IF YOU DOH'T READ It YUU Sfcfc II in i I The Plaindealer Tke Plaindealer You Don't Get tub News. Voi,. XXVI. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1895. 44. i IT IS SO. 1 ' No. GENERAL DIRECTORY ATE OF CfcEGOK V. & Senators.. 11.11. Mitchell J J. n. uoipn Congressmen Governor. Secretary of Wale Mate Treasurer Suj. lilk. lutrucliou Stale IMnter. ininccrltormann JW.K. KUls .William 1'. Lord .11. lw Kiucaiu .l'htl Mclschau G. M. Irwin V. 11. Leeds r M. Idlcinan Attorncv Ucnera , Member Board of KqualUalion .A. C Woodcock I (K.A. Moore Suprcnc Judges c a; iC K. Wolvcrton (K.S. Eean (A. B. Railroad Commlstl oners. .;J. B. R cjorans-n Eddy U. A. M . Macruni Clerk of Railroad Corarals&iou Lydcll Baker srcOKD jvmaxi, district. Ju.lce. . I. C. Kullcrton rrwecuUns Attorney Geo. M.Brown V. k. LAND OH Id, EOfcKGCEG. Kfcclrer R. S. Sheridan Scclster R. M. Watch c. s. irCATHSC ccncAC. Observer Thos. Gioson imcclis cocxrv. Senator -Henry Bccilcy iJ.K. Blundell let. SchThrede 'Jerk . W. Benson licriir C. F. Cathcart rroaiurcr School Supcrindc3t HuajOTiS I. A. SlcrUnsI assessor- County Judge. .A.r.Mcarns" Commissioners- iW. L, L. Wilson a U. Maupln surveyor.. Willi'. Ucnlon Coroner- Br. K. U ilUlcr Sheep fas-rector. .Taos. bnutn rcxa"CT orriccxy. Jaslicos-. Jnhn Hamlin 9outahlu.. IL.C. Siocum CITY OF'EO&ECUCG. f W.T. Wrishl I J. 11. snore .JjLlMUpp J B. W. Slrouj 1 1. K. Kicc Tnutcv Krcnrxlcr. V. M.Uclcr MatihaL. W. F. CarroU Ttcasnrcr COCET SfSSIOSS. J. C. Sheridan ,JN. The Circuit Court for Douglas County race three limn a vmr as follows: The Sd Moi Sd Mon day in March, the -tlh Monday in Jnne, and the lf-l Monday iu December. J. C FullcKon of Coscburc ju-lse, Geo. M. Brown, of Koscburs. profccuuus muuucy. County Court meets the 1st Wednesday after . 1 - . . . If . V. 1 Inl. UC12t JllWUKf VI JV1US1T, September and November, A. F. Stearns, of OaUaad. jadce; C IL Manpin of Klkton an.1 W. L. Wilson, of Riddle, commissioners. Probate Court is in cession continuously, A. F. Steams, laorc Society :rictlugw TAUEEL UUlXiE, A. F. i A. M., KEUULAB - mccii&ss the 3d and lib. Vicdcesdays in eacninoniu. C W. Kiev, Stc'y. J. K. Wrsc, W. IL TTMPQOA CUAFTEB, XO. IL K. A. M., HOLD U their rczular conrocations at Masonic hall on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Visiting companions are cordially invited. M.F.EATT.H.P. laarocx Caso, Secretary. DIULETABJAX LODGE, XO. U O. O. F.. a. n!s atnnlar ereninc of each vreck at o'clock In their hall at 0960017. Members of the order in good standing axe invited to attend. ticoces i nrr, i. Wxthe Joscs, See'y. TTOS ESCAMrMEXT, XO. 5, MEETS AT t- Odd FcUows' hiU ui second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Visiting brethren are tnvtioi to at.cnti. JOSEt'H MICELU, Scribe. J. M. FLETCliER, C. I. rfKFRrP.f. IjODGE. XO. IS. A- O. TJ. W. -f- rice Is the second, and focrth Mondays of eseh month StTJO p. in. at Odd Fellows ha!L Merabers of the order in good standing are ln- vltol to aucnil- tiexo ro?r. xo.??. g. a. e meets the fcm tndTJxaars3ayot cash xaath. tt.TOMEXS RELIEF CORTS XO. 19. MEETS I ' second ana iourth Thursdays in each I month. FAKMH Mectinr-s ALLIAXCE Regular Quarterly trill be held Orange uau. Roscbcrr. the first Friday in December, March and June, and the third Friday In September. ROSEBURG CHAPTER, XO. S. O. E. S.. MEETS the second and fourth Thursdays of each DSth. BERTHA. CARO, W. M. -DOSEBTJRG DIVISIOX XO O, B. OF Lt, an- ccets ercry second and louxth buncay. pOSEBUBG R. D. LODGE, XO. 11, 1. O.O. F. tTe f2Ei8$S& n-th-ra are invitol to attend. DORA FLETCHER, X. C. IVY VAX Bt'EES. B. Sec ALPHA LODGE. XO. C. K. OF P., MEETS -flL r WcdnesdaT evenln? at Odd Feuovt n.n Visiting trtthrca In good standing cor dially intttea to aiienn. The Ctiurclics. BarnsT Cuceoi comer cf Lane and Eos t treets. