THE OUTLOOK. Tuesday, Juno 10, 1896, tho republl cjui iarty is called to meet in delegate convention to nominate candidates for presideut and vice-president of tbo United States to bo voted for next 2o vcniber. From now on until that event has passed there will be much interest felt among tho American people. Tho great uver-sliadowing issuo will be American protection. Tbo Monroo doc trine has l.rcn and is u question upon" which the joplenro a unit. So Cleve land's leevnt manifesto mav eavo him a few fticii'la but not enough to niako him a third term president. The peopls tiro as much opposed to a third term prei tlo.nt aa they are to England's encroach' mcuts on the American continent. Cleveland h&s made a bold push for renomina'ion by giving the British lion'i ttil n twirl just on the cvo of election, as that is tliei only show he had to pull himself out of a hole. Dnt this move when closely scanned, will be perceived 3 be pure demosojy. His general and uniform actions during the two and three-quarter years of his term haa been in England's i uteres t, and of most friend ly feeling for all "that is Englitb, you know." His embassador to the court of St. James, who is supposed to correctly represent his chief, in bis Edinburgh speech clearly represents the same Idea But, just on tho eve ofs presidential election be turns a summersault and lands upon his feet with face reversed looking over his shoulder at the gaping crowd and with a wink and a broad grin says, in pantocaine, "Wasn't that done elick7" Had a republican been in the chair the Monroe doctrine would bave been asserted long ago, and the Queen Lfl episode would not have occurred to the" disgrace of the nation. There would have been no hauling down the Ameri can flag, nor would a free-trade policy hare paralysed business and universal distress wrapped tho nation like a pall of death. The people bave bej-an to think after the presentation of the grand' ob ect lesson by Mr. Cleveland and bis party. The people understand him pretty well, and his twisting the lion's tail just now will not save him. His demogosy is as palpable as the noon-day toon. Military Strength of the United States. The rtal military strength of a country does not consist in the number of men enrolled in its regular army. The Uni ted States, for instance, is the stroBgest military power on earth, and yet it has the smallest standinz armr of all the great countries. Germany has the strongest available for immediate action. and Great Britain has the strongest navT. Roseta. also, has a strone armr. always ready for action. Italy has a weak army but a strong navy. France and Austria keep up Urge military estab lishments. These European nations. lying dangerously dose to one another, and always fearicg that an ambitions or greedy neighbor may epnag at them. ar3 compelled to hare strong military re sources always ready, Jest they should be conquered or robbed. Bat there is cot one o! them that could bold its own against the United States for six month m a war on anythinz like terms. We might suffer some in the first few 'menths of a war, but after we got a start the victories would be all on our side The basis for this assertion is that the United States has a larger population of good fighting men than any other country in the world, and what is eauallv imoort ant, we haveTmore abundant material resources for keeping them in the field. e make more bread and meat to feed an army on, and unlimited mean- of mating all the arms, clothing and other eoppues ithat would be needed by an army carrying on a war. Let's all stand br the Monroe doctrinK. Let the British lion roar, but when it puta its paw upon American eoD. the American eacle from its soaring aloft will swoop aown, lastenmg its ta!on8 into the mane of the British Iioa and make it'a roar most hideous in its sueiog for peace Free Trade Fallacv. It has been one of the main arguments of the free-traders that the United fctates, with the advantase of iu Jm proved imachinery, could compete with the products of the cbeao labor of ih world but when cheap labor is applied to "proved machinery the argument loses its force. The crow th of mannfurtnrJnrr industries in Japan, China and Mexico is demonstrating that free trade is fallacy. San Jose Mercury. Baker County Debt. The circuit court of Baker county has ueciaea mat the county must pay its debts. Action was brought to restrain the county officials from paying off out standing warrants, for the reason the county's indebtedness was greater than allowable by the state constitution, viz: $5000. While such debts are prohibited by the