THE PLAINDEAiiER ISSCEO SrCST MONDAY ASK TUUIXSDAY BY THE PLAINDEAIER PUBLISHIKC COMPAKY Subscription Kate: One Year payable mailvauce....... S- oo Six Months. " . . x oo Three Months. V " 50 THURSDAY, JAN. 17, 1SK5. TO PROWL, MY CAT. Ycu arts Ufa's trno philosopher, An epicure of idr nsd sun. An egoist In sahla fur, To whom all moralists are one. You hold your raco traditions fast. Whiles others toll you simply live, And, based upon a staWo past, Ilemain n found conservative! Ton sco tho beauty of U10 world Through eyes of unalloyed content. And, in my study chair upcurled. More mo to poasivo wonderment. I wish I know your trick of thought. The perfect balance of your ways. They seem an Inspiration caught From other laws In older days. Your padded footsteps prowl my room Halt in delight and half disdain. You lilro this air of studious gloom Thcn streets without are cold with rain. Borne day, dasl youll come to die. And I shall loss & constant friend. Youll take your last look at tho sky And be a punlo to the end. C K. B. in London Spectator. SHOSHONE FALLS. Phenomesst AVhicli Give IUse to Stories About Till a Wonderland. Stranso storio aro told of pbcnomeaa that appear at tiioShosboao falls. Some times when tha air is perfectly still tho spray arises several hundred feet abovo tho walls of tho canyon and can bo seen on the plains at a ccnsiderablo distance. Then, for days and weeks at a time there is scarcely any spray at alL Often tho whole canyon around tho falls will bo filled with spray, and every bark and rock will drip with moistarc. Again it will bo as clear as a frosty night under the sarae conditions frcnu influences that no cne has been ablo to discover or ex plain. Often above tho monotone of the fall ing waters weird sounds may bo heard nnliko any that wero ever named and can be compared to no other, and again from timo to time a sudden throbbing is audible, measured by regular inter vals, like tho beating of a human pulse. These, too, proceed from no apparent cause, and science has been nnablo to Eolve their mastery. At tho crest of tho highest rock in tho center of the Shoshone falls is the nest of an eagle, and for 34 years tho same bird has como regularly cn tho 2Gth, 27th or 2Sth of March to repair and recccu py it and raise a brood of young. Char ley Walgomet first noticed her when he located here in 1SC0. The nest was standing then, and as long as ho lived there, until five years ago, ho kept a record of her reappearance. Sho never varied mere than three days in her ar rival Since his timo tho record has been kept by others, who testify to the same regularity. The spray from tho falls carries a sediment which clings like frost to the windows of the little hotel and can be scraped off with a knife, ilr. Keller, who keeps the place, says that they clean the glass every spring by laying tho Essies fiat and pouring upon them a solution of vinegar and salt After they havo soaked for threo or four days tho coating can be wiped off with a cloth, but in a few weeks the glass is covered again, as if it was frosted. Tho scrapings look like tho duss of lime. The same sediment clings to the leaves of the trees and vegetables that aro grown around the placo and can bo scraped off tho rocks and the face cf the'bara clay. Chicago Record. rtatuxe Pursues a Ziar. "The forces of tho universe aro in league against a lie," says Emerson, and what his terse, penetrating pen weald find to say where tho lying in volves perhaps mortal danger to human beings we will not presume to say, but will illustrate cur meaning cs follows: In December, 1SS7, a child that had died in Camecricnt of diphtheria was brought to Kttsfield, Mass., for burial The parents camo with the body to a bouse in Pittsfield, and a public funeral was held. Within a week and while the parents of tho child still remained as visiters at the house a child who lived in the house was taken ill with diphtheria and died. Then came a hu miliating confess cn from tho Connect icut parents. They said that the symp toms of the second child wero just like those cf their own and finally acknowl edged that arrangements had been made with the physician in attendance upon the case to write a cerrificato cf death by bronchitis instead of diphtheria. Other cases followed in the same house. Philadelphia