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. n. and 7:33 p. tx; Toung People s Union, CaOpjt; an. G. X. Amies, President; Sunday School, 10 c. el; James Chamberlain, Superintendent Prayer Melting, Thursday evening at T30. Ext. G. X. Ajrsrs, Pastor. Residence, Xo. 21 Main Street. Mciu ODts T CHTtca corner oi Main end Lane streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. o. and 7:30 p-rx: Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; Dr. James Barr, Superintendent: Class Meeting at close of the morning service; Eptrorth League 630 p. m. Clare Hume, President. Prayer Meet ing, Thursday, at 720 p. m. X. S. Bccxsrr, D. D., Pastor. Parsonage, corner Main and Lane. PaxsBTirsiAS Chbech comer of Cass and Rose streets. Sunday Service: PcpUc worship, cm- and 730 p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. ra.; r. P. S. C E..7 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Weiaes- day, 730 p. rn. E. B. DiMTOCTir, Pastor. The W. C. T. C will meet at the M. E. church every Thursday evening until after Stale Convention. AH members should be pres ent at every meeting. The Lotai. Ttxixnascx Legios will meet at the M-E. Church Wednesday nt 3 pjn. A. C. BCCESEB. Sapt. J. F. BARKER & CO. GEOCERS. TEAS A SPECIALTY. A special hisnd jl unadulterated Tea. pilie Onr la bavins a laree sale. Iew styles of Glass and Delf Ware t astonishing low prices. Our own Tomsioes are very popular. canned M. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Koom JIarsteis Bulldluc, . ROSEBURO, OR. I IW-Boslncss before the U. S. Land Office and milling cases a specialty. Late Receiver TJ. S. Land Office. CEOr-GK 31. CUOWN. rmn. rAGi-TvsTi.s. TVROWN & TUSTTN", Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms? and $ o & Wilson Block. Ta ROSEDURO, OR. "7 R. WiLIiTS, 1 Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will roeUce lu all the coarU of tbe Bute. Of. fice in the Court House, DoagUs county, Or. Q A. SEHLBREDE, Attorney at Law, Jiosrbitro, Urcgatt, Office OTcr the rostoffico on Jaexsou street. W W. CARD WELL, T Attorney at Law, ROSEBURG, OREGON. F. R. COFFMAN, Physician and Surgeon (l. S. Eiaialnlns Surgeon.) OFFICE:. Rooms C and T Mantcn' Buildlnc. RcMdcncc. First door South of Mrs. Currier's I Boarding IIousv. W SiieciAl attention to Sunrcrr and tli DiKascs of Women. J. UZI.U, ?I. D., Pli'siciau and Surgeon, KOsEBUKG. OR. OrSeo iu S. Marks A Ox's Block, upstairs. Calls promptly ansncred day or night. La Favkttc Lxsc JCDGE L. LOCGIUBT JAKE & L0UGHARY, Attorneys tfe Coiuiselors at Law W ill cractiee la all the courts of Orcein. Of. Ire in the Tr lur-WiUon block. prrjXL. P. HEYDON, County purveyor, aud Xotao" Public. Ornci: In Court House. Orders for Surrcvlac and Field Notes should be addressed to Will l'.Iieydon, County Sur! vcyor, Ko&enurg.ur. F. BRIQGS, X7. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor and Notary ruullc. OrncE: County Jail Building, up stairs. W Special attention raid to Transfers and I conveyances. Address. ROSEBURG. OR. jyprRA BROWN, SL 3., Physician and Surgeon. Circus Eiic3ss cf vTcnsn a Spedalty. OEce, Up Stairs, in the Marks Building. Residence 112 Cass Street, ROSEBURG. Jg- L. MILLER, M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathio Physician, Kotebnrff, Ortgon. f3T"Chninle lUacues a peeialty. JERRY J. WILSOH, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 4ii Jackhon Street, At Lucnsen's Clear Factory. R03EBCBG. ItaU-AH Ilcnatrfoir entrusted to my care will tic PRomm.V and carefully clone. , PRICES REASONABLE. H. C. STANTON Has jost received a new and ezteruiv itoek o DRY: GOODS COHblBTIXG OF L3lies' Uress Goods, Ribbons, TriinniinKB, Laces, tc Etc. -ALSO A FIXE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SIIOJBS 01 the beat qul;iy and finUh. GROCERIES, Vood, Willoir and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Also on hand in large qnaalltie and at prlcta to j suit, lie urae. auo a urge siocx oi Custom-Made Clothing 'Which Is offered at cost price. A full and elect stock of SCHOOL BOOKS Constantly on hand. Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN STATIONEKT. General aernt hr every variety ot eubieripMoa books and rcriodleal published In tbe United States. Persons wishing reading matter of any nna wiu on to give me a can. ft. m BJiMtlBBBBBBBBBBBt wf? COPYRIGHTS.