4 THE PLAlNDEALERl JUNE 20, 1695. Joy's for tho Jaded and Goo Health for all MaaklBd. JOT'S VEGETABLE SARSAPARLLA. fimnde from hcrbi, nnd contains no nine rt I drugs or deadly pol ca. Joy's Vegetable Ssrwparllla robs the Hood of all Its Impari ties, and courses nil Uiociapari ties tfcrosgh nature-sown proper chan pels. joy Vegetable Sarapartua cures Dt Pcptia, Chronic x.va CompUlnU and Kidney Affections. s Yerctahlr, Sarssparilla events ured fed staggering sen- ers, spots before the eyes, headachy hil ioasnesco&tip&tioa of boTrcl pains ia the badmeuacholr. declmfioTaerrol eases cuShe stomach, iicr ana jaOBers. t poj'forthebestsei ij-ouKCtthebcsL To the Public Oa and after this date, I wish it under stood that rny terms for all nadcrtaker's goods are cash with the order. 1 find it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and Wivo that I can do better bj aiy patrons and myself by soiling strictly for casJu P. Bxxedicx, Undertaker. Roseburg, Or., April 12, 1S95. Treasurer's Notice. Police is hereby giyca to all persons holding Douglas coanty warrant's in dorsed prior to Jcly 1st, 1SU1, to present them at the treasurer's office in tho court BRIEF MENTION. We are bound to win. Boy your cigars at the RoMleal. v Oats are bow 40 cents a bushel in this market. W.R. Vinson ot Winchesler is in town today. Edgar Willis, late of the McClallen House, has gone to Pendleton to reside. Frailer Ward and wile hare returned after an extended trip through Missouri and Kentucky. Mrs. N. Boyd hu a very extensive stock of syrup on hand of Log Cabin and other standard grades. Rev. George W. Day, a long resident of Roseburg, but now ot Kansas, is reg istered at the McClallen. J. D. Smith leaves tonight for Santa Rosa, Cal., to permanently reside. His family has preceded him a few days. A. S. and O. H. Buellof Looking Glass came into the city today offering to con tract for 16 inch wood at 1.50 per tier. Mrs. N. Boyd engaged a large amount and an assortment of cherries for her lib eral customers. First come first served. Rev. J. R.N. Bell, (Bro. Beit forshorl), formerly of Roseburg but now ot Baker city is shaking bands with his old friends here. Karl's Clover Root will purify your Blood and clear your Complexion, regu late your Bowels and make your head as wear as a bell. 25c, 50c and 1.00. Shilo's Cure, the great Cough and Croup vure, tsia gret demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five, only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by Druggists. bergeant Frank Combs, of Co. F. of Albany, stopped over with friends here on his way home from Glendale, accom panied by Mr. Robinson of Centralia, wash. News was brought to the city this aiternoon that a tramp while trying to board a train near Glendale missed his now and fell under the car and was run over and killed this morning. The city is nearly deserted today. ine old pioneers have gone home and all that are able to work are out repair ing roads and bridges. So much needed, so the good work goes on Congressman Hermann left for Brown a aille lh?s morning to attend the pioneer's reunion tomorrow. Mr. Hermann will deliver an address to those early set tlers, their descendants and friends. The most important question before it - ..... ... mts country is mat 01 a republican vie- THE QLORIOUS FOURTH. Roseburg Will Celebrate the ous Fourth of July. Glorl- At a meeting ot representatives ot tho different churches and Sunday schools ot the city, it was decldoa to make arrange ments for celebrating tho coming 4th In the grove west of town, and have a basket dinner. It is tho intontion to make the exercises of a pleasing char acter and all aro invited to attond. Tho following committees wero elected : Executive Committee Goo Churchill, Wm. Perry, J. H. Shupo, E. L. Fisher, J. F. Van Order, G. W. Bales and J. A. Crutchfield. Commitleo on Arrangements 0. A. Sohlbrede, F. W. Wooloy, J. W. Wright, B: W. Strong and P. Benodick. Committee- to Procure Speaker and Reader W. A. Fratcr, A, M. Crawford and N. T. Jowett. Committee on Music O. F. Godfroy, Mark Munson, Miss Mettio Rapp, .Mrs. R. Morris and L. Loughery. Committee on Amusomonts Clairo Hume, S. K. Sykes, Frank Clements, II. Leurwen.8. Kidder, J. Grooms, Free Johnson, A. E. English and F. Gilbort. Committco on Decoration J. G. Flook, C. W. Kirk, Mrs. Jamicson, Mrs. Geo. Ester, Mrs. H. Snidor, Mrs. Van Order and Mrs. Eccleston. Committee on Financo F. H.Church ill, M. F. Rapp, E. E. Richards, II. W. Miller and W.T. Wright. Tho members of tho different com mittees are respectfully requested to meet at the M. E. church on Monday evening, June 24th, next, at 8 o'clock, in order that a complete plan of arrange ments may bo agreed npon. By order of the executive committee. John H. Sucre, Secretar . TRAINS TO GO FASTER New Time Card on the Southern Pacific Takes Effect Sunday. Better Concctlons Bctwcn tho Trans continental Lines The O. & N. Schedule RUflORED GOLD FINDS. The hosfe for payment on or before June I0 year 1x0111 DCxt U nd the next most important the re-enaction of the McKinley tariff. Statesman. -t.. j. rrowbrldge ot Uamas alley is onus way to Sheboygan, Wisconsin He wilt be absent about sir weeks, and on his return Camas Valley's population wul doubtless be increased by one, Mrs. Trowbridge. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Cbatanooga, Tenn., says, "Shilo's Vitalizer saved my life. I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price Toe Mr. James Calahan late ot Marsh field, has leased the popular boose, Van Ho a tea fcr a terra of years and will here after cater to the traveling and local public Mr. Callahan comes recom- meaded as a firet-clase hotel keeper, and as each we bespeak for him a liberal pat- rosage. "General" Coxey, of commonweal fame, is troubled on account of the seaet marriage of his daughter to his loud mouthed lieutenant, Carl Browne. Coxey protested against his daughter ixrrying Browne until such time as Browse eh sold be able to support a wife. Miss Coxey probably concluded that she would be an old maid If she waited for that time to come. Browne has owed ezveral email amounts in Portland for about tea years. Sun. 10th, 1595, as interest will cease thereon at that date. Wu. A. Fratee, Coanty Treasurer. Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby givca to all persons holding city of Roseburg warrants, in dorsed prior to and including Nov. 7th, l&fi, to present the same at the treasur er's office in the First National bank payment, as interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice J. C Siieeidas, Treasurer. Roseburg, Jane 10, 1S93. Card of Thanks. To the many friends, especially the ladies, who contributed so ably to the sseeess of the arrangement for the Fio- Latest Story Coming From Guthrie, O. T. Stories of remarkablo finds ore still coming in from the newly found gold fields. John Ennia nnd R. A. Gregory, claim-holders in Washita county, came in today from the scene of the gold find there. They state that along Boggy creek there is an out-cropping of a vein of ore from two to four feet in thickness, and that all of the tests known to miners and jewelers show there Is gold in it. One man has made assays running from 100 to 1500 per ton. An area 10 miles square is now staked off in minins claims and there are indications of the deposits for over 40 miles. Tho town of Golden has been laid off at the edge of the field, and lots are reported to bo already selling at tremendeud prices, while hundreds of wagons are bringing in lumber, and buildings aro going up and stores being started. While the excitement is in tense, there has been no treublo as yet, but little work is being done. All seem to be waiting for the report of an official assayer, as everybody is suspicious of bis neighbor, and afraid the thing is too good to be true. If the official assays should prove anywhere near the local assays. the rush into the country wi'.l be beyond all precedent - Portland, Juno 19. Tho Southern Pacific and tho O. R. k N. Co. havo at laBt definitely decided upon tho now time cards, for soma tlmo under consid eration, and thoy will go into effect noxt Sunday, Juno 23. Tho changes mado In tho O. R. & N. tlmetablo aro important, but will not attract tho attention ot thoso to bo made by tho Southern Pacific, which aro most radical, to say tho least. Tho Southern Pacific not only changes tho timo of tho present passenger trains, tho San Erancisco overland and tho Roscbutg passenger, but puts on a now train, a local between Salem and Port land. Tho changes will go into effect next Sunday, unless something unfore seen happens. Tho now timccard of tho Southern Pa cific means that each passenger train will run considerably faster than any of tho old schedules authorized. Tho over land will make hut two stops between this city and Salem ; the Roseburg pas senger will shorten timo an hour, and tho Salem passenger will make the run in twj hours and a quarter, much faster than any train heretofore. Superintond- cnt Fields says that tho people of the Willamotto valley will awaken to tho fact that a good deal of time has been lost at stations. It has been tho custom co stop at least two minutes at any sta tion. ow the stop will not exceed ono minute, and tho passengers will have to get a "ruatlo on" in getting on and off the train, similar to Eastern roads. Tho San Francisco overland will leave Portland each evening at 8:50 o'clock, instead of 0:15, as at present, and will arrive in Portland each morning at 8:10, instead of S :l!0. Leaving here at 8 :50 in tho evening tho train will reach Oregon City at 9:35 and Salem at 11 o'clock Tho two stops to bo mado between this city and Salem will bo Oregon City and Woodburn, and tho timo will be materi ally lessened in this way. After leaving Salem the overland will stop at the prin cipal stations as usual. It trill arrive at Albany at 12:05, Eugene 1:59, Roseburg 5:20, and Glendale at 8:35. Breakfast will bo taken at Ulcndale. lnis is in festivities last Saturday, the eoasttttee deader their most uafeig&ed thanks. M. C. KccKixs, B. Ebocxwat. D. C. M cClallex, Committee of Arrangement. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powdci superior to all others. THE PORTLAND flARKET. Treasurer's Notice Notice is hereby given to all persons holding Douglas coanty warrants, in Cursed prior to September 4th, 1301, to present the same at the tressurer'a office in the court house for payment, as in terest will cease thereon after the date of this notice by publication. Dated this the 13th day of June, A. D. 1535, at Roseburg, Douglas County, Or. W. A. Featxk, County Treasurer. What Our Neighbors 5ay. Below we give with pleasure and many thanks for the kind words and best whhes of our neighborly exchanges : The Roseburg Piii.VDSL.uxa, under the able management o! the Benjamins, has been converted into a daily newspaper. It is a strong and leading republican paper of this congressional district, and while we do not agree with its position on the money Question, we respect its earnest, clean and outspoken methods. Capital Journal. MONEY LOANED. First .Mortgages on Improved Farm Property Negotiated. We arc prepared to negotiate first mortgages upon improved farina in Ore gon, with eastern parties at a rate of in terest not to exceed 9 per cent, per annum. Jfortgages renewed that have been taken by other companies. Address with stamp: Mskvix Swoiith, Baker City, Oregon. Our National Revenues. W.1SHI5GTOX, June 18. treasury re ceipts from customs and internal reve nues so far for the month of June, show no improvement over last month, while the disburse taenia remain practically the same. The receipts from sugar importa tions are enrprisindy low, and the ex pected large increase from whisky with drawals has not materialized. The total receipts from customs for 113s months of the fiscal year are 146,843,687, and from internal reuenue sources, 106,854,103. The present deficit ot 48,400,950, how ever, is likely to be reduced by cutting of expenditures to about 45,000,000 for the full fiscal year. Notwithstanding this showing for the year's operations there is no expectation from any source of an extra session of congress or of another bond issue before the regular meeting in December. Today tbs gold reserve amounts to about $99,500,000, with an available cash balance of nearly 181, 000.000. which is regarded as ample to meet all ordinary demands. RACES ON THE FOURTH. A Basket Dinner and Picnic at the Fair Orounds. There will bo a picnic and baBkol din ner in connection with the races at the fair ground on the Fourth. Every body Is invited, to come and have a good time. Following Is tho STEED I'BOOKAKME: Trotting Three ruinuto class, purse 50, two in three, Running 600 yards, and repeat, purse 50. Special runulng race, 50. Entries 10 per cent of purse. The winning horso to have 70 per cent. The second 20 per cent, the third 10 per cent of tho purse. No money given for a walk over. In all races 4 horses will bo re quired to enter and three to start. In the event of the net gate receipts fallinc ahnrf. nf Itin ntnnnnf. ndvnrf in purses, the association reserves the right at drug store. BUSINESS LOCLAS. to reduco purses to a sum not less than 60 per cent of tho gross gate receipts. A Salzman, tho reliable joweler. J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker. See the Novolty's new advertisement. L. Belfils, watchmaker, Roseburg, Ore. Go to the Rose loaf for the best cigars Complete line of cuttlory at Salzman's. For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Littel of Oakland. Get Salzman's latest price on granite and tinware. Ice cream and ico croam soda at the Kandy Kitchen. Harness of all kinds at low prices at G. W. Woodward's. Prices on wall paper are just right at Marsters drug store, Koy West, imported and domestic cigars at the Roseleaf. Alabaatme, kalsomine and whito wash want ask For Over Fifty lfcars. Au Old and Well-Tried Remedy. Mrs. Win low's Boothlng Syrup has been used lor over flity years by millions ot mothers lor their children whllo teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, solteus the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Bold by Druggists In every part ot the world, Twcutyflvo cents a bottle. Its value Is Incal culable. Bo suro and ask for Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. short Artificial Cotton. The production of artificial cotton yarn from wood pulp is declared by a Rhode Island experimenter to be a practicable industry, the difference between the two materials being said to be very slight as regards appearance, strength, softness luster and general condition. It appears that for this purpose the wood of the spruce or tho pine is used, and is defi' brated, after which it is disintegrated thoroughly and subjected to a good bleaching, much depending upon the latter process, an essential point being 11 you don't see what you for it at Marsters' drug store. Ico cream made for parties ou notice at Niece's candy factory. Myrtle Creek flour, only SO cents per sack. Delivered free. A. C. Hoxuc. I Don't eat stale candies. You can buy it fresh and good just as cheap at Nieces'. Salzman sells his goods for cash. Buy of him and you pay for no bad accounts. Society or family parties can get ice cream and candies in any quantities at Nieces'. Royal Rose and Myrtle Creek Hour at Johnston Grocery, delivered free of charge. For good substantial