Ill I 111 rT A -f TiT r - -r-.-rv I t ... I J . . t. , ... T; XJXSh&j2JU.MUmAtiERl?m Mmnm?-l '"BMBO. and his Douglas County -Farmer. v. - . . nearors scorned deeply Interested in the AUGUST l'J, 1895. tboughti presented to them. flic Cliurchea. lUrTiCTCuycii. corner ol Lano and Ro itrctu. jgnnday Service: ' treadling, u a. m. ttrctts. and7:S0. m.i Yomig lyple's Union, 6:30'i Mrs. (I. N. Annes, l'rcbtdent; Sunday School, 10 c in.: Janrw Chauibcrlalu, Superintendent Prayer Meeting, Thursday cvculug at 7:30. Rkv. O. N. AN.nks, Pastor. Iteaideucc, No. SII Main Street. Methodist Ohcucii -comer ol JIalnand Lano Hrecis. Sunday. Service: Preaching, 11 a. m, ami 7:1; school. 10 a. m.: Dr. James lUrrSurnrrtritetidcnt; Class Meeting At close of tlni moriilng serviee: Hpworth League u..w y. mviaru mime, rrcsI.Uut. Prayer Meet nig, uiurjAiay, at 7:30 p.m. S N. Ui cKNFn, I). D.. 1'aMor. Parsonage, corner .Main and Lauo. l'liKsnnKKUN Ciiuucil -corner of 1,'asi, ana Koxirtngu. Sunday Service: l'upllo wuntilti, a in. and T&)f?iri.; Sabbath School, 10 a. in.; i . i v. t., , p. m. rrajer Meeting, Wednvs- IS. it. lawor.Tii, Pastor. iiifc. w.u i. u. will meet at llio M. E cinircti every Thursday evening until alter ttaic i-ouventiou. All members should be pros cm ai every meeting. Tun Uval Tkni-khasci: Iauion will meet at Uio -M. u Uliurvn Wednesday nt 3 A. C. llCCKNEll. aupt U S. Department of Arlrnti.,,-.. Weather Bureau. Ku.m:im, Ore., Augut li. isujl i j p. in. i acme urae .:I M&xirautn lemjverature, 77 Minimum temperature. 4-1. Ralutall tor the ;i hours eudiug & p. m., 0. Total ralufall siuco lt of month. n. Averige ralufall for this month for 17 yean, Total ralufall tromciC 1, ISJI, toilatc, 23.M. Avcrssa monthly rainfall from Sept. 1, date. . AccuiuuliUxl dokIioy from Sept. 1, 1551, to prwspiuiion lor 17 wet seasons SS.S0. Tium. tiioay, Ohscner. l"OETLAit.. Or., August 19. lstt; io a. ra. -Weather 'forvsait- for .the next a; hours, lor uixeuorg anU.Yltmlty: Monday and TWday fair either, Hatlonary I'liiHi;, I,ooal forecast Official. PATRIOTISH. Now that the citizens ol Kosebun? will soon be rt .mired, under the provision of the charter passed at tho last legislature, to choose a new lnard of trustees, a mayor, martial, recorder and treasurer, it will Wi the highest duty of each elec tor, as you will perceive, to look to the rrellare ot the city at largo by electing Eucli raen to till thofe iw3Uioiis as are known to possess broad aud liberal views; lioo business qualifications are Rood and ntiu will not cater to, and coutt the favor of any faction; meu whose juJguieiit will be the least lijble to be swayed by teifiuterest, U'e have, un doubtedly, suck meu inlvijseburg. Tlie cityf fiuletcsl as 'a whole is of paramount consideration. If the tnen we shall select at the next municiial election will look solely ,tu. the interest of the city, as a city, its prosperity U a&oretl. And if eacli oQicer will work tolbatend be will thare eually the blessinss thus secured to each. Bnl if on the contrary he idiall try, by and through hu oflkial iiosition, to feather bis own nest or that of a coterie oi his friends, the ctly.jyill suffer and with it his own interest as a citizen as well. Then lei fts look' lo (bis matter in time Canvas lite javtHliblSj timber, dticusj