The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, December 23, 1854, Image 1

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VOliVMll 1.
Htuvrvsuvnu, o. 'v., hatwhw.w, mxr.nuivu z:i, isr.
IV DM HI ,H ttfc.
S ??Wli--V.l.'l'-"X'-lJ-l !- J
U w IW, Itil M
I'fllMKIir.II KVr.HY ltA-uiAi,
w. j. nr.iiiM, ' " '"j
Ol'KICi: In Uaiihw' Nsw Huimuno, (second
dory) comer ofMnlu nnd Youcalla slrcuta.
Ono copy. Tor one year, 8.'',0i) i fir six months,
$3,01) t fur llirco montlm. t'i,W. ,.,,,
XnrrHTWtMKNTii will bo Insert."! at the fob
IftuInK retM:-Oim square or ten line or low,
in.! w vilwo, M.00J r1. Ml?iful iMfrllon,
il, A !t'" t tleilLctlou inadu. l Jean-'
ileitis CauW, tutUllnVorlui. fo"r ''"'
,,iPwSVrar riiwoitlu, W for Ihreo uoiiIIm,
'fr-The numUr of Insertions mut WlMlnct.
Iv marked on the margin, otherwise liny will lw
'" '?. " i'.mi r. I.I.I -.,.1 fli.rcMslneclinl IIKlT.
WUHHKV" ' ' . JH
..tiiiinimi 1 1 1 iiii iiiu. iit'iv""-- .
-; STT
" 11I..H
"IllHO WIO smuinv "
Tb land U very bright, mother,
Tho flowers nro my fair,
There's magic In tho ornngo grove
nut tako mo to my good old homo
Where tlo brook goes UbMlog by,
11 ui go homo again, mother
Obi tako mo home to die.
Ul my rather' hand but ml, mothtf
In bleulngs on my head,
Let my brother and my IiUri dmr
Hut throng wound my bod
Oh, let wo feci that lorcd one' near
KweUomy tartlag breath,
' When 1 bid you nil good night, mother,
Ami sltep tho llctp of death.
I Dear mother, I am eeplng,
I I cannot atop tlio tear,
I Thoy'ro swelling at tho thought of IiMitf,
i Audof mycarljryrars.
Hut I am getting faint, mother,
Oh, take ir.o to your breant,
And let mofctlyourllp, mother,
Again toy forehead prow.
-i,t,t.i. .;,. .,. . slt., maUW,
' 1 cannijl get my breath;
In It your sob I bear, mother,
Oh tell me ll Ihla death I
You'll tell my father how I yearned
Ones moro to ace hltn near :
You'll kit my brother each for mo
They will forget 1 fear.
You'll tell my tlnleri, mother, dear,
I bare gonn up on high,
And If they aro good children here,
They will ice mo when they die ;
1 feel I nm going now, mother
Ono kit 're life I riven ;
And now. farewell, my own mother,
Until we meet In llcaren.
Shout Hunts rou Uuttku Makru.
Wo tlo not intend to Inatruct good ilnlry
nrniiia tho art nnd niVloryofLutUr-inakinL'
liut if thoy co any Lint In the rule which
follow that may bo thought aorviceablo, lot
them tnaku a noto of it :
'llio nowor nnd nwcolor tho cream, tho
(tweeter and hhjcr flavored will bo tho but
ter. Tho air mut be fresh nnd uro in tho
room where tho butter is not.
Tho cream should not remain on tiio
milk over thirty.aix hour.
Koep tho cream in tho pails, or ttouo
)oLn, into which put a spoonful of unit nt
;tho beginning then alir tho cream lightly
-nch morning and ovoiilng; this will prevent
.the cream from moulding or souring.
Churn aa ofton us onco a week, nnd ns
lunch ortmcr aB riro-,iisiii.uc will penult
Upon churning, add tho cream upon oil
tho milk in tho dairy.
Uso nearly an ounco of salt to n pound
. of butler.
Work tho butter over twice, to froo It
from tho buttermilk and brine, before lum
ping and packing.
Jlo cortniu that it is entirely frco from
every pnrticlo of buttermilk, or coagulated
milk, nnd it will koep sweet forever.
In Scotland, syphon is BomotimoB usoil to
soparnto tho milk from tho cream, instoud
of aklmmlng tho pans.
