THE PLAINDEALER, Published Daily, except Sunday. W. K. BENJAMIN C Y. BENJAMIN Kdilur. Mntiimvr. HuUticrliitluu KiileH. One Year, by malL. Six Months " Thrw Months " ... Ono Month Per Week, delivered hy Carrier,.......... 3 10 . 1 M . 75 a 10 Tlic Weekly One Year . !lx Month Three Monlhs.... iMuludcnlcr. ..noo .. 1 00 so 1835. As was surmised, Hermann failed to secure tbo chairmanship cf the rivers and harbors committee, Hooker of New York carrying off the prize. However, Hermann is still on the committee, and will see that Oregon is not overlooked in the appropriations. A Washington dis patch says: "There was some disap pointment among the Pacific coast mem bers todar, because Hermann was not made chairman of rivers and harbors. Hermann takes the matter philosophic ally, and fays that eo Ions as he is the second man on the committee liu can take care cf Oregon, as he will be u mem ber of the conference committee. Ho thinks the state was entitled to the place but reco;;iiied that ltccd had a liard task in accemmodaiiui; himself to all the dif ferent interests. Heed was afraid that Hermann would make tho hill too large. Oregon fared quite, well in getting two small chairmanships, aud Hilts a place ou pubiic Unds." PROVING AN ALIBI. The Train-Robber Case Closed for the Government. "We rest," was tho announcement made by United States District Attorney Murphy about l':CU yesterday afternoon, in the case cf John Case, James and Al bert Tool, who are on trial before Judge Bellinger charged with the hold-up of the train ou the night of July 1, in the Cow creek canyon. The testimony given by the witnesses for the government during the morning and afternoon was for the purpose of locating Case and James I'eol as coming from the scene of the robbery on the morning following the night of the robbery. The officers making the arrest and the result of their seacb of the Tool honse formed another chapter of in teresting evidence. The shoes woru by Jim Pool and John Cue, found in Pool's noose, were also put in evidence and identified. These fitted the tracks found by the officers, near the scene of the rob bery. Altogether the government offi cials believe that they hare made a strong case against Case and James Pool and look for a conviction. There is, however, no tangible evidence to connect the younger of the Pool boys, Albert, with the robbery, and so potent was this that, when the district attorney an nounced that he rested his case. Judge Bellinger called attention to it, and asked what the case was against Albert Pool. District Attorney Murphy explained that the only connecting link between Albert and thejotber two was his conversation with the half-breed, William Thomason, who testified that Pool asked him for in formation how to nse giant powder, eaj ing he wanted to use it for the purpose ofblowicgupa train and robbing it. Aside from this, Albert Pool does not ap pear in the testimony of any other wit ness. s The defense, however, feel equally con fident that when their side is heard in lull tho jury will bo satisfied that not only was Albert Pool not in it, bat that John Case was not the robber iwho went through the train, and that James Pool was not the man who made a display of explosives. Their witnesses so far are positive the robber's hair was light aud Very hhort, aud, in order to toako their testimony more effective, John Cahc was the clergy and the United states tninis aaktil to walk arouud by the witness-! ter. Tim elan J m Iront of the jury and give each witness a close inspection of his neck and hair. In each iustauco the witness said Ca?c was not the man. The force of much of this testimony, however, was broken from the fact that several of these witnesses were relatives of the PooIp. A blacksmith, who shod the much talked of little gray mare three days after tbo hold-up, contradicted the government witnesses, who testified that the horse's footprints showed with calks, by saying that tho old shoos ho took off had no calks, ami -erc much worn, thoso ou the hind feet being almost worn ont. Tho fact t tat this witness is an uncle of the Pool Iwys, aud that he could not sub wjqucntly find the old shoes for the offi cers, tended to weaken his testimony. The day was dovoid of incidents, and the taking of testimony waB expedited so that 22 witnesses made up the