissolution. 'pilIiwparliirrfhlpfierctnrornc;tlttn;' between -- iiiviiiniiii.iaiiniiii ii. ,,, l,Ofll, IH till! day (HmoItciI. Tfia nmlcrsVntil will s'llle all ... ...-. ,? h.IM.. sis its (.uiiitugstyi.! irUTJUun vt tt.tm .1.1.. I... ft Uf f... A t. I. - ' mm u ku njf j. if. ii uun a, jo nntj rtrciVM All ouUlftirllngduei. ICTKR MACKH. Dec. UO, IHj-1. Ct. I)ItOWN, DllCif k Co. batothopleasiiraM I J Inrorm their friends that they have mado a second dtprisit in the Sand Hank at the mouth of tho Umiitia ; In conMiience of which tiiey arocoinKill to rcjuest Immediate payment of nil demands due them. nnonw, nni7.v& co. Scottsburg, Doc. i. J Ml -.ft. 8300 Howard. r"PUI. AI!0 VIJ sum will Ui iiald tonny parlies .L piling Information tthleli will lead to the conviction of any perron or persons counterfeit ing the labels uietl by us, nnd bearing onr name. All printers aro hereby tiotinod that should Ihey print any of the aboto Uliels, ther will 1 proKcutcl to the utmost extent of the law. WM. II. IIOVKKAvCO., 31 Mattery, corner of Clay street. Han 1'rancl'CO. All persons selling our Coffee and 8ptco will confer a faror by returning anv article mannfao tureil by us and Wring our name that does not prove as represented, and all cent and expense villi be cheirfully refunded, as It Is our determi nation tosurUIu the present high reputation of our vouto ana spicos. ilec23-3m. INDIAN WAIL CLAIMS. "VTOTICK Is hereby given that L. F. Crover, V Ksq., Dr. Geo. II. Ambrose, ami A. 0. Glbl, Ksi., hatu been appolnteil Commissioners to -p praise the property destroyed by thn Hoguc River Jmllans, dnrlne tho late 'Indian War. All ner- mu having claims for property so destroyed, aro rcpilred to resent the samo to the said Commis sioners, with rrotKT t'roofs. on the first .Monday of January next, at Jacksonville, Territory of Oregon. JOKb PALMKIl, bupt. Indian Affairs. Dec. 2, 165 Ml. AMlixisrriiA Tmi'a xivrmr. "VTOTICi: Is hereby given, that letters or ad JLs ministration have beri granted to the under signed, by the Pro'sita Court of I'mpqua County, nnd Terrllorv of Oregon, on the estate of THO MAS J. DAVENPORT, deceased, lata of said I mpiiua county, bearln;' date November 7, 1W1. AH persons indebteil to tald estate are rcjuesteil to make Immediate oyment, and all persons having claims again! wild etnte are rcfpiested to .V the rorno to bt nDiSnalncd at ikotu t urg, In said county of Umm.ue. within one car from this date, or they will be forever Marred. -. u irju.i.v.y. Seottiburg, Nov. IB, A. D. lrVil.-lw Notice. VVIIEREAS, FrancI -McCoy holds a certain ) I promisi orv note, executed by me and pay able to the t-ald McCoy, for about the rum of one iicnurM ami eigniy-nve dollars, ami dated on or alnutthe Cm of Septcralier last, and payable two months after date; ami wberea, I held off sets agalntt said note to the full amount thereof, I do hereby forewarn all rersons from tradlnir fur the raid note, as I will not pay the tamo J1UUII COM.Y. Randolph City. Dec 7, lUI. n33-3t. Just Received. 1)F.R Steamer Sorriiaivcn . . stock oy.vo. i cnix.1 sua.iR, COFFEE, SALA11ATVS, TOllACCO, UACOX. iVr-, which they will tell at the mot moJerato rates. Atx.tx, McKixi.at & Co., Dee, lC,-tf. Lower Sco'.taburg. Notice. AM, PERSONS IndebtM to Cammax ft Co. urc reiiueatrd to settle their accounts with GEOUGP. HAVNRS.ou or before tho 13th day ef January, lsOJ. If not paid by that data they will be handed over to the proper officer for col lection. CAMMAN & CO. Scottaburg, Dec. 1C, 1651. nSJ-lt Move New Goods. LT.rST ItrauiVJll), p;r Slcnmer SOUTH- tf Acv AK, ami lor taie at tuo lotrtti rait,, A COMVLUTU ASSORTMENT OF DRV GOODS AND GROCERIES, Suitable for tLUtrado. Call and seo. UJSOKUi. llAXSiES. 