Press. XMzestlble Pood. One of the biggest mistakes about food which people make is to forget that tho true value of food to anybody is the measure cf its digestibility. Half a pound of cheese is vastly moro nour ishing, as regards its mere composition, than half a pound of beef, but while the beef wilVbo easily digested and thus bo of vast hervico to us the cheese is put out of court altogether for ordinary folks by reason of its indigestibiliry. "We should bear this rule in mind when we hear people comparing one food with another in respect to their chemical value. Londod Hospital Domestic Weather Irophets. Probably everybody knows that there are hygroscopic plants which indicate mare or less clearly the quantity of moisture in the atmosphere. A strip of seaweed hung in an exposed position frequently does duty as a popular and easily comprehended weather glass, al though it may bo doubted whether its predictions aro of much value, iloro 1 reliance can be placed in tho behavior of a pine twig, which may very readily j be presfcert tnto rervjce as a domestic weather prophet. Cologne Gazette. The mole is jjt blind, as many per sons fccpjxse. Its eve is hardly larger than a piabead and is carefully protect ed frcra dast and dirt by means of in closins hairs. Mount Desert island was thta named; by Chsmplain oa account of its barren! appearance. Notice is hereby given to the public by the underfiizned that I do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Koseburg, Oregon, or garbage damped thereon or eand or gravel taken therefrom, unlcne tho party taking sand or gravel first contract with me fjr the rfabl to m do. TresspaBsers will bo pKfiecoted ac-' cording to law. Aaron Rome, I Rov.lnirs:, Orcgoir. March 17th, lfcai. Bootft and fchoee Bellinj; at cost at j LangenbergV. C!osing out fale. 0 humbu;. Call and be convinced. 50c. Read "NOTCOSt rtocilnffs, bIotcs, children's clothing, etc, etc." Tho way to begin real economy. OUR SPECIALTY. ElS,,5nA7f.&U you ,,iOTi,n n wmrdeto .suit for from . bjw.op to gl&.OO eo3i to tailor made. Jim how to do it. hero to get it. All tno material, even to tho minutest llttlo articlo of trimuiing. Just how to maio it, etc., etc This aloao will bo worth fifty tunes tho cost of tho subscription to any woman. THE GREATEST OFFER YET. A PATTERN and any tour of tho following standard books, bonnd in whlto nnd cold, new largo type, good piper, ail sent tree: or tho pattern and six sheets of music, such as would cost you 40 cents each in n store, delivered freo In any part of tlie United States or Canada, Kyouscndatoncptwenty-fivoSc. sUmpsfornnowycarlysuUscriptlon. Wo loso moneyby this, Irat oneo n rabsenber always n subscriber. Can select tho pattern any time. Mention the numbers of tho books you want. Don't waltHili its too late. 1. The Ytuovr Muil-Wiitts enii;n a. Kokgixg -jnc l".TTs, Mrs. AttunJcr. 3. TjlttlCTOtOO.M. MimSI. U I'fadJ.Ml. 4. Tni: Va or Dnwosns. ilforrt: M. rena. a. I-ADV Gaicr. Mrs. IlcnrvWood. 6. The Sjvitas Pviuix Ctmlolte M. 7ratme. ?. Tm Sh vrsjvr of a six Charlotte M. ltraeme. s. Kivttits or a n.-iir.i ml lk. MtmL . Tnc IV.-trxss. "Ti-c thjebesa." to. MsctcHrrANDlVcu.FacE. Chaa. Rtiie. II. CtlCKEr OS tHE HtAtTH Chat. Dickeui. IX. A Wicked Cim Mary Cecil Hay. 13. Mas. CArois"sCi'TAlilxcTCts. D.terrold. . ritirn Hinr II. .-V. - Address, THE McCALL CO., of !l JL MSS7 Absolutely icydes. JZD Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Wa- 1 Si A ?ti chinefuHywarranted !:! HIgbsst HDajrs at tiia World's Golsmliian Eiposition. 53! ta-c-ccat itaccp lr car Catalcue-A -ork oi Art. Monarch Cycie Company, I.V '; ! 1: . Lake - . - . PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Hakes frlaryelous Cures in Blood Poison neumatism and Scrofula FTP pcrJTci tie Mood. ksiM op Ibe weak rr-J ateULalrl. dm rurcftit to veakanol nezre. tiia fcarrt"cs irhtTB :crt:. s3bjt Tor r,Ttarr tewixlajT aad trr;;ry TiAl rot-!!, tzaii.x. w r la all an J nklsi dm. I43tce. p. xjn-. 0.4 rtri:i; i. tetier fU bj. &r . cc3ia c tar fsT. ?thrnt in-ft cmt-aitriia.tiat I, t? I'.lthe.t hi jcrArr In tt aci diW p:iiir. rrecctf toi pcs cues is in cajes. csa cizt Mv ' is -"3 !3. jars cot-,-tiM.dwtoa-ritr!