The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 15, 1903, Image 3

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    5Tit:r. jrszz&rv wusasss msszssszzi ' -sasaaassasazaanErr Tsssxns-sssaaaj
11. G. Sommcrman, of Glendalo, i
doing business in the town today.
Do yon intend to buy a Stove? If so,
go to S. K. Sykca, and get his prices.
Lot the Osteopath correct those dis
orders, and then defy the microbes. o-20
Mrs. O. I,. Willis and daughter, Miss
Helen, of Dillard, tiro in RoHoburg this
Mack Smith, of Elkton, is in town
toil ay.
Geo. II. Pitta, of Ruckles, is in the
town today.
In Ladies' Jackets we have every-
( thing that is to be desired. Also a
complete assortment of Furs.
Among our many attractions is a
very pretty line of Misses' and Chil
dren's Cloaks. Call and see them.
Wo have just rceieved a large as -sortmcnt
of Ladies' Skirts ranging in
price from
S1.75 to SS.CC
r r-. c l tt f
The People's Store
Cor. Washington
and Main Street
Mrs. Belle Collins
i Of Local Interest. I
Dr's. Chcadle& Johnson, dentists.
A. R. Mattoon, of Kiddle, was in town
Title Guarantee&Loan Co.
For a nice job of shoeing
to II. L.
Secy, and Trcas
OSce In tha Court House. Have the only com
ni!i set of abstract baots in Douelas County
Atutnu-tsaud Certificates ol Title (nrnlshed to
Douglas county land And minint claims. Have
also a complete set of Tracings of all township
plats in the Eosebuns. Orecon, O. S. Lan d DIs
trict. Will mate bine print copies of any town
Get your rifles and shotguns and amii-
nition of S. K. Sykes.
Dr's. Cheadle-fc Johnson, dentists.
Dr. Little, of Oakland, was in town,
Wni. Chapman,
town, Tuesday.
of Lurloy, was in
Walter Benson, of Canyonville, was in
town, yesterday.
John Everett, of Peel, was a Kosebnrg
visitor, yesterday.
!-on Rydell, of Elkton,
mi court business.
is in Hose
O. L. Hunl, of Glendale, is in town
today as a witness before the grand jury.
Mr. and Mrs. 15. J. Bovington, of Oak-
land, were in town yesterday.
ffm. Acuster, of Perdue, was in town,
this week, on business before the circuit
Of everv descrivtion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oreson. Washincton and
ft 1 . 4 f T . A T a . .1
W. J. Moon went to oncalla yester-
Papers prepared for filing on Govern- nl0rning to remain a few days on
Walter Lerwell, of Drew, was in town, S. K. Sykes is agent for the Fairbanks
the fore part of the week, on court busi- Morse Gasoline Engines, the best made.
All kinds of mining tools sharpened
and repaired at H. L. Gould, the black
smith. 70-tf.
Waxteij. Girl for general housework.
Position in Roseburg. Enquire at this
Bemel Wolfard, the cx-S. P. fireman,
left this morning for Ids old home at
Silverton, Ore.
Leone Coshow, the infant daughter of
Attorney O. P. Coshow, is ill at her
home with scarlet fever.
Miss M. Lola Hassel left on yester
day's local for Portland, where she will
remain this winter.
See Frank E. Alley for reliable ab
stract of title to your property. Up
stairs over Land Office.
Miss Sophrouia Turnell went to Oak
land, this morning, where she will at
tend school this winter.
Blue Prints of Township Maps showing
all vacant Lands.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build-
inffc I r r n T-l ...... rtr Tttatn
" ..ire. ji. i. iiiuuij... iuu .u. . c, r .,. .l
n-lint-o cl.. xm-lll cnonfl O fntr llflVR YlPltini I '
Special designs ior umce rmurcs -.- ; - - - throngh Roseburg last night, enroute to
ai me iiuiiic ui 1H.-I 1.11111.1. i ,, :i, i 1 . -r . 1.
Arthur McKeown, of North Bend,
was visiting friends in Uosoburg this
W. F. Lawson returned Tuesday
nicht from a few days in the Golden
Gate citv.
Mrs. llattie Dement and Mao Basth
of Myrtle Creek, were Roseburg visitors
this week.
For Trade Small farms in
Indiana to trado for Oregon
II. L. Bali..
Walter (i. Hughes, the proprietor of
the Mont Alto Ranch near Glide, is in
Roseburg today.
