The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 21, 1904, Image 2

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    Rosefesrg flaitrdeafer
.a.' ; hurtday-
H. H. BROOKES, Editor.
MART K. HROOKES, Proprietor
Entered at the Poet Office iu Roseburg,
Ore., as eecuod class mail matter.
Subscription $2.00 per Year.
Advertising Rates ou Application.
The Editor of the rt.ilsDKAi.KE has no inten
tion tvf eaaVlng n. false statement rcBcctins upon
the roe or character of any parson, officially or
otherwise ana any statement puMiehed in ttiwe
colea&s will be c&ceriully corrected if erroneous
and brought to our attention by Uu aggrieved
party or jmtMet. Otir intention la that every
aitlete jm wished oi n personal or political
ostcHU.B6tore wall be news matter of general
interest and fo Ue wifaro of tho State at
MARCH 21, 1904.
Call for
Primary and
Pararmatto a cUI of chairman, the
Republican County Central Gonimittoe
mot at Roseburg oa Marcli 12, 1004, and
set the 2nd day of April for tho holding
of the primary elections and tho 9th day
of April at 10 a. m. for the convening of
the County convention at the court
house in the city of Roseburg and pro
portioned the representation at one del
egate at large ami one delegate for every
teen votes or major portion thereof
cast for R. T. Bean candidate for su
preme jadgo on Jane 2nd, 1902, and
mate the following suggestions that all
proxies sfeeukl be represented in the
convention by a resident of the precinct
so far as practicable, and each product
select a Central committeemen.. Th
vancne precincts are z a tit led to tho fol
lowing number of delegates :
Roaebwg 10 EUmpqua 3
Deer Greek 10 Looking Glass..
Utnpqua 7 Cow Creek 2
West Robobnrg. ..12 Coles Valley. ... 5
loBealfe 8 Mt Scott 2
Comstock 4 Scottsburg 5
Riddle C Gardiner 9
Pass Creek . .
Myrtle Creek
Civil Bond . . .
11 Camas Valley... 3
. 7 Bohemia 2
. Ganyonville
. 4 Kellagg
. 4 Day Creek . . .
. 3 Perdne 4
.... 6
Millwood...... . S Elkton
Oakland S Calapooia
K. L. MILLER, Chairman,
J. A. BUCHANAN, Sec'y.
Rosebarg, Oregon, April 15, 1904.
Being aalborized the Plaindealer
anauunceg max at. l Moore is a can
didate for the office of treasurer of-
Doegte count-, subject to the nomi
naUeo of the Republican party at the
County convention on April 9j 1904.
Not long ago, King Menes of the
first Egyptian dynastv was believed
by maar scholars to have been mythi
cal. New discoveries concerning him
are coming to be so numerous that
his biography yet be written.
yuite recently a stele removed
igyptata ?ry early date, now in
the museum at Palermo, has been
deciphered. Ite inecript'on relates
to kings who preceded to the time of
Menes and who also aarvived him. It
appears that in his days there were
different centers of government in
Egypt, with, kings contemporaneous
with Sfenes. The inscription also
shows .that the chronological bases of
the records have to do with cvcles of
religious ceremonies, and that these
cycles overlap the cycles of kingly
dynasties. The religions and the
secular periods of time wore independ
ent to each other. The period of the
followers of Horns did not terminate
with the accession of Mene3, the be
ginning of the first dynasty, but at
the time of the removal of the royal
capital to Memphis. This makes clear
.a problem which Egyptologists have
studied for a long time. Another
important discovery is the name of
Jehovah in Hebrew, without the
vowels. The date of papyrus in which
it was found is quite modern, but thia
is the firat time the sacred name lias
been foand in Egyptian historial re
trains. 1 uy maintain full speed and ;u. , Tlie-p!'lH!C for a baseball leagUd
1 K. .nm lime receive and disch;..c in Coos county and particularly a
iusiif-or ,m J baggage. To t he J team in Marslilield, docs not look as
rear of the train it is proposed to at-1 bright as it did a fortnight since.
tach a car equipped with high speed Some of Marehfiold's last year's play-
motors. Into this car will be collected
the baggage and passengers booked
for the next station. This car-will be
simply uncoupled and stop at that
station. A corresponding car with
the passengers and baggage from
that station will then be started and
overtake the train and similar trans
fers bo made.
