Hi IF YOU SEE IT IM ! IF YOU DOM'T READ i - - i I? : The- Plaiiidealer t 1 You Don't Get hie News. I The Plaindealer IT IS SO. No. 28. Vol. XXV. ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1895. CENERAi. DIRECTORY STATE Or t.l.ECOS' O. S.tcnlors.. I J. K. Dolph ( ntncorltcnnann " JVV.R. Falls O. K. Chamberlain loufircssraesi... Attorney-General........ rue- ...... -.Sylvester rennoyer rlary d Sliue... 0corge V . Wcllrldo "KaleTriisettr - rhllJIetschRn Snpt. rub. luslruella r- u. JicKiroy slate l'rtuHjr - Frank C. Baker llombcr ikurd of K.inHttUni-..V . C. Woodcock SF. A. Mooto C. H. Wolverton U.S. Ucan ?A. It. :Comps-u J. 11. EJily I. A. Mneruui Clerk of KaUnud &mnUslon..jHJ.ydcll 3Wcr , - covins Jtmicut. MSTMcr.i Judge a ia- r. C. rullerton rrasccuttas Atwrnoy . .Oca. M. Brown . c l-vso enter, cxtKneitG. Receiver E. S.Shfrkta aecistcr -It. St catch '" V. S. 'VfEJkTllfcB mtssuc. Olcrrcr. .. Tim- Gibson Senator! - -Henry Befkley ij. V- lilundclt KCr-reseutatives..... iJ.T.lIndj llntlw. C. A. SthlbrvMe .lcrV Sheriff ...F. w Benson a F, Cstbrart w. A. Frater .J. A. Underwood 1. A. Sterling A. F. Sterna W. U Wilson ic. H. Maupla .. ..Will i Hcydou Dr. K. L. Miller .Tbos. Smith rrcasarcr. SchOOl SUpJtlHdcMt Ctamsiioners surveyor- Oeracer- Shecp lii?fu.Mer rnnaNCT erricti.'. , I :: ; John llamliu JiiiSievs-. U.C frKK-ura W.T. Wright J. II. Shape Trustee ilLl KapP B. O. Slrous 1. F. lUee Keenler--..:: .-. F. il.21sl Manlial . W. K Carroll Trcascrer i -J. A-Cox tveer k.'!oks. ' ' 11 flic Cfcwtt Coarl Joe Daoslas fvtyitT ibccU three ti tuce. a v-tr as follaxrs: Tte l Mon day In ilarrt-. th th Monday In Jane, xcd the 1st Jlondai- ih UeceBber. J- C. Fallerten hi! Uosebcr? -Jn.'se. ,eo. !.' BroTrn, of Kostbcrj:. prasccutiHenih.ncy. - ConntvCwartweeBtte 1st VedaeIaT after the Ut iloadiv of Jtaaarj-. March, May, July, SeptCEiher aikl Xoremtw, A. V. SJearaf. 01 OatUaJ. jadje; C. H. Manpln ot lHtton and V. I -A'U-on, oi Kiddk. awtateioutr?. fb4f: Court Is In sessten cooiluuo-ly, A. F. Stearar, iade. LAOREZ. LODOE, A. F. i A. M.,"KECnLAI BtcUns the Sd end h Wednesdays la eae&rteath. TTMPQCA CHAITEK, XO. U. S. A: 3L, KOLD thelrregntareoaTocations atMasame hall oa the nt and third TncsdaT of each aeath. ViitiE coapaaions arc cardUIly IkvJUM. M. F. RAIT, 11. F. IiiMEZ Cxso, sccrstary. DHIXETAKIAX LODGE. XO. S. I. O. O. F acclt?atBrdar eveniBj; c each week at 7 o'cloct In thtlr hit! at Rosctar?. Meshers of the order is rood sundlsr are inrited ts aUeac. FtiSK G. MICTTH. S. U. - S. T. JcwETT, Sce'y. USIOX.XKCAMPMEST, NO. . i-'EHTS AT Odd FcHovi' haU a seenad and feunh Thimiiyj of each nonth. VWtiaj brethrea arc laritcd to auend. 