- CATS I OBTAIN A PA TEXT t For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MUNN&CO., who have bad nearlr&fty years' experience In tbe patent bnilnras. Comannlea t im .f riHIr ennfldentlst. A Ilnndbooh of In formation coneernlna I'alrntH and bow to ob tain ibera rent free. Alto a catalogue ot mechan ical ana ecimunc nnoKn pent irec Patents taken tbronb Mom & Co. recetTo -reclilnouceintDoreientliiesmerirnn. ana tbns are bronsht widely before tbe public with out cost, to tuo inventor, inia spienaia pi Iraaed weekly, elegantly Illustrated, ha br tar tbe .rer. tarrcrt rtrcnlatlon of any sdcntiae work In tbe wnrid. Hrt ,vm. fcimnle cmilM tent f rac U'illUlUK M11UVUU'"WJ JtM. Kimi, mftrt-'lti cents. Every number contains beao- tlfnl plalr. In colors, and pboUvrapbs of new tionsea. with plan, enabling builders to show tb latrtt lelnn and secure contracts. Address HUN.V A CO, NEir VOHK, 301 11U0ADWAT. Promptly eocnre3. Trade-Mark a. Copyilnbts end Labels registered. Twenty-fire years ex perience. We report whether patent can be tecareaornot,rreeorcbrBe. onrree cians until patent Is allowed. 3'i pnse IJooU Free. ree cm das look free. liO.i A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. JASKULEK.j Practical : Watchmaker, : DEALER IN .. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEI.KY. AND fANCY OODS. Guuuino 12 rax ill mi 12y A COUl'IJJTK Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco. Als0 Proprietor ami ltanugor of LIGHT... RUNNING PLHNO P STORED POWER Furnished by mJ iViTIir 1 1 11 Improvement . .tP- . noo - L THE PLHNO LEADS Because J IS THE BESTS mihb lDitirpi Civ. it steady morion in tanclcd Krain, and on roitRli. uneven I Hr rl V WHrFI eround. causes it to run liRhtly over soft pUccs. nultcs it run a . -1 nnr hnr More Jonas Steel Headers Sold in '94 than all others combined. You should tee the JONES TIIIUM jUfUUFR tcloreou buy Simplest Innrtlnrt and Uchtot draft mocr in the Ulllllil llUllLU world. Nrxeroulnfitiair. Noiccasst wear out. n- frirtion, no no',-- notlun- t ;.i.il;e the fatruer "eus'." Chain Power iuir the at Ferris rrlirr. This proves iu Mi in !!i cycles arc Chain Drive. Why! light draft' SEND roa OUR FREt-rOn-J.LL ILtUSTBaTCO CATALOGUC Tlie Piano Mfg. Co., Mcnufcurcr West PuHman, .ChlcaKO, HI Call and see samples on exhibition at the Machine Shed of CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & MCKENZIE'S Roseburg Hardware Go. yReal Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intendingpurchaserspatr-reasonablc prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. S- KL BUICK, IHtaiiolaaaa.ft. at u aim THE PELTON WATER MOTOR. Of capacities varying from i to 25 horse power affords the most con venient, economical and reliable power for all light seYvice. One of these may be seen running at this office. Send for circulars. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO., 121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal. THE THIRD ADDITION BKOOKSIDE. The Howe Farm, ted and is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing 3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wanting a 1 or a suburban norac eau terms. All lots sold in First than doubled in value. The prospect is much better for the future. More fortunes are made in lands near a grow ing town or city- than any other way. Sieze the oppor tunity. For information or Estate Office, or on & T. DRINK THE Days of For Sale at all Jeweler : and ; Optician. GIuhhoh uxitl SpcotuoleH STOCK OP Cigars and Smokers' Articles. Itosoburg's Famous Uargnin Store. 1IINOBRH Aiowsna UISAVISH3 the "Piano" Fly Wheel, U the greatest ever made In Seli-Blndlne Harvester.,. maotwartuio. thi uuit roe tms t riAittr woh IMC nt-Htll. ON THI PUK3 UCKT. Ci . it steady motion in tancletl Krain, and on roitRli. uneven KTound, causes it to run liRhtly over soft places, nukes it run one horse Hchter draft and bind a bundle after the tiaci s!tr- POSSESSION GIVEN. Goaaat9 Oafeoaa, aKieEdBciciei0iia iciiwiciii JB- east of town, has been plat fruit, vegetable or chicken farm 1 1.4 now be accommodated on easy Brookside addition have more conveyance, call at ouy Real BEIiDEN, Fropr. CELEBRATED 49 Whisky. 7T First-Class Bars. f I LITTLE LOCALS. From Saturday's Sally. 