-. irrcejitrerf. tIilliT5f-cl tj J w. Ctritl tor'c aai bio-j ec:rB ?r-. rtlfo;p.?. P -riiciij A?t. Pot; Bsc? aad fKa. erzrtcTcrzs. "c, liia. ISCi Icaspt3il3ti tenss 01 yazr cecidc f '3 rr.T - vn pT.o! fascrrteirs. Itra9i-cU . w-rti hTt cMieiw. p:3r'rii-l riisiailrf fir as jean. 7istr-.u-l !!-?:" pilTrtciiti asa j-at to.4 1 ' i 'r lzrt. triisl ercrjr t.-"Tr2 r- j-J7 - rji- oas txxzlc cl j-ztF. T. e-J ra eaertiitr S7 " -mj-s ra mod taaa a7tli:J 1 bi7f cn rt:-r.-j cia reccKaavs-T I niicl-c 10 zl acitrcra CI I1 abbra rhi. MRS. M. II. YEART. 0 Real Estate Bought and Sold ?arr; roc rs Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of ID. S- IC BUIOK, AAnON ROSE. 1 ACp PROPRtETOKS OF THE N Rra ew 4 M:acuiss:, LILY Manuf.-ictiirtfi H ut the Cclctrrote'l nriniriM if Flour, j)CCFLSlOR CC"'H PC'r Snck Bran, Shorts, Feed, Etc, Constantly on Hand, Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat This ASi Through. Df-slms. T.p.nllni? Rtrlret PprfiW. nttrn for Ladles. Misses ntul clUlilren. Superb Illustrations. laslilon Kotos. Health anil llcatity. Fancy Work, lloautifnlly Illustrated Suggestions. Morlc. Children's rase, rractlcal Vag lY.sctieal. useful ami economical hints of all kinds. rnwniltieiitly tho Fashion Journal for tho million. A laluablo. clean household paper lor cnlr EOc. a year. ILLUSTRATINO Tfta Celebrated McGall Bazar Patterns Established Tusnly-FKo Veatt. Yon may think you cannot afford anothor paper. You cannot afford to bo witliont it. The Ql-ekk or Fashiox will actually savo you from fifty to flvo hundred times to cents belt hint, " 1 1 t, mdtn t 1 .iM..,,. 15. A Heart's Lire Wilkie Colliai. is. Miirs That 1s in thf Night: II. Itarridtn. it. A Strnv is Scarlet. A. Conan Doyle. is. Wtporo aso I'asteo. Charlotte M. Ltracme. U. My Lanv's Moxcv Willie Collim. ax Maid, Wife ra Widow. Mrj. Alexander. at. IUck to TitE 010 Home .Mary Cecil Har. as?. A Ysuxw Astix. Iota. 13. I.lack I'kwty Anna Sewell a. Ciiaslotte TrsirLE. Mrs. Kowion. SJ- XHB I111 or t-vsxc Robert Buchanan. li. The Mas is llLACic-Stialej-1. Wcrman. 37. Dooo.-E. F Ucnion. ' ' 46 East 14th St., New York. Superior flatcria! and Scientific Work manship. end Halsicd Sts.. CHICAGO, ILL PIMPLES, BLOTCHES AND OLD SORES CATARRH, MALARIA, KIDNEY TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA Aro caUrely rcmoTco by Z'.Z'S'. Ass. rote sa! 1'otl? ctaai, tfce szvzzal t parar ca A-miiXS. O . Zit 21. Kih l.mmxx Baas., f Tr.r.i, Ov : I'ra-i SIi-t tc..'. bcu: "t your ! f P. -1 irrSai,.vtt..JO.t it hvi n ls mora p -t taia t no raostSa" rri-ctoetilait tao . -i &ZX-i?. Haas teroe txttu C C. .V. J.. H. NW11". ijcOocc. Erar.a o . . , Cipt. J. O. Join- t.. Iit iMiltr to tic : ! r . - r rtl. " ii I. K K tor rrrn jlpttlj- lid &nxTct 1 - e rsr tw . i 1 --1 n 'u nue Cjtv. tar-.Io. .! F. . ' Dun, ft tSJTDCU SI) . 1 . - 1 aw.- rotiCTB, t .. J--: u.7 llv-sa. zrra.v B !.., ta.rr, Ci- .' U-trx I tr. -.1 J. ". ?. f.'ifi iHxcai of J-ikar cairj" -Mils -aocr.c liar-..- -r-.r i-raliar, .otail gia& c:.r't !-. ; it ..i -a ibb!cot a4 rwrciiKH r.ssi'ca trora tao icat rt fie C.'czci rd ;r?MH acy iwrhnc 4 a t-z. I barta!;."ifiv";e.r ...x !-o;tJ- 3 .ra! t"l csr.3d3i tfnt aar itisr -currs rao trrca 'tatHznti'd aa l Kooaaa irozUt, Yoawtrv'r, C?T. W. Zi. T. jSV. .'.twracy at Larr. UFPEAIM BROS. rEorsiETOus, .A r f rr zm i.hx I'OaSESSION - ' JIVKN. A. M. i:ose f"f oiler iVIills, cp nc occu cj -o. WHITE : CcnU per Suclt -T s: Lou QlobeOemocrat Eight Pajrrs each Tuesday and Friday, hktm Pages fiivm Week. :oM.v If :7a if A 1 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR is, bej'ond nil comparison, the biggest, best and' cheapest, national news and family Journal .published in America. Striotly Republican in politics, it gives all the news and gives it at least three days earlier then it can be had from any of the Metropolitan weeklies. v It Is Indispensable to the farmer, merchant or profess ional man, who desires to keep thor oughly posted, but has not time to read a large Daily Paper. Write for free samples to GLOBE PRINTING CO., Louis, Missouri. By special contract, we are enabled to offer The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice ever' week in connection with Tiik Plaindealer for only $2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April i, 1S95. Considering the character of the two papers the greatest of national Journals and the best of 3'our home papers this offer has never been equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub scriptions at once. ;JOB I i 1 i Poor Printing Pays Poor Profits. PLAINDEALER PUB. CO. ortland 1. Location beautiful, healthful and free from all places of temptation. 