The pious people of Russia are
sending pictures of all the Greek
Saints and holy angels and fetishes of
all kind to the front to insure victory
for the army and navy, and it is said
that tho wiley Japs will meet the con
tingent of sacred relic bearers with
bullets with crosses engraved on the
point. There is method in the Japan
ese superstition because such indoc
trinated bullets will expand.
The Eugene Guard says: "Judge
J. W. Hamilton will no doubt be
nominated for re-election to the office
of circuit judge of tho second district,
the position he has so ably filled
for six years. All of the six coun-
era have put a very high price on
their services, wanting all tho way
from $100 to $125 par month and
expenses. They aro evidently figur
ing the "bush" league managers hore
are made of money, and are drawing
their conclusions from last season's
payroll. Tho prices asked are ex
orbitant and beyond tho means at
hand of our magnates, who aro rath
er in favor of letting the matter
drop where it is instead of going in
and making a financial failure and
being forced to throw up tho spongo
in the middle of tho season for want
of funds. However there is a scant
chance for a league and some of tho
fans are still pushing tho good cause
along. Marshfield Sun.
The wife of the Rev. Downs, tho
pastor of the Methodist church at
Winlock, after eloping with a black
smith who abandoned his family and
went with the parson's wife to Spo
kane several weeks ago, has seen the
error of her way. She was jailed
with nor nnromnnr nf. Snnt-nna m1
ties mtFo district are Republican, wMft in the jail becamQ penilent on
but he stands a fair chance of bemg tne bread and water diet So flhe
re-elected to this nonpohtical office made her hubb and ha3
on lus excellent record." v,, . , .:1J
The latest news from the orient is ren" ine om man 13 ver5' "rgiving
to the effect that the Japanese and
and has condoned the offense. He
Russian trooDS met in battle on the inat tno Blacksmith gave his
bank of Yalu River last Friday, and wife somo canr that was dragg
the Russians claim to have taken 1800 and that cauaed her to eloPe- 11 is a
prisoners. The Russians stito thnfc P' that the preacher had not fed
they would have captured more if the her on candi" before there wad cause
Jrm3 lioi? nnt. Win macA WU T?., I10 SCaaQai.
uww wsa uvw MK,1.U IfXWCU. XllUlkUO-
Last Saturday evening a storm
0 I 1 n 11 i 11.1 irj t
piwseu uver i ui uauu imiii uiu uamage
The enterprising business men of to the amount of $15,000. Telegraph
Cottage Grove are very saving of and telephone poles were blown down
their money, the management of and the escape of many people by the
the opera house having been forced
The Party of PrnjtreflS."
Une rcafon why the Rt-publican party
should le coiiiiniied in pnveri.) that it
has niver .vet iniaed tlio truo road in
carrying forward national devulopinvnt,
no iiiHiler liow cuinplicnted n ipiefition
may ho when it proieiit8 itnelf, Haya tho
GlolH-nemoernt. As a rule, (ho London
."tpoctalor U not iliupied lo praiso the
fibopl uf thin i wintry, but it recently
reinuikiH!: '-An American may inie
jndue a situation gravely while his inter
est in it remains academic, but ouco let
him be trusted with tho solution and
the odds aro ho will go unerringlyy to
the heart of it.,u it is a high compli
ment, for it touches practical achieve
ment. Americans are successful men or
action, according to the J-ondon obser
ver. As long :ib they hold that they can
rost easy on the ecoro of theorizing
Americans must think more deeply than
appears on tho surface, If they choose
the right course to pursue. No race is
infallible, but it is much to be conceded
ft place eecnnd to nono in dealing with
imiortant affairs.