1 G. 3oblo of Bitkutn ia nt this Van HoutenV' of Teel Is reuist'ereJ at tho Central. W. H. Munlock of Clovehmd was in town tolay. W. F, Klnnoy of Camaa Valloy i at tho C(ral. GeoLangeuberg returned from Ban don yesterday. II, 8. Shqtwoll of. WichiU Falls ih at tho Vim Houlcn. W. M. IcMulleit of Bandon is a guest at tho Van Ilouten. ChriB Enslcthanpt of Oneill, Neb., ia a guest nt tho Central. A large in voice of nudetwear just ro coircd.at; the Bcsa Store. C. W. Chriatenscn of Myrllo Point is registered at tho Central. Capt. G. W. Peters, of Oakland camo up on yesterday ovcning'ri local. Tho.ieo cream and candy you get nt Neice'a will advertise themeelves. 3Ir.""T. K. .Sheridan and family aro visiting at Empire City, Cooa county. L. C. Hill and D. K. Burley of Wanl- tou aro in the city to-day on business. Uoy, Father Ddsmarais is on liis tray to attend the "Retreat" at Mount Angel, Marion county. A good bed. a good meal and courteous treatment at tho Central. Fifteen cents each for tho first two, the latter gralb. A great many buildings aro beiug burned in this vicinity lately. You should ace Way no Jones and arrange your insurance. St. Louis is bragging on a preacher who has said from tho pulpit that tho bloomers of today aro not as bad as the lioopskirls of twenty years ago. Justice to Secretary Kincaid calls for the acknowledgement that einco the leg islature adjourned he has leen zealous iu his endeavors to cut off salaries and emoluments other than hi; own. Ex. Fou.su. A small memarandutn book, in which were two promisory Dotes, one for f 37.50 and the other $58.00. Owner can bare the same by calling at ibis office. F. Martin, representing tho Oregon Fruit Union, leaves tonight for Grants PaS3 to superintend a shipment of frnit. Ho will return Wednesday or Thursday of next week. Capt. Ben D. Boswell came up from tho springs yesterday on business, re turning on this morning's local. Bcswell Springs is enjoying quite a boom this season anil tbe "woods arn full" of campers. James McCarthy, on Stephens street L-a the prettiest. bull calf-we evRrrsawr and wo have seen ten thousand of them. It is of the Holstein breed. If put on exhibition at our district fair it will walk ofT willi lho blue ribbon. Scott Morris of Ada, uear Tenmile lake, is an applicant for a certificcto to teach. Mr. Moris is a comparative new settler in the district having long been a citizen of Jackaou county, where be held the responsible position of postmaster of Spickcnard. If be secures his certiGcale a change of administration will not con stitute an ouster. Our readers will find in today's paper the card of Kev. Mr. Dillwortb, an nouncing that tho second rear of the Rose'iurg Academy will open September 2d. With commonable effort Mr. Dil- worth has taken hold of this branch of education and wo trust the citizens of Kofeburg and vicinity will extend to him a liberal patronage and at all times encourage others to do so. A high t cliool here is a gtcat desideralion for Ros cburg. Roseburg. Roseburg is coming It the front. Despito our littlo "unpleasautness" in local affairs over the inane conduct of the water company, the people are raov mg right along improving and building up lho city with a 6leady healthy growth. The citizens are determined lo shako off the grip of that octopus. Adversi ties some times aro advantageous by provoklug a determination to overcome obstacles. The suicidal act of the water company has awakened our people to tho necessity of opposition to corporate creed and that their salvation depends upon throning off that incubus. Steps should now bo made looking to tho control of the water supply and the lighting of the cily. The city has been paying too much lor Mlb water aim light, ami tbe sooner it inaugurates self-ownership of these necessary plants the bettor. It will take timu to accomplish these, and hence the necessity of beginning at once. In the mean lime tho work ol exteniiiog our substantial improvements noed not flag, neither do they. Roseburg's situa tion and her environments are such as to inspire nope in 1110 luture. All tliat is necessary is for our pooplo to pull to gelher with a determination to succeed und they will work wonders. Let us try ClTlZKX. Board of Equalization Notice. Notico is hereby given that the Board of Equalization of Douglas county, Ore gon, will meet iu the office of the county coutt, of said county, iu the court 1:oubo in tho city of Rosoburg, Oregon, on Mou day, tho 20th day of August. 