number heard during the day. The case will bo reeumcd at 10 o'clock Monday morning, and it is now expected that all the testimony will be in by Tues day evening. Sunday Oregonian. Highest Award At Atlanta! Word has just been received that the Crescent bicyle received the highest award at the exposition at Atlanta. TELEGRAPH NEWS Like a Thunderbolt. Uekux, Dec. 21. President Clove land's message to congress on the boun dary dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela dropped like a thunderbolt upon Germany, and immediately over shadowed nil questions of domestic topics. Tho almost general condemna tion of tho action of President Clove land upon the part of tho German press is duo less to for England than to the conviction that tho interests of Germany are also threatened. In political and even in government circles, tho atti tude of the Marquis of Salisbury is re ceiving unusual unanimous approval, evidently with tho Iioihs of impressing Americans with the fact that Germany is backing England. If the dispute between Great Britain and tho TJnited States was to grow very acute, it is thought here that tho former country would endeavor to obtain a pro nouncement on the part of European governments against President Cleve land's interpretation of the Monroe doc trine, for the success of Mr. Cleveland, it is thought, would have grave conse quences in tho future relations between the European powers and the turbulent South American states. The latest news from America, however, is re garded as promising the refusal of the businessmen to indorse President Cleve land's attitude, and all eyes arc directed toward tho developments of tho finan cial crisis. The reichstag have ad journed until January 9, no jntblie ex pression of official opinion is possible just now. New Battle-Ships. M -iSUINQTO, Dec. "I. luo sugses- tion has been mads to Secretary Herbert by the naval bureau chiefs that congress bfj requested immediatly to authorize the amendment of the last naval act so as lo permit the department lo contract for building of six battleships, instead of tho two provided for. It is urged that, in view of the low figures of the bids re cched at the recent opening, it would be greatly in the interest of economy to accept all of the bids. According to this plan the Newjwrt News company would be given the con tract for two of the chips, tho Union iron works at San Francisco a contract for two and the Crumps also a contract for two. All of the ships would be of the Kear s&rge type, with double turrets and 13- tnch guns. The cost of the six ships, at the outside, and their is no reason to be lieve that the bidders would still further scale down their figures, would be $10. 440,000, exclusive of armor, the last con gress fixed the limit of the cost of two ships, with armor, at $S,000,000. The necessary armor would coat about three or foor millions additional. Secretary Herbert has the matter u ider consideration. Fighting in Cuba. Colon, Island of Cuba, Dec. 21 (Prov ince of Matanzas). As this dispatch is sent sound of heavy musketry firing is heard in the direction of Ajoica, six miles from here, on the railroad between this city and La Macagua. It is believed a serious engagement is taking place be tween the Spanish troops, under General Hernandez, and the insurgent forces ine latter are understood to be com manded by Maceo and Gomez, and havo been coming through Palama Sola, on the frontier oi the provice of Matanzas. uugiea are sounding an assembly, sum moning the troops of .General Navarro V brigade to start at once for Ajoica to re' inforce General Hernandez. Cotnmani cation beyond La Managua is inter rupted. The Southern Republics. NewYobk, Dec. 21. The Worid to morrow will publish the following copy right cable from Caracas : The anti-English feeling is increasing here. Fresh flowers are placed daily up on the statute of Washington, and the American and Venezuela flags are every where to bo seen, either displayed sido by side, or entwined in significant em brace with the portraits of Washington and Monroe between. Another mass meeting was held on the plaza Bolivar this morning,, at which were heard cries "Abajo loe Englcse" (down with the English); "Viva Cleve land y los Estados Unidoe" (.long liye Cleveland and the United States). A demonstration of all the