F. F. Churchill, of Ten Mile, has pur
chased a farm near Lebanon, where ho
has gone to reside.
W. E. Clingenpeel returned last night
from Portland, where he has boon for
a short iime on business.
J. K. Montgomery, S. P. agent at
Glendale, is in town today on business
before the circuit court.
See Frank E. Alley for land scrip.
Guaranteed perfect, and ready for
deliverv. Lowest market price.
Miss Ethel Brookes is spending the
week with Mies Mildred Waite, at the
Waite's country home south of Roseburg.
'A stitch in time saves nine." The
Osteopath will fix that "stitch" in your
back and prevent a long spell of sick-1
All parties knowing themselves indebt
to S. K. Sykes. on notes and accounts
past due, will please call and settle.
S. K. Sykes.
O. L. Pollard and Chas. T. Nail, of
Glendale, are in town as witnesses ma
case which comes up before court to
Blue prints of township maps, fifty
cents each. Filing papers properly
prepared. Frank E. Alley, up stairs,
over Land Office.
II. S. Gile, of Salem, arrived last night
on business connected with the Umpqua
Vallev Prune Association.
E. A. Wood and his sister, Mrs. Ris-
ley, are home from San Francisco, where
thev have been for the past ten days
attending a family reunion.
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
Oregon Society Sons of the Ameri
can Revolution.
If yoa dont watch J. T. Bryan's show
window, tou fail to see many of the
latest novelties in jewelry. al"-lmp.
Jos. Micelli, grand master of the I. 0.
0. F. lodge of Oregon, left, Monday
night, for Portland, on lodge business.
Portland, Ore., Oct. 15, 1903.
Editor Plaindealek, Roseburg.
Dear Sir: The Oregon Society
of Sons of the American Revolution
has several times in the past offered
prizes to the school children of the
state for essays on subjects connect
ed with Revolutionary History. The
results in the past have encouraged
the Societv to renew the offer at this cisco.
time. Prizes of $25, $15 and $10, Rpv j A.Townsend is not exi-eWed
respectively, will therefore be award- ,oine until the latter part of the week,
ed for the three best essays in the as ,e is vis-iting at Newport, one of his
order of merit, written by students in old pastorates.
the public schools of Oregon, on any Lanen,er.,, Uft? nv Pafely
of the following subjects: at jaj0 Alt, Calif. , and stood the trip
1. The Arousing of Public well, but, sad to relate, at the latest re-
Opinion: the Work of Samuel Adams, pons ne is no ocuor.
Thomas Paine, John Dickinson and
Is your property for sale? If so,
see Frank E. Alley and have the title
examined and secure an abstract of
Mr. ami Mrs. S. M. Garrison left this
morning for Portland, where they will
make their futuro home, Mr. Garrison
having been trantfertd to that place.
The Clement-Keefer Opera Company
an ived this morning and will open up
their three days engagement, this evening.
Elmer Wimberly left, Tuesday night,
for Eugene, where he will remain a few
days and may then depart for San Fran-
Edward Von Pessel, of Melrose, has
sold his vinevard at that place to East
ern parties, and will leave about Jan.
1st for California.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a thank of
fering service at the homo of Mrs. C. V,
Fisher. Friday. October 10. at 2 :30. All
friends of the cause cordially invited.
Emma Moouk, Sec.
If troubled with a weak digestion try
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tal
lets. They will do yon goal. For sale
bv A. C. Marftere it Co.
Rev. G. W. lloufeholiler, the new
pastor of tnc M. E. Church, South ac
companied by his bride, arrived in Romj-
burg Monday eveninc.
Stanley L. Kidder, at the latest re-1
port, is now almost entirely recovered
from his recent illness and he has taken
up active duties as Postmasterat Cavite,
Philippine Islands.
G. A. and E . Livermore returned
to their home at Beaverton, Oregon, on
Tuesday's local, after a p'.easant visit
uith their Mdteis. Mrs. 1). Jackhon and
Mrs. I. M. Onniion, of North Ko.Milmrg.
Rev. Robt. Booth, who fr the ast
week ha Ikhmi visitini: his son, .1 II.
Booth, of this city, left Monday night
for his home in GrantR Pass.
Are you thinking about
Patrick Henry.