For oil but eight years since 1860 tho
judgment of the Amorican poople has
been to keep the Republican party In
control of tho government. They re-'
t;rotted, and hail great occasion to re
gret, tho exceptional eight years. That
waB n reactionary jioriod, a lime for rip
ping up a protective tariff by a mongrel
of free trade and special favoritism, for
pulling down tho Oag in Hawaii, and for
devising means to relieve a countless
army of men onl of work. Whilo there
is but a small chance that Democratic
fo'ly and incompetence will be forgotten,
it ie well to glance back over the record
of that party from time to time, in order
that its real character, tendencies and
influences may ho kept in mind. The
fact that it is without issues or leaders
makes it all the more easily the prey of
some madness of the moment, of some
flesh form of demagogy to run a brief,
but feverish, sensational race. Though
some such surprise may bo sprung, it
will uot travel far.
Call fo' Congressional C-nventlos.
to lease tho vacant lots on the side of
the building to keep the menfolk of
the F. F. C. G. from peeking through
the windows and enjoying the stale
jokes with-it paying for the treat.
Large and excited crowds gathered
in the streets of Colon when the news
that the United States Senate had
ratified the Canal treat- became
known. The shops displayed Chinese
lanterns .and railroad offices were
decorated with red, white, and bhH
electric lights. Fireworks and music
lasted all night.
A cnivntion of the republican party
of thf First congressional district of the
S'ate of Oregon iii hereby called to meet
at Salem, Ore., Wednesday, -April 13,
electric wires seem to be miraculous' 11 11 m" for thH,uTsc of nomina
, nne one representative fur congress ami
I to transact such other tmsThcsa as ma
com latere the convention.
The conventin will cone ist of 177 del-
cyate?, apjiortione-l anions the several
And now the Salem Journal says j J"''1
that fipnrtTo P rtrrttrniOl ic tha ''AI.m. t ',fWr -V
ham Lincoln of Clackamas countv."
That have enabled us to build np a large
Prescription Business
State Game Warden Baker ae-
Bounces that he will prosecute to a
finish the firstvinan who kills a China
pheasant before 190G. He has no
rom law to back op this statement with
and Governor Chamberlain had better
take op a reef or two of his game
warden s ears.
We di?;ene Purk Drugs
We believe Accuracy to be a
necessity. '
The question of opening the Lewis
and Clark exposition on Sunday is to
be settled in the near future. There
certainly could be no objection to
opening the grounds if no exhibitions
were given of a midway nature and
if the machinery was shut down.
Korea has withdrawn from partici
pation in the Louisiana Purchase Ex
position and has officially notified the
management of the Exposition to that
effect It is now stated that Russia,
contrary to previous reports,
tain her space at the Fair.
ine baginaw lumber mills are to bo
Last Friday at Portsmouth, Ene- opened to their full capacity this
tana, the British submarine boat No. week.
A 1" was run down by a merchant
steamer. The commander of the
boat and the crew of -ten men wa
. We make Laboratory Preparations
by the official processes.
We tuin out Finished goods in clean
and neat packages, v
We know our business.
You get the beneit if you
trade with us
Fullerton Richardson
Registered Druggists
wuu man
a Ti'irorous
Ward and
M it. walked away and took a shot at It
"... .... .mo, minne hullet went wild
. u mure, tho last appearance of tl
" ; """-"io uarnson cabin only
. ' wr Wftrtl was nt tho
..rro , canin this time and again
T, . UI"'tnent. About five
o doi-K in 1110 morning tho
gave the door of tho cabin
shaking, which aroused
. nun-won Doys who took their
guns ana started in to do the disturber.
Wnrd fired at tho man and ho answered
by sending a four pound rock at Ward's
iicau nut ins aim was a little too high.
Ho then disappeared in tho brush.
iManyoftho miners avow that the
"wild man" is a reality. They have
seen him and know whereof they speak.
They say ho is something after the fash
ion of a gorilla and nnliko anvtbinu eli
either in appearance or action. He can
outrun or jump anything else that has
over been known; and not only that
but he can throw rocks with wonderful
force and accuracy. Hois about seven
feet high, has broad" hands and feet and
his body is covered by a prolific erowth
of hair. In short he looks
devil. Myrtle Point Enterprise.
Catholic Bishop a Free Mason.
Mgr. Le Nordet, Bishop of Dijon,
France, has been denounced as a Free
Mason. Tho matter is a delicate one to
handle, because it is felt at the Vatican
that if such should really bo the ease the
Btehop will have the backing of the
French Government in any effort the
Vatican might make to have him reelgn.
