7.a rtrfj FREE TRADE PROTECTION. One of our ettaemcd friends who, by the way is an avowed populist, continues in harp upon the advantages of free trade. He claims that the tariff is a tax and that tho conaumor has In pay it. For the sake of argument we will allow that he doe pay it though wo assert it is not a fact always. If by any system of trade arrangements we have to pa, way, twenty por cent more for an aiticle uo use, (and that is the avorno rate un der iho McKinley- tariff) and by nrraogc luenl e can make forty per cent in the trade in which we are engaged, it cer tainly ia to our advantage to go into that arrangement. Thus under high tariff, wages are alout double what they are under free tiade. In addition to this increase of nsges to workingmeo, they are assured f constant employment. This fart must net be lol fight of. It i an important thing "to consider permanent employ ment. Let us instance certain facts. Three cars ao a uit of clothes con hitn ISO, which now can te had for $15. That is percent les now than three years ago umlt-r the McKinley tariff. Then wauep -re Ii5tl kt day. Now wagen are tl.5, 4U per cent les-s, and most ol the tim no wo k to do out of employment. A suit of clothes will, at least, last a man 'is months or UO da a, which at $2.50 per day will yield him $3S0. 'lw, at f 1.50 per day, allowing he can hare constant employment, will field him only $234. Now subtract that from 3W, it will show a loss of $150. while hi train on a low tarit! coat will be only $5. or a clear loss of $151 In six months. But when we como to consider that under low tariff, as at present, he cannot secure work more than half the time, it makes $75.50 more he looter, or $226.50 in the six months under low tariff. THE MESSAGE. The more we investigate the measures advocated by the presidential message, the more, aside from party views, we see to condemn. Hie tariff question is a de batable one. There are, tosay the least, two sides to it. But the finance position of his message, it seems, ia so clearly ose sided that thB "waj faring man though a fuol" need not err to the extent of the pn-sident The caneellins of all redeemed b. notes, treasury notes and silver certificate and allowing the national banks to issue to the par value of their deposits, the reduction of tax on them from 1 per cint to of 1 per cent and allofin private hanks of isue, and the sale of bunds to foreign capitalists for gold to retire government paper currency are, in oar opinion, the acme of folly and unworthy the head of a great nation. It appears that in view of the fact that he" perceives the hopelessness cf his party further controlling the government he is qo purposely aiming to throw the gov ernment into the bands of the popniis pany, wnose extreme views in an oppo site direction wuold tend to make his views by comparison the proper thing. Uit tne'ge will populize democrats Ly tlw thon.n(L. The Plaisdejileh has a scheme for re planishing tn United Slate's treasnrv It is that of cutting down the expenses . !n-ring the salaries of all the chief "i-i-uuve nd ministerial officers to at lean 25 per cent, 50 per cent would be better. A few incumbents might kick aptirut this scheme, bat there would be found competent men enough to sopply th. places of all who might resign. We would be willing to take tho president's place shonld be resign and wo would guarantee to do as good service. We onre knew a doctor who