IF YOU DOM'T READ IF YOU SEE IT t I The Plaindealer tou Don't Get tub News. The Plaindealer I IIIIIIIHMtlllllllllMMiXuMH - it is so. : Vol. XXVII. ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, i8g6. No. 81. X A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. JASKULKK.i Practical : Watchmaker, : Jeweler : and : Optician. DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. AND FANCY GOODS. HopntvtnA Rpeetnlty. Uouutno UriUEillan Eyo Glasses unci SpectncloK a courixrx stock or CaUery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers Articles. Also Proprietor and Manager of Rosebnrg's Famous Bargain Store. eicicisi 3 M. T. BLUMB, Proprietor o! I The City Meat Market, And Dealer In PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, AND FRESH MEATS Order taken and Delivered Free to any part of the City. 1 A.C.MRSTERS&C0. 1 9 s .,t4l5j S in sr ' riifliu : r Y A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell. LIME PLASTlIR flHD CEHEHT. A FULL UttE OF Vv'JMOW GLASS ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY Real Estate Bought artf Sold Farms, large and A'D IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. S. KL BXJIOK; (uu&la EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. ExpTwa trains leave Portland daily. bcratb I I North Portland - Ar. Roeburg - Lt. Ean Francisco Lt. 8:10 a. x 11:43 r. . 7:00 r. . 525 a.x. Lt. - 11:15 a. v. I Ar. . . . . . , C. .1 prflani OreTOH City, Woodburn. Salem, Tnrcer. Marlon, JeW .on. Albany. Tangent shedds, Halsey. Harrts burg. Junction CUy Eugene. Creswell. Cottage Grovi, Drain, and all station., from Row burg 10 AiUland Inclusive. Iloaeburfc Jlall Dally. 8:20a. X. I Lt. Portland Riweborg Ar. I :o r. r Lt. ! Siil a. 533 T. X. 1 Ar. 8alem PmtHenjjer Dally. x. -8:15. Lt. Ar. Portland - Salem Ar. Lt. 10:15 . mo i Pullman Buffet Sleeper AJJU M!COXn.CLAM MLEEPITfB CAH Attached to all ThronRh Tralna, West Side Division. -Between Portland and Corralll tilaU train dally (except Sunday). TJO A. X. LV. Portland CorrallU - Ar. Lt. 6:jor.x luar.x 12:15 r. x I Ar. . . .. a f.nniili vinnoct with train ot OreSn Ceniral & Eartirn ra.lroad. Express train daily (except ouuu.). 4:15 r.x. 7g5r.x. rLvT Ar. I'nrtl.nd Ar. 8:25 a. X. 5:M a. x. MeMlnTllle Lt. rwi rixua to nil Point in ,v... m.irm s In tea. Canada and Europe can be obtained at low eat ratea Irom George Catea, Agent BOMbnrg. w KQKHLER E. P. ROGERS, 3,EOZIttEEtr Attt.O.F.APa.Aicn PORTLAND OREOOi?. Poultry, Flab aad Gome; lu Benson. OP ALL KINDS. Roseburg, Or. 3 RLLED. small, to Rent, 7aun.-y UeoB. FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR F0INTS hej ortherk) Pacific) RAILROAD ii the Line to Take To all Points East and South Tl the DIKING CAR ROUTE. Itrunn throne! VESTIBOLED TRAIJfB EVERY DAT rS THE YXAR to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO (KO CRA50I Or C1KS) r.mpotcd ot Dining Cart Untnrpatted, Pullman Drawing Room Sltepert, Ot Latett Equipment 1 nsx .nleepi.; CAIIS - that can bo constructed and In irh accommodatlona are both FREE FURNISHED to holders ol Vint or nd-clas Ticket,, and EI.,EftA?VT DAY COUIIE uttDiious Line connecting with All Linen rltcK Direct and Uninterrupted Berrlce. Pullman Bleeper reservations can bo tecured In adranco throuen any agent ol the road. THROUCH TICKETS To and Irom all Pointa In America, England and Eurqpo can be purchased at any Ticket Office 01 thif uompany. Full information concerning rates, tlmo ot tralna, routes and other details furnished on application to n. b. K. nuiCK Local agent at Rotcbrg.Or., or A. D. CIIAUETON, Aulstant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 run St., cor. washing etst-.cor. Washington, PORTLAND. OBiQON. r RAPP'S DRUG STORE. El DOUGLAS AND Sz TAR RAPP'S DRUG STORE. ' aroBros'. Sacrifice Sale Now in ZIGLER & WALL,. Depot Grocers DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FANCY . GROCERIES.