me ffiauejpro anu con, keeping in view tllAt filiilnf firnntf ttrtnrtr.lA I... nliMi M n bail each bther ascitizD!", re-arding each Uherojcmber of the Iwdy oli(ic as alike entitled to t!e rights, privilegea and immunities as sacred as our owtj and all wiil b&-Aell. We want men of known. integrity for the evcral offices, and meu who bave soJ judgment and cool be&ds and who have backbone 'enough' !o ctand erect ami rdj to tfaml firm for the inler efct of the fop!o at larxe. In sivinsprcaioa to the ; abovelbe' I'LALsouurn but voices tlie sentiment of every patriotic citizen. Citizens, tbo matter is ultyour hinds and il behooves you, each sad all, to be viplaut, active and determined to do your duty, aud not allow Kbeincrs to catch you sleeping on your right f f At'the Catholic Church, lligh maas was celebrated in the Cath olic church la it Sunday, alter whT-'b Father DesiSaraia of Jacksonville gave a discourse relative to matters pertaining to tbo church. Ho delivered a fine eulogy on Father Lane, recently ordained a priest of' the Catholic church. Waa with him nbtlcjatIcjitrcal and spoko in high terms of bis studious habits, and bis eminent qualifications for the posi-. lion he bad now attained. Father Des marais madaeome allusious to Uio A. P. A. organization ; had no apprehensions of that organization working serious injury to the church ; thought that in lime it would bccamj ; tliehitograted, without accomplishing tho object for which it waa ostensibly orgaiiize.1. He Iirtffvf rnornliAra fti ufanil fiptt. imt ittfot. " u.w.W.W .V U'HMV. ...... . ta.MV. : lasi in tho Catholic faith, and to quietly regard all opposition to it as harmless and coming to nought. He regarded tbo Itoman Catholic Church as tho only true , cuurcn inrougn wntcn latvation couiu oe ' assured. Hesodku of the -cinfessional in terms of high commendation, and re garded it as onoof. thoJiCHt atixlllarys to the church for (Uie; Iiappinesn of man? He displayed fairvoralorical talent, had a BRIEF MENTION., Buy n UreBcent. ' , A reliablo dealer, II. C. Slaulon.-' Caro Bros, two tlm boss inurvtiaiitB. Buy your cigaro tit tbo Itosaleaf. Complofo lino of cttttlory nt Salznmti'a. Albert Abraham, tbo I'ortlaud uttor uoy, is in town. , J. b. tityona bus leturued frombia trip to tho coast. Cull at Slnnton'o and oxmninu thoeo tlno bicycle euiUt. tu. JioUee, ol Wmstoni waa in the city Saturday, on business. Mr. ntid Mrs. Cy Smith wero doinj; uuBiuess in I ho city Saturday.- Just Keceived at J. T. Bryan't), Boser'u iirBi-graua Bilver-plaled ware. buioked oyo KlaeBes at J. T. Bryau'a irotn tu contB to o cents a pair. Mrs. Jatuca Cameron of MclroBo. was Uoimi business in tbo city Saturday. opecuicie8 ami oyo glaBaea in gold, nicuei and stool ho.vs at J. T. Bryau's Tlim.. l.....l-.l r . .luuvueu mm mriy nainea rcu1 :ni 1 i., . . . .- .oiciou ai uio lioscuurg hotels the past ween. Wheat is begiuutnK to cotuo in pretty mum. ooi .nrauam has already put oui r:tuuu grain sacks. uo you read. If so, try the Daily v.vuuu.uun iil CeillS a WwL-. Sun day included, 20 cents. J. O. Hepburn of Looki III? ( JhniU U it. livering wood to tbo conntv for ?.