' Tho subjolnod is a truo cony of tho ro-
bignntiou of u Justico of tho I'caco in Nn-
chltoches, Louisiana: Wo liopo it may
Btriko tlio reader ns it first struck us. Wo
" had to laugh :"
'Stato of Louisiana, Tansh of Nnchltochos,
To tho (Jovornor of Louisiana i
Know nil moil by thoso presents, that I,
j, , I, , 'squire, doo hereby 'thro up
for rcaslns uoai Known w iiiym-n,
L L , Justice of Pease."
This is. printed "verbutim et tjicUatim,"
according to our correspondent. Judicial
'limbor" in tho region of Nachitoches must
bo somewhat senrco, wo should say. But
wo shall " ow up" oven a, bottor specimen
than this, (if timo nnd spncp serves,) beforo
a great while.
fly I'lrat V!iiliirn.
IIV A KKW CilllltliironilliNT.
I b'liovo I never tvlled
flrnt adventure nmoiiget
nboiit my
" wiiuniuii
Well, for want o' stithln' bolter, I'll ulvo
nu n sketch ou't. Ynu limit consider that
I was brought up purty inurh tit hum, on
at tho bro o' soventeen, wnsjioilinpsnleollu
thu greenoat boy in nrnuto Knxbury. Hut
nt sovenleeu is nu ago for n chap tu fool his
oats at all events, 1 did.
Well, ns 1 was gnm' tu say, It was a
tryin' timo tu mo; I'd bin under thu old
man's thum till I'd out gnnved him body,
sole, buttons and trowsur. Twns on n
moiiatoH purty ovonln' in tho nftcr part o'
tho lattor part o' April I'd greased my
shoes, nnd put on n mighty nlco dickey;
for mother nllors fixed my thing herself.
I was saunteriu' round, kinder half sick nnd
half lazy ; and I jlit inado ii my mind that
I'd sit tin tu somo gnl that very night, ef 1
lived. I'd bore it jint ns long ns I could,
and I do b'liovo if the old iiimi had n cum
nlong jitt then I should n ritrrd him. I
hecru a wnggin ratllis nnd lonkln' down
tho road, who should it bo hut Bquiru Har
ney and his wifo and llin-n darters, cumin'
hum from incolin'. Tliem was gals that
would du tu look at. Now, you sco, .Squire
Harney hadn't bin inoro'n a month moved
out'n lloitln, nnd wni a lcitlo tho finoit
folks I'd over saw. 1 thought I'd tint rilo
up tho road arter'om; but, thinks 1, 1'lljlit
steii In and toll mother, or they'll bo nhun
tin mo, which milu runko a feller feel orful
Hes I, Mother I've mado up my mind tu
step up tu Squire Harney's this nrtonioou.
" You hov, Jonas!" sea him ; "fur massy
sakrs, what' that fur "
Why jlit hekasa 1 Lev, ics I, nnd that's
1Tftti mmCTnrTnntni'Trp-Htgrt-tTrniThrirttB W.ffK7
or say, in stops tlio old man. fees lie:
"Jonas, why In tho namo o' iisturMiaiut
you minded 'em sheep olT'n tho ryol"
" Ilim rnlnu shwp oil n rye, ses motn
er, " I guess you'll hov tu mind 'em your.
el(. He's jlit now reddy tu start up tu
Hnrnoy's a courtin'."
" 'llio Lord bless my soul !" si-d thu old
man, anil sot douii m nu ijig nnu eiinrc.
" Now, Jonas," boh he, "a I'm your lather,
III jut gin you a letdlo wliulesnmo mlvice,
and Til nilviio you in ims ns i uu m yer
iwin', mind you don't cut too big a swath,
and bo kcarfnl how you pint in nnd bow
you pint out."
" JSow, Jonas, my climi, ses mother,
you know what a practice jou hov o' get.
tin up and wnlkiu m yer sleep; liusuro tu
cum hum beforo dark, bekaso you know
3 er orful 'feord o' nites."
Hcin'nfverd o' lmin' tu listen In this nib
vico all over again, I turned my back upon
tho old hunittod, mid put out on a hisMifim
altogether now tu inc. It Ink tun no tium
at all tu reach tho Hqulro's; but I was ta
ken back n fuw feot when I was met nt tho
door by tho Squro's hired man.