blacksmithing cheap, go to McKinuey & Manning, Oakland. See new line of mens, boys, and child ren's bats at Osburns. Next door to Review office. Ready mixed paints in all shades and colors, and any size packages at Mars ters' drug store. Jack Abraham is in receipt of a choice the Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Baking Powder APSOMJOTEiy PURE 1 KIUULb. Union Pacific O. R. & N. Co. Ac- Mrs. Addlo Nichols went to Roseburg counting. Tuesday to yisit her mother. O. E. 8. Wood, attorney for Receiver Rev. Baldwin failed to fill his appoint- Mc?'n in tho case of the Fannera In mont here Sunday. He was attending Treat Company against the Oregon camp meeting at Ten Mile. We will KaiIway & Navigation Company and not havo anvd.nrch for Ihreo or four others, has returned from Omaha, to weeks unless some minister takes com passion on us and comes and preaches that tho whiteness of the stock enuals X1 01 oaiDnggan unuerwear just that of the genuine cotton material. tbin8 for bot weather. Thus, it is stated, the bleaching com- Fresh candies made daily and equal to pounds have consisted of hot solutions of I anything in the state, also ice cream in bisulphate of Boda and chloride of lime; any quantities at Nieces', after bleaching the subdued pulp, the Protect yourself agalnstcold and pneu- ccllulose is treated with a compound of monla by wearing a chest protector, chloride of zinc, castor oil, and gelatine, Fino ones at Marsters' drug store. for ub. Mrs. Ada Unruh lectured here the 20th inst. on temperance. Editor Thorpe of Cottage Grove spent soveral dajs in Riddle this week. The Nichols brothers will ship a car load of beef caltlo to Portland Saturday. A family, Frances by name, friends of of Mr. Pruner, are just out from Dakota Visiting Mr. Pruner's family and looking for a home in Oregon. Mrs. Lollio Gilmore and Mrs. William Sanderson, Jr. were visiting Fred Sand erson's family at Genthile Sunday. A Riddle made a business trip to Myrtle Creek Tuesday. Mr. Carl Kimmcl of Canyonvillo was in Riddle Monday. Mrs. Lizzie Gegax is expected back from California soon la spend the sum mer with her mother, Mrs. Cornutt, All who attended tho Pioneer's Re union from here speak in tho highest terms of tho good time. Mowers aro running on all sides, Hay making is in full blast, Cherries are 15 cents a gallon and raspberries are six cents a pound in this community. Claude Riddle and the young ladies who work in the Review office are ex pected up on a visit Saturday evening on tho freight Esid. resulting in the formation of a paste which la reduced to strands and rubbed Into threads. Under the naked eye the pulp thread is said to differ very little in appearance from the real cotton, pos sesses practically all the features of a pure cotton thread, and is white and sou, but when com par eu beneath a! tho heart of the mountains and will bean strong microscope a difference is noticed, - . t Oregon Berries In the East. D. H. Stearns writes from Minneapolis that the straw berries reaeiyed there lrom Portland in car lots are in much better condition than those in that mar ket from Wisconsin, that did not come one-fourth the distance. Heeays: "Or egon folks hayo got to put fruit into this market is quantities that will insure use and sale at prices they can afford. They Bell here at 20c a box, and there 8 boxes for 25c. and there is no use for that, as they can be put here at 3c a box and if sold at 10 to 12'-c they will sell in ten times the quantity they do now, and the Oregon growers make a good profit." South Bohemia. T. L. Kimball passed through town last night oa his way to California. Mr. Kimball has made two trips recently on the Bobomia road. He informs us that A. J. Howard has a well established camp seven miles east of Elk Meadows, and is (inking on a monstrous vein of gold bearing rock. There are four dis trict quartz veins between the Meadows and the Howard camp. Three ot tueta yield by assay, gold in small quantities, With daDth thev will undoubtedly- be valuable. Mr. Kimball expects to re turn soon after July 1st. We mention that S. M. Kelley of Oak land, who went out with Mr. Kimball, is enthusiastic over the scenery, timber, wagon road, and opportunities generally He was an ardent supporter of the road. Poktlasd, Jnne IS. The following prices were current.in the produce mar kets yesterday: Flour 2.75 2.90 per barrel. Oats Good white are quoted weak at (2sc per Dtunei; mining, ssn&x; gray, 2627c. Hay Overstocked; timothy, 0?90 per ton; cheat, 4(34.50; clover, 6; oat, 6; wheat. 5(27. .bailey reed barley, (:S65c per cental; brewing, S0S5c, according to quality; chop, 16 per ton. Potatoes ew California, l31t4eper Pound. - v Batter rirm; fan 14c per pound; fancy fair to good, S'10c 7,4'c Onions Now Call! per ctl. Poultry Chickens, old, 2.75(33 per dozen; young, 1.23(3:2.50 per dozen; ducks, 34.50; geese, 4(7.50; tur keys, live, 8 10c per pound; dressed, 1012c per pound. Eggs Oregon, 1415c per dozen. Cheese Oregon, full cream, 10Uc per pound; half cream, 79c; skim, 4 (? 