-, ,..r iter.oi thrcc-foot split oak wood. T i The Gardiner Mill Comnnr. nnint oiiumuer last year was 10.11S.000, feet, f J W ho our assessor, Jas. Sterling, rejHjrts. i attersou, the contractor of the Taylor & Wilsou buildins, commenced laying onck- thia mortnug. This Imil.lint. 40x100 feet. K. Dixon, president of the District Agricultural Association, is tln itv lfi .1.... ... . ... ..... .wKiiig alter tlie interests of that corporation. Jamca Sterling has completed lakinL- me census, Though ho has not made complete footitig, he thinks the popula tiou is 20,000. Mrs. H. Pairy and .Miss Limbarker xe- turned from NewiKirt Salurdav Their sun-kissed cheeks indicated a ior- ous limo ou the beach by sounding tea v . All parties desiring tirst-clats aah, mouldings, window frames and door framed, fruit boxes, etc., at lowest cash prices, call at Bear Creek millr. C. A. Bkigus. Jas. A. Sterling, census taker, decires the PiatsoKALKK to state that if he has missed any one they will do him a favor by reporting the fact at their earliest op portunity. J. T. Bryan, the busy jeweler, can fit you with eye gla&sea, lix your timer and suit your (est cirl uith n mliv mood oremerald ring or anything else in his line, cheap for cash. Isadorc Abraham with his wife aud child took a spin to Wilbur last .''atur dav. Thoyalso went down to N T. Day's ranch to view his 40 acre prune orchard. They returned this moruiriLV S. Vau Houteii, who has been suner- intending things on his ranch during harvest, has returned to town for a few days. Ue reports that ho has raised 50 bushels of cats per acre that will weigh JO pounds to the bushel. In tho matter .f the astute of Xat Mitchell deceased ixmrt ordere.1 tin administrator, J. A. McCulIoch, to fH at public or private sale, after due ihi!- lication, all tho personal nronerlv i.f k i . said estate and make due returns to the county court as provided by law. ' J. Brooks, who has erected a line store building on the corner of Jackson, Main and Oak streets, returned Sntnniav from Chicago, where he has purchaHl a large stock of genvral merchanditf and will open up a tiret class mercantile store iijaboutwo weeks. . Hon. A. W. Kecd made the Plain- nt-VLW: a pleasant Imsiuesa call to-lay. Mr. Heed has just rcturne-l from Astoria. and reports the ieople in high hojies of better times when the railroad reaches from there to Portland. Mr. Hammond who has purchast-d the franchise is pushing the work with all possible dis patch, aud Astoria is jubilant over the prosiects. A. B. Seal, who is well known in this city, has abandoned tbo Jifo of traveling man and lias engaged in the merchan dise brokerage business in San Francisco, where ho has formed desirable bu3iuess connections. He lays down thu roles of office without regret, and asserts that life in San Francisco is good enough for bim. Private accounts state that ho and his wife 'particularly Mrs. Seal, of course) aro quite conspicuous when driving their stylish outfit in Oakland. Tbo sheriff has found another link in tho chain of evidence as to the name of tho mail robber who has liecu holding up tho elago ou the Coo3 bay routi;. Not far from tbo scenes of tho robbsry an alert officer found posted upon a tree the following oil ol inioruiation, viz: "Catcli Old Wood if you can, you eon of a bitcb. Mail-robber." Underneath this classical language was written, "George Linger, I will see yon again.", . ! ' -. k