" Walk In Mr. Hani.ter," sed that orful
dovil of n human, Sim Sponccr, " tako a
'llicro I was rito in thu company of tho
Squire's three darters, tho old lady, and tho
'furemcnlinncd Sim, who lived and fatted
on fun jitt ns if it had bin bread. I ilotcr
mined to sot mv best font fuht, nnd ef 1
tnlkuU tu nn
lkoU tu nny on 'em, It should bo Hocky,
lectio tllO EllCKDlt picuil
I'd over yet saw, purty as n plctor mid fre.i
ns a sussor o new miner, i uuiu i nov tu
wait long fur n clmncu tu show my grit,
fur ho slept out tu tho well nrtcr n pail o
water. Now, thiiika I, will bo a good time
tu soo bow "tho rat will jump," nnd of I'm
miltened, It won't bo bolbro that mischiof
of n lantern' jawed Spencer. So I slops
out ortor her, and nrler mnklu an purty a
bow as J could, ses I, Miss Harney, I vo cum
up tu tell you that I'd liku tu hov a Ieotlo
secret ohnt with ynu, jist by ourselves.
" I havo no parlicular secrets to keep,
Mr. Hanistor'sed alio, " but Ifyou wisli to
chutuwhllo I havo no objections."
HevingB nnd nirlht (linoral Jackson,
Frank Hicrco, or tho biggest feel In' man in
Fairfield (which N Hayin'u good denl) didn't
any bigger, nor strniton nut any taller than
I did. I'unkin ulo and nnnlo sarso, dough-
nuts nnd and roast turkey, wnrn't half as
good us lids uowh tu ii)t. It donn inn good
all over, body, tolo nnd heart. 'Twern't
very long nrtur wo went back iulii tho
kitchen beforn n cjiihIIo was lit and put intu
tho big room, and Miss hoclty Wa u stand
in thu door, Html simslio:
" Walk into thu front room, Mr Hauls.
Exactly, sea I, ami nul walkeit ouriiiiio
kitchen there wits that iularpel Spot)cer u -
kin' situ nt mo over his 'bominablo long
niwe. Hut Sim Speiicor wns tlio least o
my troubles; for there I wniiltln''"fnculu
face," ami not moru'ii fivo feet fmm her,
tho putliest gnl out'n Hostlu. tiho nun!
mo more questions in tow mliiiilos than 1
could huvnusworod In six monlliH Suiidaya
and all Hung in. HIcsi your hurt, man,
hu wns a gnl tu bo reuiebonl. ' 'hero was
no doubt ou't.
I told her nil about our folkk.inw many
hojsiu, enwi, sheep nnd Iiks bad. J
itoluiicriiiollirriinii n Uiu'nlor' mg won
of tho Himt jilnd-t" lioniequiliyiild llinl
mother hnd mndo well on tu j hundred
tiouuds o' liutter nWdv IhU snpkr, nnd I
was a (loin' mv level best on loto, Hug
Horn and tho (tig Itud Jleifor til nmko out
the even hundred.
Sho told mo nil nbout tho iolrese, nnd
tho kotillious, nnd tho promennders,. nnd
lino things in Hoalin, till 1 wni complotely
boiorcd, befooled nnd bewitched, nnd
I'd bin williu' tu a swore that I didn't know
a thing.
I thought I was pros periu' lino, nnd I was
monstos 'fcerd 1 might say or du sumthiu'
tu sjitlu it nil, when her fnthe'r returneil from
moetin'. Tim Squire emus inter thu mom
whcr6 wo was, and looked a loello wild tu
soo his darter kcopln' company. When I
rii up, ses I : Your most obedient, Squiro;
and Miss Hecky sjienks up, and ses she:
" Mr. Hanlitor, fallier; you didn't know
him did you t"
"All, nli 1 " ses ho, " hovt'n your folks ? "
Modrit, modrit, sis I, Iiojki your woll, sir;
and ho steps out'n tother room, appearant
!y in n perfect good humor. I'd bin a
thlnkln' sometime that I could imsr that
hateful Swncir n tlcklin' and laflin', nnd I
felt as ef 1 could a maihed him ef I'd had
hold on him. Miss Hecky scd that wo had
tslkod rnullTor that time, and nrtor tellin'
her tlint 1 should bo b.icl; without fail, we
got up am! went in whoro tlio rest on Yin
was, and sit down.