constitution, if a county creates a debt it is still bouud to pay it. The court will not favor repudiation of the debt if it does repudiate the officials who created it. That whisk-broom on Jackson , ycleped Review, need not worry about the I'&inhkalkb'h changing management, The I'MisuBAua: loads in furnishing the news within tho 24 hours of each day ex cept Sundays. Tliat gives this whisk broom concern the belly ache. Poor thing, a dose of Mother Winslow's sooth ing syrup would give itn editor tempo rary relief. "Here, wake up," said the barber angrily, as ho savagely shook the portly Kcnllctnen whose whiskers he bad just trimmed. '"Here jou've been sleeping in lliis chair, and thco people waiting." "Excuse me," said Grovcr, as he slowly climbed down. "1 dreamt 1 was in the chairuor four years reoro." BRIEF MENTION. From Friday's Dally. K. Mattoon camo in from tho country today. O. D. Drain, merchant of Drain, is a guest al the Van Uouten. J. R Doratbaand Amanda Dixon, aro gueeta at the Van Houten. J. H. Tedd 'and A. L. Hutchinson of OaklandY&re at the McCIallon. Tho beer hall on Jackson street was attached today by Meyer & Co of Port land. Capt. B. D. Boawell of the Bouuell late Snowden Springs, is In the city to day on business. The Shasta Limited passed through Boseburg this morning in two sections widi a total oT23 coaches. J. T. Gocdman,.pstejas or of LookinB Glass, .and" Jeff Williams of tho samo burg, are registered at the McClallen. T. P. Long of Cleveland, L. L. Ram- Bey of Coles Valley and W. G. Hill of Wilbur, are registered at the McClallen A. E. Mattoon of Looking Glass came into the city today notwithstpnding tho raiu. Oregonians dont etop for show ers. Dexter Rice, who has been attending a law school at Portland, has returned home to spend the holidays with his par- penis. Ready, fight! S.C. Flint, F. Tolles, and C. W. Parks are on the war path They have got their old fusees ready to go ducking. Frank' C. Skipton and wife of Philo math are in Roseburg spending a few weeks visiting Mrs. Skipton's mother, Mrs. X. Imbler. Mrs. E. Moore and Miss Nettie Davis Dayis of Wilbur, who havo been visiting friends in this city, returned home this morning on tho local. Ed. S. Elliott, engineer on the S. P. road and long a resident of this city, was shaking bands with his many friends here last night. Yesterday afternoon and last night (he rain came down in regular Oregon Style and this morning tho Umpiua river is well up on its banks. Mrs. E. M. Stewart of Portland, ujio has been visiting her mother here for cereral days, left this mcrning for In- dianopolis, Ind., for an extended visit. "Hard Times" has departed. This is a fact, for we saw it, loaded upon a wagon, passing up Jackson street this morning on ita way out of town. Its goaesnre. J. J. Farquar, who has been east for several months in West Virginia, his eld home, returned this morning the same "old 4 and 6 pence" of old. He is without variableness or the shadow of turning, as yet. Barney Dixon and family were in town today. Mr. Dixon laid in a supply of sheeptick medicine, as he called it, but his friend Singleton said that story would do for a temperance man to tell, but for Burner it would not go down. TredTisher of OlalU is in the citv to day purchasing apparel ior himself and family. Mr. Fisher's house was burned down last night with all his goods, in cluding the family clothing, he and his family barely escaping with their nicht clothes. This is a sad calamity, and doubly eo at this time ol the year. Though he had about SS50 of insurance bn tho building it will not cover more loan one-third of his Joss, besides at this time o' year he is "without a home. and to make his family comfortable for tbo winter his expenses will be burthen eome. Trots tnnlr tHJly. Jeeee Davenport is in tbu city today. A. Ti- MTTp1I nf VnrfimtiA . l,a McClallen. Dave Comstock of Deer creek is in the City today. Mrs. E. W. Vansra of Ashland is a guest at the McClallen. A. L. Robinson of Cinci nnatti is reg istered at the Van Uouten. F. H. Chrisinger of Pent'Deton and P.. J. Homer of Mediord are at. tho Van Houlen. 