bled for all diseases he was called on to treat, on the theory that bleeding drew off the vims of disease. So Cleveland teems to think that depleting the treasury of Unit ed States and treasury notes and silver certificates will draw off the ills he says the government is laboring nnder. Junt so, but like the quack doctor bleeding his patient, the good blood goes with the bad. So drawing the treasury of paper takes good monev from circulation. The production of wool in the United fctatee steadily increased from 1840 to 1669, when it decreased for four years then 6 eadily increased till 1893. Since then it has fallen off again. The impor tation of foreign wools, except 1872 and 18$.), has been almost stationary until Cleveland's election in 1892 Since then it baa fallen off again about 25 per cent, showing that protection does pro tcct The president says in His message that "the country is ill and needs heroic treatment." The president has correctly diognose-d the patient. It is sick, yery nick. The republican party will admin Hter heroic treatment as soon as it can reach the patient next November. It will administer an emetic that will cause Uncle Sim to eject that cyst of political microbes infesting his corporosity. It r asserted that Indiana Populists wieh to nominato Debs for governor, but Debs ia too well pleased with liberty juet now to crawl into a hole like that. We will wager a cookie that congress will not endorse Cleveland's financial policy. The democrats would do well to i.ooii- nato Cleveland for president next year. They nre already beat. So they may as well run Cloroland, tho man to whom largely thoy owo their defeat and let the people eet down on him bo ho can bco himself a3 others eeo him a dead duck According to reports of the hop market, the prospect of Dotiglun county hop grower ia not cheerful. This will prove a great drawback to this industry hicli, if remunerative, would be of great bentit as a distributor of wages to tho needy laboring class. The announcement that Yale and Princeton each icceivsd $14,000 from the piomds of their leieut football game ought to put an end to tho old theory that college training doesn't fit u man fnr money-making. Although the cold hhcoii has barely legnn eastern exertiet-titiiatethut mote of the United Slates is now roveirduith snow than at any time Inst winter. The Woodmen of Roseburg. Oak camp, No. 125, Woodmen of tho World, of this cityT gave an entertain ment Thursday night in their hall in the old Masonic building. F. J. Mcllenry, of Portland, deputy head consul of Ore gon, was present, and delivered an elo quent address on the principles of wood craft. A special dispensation was grant ed for the evening, and 25 applicants presented their names for membership, after which they repaired to the ban quet hall, where nil did ample justice to a well prepared supper. .In Walter Parlance. They have a new waiter in one of the Vine-street restaurants. He is quick and deft, and promires to be a great favorite with the customers. Tho proprietor had to call him down., however, on the see ond morning and ask hiai to .'peak Eni; lieh as it is f poken in Cincinnati. An early breakfast ordered "sausasre, hot cakes and toadied eggs." And the new waiter made the back part of the planning with, "A cable line. a stack of wheat and two jwliccmen on horseback!" Cincinnati Trlbnne. Denied at Paris. 