The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, December 30, 1854, Image 2

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    !f'.Ti'Jl"!.'!1 ' JL!1!!1" Jl . ill
ir.v. J. dec. as, i ynirons
o. 1). it. xovi), y-"liUH1-
Tlio following named persons ivro atitliortietl
Jo rccclvo subscriptions ntul advertisements for
the Unttltt, rni'l receipt for tho sauiu :
M. W. Mitciiki Eujrono City.
J. S. Melwrsv, M. .. Corvallls.
I. N. Smith, Esq.. llurlliigton.
Deuxov SMini.Esq., Albany.
L. V. GnovKit, Jq., Salcra.
G. W. & H. Atwatsr's, Santtam City.
Geo. It. Ooinv. Lafayette.
F. S. Hoixixp, Oregon City.
W. 11. Faihuii, Esq., Portland,
Hex. Atum, Astoria.
Gxo. II. Atfrmo.sK, M. 1)., Jacksonville.
Bmxs & Woon, Jacksonville.
Ii. L. Diudiuhv, Deer CrccV.
Hoy. James Gamj-.t. Canyonvlllc.
J. 8. Gamdlk, Km., Fort (Word.
0. HuMMisox, Dalles or the Columbia.
Amos K. ooeiw, Ejh., Cooso Hay.
Col. W. W. Cnxvuxn, KiUan.
Vloop, Emi., Winchester.
Jos. RnrxoMM, Cnnyonllle.
Jas. A. Giuuam, Ksq., Fort Vancouver, M T.
Ilesnovnl. Tho office of tlio Utfi-QCi
Unlldlngs, Main street, In the rear of Mesa.
Wsdsworth, Peters & Ladd's (tore. Wo have
m&do this chnngo In onr place of business In order
to accommodate the majority of our patron.
Dec 23, 1851.
llcury Ilnlc, esq. Is onr authorised
agent to receive subscriptions and advertising In
San Francisco. Ho will be found at LU office,
50 Battery street, corner Clay.
A New Year.
What Is a year? Tis but a wavo
Oa lifts' dark rolling stream,
Which Is so quickly gone tbat wo
Account It but a dream,
lis but a single earnest tbrob
Of Time's old Iron heart.
Which tireless now and strong as when
It lint with llfo did start.
What Is a year! Tis but a turn
Of Time's old braicn wheel
Or but a page upon the book
AVbich death must shortly seal.
Tis but a step upon the road
Which we must travel o'er.
A few moro steps and wo shall walk,
life's weary road no more.
Kind patrons ! cro another issuo of tlio
Gazette reaches you, another year will
havo been numbered with tho irrevocable
past, and you will have- entered upon a
New Yeah 1855. It is well for Individ-
bnla aud communities, occasionally." i
for a tuna relinquish their contentious
wranglinga upon tlio world's stage dis
nemo for a day with ''busy care," and
"mako a noto of passing time," and also of
passing events, to look about us and ob
servo how tho world is progressing, as well
as our own Individual interest. Situated
as wo aro in Oregon, thousands of miles
from our nativo homes, and many, very
many, from all thoso thoy hold most dear
tlio greetings of "A Happy Now-Year,"
fills tho minds of many with anything but
pleasant reflections. Associations, that ac
cording to tho naturo of things in this tran
sitory world, cannot always bo onjoyed
.familiar scenes that occurred many years
since, como crowding on tho mind. Thoso
"good old times" that were, when sleigh
bells jingled, and tho harmless merry joko
passed round, and maidens laugh rang joy
ously on tho cool and freshening breeze, and
"all went merry as a marriage bell ; and
then, the "eve," when "youth and pleasure
met, to greet tho hours with glowing feot."
Theso and other reflections aro calculated
to cast a gloom upon tho minds of many
-who Iiavo fixed their homes In tlio wilds of
tho far distant west. And
"We are growing old how tho thought will rise
tviien a glance u uacicwaru cut
On some long remembered spot, that lies
In tho silence of tho past :
It may bo the shrine of oar early vows,
Or tho tomb of early tears ;
But it seems like a far ofT islo to us,
In the stormy sea of years."