1805, and will coutinuo iu cession until Saturday August 31, 1S05, to publicly examine tbe assessment rolls and correct all errors in valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property. Now therefore, all parties who may bo ag grieved by reasou of valuation, deserir tion, or otherwise as to tueir assess ment, will tako notico of tho meeting of said Board of Equalization at said time and placo and make duo complaint to said Board of Equal iza' tion, otherwise their assessment will stand as made by the Assessor. J. A. Stehuno, Assessor for Douglas county, BUSINESS PERSONALS. A Salzman, tho reliable jowcler. J. T. Bryan, tho Busy Watchmaker. For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N. Boyd. Pure freBh candies, fruits and nuta at tho Roselcaf. For Salo" Old papers, at this office, at 25 cents per hundred. Try tho ico cream Eoda at tho Kandy Kitchon. It is delicious. School books, a full and complete assortment at Mareters' drug store. Dr. Coilman has removed his office to ttiu Masters' building, rooms 0 aud 7. F.' W. Hayncs, deulist. iu Mark's building. All kinds of dontul work guar antccd. Smokers' articles of orcry description aud tho best brands of tobacco at the Roscleaf. Small profits and quick sales is the principle of success. That's Jack Abra ham's policy. The Kandy Kitchen, iu tho Taylor & Wilson building, is the pluco lo go for pure fresh candies. Wall paper iu all designs from 'Si cents up, hanging thrown in. Call on A. C. Mareters, who is prepared to execute your orders. What's tbe uso of paying 25 cents when you can get a good smiaio meal for 15 cents. Stop at the Centra! hotel aud be convinced. If you don't wat.t to suffer with curus aud bunions, have your boots aod tdioes made at L. Langenburg's. Repairing neatly and promptly done. If you want to see a nice selected stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, silver ware and optical goods, call at Salzmuu's. He is always ready to show his goods. Just received our cic iluck of iltitw huts and ilioft. Straw hats at 7 cents and up. Men's tine calf shoes at $1.-10 aud up. Call and fee them at Richards Bros.' Racket Store. I.. Itngenburg is still on top. He carries a full Mock of choice music, mu sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord eons etc., violin strings of be$t quality wavs on hand. Ten cents saved is ten ccnt3 earned. avo ten cents by stopping at the Cen tral hotel. A good square meal for 15 cents, beds tbe same. Board and lodg- ng only $3.50 icr week. Those having second baud stoves, furniture, etc., for sale can receive the highest cash price br calling upon N. Rice, the furniture and supply dealer, 1-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or. Frank Bigger, the genial proprietor of the Central Hotel, is doing a flourishing business notwithstanding the general de prcssion. Ho seta a good table, his prices are low and ho' makes every effort to please his patrons. Parties desiring monumental woik will do well to call on D. Looaev, at the Roseburg marble works on Oak street opposite the hardware store of Churchill, Woolley & McKenzie. These works are turning out some fine specimens of mon umental work. Band Contest at Grants Pass. Tho K. of P. band of this city h pre paring for the prize contest at Grants ass tho 27th and 2Sth inst. Owing to the rules governing the contest tho K. of band has been teduced from 22 to 15 men the limited number of men of any band competing which has crippled the efficiency of the band considerable. But ith a determination to win they eugage the ordeal and will crowd the Grants Pass band to the wall if iosiib!e. In the coutcft for individual solo playing tbe K. of P. soloists will doubtless walk off with the cake, as it ia a well known lact that our soloists on tho clarionet, cornet, baritone and tuba ate among the best