Sim Stencer wns n pullin' nir lit buter,
nu! tin) galsuutleu' their shoo, which msdo
,i think d' iiioiIht'h ndricc, to "cum hum
ro" kxib." "ii"t jircrr itrTrttJiaUTw
light. Wnrn't I in a predickymftill (!o
lititti I dani't; but I tlmught I'd niako tho
trud. I got up tu start, nnd told 'em 1
b'lioved I'd go, when tho Squiro sos:
"Stay all night, Mr. Hnnlstir."
'Jliat suited mo tu a nicety; fori actual
ly wouldn't huv went hum then fur tew
" Yes," sos Spencer, "stay nnd sloop
with me, Jonas."
'litis seemed orful clever tu mo; fur I'd
bin Mistered and Miitcrcdtill I felt tolablo
cheap; so I told Stienccr I'ditay and sleep
with him.
We soon started up stairs tu bed, stript
and junmped in, and in ten minutes Spcu
cet was a snnrin' llko a boss with tho dis
temper. I b'lievo that was thu first and Inst
timo that I ever was glad to Liar any body
snore; for I wns in liojics it mito keep mo
nwake, nnd of 1 staid nwako I sliouluu't get
up in my sleep.
I lay and stmlivd about takiu' Hocky
hum rtto off; siie'd bo so much company fur
mother when fathor and I was tu work in
tho Hold. 1 could almost sen her a strainin'
tlio brimin' pails o milk and workin'
over tho butter, while I was a plowhi and n
bo win'. What a pity it weru'l novor tu
cum tu pass.
1 was mighty 'fccrdl'dgo tu sleep, nnd I
thought that mothers advice was good, but
tlio old umiiH I thought wns o no uso nt
all. 1 lay nwnko till tho clock stiuck tew,
when natur' was tu strong, 'llio fact won
,j ,jr, um tu deep. I was In liupmtlint
p.iL.o- . 0.. 4 pi- .fll.ttlk (HI
when a teller groE in no man, jii ui.u
frog leaves his tall when jumps out'n tad
poledom. Hut by 'uuuds! it warn't tu
1)0 BO.
I fell intu a dream, and I thought I wns
married tu Hocky, nnd kcopin' liotiso lieail
ovor heels in work. I dreamed 1 was
plnwin' n piece o' now ground for corn,
f.l .1 l1 I...I-..1 ...! . till UftAVtf f ItN,
Willi 1110 uotiruirueav imu u niiuwi,ui
ever straloned n chnin. It wns n darned
sidlhi' pieco o' ground, nnd jist ns full o'
Btumps ns thoy could stand. Thoro 1 wnB
rasliu' that old plow and cussin' tltom wild
steers, nnd bolloriti', Hoi, Lamb, Hoi, Li
on, wiion sock wont tho pint o lio plow
agin a ponridgo stump, knocks it over and
inm tho nll.firedost bijjKOst nest o' ynllcr
iacknt8 limt over w.ib madu out'n tho hull
J .... it i str. jt....... I
tOWIl 0 KOXUliry, Aliuui uuuvn iihiubiuiu
nu 'cm bounced on Lamb, and uh many
moro on Lion, wbilo what wna left tuk rito
nrler mo. "
You may ljeliovo it truo or not ; but of
I'd a bin in Uueoii victory biitfuso nt it
bin up; fourteen men couldn't a hold mo in
hod, and of 1 didn't 'Inrm that linitso you
needn't bellovo anything I say. In gillin'
out o' bod by somo means or author I got
hold on mv trowsors, nnd thoro rinin nnd
Miortm , cubsiii' ami liolloim', not, l.nmiii
1 ami Hoi, "Lion I iiliu' yaller jackuis, and
sllngiu' my trowsers, nnd ntnmpln', nnd
Mcroumiu' liku mad.
How long I should n fought, or how
many rustles I nliould a cut, can't now bo
told ; for nmlters was brought lo n crisis
by n sliuwer. I thought 1 felt tho rain a
cummin' and I waked up, when, goodness
gracious nlivo, ef (hero wurn't old Hipilro
Harney, his rilu nm! three iarten ilnniu'
in n perfect 'mno! every ono on 'nm wllh
their hair stnniu' rito on cud ; tho Squire
liohliu'n pfill o' water In one Iia'iiI, a Imtiu
hi tho otlier, sjilashiu' water oivmo " liko
1 rtald wlti Mm Jmiif enough tu aco
Hecky hohiiii1 tho caudle, and that orful
wicked lookin' Sim Spencer with his "eyes
stickiu' out liku n lobster's," huliliu' llio
becfropo in his hand. 'Jliero was what
Parson Duseiibcrry would call a Speck
Tickle! Hut as sure as you'ro born this
situ was o' short durashun; fur n four pnned
window fiored n chnnco lur nu cscnpoi
and ef I didn't improve it you mny call all
tho Haniators fools from old i'uclo Heckl
nli down to this vuritablo boy hluiKelf.