Eventful '5-1 ! volumes could not contain
the record of tho varied scenes that havo
been played in thy short reign. Wars, In
surrections, casualties, mobs and political
have filled tlio exciting programmes thai havo
been laldbeforo us week after week. Tbcro
' was a time when publishers could placo be
fore thoir readers on "Now Year," every
thing that had occurred the previous twclvo
months ; but tho titno has past, at least in
America, altogether too much progression
for that Impossible I
Another year has fled ! What liavo wo
all accomplished! Lot us ask ourselves if
wo have dono any great good for ourselves
or our fellow man. Happy tlio man and
the woman who can say that thoy improv
ed tho time so mercifully given them for tho
happiness of their fellow beings for tho
relief of tho destitute; that thoy havo made
easy tho pillow of tho sick, and tho afflicted;
' that they havo Improved tho moments in
gaining wisdom for themselves and making
thoso happy who nre their companions
through life. In-ourrclloctions on tho past
if wo find tlml our notions havo been dif
ferent, tho host thing wo can do is to ''turn
over a now loaf" on tho first day of Jan
uary, 1855, Suppose wo try it.
Respected patrons i It is not necessary to
inform you thnt tho Gat.ktti: is in a nour
ishing condition; you nil know that; and
that you might as well try to mnko tho
Uiiipqua run up stream, as to stop its reg
ular publication ovcry week. Hut it is os
Bout tally necessary for us to impart to you
somo valuable information, an idea "'which
has just struok us," (hit us on tho pocket.)
Do you want to enjoy good health t sweet
sleep nnd pleasant dreams t A conscience
freo and easy i Prosper in this life, nnd
cain an interest tn tho world to coniot If
you do follow our advice. You that take
our paper como forward nnd pay your sub
scrlption, if you havo tlio most distant idea
that you liavo not dono so; nnd you thnt
don't t.iko it, como forward nnd subscribe
and pay for it in advance Hy doing this
you will roceivo a passport to somo hot
ter world, porhaps.
Wiieck or Tin: Hutu at Coos
Hay. Tho brig J una went nshoro at Coos
Hay on tho 18th Inst. Shu was n total loss.
Wo understand that sho had scarcely nuy
freight on board. No lives wcru lost. An
other brig, tho "William Venn, was follow
ing her in.but as soon as tho Juna struck, sho
put back, and lias not been seen since. It
is supposed sho went back to San Francis
co. Wo aro sorry that this accident has
occurred, as theso vessels wero to corn
menco tho transportation of tho coal of
which Coos Ins such inexhaustible supplies.
Her citizens will not howover, relinquish
thoir enterprise with this slight nccident, as
Coos undoubtedly possesses a good harbor
and Is practicable of entrance
Found at Last. It will bo seen by
rcfcrcnco to appropriate columns that tho
merchants and others of Scottsburg have
found tho "philosophers stone" of business
men kead "now adver
tis:ments;" and then rest assured that thoso
men who advertiso liberally, want to do
.. l uiLa'Aii flows riionjv-r
than any ono else. Wo are confident that
wo will hear no talk of "hard limes" this
winter, as tlio regular trips of tho Souther'
ner will keep our merchants well supplied,
while a good road to tlio interior, gives us
increased facilities for furnishing the miners
with everything thoy require nt rates which
no other placo can competo with. Pack
trains aro already begin nidg to fill our
Deow.ned. Tlio mnil carrier between
this placo aud Yoncalla, had his horso
drowned on his trip last Monday, In n Email
stream which empties into the Elk, called
"Tom Folly's Creek." When ho nrrived
at tho creek it was so swollen from tlio re
cent heavy rains that ho thought it unsnfu
to attempt to rido through it with tho mails.
So ho carried them across by walking on a
log over tho stream, and then went back
and attempted to drivo his horso over
and Immediately on getting him into tho
stream, ho washed down nt so rapid a rato
that it was Impo'ssiblo to keep sight of him,
says our informant.
(& By rcferenco to advertisement it will
be seen that our friend Craiso has opened
a now Houso nt Kosilia, opposite Gardiner,
and is engaged In cutting a trail through
from Winchester Hay to his place, a dis
of three miles, which will savo travellers
from Coos Hay, and other places down tho
coast, tl'o troublo and additional expenso
of crossing tho Umpqua at tho mouth.
(XrTlio editorial corrcspondcnco on our
first pago, should havo appeared two wcoks
since, but owing to the present mail ar
rangement between this placo and tho up
per part of tlio valley, It was not received
until too lato for publication tho 2Urd inst.
Qr Tho gontlemanly captain nnd own
ors of thestcamer Excelsior havo placed us
under many obligations of lato, for favors
bestowed upon this office. May thoy livo
an hundrod years, and thoir "shadows nov
cr grow less."