6c Oregon vegetables Cabbage, l.''fi lc per, pound; radishes, lUc per dozen bunches ; green onions, 10c per dozen ; hothouse lettuce, 23(2 30c per dozen; asparagus, 40G0 per dozen ; green peap, 2):C per pound; rhubarb, l'22c. Fresh fruit Apples, good, 2 per box; cherries, 75cfl; Oregon, 1 per box; plnms, 75cl ; peaches, 1.25 1.50. Berne3 strawberries, Joc per pound; raspberries, 1.25 per crate; gooseberries,-lM(2c per pound. I Wool Valley, 10f?12c, according to quality; Eastern Oregon, 5J2(?9!;.c. Provisions Oregon: Smoked hams, II2C per pound. THIS MSAT MAHKLT. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, 3.500 3.75; light and feeders, $3.25(23.50; dressed, 4)c per pound. Veal Dressed, small, 5Gc; large, 3 die per pound. Beef Gross, top steers, -3(23.50; fair to good steere, 2.50(23; cqws, 2.25(2 1.75; dressed beef, 5(26.50. Mutton Oross, ibest sheep, wethers. 22.25; ewes, 1.75(22; dressed mut ton, 4c attractive eating station. The overland will arrive in Portland 10 minutes earlier than usual. It will make but two stops between Salem and this city, tho same as the Boulh-bound. Otherwisel its timo will remain about the same as now. Tho Roseburg passenger train will leave Roseburg each morning at 8 o'clock instead of 7, and arrive In Portland at 4:40 in the afternoon instead of 4:30, making 50 minutes faster timo from ter minus to terminus. It will leave Albany north-bound at 1 :15, instead of 12:30, and Salem at 2:20. instead of 1:40. The Roseburg train will Icavo Portland south bound at S.-S0 o'clock each morning, the same as now. It will, however, arrive at Salem at 11 o'clock, instead of 11:17 as now. It will arrive at Albany at 12:05, instead of 12:25; at Eugcno at 2:04, in stead of 2:30, and Roseburg at 5:20, in stead of 5:50 p. m. South-bound, it will be seen the time is lessened 30 minutes. The new local train between Portland and Salem will make fast time. It will leave Salem each morning at S the fino, fuzzy and loose fibers so prom inent in cotton threads being missing in the pulp sort, though not to the disad vantage of the latter. The peculiar twist character of cotton thread is also absent in tho pulp strand, while the latter seems harder and smoother under the glass. Uveriae. Liverine," manufactured by the An chor S Chemical Co., the great Liver, Kidney and Constipation cure. An in fallible remedy for all curable tonus of diseases of those organs. The greatest knows remedy for Indigestion. Try it. For Bale at M. F. Rapp's drug-store, Roseburg, Oregon, Now is the time to spray your fruit trees. Lime, sulphur and blue vitriol for that purpose at Marsters' drug store. Jack Abraham, still carries a complete stock of men's and bojB' furnishing at lowest cash prices don't you forget it, Bring your job work, to the Plaindkal- xh office. We aro prepared to do the cheapest and best work south of Port land. Jack Abraham has accepted the agency ot Neander, Pershing & Co., for taking orders for tailor made suits clothing. Dr. F. W. Uaynes has just returned from the East and opened dental parlors in Mark's building, where be will be pleased to welcome persons desiring den tal work. Uul on the J. G. tlooz (Jo. for prices on their up to date berry crates. Made of sugar pine, neat and d arable. Just the thing to get-.your -berries to market in first-class condition. Resolutions. Whereas, J. P. Weatherfonl our most highly esteemed and faithful brother of our order, departed this life May 19, 1S95. Be it therefore Reiolted, That we deeply deplore the subtle and insidious pall which eettlcd o'clock a darkening cloud upon our brother, k. w. table Jor Catarrli. CoMrAXY Gentlemen; I havo just completed the second bottle ol your Vcjte- auna. 1 nave oau laiana arsapa and arrive hero at 10:15. Ia the even log it will leave at 4 o clock and arrive at Salem at 6:15 o'clock. This train will be known as the "Salem passenger," and will doubtless handle most of the local traffic between Portland and the capital city. Tbe new timccard ol the O. R. & N. Co., which also affects tho Union Pacific avcrland goes into effect next Sunday. e through train will Icavo Portland at m., instead of 7p, m and will ve at 7 :30 a. mTbe Dalles local will leave at Si. m. acd-arriye at 6 p. m., instead of oiX, as at present. This change ia the tlmecard of both roads. will make a closo connection with the Northern -Pacific overland! from the East, wbiclTarrivcs hero each even ing at 3:20 o'clock. Both overland trains, the Southern and Union Pacific, leave after the Northern arrives. The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great In leav ening power as the Royal. taking him from us; as our recollections endureth, so shall we cherish his mem ory. Raoftcd, That in him we had a faith ful, generous and honorable brother, whose sterling manhood and splendid qualities wo bad learned to emulate and gather strength in manly attributes by the light of his precepts. Rctolttd, That we mourn b& death, and that we hereby extend our sincerest sympathy to the widow and relatives of our deceased brother, and commend them to Him that thoso whom He loveth He likewise choose tb. Retolred, That these resolutions be recorded in tho record book of this lodge and published in each of the Roseburg papers and a