575 a'n 6t-i corr Toncnlla 8t. Lower Scotttburg, Dee, 1C, 83 l.-tf. STOVES 1 AN assortment of Chrystal Staves, with furul , turo complete, for sale low by lll.N'SDAI.H & CO. Lower Scoltsburg, Nov. 18, 18$l-tr" Vo.v Stcawtjv Southerner. TitRT RHCKIVED. and for'nalo at Iho Lowiar t) MArKET Kates by HINSDALE & CO., SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, EACON, Raisins, Chilling, Nails, Oysters, Fresh Peaches, -c , i$r. ALSO A lot or CIlKVST.ir. STOWS with Furniture complete,, for salo'ut cost nnd freight. Dec. Vw'-tf, xtiofura. ALL PERSONS Indebted to us aro requested to como forward nnd make payment on cr beforo tho flrst day of January next. Wadsw'outh, Petkj & Linfl. DcC,)na2, ; Tlio ifi'Klsh Ouiirli'rltod uud M,A CKWOOh'ti MAGAXIXn. f i:0VAItl) SCOTT .V CO., Nt'wVork.cuntluu XJ to republish the lollowlng llrltish I'crltdlc.tlv vlrs The Indon Qnntterly Itevlew (ConMrrativo). Tho IMInburg Ilcvlcw (Whig). Tho North llrltlsh Hevlow (trco Church). The Westminster KctIcw (bllicral) III nek wood's lyllnburg Jfngnzlno (Tory). The present critical stnto of Kuropean nffalr? will render these publications unusually interest big the present yenr. ( 18SI.) Tlicy will oceuny a taiddlo ground bctvtccn tho easily-written netts Items, crudo speculatlnns nnd Hying rumors of the dally Journal, and tho ponderous tone of tin future historian, written niter the living Interest and excitement of tho great politicalevontsof Urn time shall havo passed away, it fs to Ihesa peri odicals that readers must look for tho only really otclllpibla and rcllablo history of current events, nnd as such, In addition to their wcll-estnbllshcu literary, scientific and theological character, wo urge tlrem upon tlio conslbcration of the reading public. Arrangement aro In progress for tho receipt of early s.'neU from the llrltlsh publisher", by which we shall lie able to place all our reprints In the hands nf subscribers shout ad rfeon as they can bo fiirnbdcd ttitii -be foreign copies. Al though this will Jnvolre a very large outlay nu li.v ., .an a.1. nit n..f trtnn , ft r.l.,llal. ,VtM t'..llll. u'.i n.i , r.u P. inn .vii.u.nu ,ui,iibii tu m .i,v,r cals at tho same low rates as heretofore, vis : lor any one of the fonr Kcvlcws. 33 pr ann. For any two of the fonr Korlcwd, G '' For any three of the four Ilcviews. 7 " For all four oftho Iter lews, 8 " l or Jiiackwood Jlngniinc, For Illackwood ami three Reviews, 0 " For Illackwood and the four Itcvlcwa, 10 " jJ Payments to bo ma? In all cases In ad vance. Money current in tho State where issued will l received at par. CuriimMi. A discount of twenty-five percent, from the above prices will lie allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or moro of tho nbovo works. Thus: Four copies of Illsck wood, or of one Review, will bo sent to ono ad dress for S3; four copies of the four Reviews and Illackwood for 30; and so on. Pohtaob. In all the principal Cities and towns, (hew works wilt be delivered, tliroudi Agents, frtt opotlage. When sent by mall, tho postago to any part or tne unitct Mtntcs win i ou. ticrnly-Juur cent, a year for ' Illackwood,' and but ttrtlee ttnt, a year for each of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should al ways bo addrc-ucd, post-iald, to the publishers, LKONARD HCOTT k CO., novl8 01 Gold street, New York. BOOKS! BOOKS! NOTICE TO READERS IN'THE UMP- QUA AND ELSEWHERE. THE undersigned, having Just received