OiT A now Post Oflico baa been created
at Cow Creek, Douglass county, called
Yalcsvillo, and Gcorgo F. Hull appointed
Kr Wji. J. Hcoos, Esq., of this papor
is still absent.
Patouts to l.aiuli In )ri;!i.
Tho following letter, which lma, been
sent to the editor of tlio Statesman, shows
why it Is, that tho people of Oregon Imvo
not received patents to their lands, after
fulfilling tho requirements of tho law. It
seems thai tlio blnmn rests upon .Mr. Pres
ton, tho former Siirveyor-Gelioinl, as has
been icpeatctlly charged against that gen
tleninu :
Gkmeuai. Orritii:, )
Oct. HO, 1MI. S
Slit : In answer to your inquiry of tho
'J Uli hist., as to tho cause of tho delay in
issuing patents for tho donation cluiius in
Oregon, 1 havo tho honor to state :
That by tlio instructions of 10th March,
1851, from this otlico to tho surveyor-gen.
oral of Ortuon, thnt ollicer was directed as
follows: "When tlrj tract is described by
metis nnd bounds, i special plat of the. lot
ii to accompany the certificate ; am) irith it
you trill alio transmit the original title iki
pcrs, retailing copies in "your ojlicc."
On examining tlio act of tho -7tli Siqit.,
1S50, tho necessity nnd propriety of thoso
instructions will bo perceived, nnd that
without tho special plats thus requireil
there would havo been no certainty that tho
same lauds, in part at least, was not in
cluded in different patents. Such conllicts
of tithi would have been nsourcoof uueen.
sing nnd harrnscing litigntion, and tho put.
cuts, under such circumstnnces.would havo
been n positive evil, instead of n benefit.
This course wns necessary, moreover, to
enable this otlico to dotcrniino whothur tliu
requirement of tho 15th section of the act
had been complied with, which directed
that theso claims should bo taken as nearly
as practicable, by legal subdivisions.
These wero tho Instructions under which
tho surveyor-general wns required to act,
and tho reasons In part, for those instruc
tions. With n letter of 10th October, 1 8.1:1,
ho sent on seventy of theso claims, num.
bored from 1 to 70, being thoso for which
certificates had been issued by him from
the 1st July to tho ,'IOth September, 1S.VI.
Theso wero received when tho duties of
tho otlico wero so pressing in prcpraring for
tho sonion of Congress as to leave no time
for taking them out of their regular courso
of examination. This prcisuro continued,
as you aro aware, nnd it was not till early
in May, that tliu necessary Unto could In)
given "to their adjudication. It was then
ascertained that these instructions had been
entirely disregarded, nnd tho cases were
returned on tlio 17th of that month, that.
those instructions might bo complied with,
iexcipt as to somo which wero rejected for
I intcrfirunccs with town sites, or because
tney Had neeti iisueu to persons who uied
before tho paisago of tho act, and n very
few which it was thought might bo passed,
as the lauds in them aro described by sub
divisions of sections.
On the 120th .May, 1851, n second ab
stract was received from tho surveyor gen
eral, of tho claims for which certificates has
been issued by him between the .'10th Sep.
tcmbor, 1S53, and II 1st March, 185 1, num
bered from 71 to 115. 'Ilieso claims wero
found to bo in tho samo condition with tho
foregoing, and were returned with similar
exceptions, for liko causes. Of tho wliolo
number thus returned by tho i,urveyor-gen-oral,
only about twenty can be carried
into patent. Of tho reasons why this wns
not dono nt once in thcio cases, I am not
ablo to ndviso you, at tho gentleman who
bad charge of this branch of business is
dad. It Is probablu ho thought it advisa
ble to withhold them till tho return of tho
others, that they might all bo issued togeth
er. I havo no doubt, howovor, that his
reasons wero sound, as ho was n most ablo
and efficient officer. I havo directed tho
patents to bo isiiicd in theso cases, howev
er, and they will bo transmitted in a fow
days, and you advised of tho fact.
It has, been intimated, that words used in
tho'instructious above referred to, relative
to tho receipt, and temporary arrangement
of the claim;, justified tho withholding of
tlio original proot. 1 no copies wliuld liavo
answered equally well, if tlio special plats
of tho lurvoys had been transmitted ;'n
thoso cares whero tho lands wore described
by course nnd distances, and bonco tho
claims described by tho subdivision of sec
tions wero not returned.