1'akis, IVc. 0. It was Feini-othcially denied this evening that there was any troth io the story telegraphed the Pall Mall Gazette from Uouie that I!usia and France bavo withdrawn from the con cert of the poer. regarding the Tnrtith question and that efforts Jare now being made to hold a European coi.ferenre. Similar reports have been circulated, it is claimed, uy agents of the Turkish gov eminent frequently during the past month or two. In fact, the same rumer has Iten started several times in differ ent rhapes duiingthe fast seek. Fired Two Shots. Pasis. Dec. 0 In the chamber of dep uties today, at the conclo?ion of the de bate on' the bndget of the ministry of jotice, a stranger io the gallery fired two shots from a revolver. Thereupon the electric btlls, which were placed nil or the boilding a.W the bomb outrage was committed by Valliant, tho anarch ist, were mug. The door were instantly closed and susrded. The stranger was arrested. Nolody wa- hurt. Cut His Throat. SiocKTOjf, Cal., Dec. C Albert Mc Reynolds, one of the suspects in the Sonora jail, for the alleged mur er of George Morris, killed himself last night in his cell, cutting his throat with a pocket knife. lie was found dead this morning. His euicide has caused all to think that the assassins of Postmaster George Morris have bn captured. The grand jury is investigating the chargt-s against Westley McKeynold, the other brother. Turkey Successful. London-, Dec. 6. A dispatch to the Pall Mall Gazette from Home, published this afternoon, fays much excitement has been caueed there by the statement freely 'made in diplomatic circles that Russia and France had withdrawn from the concert of the powers regarding the Turkish question, and efforts are now be ing made to hold a European conference, probably at Vienna.' Paris, Dec. G. A special from St. IVlercbnrg says: It is reported tho Chi nese government has asked the govern ment of Ru'ia if, in the event of being requested to do so, it would send an army w rps to puppres the rebellion of tlie Dungans. The rebels are reported to have captured Lan Chuan, 2000 men, 30 guns and large quantities of stores and ammunition. Administratrix Notice. JOTICE Is hereby Riven that the undersigned has been by the Countr Court of Douglas county, Ort-Ron, appointed administratrix of the estate of Mary T. Ullllland, deceased. All person having claims agalnU sold estate are required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date o( this notice, to the undersigned, nt tho oiricc of Win. H. Willis. In the Court house, Koeburg, vougia county, uregon. Dated, this 5th day of December, lfOi. LULL' A. WILLIS. Administratrix of the Estate ol Mary T. Oll- iiiaim, sjeccofca. Notice. TVTOTVK is hereby given that the under signed has been apiKilntcd tho executor of tho estate of James Dixon, deceased. All persons having claims ngatnst the estate are hereby notified to present them with thcprojcr vouctx-r tn the undersigned within six months rom i'. laic oi mis notico nt nis place ol resi dence .'eh is tn Deer Creek district, Douglas coair. it.ite of Oregon. Daud, this Cth day of December, 1S03. H. It. DIXON, Executor of the (state of James Dixon, dc-cesfed. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice of Sale of Real Property for De linquent Taxes for the year 1894. Xotlools herebT Ktvon. that bv virtue of a warrant duly Issued out ol and under tho seal of the county court ol Douglas county. Btate of Or- cKon, on the IStn day ol October, 1&U5, and to mo directed und delivered, commanding me to levy uihju nnu mate tmo 01 trio goous and c rumen 01 the dcllnauent tax TinTcn namud In thu delin quent tax roll of said county, for tho year lsiH, thereto attached, and It none bo found ttu-n upon the rem properly m eet lortii and acicnucu In mid delinquent tax roll for lbl. for laid coiiutr, or mi much a may be nufflclcnt to sat- my ino arnouui ui uciinquciii iaxm runrHCi thereon lor lbSH, together with the cost nnil ox joiiH' of making tuch sale. In purnuanrc hereof 1 lmvu levied upon the following de scribed renl property in ald county and stato. which mid rvul property U owned, described and nascocdai follows: Archaiubenu, F. A., one-sixth Interest In the v. and J. Arcnambeau estate IP 27 a.r7w S 11 U Archambcuu. Lee one-sixth Interest In the r . and J. Arcnambeau estat, tp 27 k. r 7 w 10 yi 5 12 llates, 1'. S , uM, n. nwi;, not 1, tp 31 s, rO w .... . Beukmau and wlte, w aw, ne wj, e.1 svtj, rc 6, tp 27 s, r w; se ex-c-nt vol C Deeds, naze 153 2! -14 7 W Iteiiuetl, W. J.. Itosebunr, lot 10, block It Dldwell, JI., y, sw4, n!ie'X, pt nc.i sMJi, sec 1:, tp a s, r t w, so u tea, sec 11. in-JO . rO w 12 W 43 & Uonauia J d mining Co., Irsc nwJJ sh,, e'i nn'i am: in sec it, tp , r -i w, . Uie. IiOiiis Kst.. cj Ki iiwij seJi, sei hm1. ntjsi. nwJi sw)i, secsul and V.', tp SOn, r 1 w ............. ... Bayer, J. U. and wife, nw, und ne. HI tec ', ip j 1, r 7, .',1,3 2 CO 1 10 8 71 SI H Brown, C. U, uU uA i, sec SO, tp 'il , r 4 w iirown, u., nc;i nn;. sec 21, tp Si s, r Bulktcy. K. A., snji. sec 22, tp 21 s, r 5 w, liuruliBin, Geo. C, In sec 31, tp 27 s, r 6 w, Capplous, W. C. Kst., ti iwJi, scJJ swjj. r 7 w 11 16 Cavanntik'h. Marr C. st"i UtAi. sc 30. tti Sl,r7w 1 1J Cooper, J. T.,winwlsec, tp 2C s, r 5 w, sjj ne'i.sejswji.lotslto 7 and 0, sec 3, ip Si s, r a w, an nc;i, sec 25 s, r a w, S swJ. ec 37, tp 25 s. r 5 w, 5iie'.ec2S, tps5s,r5w, w H se, nw 4.Ji sw;, nwi sw.i, sec SS, tp 25 , r 5 w. Mclalnis Stands. tps25and2C. r 5 w, lots 5 and 6, sec 32, tp 25 s, r 5 w, 107 S3 Crother. Eva A., lot 3. cc 10. tp 24 s. xi w 23 Dixon, w. u. u., sj sw, sec i, ip j- . r i w, pt claims &, aud M, secU, In 27 s, r5 and 6 w, ni sec 3, tp27 , r 5 w, &i e?s wj. lots jnd i, secO, lp27 s, r 5 w, sec s, tp 27 a. r 5 w, ejj nwjf, neX4. ncj awj. lot 1 to S. sec 7, tp 27 . r 5 w, lrim land sold McLallen and othen, sis, tc&, tp27 s, r 5 w, nc-4, lou 1 and 2, sec 6, tp 27 , r 5 w, lots 7 nndS, sec 30. tp26 , r 4 w, sej nei, ce lots 3 and 4, sec 31, tp 26 s. r 5 w, w, sec 3?, tp 20 s, r 5 w, s in,';, sec 21. Ipa;,r5 w.lots 1,2 and 9. nc;, Hrc2S.r5.w. nU neii. scc31. tp; s. r o w, p: claim 50. tp27 s, r&ando w 223 51 Duncan. A. F.. ceji sec 3. IB 21 1, r 0 w . It i5 Kavcs. Luclau. wU fl4. eV4 e!4. sec 16. tp l'J MS.. 0 to Uowctt. J. 1I-. elj tH, swJi scJi. se'i iw4t see 1 . tp Jl s, r w. . 13 : llarrif , 1". A., cl 37, tp 21 s. r w, nei sei, sw.. nJ4 sJi, cc6 tp2l s, r -I v, nt1. nd. lot 1. !;. c?i sec 7, to 2s. rw. M - Hcald, ilary L, South Drain, all bloct 10, lots 7 and S. b!k 1 lots 1 to i, 0 and 7. blk 2J.. . s M Henderson, V. A., srdlncr. lot 1. blk 10,. 7 70 Ileieht. ucuvlu). s4i. nV;. sec X , tp 27 . r3w 13 11 Hill. y. it., Est., e e, swJ ncJ-4, 33, tp2Js.r5w.nc4sii,sc33,tp25, r 5 w, pt Gardiner1 II. C, and his D. C. In tp 20 , r 5 w. Lot i, (cc , lot 5, cc 5, lot 2. sec :. ti 2i s. r 5 w. nw';: xc 4. n!4. C9. kc 5, ... C7 Hill. W. O.. In tp5, r5 w. 3 ui Johnon. 