2. Lexington and Concord.
3. The battle of King's Moun
tain. 4. Virginia's Part in the
American Revolution.
. Essays are limited in length to
3.000 words: must be written on one
While ptaying baseball, Tuesday, I)e- property in Douglas County?
los Mathews slipped while "sluiing
amnrt" and. ai a coiiEenuence. is suf
fering with a badly sprained wrist.
If so,
B. F. lhr Jr. josterday purchased
the one naif interest o! Albert Imik hi
the irents (urnirhiiii: firm of lilir &
I.OHS and the bu-iness will hereafter
le kfowu as I-ohr it Surr. The Plain
dkalki: wifhes Me-rs. Ijhr sticeoi--.
it will pay you to have Frank E. Alley
examine the title before purchasing.
While drh-ing a nail the other day,
Duke Linser mised the nail and very
neatly hit his thumb instead, and is now
carrying round a badly crushed digit.
Jas. Bridges and Dwight Berry left last
night for Glendale, where thev have se
cured the contract for the plumbing on
II. G. Sonnetnan's fine new brick build
Mc nnllio Kinskern. of Salem, the
side of the paper in the student's own forewom!U1 at tlie Umpqua Valley Prune
i,j.f;T,o-nnd must be accompa- Accn.-tilion. arrived Monday evening
ilUIlu nil lJllitzj " I '
nied by the certificate of the princi- and will take up active duties at once
pal of the school attenueci uy t .. au- g R A Reapan nlaraeA
thnr. to the effect that the auinor ls . . , , f Coouillc. Rev. Reagan
a bona fide student in the school and w;n 8pen,i a few ,iay8 , Roseburg after
-,c 1qqti ?r, -it.fpnd.mce therein not which he will return to Ins pastorale.
ltV U "-
less than four weeKS uuiuib u Mr. an,i Mrs. Jos. Bloeberger will en-
school vear of J.yU-i-4. -CiSsayb muot te tei a few o Roseburg's young peo-
be forwarded to the chairman ot tne pie tonight at their home on turn
... ? t.-.n We -ipo Mr, ctropt.. in nonor oi ineir niece, .micd
COmuilLLCt; 1" fc" I m , ,
o t n ! P.nild nrr. Port- KOEe uoeDecKer.
0t uuuu o' i
Oscar Orumand wife, of Li-l-on, North
Dakota, have arrived in Ro-eburg. and
leing much impressed with our fair city.
have decided to make it their future
Marriage license have this week liecn
granted to Thos. E. Ilicginbothan and
Bertha E. Shook, of Oakland, and
Arthur E. Tulley and Rachacl L. Apple-
gate, of Yoncalla.
Three nights of fun at tlieC)er.i House
this week, Thursday, Friday and Satur
day. A Mountain Romance, A Bache
lor's Honeymoon and Resurrection, in
order named. The Clement-Keefer Co.,
which will present these plays arc s.xid to
be up to date and guarantee a first class
attraction, ale ot scats opens mesiiay
The twenty-first annual convention of
the woman's Christian Temperance Un
ion will convene in Salem, Oregon, Oct.
2023. Unions are requested to f-onil
renresentatives. Doleixates will bo cn-
teitained and special means have been
nrovided for visitors. Rates of one and
one-third fares will bo given on the rail
roads. Deleirates purchasing tickets
should take a receipt from the agent
Made with every possible touch
ot smartness and distinctive ele
gance, yet moderately priced.
But instead of trying to bank
the dictionary by too heavy drafts
upon its adjectives, we simpld ex
tend you a cordial invitatio to
Then you'll understand why so
many well dressed women always
buy their cloaks of us.
School Books
Buy one of those fine
Morris Chairs we are show
ing and comfort and satis
faction is sure. Also a splen
did line of Rockers.
Full line of Couches and
Lounges that are up-to-date.
The Furniture Man
."-xrs-vr-j skS
Oom Paul drapes.
! Notice for Publication.
Henry Shrolin, w ho lives two mlh s, v.,,.
west of town, presented the Kditor with 'ik ib v,ravllo- ot itc e Coo: ol
... t- .... f . June. .7emIUM "An n-i tor lb fie el
a hunch of grapes, on Tuexlaj . in sue nmvt inJ in the siw.-: '"h'ri,.wc
thev were the lamest wo have tvn ' "V'n.':'T
grown in Oregon, and in flavor the fruit
far surpassed anything we have tasted.