Theso plats, howover, wero Indispcma.
bly necessary, and the failing to send them
was a disregard by the survoyor-genornl of
tho specifiu instructions above quoted,
which is much regretted, as it has been tho
chief, and indeed tho only causo,of tho do
lay in issuing tho patents.
I am, sir, with great respect,
Your obedient sorvant,
lion. Jntoph Lnnc. Commissioner.
Washington, D. C.
(ttrTlio Legislature of Washington
Territory organized on thollh inst. by tho
election of tho following officers:
President of tho Council, Soth Catlin.
Chief Clerk, Hutlor P. Andorson.
Assistant Clerk, A. J. Moses,
Sergeant at Arms, J, L. Mitchell.
Door Keeper, Mr. Cullcson.
Speaker of tho Houso, Henry H.Crosbic.
Chief Clerk, H. F. Kendall.
Assistant Clerk, It. M' Walkor,
Sergeant at Anns, Milton Mounts.
Door Keeper, Win, Uailoy.
Tho Pioneer & Democrat nays a high
and just compliment to tho President of tho
Co unci! and Speaker ol tlio House,
letter from Hutu I.uih'.
Citv, )
Oet.tillth, M
Km roit S i-atesm aw Dear Sir : I must
I confess unit I nuibolh stirptised nnd pained
Uolienr that (hero I, among tho tlr-moointn,
dltiHitlsfnctmn mid complaining of my olll
' e.lnl neK Why, or how" thin unii be, I urn
jut n Iiibs to uudei'Htiiiul; for, God htiowa
thnt my strntiuest em till y denim Is to faith
fully nnd honestly discharge my duly to tlio
people 1 represent, nnd In tmcli n manner im
in best calculated to promote theirluleret..
Tor tho promotion of this great object, 1
Imvo Inboied faithfully mid honestly. In
what havo 1 fulled or erred I
Now, sir, I deslro tho democracy to know
that 1 nm n oandiduto for re-nomiiiutiou,
nnd that I only ulsh success, If they think
mo honest, unpnpnblo, faithful mid true.
And further, I deslro them to know thnt I
will not rsort to nuy dishonorable moans,
In any sIiah, form or mantior; nor will I
do ntiytliitif to disturd, distract or divide
tho democratic party: nor will I bankblto,
simmer or detract Irnin tho merit ol nuy
man, for the suko of place. 1 w ill nover
attempt to pull down n fellow.dcmncrnt,
that I limy mho myioJf on hi ilotwifull. I
will not have tho olllco on any Mich tornm.
I urn n democrat, nnd honestly bellovo that
demoeratlo principles aro the trim princi
ples of our government, nnd our party Is
held together by principle, ami bo (list
would not up his uill in oppiiHilicn to tho
wish of tho parly, is not worthy tho confi
dence of tho party, or ho who would at
tempt to build hiuiBelf up by tlaudciing or
injuring nu honorable member of that great
party, is unworthy of their support. Our
motto should be, " tho union of tho party
for tho sake of our country."
Ah nbovo stated, I nm n candidate for re
nomination. I submit my olliclal acts to
tho judgment of n candid nnd imiiartial
people. Hy them 1 nm willing to bo tried.
II It can bo shown that I liavo in any
way in any single instance neglected my
duty, or that nuy ono of my olliclal acts
lias proved detrimental to tlio interests of
tlio territory; if I lmo not labored nssidu-
nusly, faithfully ; if thi public intercuts or
private interests have sull'ercd In my hands,
1 am ready to yield the field to somo other
aspirant. Hut let justice bo done ; let time
bo nirorded mo to render an account of my
stewardship. For this purpor, I nik thnt
no nomination b made, until I cnu have
time to return home. This boon till not
bo refused by nguiiorous people to n public
Burvint, who has nearest Ins heart tliu lion
or and welbboing of thoso he represents.
And no democrat, or tho friends of
who seek a nomination, and nro willing
that his claims ami merits should bo dis
cussed, can reasonably urgo objections to
this request. With much iestct,
our obd'l ecrv't
Corrcipomlcnco of the Weekly (!anttc.
Salem, O. T., Dec. 18, 1851.