2. Best instruction in College, Preparator-, Normal and Business Courses; also in Theology, Music and Art. State Diplomas to graduates of Normal. Diplomas for all courses. 3. Board in West Mall, Club Houses or private fami lies, $roo to $200 per year for board and tuition. 4. Fall Term opens Sept. 18th. Catalogues sent free. Address C. C. Stkatton, D. D., President, or Tiios. Van Scov, D. D., Dean. H E PRInTlliG We get out a class of Job Printing that is Superior to the "General Run." University IT T Sheriff Sale. IN THE CIKCUIT COURT OP THE State of Oregon, fur Dunl.n County. Kendal Sutliurllu, Plaintlif. v I Wm.O. 11. Dixon uuu Nan H.xect.t.ou. nlu J.C. Dixon. Defi-mlatiK ' Statu of Oregon. 1, County of Doughs. ( To Hie Sheriff of Dmi,'l..s Couniy, Ongim, Greeting: Whereas Kenilil Sutlierlir, ptitiiitifl altove liamcil, at the Dceeinlicr term, ISOt, ( tliu Circuit Couit of lite State ot in- nf-r tlio County l Dou'1u, to ult: on Miii(!Hy Iho l'tli day of D.'cemlivr, iyj. r'cu(;ri-! a ju-!j.'nicnt agiiiit, the suiil (Ivfeiiilau'K, Win. (J li, Dixon 11ml Njimle J. C Dixon, t.r 1 1.- Mini of v.Hli inti rtrt tln:rt-oii :tt tin- rail! nl iu itr ecnt iierunnnm from tlir thli Jay of N'ovemUT, lis'Jl, lor the num of ."W 00 attoineys fecf, uml for l'laiiitifl'.-. hitI-i nml Jisl(ureiiieiits tnfit at Slv:.;')!), .mil !,., jmii; iiiviii anu (lecru 01 lorcrlo lire uiiiwt tin- foi lowiui; iluietilit'ii jiiiirlyagi il iremW-'. In wit: Tliu toilth hull of tl.t: .-.litllWl: 11'urlrr ot Kclion twenty nine (J). Uie I lis mimbrrei hfcvrn itinl eilil (7 ami ) 01 teeilon lliirly ISO), tlie norm !:ai: 01 llie ii'.riieust oiiarter. I lie oullu-.!l qunrlrr ol 't!i nortlicu-tiiiiar'tr. tne Houtlivasl iiuartrr ami lain .; .iril 1 in n-t tion 'II, went half of M:cl!on '.il all i' mM lrtct o'.'ini; lntovnhii L'b routli, or ttKs : wct, Willamutle .Meridian. junU.Orrsoii. The nortliwe;t quarter and li . umili Imlfuf the tuulinvest jii-j rtcr of stctlon ;", the i-uat half and the i-a-jt half of tin' Miilthurht iiuai er nuil lntt uuiuliered S and 1 of M-eli hi 0, tLu norllmes t iju.irtcr of n-eUuii b, llie eat lialf ol 'lie mirlliweitt quatU-r, the northeast iiuarttr. Btid tlie lhiitlieast quarter of the Miutltirest quarter and lots numbered 1. ", 4 ami .' .f tectum 7, all I nd lift ilcicrtoeu tmels iM-ins In township 'J7 umili, range . west, Willam ette .Mciidiun. A!fo tin: Dotation Claim of William J. Martin and wife, leiiig claim No. "SO, in townstiin 'Xi south. run;;i: . e-t. cbimi No. -IS in township 27 couth, lange ." wctt, claim No (ij intownfIitp -J7 Bt.tith, rano ' went, nud claim No. (!) in township Ji south, ramie 0 w. sL Alio the I)ount!iu Claim of Daniel I. IJjrncs. heii) claim No. -i'J in towu ilijp 27 south, ranged west anil rlaim No. 19 In towu'h'tp 27 toutli, range (" uesr. AUo the north half ol the eoulhvrc.-t onarterof cert ion 5 and lots ti'itnuered 1 and 2 of Hcctioa (, town ship 27 outh, ranc .r weet, Wlltemet'.e Mt ldlan. Douglas rouuty, Ongo-i, excepting hi 111 the above the nort1: half of the donation einui of Wllluim J. M.titm and :fe Ix-ip ctaliii N.. fjO iu townchip 20 eoulli, nnie w ct, and Claim No. 15 111 town-lop s, Mnt!i. raiig; ., uect, and claim No 112 in towii!nni7 mjuIL, range 0 wet. ami clihu No. 01 in township Hi couth, raii'eG wiet. oi.taiiiini 17 a-res more or lice, itlco exi"pl:tn Mocks 1, N, 'J and 10 in DixonV addition to Kru.svali-, tititaien g Oacrc?, aud all of block No 2 to Dixou'c udi'i tiou to t'ruitvaie eontaii.iii full t." a iL'i ac cording to the amrt.di-d plat of caid a:t'.;liu on tile and rccrdi-d l: volume one fJg-: 24, of plat books in theoillce of the Couoiy Ci'-rl. of DnngU tountj, Orecon. And wli'-reti s it a- further ordered hv ttie utid Court at the caul tnue lliat nit of IV right. title and interest of the caid defendaiiti to raid proicrty 011 tt c !2tli day of Dcctmtier, IS", oral ny time thereafter, Us.tti.r Hilii the tieridiUmeiils an appurtenances laerc unto helongiug or in au)wi?e apertaimu, cold in the manner prescribed ttv law, and ap piy the proceed?, ari-ing llirreiroui, lirct. to Ihc cosU and i-x.ieii-eii of uh cale. cetv.ct, to the 1 ayinent cl the c-o.U and dibarc-iiient of this action, taxed at S12 .'