citizens is planned to take place Christmas day un der the auspices 'of the Simon Bolivar i Club. Invitations havo been civen to the president of the republic, the cabinet. will then return the honor paid to their nation and the tributes offered to Wash infitoii by decorating the statute of Boli var, the liberator. Thejpatriotic society for the defense of Venezuela territory issued a protest against the pretensions and aggressions of England. It also requests the minis ter of foreign affairs to make the ex equaturs of Venezuela citizens who are acting as British consuls in fchis country, unless they resign. In La Guayra tho enthusi.ism has led to the formation of battalions ready for the service. The honors paid to thu American minister continue. The airchbishop of Caracas called on him today to express his thanks and those of the people of the United States for the stand taked by President Cleveland. Venezuela is sending diplomatic mis sions to every foreign country. The country applauds the action of the government, and the nation is united. Miner Killed. G itANTs I'.khh, Dec. 21. Joseph Foster, an old miner, was struck and killed by the passenger train last night, alKmt four miles nouth of this pVacc. He was drunk, and perhaps fell asleep on tho track, us no one e-aw him when ho was struck. His body was found this morning. Must be Full-Flcdgcd Citizens. Washington, Dec. 21. Squire ol Washington has introduced a bill in tho scnato which will greatly iucrenso tho usefulness, as naval reserve vcssols, of many Bteamships carrying tho American flag. Tho bill provides that hereafter all tho engineers of ocean steamcra carrying an American register shall bo full-fledged citizens of our country; also, that such engineers shall bo officially declared offi cers. A careful investigation of the laws goveruiug the merchant marine sIiuwb that it is possible, under a decision of the secretary of tho treasury, for all ocenn stenmors carrying the American Hag to have engine-room complements mado up entirely of foreigners who have simply declared their intention of becoming citi zens of our country. , BREVITIIES. Souvenir bk)ous at Salzmau'e. New plush goods at Salzmuu's. Go. to Mrs. N. Boyd's for your holiday goods. First class bacon and lard at Case beer's. Ask your meichaut fur the P. C. C. corset. ( Call and examine Cabcbevr's Ktcon and lard. Solid silver (en and table eikous at SalzuiunV. Ten.pouuihi of lard at Allison's goes for "JO cents. Six bars of choico Savon soap at Alli son's for 2o cents. Call at tho Photo tent und see samples of those 1.50 photos. A good farm to trade for city proerty. Inquire at this office. Complete line of holiday goods at Salz man's cheaper than ever. Pickles at Alli.-on's for 20 cents per gallon, or $1.10 per keg. When you once wear the P. C. C cor set you'll have no other. Call ou 11. Easlou for nu "Export" cigar. They are excellent. Have yon seen the latest in ladies' und gents' watches ai SalziuanV. The Gilvin soap is the best on earth and the cheapest in Oregon. Henry Eastton's teas, coffees and spices can't be surpassed for quality. Allison is selling fine eastern hams at 13 cents per tound. Try one. Alexander & Strong's is the place to get your Christmas presents. Fresh oysters in any style, aud meals at all hours at the candy factory. Coffees and teas unoxcelled in quality at Allison's and prices just right. The P. C. C. corset is cheap in price but not in quality. Have no other. Bring your clocks and watches to Stow Jerry the reliable jeweler lor repairs. Oranges, lemons, apples, sweet pota toes, onions and potatoes at H. Easton's, Candies, nuts, dried fruits of all kinds and of the best quality. Call at H. Eist- on's. For workmanship, quality, durability and tit, the P. C. C. corset can not be beat. Export, Export, Export, at Allison's A fine smoke for 3 cents. Export, Export, Export. A new line of fancy rockers for Christ mas, just received at Alexander it Strong's. j usi received at Allison's, a new in voice of Jersey sweets, oranges, dates, raisins, etc. Sugar, 10 and 17 jwunds- for 1.00 at Allison's. All goods delivered free and orders solicited. Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex ander A Strong's, ever brought to Hose burg and at prices lower than ever. All maskers, lady or gent, must have their tickets before applying for admis eion to the firemen's grand mask ball. ian on siow jerry ana examino ins Selh Thomas clocks, watches and gold bowed eyo glasses. Cheaper than ever offered in this city. Slow Jerry tho jeweler has I I carat filled gold ladies watches now on lale Prices reduced from $25 to $15, decided bargains. Duu't fail to examiue them before purchasing elsowhere. Masquerado suits havo been received from Portland and are now ou exhibition at Marks & Co. s 6toro. Call ut ouce and take your choice. First come, first served. All those desiring maskers tickets for the firemen's grand mask ball Christ mas night, can get them by applying at Alexander & Strong's furniture store None but those of good moral character need apply. By order of the committee. Mrs. N. Boyd, grocer, on tho corner of Cass and Jackson streets, has almost an endless variety of holiday goods, consist ing of books, toys and an extensive assortment of china waro just arrived from tho cast. Sho has 50 cent child ren'j books for 25 cents. Also all kinds of fruit fresh from California. Call and and exiimino her stock and be convinced of lh' ,reat bargains sho offers for cash. All -...tied goods at bed rock prices. Wanted to Exchange A good gristmill (valued at t-'000) for city property, or will soil, for ono-fourth cosh, balance at 8 per cent. For further particulars inquiro at tho Plaindualkk office Notice. Grain bags aud twino for salo by Sol Abraham, and the highest market price in cash will bo paid by him for grain, delivered at his warehouse ut Koeohurg. Buy your silverware at Salzman's and get tho best at tho lowest prices. M. F. Rapp, LEADING PERSCR1PTION DRUGGIST, Jackion Street, Roseburg, Oregon. - J J- Patent Medicines, Perfumeries. Toilet Articles. WINTER II CONSISTING OF Dress Goods and Trimmings, NOTIONS, -j- FANCY GOODS, Clothing; for Men and Boys, Boots, Shoes, -Hats and Caps, Underwear, Neckwear, Rubber Goods, Etc., Etc., NOW ARRIVING AT THE ONE PRICe CKSH STOR6 The Best Goods and Lowest Prices. Yours uosiunmc. on. W. II. CASEBEER, UE.Xl.hK IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Corner JiickHtin mill Douglas streets. New Store ! icw Goods COl'NTISY PUODITK THE THIRD BROOKSIDE. The JIoiVC Farm, ted and is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing 3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from S25 to $100 per acre. Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm or a suburban home can now be accommodated on easy terms. All lots sold in First Brookside addition have more than doubled in value. The prospect is much better for the future. More fortunes are made in lands near a grow ing town or cit' than any other way. Sieze the oppor tunity. For information or Estate Ofhce, or ou G T. Cleveland Distilling Go. Manulactutvrs of PURE BRflflDIES AMD WHISKIES LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES ALL KIKST CLASS DRUG STORES AND SALOONS HANDLE OUK GOODS. tiooils licllvctvil lu fiuanlitlcs of one callon or morv. Onlcrs from Town aud Couutrv Solicited, ami will be promptly attended lo. omcc ami gm.0SEnURC VQN pESSL & rjQERNER, Proprs. riEYER & CO., RoseburgBr ewers PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. Keep your money at home. Drink'only home made Beer The Best in the Market. ROSEBURG Marble and Granite Works. I If. Marble Estimates Furnished on all Oillcc ami HnlcHrcoiu, 711 onls Hired. I A COMPLETE LINE H oil id ay I Goods FOR Gentlemen, j Ladies aud Children. GOODS truly, J, BROOKS. ! Prices Jus Right ! BOUGHT AND SOLD. ADDITION cast of town, has beeii plat conveyance, call at ouy Real BEilaDjCHT, Propr. ami Ixalcni in ACHISOH & CO., Proprs. Dealers In nil kinds of and tirunito Monuments and Headstones, A m. Portland Cement Curbing JWtn' Gemot oi' Jots. kinds of Cemetery Work I ONLY $2 a Year If paid in advance. TH1 TWICEifliWEEK TO JHN, 1S9.T FOR 2.QO r Conoun: ICottouui: OUT OF THE 1 FRYING PAN o Has come not a little 3 knowledge as to cook jery what to do, as well as what not to do. Thus O we have learned to use o x x 33 M M o o the most pure and per fect and nooular cook O HTT ft B ing material for all frying 33 aud. snorteningpurposes. PROGRESSIVE GOOKINS o irsr X z "ETK as z M M H M is the natural outcome o a of the age, and it teaches us not to use lard , but rath er the new shortening, a e o O 3TT