- COUNTRY PRODUCE Give us a call. Goods delivered to Comer Line A Sheridan Streets. xVT IC EDIT 2i IL I J a J 1 1 'Successor to General Blacksmithing rROTTINQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF .lit KINDS PROMPTLY DONE. Bliop on Corner Wanliluston nud Kane Mtn., RoscbnrK. ROSEBURG Marble and Granite Works. i W. Marine Estimates burnished ou all Otrlce nnd Hnlcuroom. 7ii Onfc Btreet. To The I'liioHluiiatc. Dr. Gibbon This old tvlUble an' the most kuccostu' -Hi:iali!il In Sau Fran rlfto. tlll continue to urv all Seitual an-' Seminal l)lca3, nurt Uonnorrhcra, Uleel Stricture, rrtllll 11 ill tt fonni-, Skin III stun, Nertous Debll lt, Impotency. Semi S-n.l Weakness and Loj, jsol Hanhood. hf ciiiim!- tiHiir.-111 atUM- nud cici nnxluclnt: thi' 'ntlnwlmr nvmntoma. fallow cotiutenanre. drt ipota under the eyes, pain In the head, tIukIiik in inc earn. 105 01 tiiinit:ui.-v, muuvut t m ap proaching strangers, palpetntlon ol the heart' pimples on the face, coughs, consumption, etc. DR. GIBBON ha practiced In San Francisco over thirty years and those troubled thould not tall to consult mm ana rcceivo iue wmui ui bis great skill and experience. Tho doctor cures when others fall Try him. Cures guar anteed. Persons cured nt home. Charge reasonable. Call or write. Dr. J. r. Ulbboo. 035 Kearney oirce oan Pranctsco, Cal. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to all whom lt may con earn that I hve appointed D, V. Htearns of Cala. poola precinct Depaty Inspector of 6tock for uld precinct; postofflce address, OakUnd; also A. J. (IkADnun of Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Ro burg, to act during my absence, and others nil be added as parties inspected make tbelr desire tnoirnto me. Boseburg, Maylth,lS87. TUOB.BMITU, iBpetsor of Btoik for Douglas county, Or For Recent and Chronic COUGHS AND COLDS Broncbltla, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Irritability of the Larynx and Fauces, and other Inflamed Conditions of tho Lung and Air Fassagca. Progress BOUGHT AND SOLD. cny part of the City in short order. ROSEBURG, OREGON. VTMTHM I 11a A vs 1 , 0. W. NOAII,) AGHISON k CO., Proprs. Dealers In all klnda ot mid Granite fllonuiiieiib and Headstones, Portland Cement Curbing For Cometcry JL.ut.w. kinds ol Uemeterv work CATARRH is n LOCAL DISEASE and is the result ol colds and sudden climatic changes. It can be cared by a pleasant 1 remedy which I? applied di rectly into the nostrUa. llc lccnnicltly absorbed it gives relief at once :, Ely's Cream Balm 1m.i,U. n Ha fh mfwt thnrnnHi rum fnr 1 NMaCat4rrt7 Cold In Head and Hay Fever of all I rrmedIc,. u opens and cleanees the n-9alpaeaes. allays pain and Inflammation, neais tno sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores tho eenscs of taxto and smelU mce 6uc. at uruscieia or oy maiL ELY uROTII6ti, 00 rtarrcuBucei,tfciT lotK. SUMMONS. VSTirE COURT FOR TIIK PRECINCT OF Looking Cuss. t-TATK Or OltKOOK, J . County oIDou(jlas.i Wm. Norecroff, Plalutlfl.) J. I.. Hnntlnsr." Defendant. recover money. To J. L. Hunting. In the name of tho State ot Oregon. You are hereby rfiulrcd to nppear bcfnro the uuilcrslgucu, iijnsiiovoi tno rcuco lor the pre rlnct nfarrsnld. ou the EOtli dnv of November V.. 1KW, RlloociocK in tuo toreiioon ot aaid day at theoillccof said Justicoiii fald precinct, to nnswcrtnc aooveuameu piamuu in a civil Thc defendant will tako notice that if lalls to answer mc complaint iicrciu. tuo plain- tiff will take iudgmcntaga nsthim for the sum oMffl.00 and costs oT this action. UlYCU UIIUCl JWJ uiiuu iui3 Jill uu) UI ICIUUIT A.D., lb30. 