1" ti.se ;. MiCEtii, Scribe. UascT I'Atsv, C. 1. r0MJEG ID DSC XO. J. A. t. V. W. aeeti ihe :ecrad aad foarth Msadays of eichaaatsatTSln. a. -M 1M ieoevs aau. lieaixzs of the order In'sooJ tasdin; are In litcd to auead. Reso rosT. xo. rs, o. a. i. ueets the first aad third Thcidayi of each ssocth. WTOJTES'SEEIJr? CfE.PS XO. M, vxcad aad fourth .Tharsdayi la, cash aon.ri. - - A RilF a. Boscrs.theCrXFridaflB I.-eeeB7, Jiarea sad i sac, and the thlal Friday In Sepunbcr. T OSZBUKG CHArTCE, NO. iO.Li. MEETS t the seeoad aad fvenh Thsridays ef ciccih. HADEUXE E. CONK UNO, W v I ' l TJOSEBUBG K..1j0DGE,S0. . I. 0,0. F. steeonTcesdayereatBrofea the Odd FeHOTS hall. Yisitiac : of eaoh.wX- .u faters and kiStb r.rr nritd to attesd. Miss iitiH Vixmklt, X. C-- ' F&iX i- Miccji. K. Sec A Ll'IIA LODGE, SO. C, t OF l. MEETS -i- crcty WednestUr neahi; at fMd Fellows aH. Vliirnvr bretarsa ia good suadtn? car dially inrited to attead. 'yy B. W1LUS.. Attorney and CJouuselorat Law, Will pntin is all lie court of tha State. Of. fa to Conn lira.:. DocjLji esss.t7. Or. c. A. S3HLBR3DK, Attornej' at Law, Uattittirg, Oregon. OSee otcx the recfeSes ea 3Sata t'.'tf.. W. CASDWELL, Attorney at Law, ROEBCR6, ORBGOS. F .J B. C0FPMAK, Physician and Surgeon OSceUt lit. Hoorec'i old Usvt nnOatitrcct ResJdessec Dor. LssseA Jaelats Street. IS, j. ozms r., Physician and Surgeon, IKHEHURG, OF- OHec In A. MarU i Ch.'j Woel, aptUs Call promptly auwered day or night. AMES BAKU, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate Hush Medical College. Diseases of Worsen and Children a Specialty OFFICE, Rooms S&W, Marstcrs Building. RcniiE-tcr, Ixwzhu Street, second pfacc cast Dr. Buncell'fc ROsEBURO, 0EEG0S. Li. FiTETTK Ll5E. Jcbqe 1 Loconacr JANE & L0TJGHART, Attorneys & Counselora at Law Jiqselinrg, Orc-jon. Vrill practice in all Ibe courts of Ortsc : Of- 4ee ia the Taylor-Wilson UrX. G EO. M. BP.OW1T, Attorney at Law! Hottbiiry , Urtyon, Hep iity Irocc:itlnz Attorney. Office at the Court House up ztairs. FaWs Soldeii- Female Piils. TorFcmalo Irregular I ties: cotblngllkethem on tho tnarcet Acr falL Kuccesjlullyused by prominent ladles monthly. Guaranteed to relievo ireppresicd menstrnaUon. CUFEISAFEI CER1AIK! j Don't bs humbuggel. Bavo Time, Health, and money ;taVe no other. Bent to aU7 address. CeIptofpriCC,2.03. i AQaress, THE APHRO HEOICIHE COMPANY, Wettern Brancb, Box 27, VOUTjJiSCD, on- !WIU" P' HE0N' County ?lvcyl. niul Motarj- lu!illc. Orncx: In Court House. Orders for Survciug and Field Notes should bo addressed to W'lll l Heydoii, County SurJ vcyor, Korcburg.Or. A. K. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, , Kocra 2. Sliir.irs Itnildlrts. - KDSEKOnO, Oil. f&rBiuSur before the U.S. I.iml Office and mining cases n specialty. I4te UeoeivetU. S. land Ofilcc. w. P. BUIGGS, V. H. IJc-puty 3ltiicTJj Surveyor ami Xotnry initjlle. Onits: County Jail liuil Jin?, up ttaliy. Special allenttuu paid to Transfers nml Uouvcyanees. . Addrow. ItOiKUUKti Olt, prHA BROWN. IT. D., Plysicinu and Surgeon. Chrcah Di;ss of Wsiaea a Sp:ciilty. OOce, I'p Stair, in the Marta IkilMlns: lirdeiM.ll-Tajs Street, r.OSEnURQ. Ii MILLER, il. Surgeon' anQ Hoiuceopatliio Pirysjeian, .jne'iwry, flregon. CtTChruaw JWea a TN TilE CIRCUIT i'llT.r OF THK bTATE A .if Orv9nr.. Iiir th 4t:nCv of littllBOMnb. K li VOUBC. ,. O. Vutine andl i.