i i iv Douglas County "Farmer. TJiu peoplu of Doug(au county tiro be giuinug to broatho tain. They aro Bbaking off Hint fiuflocatiug iufluenco thrown over thourbv thu chniiL'e. Thov aro arousing from'tlio soporific condition into which they were thrown bv thu ilo- preEBiou of business, thu stagnation of trauo and tho tiuapeuttiou of ucttvitieo all along thu liim of legitiumto onterpriso. Tlioy porccivu that tnoiirniug over losses will npt repair them; that spilled milk cannot bu.gathered up; lliatcttrsuig Ihdlr sadJato will not icmedy thu evil; thai lyiug supinely ou their backs aud hug- BtU( thu delusive phiuitom of hope will not restore them to prositsrity. No. They perceive all tliis aud with an onurgj born of necessity havo arisen and brushed uwav their leirarlhiu drowoi- ncsq aud havo guuu to work with tide- tcmiitialiou to retrieve thctuselveti and regain, as best tlioy can. and to the full eit extent txicsiblo, former coinlitions They perceivo that that is their -only hopo, instead of nursing a revenge upon imaginary focB. With commendable energy, liko tho. despoiled honey hoc, they havo gone to work and by thu utd of kind Providenco iu seconding their efforts, brighter dayu aro dawning Cheer up you lulling yeoiuany, gainer your grain, gather your fruit, houso your farm implotnents and await results I.eam from your p;ut oxierienco to cut down to tbo lowest possible limits your oxpuuees. Buy only what you can pay for at the time of purcha?o an J no more man is an ausoluto necessity. ou can live through it no fear of' that. Tho products of jour farm n ill pievent sulferiug. . Wo who havo .osubiL-it oil' of your'anrpIuB will have' to punglo or do worse. Wo deiwnd upon you for our living and aro compelled bv necessity to look .to yon for it not you ujkui us You're itidetieudent, wo aro dependent You cut froti- tho meichanl luxuries as well aa somo iiecessiirtos the luxuries you .sin diepenso with. The people in towns and cities must get their gubbtan tiala from the farmeta, they cannot dis- peiiEO'Wilh those. They arc an abtultitu necessity. Wo must havo bread, butter, meat, vegetableH, fruit aud fuel all neccbsary for our subsistance. Your ncceisities for commodities arc reduced to the bhort list of clothing, halt and medicine, lea, coffee, sugar aud to bacco aro luxuries that may bo dis pensed with and yet health of body anil vigor of muni may bj moitibiined. In view of the foregjini; fauta the farm?' of Dovgljs cuuuty are in a far more yroiiwr- ous couditiun tlian thu town iodIp. You can live uiajii our own nrjluctu. they cannot live uikjii their exceit bv au exebaiii;o with ''vo l unj." Of Interest to Fruit Growers. Mr. F. Martiii.renreEeutini: tin Oregon Fruit Union, is stopping at the Van llouten House. Itosebnri:. and will be pleased to furniab :iuv fruit erowers in this county with any information they may need m regard to packing tecn fruit, if they will forwanl their uanieaiiii address or call ou him at the above named hotel, ties. State iuautity and vari' Card of Thanks. We wieh to tender our moil heartfelt thanks to our kind friontto rf SeoUsbun; and GardiuBr for their nyuqiatliy and assistance during our late bereavement. Mm. I). J. hvoxH. Mhs. T. M. IHmwik. Mrs 0. 