0. H. Thornton of Seattle and W.J. Kyle of Sioux Falls are regis teied at the Mcuiallen. H. S. Conn of French Settlement, otic of the solid men of Douglas, is in tho city today. N. LaRant of Garden. ValleT. and a prominet agriculturist arad stock breeder, is in the the dty today on business. Haryy Jones of French Settlement is in the city today. Says lire re, fell in that valley yesterdayt about one iach of snow. John and William McBe?. farmers near Winston, are in the city,, to day and the stanncnest of the staunch ronuli-ts and zealous advocates tho referendum way of making laws. The sun entered, the wlnipr Istico December 20, last -night, at 11:20- To day is ttie -uorteet dar in tho rear. The 20th was 9 houra nd 31 minutes laig. the night 14 boons and 9 minutes. Mr. W. Brumrnett. one of Yoncalla-'fl prominent citizens, made us a pleasant imamees call toda-y. Mr. Brumrnett is a wide-awake mar, and has done much to build up that t jwn and community. Judge fc'tca n rflltirnral thin mnrnini from Salem -wrinrn lii nttandrd tin- statu board of eqr Miration. Ho reports that me Hoods r t Oakland destroyed about 4000 poor je 0f j,ia hops hy the sudden rise in tb e Calapooia. Cbaa, , Anderson of Eden Bower, the champic n populist, is in the city today. He ray , there Is no fear of a war with Englar .J. Johnny Bull is only nlavinc a game ofblufTand Cloveland has called him. aD( gone ono better. le entertainment riven liv Itio TJsr- nr academv at the orwra lirtMKp IsirI n7 lit was fairly well attended, consider f j the weather. The programme was COod one ntld WI1I roi-f.ifnl Tlin vocal quartette, "Plantation Melodies," by Misses llagon and Black and Messrs. Langonberg and Riddle, was particularly good and received a hearty encore. Tho tableaux, recitations ami solos were also good. Tho entortainmcut huld at tho 1'ronch Settlement school house on tho evening of tho 115th proved to be tho uost uver hold iu French Settlement. The pro grauuun boing arrauged and performed by tho Looiuia troupo. Miss Ellio's reci tation wan fine. Shu proved herself to bo well tip in the art of elocution The locturo ou woman's rights given by Mies Jonnie was well rendered, It was ex cellent, Petor.H tho New York cook performed his pari well. The niugiug waH very good. Wo hopo to hear from them agaiu. X. Brave Dunravcn. Nuw Yokk, Dec. 20, A dispatch to tho World from London says: There is inoro general comment in London over tho Venezuelan controversy than upon its (Kissible effect ou Lord Dunravcn's reception in Now York, He has been seriously advised by his friends not to go, lest not enly might ho bo sub jected to personal ill-treat oieut from ox- cited New York patriots, but lest his sua tained accusation of fraud against tho Defender syndicate might lead to serious international complications might, in deed, servo as a spark to the tinder bbz' ing into actual warfare. Nevertheless the World's Queeristown correspondent telegraphs that his lordship, , Arthur Glennie and Joo Asquith sailed by tho Tuctonic in good spirits. Have Entered Alatanzas. ILivaxa, Dec. 0. The aivanco guard of the forces commanded by Maximo Gomez and Autonia Maceo has airived in the province ol Matanzas without, ap parently, encountering any further op position. General Campos is understood to concentrated his forces on the other side of the frontier, in advance of Colon, but considerable secrecy is maintained as to the disiosi;ioii of the Spanish troops. Tlo insurgents have burned millions of dollars worth of su;ar fields iu Santa Clara. It is leginnitg to be 0eiily admitted here in official quarters that the position of the Spanish cauw is exceedingly pre carioos. The Cuban Insurgents. Kl-y Wisir, Fla., Dec. 20. Advices from Havana state that Campos will make desperate efforts immediately to break the power of the insurgent. He has determined to force the lighting Iv caus of urgent orders from Madrid. The cabinet has informed Campos that un less decisive victork-a are won over the insurgents immediately, it will be im pogeiblt! for .pain to secure money to maintain her army on the island. The minister of finance has said that the Hpanish treasury is empty, and the in surgents have wade soeh a showing that it is impossible to IUmI a new loan in any European cajHtal. In view of this, Cauijxw is plainly tokl unlest- tlw rebel lion is broken shortly Spain liwl as well withdraw from tle wland. Campos has therefore rusolved upon heroic measures. It is said he lias in structed Spanish officers to give no quarter to Cubans in arms, and to treat non-combatants as inerciU-sely as in the last revolution. Much excitement prt-vails in Havana over a report that a great bottle would occur near Mantanzas within 24 houre. It was stotttl that 403 Spaniards under General I'ando were facing 5000 Culuns under 3Iaceo, and news of a collision is momentarily expected. Keep Off the Cars. Mr. McGuire, assistant superintend ent of the S. P. railroad in this city, calls attention of alt parents, guardians, their children and wards, to tho dangerous practice of climbing upon the cars on the railroad tracks in this city, and especially to the