5Irs. Fannie, nud 1-7 Itobt. Smith's D. C..tp23.r5 w, . s 71 Kelettc. Maria II., nej nei. tec 1, tp 2Jt, rSw, 1 t Kcjtcr. W:u- In Sec 10. tp SJ . r 3 w, 2 C Kravrj, W. II., lots 1 and 1 Hazel's add 2 I) Lei.nard.M.. nri4. nw4seI. ec II. tp -J f.rStv.. 9 UJ Ldbman. Jo.. t: cl 43. tp 3) s. r 5 w. let 1. hc& tp3i s, tlw . a . Union. 'f . E.. lots 1 and 2, s.s c?., kc SC. tpli.rl2w, 4 li JleClnre. John, sw.'i, swJi neji. sec 10, tp 2S. . rS w. swli nrii. ncli cc?i. tve 14. It3 , r 5 w 11-4 McDonald, F. V., neJ4. scii nwi,wj, u, sw'i, (U sn'i. C VS. IP22, I Moure. J. U, sw!4 wHi, ec2. Ip33s, r7w. 1 15 Moorv. Luclnda. !;:,;. s!i sw'i, sec II. tp27s. r w. .. 4 37 MorrlKHJ. J. I)., pt claim 42. sec 21, tp2s. Morrion, W. T.. pt cl It, sec 21, tp Z) . r 4 w. Myrtle Crek Consolidated Gold Mlnlns and Manufeeturing Co. nn4.ev2l, tp . r 4 w. M K Nobte, Harry C. lou 12 and 13, sec 31, tp Max'h,rilT&' nejlcwji'scc ji. tp"U3 s, r 5 ir... Stephen. A. Vi., lot 3, sec 11, tp 27 s. r 3 w, Smllh. A. A.. nn'i. sec 21. to 25 . r 73 1 10 1 13 4W. - . 110 Palmer. Caroline E., end ; net, xe V2, 1 l'autou, A. C, sjj sec 16, tp 22 s. r t w, w!4. s3s nw;., ic3S. tpl7 . r 5 w,.. -ialtrron. Hamilton Est., n nw', J4 9 i'- 10 0 nwt nuV: sl.. Hf. tni . r t. w. Patterson, is., ri nri:, sec 2. tp 24 . r 6 w. ail stc2S Ip2l , r6 w. . SI S7 retcr, G. w pt ti neil. e'i tril. sec 32. tp2ls. rSw 1143 Putnam, C.F., sco F. lulnam' D. C and Jo. Dalslcy's D. C, tp 26 s, r 6 w, swj4. nw!i, sw), lots 1 and 2. sec ?, tpas ,rnr, n;-,, s7.4, lou 1 and 2, see 15, tp 22 , r 6 w. lots 4 and 5, n- Jcseph. Put Dsai, D. C, -c 17. tp 23 , r C w 190 Putnam, Mrs. S., sU.ci Si, neji nc"i, lot 6, sec!1, tp22s. rs w .. 23 CO Ramlt. Bruno H .sn'f, sec 30. tp 21 s, r nernoidsT Milton. 'awf swji. setT f." tpSl . r7 w. . 1 13 I'.ob-on, E. F., eJ4 neJi, sec!6,tp 15s, raw 2 JO Roche, John, njj nej-i. sec 20, tp 13 . r 11 vr. nw'i nwji. wcl, tp 13 s, r 11 , w'4 te?;. See 17, tp 19 s, r 11 w, I nondvau. Frank, Est.. nU nw'i, sec 21. tp 25 , r7 w. . 4 CO Roe, Aaron, Boseburg 3rd southern Add., lots 12 and LT. block 91. 6 1 Roc, A.. 3rd Southern Add., Roscburx, lot 1. block SO, 3 2; Shangle, F. E., wj seii, ne"i nw'i, sec 4. tp 23 s, r 5 r, 2 S3 shehan. E. J., nw'l sec 36. tp 20 s. shutram, Geo., lots Sand 9, blk 1. Shut rum Add. to Yoncalla 3 Z4 Simmons, I., Oakland, I'.. R. Add., lot 3 block b,. .. . . 2 4 Small, ucorge, wjscj.;, neJtseJJ, teJX no ii, sec 20, tp22s, rl2w, . Stearns Frnlt Land Co.. between lota 1 to 20, tp 27 s. r 5 w.... . tl 1-0 Steel, W. G.. pt Chitwood's D. C IS IrJ EUthcrlln. Msud. Oakland, it. It. Add.. 1 block 23 5 20 butherltn, Thomas, Mj; se'J. sec 9, tp 25 s, r 5 w, f r wU. wU neii, sec 22. tp 25 s. r 5 w, cU cl), tp -ii s, r 5 w,. ..... bd 'Z Smith, A.M.. swU nw'i, nwi ivt i sec IMP 30 s, r4w 2 DO Terrill. W. D., pt cl 46, tp 30 s. r 4 w, 27 34 walker. Thomas M. sw!i tvtli. sec 3S. to 20 s, rlOw 190 W heeler. C. H.. itK ttli. self ivii . sec X. tp23s, r5w, . 3 31 hethem. James, Roseburg, lots 4 to 10, blk 4, Tp. Add.; lots A to D, blk 4, Tp Add.-, lots 4 to 11, blk 5, Tp. Add.: lots 4 to II, blk C.Tp. Add ; lots 2 to 11, blk 10. Tp. Add.: lots 1 to 5. blk 11. To. Add.: lota 3 to , blkl2,Tp. Add.. 21 C5 Whltteek, Mary, Roseburg. lots 12 and 13. blk 71, 1st a Add , 12 i'J W hlte, C O., $ neJ. cc 19, tp 29 , r o w, nwj4, sec a). lt29 s. r5w.... . E0 okum, J. I., In tp 30 s, r 5 vr, .. 13 23 oung, A. M in tp 21 s. r 7 w. Elkton. 