1'Ktciuu.x. .Mi:s. Itoae li. Arrisutui;. I-'or Sale Cheap. One Schulikr a.!; wacon iiarl m. alto cue bet of itoablu wort: li.untw. Inquire at this ollice. For Sale or Rent. Tho I'uhuer sawiiiil!. For porticulam addresu, K. C. l'.vuwhttr Drain. Or. Mr. II. J. (Joelzmau, of Portland, U making arrangements to go l.'uat aud lecture on Oregon and her resource;, .is- eisted by a magic lantern aud sieroH-opic views. Ijie object is to adyertiw! Orogou ou a cheap plan, i. e,; give oxhibitiotia for a nominal charge, while exhibiting, true to life, the adva.itag-is of our btate. For this pur6; he is collecting photo graphs 6f noted place, building and scenery of all counties in Oregou. All he asks of the people of a count v is a photograph of the place?, - bcones and buildings they wish exhibited and 50 cents with each to pay the cot of trans ferring them Oil ulass fur the lantern for exhibition in connection with his lec ture. Mr. Ualbrailh, after making an exami nation of the 1-aku Short; mining com pany's proterty preturntorv to future otierations iu Bohemia, left for California on Wednesday. Ho Lj highly pleased with the outlook of the mines and ex pressed the opinion that i'ohemia is going to no a great camp in the- near future Ksho-Loader. :' .Mrs. T. S. Hawking, Ohatauooga Temi., says. "ShiloV Vitaliwr saved my life. I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system 1 over ttged." For Dyspepsia, Liv'cr or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 7'c. At Henry Hastens you can gut 10 and 17 pound of sugar for $1, and other groceries proportionally cheap. If you want good ice cream and ice croam oda in any quantities go to Mfce's, State Normal School, Dit.viv, Oiu:uon. First term hegiuH September 10th. Inlire new faculty. Send for catalogue. Lou B.t:znu, President. NOTES OF INTEREST. Wood ollicu. taken on subscription at this i'lour at H. Jiasloira far 80 cents a nauk delivered. You can get thu best ico cream and ice cream soda at Neico's. A cotlago to rent. Inquire at this ollico or of owner at -105 Washington street. Daily Orcgoiiiait only 15 cents it week. Leave orders at City Xews Stand. , Wanted A.zecond hand buggy. Ap ply to G. W. ltapp at- People's grocery. Niece i now making the best ice cream and ice cream tsoda in town. Try it. For dress goods, clothing, hata, boots and aboea call on Woltcnberg & Abra ham. Daily and Sunday Oregoniau, reduced to 20 eonta a week. Delivered at vour dotir. If yti want goixl ico cream and ice ci cam soda in any (tuantities go to Niece's. KverylHMly ia nlcnsod -who buv their jewelry and hnvo their wntchea repaired at Salzman's. For choice family --roceiies. call at the Peojilo'H grocery, corner of Caa and Pine street, (i. W. jjtnpp'a. Remenilier that, t-hwip watch wfrk ia very expensive, rtilzninu iloea gowl watch work at '.nw(3t price. Why aro pe-jiiie ilcckimr to II. Hustons for' grocerieaV licciuso ho Foils first- class good sit cheapc t rates. For a ,or.d hat, fitvlisb and cheap, call on Wollenberg A Abraham, whono teck embrncoj all grades of Jiead gear. Mryuglhenj.. reeupi-rates. ret ullda, rvUttm ami bring m-w llfo. Ast or .Irugxl-t for a Tree aniple. Sihl b A. v. Mr6as Co. For Ireah fruits, nuts and candiee. gootl tobacco ami crigara, call on 1. W. Hupp, People' grocery. '-orner of Case and Pine. nikeaai 1 1 1 1 ' r , . ,w U ( ....... ,.h . Milnl. - J ... VW.M , . . "J t'll Til 1 bV lr I ... ill... tJL. xit for a fire iwnule Mtcfcacr. Tt liemhi ami cure. X4a by A. ' .Vtntm &. f a. .1 Hw Jwv. tin- reliable rewetof. jiwt retvivol a htrac invxice of 9pectaete ami eye- uiaftH.