copy thereof sent to the family of the deceased. Witness Mirror Lodge'No. 57, 1. O. O. F., by the ueal thereof and the signatures of the committee. A. ii. Bccll, J. T. Goodman, J. L. Grimes, Committee. for years which affected my eyes, hearing ana stomach. Frcauently would have dull head ache for days at a time. Since talcing your remcuy 1 navcicu no aisagrccaoic symptom. Trustlnz you will publish this as I want any one suffering lrom any ol the aDovc symptoms to be Denenuca.. Kinaiy sena rac uto more bottles by return express. (Signed) J1K. FKEDKKICK. Di. KIUHJIUU. Seattle, Wash. Kverv mall brings a new batch ol testimon ials for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Oakland Sunday Schools There will bo a district convention of the Sunday schools in and about Oak land, held at Oakland commencing Sat urday, Juno 29th at 10 o'clock a. m. and closing Sunday evening, the 30th The convention will be under the aus pices of the County Sunday School Association. Sunday school workers of this city will attend. The following local committees have been selected to make arrangements for the convention : Entertainment Mrs. Georgia Young, Miss Etta Houser aad Mrs. Millie Estes. Decoration Miss Julia Raymond, Mrs. Nora Jonc3 and Miss Lydia Pink slon. Literary Exercises Mrs. Maggie Dim- mick. Mrs Annie Dimmlck and Rev. T, S. Dulin. Music Mrs. E. U. Henderson, S. B Gentry and Mies Maggio Armstrong, Nenous Slioclc. E. W. Jov CoxrASV Gentlemen: This" Is the ant time I have attempted to write for three years. Have been so ncrvons and weak uia. x uatc wu m iul mink u. ,uv A friend -who had taken your Sarsaparillii scut me two bottles. The second one Is most feel a new woman. I was pale, thin, no am- I bltion. Had given up, as i naa inea so many , remedies and doctors, but found no benefit. If which place he went to represent his client ia the accouating taken before Hon. L. L. McArthur. of Portland, as special master in chancery. Joseph Simon, of this city, represented the plaintiff. The accounting was taken in Omaha ia order to accomodate the Union Pacific receivers, as all the books were kept in that city. The arguments in the case will be made before Jude McArthur, sitting in Portland, within 30 days. The matter before Judge McArthur wa3 simply aa accounting between S. H. H. Clark, E. Ellery Anderson, Frederick Coudert and John S. Doaae, receivers of tho Union Pacific aad as such receivers of the O. R. & N. Co. whea that line was operated as a part of the Union Pacific, and Major McNeill the receiver of the O. R. & N. Co. appointed ia the suit. The question involved in the occounting was who should pay the bills and out standing indebtedness of the O. R. & N. Co amounting to about 500,000. Mr. McNeill says that the Ualoa Pacific re ceivers should pay it, but the latter holds a contrary opinion. The accounting was taken for the purpose of showing the un paid indebtedness of the former receivers or the moneys which theylclaimlare due to themselves for the fuads which thev advanced to the O. R. & N. Co. out of the system funds. The Union Pacific receivers have made their statement of account. It will be examined by Mr. Wood, as attorney for Receiver McNeill, and the legal liability ot Mr. McNeill for the indebtedness will be disputed. In speaking of the case last evening Mr. Wood said: We feel that the Union Pacific receiv ers operated the u. K.ociN. u. as a leased property for their own benefit, and we hold that when we take the prop erty back we should not pay the debts that the tenants ran up on the landlords." Mr. Wood says that business is im proving in the East. People are buying and selling more readily, and confidence is being gradually restored. Judge McArthur also has returned from Omaha. Mr. Simon went on to New York. Sun. H. Martin has for sale a new style of wagon made at Corvallis. All but the wheels, pole, box, reach and brake-bar is of steel. What we admire chiefly is, it is Oregon made and shows enterprise in the proper direction. Let the good work go on. We trust the state at large will become innoculated with, the spirit of enterprise. Bicycles. Une thousand dollars invested m Crescent Bicycles direct from the West ern Wheel Works of Chicago, eight wheels were sold and all are, giving the best satisfaction. This. factory is turning out 300 bicycles per day and are 1,000 short on Coast orders. They are fur nishing us with four wheels per week until they get caught up with their orders. In 1S94 this factory turned out 50.000 wheels. Since then they have ia-1 remedies and doctors, but found no benefit, if i ,!.: -r. iwi -n, ( J V" " ..