3 to 6. blk 15, . 7 Cfl Chattlcld. A. O . Yoncalla, lot 2, blk u 63 Tenant, Mrs. Phoebe, se'i, sec 10. tp 32. r C w C W And will on Tuesday, the 17th day ol December, A. U, 1S95. between the hoars of 0 o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock In the afternoon, to-wit: At 1 o'clock in the afternoon k-11 nt public auction at the court house door In Koeburg, Douglas coiiniy, uregon, 10 ine jngnesi oiuuer lor easn in nonu, an i:ie nioe iueribrt real property, or so much thereof as will U' lu-rrSMirv to sal isfv the amount of the delliinueiit taxes ehsrs-nl therein for said Douglas comity, Oregon, for isi, nun lor 111c costs ni nils sale. I)ntelnt Roseburg, Oregon this 13th day o C. P. CATHCAltT. Sheriff and Tax Collector for Douglas County, Oregon Go to Salzman'i for holiday goods. io"s Tor tho Jutlcd and'Hoou- licullli for fill MraikJnd. J5VS VEGETABLE SARSAPARiLLA. h m-.de from herbs, ond ronLiins no ainernl drugs or deadly poll en. Joy's Vegetable liarsuparilla robs th c Hood of nil Its Impuri ties, and courses nil these impuri- ties tliroogh nature'sown pro per chan nels. Joy' Venetabla Barsaparllla cures. Dys pepsia , Ch route liver Complaints nnd Kidney Affiotis. Joy's Vcjrctablo barsaparllla prevents tired feel ings, staggering sen sations, palpitation of heart, rush of blood to the head. dizziness, ringing in cars, spots before tho eye?, headache, bil ionsness, constipation of bowels, pams in tho backmelancholy, tongue coated, foul bream, pimples on face, bodjr and limb, declineofncrvo force dizzy spells, faint spells, cold, clammy feet and hands, sour risings, fatigue, in somnia, ana au dis eases of the stomach, liver and kidney?. f J J 1" ly.. - saparilla is sold by all druggists. Xefuse a lub.tltutc. When voa nay for thebestbeelhat vu i;vv uic uot. GOOD Food - - -Digestion- -Complexion - are all iRtimntelj-connected practically inseparable. Though the fact is often ignored, it is nevertheless true that a good complex ion is an impossibility with out good digestion, which in turn depends on good food. There h no more common cause of Indigestion than lard. Let the bright house keeper use GOTTOLENE The Now Vegetable Shortening and substitute for lird, and her cheeks, with those cf her family, will be far more likely to be " Like a rose in the snow." COTTOLEXE is clean, deli catc, healthful ar.d popu lar. Try it for yourself. Scad tlirec cents in stamps to N. K. Eairbaak : Co.,Oucago,t-7 luadsaccCoKoirneCoek Book, coniaieisg sis hundred recipes, prepared by tuzc csisest asissr- node only by N. K. Fairbank & Co., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. TTTTf?? ,.THE GRcfr.HUDTvfj j li . ia mm DRC-? A. Tats extra ordinary Be Jcvecotor ia tho most wonderful discovery of tho cge. It Ins been en dored bytho men of Suropo and America. Hndran Is imrelr vece tabic.' llajja.i stops st tho Uis ch&rge in 20 days. Cures LOST Cctutiratioc, Diniaejs, Falling Een-satlons.Xtrv-ons twitching of the eyes and other parts. Strengthens, Invigorates and tones the entircsyitem. Haijin cures Debility, Kerrouscess, Emissions, anddevelopcs and restores weak organs. Talcs in the tci. losses by dav or MANHOOD aightetopped a Mem eiUlckly. Over 2.CO0 private endorsements. Prematurcnes means imrotency In tho Erst rUgo. It Is a symptom of teminnl weakness r.ml barrenness. It can bo stopped in SO days f tho uso o r Uudyaa. Tho new difcorery was made by the Special i'ts