Tho clergy of the Dijon Cathedral and
all tho students of the diocesan semi
nary aro in open rebellion against the
Bishop Fifty-eight students left the
college rather than be ordained at his
hands, and were piomptly, by order ol
Premier Combes, enrolled for military
tervicoas privates, because their ex
eroption as scclesiastical students
considered at an end.
.Mgr. Le :ordez has been ordered to
Rome to explain his position, and it is
hoped ho will be able to clear himself of
tho serious charge. ,
information recently received at the
atican indicates that since the con
lemnation of the works of the Ahrw
Loisy many of the French clergy have
taken enles with him against the Roman
Congregation, and the fear is renewed
of a French schism against the central
Church authorities.
Commencing March 7 the W. C. Hildebrand StocK
of Merchandise will be
The balance of Steele left will be shipped to our new
store in Washington. This offer will not hold good
for any definite length of time.
Myrtle Creek. " "
$ ine More That nc
had joined the
Mrs. Violet Lewis, and two child rn
mvea here Momlnv Imn, ni.: ?
vim to Mrs. Lewis's parenta, Mr. and
Mrs. Walsh. 1
Fred March, ono of our prosperous
placer miners of North Mvrtle. nM
of his semi-biennial visits to the town
people last Sunday.
Recorder W. V. Hurst has Iwn t,.,-
getting run of the work in hi nffi.
He took charge of the office at the Wed
nesday meeting. . .
vuri. mi stopped o liero at upl
and paid a -jiait to his mother Mrs. John
Mail and poople. He
Elks at Roseburg.
The pretty Easter lilies that grows
wild in the valleys and on the mm,,,.
tain eldea are in bloom and the children
gather them for boquets.
March 10th, a boy was born to Mr
and Mrs. Frank Dnnnim. f t .1.
.. " .uiti
Myrtle. Mrs. Dunning is at the nrewmt
at the home of Mrs. Noah in RoM-hnn.
Mr. and Mrs. H Dyer are the happy
parents or a new boy baby who was
born to them on March 7th.
H.J. Gallop represented the renubli
; cans of I his precinct in the meetimrof
the Republican County Central com
mittce that met in Rot-eburg latt .Satur
day. Two years ago this nrvcinct had
five delegates to the county convention
and thic year we get seven.
Ex-Recorder B. M. Armitage is ex
peeling to go into mining work at once.
Ojwrations on the Litlle Chieftian will
oon begin and he will rush the work in
The Easiness
La Grande is to
000 city halL
have a new $25
Disposition of Released Lasds.
Everything is lovely and the goose
hangs high at Eugene and the politi
cal machine there is mollifying itself
with the unction that the trade it
made with the Semonites and the
democrats, respecting the circuit
judgeship, will never be found out,
The bosses there now want it to be
understood that their cause
strengthened by the returns from
Portland and that they are "truly
gooa Mitchell men, while in fact
they were and are the originators of
the worst job of iniquitous political
scuiauggery Known and are today
standing in with a democratic com
bine to elect a democrat to office if
the democrats will elect a tailmash
!ng republican to the state senate.
The Metropolitan Street Railway
company of Jew York has announced
to the Rapid Transit Commission that
it is readytto undertake the construc
tion of another system of subways,
connecting with its three hundred
miles of surface lines, by which every
resident of Manhattan Island will be
able to go from his home to his place
of business by underground transit
for a five-cent fare. These proposed
ground lines would practically en
circle the island from the Harlom
River to the Battery, outside the pres
ent subway. It ie estimated the work
will cost tw-r.h- ration dollars
Just think on this: A supreme A telegraphic disuatch from Wash-
uouri. juuge nas annulled a South Da- lngton savs: Secretary Tlithroclr
l j: '3.. .. . J
xtuu uivorce juagment. mat judge has submitted to congress the draft
is evidently not a candidate for re- of a bill providing for the disposition
ccvuuu m iiiai state. 0r lands re ensAd fmm (nn,nm
Withdrawn! fnr innlnamn In f
ThoPl JT ... ku0pju-
-..w v.u. e,auu jury now in SeS- nosed forest rP5Arra nr fr,J,
: in .1, , ..... . 1 V"J vi nimiuiar. u
mon xoruana.nasindicatedanother from the established reserves
uatcn oi iana grabbers, but so far tho
names of indicated persons remains a
secret of the court.