.O. third, to ;be iay ment of $o00 IX) attormV fee, fourth, t ih pavmcntot tbe plaintiU'c judgment of tlo" sum of $7001.25, Hith interest at Hip rate of JO ;er cent per annum from t!ce tfth day of Novem ber, I5!1, and the overplus, if any there be. pay over to the caid defendants or their leai representative!. Now, therefore, I will 011 Wedr.ewjj. the 30;h day of Januiry. al the hoar of one o'clock p. m ot said day at the Court House door in lloseburg, Duglsss eonuty. Oregon, cell at public auctiou to the b'sht bidder for cuh in hand, all the right, title and inttrest tlie said defendant- Vm ". B Dixon and Nannie J. C- Dixou, had iu or to said men tioned and descrilxil proerty, jU the 12lb dav of December. ls-- or l inx tivzr. '.here after. C V CATHCAKI. Sherifi. DjusUs (.om.ty, h-.-g.. .Sheriff S;ile. . IX THE fllUTl IT tll UT Of THE -TATE of "itroii for tbe Couu'f o. JuUs!au. MarUh SchroUto, riaiatitl . S. A. Cmiai, State or Oiin-ox, I Coantjr ot DuuUa t Notirt in heteby ni-n tlmt hy vitae cf avn citcuuon duly iuuot rmt 1 Itw bo. -name J Coart and eaue cn tin- 171 h day oi lvwalcT, A. 1)., 1551. upon juJVMt wade and tc tercit of rtcunt inait c;icuit Curt mb law 21th day of DeccmNrr. Isvl, by fnMlawi'rl mvrt n ia avit ot tb nbTe mu.el pLtiatrff, Mmriaa hrotrp, nd aatnet lh abovv unci detendint, f. A- Cummmji, ml ar-mit tL b4rrtnafr mentioae ! urtl ir-niK ! mvrtv-til property, fur th? cum )f IIJ.I. sih luwrat at the tat of ten prr cvnl tibaum nm the Ittb day of Jti(i. I-1. Itr the u& uf 113.31. the aicour.1 jvtil by !a.ntitf iV- tc-. an-1 for the au-n of tVirn-y 1-, a&I cnata txxcl at "-jl.lj, act the cou aiU es- pesae of raaaiCK uie cale, caiJ aQuriirareJ Ft( ertr beiD)r parllcalarly de-enbei arf f:liova. wit: Lot No. .2, in i'r-aitvat- audiuuu Ut n:y of lloMburir. Iloula C'uuaty. Ortrun, x tii ame appear per plat uq r.l-- an.1 .r rcctnd ta the ofiice of the County t1e:k -t LMitjrla rionty, Oregon, cid I,.t be:-4 in tbe LVjaa&tioa lytnd Claim ot . Itr ten. tHjtas tMVitty, UtrroD, Townthi!' -7 t. , K. 5 uJ o Weat; Wil lamette ateri'liau. o-jQiiiam; ten aerei , to gether with tbe teaeiaectc. hereditaments ao-i apportecaneea thereunto belonttv or apprr-tamlUi,-, all in ltoucUo o-ucty, Ihcyun. Now, therefore, 1 will ti VeUatUi). lUe 30th day of Januarr, A I)., .it ufcr i.Vloek p. ra. of raid day, at tbe (.'utt hotae da,r in Ruaebunr, DoufUs rouutr, On-jcuo, cell a: pub lie auction to the highest bljier, Icr raah in band, alt the ruht. ml and iatere-.t uhirh tbe said de'enuact . A. Curanlccs U1 lu - r :.j aaid prfmites on the Oth i-.y of -.put, A. i). 192. the date cf the txecutt'in of aaid raortirue. or at any time tterrafr iu or to s-id ab',e mentioned and described raorUfri real prop erty, and will apply U10 jwetsU uf aueh cale. flrtt, toithe payment o( ILe coU and expense of curb aale, cecor..:, to th payment U lit coat and dubnremcts herein inearied. taxel at lalSa. Third, to the paymen: of fis.oo attor ney fee. Fourth, to tbe payment of the cum of with interett tberton from tne lith day cf June, H3I. at t..e rite of ten p.r cent per annum. Acd the tuttber cum .t ili.JI. the amount ot ttxea fiui on the said real prem ises, and the oerplu, it any theie tc-. I wilt pay jintn tbe nid cjurt to be tnrtber applied, as by law directeJ, to tbe defendant or ht Ieyal repiesentativec, a by order of aid court in said execution an--t crder of rale tc me directed and delivered on tbe tTth day of De cember, 1S94. c. f cvrnoAitr, Sberin of Douglas Ccunty, Ore. SUMMONS. T.N THE CIRCUIT COCHr OF OREUOX FOR tbe County of Uoun-Us. Sol Abraham, Pi.nnl:lf. 19. L. C. Ikarisly, Peter Hucic, E It Freble, Martba A. Itonrea and T. K. Sheridan, Executor and Executor of the estateof T. It. Itve,de ceacol, Tbe Or ffjn & Calift-roia Lumber Co., . corp iratiou. F. Born, 8. W. Condtn, Hut. Attj. for Douglt, County and Ada Ileard let. I-etemlauts. To I.. C. nnls!ey, the above named dft adult. iu menamc ci tne time ot ureRoa, jou are hereby require.1 to appear and anuner tbe cwa. plaint tiled airainit iwi la the above entitled nit on or before tho first day of the next regular term of Mid court, for s.nd County and State, appointed to be beld and to commence on M00d.1v tho isrlc day of March, A. 1). 