The vino from which the cluster ol
crapes was cut, is of hybrid growth,
propagated by himself, awl Mr. bhro-
lin makes for this new variety the tol- u tmne viow ior iu iimtr or tonc tuna
lowing claims: 1st, rapid crowth ; 2nd,
early maturity; 3rd, excellent tiavor ;
4th, very large in sire. If the vines are
hardy and will Ftand the test for the
rest two or three vears and thoroughly
prove that the variety is not a "sKrt,"
but has the nower to reproduce itself
under other coiiditi-ms of H-il and loeali ! Oct 8 p
ty, Mr. Shrolin will not only prove him- (
self to Iw a benefactor to Oregon vine!
culture, but he will lw enisbled to nmke i
a fortune out of the sale of vines.
t-J lo n Uic public lufl !!.;- br Kt o. AK'Urt
. wrz.
oi rirtl&Ihl. O'UUlJ- nl "!iilln h. Hat- o'
mmn. ba ihi. Uy DU-1 in th. ftw Hi
worn itni. nt No H7t. tor i be puc o
I . kf(tQ No. SI iu lOKIwh No. X
HUlih oi raocc No. S et
oil w .1: offer f.rvo! U fbovr Ih: tta Ual Mngli t
U in. re vlo We lor lu itmtr or rtonc tlun
for HEilrulttirat wirt-iirf, uid to MtablMi bti
cUim tal re U. Kvputcr and Reeetrcr ot thli
oiflto of KoM-burs,Oreson.
on FrWr, the Utn 1t ot KebrtMr'. IWL e
iienxT iu irtiue-tc : 4iDUk- Hairl. Poruad,
(Ire., W. It. Mn.--B. J. W. .rdnr. John
RoKn f Ro' unc, Onseui;.
Abv urn! j rUlmtnc sJ-rvrnHj thf
alorc t)eerlbtl in1 in wut-tt m tit
thoir cl-JniK in thi ofBo un or bilon tbbitS
Hth ly ot February. ISMJ.
Res liter.
The Kanfaan Warwick"
Overcoat is so perfectly'made
that to distmguish it from the
highest priced custom tailored
coat, would be impossible.
There is nothing: lacking in these
coats, for they areas well made
as it is possible ior master
tailors to build them. They are
exceptionally clever in appear
ance and are sure to meet the
instant approval of every par
ticular dresser. They are broad
shouldered and toppy and will
fit to perfection. '
They are all hand made, and
guaranteed to wear, or money
The velvet collars are of the best
silk velvet and will wear as long
as the garment. Much annoy
ance is caused by collars wear
int out.
' The materials: Kerseys, Meltons,
lcunas,Chiachillas,Beavers and
i Montagnacs.
Ask to see them at
Real Ustatc Transfers.
Woolienberg Bros.
iaonT'hii. s-
i nsti
Rev. N. B. Alley Passes Away.
land, Ore., so as to
reach him not p. g. Micelli, "the alderman,'
4 i -t fr A T I . . , i
lofor than February isi, ivv- Jas. Tempun, uciegaics irom mo iuwi
-iwinlintr the prizes the committee lodge K. of P., left, Monday night, for
will be covernea uy meac .
o session this week.
1. Historical accuracy.
2. Manner of treatment,
Orthography, grammar,
BvnfciT and nunctuation.
"J - ... -.:,
Anv additional wlonnauon iuw
i j ;u v,a ."hoorfnllv fnr-
mav be aesireu m "-
If vou want to see or purchase the
very best vapor cabinet manufactured,
go to A. C. Marstera & Co. and inspect
the renowned Buckeye. It is warranted
in every particular. 73-tf.
II. Snook, of Salem, the contractor
who built the Douglas County Court
House, is in Roseburg today, it is
rumored for the purpose of placing bids
on the new High School building.
Guaranteed Forest Reserve scrip
for sale in large or small quantities,
by Frank E. Alley, over the
Land Office Roseburg. Will place
same for non-resident purchasers.
The fine residence of Wilbur Ross, in
i" ii. I a i T la wow1lif naorintT Pfim
nkhpd bv anv member oi xne cummiu- norm i-.ub.-uu., . ..h
" t.:fc ;n urnrdd the pletion. It is now being wireu ior
tee. ine essay i,ipiM
first prize will be published m iuu,
the. jiuthor. in the
tiic liirhts and Mr. Ross expects
able to move in, in about two weeks
to be
Chauncey Pratt, the traveling sales
man, and S. K. Sykes, the local agent
of the Fairbanks-Morse engines and
spray pumps, are making a tour of
Southern Oregon, in quest of purchasers
for their well known goods.