-i-trtiHi. .par!ar!.-to:u . ,i -- ,,tJ, V. . J CheBowelr. I'-ri Fr-lj.ASar-1 istion. ftnen lane. S State ol Or.-3f t, r . - ; XOTICfili hereby glieahai by irtae rf l exeenttAB aiuroateroTvale of atlaeattl prarert f J -. 1 1 . , .a I , - . . .u r I cause oaihe 1M rtay of Delrmler, A. I). IsHH upon a jn Iprntiit lor the scni-ot fL?s t- from NoveraKrlT.h, llan.I Ibc farther ?aBO of J2"0 attiirne y' fee, and" foe ts fnrthcr K 1 o( $H ' t-of.s and aeerulnc cs in favor of the above r.arned pU!sti9 nnd asalmt tin aboT nanW deivsdautr -chih iadement was enrolled docketed :n Ue Clerk" oCce of said court on the 34b dy of NOTemher. 11. eomaendine tae. that ou; of the personal proferty of Imv atoveMfBta oeteaaant; .aao natc Mf Hk.fvt tM-t.t (K4Y Mint nT ihA Mtt ! 'v&8 sent and cmts. la pemcace Satnrdav. the 12th day o! Jan: etl a: r.btic aacUo. if.ldoxJofiia, cj. of said At : to the hl?bt; hi Ider. loreah, on the ptcm bes of the Chrcomcih Fark Fruit Association, ia Doo;bu County. Siatc .: Orton . the fo'lotr. ias altaehcd penoiial property of said ahovj ssacd dfenlact. tmric One white .are years oJd ', .-u whl:e max 12 Tr-l .ltd Iit:. tC Of .4in fcarstM, one roller birrutr. one iron harrow, orsc. pader hifrow, 4se iprias feiah iarrov. on threei wbec! calf it r. oce ltrre wheel tuliiv-jj.-t: stsre .-. a.Wpf.-two garftri pfctwt, one Jidc-hll! j phk-r..ooeia:w busjy.oae H.lnch p!w, one S'ewtcc. wmw, wsieurt atarly new; oa hay ; sorx anu 11.1.1?, rac iwu etuiia.ur, JSXi buihcl" ol oi.i more eri jj. 1) er fOloits of hae Ec-rs or 1.-. Ia punsunce of .-nld arlt snitcicat prraa prwpcriy not tarics been loc-td to satMy said ;':uttu.ct and eosti. f hare let ted cpon anU wi on .Saturday thi i::h day of Jaauary. A. D. 1S95, at 1 o"ckci: in -tne. aJtcrroon of ai day, vilK'tWp Hoaac dojc in KftvtOarP. uovgns urcsoc. sen u hihaaM.tHthe rieht, U:ie and tciernt which said defeadaat had 00 the ;S day ot Xorea hcr,UtM.us.aad la the JoUoww;- jNces or far" ecloflat.d -.--wit Hrinlnf z ike s. utLsit HizmtlAi the D. Braetett P. L c . ihcsp tooth TJft ohkirj t the cea.cr of tt.c tJ-Jtity road, tbenee fatlow- I '.t the cm-sit of tte r-J.i coanty road north 5 T-: ... rr... .j' '..vw In JiM.if 1 which a w.iru oSS iuehe" in diaisctcr marted -ST tar corti : 4cstcci ai i.tt (taldSst- tfaHr"ot:ft desrees east OOchaia : t:.htotaayuE ure;on an! can iontia ralirao); thtnce-ttaringhe jotaBr nd( and JoHo t:i ; th- UM of way aorta 3B cesreca ! ZiBaicntea e: 17"chai to the sosth boen- j larr of the ! C l udt-rwo-jd donatioa land ' eJilin: tbenee :..';io ic? right ! way north desrreec T- rsiccte cai t.J chains: tbenee vnnix decrees atlnnte cast a) jo-ena!c tnea4& north - ! ntnaW eaat M ckaiaK ibc oee u jt.U 1; drrc W alnsbs eat ajeSehaio: thecee :.