- . r.rv- , 1 . . !. . m I Alameda. OL ociong to no trust or ramoine. xiiejr , Ucad,chc. Billiousne and Torpid Llvezndis- no wheels to any one on consign-1 appear when you take Joy's Vegetable Sarsa- parma. ship no wheels to any one on consign' ment. All wheels are sold outright be fore they leave the factory. The Crescent wheels need no recommendation. Thoy sell on their merits and arc fully war ranted for twelve months. Call and see our Gent's Special, 25 pounds, price 50; Crescent No. 1,23 pounds, 75; Ladies' Crescent No. 5, 24 pounds, 50 ; Ladies' No. 4, 22 pounde', 75. Cash or on in stallment. Caulk & Richardson. A Remarkable Operation. Newauk, June IS. Andrew Schlecht was discharged from the Elizabeth bos pital today, after ono of tho most re markable surgical operations on record, besides being the only person known to have lived through such an operation lie is 4o years old, and suffered witu a camoteous tumor, growing internally from bis ribs. When the tumor was removed it weighed four and a half pounds. Tho surgeons were obliged to remove a portion of his clie6t wall on the leftside necessitating taking out four ribs. In cutting out tho tumor it was necessary to remove a portion of :chlecht'a left lung, part of the perl cardial sac. or heart envelope, then (0 remove a portion of tho diaphragm The sections mentioned as remoyed could not be replaced ; alter tho cavity was proerly dressed the patient wag lett to tho care of nature. After three weeks bo was dischargedws cured. 30 16 Firemen's Election. Notice is hereby given that the annual election of chief engineer and assistant Tbe Discovery Saved II In i.ifc. Mr. G. Callloutto, Druggist, Beavcrs- ville, 111., eays: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all luo puysi dans for miles about, but of no avail and The New Enterprise. enrineer ol the Roseburg fire department was given up and told I could not live dkaleu uas ueen receiver, reau uu ""rw: . . :il ..Vy Havm Dr. Klnu's New Discovery in my trii ra tie a on monusv. me luum w . .... , -t .i.i i , .. pronounced by many as a spicy sheet Vn . 7 aI all la the city !"re,i!?'T" ? "T" ' T , - I IWWJ, wm . ..v - BHU 1 1 UUi tUC? Mid, UUDO lfc.U W J,- ter,$and after using tnree bottles was up and about again. It Is worth its weight Inirold. We won't keep Btore or house without it." Get a free trial at Marsters & Uo.'s urug store. and one worthy tho patronage of the public. As far as I have conversed with the citizens, all 6jeak in terms of com mendation of it. This new venture in the publication of a daily paper in Rose barg thould be heartily and substantially supported by our citizens, as it will be proof to the outside world that our city Is dancing on tbe high road to bueinees roeperily. All hail to the daily Plain- tnvif vii T M'tel t a ti fftaa St lid imimaL ViiiUU 4. r IflU lis DUWvOu 44 lD JVMtSini istlc career, and promotive of the wel fare and prorpority of the city an J its in habitants, 6UCJUK. m. and are re- of Roseburg. Polls open at 6 p close at 8 p. rfl. All firemen quested to be present. C, Y. Ekuamim Pres. Board of Fire Delegates, F. G. MicKtu, Sec. A. C At Salem in Liberty school houEO last .T . tf 1 lfn. - .. .1 , , MOnuay, itlOier, name.) , uaivu uuu The Cresent is Uking the ld .J,: 15 strength and speedBelling like hot cakei. The Cresent is the only high grade wheel that is selling for reasonable prices. Cable & Bicuabdbo.v, Bceeburz, Or, in Post it appears neither of the speakers knew where'he was fat. Perhaps, how- vr. It was the reporter that did not know where he was at. l're-sident Cloytland is thinking of sl pointing as United States minister to Venezuela, Kenesaw Mountain Landis, who was the late Secretary Gresham's urivato secretary, lie is said to be a good lawyer and to bo familiar with the boundary contention between Great Britain and Venezuela. No ono ever heard of Mr. Landis prior to Secretary Gresham's death, but as President Cleveland has a habit of raising interest ing nobodies to fame Mr. Landis ought not to bo overlooked. The appointment of Landis as minister to Venezuela would be an official refutation of the story that Cleveland Intends to mako aBcapegoat of his late secretary of stale. Sun. Roseburg Market Report l-KODCCE. Potatoes, per bushel , Eggs, per dozen Bntter, per pound , Cheese, per pound Flour, per Back Bran, per ton UltOCEHIKS. Sugar, granulated, 15r)... Sugar, extra C, 15 Hi Rice, per pound, 14H...., Canned fruit, 2tt caiiH Peaches, per dozen Tomatoes, per dozen... Coffee, green, per pound.. Costa Rica, roasted.... Brown Mocaaad Java Teas Apples, dried, per pound. Prunes, dried, per pound. MEATS. Beef, ou foot, per pound. . Sheep, per head Chickens, per doz. cash. . Bacon and ham, per K. . . -10 2 Shoulders Lard in bulk Lard In cans Sirloin steak Veal ,05 Mutton 05 Porter house :. Slows 04 40 OS 15 20 15.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 .25 .25 30 .40 75 .05 .06 ,0S Established in Roseburg 15 Years We are prepared to do your work at hard times prices. We make a specialty of graining, sign and carriage painting. Do you need sour Buggy Painted? Do you need your Parlor Decorated? Do you need your Dining Room Grained? Do you need your Kitchen Painted, Kalsomined or Papered? If so. call on Tolles & Cordou, who are ready to do it for 2.50 and upwards, according to class of work required. Wo refer you to our work which speaks f jr itself. We are neither stran gers or scabs but first class Practical Mechanics. Cau be found at A. C. Marsters' diug store at any time. Base Ball. Yesterday a fine game was put up by tho kids the Mohawks vs. Washington street nines, which resulted in a victory for Washington street