The Roseburg Woman's ChristianTem-
perance Union will meet at the homo of
Mrs. C. V. Fisher, Friday afternoon, at
2:30 p. m. This will be a thank ollenng
service. Members are requested to
bring a Scripture text to be read when
the money is counted. Theso offerings
will bo sent, by delegates, to the state
convention, to be used for state work.
Misses Ula Hovt and Bernico Neil, of
the Revival Brigade, will sing at the V.
0. T. U. meeting, Friday afternoon,
their selections being "Yesterday and
Todav" and "Memories of Mother."
There will bo other special music.
.Mits. Emu a MooitK, Sec.
public press.
John K. Kollock,
Thos. G. Gueene,
Wallace McCamant,
Many Mothers of a Like Opinion
Mrs. Pilmer. of Cordova, Iowa, says
'One. of my children was subject to croup
,.f o tu.v-i.ri. tvne. and the
Chamberlain's Cough Rem
Pursuant to an order of the city coun-
. .i
cil at its last regular session, wm biuu-
walk on the north Bide of the street be
tween Kane and Chad wick streets is be-
in rebuilt, thereby filling a long felt
t r. l.n tmrt. of the cHlZCIlB in tllO
Williv ui. 1
east end of town.
The Union Rovival Brigade closed
their series of meetings hero Tuesday
evening, having had about twenty con
verts during their two weeks stay m our
Prof. A. N. Orcutt, formerly a profes- city. Capt. and Mrs. J
... " r. i i . I X ( T? A ..-m .. .1 Cn. Utf-titv
Bor n ino state normal scnooi, n muu -uiu . r, njin ..i...
Drain, and son of ex-Pres. J. H. Orcutt, burg, left last night for Medford where
Mil, on n s k s i In RnsnimrtT to thev Have tnoir noxtaimoinimcnt. ansa
UI tuu V- v V '-"I 0 I w
Like un the study of law. He has en- Glcnde and Miss Grace Rehor will leavo
tered the law office of Judge J. C. Ful- tomorrow for that place. Miss Bernico
lerton, where ho will remain for the Neal and Miss Hula Iloyt will stay over
.,;,.inni iiit until haturdav morinm:. as tnoy win
sing at the w. C. T. U. meeting to
n;.. in ii, n fn.i .Mint. Urn bend nfnto morrow. Mr. Clarke Devereaux icit
At Eugene, on Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1903,
Re. S. B Alley, at his home on 1.5b
West Eighth street, passed into the great
Rev. Alley had for months been a suf
ferer from Btomach troublo, but ho
cheerfully bore up under the almost un
endnrablo pain until death banished all
suffering pain.
Deceased was 63 years of ago and has
resided in Eugene for tho past sixteen
years, being pastor of the First Chris.
tian Church of that city, lie afterward
engaged in tho contracting and followed
this until recently.
Rev. Alloy leaves three children to
mourn his death, Mrs. Letta .lones, of
Palouse, Wash , Mrs. Etta Fisher, of
Eugene and Frank E. Alloy, of Rose
burg. All of whom were with him when
tho end came.
Mrs. Frank E. Alloy and John H
t ii-ii v., Shupo went down onyesterday morning's
n.. 11111, iin- , ,. ,..i,;i, ,.flH
held ycBterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from tho family homo in Eugene.
Maurice Abraham et al to S P Shutt,
$175.00; lot 1 inblkl; also a piece of
land adjoining tho said lot on the east
side, situated in the town of Glendale.
Claude D Fallin to Sarnh Fallin, $400;
all of lots 2, 3 and 4 of hlk 2, in the town
of Myrtle Creek.
S C Flint et ux and A M Crawford et
ux to J C Comstock ot ux. tlto ; lot 1 in
blk "A." in Flint's uddt'n to the town
of Roseburg.
L D Trentice to M E church in Elk
tou, $40; lot S in blk 10, in tho first ad
dition to the town of Elkton.
R X Strand et ux to S L Shumate
$1,200; tho nel4' of sw of sec 35, in tp
27, s of r 7 west, containing 40 acres.