of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It Is tho strongest vltalizcr made. It is very pwcrfil, but harmless. Sold for !1.0O n pack RgccrS packages for SiXO (plain sealed Ixixes). Wr.ttpn guarantee given for a cure. If youbuy Mxtkixesond are cot entirely cured, tlx more ui'l tws"nt to you free of all charges. Fen 1 f ir elrcularsand testimonials. Address JU'DSON JIEDICAL INSTITirrii, , S 11 uetloti Stockton, Market tc Ulu st-v Sun Francisco, Cal- Vromptly secured. iMOft-MHrk. Copy'Uts and Isabels reglsterod. Tncnty.flvo )oar- ii perlcnce. Wo report nhother patont i-nu tc secured or nut, freeofchHme. Our fee tt t 1t o until patent Is allowed. .'I'Jpni;p liooli 1 .-. . M. B, WILL8ON & CO., Attoi ! it xk Orp.U.B,lttt.oaco. WA311INCTGM. n.tt siiiiE nsist on I'm packages 4 g Ccits tio more than inferior package soda 7 never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is mi- ',..;:' achwjvluiged purest in tbe world. 'f . iu otAj fry CrrrjRCII t CO., New York. ' 5;U by grcccrs tverywtrri. . !u.-.rrr.nj ;r:i-3tr Cook of Til3iW lift iesITvEE. LjWERICAN GRICULTFJRIST ' Only $1.0C a Year! All the Leadinp Feature that have m:.de the monthly bo popular are retained and many New Feature added, such a (jeneral and Local Market Prices, Crop Reports in their Feason, ( on.iensfd Farm K wo, and Letters Amonjr the Farmera. Its Fairm Feafcufcs. Live Stock, Dairvinir. Horticnlture, I ultry, Market Gardening: and other opics, written by Practirr ai d Sncce?8ful farmers, supplemented tvith Illnetra ions ,by able artists, contine t make it nvaluable to those who "farm it for a iving." The Latest Maiket -id.I Comruerci.tl Agrii'itltnre are Leading Features, Ir which the Agriculturist ir not excelled. li.. ! Special Correspondents at tie General and Local Murat-t LVnters A over ?r- United States enable ns toreport the latest prices on everv'iiii'i; the Farmer 1. im to s-ll. This Department alone It wortli many timet) the co-t if a year's gubst -iption to any Farmer. Five Editions! . are lfat.,itli for five dijjerent sections of the country, Em rem, Middle, Central, Western. Southern. liacit Kditioa contains hpo--Ul Local Fea'" res characteristic of its Eection, per fectly adapting it to the uan'u ol the farmei- f.f the different states in that section. Thns each edition beeome.-' U tbe Farmers - - much their home agricultural papers as though pul liehed at th-ir own state capral. The Family Features, Short Stories, Latest Fashions, Fancy "Work, The Good Cook, Talks with the Doctor, Fuzzlo Contests and Toungr Fclka' Fsge, combine to make this Department of as mn i value and interest as moat of th Special Family Faptrs. Questions answered on La, Medicine. Veterinary and other topics FREE. THE MAGAZI.sE FORM. Each issue comes out with a neat cover, the cumber of paijes varv ii.j; from 28 to 'M. An Ideal Farm and Family Weekly. FREE SAMPLE COPY sent on request. American Agriculturist, 78 Columbian Building, - SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SPECIAL COMBINATION OPPEE. Ttic I'lolnilcaler, - - 82.001 SX.OOl , - 1,00) American AjrrlcaltariHts If Business Is A 1 The Pliandealer's Advertising Columns Are the Rootersfor the Business flen of Douglas County. ( -f DRINK THE Days of 49 Whisky. f -f For Sale at all THE POSITIVE CURE. i ELY BEOTHER3. M Wirren St-, Nn? Ycrk. FricssocuJ BEWARE , of imitation trade marks and labels. 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