It is reported in the Telegram that
a combination is to be effected with
the democrats to run the congression
al nomination and election of the
First district.
The fourth triennial convention of
the Knights of Maccabees will assem
ble in the Elks hall in the Marouam
Grand, Portland, tomorrow morning
at 10 o'clock.
The Sunday Journal of Portland
came to thi3 office on time. It has
all the appearanco of a metropolitan
newspaper, and will doubtless make
a success.
it provides that these lands shal
become subject to settlement from
date of the order of proclamation so
releasing or excluding them, but shal
not become subject to entry or selec
tion until 90 days after the date of
the proclamation. The bill provides
that bono-fide settlors shall have 30
days' preference in tho right to make
Ihe latter clause will doubtless
meet with the approval of all inter.
ested in the new lands, according to
the best belief of those who have dis
cussed the measure with Secretary
An inf.
prop o- 1
Wood Confirmed a JVIpJor General
Washington, March 18. Tho son
ate this afternoon confirmed Leonard
There is great improvement going S-'Wood to be major-general in the
on at Bohemia. A 50p horse-power umtei States army.
electric motor, and a 30 stamp millT confintion vote was 45 to
will be put in at the Champion Basin 16 Scotfc of Wo8fc Virginia and Kit
mines, toridge of South Dakota home the
only Republicans voting nay. The
mi l-n
ine news is Hashed over the wires Uemocrats who voted for
that Vice-Admiral Stark of the Rus- Woods are Dubois, Cockroil, Pettus
sian navy, who was recently relieve 1 an1 Patterson. Tho vote was ad
vanced from Tuesday noxt to today
on account of th desire of Mrs.
Wood to sail to tho Philippines to-!
morrow if the vote was favorable.
Tho senate also passed a bill an
in the matter of the estate of Mary
Jane Pruner, deceased, final account of
rxreutor filed, approved and allowed
and the estate declared to be fnllr
In the matter of tho estate of Preston
IS. IJeckloy, deceased, executors ordered
to otTt?r at nrivntA Hjtl. rMrtttn n... I n itm
, .7 -" t"-"-1 4:cjcuu .Mining ana Concentrating
ties of said estate. Con, rvanr with t-i'-
...... i ' " " uuuiii" in
... wuiiuciui me estate oi Gliomas macmnerr on tli I.iil ri,;n;.n
Ul.... ... l . , I .
" account oi execu- wmie a number of people went toig
tor approved and allowed and the estate hear Rev. Cook nreach li.t Sn,!r i.... ! hi
.i.-ti . u f..n i ... . : .'-. a
"--""' iuu r-nitri. i wa.Mlannnintnl nn
I . 1 1. ... u . ..i . i . . i - . I . '
c "- " Kuannansnm oi I r.vervone COnifratn atnl nnr moil
Tl..l... r. . I .1 . - . " ...... i in
iMH-ri i-., tnio u., Herman V. and I A. M. Ackers, on his InrVr a-,r t
l...l. Ti.r.t . I. . 1
..u... !..;., nnnors, .Mary u. lliiel. imnry. Satur.jar. Hi win
ihni. mnlliu. n .. . . .1 i I . . ... I. . ...
,1wuto Kuamian: . mrnea On a mull i?rai!i. tir f-.n
, ........ ... .ci, I uicti, aim wagon, team and all went
oppoinien appraisers ol the estate. down a steen bank, and wf.,. .;.,
n w.c roatier 01 uie estate ol Jliles easilr have been a Uii,Han, ..t.i
Hn.ln, ,l....,.l w: .... , ; . . 7
.-Li.uii iiuimeaap-i in a lew ecralclie and l.r..ter,
. . - . . I
' , V. uii a jneaEani evening was etut at
( V.HUL-UI . i it,0 home of Mr. ami n I nui
w. a jrc
In lh.k ..f tl. . ...... .n 1 .
a.. ii.-iwri v uiu esiaie oi Caroline I " e.inolav in Iionor m ifre. p;w
... i . ... . 1
v. ..., ..ecea-ti, lasi will and tta- cousin. Mi$ Bcsle Smith, who returns
hh-di Miiimniwi lor prolate, and John to Salem Friday. The roomi were
Waller nru-iti i nn f 1. .1 .i li . . ...
apiwinted administrator of the estate of drapery of green and canarv. Mnsic
nmh. i .i ri t-nwi. .. t . i i .