11 11 m?iM 1 0ut7 JintWot the Peace. HINMAN vs. HUQQINS. On la&t Friday Win. Huggini and Ed. Riley, who have been hunting (or Bob ilinman, the jail-break, on ML Langel, back of the residence of V. II. Gear hart, Hinmau'a home, found him, but in a different direction, from what they ex pected or desired. Wo visited Mr. Hug gins Tuesday morning, saw Dr. Harris drees tho wound, and Mr. Huggius told us the way the incident occurred, and we will give it in his own words as nearly as possible: MB. IICGGINS' STORY. ''It was at about 11 o'clock, Friday morning and we eaw Mrs. Cal Yokum sneaking out through the brush in the fog, down below cr going toward Gear hart's house. I told Ed to look out for I knew Ilinman was not far away, and told him that 'h 1 was going to pop right away.' I told him that I was go ing to back-track Mrs, Yokum and I did. Wo were going along the edge of an opening and I had turned and was look ing down the hill. Ed happened to be behind a tree, -fast then Ilinman, who was between 60 and SO yards above U9 up the hill shot at me and missed. I turned at the report cf his gun and he shot again and plugged it to me. I bud my gun cocked as I turned, and when I fell it was in (-hooting position and I tired it at him as he run, but did not have any aim on him. He was about ICO yards from the top of the hill and run up over the top in plain view of Uilev who would not even trv to shoot. I told him to put in a shot for me if he could not do anything for himself, r'Ut he acted like be had gone crazv. I told bint I was shot and to come and help me but he said, 'Come on, they're not shooting at us.' He went up to-vard the piste wh"re Hinuian wa when ha fired and locked around and then came back to where I wa. He con'd not he made to understand that I was wounded until he siw the blood all over me, nd even then could not get him !o help me. I crawled down the hill about 100 yards and was then able to help myself some I finally got Ed to help me at,d with him on one side and using my gun for sup port on the other, walked down tha 1 mountain two mile?, to Car. Yoium's house and he brought cie home in his hack. Just before e reached Yokum's house we met Genrbart and told him my condition and ne paid hiuman ti'.d him hat he would fix me. Ilinman knew that I was after him and thai I inlet. ded to kill him if I could not take him alive. I had no official papers and was not a deputy sheriff." .Mr. Hitgina is a large, strong man, auJ the wound he received is a severe The ball is said to be from a 40 65 Winchester and simci jast back oi the point of ths Lip bone, missing it by a narrow ball-inch and rangioc a little dowrj, passins; completelv tbrouzu the left hip and into the right, stopping about 3 inches from tho surface, from where it was removed by Dr. P. A. Harris, of Canyonvilit;, aa sooa aa he could be summoned. The ehoottns occurred ou the top of Ml. Lancel, about 1 miles from I'.iddle, and ilinman was hid behind a leg, from where he watched ths approaih of Hng,- Einsand Kiley, and when he saw Hug gins fall be ran as hard aa he conld ; Hitiman came down and bad a conversa tion with W. H. Gearbart, in which he told him he intended to ehoot auv one who tried to take him. Gearlurt was asked why ho didn't tako bim, and he eaid ho didn't want to try it. ilinman has several campm places n round in tba mountains and has a reg ular range ho goes over. Everyone is harboring him and if all ho are guilty of assisting a jail-bieak to escape were arrested and imprisoned it would be neccsary to build a jiil capable of ac commodating half a bur.dred. Ilrtiman went over to tho residence of John uiitb, on the head of Willis Creek, and tiept in the smoke bouse Suuday niabt, with Suiiih's con-ent JaB. DunnivHii, of .Myrtle Creek, fol lowed bim and watched the house. At breakfatt time, lliuman came out of tho smokehouse and went in tc the break- lal table. Dnunivan