direct from New York a splendid assortment of Hooks, berew lib take occasion to enumerate a few of them, and to state that they are selling off cheap. Harper's Magazine, Hallam'sl tcraturc.'jjl Greek arid Latin Dictloa-Drrlght's Theology, arics, Addison's Works, Encyclopedia of ScicnceGrcy's Nat. Philosophy, and Art, Sherwood's Works. Coleridge' Works, Rollln's Ancient History IlarnesNotes, Henry IV, by James, McLean' Chorch Hist. Dickcss' Works, llurkc' Works, Thos. Campbell' Life .t Hannah Moore's Works, letters. RoTurtson's America Family & Classical LI- Charles Fifth, brary, Jay's Works, Eoys' k Gills' do. Drydcn'd WorkJ, Abbott' Works foryoung Johnson's do People, Hall's do Mills' Losie. Ren Franklin, illuslratedlllair's Lecture, Dr. Chalmers' v oru, Edgeworth s v oru, &e., Ac. Ae, There Is also soon expected, direct from New Tori:, a general aiiortmenl of School Books. A.V. .VCRILA1 .XV.U. Lower Scottsburg, July 10 tf. New land Office of Oregon Territory. -VTOTICE TO SETTLERS. The Surveyor Gen-' JLs eral of Oregon will cease to recelTc "Notl- ' Qeatlons" of donation claims from and after the lit day of December next. After which time, (on and alter tho 11th of December,) all notices of Donation claims, under ue several land laws, all applications for the entry of land claims, a well as for Pre-emption rights, and tho evidences of the rights of Orphans, under the last amendment of the donation law, ha va to be made direct o the Register and Keee.-cr or the Urcgon land district, at Oregon City. All conflicts of claims, which have not twn adjudicated by th,o Surveyor General liefore the 11th of December next, will t uc lrankrreu to inc sam ucgwer ana receiver, In conformity with Instructions fr"m the Commis sioner of the General Laud OSlce; and In pursu ance of tho Act of Congress, approved July 17, lrol, amendatory or tho uonatton i.aws. 0. K. GARDNER, Surveyor General of Oregon. Salem, O.T.lOth Nov., IS 51. Nottco Is also given, that tho Land OClco for tlio District of Oregon will bo opened for tho transaction of business at Oregon City, on Mon day, the 11th day of December, A. D. l&JJ. It. WiIjCOX, Register. Jai. GimiuiE, JunRjCdrer.-' nov25-Ct. - , DISSOLUTION XIII- Interest heretofore had In the firm of AL EAN', M'K'INLAV A CO.. of Lower Scotts burg, by JESSE AlTLEGATE.Isthls day with- drawn by consent. Tkoo Indebted to tho Into Tutu will please como forward and settle their accounts, and thoso hav ing claims against it will pleaso present It for settlement Geo. T. Allan being authorized to ' atteml to tne business. Au.ax, ITKim-vt & Co. wlll.centlnue tho bu siness at the old stand, and trust, from their low,, price anu general ussoruncni oi gooiu, to merit, as heretofore, tho full confldeneo-of tho public. ' UUIKUhT. AJil.APi, ' for Allan, Xl'Kinlay it Co., ,i, JESSE APPLEGATE. .' October 15, 1631-tf. - TAKE NOTICE. ' IT is' hereby understood that tho underslgnt-l,1' Allan, McKlulay & Co., of Lower Scottsburg.r having retired from Cooio Hay, theyi have-left all, their nlfilts in that placo to bo settled, by A, K, ROGERS, Ksqulrc, said Ai R Rogers being f nlly ' authorized by them to collect nil outstanding' debts due them, nnd to .pay nil; demands on them! that ho considers lust nod proper. , ,. i . . , AUAX; MoKlNAY. A C6.. Lower Scottsburg. Nor. 11, IKL-tf. i ! -r BILL-HEADS. ili .i.. . i-..i.. . . ,. '. i .ii... A7JAIIU K lot orilill-1 lead paper; just receive!' Ir utenmcr Jlmirita. lull-Heads oxecittcrli la tlm, besmaoncr, ,aid.cft.tJio mostrewoonh terns, at TUIS ol-HOu, r September 5, 1834, '1JV