1SH.,, that buns the tlrct day i.f the term of mi 1 court retnUriy b.llouimr the expiration the time prex-ribed for ihe uubli cation of this nummons in and by an onU"- h-'rem made by tbo Hon. Jud ot said ojiirt anl bear iiurdatd tb Slstdy ot Peremb, r, Im1, :or ibo serrice of thu cummon by the puHiratioi ilnre of for 6conscculivc wttV', and if yen fail - t.i appear andanswer compliin:, the pUn.t.lf herein will tale judgLiont ng-unst yoo and a de cree a follow-; 1. lortheaumof .i;a.9T with intrtst ; ti:e rat of 10 per cent, per annum, from the Tih .Iir of Octobt r, 1533, and lor the fuitber sum ot i'Hi a attorney's ftea and further tor his rt. .'i;d dlburc(ment. '. That tha follow liiu described crvmiic. ticwtt: 1 .ot Number Nineteen (lu) in llrook's and Belden's Additnm, the Mine bein the ltn-okat-lo Addition to tbe Citv of Itbsebiinr' m (!. I'mimr i.f Douftla?, State 'it ieiu,.trcirdin t the otti clal survey and plat uf Raid addition of record 111 tte olhceof ttc County Clotk of l)oin?Ia.i C.ii.nfv. Oregon, contiinins Nino i'J) Acres moie ir le-"., together with the tenements, beiedit.u-ie:as nnd appurtenance thereunto K-lonjcinc or in auyi- appertaining , be cold by tlie fcberiit of Mid I'ounty aim ,ue I'loeeeusoi icaiu.saic I'O applied to tlie payment of the above amounts, mid vi.u i. 1 nil persons claiminir ucaer you or cubsemrnt to the execution of the mortsrsp sued on herein shl! bo barred and forec losel of nil ii -lit .lot.. or equity ot redemption in the caul pi.tuc. an.! mu ciecmion issue .iR-atti't you lor wv t'.. flclency whirh may remain after aiplj id g til tne pniceeds of the s-ileof s-nl preinises vroper: plicabla to tbe satisfaction of said judsni in .11.lli.llT AltltAH.VN. '13ltrt tturney for tbe l'laiutui NOTICE. lr. b. liiid Ollice, Koceburi;. Ore . December 1. 1 '! Complaint havins been , utered at tluv .i: bv Charles lli.hoi nirainst Miws Curl . Hbnndoniug his lloiuccteud Kntrv . 1 dated Juno I, isv, upon tho N ! ; ' SV4, SW'a oW1,. N-elion l . 1'ow pslup . - . limine it west, 111 count,, ":. . with n view lo the caiiccllaiiou ot 1 .i:n. thu said parties arc hereby Minimoi.c l t . 1 - pear nt rnttcl Stntis latin! Olllce, Koeonrj OrcKoti. 011 the lblh day of J.uiimry. Is'.'., at iu o'clock n. 111., to respond nitd fiirnMi te.-ti mony concernlnc said nllegit! abandonment Uttlllcient evidence liiirmg been lilcl ti --l.-iv. thut personal scr lee can not be tiiiule, ti i hcreby ordered that service bv ina-le bv pnldi catloti lu the ri..tsi)KAi.Kii nt Utebuf,;, Ore., according to law. 11. M. Vkatch, Kegister. K. 8. S1IEKIDAN, Bccclrcr. This Space M. JOSE New York R05EBURG, 111 ill 11 trtfJGa7vrjwkTrTtczzcttrwzzssrTTV, Sheriff Bale tkthe circuit cocrt or the state- -1- ol Oregon, lor noogtas County. Fcndil Sttthcrllri, Plaintiff Va. I'aytoti A. Harris. Elizabeth ' Harris utut IU K. Coxwt, llcfcudiiiit-. orATe o? Oce'juy, 1 County ol liouitlas. ( Notice is hereby Kiveo that y virlne of an ' execntiontnd onier of sale- rtnly lstsueil oat of tbe above named Con it. awl eamu, on the 17th day of December. 1801, upon a Jiidsment made and entered of record In raid Circuit Court 011 tlie 1Kb day ( Uce-nibi-r, MM. by forccloaure f & r.n.riuK ' m .'-ivor 01 the above named planum ami luaiiict. tbe above named defend ante, fayton .1. Hurri and Elizabeth narris, and xiiiu-t the beivinatter mentioned uml ilesvrlbcd mortgaged nrupertT for the sum ol jfiCMJ with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per rent per annum from October lth, ls'JI. ami Lbe : um ot 1200.00 attorney fees ami 527.10 cctH and liHhri meiits. Sow, therefore, I -Till on '-jiturday, the 2Rth lay of January, 1ST-, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said !.!- at lbe ( ourt 'House door in Ilocchur?, liif;lac . -i:.!it. Orefron, sell at pnbllc accttou to id-- ti..-li l ni.b'.cr for easb In band, ah the light, title and iiiierej: which lbe said defend siitc. I'ayiou A. HalTis ami Elizabeth Harris', I r either id t'nem, bad on the -Stb day '. May, Vai. or at any time thotMlter In or t the fo'l bjvrirg tteccriljcit lexr protcrty, tic-wit: Tlae lionali n land " laim No. 57 oi" Johnatban M. i.o.u:d and K.e'.ine C-uad. hits wife, in Ioivh shlp Suuth, UdUse 4 West, ccrtiBraU- No. 131. coCiSrati-.n No. V17, -ontaininr "I'ATO aore. Also tiie )i of the S. E. W. the Somh Ji of tbe . W. and lb- X. W. of the .