,-.u,0 .,.,Cuii,ui, iieory uurt. I cnaranes and mine wr nli -f..
'f T r , . . . . .1 .. . . "
ana joo mrpin aptointe.l which refmshm.nta wr,.i ti.
appraisers of said estate. I present were. Mr. nl Mm T i t
. l" . ' - .v
ii:vrion,appointeaadminiFtratrix Mr and Mrs Will An.!
..r .u- t , I -.o ,w
... w.c ue oi ner iaio- nusDand, Ray Whitcomb Misses CamV tti
Cjirlnn. slm irn. tilLi !. it.'. D i It..- J
, -,.. ...v. .u ito iuniuun:i iwct .iiamie l.arwr i.nin v.v .. a. M
yards while acUng as engineer oa the Weaver. Messrs Lejter HumiJ.r-. !S
engine, in the employ of the 8. P. Will Armitaim Hnrrv Mmi -r'u
Co. Upon Mrs. Carlon'n own petition, Harry Rice Claud Vail in Phillip Rice ' S
bhe was authorised to accept 300 as a and Frank McMullen. I Z
compromise from the S. P. Co. and re-1 Theoldbo.r.1 nf ,;imn
A - .... I wi HIVU All? IIU
u.em irom lunner anancul Uabil- raon. Only one of tho old mn,l
Hies for her husband'n death. m dm nn fnr . .i xt I
can shake haniN
Proper Treatment ef PneH-aonla. distinction
It doesn't require any considerable ex
pense to wear good clothes if you exercise
good judgment in selecting from thor
oughly reliable and correctly priced stocks
such as ours. The Fall and Winter dis
play is at it s best. Styles and materials
to please the most critical. Prices 25 per
cent less than you will pay at other stores.
We call particular attention to our line of
Oregon Cashmeres, fancy Worsted, Fan
cy Cheviot and Thibet suites. All our
suits from $12.00 up have non-breakable
front. Hand padded Shoulders and Hand
Tailored Collars. All are Union Made
and marked at from $5 to $18
abler line of the leading styles, in ail the
newest mixtures and plain materials,
$7.50 to $20.00.
everything that is good and that w'll turn
rain. $2.25 to 15.00.
Boys' Suits, Boys' Overcoats and a com
plete stock of
General Merchandise.
Phone 721
Write for Prices and Samples
Mr. Hall
with himself on this
A great deal of celebrating
t neumonia is too dangerous a" disease J "M n indulged in by tho victorious
cuunues oi mo district as follows, to-
wit: Benton. 7: Claekamns. is- rv
9; Curry, 3; Douglas, 14 ; Jackson 12- for UJOIle to ttnptla doctor himself, I ticket, yet the doin'a did not approacl
uusiiiiiue, ; rviamatn, 4; Lake. 41 ..u io mo yruyr re me- i "i" reieoration ol one
Lane, 19; Lincoln, 5: Linn. 14 i Marion u,es at nand- A physician should al-1 "r ago. Ve might all Uke warnin
roit, y; Tillamook, 5: Washington mcllca. usnouidDe borae in I ne oia connai gave satisfaction and
13; Yamhill, li ; total, 177. nund nowowr, that pneumonia always dissatisfaction, as about all public serv
Tho same beinir one iWwuin ni i,. I re9n'ta "m a cold or from an atUek oflMt do who do thines. and the mnt
for each county, one for every 160 votes . ,nd tht by giving Chamber-j that can bo said of the old council is,
cast for Judge Bean on the last ceneral ,in'B Congh Remedy tho threatened at-1 that they 'did things.' Cleveland said
election, and ono for every fraction of I pneumonia may be warded off. I public office is a public trust. But
loo larger than 100. , 1,1,8 remedy is also used by physkiant I wnea a set of public officials put the
that the work of tho convention nmv I e treatment of pneumonia with the I tnoory in practical operation, it wont
do expedited as much as possiblo, the rcsuius. ur. W. J. smith, of San-1 orr. me people dislike trusts; but
committee suggests that tho chairmen e' ' '10 18 "Ieo drnggiit, tays I perhape Cleveland had in miud a differ
and ecroUries of the several eonven- : i,)ftvoboen selling Chamber-1 e"t trust. If the newly elected council
tions certify to the list of dplwrftt I laIn 8 Cough Remedy and prescribing it does half as much for tho town as has
elected by their county conventions to m my VUco for tno past six yeare. 1 1 ho oatg nng bo irJ, the place will rer
this congressional convention and lnn!i I l,M ,l ,n cases of pneumonia and have I tmnly put on metropolitan appearance.-
them at once to Curtis B. Winn secre- yB 80tln tho best resulta." Sold One Uitng the new board ought to look
tary congressional committeo. Alhanr I ny A- - 1,ar8te" Co. 1 into, and better, and that is the sanitarv
... , ...... -
iconuiuons noout town. It would be
Socialist County Coaveatien. Iwell to establish a public caibaee
2TOUnd where evervthint Ihoi i.n.L ...