-. Give bira 4 call and ex-, amine kotxLe. Jack Abraiiicu. vent's fnrairhur am! hatter, teerw up with the iraeetion. Hie slock m cooiti;e-. Cult awl e dim before purchasing. V & fto-ri-il.-. M.i.l i.nn.. , .. i.t. MtfTfl IP..., v . ... : ... r.. . TT. cares ltrpeitn. Uu-t cirptaiut am! KMrwjr -. . -. .TV-.-. ... j.. v. . . BIB,.: is a. Dr. It. W. BeHtamir: Ittis oiKiiMd den tal rooms in the Taylor t aViten Ueefc, room 10, wtienv he is now preiMrol to do tiret-claus dental work. I . . ru r. rw .wv. u I- . .r. . ) .- , . " J - US W 1 I 3 mk- n t TWl MM wvNcw, pn.u tm cm oi lav um ran lower nari of Lhc lu.-t tmMh,tn wl eurcs. boM by A. r. Minim A Co. 1 bav several hnudrf jic led elar Kta for sale ar, thre ami one-half cents a Iice. 'ft. Jt. Wells. Olallu, Or., Aug. istC. in th ffatei.i Kkjai.i t..v., tb dUV vrk.Bfu eW by A r. Marsk-ch A. i. Cull on Hi a J. 1;. FlooS Co. for prices on their up U date berry .rates. 3Iade Qf sugar piiM, eat and durable. Juet hethiugto et your berriei tonuukut iu fiist chisH condition. I mbvt 1 wa J' yoaoi otJ. bat sinte nsinr .cwr tUailTCUn.kMM 1 . f n fn.. t . t. .Km. cnAs! nsy huotaorf Mi tint udu kveate. Mrs. Knbt. 1 oaaeUT, Krel B, low. baW by A 1 . Mataler A tV Dr. F. W. Hnymxi has iut returue.I from tho Kntf and or.enetillental iarlora in MarLn buildiut', where he will be pleated to welootiMi iecions djsiringlleu tal work. fair, l h i it iJaiiiImj .wu. .k...tH ... n. Sawr I'katiue. It larine gnatUht remedy in ... V . .n -if o; 1. 1 . The J. ;. Plook Co. is ureiured to do any kind of mill work :.t the lowest liv ing rales, and th-we iviio are preinrins; to build shoul I consalt them. They can save you mouiy. ,. -.'--4 -5j Roscburj: Skida Works. I havele.isedlhoUiKH-biir -Sul.1 Uorts aud will put up u full l'me of carbonated beverages -and bar syrups, hich will! comjKire favorably with any in tho state. ! Soliciting your imtronuge, I am. ours Uipectfully, O. Lcc.s. Wanted. 1 A team ot horres. Must be good driv era, well broke, not over S years old. off medium weight. Also u second Irand i two seated bns,!.v. Apply at this office or ot" IV. S. Pope, lrockmv Notice. Abmbam.aiHl the highest market price IUa3" De OCtter thail the Other in cash wilt he paid by him for grain, gltrillClltS Jllld Slil! be appro delivered at his warehouse at ltoseburg. j pri.ltc, but if they are not up iir.A.i-..s.ur " ! to the raiment in style and Sir - Afur'siiaeriiij. four years nith fvmak QlKlHtV tlie effect is ItlluleilS neakMKi I wa vumtwkit bv a iricml to in . " r I'-til t.-B. ant aftir hubs them one yvar. "I a U,t . can ay 1 aoi cntin-ly uill. 1 t-n not tvimu- , mend them to hurbly. Jlr. 31. S. Knt. 1 -j r . , , S.)MbyA.KSirrH''l,'lV-'1,ith Mf' OsbUt'H 6' . I For Unit-class deuui work, with iatet improvouieuts in thu art. 11 nt it I lionjamm'a dental roqmp, Xp.