-. M . i of sk-rtion the V.'erf ! 01 the N. E. K. aud l..t 1 ol stctiou 7, and the W. J J .f .1ee tlnn 7. and the .. E. !' of the K. i of e t.011 7. a!. In Township li South, Kane I -.r. tViHomette Meridian, lmifla3 county. Oregvii, eontadning in the axe. regale aereii, eveepciug from the donation of Jolins. tban M. aud wife, ten aeres of land "loimeui-iiiir at tbe N. . corner of nid K)im tiou land l inim, them e rnnr.ins Kast on the North lino of -aid donation band claim, .7 Bod. Uienee Snth a Itod-s. thenes West 7 KmK tbtiice North 'J Uods to the place of T-;!.!ainlnp bj acres, together with ail. and -incilar tl.v tenements, heudita-menl- bib! apjisuletiaaces thereunto belougine or in any wise; an! will apply the prut eeli of such "lie, rlivl to the costs and expen'es ..1 raeb ale. and to the payment of i-osU hertin taxed nt ?7.GO, to the payment of iau!, y tecs, rnd to the atsount due pl.i:utiC 0:1 .! jndKiuetit to-wit: the cum of with iniere.n therein lit the rate of 10 p.-r c nt itr aaumu from October 39th, ls81, u-i the overplus, if any there be, oay oyer to II - aid ! lendauls, iayton A. Harris and Eli'aivh IIarri"v their heirs, or lent nsn5. au iv ..nter of said Court, in said eseect.uii to i.i- il.rii-tnl, ai.d delivered commanding mc to -ell -..i i above mentioaed and describe! mort-2iucl-i ivsl property ii 'he maimer provided oy law. C. F. UATHCART. Kntrlir oi rkitwUs Coanty, Ore. i j i. :. MiA-atsaooic, IlVpUtT. Fliecnturs Suie. Notice i-i hereby aiveu that the uuder.-ined t:.eculur . tl.i; I act iil i:;d testament and estate of He'iry S. March, deceased, late of Dooylas cor.nty. "Oregon, lus been dnty Ii-i-euced end direeted by the County Court of Dongts cOonty, Orcpin, by ai order of cjid Court made and entered of on the ?Ah da of "teober. leSH, to sell all of the real es tate tsclonrini; to the a4ato uf the said Henry Marsh, deetaaett, tchsrh aaid order provi I tha' said x-.-cntor may sell the aaid real prop erty of said defeased, .wtU-U said real prtoertT 1- b rein-afier fu'Sy and particatarly described, at private ci-cl Skj. therefore, .11 pursuac e of said licence and order, which U recorded in VoL S, on t aifes ""-Ij-t and Ji'.l thereof, of the 1'orbate Or der Book of sow DonLb connty, Or.-on, I trill, from aud aftt r the Siath Cav of Jantrtrv. W.O, proeecil t sul at private sale accord im: to law in such cases made and pioiitled, for t-9c 1 .it tian.:, to the nmbest Didder, all ii.e risht, tii.'e and; intcrect which the said Henry S. Mar-h. di ceaied, bad ii ot to the bentuufler, dcseribed itremices at the time of bUdeith, to wit : ou the --i d dav of AjrJ. to wit: S-jntU 1 of tbe NE I-J, SE 1 1 of the XIV 1-4 aud the S l i of Sec 21. Tp 23 S. K 5 W", WiUamette" Meridian; also the "E 1-2 of the MV I 4. sec v 1 134 S. K 5 '. Willamette Me rid'uul. lKulas eoaaty, Oreoa, eomainin ! actes more or Ice. Dated ttil- 3Cth da oi Decern;.-. liOt. "J. S. HUNT, Executor C. A. ruLBitElE, Alty. for E-tate. di7td Nfittct: for Publication. Land o2ict. st Uoc bur,r. Oregon, Dec. 1.", lt-3". Not'ce ! a -rebT given tha: The following nainid cet;.-r li 1$ filed notioe ni his intention U make Bnal prtaf in support of Lis claim, and that said mMi ill be made before the Itegister and Ueciever, C. . I.-nd Otfice. at Hofhorr. Ureaon. January :SO. Ixj-"., viz: HenrvD. Maxnm. on II. K. No. t.iio. tor thc5-Wtft:Ction 10. Tp. a iw we-1. ii, names m ioiowicr ivtlne.-es to psv e his eont.uiu-u; nidence upon and cul tivation of. said Inn 1. viz: Richard Cook, Charles I. Cot. William W. Cox. IeterBurch, an oi i ai:ias v aiiev, vreon. Ay.V K. JI. VE.VTCH, Resrister. UGTIQE. Notiea is !u.rvby siven to alt whom it may con earn that I h ive t ppomte-l U. IV. MarD. of Cala raava preeiuft H-puty Inspector of Stock ter said pnciacr; postooee tunw, Iktalasat; atso A. J. Caasaaan of Wilitar. jd t tUfpa r'mith, at. llwe. burr, to act dorias; my absence, and ethers wil be added as pi r 11. . inspected uak- tieir desire Vamaai me. RostJmrc. JEay tvh, lir. THOS..-Mirii, In.p-'.nr oi Moon tar loustas eatmty. Or. TO TIfE UNFORTUNATE. ' S)i". (iiuljoir's ntcnrvcjinv uiortiuHni, ,:o KXAitxr sr., lorner of Com rtrm.l San l-'raneiM-o, Kctablichcd iu l-4. tor the treatment ot Sexual and Seminal J jj . "im, )ri i. $ i:rr, in allits .- torm, .Nemif Heu.