Mr.Mit. Editors: Nothing of interest
l.ns occurred nt tho Capitol, ilnco my l.nL
Two bills havo been introduced into tho
House of Representatives by Delaion Smith,
of Linn county, which has created lengthy
and animated discussion, by .Menu. Smith,
Hnnry, Holmes, Logan, and others. One
was for organizing townships and creating
separate ollicers for tho same, for thodiflVr
ent counties throughout tho Territory, that
wish it. Tho other wns for substituting tho
viva voco system of voting, for tho present
mode. Tho township bill was lost in tho
House. Tlio vote will bo taken on tho
viva voco bill about Thursday Sev
eral road bills havo boon passed, and other
business transacted which uill provo unin
teresting to your renders. Mr. Logan has
mndo his npjwaratico In tho Houso, Tho
ro-location of tho Public HiiildingH will bo
agitated soon, without a doubt. I should
not bo surprised if tho cnpitol goes to Win
Chester, unit tho university to Jacksonville,
as thoy should. Members aro beginning to
talk tho matter over soriously. Corvalli.i
nor Eugeno City, neither can competo with
Winchester for tho location of tho Cnpitol.
I think If it is not removed to Winchester
it will remain whoro it is.
Yours, FELLY.
PEiti'ETtur. Motion. Tlio discover of
n now perpetual motion Is announced at
New ork. It Is on tho plan of anus and
balls attached to it cylinder, so as to keen
the greatest weight always on tho descend
ing side. It requires no starting, only nceiU
letting looso nnd off it goes. Tlio dilllctil
ty is to stop it, Tlio Journal of Commerce
"After n careful examination wo can
safely say, in all seriousness, thnt tho pro.
polling power is self-coiitalnod and Kelt-adjusting,
and gives a sullicionlly active forco
to carry ordinary clock work, and all with
out winding up or replenishing."
Xr Adam It. Shinloy has boon appoin
ted PoBtmabter in this city in placo of Alon
zo .Uhnd, resigned. Mr. Shinloy lias for
somo months past acted as a deputy in tho
Post Oflico in tills city, nnd bo fnr as wo
havo lenrnod, givon good evidonco of his
faithfulnesa and capcity to perform well tho
duties of Postmaster. Standard.
".fiinm-ii nv a MlSSIU.VAltv'H Win!.
Letters from tho Selkirk Sottlornoiit, atato
that Mrs. Nponcor,wiloolonoot mo Ainer
ican missionaries, was shot dead whilu in
bed with her husband and child, nt Pombi
na, Minnesota Territory. Tho docd is ini
putedto nSiox Indian,
Tu.NNiii. ILniieiitiiii Ohio ltivt:it. Tlio
Louisville Journal linn an nrllchi mi tho
pnmpeutH mid legibility of tlio construe
timi of a tunnel under tho Ohio river at
LouIkvIIIh, Kentucky, nnd Jptornoiivlllo, In.
A chin tor for thin work wan granted by
tho Kentucky Leglslnluio, March 0 1R-,
nnd the right of way given by l0 city of
Louisville, nnd tho work forever exempted
friim taxation for city purposes, on tho i!7ilt
of May, IH.1I. Tho Foil Wnyno nnd
Southern Hnllwuy Company liavo accepted
tho chut tor and tliu relenso of tho right of
wav, mid propose making up tho stock,
nnd, If iiossihle, to put tho work under con
tract tills fall or early next spring. Tho
tunnel will bo exclusively for railway pur
poses, with n double track, ndpted to ttio
uso of nil tho roads of tho different gimgo.
It will bo twcnty.chjht feet wide in tho
clear, and seventeen feet high, perpendicu
larly, from tho centro of each Inu-l '11...
nrclilug will lm sWti- fi,.t ln ii.... i.....
miles in length. Tho descending gradb Into
tho tunnel, nt cither end, will bo only nigh
ty feot per mile on n straight lino. From
tho head of the grndo on ono side- to- tho
bend of tho irrndo on tho oppoalia MU 0r
the river will lm two intlm nn.l n i.-ii-
Tlio tunnel will lm couitrunted in tho-river
oy excavating a clinnnel ur pit in tho rock,,
and utchlui! over with tlm inni.rl.l ......
vnted limestone rock of tho best quality.
Tho work has been surveyed, and tho cost
estimated at ono million two hundred thou
sand dollars. It is proposed to ralso this
sum iiy n ensu suimciiption, no part of
which is made navnblo until tlm ul,nl
is subscribed. Whenovur nil tho stock Is
taken, then it beeomm nnvnhtn It. r,.-
cqunl seml-nuuual instalments.