Vnl!.A an I ....... ...1" . D 1"
iiu.uuy ltivcn m&t mere Will I maze t ie Knrrnnn.lir.iT ..nn...ntuo
..... . i r) M..n.v.rcjiHi;
Iw held in the county courthouse, in the might be put. The new board shAuld
TV.I . .. .
or otlioru in nttondancn nl
the convention may secure a rate of one
and one-third fare for the round trin nn
the Southern Pacific uud tho Corvallis
Eggs and Albany Butter Evrv i
FRFF fllSHFQ percent of the amount of all por-
I u Hy lL0 Siour customers in coupons
to buy beautifully decorated porcelain dishes.
Successor to J.
M. "Fletcher
Near the Dejist
Prite free delivery to all parts of city and suburbs
& Eastern railways by paying full fare ? . , Kebur' 0,1 r 23d receive tho help of every citizen in iti
lo Salem, talcing a receipt for fair mid , , n A?ld(?' beginning at the hour efforta to give the town an active, busi
from the ticket agent and bavins the the morning a mass noss-like administration.-Mail.
same propnrlv corlifle,! hv th . w.u eoCiauB1 pay, jor Uie
of tho convention. T. W HARRIS iTVSQ 0f ptac,?K in nomnation candi
Chairman CongreHinnaI Committeo
uates ior mo various county ouicers, to
be- votetl for at tho general election in
June, 1904. All socialists aro requested
to attend
Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured
William Shaffer, a brakeman of Den
niton. Ohio, was oinnnnl tn h luvt fnr
ewouiu especially urge thoso from several weeks with inflammatory rheu
Wild Man Visits Cabins of Coos Coun
ty Miners.
a distance, to make an effort to have
their precincts represented.
Done by order of tho Co. Committc,
R. C. BnowK, Chairman.
Caul Hoffman, Secretary. 22 Cwks
For Sale Cheap.
Tl. .. of t in "U'.m
Xf. -i r .1.-u!
. .. vi uiu .-ix nns thrown foih.i ..r
uie minora into a ftato of cxcitnmnm
ami icar. A report savs t in nti.i f?.ir. nrrna c.u .i-i... .. .x
. ... iiiuii I M'v v. uuny ritJICII
...n n-irii u.ri;e uinos since thn inn, miles Louthcist of Mvrilniv..nt n,.
ot iKt nioti! li l to flret Rnncir.inr I Fino now house, rootl nnt hnllitiiit.v
.. IITI ... . ----- . 0
...u.npson iiat." Wm "ill sell with or without stock and fnr.
Ward and a young nmu by the name of niture. Havo: good object for selling.
.....r., nuuig uy uie lire of their I for piiriictilnra atldresa
matism. "I used many remedies," he
ays. "finally I 6cnt to McCaw'a drug
store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, at which time I was unable to use
hand or foot, and in ono week's time
was ablo to go to work as happy as a
clam." For sale by A. C. Marsters
of commiind, has attempted suicide.