-- s. Nfw, i2ofeiirv. and l.oct Manhooii iiornia- uently etireil The cick .it'..: .; lliioled should not f.iiltojii'i upon him. The Doctor has traveled exteiicivt'.'.-111 Europe, nr.d .nspeeted thoroughly the various hospitals there, ontaining a deal oi valuable information, . h:ch he is com petent to impart to those in need of his services. The Doetor cares when others fail. Try him. Dlt. lilltBON w ill make no charge utiles", he ef fects n cure. Persons at a distance CCKKl) AT HOMr. All louiicunieatiotis strictly confiden ial. All h-'ters answereil in plain Vm elopes. I'harit rt---oiial'.e. Call or write. Address DK. F. t-IBHON. Bo lsc-7. San Kraneisco. Cal No More Back Ache CONSTIPATION. lilFLAHATIOlJ c(vs BLADDER, aso SALL KIDNEY DISEASES , 1 fxaajJtMaHBeajt; . -VSHaSaWH!!wSlBi: Reserved for Cash Store, OREGON. FVMl TECMLN'AIj Oil laNTEUIOKfOlMS JE) Northern) Pacific) EiilLROAB I3 the Line to Take- T :il! Points East and South. It la the DINING CAR ROUTE. Itmns through VKSTIBULED TCAISS EVERY DAY IN TIIK YEAR to ST. PAUL ao CHICAGO (;;o cn vscr or caks) Composed cf Di-i.-.g Cars Unsurpassed, Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers, Of Latest Equipment. TO Ult I. NT MjiaU'ISfJ CAISS Bast that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both FREE and yCRNBHED to holders of First or Second-class Tickets, and dav cotiriiES A Contiuuoub Line connecting with All Lines, aflordins Direct and Uninterrupted Service. 1'ullman Sleeper reservations can be secured la advance through any agent of the road. THROUCH TICKETS To and from all Points in America, Kirctami ami Europe can be purchssed at cay Hcket. OSlee of this Company. Full iufora.-.tfi c-mcemlnz rates, time of trains routes ami ither details furnished on application to ai.y agent, or x. . ciiAitxro.v, .VssictjUit (leneral Passenger Accent, No. 11 First St., cor. Washintrton. l'OKTLAND. OREGON. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTS OF THE Suuthern Faciiic Co. Ea press trails leave TorttanU dally. OUtll j I North 6:15r. 21. 1 Lv. - Punlaiui - Ar. SrJJA.x. SilA.M. 1 Lv. - KtM."Hirs - Lr. 1130 r.M. 10: to a. M. r. - .-! Franctsco Lr. 7:WF. v. Above Ira.!!!.-, stop at all stations From Port 1Ln,5 Aih,"i' inclusive. Also Tangent, c;he.i'.s. IL-O-ej. Harriiburj,-. Junction City, IrriL-,-. Luqeue-undall stations from Kosebunr to Asi.!aii! inclusive. JJosefitsre; Jlail Daily. :..'.!. a. ; Lv. :-" t. H. Ar. i'ortland - Kosebunr - Lv. 7Sa.x. DlM.-.i: CAISS OX OCDC. KOITTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND SCV()n-Ci..SS CAKS Attached to all Throush Trains. Vest Side Division. Betirecn Portland and Corvnlli. Jlaii train dally (except Sunday). Lr. 12:15 r. M. 1 Ar. Portland Corvallis Ar. I 55 r. if Lr. I IaTOp.x. At Albans-sad Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific railroad. cj-oress train ilnlly eiceps Sunday). 4r-Ul l v 1 -i- Portlan.i - Ar i s , v 73 r. X. I Ar. McMinrille Lr. 1 5:50 a! x! Throuli Tlckctn to ull Points In uie i,;;iicrn .xutcs. Canada and r:rope can be obtained at low est rates from George sjtess, Affent Iloscbur?. R. KOEHLEK, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. F. Pass. Agen P0RTL..ND, OREGON. MRS, SS, SOYB, DEALER IN CHOICE- Family Groceries, DISHES, Books and Children's Toys. A FULL LINE OF Fruits, n.ts, French Candies-, Confectionery (.annea uooas, collces. Teas, Etc- IM TOUTED KEY WEST CH.AKS. CHOICE BUAXDS OF C1GAKS DeardorffHouse Two Doors North of Depot Hotel. T:ldo ut,TiTO.,.1 , 1... 1 4 .1 . . 1 . jV- "fh-"'-. "' mo uesi. uie mar ket affords. .Meals at all hours, 25 cents. v-POCial ratns in fnmilioc or.,! .: 1 . " ui,ituiar attention ;iveti to mtmiorants. ... L. D, DKARD0KFF, Propr. W. J. BEMNET Architect and Draftsman, nosEBUiu; Oregon. 1'otsot.a! tfuiiervLloii Riven all wori. Salary ondexpenscspaiit weekly from start. I ermant-nt position. IacInsiTo territory. Eapcrienco unnecessary. Z'ecnUarJSb. o aaiaauiscstobojinnera. Ltbcral commission to local part- tuna agents. Largest p rowers ot clean, Com haruy.reUablo plete assortment nuraory fortbearcbard. soct. lwtn and eanlen. We want you no ir, vr hlle tho fruit Ualastrr 13 sol imoortant. Good chance for iTiiTiinccmeiit. Outat and fall par ticulars free. CROWXEKOS-COnor- M-rraen. Torttaad. Ore. (Tlila House la v reliable. Same this paper, to.)