slipped in, drew a revolver on him and ordered him to throw up bis hands. Ilinman did so and Dunnivan said something about having some string in his pocket that be could tie his hand with, and happened to take his eyes off of bim and looked town at his pocket, when Ilinman, quick as a flah, drew his six-bhooter and covered DunnivaD, and was then master of the situation Smith knocked llitiinau'rt revolver out of his hand, and ilinnmn then hopped onto Dunnivan befoie In; knew it anil then they tmd a regular set-to, hand to h tnd, over Dun- niv.in's revolver, which in tho tcullle fell to the tloor. DuuniVAii threw ilin man three times, but evory lime he would get up with him. Danniyau got a good hold ou his shiit collar in front and ho gave a big jerk backwurds, tore his whole ehht frcnt out, run out of the house and tuado good his escape, before he could be stopped. It soeuis that Smith did not assist Punnivau much, only knocked Ilinmuu's revolver out of ,. his uanu. 11113 was nturu iroui .viyruo r.l- T.,n-l.i n. 1 ,rn ,mt (lion 1-nmvn Creek 1 tiosday ami was not then known ac In bo a lact. lull tills morning IVil aro te- lie liably informed that Fred Smith, a Eon . T . cm:ih ulnt-inli-itpn tlm n.nnrr ' Jolm &nmn, HUU8l.UllIite8 ttlO report. Riddlo Mile. I Now goods al Caro lros. lloss Store, COINCIDENTS. Thousands of assumed facts bare been proven veritable realities to the minds of the credulous by coincidents which to the ignorant or umtiated have accepted as proof positive that the as sumed facts did take place as claimed. Thus, for over 3000 years, the wice men of Egypt accepted the apparent j cause of the riee and overflow of the 1 Nile, to the appearance of the star Slrn i jUEt before and during tho rise in tbat river. The Egyptian astronomers no ticed that when tbis star appeared the Kile began to rise and that that phenom ina was uniformly preceded by the ap pearance of that particular star. Hence in their ignorance they worshiped this star as the god of a plentiful harvest. But it is now well known that tbat pbe nominon is only a coincident and not a cause. The rise of the Nile no more de pends upon the appearance of Sims than its appearance depends upon the riee in the Nile. So is this airship hallucination in Cal ifornia. It is a well known fact tbat generally in the month of November the appearance of meteors are the most com mon. Seizing upon this fact some clever newspaper scribbler has invented the airship etory for the purpose of having something of a Eeneational character for bis facile pen. Scarcely a night in a clear atmosphere like that of California, but what many of these meteors can be seen Ecudding through the air; so that a story tbat reads like the Aladin's Lamp etories coupled with the highly imagin ative wonders of a possible airship, and the fact of those often appearing meteors in November, these sensational writers are keeping the public mind on a strain with the story of tbis airship being nightly seen in those places named by them and those in the secret, similar to the story of the burning op oi the world tint went the roundi of the pres aoout i0 years ago or tho sea serpent story about 15 years ago. Affidavits were plenty to the effect that iodies cf water had been set on fire and consumed and that the sea serpent had been seen by scores of eye witue.