It begins to appear that a state of
" "inasWly inactivity" is now being
r ion j a- bf-f-n 'pursued by both Russian and Japan-
. . h. the far east.
.nl.i.t fllf. nti.1.1 ...I..... .1..... 1 .
..... .,,,,, iiioj- (iciirn eomij.
Uiii g walking around tho cabin which
resembled a man walking and when it
nfmo to the corner of tho cabin it took
bold of tho corner ami gave tho building
a vigoron- shako and kept up a liightful
noine all the time the same that has so
n, ii: liiii.f. warned the venturesome
is 'ii i.f Vu approach of the hairy
in i-i .ni ii-UM-limn Ui flee in iil.trr
Carl W. Pressly,
Myrtle Point, Qro.
An ontertaiumont and box eocial will
bogivonat Cleveland, Friday, March
'5. All aro cordially invited. Ladles
to bring well fillo-l boxes, gentlomin
anil filled purees. Mns. Inez Millkr.
jirujinaung tyiz,wv ior a long Signal ! ' r.l walked lo the cabm'
stanon in ban Francisco Bay. Uwir ai d ivuu eo the mounter plainly
A M. Gullager of Deer Creek was
Itosemirg Saturday on busiiiesji.
Work will bo resumed in the packing
houpo of Umpqua Valley, Pruuo Associa
tion on Monbay Morning March 14th
Tho bridge over Deer Creek having been
roparicd and cars placed last night
Employees, will plwtso tako notico from
R. L. tiilo.
Mohair Wanted.
If you have Mohair to ell see L. A.
Marsters, headqtiarteis nt G. W7Rapps
grocery. Will bo in Roseburg every
Best Prepared Pint
M. CilH I
Roseburg, - - - Oresron
Oakland Owl Hoots.
t. is aito,of Roseburg, was in the
city Tuesday.
Hon A. F. Ste.iru!., was in Roseburg
a couple of days this w. ck.
A E. Smith and Or. Little, returned
from Roseburg Tiiel y morning.
Hon. Dexter Rice, the R0 eburg at
torney, was in the ebv the first of tho
rrel Applegatc, of StMtla Valley,
visit d Oakland relattvei the first of tho
A wild man is rcud lo bo terrorising
tho f ipie of 1 li Hiipjuit Flat near Coos
T .... 11, , . ...
urstu luiuiniii, oi mosoow, Idaho, i.i
in Oakland and vicinity looking after
business matters.
.Mr. and Mrs. M iriou Leeper, ot Fir
Urove, visited Roseburg friends since
last isue of tl is piper.
Uncle Sampson Strherliu, of Nonnt-
roil, was in the eity yesterday paying
taxes ami locking nfler other business
A, F. Brown ha remowil his big lire
proof a. fe from tho w-st half of hi-t
brick building to his oilk-o in tho Com
mercial Bank hull-Hut.
Miss Hattie Lnekley returned fnm
Riddle, Wednesday, where she waa visit
ing her father who accidently fell an.l
hruko two or three rilw a few woeka ag-.
Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson, of
Bohemia are visiting at the home of
jvicnarxison'a parents, Mr.
.urs. r. w. Winniford
on tho
te per-
o. ,. c.vans,of Umpqua Fern-, was
m the city Tuesday. Mr Evans "and H
neighbors have rated $300, to bau-,l4
on the public roads between Oakland
and Coles Valley.
Dr. E. O. Parker and family are vLit
"igthe doctor's parents in thweitv.
Tho doctor has been at Pilot Rock til
paai lew months, but may locate
manently at Drain.
Ahred D. Laworenca and Mrs. Lucy
Welch were recently married m Ron
burg. Thouroom is &2. whr m. i.i..i.
ing bride has sec.u tha snows of 50 win
ters. There is yet hope for 0.,lrl.n.i
ancient maidens and jolly old bachelors.
Tuesday evening a petition with
40 ignHtures was presontexl to the city
council, praying thit Oakland saloons
be dosed at 10 p. m No remonstrance
w.n pressed. After considerable dis-
cussion a compromise was re.iolaxl and
after July 1, the saloons were ordvi
clo-oat 11 a. m