Aiioi.itio.n Hiiit at WoncESTriit, Mass
U'urrrjrrr. Oct. HO Itn O n.i......
tho ncrsori who nrreiti-il tin, fnirlili-n .1.....
Thomas Suiix and Anthony Hums, was
discovered at tho American Houso yester
day, nnd tlm fact wns immediately posted
Ihiouglioiit tho city. In tho ovuiiug tho
vigilance commltteo of tho citizens sur
rounded the hotel, and threatened to mob
it, whereupon warrants were Issued, and ho
was arrested this morning and brought bo
foro tho couit charged with carrying con
ecled weapons. Tlm en... was then ksU
poucd for two wcoks, and ho was required
to give bonds for his appiurnnce.
A largo and oxcittd crowd soon gathered
round tho courthouse, mid it becoming cvi.
dent that his life was in danger, George !'.
iiimr, n iroo-soiicr.i me sou ol tlio venera
Ido Samuel Hoar, nppoaled to tho crowd lo
lit tho "kidnapper," n they called him, go
safely out of tlm city. I'pon this tho crowd
gnu way. aim Dniman, ccompiilol by
' ""(jliiiii( Hum in mo depot, lolloped
by the populace. Here tho colored men In
tho mob fell upon him, and would undonbt
cdlv havo taken his liui Imt fnnl, !,.,.. ....
euco of MaitinStowell.Jamos A. Holland,
Mr. Hoar, Hov. T. W. Iliggiris.mand Sto-
pueri ., an activo abolitionists.
In the midst of tho excitement Hatmaii
....... I I...I I..... - ..... '. .. iiumicii n carriage, nccomanietl oy
.Mr. uiggmson, ana thus escaped with his
HigL'iusnn was rorifMrrnhlv ( l. ,1..
iniMileii thrown at tho carriage, llslmnn.
i...n yiwi ,,,Mi ruiuuegg, ioncf,ive.,ani!
was kicked and hnitmi nlnwi.t i ,l.,-,i.
Ho promised to nuvt-r visit Worcester
(l 1.0 NCI. Asi'l.NWALL. Ainnntr tlm ,nt.
wiikits by the Pacific nro Col. 'Hiomas
Akpinwnll, our lato Consul Gonernl nt Ijii
don, and his lady, who stop nt tho Astor
At tho commencement of tlio war of
IBl'J, .Mr. AsiiillWnll WAS A lirnr.lltlurr mum.
Lor of tho Koklon bar. Ilu left his profes
sion nnd wns ellieienlly ougnged in raising
a regiment of volunteers, In which ho was
commissioned as major. He was engaged
in luoiooi inu naruesMOUgiit battles on tho
Canada linen. At tho soriin nf I'.iri l-M,t
he lost his right arm. His conduct ns an
ollicer was highly esteemed, and lm wns
promoted to n coloncloy. At tho close of
tho war ho resitned his commission In tho
army, nnd in 1815 ho was appointed Con
sul GfMlfiml nftllll lflitlu.1 fttufiia ui 1 ni..lnn
by President Madison, which otlico ho held
inr iu ponou 01 imriy-oigni yoars. uoi.
Asnlmvnll loft this nountri- llilrtv.nlnn vr.r
ngo to take upon himself tho duties of Con
sul, ami una uniy viineu ms nniivo country
ouco In that time, eighteen years ngo.
llio mumijlo qualities 01 (Jol. Aspiiiwalra
personal character havo acquired him a
finsl nf frlonds. Ho was i-rnnllv nt..,im,l
by bis couutrymou who imd occasion to
visit London while ho held tho post of
American Consul in that city. If our
country loses a good consul abroad, it
gains an estimable citinu nt homo. iV, V.
rivaling rou.
INDIAN HosiII.ITlKH. HumnrRnrnnfinnl
In town that tho whites havo killed n Cay-.
use intllau, iiuovotho Cascades and Uallos,
and thai tho Indians about tho Cascades
mid Dallos together with tho Cayuso and,
Snakes nro evincing hostilities to (ho whites.
.Much nlnrm is felt for the safety of tho
whites at tho Dalles, The troops at Van
couver aro ordered to go there as soon as
possible. l'ortland Standard.
(KrHonry Ward Hocchor says that tho
last quarter of un hour of a long . drawn
liresomo discourso, gives a ropnlsivoucss to
religious truth, strongsr than can bo dissK
patcd by two good sermons aftorwards.