iu the state. Notice. caled bids will bo received at the county clerk's office up to. September -1th, at 1 p. m., for the running and keeping in repair what is known as the Lone Rock erry on the North I'mpqua river, near Glide, for the term of three years from uctoivr 1st, iMk. lue boat ami rope now used furnished by the county, In case the present outfit should le lost or accident occur, and in such ease the contractor to replace articles furnished by county. Bond and agreement similar to other ferrv contracts now" on file at the clerk's office. A. F. Sti:ak.vs County Judge School The following is Report. the leport the term of th Victory school for ending August 2, 1S".15: Charles Olinithouse .03 Louisa French Samson French . . IU DO Maggie Olinghouse Zebbie Lewis. so S5 S5 SI 91 Dallas Miller Belle French . . . . Violet Olinghouse Thoie neither tardy nor absent were: Maggie Olinghouse, Blake Miller, Zebbie and Zelna Lewis'. Attendance good. M.vuv Cannon, Teacher. Knights of the Maccabees. Tho State Commander w rites us from Liucoln, Neb., as follows : "After trying other medicines for what seemed lo bo a very obstinate cough in our two children wo tried Dr. Kinn's New Discovery lind at tho cud of two days lho cough entirely left them. We will not bo without it hereafter, as our experience proves that it cures where all other remedies fail." Sinned F. W. Stevens, Statu Com. by not givo this great medicine a trial, us it is guaranteed aud trial bottles are free at A. (J. MarstersiV Uo.'h Uru More. Keg ular sizo 50c. and $1.00. Tlie Pclloii Water Motor Of capacities varying from 1 (o 25 horse power uflorda the moyt convenient, eco nomical and reliable power for all light sorvice. One of these may bo coon run ning at this oflice. Send for circulars Thol'elton Water Wheel Co., 121 Main St., San Francisco, Cal. REMINISCENT. The reailers of the I'jaindkalek will remember that in giving a sketch of. our travels in 1847 we left them on the banks of the Sacramento river at the house of an American family, the first we had come to since leaving the Wil- liamette valley. Around this house ly ing in the shade, and strolling about, were fifteen or twenty Indians, all as naked as they were tho day they wer"- born. Tho women of the family resid ing there, moved about apparently un conscious of the nakedness of the In dians. They were so accustomed to them that their presence was a matter of ut ter unconcern, but to us of our company it touched our sense of delicacy, and caused a feeling of shame-facedncss to pervade our moral nature. After par taking of our noon day meal, we packed up to continue our travel, when the kind lady of the house presented us with some rolls of fresh butter, which was a welcome addition to our larder, although we had a small allowance of that commodity which we had brought with tta from the Williamette. Now to those not convercent with the best modo of carrying butter with them on their travels, we will let them know how we preserved the butter firm and fresh. We had five mules packed with flour two one hundred pound sacks on each mule, inside of each sack of flour we placed two rolls of butter, and this Gutter so packed in tho center of the flour sacks continued good and firm notwithstanding the packs were exposed to the sun on the mules' backs as we pursued our journey. Wo now again begin our travel, meet- u g with Indians all along our route, never giving us cause lor alarm, but they rather were peaceable and seemed pleased to meet us. We account for their harmleysuesa in this way. The year Itofore they had become trouble some, when tremont wttti some ol ins troops appeared among them, brought them into subjection, and impressed upon them tbe necessity of giving Amer icans no further cause for alarm. Pa jsing down the Sacramen'o count less numbers of antelope were seen gamboling near our pathway, appar ently fearless of our approach. The Indians had no guns and the paniarda never sought foi wild game, their sole dependence for animal food was on tbe immense herds of Spanfah cattle then roaming the plains of Califor nia. During a twenty-two months' so journ in