faction by a score of 19 to 27. Mohawks White p & 1 b, Godfrey 1 f, Joshepson p & t b, Boyd c & 2 b, Renfro r f, Radabaugh 3 b, Cheesman c f, Hess s s. Washington streets. Wollenburg 2 b, Chapman p &o b, Elvin Crutchfield 1 f, Eccleston c & s s Edgar Crutchfield c f, Dunn p & s s, Woodruff r f Wright 1 b & p, Hanscll c & 1 b. Umpire, "Jurcbo." Scorer, Gibson. Cure For llcadacltc. Aa a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has preyed to be tho very IwRf- It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick hcad- nclms viftid to its influence. We urce all whn .irp. ntllicted to nrocure a Dotuc, anu nive this remedv a fair trial. In cases of habitual consumption Electric BltteiS cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and lew cases mnc resist mo use of this medicine. Try it once. Largo bottles only Fifty cents at A. U. .Marsters & Co.'s Drug Store. 35 .OSJX 2.00 2.50 .122 .08 .08 .10 .10 .06 .06 ISM .08 Attention the Public. Call on Jack Abraham at once. . . . His gent's furnishing goods are -SFtUe latest stvle and best quality. His prices are within the reach of all. Shirts, hats, "cans and overalls-iu all shapes and variety. Gent's can be accommodated with any thing in his line at prices suro to giye satisfaction. No shelf-worn coods in ttore, but all uew and of first-class material. Jack's store ia next to the National Bank, where he can bo found at all times to greet his customers with due courtesy. Call on Jack aud inspect goods and you will theu conclude that at Jack's is the place to make purchases. BucUIcu'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts- Bruises. Bores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever bores, Tetter, Ghapped nanus, Ghillbains, Corns, aad all akin Erup, lions, and positively cures riles, or no pay requlrod. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price25 cents per box. For Bale at A r-i -a r a Ncarlv avervona needs a nood Ionic at u- -Manners t,o. this season. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Dn prjccg Cream Baking PiweT ono true tunic uuu diouu puriuor. 1 Awuded Cold pwul Ztldwtnur rtir, saa rrsatuw, N Society women often feel the effect of too much gayety balls, theatres, aad teas in rapid succession nnd them worn out, or "run-down" by the end of tha sea son. They suffer lrom nervousness. 'sleeplessness aad irregularities. The smile and good spirits take night. it is time to accept the help offered in Doctor Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It's a medicine which was discovered and used by a prominent physician for many years in all cases of orders which arise from it. The "Pre scription " is a powerful nterine. tonic and nervine, especially adapted to woman's delicate wants lor it regulates ana promotes all the natural functions, builds np, iavif o rates and cures. ManT women suffer from nervous pros tration, or exhaustion, owing to congestion . 1 - 3 -i T-l TV. waste products should be quickly got rid of, the local source of irritation reHe-red and the system invigorated with the "Pre scription." Do not late me so-exura celery compounds, and nervines which only put the nerves to sleep, but get a lasting cure wim ur. increc a xtoiw Prescription. " FEMALE WEAKNESS." Mrs. William Hoover, of Belltrillt, Richland Co., Onto, writes: "I had been a great sufferer front ' female weacn ess : I tried three doc tors; thev did nei no good ; I thought" I was an invalia tor- ever. But I heard of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, and then I wrote to him and he told me just how to take iL . 1 tooc riirct Domes. T nnv well. I could stand Mas. Hoovsa. on my feet only a short time, and now I da all my work for my family of five." i v&.TWVBJavr Final Call. All persons are hereby uoti'ied to make iumiediato settlement of their in debtedness to tho lato firm of S. Marks & Co. : otherwise the Haiuo will bo placid in hands for collection. Please give this call prompt attention aud thus avoid Ad ditional costs. Asheu Maiiks, Administrator of Estate of S. Marks & Co. Special Offer. Six choice building lots iu Fruityale addiliou, 60100 feet. Prico 20 each. D. S. K. Buick. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. A Heavenly Visitor. An immense moteor fell in a lagoou near Port Townsend, Wash., a fow days ago that Eluttted the inhabitants so that thev thought the world was coming to an end. Tho crockery in tho buildings was thrown down and broken and the houses shaken like that from an earth quake. The meteor caused tho water in tho lairoon in which it fell, to boil for hours, -arid heated it to the cooking point for eggs. All package coffee at Allison's goes for .'3 cents. Awarded Highest- Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. mm CREAM BAKING POWDfR Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. Are You m Satisfied With Your Razor? If not call and see us. We will sell you oue. You take it home, try it, if it is not perfectly satisfactory, bring it back to us and get your money. We handle only the best grades, and are not afraid to guarantee them. Prices no higher than for in ferior goods. Hamilton's Pharmacy.