-ses. So it ia not strange that this tiatehed up story of an air sbip has been Uui.ched upon the public and for the same purpose, viz. to make money off a cre-luluus people. No; ' hat we believe an air chip can not be constructed do we make t.'iese strictures, for it is highly prooable that 'the air will some day be navigated ; but when the means of navigating the' air shall be discovered it will not be wrapped in a mystery, as to who the dis coverer is and his place of abode. Tbat ship too will sail in daylight instead of at midnight. No great discovery or in vention has come down to us tbns far in this century shrouded m mystery. We pronounce this whol -tirsbip story a clever fake. YONCALLA. This fine sanshining weather is quite pleasing after the storm. Eld. J. U. Moore has returned from Elkton where he had been holding a series of meatings. Eugene Ambrose was taken suddenly ill on last Tuesday evening .with appo piexy, having several fits before assis tance arrived. Dr. King was called and socn gave him relief, and is now out of danger for the present. Thanksgiving passed very quietly here, the only ripple of excitement dur ing the day was Ed Hebard, the only staunch democtat of this precinct, giv ing .ur. itont. btone a ride up Mam street in a wheelbarrow as the result of a wager on the election. The evening however, was spent differently, the Womaus' Relief Corps of this place cave an entertainment in Ystt's hall which was highly appreciated by the audience. The programme was well rendered, especially the flag drill, composed of six teen bos and girls with banners in place of fl.igs, representing the business of Yoncalla. Great credit is due to Miss May Ross for the success of the drill, as she bad only a short time to instruct the dr. II. After the drill a farce was played by Leonard Daugherty and Sister Blanche, entitled Spoopendyke and His Bathing Suit. AVe were favored during the evening with select music by the Yoncalla orchestra and choir. The ladies served oysters, cake and coffee and roast turkey. After the programme was rendered the Relief Corps quilt was sold at auction to the highest bidder for t-a-h, Mr. A. F. Piutler beiug the lucky man. This quilt contained over one- tuimiieii auu nicy names that were worked Into it by members of the Relief Crp Htid was a prize well worth the price. Lcbiin Applegate, orother of John and George Applegate, who has been an invalid for the last thirty years, died on the 23rd inst. and was burried on the L'-Hh. He was tho last one of the family of Uhas. Applegato that crossed the plains ia 1S47 and was severely injured while coming to the coast at that time and has beeu an invalid over since. luvervone in this uecK o woods are looking for better times siuco the elec tion, (.even tho pops). Jcmah Caro Bros', closing out falo is drawing crowds- to tho doss store. Low prices and quick sales is the order of tho day Goods must bo sold at any sacrifice Call and sec. ROSEBURG'S OPPORTUNITY To Secure the Encyclopedic Dictionary. The Pacific Coast Newspaper Sj ndi cate extends to the people cf Roseburg and vicicity an opportunity to eeenre a limited number of sets of the great En cyclopedic Dictionary, upon the same easy terms as were recently offered ia Portland and at the low introductorv prices. This offer will hold good, at most, for a few days only, aa the purO30 of the Syndicate at the present is confined to distributing a limited number of sets at various points in the state for the pur pose of comparison with other works of reference. This distribution ia rapidty appTnchingita endafter-whicUit-wilL be impossible to obtain the work except at the advanced pricts. As far as Roseburg and vicinity i3 con cerned tbis is the final opportunity. The payment of $1 secures the delivery of the entire set, four massive volumes, (5375 pages, 250.C00 words, of which 50, 000 are treated encyclopaedically) at your home or office. Tha balance due to be paid in twelve monthly pa meats of $1.25 each. You will never again have such a chance. Send your name and address at once to the Pacific Newspaper Syndicate in care of The Plaindelek and you wM be supplied with sample sheets for ps amination, free of charge. Sse adver tisement in another column. How to