following-named boys, warning them to stop this dangerons custom, viz: Henry Worthington, Joe Uenfro, Chester Renfro, Joe Farquar. Weldon Cordon, Chas. Pitchford, Alex Worthingington, Tod Jones, Herbert Wright, Tom Mc Carthy, Orvil Moore, Hogart (Juilhaug, Tom Dine, Mat Dine, Harry Snyder, Chas. Gilvin, Ralph Iine and Leo Wil kins. If the practice be not stopied1io will have to enforco the city ordinances against further indulgence in this cus tom. A word to the nisc is sufficient. A. P. As. Not Afraid of Ghosts. A writer in the I'oecburg Review sign ing a"Demccral" threatens the members of tho A. P. A. with diie vengeance in tbo future. We would like to know what the A. P, A. or any member there of have ;doue to call forth his enmity? But it is always thus uith Rome. It is nly necessary to opof.u however mildly any measure she upholds and curses arc hurled at tho bold offender. We congratulate ourselves that no aro threatened with nothing tuoiu serious than a visitation by lianquo's ghost or some other ghost ; still more do wecun gratulato ourselves that wo do not bo long to a church having superstition for its r u;erBtniclure. An A. P. A. Indorsed. Tin itizens of Roseburg are all agog on i1 list message of the president, ind s .j talking light. Republicans as well :s democrats approve the presi dent's message on tho Venezuelan ques tion. In fact they are more enthusiastic in that respect than the democrats, be cause it is iu fact the republican doc trine which Cleveland, like Crisp indor sing l'ccd, finds it is the true principle. Congress ran be relied upon to see that Cleveland does not turn the dispute with Enuland into a means of scrvinir any individual ambition, and all that tho people have to do is to rvcomiizu that America is now face to face with England, and ono of tho two must re treat or there will bo war. his is the to Buy Groceries. your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. M. JOSEPHSON'S New York ROSEBURG, Alexander 32G and S2S Jackson St. WALL PAPER A Laicc and Elegant Line We call the attention of our friends to our beauti- ful stock of Easy Rockers Bed Room Sets KAAAjJf Parlor and Dining Chairs Our Stock is Unexcelled by Any House South of Portland. ALEXANDER ft STRONG HOME FURSISHEKS ROSEBUnO, OREGON. A SQUARE DEAL . i 1 3 I- i -00 U5 We are Here to Stay. f-l ! -OJ -00 -3 -lO -TP -eo -ei Place A full and complete assortment of all goods usuallyjkept in a first class grocery. , Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite Cash Store, OREGON. & Strong THE POPULAR HOME FURNISHERS.... Bet. Oak and Washington. Ltrgtstinil Hest Assortment e-er brought to Southern Oregon, and - CARPETS. ICIieillHBCieiI9l91 Rugs and Carpets And all Household Articles NO TROUBLE TO SHOW QOODS. . i t , . i . , . . . 4 5 0 7 8 10 11 12 Is what we give to every cus tomer, for we believe the best advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come again and again, and their friends will come too. We are not here for a day or for a month. We are Here to Stay. OLLEHBERO) (?) pUHig .Roseburg, Or. NEW NEW QOODS CENTRAL HOTEL! Board Lodging S3.50 per Week, MEALS, 15c. Give rae aCaJL The Roseburg Lauadry, aoa aiatn Street, opp. Hotel Van Honten. F"I ax.!, e work 0 guaranteed. At Reasonable Prices. " FISHER & BRYAN, Proprietors. IHmiHlliailMIUHItlMIMIHIIIIMIIIIH I J. BITZER,. ,- mm m A m. A ' k Proprietor 01 Proprietor ol w m m The City Meat Market, And Dealer in PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, AND FRESH MEATS OF ALL, KINDS. Orders taken and Dell rered Free to any part ot the City. HIIK0IICHIIICICIII91IIIIIIII1BB ETF1 A.DQUARTERS te MrrrJpELL, leWi do. A FULL LLNE OF Plows, Harrows, Wagons & Buggies AND HARVESTING MACHINERY. BEAN SPSAY PUHPS ARE THE BEST. WAUKEQAN BARB WIRE. AT I.U3U1EK. YAKD NEAR DEPOT. BOWE1VT & ESTABROOE. Blacksmiths and Machinists Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass, Macnlne wortc a Specialty ROSEBURG, or. WYLIE PILKINGTON, Successor General Blacksmithing rROTTINQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY DONE. 8bop on Corner Wasblnston and Kane Sts., Roscburtr PURE BEWARE ol Imitation trade rank aad lateU. is the about AW AftP HAWER SOPA li ft3flrtlfr0C 0SS no morc tin other package soda never spoils 111 pavtuvl9t flour universally acknowledged purest In the world. Made only by CHURCH fe CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere. Write for Arm and Hammer . s 4 . v !K - t j ' .' : -"vie GOODS JUST ARRIVED. BEDS, f5c. l-ouitry, I- lau ana Game, r - In tipaKnn Roseburg, Or. HUNTER & HUME. to G. W. NOAH, whole story Hook, of valuable Redoes FREE.