TZTT z z 31 U J mi o o o a SITTILEIE, a a which is far cleaner, and more digestible than any lard can be. "HTT "STf r. z a m o o tt a a m EE The success of Cotto- lene has called out worth o less imitations under similar names. Lookout O era. z z a a z z m for these! Ask your EE o c Grocer for Cottolene, andbesurethatyougetit. Made only by iiii o O VTS Id M 11 a a N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., 3 ST. LOUIS and ""ICHICAOO.NEW YORK.B03TON.IQj COTTOIXME: q COTTCJtlE O COTTOUXE Jq O Corrounc Corratom CoTTonnat EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Kipren train! leaye 1'urtlnnJ daily. South I I North ):50IM. 525 a.m. 10:15 x. it. Lr. - Portland - Ar. Lv. - Roseburg - Lv. Ar. - San Krancifeco Lr. 8:10 A. X. 11:10 p.m. 6:00 r. M. Above trains stop at East Portland, Oregon City, Woodbura, Salem. Turner, Marlon, Jeffer son, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent; Sheclds, Halscy, Ilarrisbnr?, Junction City, Irving. Eugene, Creswell, Drain, and all stations from Bceeburg to Ashland inclusive Roftcburg JIall Daily. 8:3JA. M. I Lv. 520 p. X. I Ar. Portland Roscburg Ar. 14:40 p.m. LT. iSOA.M. .Salem Paasenjjer Daily. 4KWP.M. ILv. - Portland -6:15p.M. I Ar. - Salem Ar. Lv. 10U5 A. M. bXO a. X. DIM.VG CARS U. OCDEX IIOUTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND SECOND. CLASS SL.EE1IMG CAUS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division. Between Portland and CoryalU. Mail train daily (cicept Sunday). 7:30 A. X. I Lt. t2:15r. X. I Ar. Portland - Ar. Corrallis - Lr. 5:40 r.x 10 r.x At Albany and Corrallis connect with trains of Oregon Central Eastern railroad. Express train daily (except Sunday). :45 r. x. I Lv. 7:25 F. x. I Ar. - Portland - Ar. 1 8:25 a. m. - McJIinvUle Lv. 5:50 a.m. Throngb Tickets to all Points In the Eastern states, Canada and Europe can be obtained at low cstrates lrooi George Eatcs, Agent Itosebnrc. B. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agen PORTLAND OREGON. FROM TERMINAL OK INTERIOR P0INT8 The) Northern) Pacific) RAILROAD Is the Line to Tale To all Points East and South. It is the DINING CAR KOOTE. It runs through VEST LB U LED TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR to ST. PAUL w CHICAGO (SO CHA'GI or CABS) Composed ot Dining Cjrs Unsurpassed, Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers, 01 Latest Eqslpaent. TOC1HST SLEEPING CAltS Best that can bo constructed and in which accommodations are both FREE and FURNISHED to holders of First or Second-class Tickets, and - - ELEGANT WAY COUCHES A Continuous line connecting with All Lines, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured In advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all Points in ra.. Jingiana nnu turope can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information mmpriiln rutoo ni trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. 1. CIUULTO.'V, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First St, cor. Washington. PORTLAND. OREGON. NOTICE. " "'rf v Kit uuu lb mtk T CDu eern that I htve appolnte-l D. W. Stearns of Cala. pooia precinct Deputy Inspector ot Stock for said r.M.uvk, mjwuicu auums, uasuna; also A. J. Chapman of Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Rose burg to act during my absence, and others vli bo added as parties inspected make their desire known to me. Roeeburg, May 1th, 1S37. , , , THOS. SMITH, InrecUor ol Stock fix Douslaa county Or. Dr. Gibbon This old rpIlaWn and tho m n r t KirHo.ernt Specialist in San Fran cisco, still continues to cure all Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such as Qonnorrhcea. Gleet, Juncture, iyphillls in all its forms. Skin Dl senses. Nervnu ruKll. Ity, Impotency. Semi. nut Vjtrn..a .1 t ?o1lo ? 541 abuso.and excesses producing the spots under the eyes, pain in tho head, ringing In the cars, loss of confidence, diffidence in ao. proachlng strangers, palpetation of tho heart, weakness of the limbs and back, loss of memory! P1ni? rtt0' coughs, consumption, etc. DR. GIBBON has practiced in San Francisco over thirty years and those troubled should not tail to consult him and receive tho benefit of ma stvat ssm ami experience. The doctor iuuj nuvuviucniau. irynim. vures aniceu. i-ersons cured at home. CEarges f uar. Dr. J. P. Gibbon, 635 Kearney Street, 3 an