--nh V. Ce.jrKi U ainoU-i eat3L?ch; '.j a w! :rna wblcn a white oamineiM'sii.duasctcrnu.ilcd "K T boars Bocth TScetrccs t w;uaU3iai.i cnains ou tant: tnesce maalnz twrth Ti deneca -A mis- nl n: le.jJ cha.es to the c-aicr of coaatyl road; tbenee fouoc- ;a? the center of sou county road north It dtsreea at miant '. 7.A csalBs: thence noah 11 .leircej li aainQtw.wcsU chains: tbonc siorth -t dereM S) sniwttfi west lWr eSjains. thcace north -I dtxrees l raiisctea neat I csalsr; tbeace etth I dsrce and l- minute west chains: tbenee north ST decree. Ui ainctci .west 5 is) chains. ttmee north 17 decrees ad :a nlnntea west SJa chains: thescc nerth li decrees - 6 '-Qinnfes west tSsi I chains lea post frgut ?hich a sbitv oat :i in ehe-Id diimner narlol "X. T bears south , desrees west 2 '' chains dUUnt: thence west iionrie norm bcandary of the 1. ;. .Coder-. vtcd doaallon land claim fJSr chains to theT northwest corscruf the said I'- C. Cnderwood ; locatioolaad elilta: theilee rnatc; south 15 ' dezree eat .t"u chains to t!i plav ol brain- sriar. escepirs: thtrefrom lira fouowlns ri- u-ribul Tireciisc-.. ."- it Lot 1 blocV ". lot 1 bloet-4. kitbkk J.sojth ItCtof lots Mock 4, south Wl feet of lot S b! k't. ess: 13) feet of . lot I Wort' ca-t'-feet of lot 6 bloei: , and the east Vn fee; ol lot I Woes 9 CACtarsln; in I the a jKiejate Sm 7S aejs as per plat ol -Cheno-Trcthd-ats tat ie iq the iSee l Ike (Joun'y Clerk of Doo;las County. Ortaou, all beinz in townhii 21 sooth, rati;e -j vest oh.tuumetu McrMian and cifetatalns in tlie aizresateltc?" acres. Theca't talf of tac SKI, tad its i-ar of tht' 3 i.V, oi-ettMiZi. a&a the sE n,t ftjl ' tne SO'JIB 'i ox in' r. 4 nau w . : the S ; 'land -the X KHrflie W 01 &efi- UonK. athe.;5e'Uo3.l. alvi ttf :c , ol th: XE'( ai.d ta- N E ' i f the S W , and l,U -', X and I of Section 2.'; all lu townsnip -! wmlh. raajt 6 vest ol wuitn, vtte c rjiUaa, tat b h oij ?etim ts !c altof Uon-iu-. a!s,t1Lat UH oil Section 3d deri--i as ioiiows- iicsir.ums at roares SB fclsnj?? 'juttt ctmh s n h e otvj mrnr dfBtrrnr:2ri of section 31. all In janK.Vwettf'Wilracltc Meridian, toiber with the rc3?taem, hm-dittnents and aior- tenances thereto- tr?iorgiBz..au in iusie. ConntT. Orer.n. I " will aMJT the proceed" of said 'sale-to the payment of the costs taxed at SUM. and accrnlns costs on this writ, and second to th payment of Attorney's fees taxo at- fX'fJfi), third, .U ibe. pa yipvnMjJbir Icrirment fa faror of the abore naaicr" clSin- IT..6, with intereit at the rate oi s per cent tr annchi- from the nrb.day of Sovcraftirr. iSSi, .and' ihc Yma!nict.t any there. I. 1. will tay over to the said diferfdant, theCh(?rf ovrelh I'ark, Fruit Aocs4.tlon- pr.