Prevent Croup. Some reading that wiil prove interest ing to young mothers, flow to guard against the disease. Cronp is a terror to young mothers) and to post them concerning the cans-, tirst symptoms and treatment is the to ject of this itam. The origin ot croup is a common cold. Children who are sub ject to it take cold very ejaiiy and crou is almost sure to follow. The first symptom is hoarseness ; this is soon :o'. lowed by a peculiar ronh cough, which is easily recognized and v.i;l never be forgotten by one who has heard ir. The time to act is wtiea the child first be come? hoarse. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely uiven all tmlet-cv- to croup will soon dip.ar. Even af'tr the croupy cough has t.' .v? lopel it will prevent the attack, i'tiiire is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains nothing injurious. For sale bj A. C Jlarsters & Co. LITTLE LOCALS. Lime and sulphur at Marsters'. A Salzman. the reliable jeweler. Caro Bros, are the boss merchants. Go to the itoseleaf for the best cisa . Good goods at the lowest prices at Sa!z man's. School books and stationery at Mar sters' Drug Store. Dr. t. Yi . Hayiierf does ail kinds of up-to-date dentistry. I. S. West drx insurance. Offke opposite the post office. Neatsfoot oil, machine and lubricaiinc oils at Marsters' Drugstore. A fine lino of gents' shoes at J. Abra- im's. Prices just rinht. Munyon's HomceDathie Remedies fnr sale at Marsters' Drug Store. An endless variety of combs, hair 2ml clothes brushes at Mars'ers. For bargains in family croceries. call at the Pe pole's store, Cass street. Munyon's Homeopathic Remedies t A. C. Marsters & Co.'b dru; Etore. Brine your clocks and wstchpp tr Slrw Jerry the reliable jeweler tor repairs. Live and let live" is Dr. R. W. Ben jamin's motto. Dental wi-rk done at bedrock prices. Dr. Haynes does crown and I-rnk-( work and guarantees the same Don't forget the number. Dr. Haynes makes ail kinds of artifi cial dentures such as gold, platinum and aluminum plates, also rubber and cellu loid. S ave money and time. To aarties going East, go by the O R .& N. g ..-rt route. Call on or write to V. IT. London. Roseburg, Oreson. A. C. Hoxie sells dour at 75e and SOc a sack, and 10 pounds oi lard for 75 cents. People should take advantage of tcese prices and give him their patronage. N. Rice, one of our enterorisinsr furni ture dealers has now ou sale a fine lot of furniture of tho latest st-.ie-and finish. Give him a call before purchasing else where. Langenburg is stili on too. He entries a full stock of choice music, mi- steal instruments, violin, mntars, accord eons etc., violin strings of -tfti qualitv always on haud. Slow Jerry the ie.ieier has 14 carat. filled gold ladies wau-iif-s nnv on jale. Prices reduced from i'5 ? decided Kttrrains. Don't fail ti t- mine them before purchasing elsewhere. Chose having 6ecoud hand stoves. furniture, etc., for sale can receive the highest cash price by ratlins: upon N. Kice, the furniture and supply dealer. i-z jacKson siret't i;ostDurg. Or. Mrs. G. W. Rapp will contiuue to buy and sbip fresh salnon from Win chester or Wilbur to Portia- d as he t.c- foro and pay the highest aarket prices for same. Address postottico box 123. The cheap rates of five dollars cabin and two-fifty steerage including meals anil berth are still m eitect on the O. R. & N. Co's. steamers from Fortland to San Francisco. Steamer leaves Portland everv five days. Dr. R. V. Benjamin, late of tho dental college at Atlanta Ga., has fitted up dental rooms in the Marsters bbek, where he is prepared to do do first class work in all the Iates improvements. Crown and bridge work, gold and porce lain crown, fillings and extraction of teeth nt hard-time prices and all work guaranteed. Remember, room 1, Mars ters' block.