I went out-through tho sasli liko a streak
o greased ginger nop, and lit liko a cork
on tarry finny. ''I was a thin;; o' nothiu'
tu jump tow rows o' currnn' builici nnd a
picket fence, and onco on tho high road In
llostin and "bourn! hum," I mado a rjx'cd
that would a done credit tu a steam ongiue,
rncu hors, or anything else. Hog.pcus,
cnw.housrs, and stun. fences Hjw by me
liko "scud by tho moon." Arrived tu hum,
this trip would du mo fur tho i.rxt seven
Now, gentle rcador, my story is at an
end, and tiiosa who think I am entitled to
their commissern.hun may bavo it for eomu
ono clsa ; for I havo out growed it all.
Yours to sarve,
ANwi:n to a Cn.iLLK.tan. Tho eccen
tric II. II. HrochenhrMgo, one of tho
Judges of tho Supremo Court of JVntnyl
vnuia, when iu un man, was challenged
to light n dind an ICnglish ofiicvr, whom
irjvplVjMhjVfj- -
"l navd ' to this iuel mitler
tlio ono is lest I Mould hurl you; nnd tho
other Is lost nu should hurt mo' I don't
seo any good it would bo to mo, to put a
ball through your body. I could mako no
use of you when dead for nny culinary
nurpoios ns I would a rabbit or turkey.
1 am tin cannibal to feed iitxiii tho flesh of
men. Why then shoot clown n human
creature, of whom I could mako no nro!
A buffalo would mako bolter meat. For
though your ilrsh might bo dclicato and
tender, yet it warits tho firmness and con
sistency, which tako and retaiu salt. At
any rnto, it w ould not do for a long Ben
" on might mako a good barbecue, it is
tree, lK'ing of the nature of a raccoon or
possum, but people nro not in tho habit of
barbecuing nnything that is human now.
And as for your hide, it is not worth taking
nir, being but littlo butter than than a two
year old colt! So much for you. As to
myself, I do not liku to stand in tho way
of nnything that is hurtful. I nut under
tho impression that you might hit me.
This being tho cae, I think it mostndvisa
bio to stay in tho distance. If you mean
to try your pistols, tako somo object, ntroo
or n burn door about my dimensions. 1f
you hit that send mo word, nnd I will no
kiiowloilgii that if 1 had been in tho cautu
place, you might liavo nlsu hit mo.
Tin: Fiiist Iltuiiitui. Wobstor
"humbug" is a "low word." Its meaning
that this' word originated wTlh nil occcnOic
iirnfiwaor. Leetnrini; before n class on
etymology, ho suddenly placed boforo them
nn insect apparently instinct wun mo, nun
domnndod its classification. During its ex
hibition it kept up nu unceasing buzz, very
much to tho nstonlshmont of tho students,
Various suggestions wero mailo aB to gf nut,
ilnnllv tlio lecturer verv coollv informed
them that thoy were all mistaken that it
was a clnsiillcation oi iiscn nnu u was
nothing moro nor Icsb than a "humbug."-
Upon further inquiry, tho class learned that
tho eccentrio lecturer manufactured it for
tlio purpose of imposing upon their credu
lity, and to show them that notwithstand
ing thu knowloilgo which thoy had acquir
ed of insect life, thuy were as liable ns tho
least erudite lo ilocoption. Wo glvo tho
nuocdolo for what it is worth, It mayor
mny not account for tlio origin of this word,
Tho word "humbug" is of roebnt coinage,
(&' It is supposed thnt tho Mormon pop.
illation of Utah territory now exceeds Ml,
000. i
(gr Ono swallow does not mako u s,unii
mcr, but ono grasshopper can jujko'jl
spring. ' "
Curious Decision In Conrgltt.
tiiL'tloiiini; tlio I'ouer of flic
I. M. Courts.
A most extraordinary legal tluouion has
lately been pronounced by tho Supicmo
Court of tho Slnto of (Soorgla. ThoxaKo
was ono in which precedent established
by tho U. S. Supremo Court hnd boon quo
ted ns niilhorily. Tho opinion of tho court
was rendered by JjiJg" Huiuiiug vlio be
gan by laying dotf tho proposition ''that
government no jhiwlt y tmplltMiun, out
only delegated such powers as wore cxjrr.u
ly enumerated."