-10, Taylprjand moderatoiin nrW - j& WilnHjockrl J 1 I $iMlS99fwWWmii A Snap For Thirty Days. I&ir sale, i.r wflf exclmugi' Uir t ui:I,. county pri'ifity, 10 acres beavurdam land, Beavertoii, Ore , 0 miles from Port land, ! room dwelling house, barn and chicken bonne. It. i the finest onion land in Oregon and will prodoeo $300 or , f 100 wjrth onions per acre. For further r..i :i. .1.1 An. II.wtMO.v. Boeobnrg, Oregon Notice. Notice is hereby given (hat the liens upon inn rod anil colbt Ukcn by Hauey liroa, of Jilktou for seryieea of tho stallion, Black Monarch, aro recorded in my name with the county clerk of DousjIup county, and that said liens mtifit be settled by paying aaineto mo by Septem ber 1st, or they will be foreclosed. W. li. Vl.NSO.N. Tho State Insurance Co. has some so licitors iu the country that tho farmers say are groat talkers, and they generally succeed in roping them into their game, ion farmers should take warn ing aud patronize aomo agent you know that liyes in your own county. XitnatoiH iiijf'vt it-'; v mil' ! a-" '.' matt iumilKl in t.'ii rufi mn I I'll otchai'ii. Other ad 4 vjfin llun t,r t vict.r llui head cent) p'r month : each whltlwnal Itif 5 cent per tnunlh. Xo aitrcrtit jiinit inlmjur U Man i'ffnt-. I'or Hale. TfOlt ."AI.E--OU1 new tpapcr", -1- Aiiply ptl'laindi-nii-r office . cent-, per 10O. FOR GO TO A. C. riARSTERS & CO., nuticnisTa. OILS STATIONERY A.ND WHLL PHPER CHOICiS PERI5-UMfSRll2S AM) TOILITP ARTrCLBS; 1 1 ' The Finishino; Touch. in putting liie nnishiu"- , lOllCll tO VOUr tOliCt do VOlial- , wavs see that vour shoes aro -J . . -i , " I in keeping with the rest of jrvm jiihkcuu r uie stioes - VUllVl V U their merits, is infinite in va- rie'tv. ivr11 uie line oi 'noes r:nu nn p Drug's 7a tnj r) r;T.7T;.; ft f..;iltnn9M3 3 w mm ' ii ' ' ' ,,.x j - JRA B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, IHCrt'TY WSTniCT ATTOKSEY, Office. Taylor A Wilxon Block, Kooin"aNH , ItOaEIIUItG, OP.EGO.V. FT D- STRATFORD, --'. Attorney at Law, I'.ooin. : anil I Taylor & Wilson lilocic. .-.. - a KQJEBBRi. OK Jg L. BRADLEY, Till. 7). v Physician & Surgeon. Office Hours, from 12 to 3 p.m. TuyIor& Wilson Brick. KOaEBDBG? JTR. E. DuGas, Physician & Surgeon. I'trinautly located at Roseburs, Oregen. Office in Marsters' BnUdlap. . ; CalLi promptly answered in Town or Country,, night or day. JTi W. BENJAMIN, DENTIST, K00111 10, , Tuylor & Wilson Block. KOaEBffW. HOTEL s Van Houten, JAS. CALLAHAN, Propr. WILL BE CONDUCTED STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. The Dining Room will be under tat personal supervision of Mr. Callafcaa. who will guarantee all old and new cus totnera the best the market affordg. Come and see me. OHOHGHILL HOTE O.VKIVJiD, OR, KATIE CHURCHILL, Propr. JJoarcland Lodging per week $2.50. Meals, 20 cents. Beds, 20 cents. The Surprise. FKANK HCIIVK?K1-Jl. , rroprlctor. JOHN ilcCL'RDY. .MixoloSist. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Bisisii OX DRAUGHT. Oak street, bet. Jackson & R,;c. GO TO- A. T. Thompson's And get a Drink of OLD WALKER WHISKEY 4 YEARS L. 21o Jackson Street. Jack Abraham, : GENTS FURNISHER and HATTER. - Jackson St., Roscburj. w l'w"l"S a bidmeiu u 4 tc ilhs,ch- " A 1 b wf '"""Si" ai pnecs mat paralne ie""1"""" i i-optiiarue our hats. UNDHRWEAR, in cmiio variety na the latr novcltii L- Xcckw car. fit'all an.1 insptci sofvd and prico. CT-'T. "WEBB .SKCOND in I lAXD sku GQ0DS OK A IX ! Kt.NpS. JIAI.N STKIiKT. LCIVE MEL A SHARE OF YOUR PATRnNint ! . CO