mat country, we never saw a Spaniard with a gun in nis bauds. But pursuing our t.avel, after 25 miles.' rid ing in the hot eun,.we again camped on tbe banks of tho Sacramento. On near ing our camping place we saw two figures flitting with theEpeed of the wind toward the river, and on reaching tho bank piuugea into tue water ana were soon lost to sight, They were aborigines ot the female persuasion, and wero the only ones we observed passing down through the whole length of the Sacra mento. But one thing we did observe, ami mat was tuo thickening swarms of mosquitoes as the night approached. and it would have l)een amusinc to the fair denizens of Roseburg, could they have seen the means resorted to to avoid their murderous fangs, and their musical songs on the evening air. We would select a place to lie down, cover ourselves with our blankets, and im agine we were safe from the pestifer ous insects, but soon, ah! too soon, they would lo swarmini; about our resting place thick as the locusts of Egypt in ancient tunes, when siultlenlv we would spring from our couch, run couple of hundred yards with our blank ets in our arms, then down again we would lie, until caused to retreat again lrom their prying curiosity, thus was passed the nights down the Sacramento. The little children that were with us presented both a ludricous and pitiful sight, their faces swoolen almost beyond recognition from the bites of the infer nal mosquitoes. H Certificates Granted. Names of the successful applicants for certificate to teach in this countv, at the examination had last week : S.ulie Trump, Yoncalla. Scott .Morns, Ada. Gr.iC! Patterson, O.iUiml. T. V. Patterscu, Gardiner. Wilbur Pinter, Drain. Bertha A. Lamb, Wilbur. Mamie K. WinniLml, O.iklami. Masie Walsh, Olalla. Theroiwero 23 applicants. This, considering tbe law regulating trades, is a good i.rcen!age. As the law is, one who has passed tbe second aud third trades once cannot bo granted certificates of some grade again. They must advance to tho next grade or re ceive no certificate at all. While the purine may be correct as a principle, it don't work well, for good teachers some times fail to advance to uext higher than that previously granted. If a teacher who passes to second grade can teach icceptably and well, there is no good reason why they should not be given a certificate. Tho third grado should be stricken out and no one he granted certificate nt h!1 unless they can pass by at .east to per cent, a rea sonably thorough examination. There should bo no more than two grades, the first authorizing no holder to teach in ;uy public school in the state; the sec- oud iu any school in the county. And if at any subsequent examination the'ap- plicunt can't pas3 to first grade but can maintain his socoii'i gra-ie let ins cer tificate bj renewed. It is a virtual acknowledgment that if a teacher of one grade can't p iss to the other he is un fit to leach at all. No one should be allowed to teach at all unless they be fouud competaut to teach thoroughly the branches provided by law. Frank Readick, the well known anil popular actor, assisted by Milly Free' man ami a 6troug dramatic company. will appear at the Ro3eburg theater next Monday evening, August 2Gth, in "Lights 'o London." TARIFF REDUCED- The Southern Pacific Special Freight Rates. Below we print the special rates for freight on the Southern Pacific road from and to Roseburg and Portland. "Rates named here are specific and must be used only on commodities as shown below," and rated at 50 cents per 100 pounds, viz : Brick, burlaps, in bales or bundles ; canned goods hermetrically sealed, O. R.; cement, in barrels: coal or coke, sacked; coffee, green, in sacka; glaas fruit jars, in boxes or barrels, O. R. B. ; iron, bar, band, hoop, rod, pig, plate or sheet; lime, in barrels: rice, in sacks; salt, in sacks or barrels ; soap, in boxes not exceeding 12 cents per pound: sugar, in bags, boxes or barrels, O. R.; syrup, in cans, boxed or in kecs. O. R. B. L. : stucco, in barrels ; stoneware, in boxes ; twine, binding, in bales ; wire, binding : wire haybale, in packages. Regular tariff rates per 100 from and to Roseburg and Portland, by classes from first to fifth, viz: First-class, 72 cents: 2nd-class, 64 cents ;3rd-class, 50 cents: 4th-class, 55 cents; 5th-class, 50 cents. On claES A, 45 cents; class B, 3 cents; clas3 C, 25 cents ; class D, 18 cents: class E, 15 cents. On lumber, laths, or shingles, 14 cent 3 ; horses, mules. 