Thomas Wilson et ux to W F llngM,
Jr, $120 ; a piece of land lying in sec :
tn 30. b of r 5 west, containing 2.9. acres.
Geo V Puckett et ux to Mary J
Briggs, $25 ; lot 5, blk 21, being 50 ft by
GO ft on o end of said lot.
0 it C R R Co to Henry Mooney, $100;
the noW of of sec 5, tp 22 8, r 4
west, containing 40 acres.
(Reported by Titlo Guarantee Co.)
Fred Brown is homo from Klamath
Hot Snrinirs. whero ho haa been under
going treatment for rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. Sacry, of Drain, aro in
. t tfm linmn nl Mrs.
liOSCDlirg MHlt'i, ' - . . , ., . ,t , .l-.l r.,n.,l.. ,,:l,l (nr l.'n.m..!. iu l,nt V..t
r , nr..i Mr fincrv has disposed oiucers oi uie n. w. u. ii.imimiumuihu .,...v ...b 6
lie giving oi j. - ' nra. nn,i iH in Roseburi-Monday evening, the pro decided whether or not he will be ahlo
wiv nromnt- of his property - no , .. , , ..;. Ti... ilr:.,.i iinH
.iianiDeriaiu a joiikh wj i i , . . t innoiinn Mr. anil trram con iu not m raurai uunu mu- ... 0
i .. ni i..,..i. Manv mothers now looKinj, . i;uiMi . .. with tliiti dlHsaniioint- been tho source of much uowl done In
iji i".j"-"""ii" - ii Qir-rv will leave iouioriuv - i i ... , ,
; tin nei.diliorhood think the same as Mrs- ,, . bera fr0,n the Oakland, Roseburg during tho past two weeks,
want no ""."" " n (;l,dl and other lodges
For sale Harr sburg where uiey win - - -
tor Bait- o All rAnnrt a. r?ood time.
r -v. -vim vrs. fliacKi-j - o
A marriago license has been granted
tn linn . 1. Dunford and Anna iv
I lu hoa.
iu tins
I do about this remedy and
..thcr kind for their children
by A. C. Marstera' and Co.
- ......
were hero, and wo hope thev will bo even more buc- tins city
i essful in their next appointment. evening.
G. W. Bashford, of Medford, who haa
been visiting his son E. I,. Bashford, of
returned homo Tuesday
One good horse
the blacksmith.
For Sale.
II . L.
Administrators Notice.
Just arrived from tho factory a car
load of tho celebrated Pago fence, which
is cheapor than a board once and will
last a life-time and is put up to your
satisfaction without extra cost. It is
used and endorsed by tho leading men
of this county. For circulars aud prices
address Steams & Chenoweth, Oakland,
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
20 tiers oak stovewood,
blockwood . I). S. K,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed was, by the County Court, o
Douglas County, Oregon, on tha 16th
! day of September 1903, duly appointed
Executrix of the Estate of Jacob Lehn
herr, Deceased.
All persona having claims against tha
aforsaid estate, will present the same,
duly verified to mo at Camas Vallev.
Douglas County, Oregon, within six
months from tho date hereof.
First publication of this Notice Sept.
1, 1903.
Euzjl LKitxitnut.
Executrix of tho Estate of Jacob Lehn-
herr, Deceased.
SO tiers grub
Buic 4Stf.
If tho people of Roseburg
and sursounding country will
give me their trade for a short
time, 1 believe l can save my
Leading Mnsic House ot Southern
$25.00 Gold or silver1 will buy a good
Organ or mako a payment on ono of our
fine Pianos, prices ranging from $1S5.00
to $450.00. I have decided to sell my
present stock regardless of cost or profit
see or writo us nt onco and secure
sotno of these bargains.
T.K. Richardson.
Roseburg, Oregon.
PATHICK. On Monday, October 12
1903, to tlo wifowJ. B. Patrick,
The Rosebrrrg Jink asd Hide Co.
Will pay a premium of it in addition to
the regular price of $10 on each ton of
cast iron this offer to hold good until
October 1st.
We Also Want
Hides, Furs, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc,
KuulHr and "second liand iurnituro
Cor, OiX and Boo Sts.,Opp, Bernard's Stall oq
A girl to do general housework. Apply
to Mrs. 0. A. Sehlbredo. 78-tf.