'Jlio following nro somo of the bold and-.
novel conclusions to which tho Court by n
long courso of reasoning under tho main
proposition, arrived :
"'Iliat tho npjM'llntfl jurisdiction delega
ted lo tiio U. S. Supremo Court npplirui on
ly to tlio inferior Courts of tiio 0. S., and -ordained
nnd estnbliihed by Congress and
not to State Courts.
"Tliat if tho II. S. Courts havo power
ovor tlio Stain Courts, they would also have
power over 'tho Statu laws iwwcr over
tlio operation of those laws within tho
Territory of tho United Slates jrntrcr to
nullify every act of the States."
'llio final conclusion is that "tho Supremo
Court of (icorma i coenuul and coordi-
wtle teith the Supreme Court of Uie II. ,V.,
and not inferior and subordinate to that
Court. That ns to llio reserved (lowers, tho
Stato Courtis supreme; that as to tho del-
gated powers, the United States Court is
supreme; that ns to powers both uelegatod
and resorved concurrent imeers both
Courts, in llio languago of Hamilton, nro ,
'eouallv supreme;' nnd that ns a conse
quent, tho Supremo Court of tho United
Slates has no jurisdiction over tho Supremo
Court of Georgia; ami cannot, tlicrclore,
givoitnn order, urmako forita precedent."
Judgo Hcnniug then makes tho broad
niul itnrimr nsaertion. extraordinary ns nro-
Cerdn,irf.-uua Jii.liricl .JtUiUriai.sJvJLCL)
decisions or llio U. a. Supreme Court havo
ix'cn tinctured with partizanihiji. Ho says:
"Hut, say that I am wrong in tiiis opin
ion; still, I deny thnt tho dcciiions of tho
Supremo Court referred to, nro precedents
to gorcrn this Court.
Those decisions were mere jxtrtisan d.
ehions to bo overruled in tho Court which
mado them, ns soon as n majority of tho
members of tho Court should bo of differ
ent politics from tho politics of tho mom
burs who mado tho docitions.
'Jliero are now, and havo been before
now, in theso United Stales, but two parties
with a clearly marked lino of separation
qctweon them, 'ilio party which stands
on tho shlo ol tho delegated powers, nnu
that which stands nn tho sido of tlio reserv
ed powers tho National party and tho
States' Rights party.
Now, the effect of tho decisions of tho
Supremo Court, to which I havo roforrcd,
is to put up tho National party and put
down tho Stato' Kights party. Tlio de
cisions nro therefore, political. Indeed,
thoy discuss tho snmu topics, ntid come to
tho samo results, in all respects, as do tho
speakers in Congress, tlio stump orators
out of Congress, and tho nowspapor wru
tcrs in and out of it."
After reviowing unmercifully tho lives
nnd characters of tho Judges of tlio U. S.
Suprcmo'Court, quoting from their biogra
phies to show that not only Marshal ami
bench, but also Jay, NfolUiPKim iYuftrarth,
wero all activo partisans nud nrdent politi
cians boforo thoy wont uiioti tho bench.
Judgo llcnning says
"Thoy wero tho samo men in thnt tosi
tion that thoy had been before they got
thoro that they maintained nnd nvowed
tho samo principles and possessed tho samo
political nrcdolictions then as in tho political
nreua. That their decisions were partisan
decisions nud thnt all decisions or consti
tutional (mentions must bo more or less par
tisan, and ought not to bind ns precedents,
becnuso thoy nro not mado by tho tribunal
which in llio last resurt is supremo. This
tribunal is tlio peoplo of tho States tho
authors of tho Constitution."
fr Tho number of bushols of grant
consumed in tiio distillnrios. of tho United
States iu,n yoa,r, coui(aup to soveuteen
millions. Tho wasto, of grain is Intnunt.v
ble, but thu othnr ntlonding otils nro far
more to bo droinlrid.
uV divine, onco praying said, "O, Lord,
jivoub noitlior poverty nor liches," nnd
pausing solemnly a moment, added, "cspc.
daily imxrly .'"
. v
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