30-ft. car, $57 ; cattle, hogs or sheep, 30-ft. car, $45. OBEEX FKUIT Green fruit in less than car load lots $.36 .26 .25 Green fruit in car load lots Vegetables, per 100, carload lot. cox STTJFK In less than car load lots, between Portland and Ashland, special rates per 100. : $.18 In car load lots, per ton 3.00 KATES TO SAX FKA.VCISCO. First-clas3, 99 cents; 2nd-class, 91 cents; 3rd-class, 86 cents: 4th-cla63 77 cents : 5th-class, OS cents. Class A, 66 cents : class B, 54 cents; class C, 45 cents ; class D, 35 cents : class E, 32 cents. FKOJI bAJf FRANCISCO. Sugar, per ton, in car load lots..? 10 40 Salt, per ton, in car load lots 50 HOGS AND SHEEP. In S. D. cars 30-ft. Ion or less. straight or mixed $ 70 00 90 00 Beef cattle iu car load lots, OKES. Valuetl not over $100 per ton, in lots of one and less than four tons $ 11 20 10 SO 9 00 f .90 In lots of four and less than ten tons In car load lots WOOL. In any quantity per 100 : pecial rates from Portland to Ashland, per ton, in car load lots 5 70 ALL ABOUT BOHEMIA. The fact of two mills going into the Bohemia district, has given renewed life into the camp. All the boys are doing a large amount of work on their various claims and new prospectors are going into the field. Duriuir the past week a half interest has been sold in one of tho promising claims and more sales are on the tapis. Au Eastern svedicato has been represented here by au expert to put on two special properties. He is very much pleased with the rock form ations ia this district, and tho character of the ore bodies found, aud with abund ance of water all through the district for milling purposes. At tho Star mine P. J. Jennings has put on a large force of men, and is push ing ihinua that reminds yon o! a lively camp. The millwright is building the mill and getting everything in readiness for the machinery as soon as it arrives, while another force of men are yrading a wagon road to the mine. The mine is showing up well, tin ore bodies contin uing to gradually increase and maintain their former quality of ore. Everything is being put in shape to keep the mill running night and day all winter when it starts. Ben Pierstn came in from Bohemia, whero he has made Eoine recent dis coveries that show way up and make a prospector feel good. Echo-I.e.ider. Salem Heard From. Saixji, Aug 17. Iu the Roseburg Reviuvv ol August loth I read the followim:: The two legged animals recently exhibited in Roseburg are by no means rare seei meus. There are hundred of two-legged hogs iu Salem." Tha cranky, h t!f de mented individual who shoves the pencil for the Review, lose. iu opportunity to vent his spier n uainst S.ilem and its citizens. There may bo "hundreds of two lejged hog3i:i Salem," but there seems to be but one idiotie jackass in the sanctum of the Review, who,-o main characteristics aio enotism and braggadocio. All his futile effoits to bring tbe citizous of Salem into con tempt, are but tho pigmy efforts i.f n jaundiced imbecile, whose sule occupa tion is to belittle thoso who will not rec ognize him as possessing the intellect uality of a "Demosthenes." Poor fellow, in his delirious ravings, ho forgets he is not the immaculate and bigh-toued creature he imagines himself to be. When he comes to Slem I may possibly givo him an introduction lo some of Salem's two-legged hog . In tbe mean time lot his jackass proclivities induce him to continue his vociferous braying until hia lengthened ears wag in unison with tho musical cadences that from time to lime brings to him sweet mel ody. Salemite. Kiickleu's Arnica Salve. The Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup, tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to'giva perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price25 cents por box. For sale at A, C. Marstera & Co.