-thcjr legal rcprctentat!vt. h: n'CATHUAltT, beriX Douglas County, Oregon. A rliTi?Ti?ctr.TfnT'c TJTniJno v-OTICE ts hemhT eivi n that tlio under-1 il-slaicd,has Ltea iytba J'rotAtp.CfturtUQrJ Douglas Couhty, t-tate of Oregon, duly ap- pointed administrator ol tho estate of James i ji: VamcyifloceGXCd. -Ml PCrSonsditrfhiKXUtos arainst the estate are her.-by rcoulred to present t the same to me nl uaiciauo, uougias count r. Oregon, within six month from tho date of this notice, and all persons indebted to eald estate are requested to make Immediate payment to me at said nlacc. Dated this Hh day of No-.tmber.-l?'- - c.. A l.BEUT If. VAItSFA, Admlstrator ot the estate of Jiici'-s A deccastd. 1 Vnrncy, n-.vj. Adniinistrsitor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that thtj uhderslgncd. 'as by'an order duly Issued out of the County Court for Douglas county, State, ol Oregon, on thc4thdsy5I Deccmer, appointed the ad ministrator of the estate ol W. J. Alexander, de ceased, and, as .such -administrator has ijuly qnallQeil and entered tiMn the duties of raid office. AH. persons homing claims against the said estate MlllpreMnt Ibb sauic'daly vcrincd, within six months from this date, to the under signed, or to J. W. Ila oilton, at the4 Court Houte, Dated this UHh day of December, IMS. I l,1nlnliralr nOh. V.lnln nl U' .T AtnvnmW Wood taken on subscription at tho Plaikdealku office. tbe.cprt5r.cki comer m ti'tion-u rgjninzi. them Wth easing thie rfrff Stto 1 fCf tllnfrnr chains: taenci south rbaln thence south t3 ,lli"K llv- (Sucecskor to J. Practical : Watchmaker, : DK.VI.KIt IS IIATCIIUS, CLOCKS, JKWUI.1IY. AM) KANUV OOI)S. GSoiiiiino iiriiir.ilism 3yt CJIj.ss.ch siikI ftjpotsi uclcs . C01ll'l.KTl: stock or Cutloiy, Notions, TobflVeo. CiRar? uml Smokers' At tides. Also LYonriolor ami Uainicr oi' itosalnii'B's Famous l.iugain Store, . : ...... -t mmscM - i : (Orf k-mfm A if V DaiueRiun'6i-Says : "Beware of those slick lightning rod men travehngover the country selling Steel Ranges from waerons." ' Yes. thev will take vour " J win sdl -vou at our storc for ifeii?iif?&in- We carry ;f-large line of mirl .ilivnvQ .rtinT-.-. titri ;. icfiir . A - OHUHOHILL, WOOLLEY & MENZiE SQUARE DEAL-ggs i I We are- here Slav. 40,000 Mailed to anv address of this immense SHEET MUSIC. li -" - tllC agCUCV ot tilC WUCV li. AUfU Uo T. K. RICHARDSON, . 'Vs. Rea I Estate Bought and Sold r'Farrhs, large and small, to Rent, ' " "- WlT iJIMKlHATIi .Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, riu'qnautitics to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. SCsjan on a - , PROMPT I PROGRESSIVE I Northwest (m liiijl hsuroe go. The Leading Home Company- TIISA-D OJfJiHUK-aa WASHINGTON S'J, POUI'IiAND. J. I.tinvi:l?i:fs. I'rosidcnl. II. 31. CJIltYNT, Scc'y an.l Jlnnazor J. W. WRIGHT, Agent, ROSEBURO, OREGON. J AKKULKK. J Jeweler : am! mm. $ note for an article which we less nocy- Don't get taken RANGES AND STOVES limt I t i 1 I 1 i I 10 11 Is what we give to every cus tomer, for we believe the best advertisement possible is a cus- . tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come again and again, and their friends vrill coinc too. We are not here for a day or for a mouth. We are Here to Stay. f JOLLEHBERG) jfoBflHfifrl) i .Rosebiirg, Or. It is now well understood that T. K. Ricahrr'son is the best es tablished and most reliable Piano and Organ dealer in the State. He has secured the American avrencv and will soon receive PIECES SHEET MUSIC AT 10 GTS. PER COPY. for One Cent Extra, s;tock sent free on application POSSESSION (UVJiN. S. IK. BUICK, L? an. BtvO''w !Ba.'Csi" POU3CAR! Find fault witli the cocit .f the pastr'ilocs not cx;.ii!y suit you. Nor with your uile cither perhaps she ia not to 553 It may be the latd she using for shortening. l.: r 1 is indigestible you know Li t if you would always huc Cnhes, pics, roll's, aad brcd liitlatoblc and perfectly tli- crfcctly tl,- pi :ucv. -.', r- W E,,--"-..r,cur i:c.4iblc,-dcr the I cuiug,"COTTOLENE, 50LD DV ALL GROCERS. IUfuse All Ei-OTirtrrrs. Maclo only by N. K. FAIRBANK & C0.; ST. LOUIS and JiHICAGO, NEV7 YORK, BCSTCrtfc -J f-erxIthreoetntaini.ta33p(ilo.lC r'" airhank t Co.: Chleac". f, r I un.1 - mcCoUolenoCook ISoo'r. r (ain 'Trix Ziandrrd rccJp! t r r;'1 -i t y I i '"eailnentanthorltlcao.i t iuktug. r f?iw,'gy tw. wfwv asr t 06 bl GR00EES HP A SPECIALTY. A sjKcii: biant umdalttrated Tet. yiia Our i3 "2 efi I baitc; a laife sale. Vew style oi Glass and Delf Ware At asioaUhic lo" vn-s. Onr -rjra Total jts l - very popular. quietly. Over 2.C00 private cndorEcnccL".- I'rrmaiurcueiS means lmnotency in the C.tt etiae. It Is a symptom of scmlutl NTcatr.css and barrenness. It can be Kopped in a) days cy tho use o f Hud ytc Thocct? dticovcry wa3 tnsdo hy the Epcckt irtt of the old famous Hudson M silica I Institute. It Is the strongcit vltollzer made. It Is very 7owcrful, but tuumlcst. Sold for 51.00 a pack age orO packages for CJ.CO(plriurcaJed boxes). Written guarantee given for n cure. I f you buy ris boxes and ato net entirely cured, sis moro trill bascnt to you free of all charge?. Send for clrculannnd tesUmonuK Adlrcss HUDSON MEDICAL ISSTlTUTi:, Junction Stockton, Tlarlict A: Klil-sSts. Snn t'ranclico, C'al, 1IPPHAN BS0THEB3, frop'rs, Llppman's Block, SAVAHNSH, GA THE IMPROVED Queen City Incubator, CANNOT BE OVERHEATED and HAS NO EQUAL. I'MrMt Premium, otittlo. I'Mivtl Pi'diiiium, Ijoh jVhhoIcis. OEND FOP. IM.l'.STUATK!) CATALOGUl'.. J Thoroughbred Poultry, Ksw for Hatchlns: Kngllsh Setter, Irish Setter'-, Fot Terriers. Skye Terriers, I'ngs (registered stockl. Our itoolc In thrco toasoiis 1ms won 83 Premiums In the Show Room. CAI,1)WI!I.I, & LARKHiS, 1510 Front Street, Mention this I'opcr. SEATTLE, WASH ra mm in n crrv W 3 tki r RABtfE-Q 1? A C 1 fi$mwm$zf$ mm s Mm s ' Hfio sen of tejirUS in Ji Borates IStror-c aad aad tunes the America. nJpfflS catlresytem. Iladraa it Hudjan enrta Essf88 MhM lladrin .ora iVftKi-'i Emissions, rraaateessss iiftMM aawios of tC rt i". fQwillSifflX 8ri rcstcrcs &mk ESSSS 1ST Pf h I Curss CORNS, BUNIONS Sr.aWAltT3 W SPEEDILY ar.d WITHOUT FAIN. W FOR SALS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. vT & fo. nx Sv a a MY EYES FOR BEAUTY PiNc. My eyes for beauty pine, My soul for Ooddes' grace. Nq other hopo nor caro in mino. To heaven I turn my faco. Ono splendor thencu Is fihctl From nil tho stars nhovc. 'TJs named whn God's tiamo ia Ealil. "11 love, 'Ha heavenly love. And every gcntlo heart That hurn vrtth truo uesiro Is lit from Cycs that mirror part Of that celestial fire. Hubert Bridges. SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT TEA. Quaint Ideas Concerning tho Cup That Cliccru, but Docs Not Inebriate. Thcro aro probably moro quaint super stitions woven about tea than about any thing oIeo in tho world. If you pnt cream in your enp beforo tho sugar, it will "cross your love, " so you must bo very careful. If, whilo tho tea is being made, tho lid, removed to pour iu tho water, is forgotten to bo replaced, it is tho suro sign of tho approaching arrival of a stranger. If a tea stalk float3 in tho cup, it is called a "beau," and when this is seen unmarried women should stir their tea very quickly round and rouud and then hold tho spoon upright in tho center of tho cup. If tho "beau" is attacned to tho spoon and clings to it, ho will bo suro to call cry shortly, if not on that very cvon- ing, but if tho stalk goos to tho sido of tho cup, ho will not come. In somo places this is also said to deuoto the coming of a stranger, and if tho stalk is soft tho newcomer will bo a lady; if tough, a gentleman. If you want to know how many years will elapso beforo yon aro married, balanco your spoon on the edgo of your cup, first noting that it is perfectly dry, fill another spoon with tea, and holding it abovo the balanced spoon let tho drops of tea gather to tho tip of tho spoon and gently fall into tho bowl of tho ono below. Count the drops. Each ono stands for a year. If tho cluster of small air bubbles formed by tho sugar collect and remain in tho center of tho cup, it is a sign of fair weather. If they rush to tho sides,' thero will bo rain very shortly. Phil adelphia Press. Robert Knrns. He was born and brought up iu the midst of poverty and comparative igno rance. When, in 1Sj, Nathaniel Haw thorne visited tho poet's residenco at Dumfries and took notice of its filthy nnd malodorous surroundings, he won dered that Burns conld have preserved his marvelous genius in such an unsa vory spot Tho author of "The Scarlet Letter" was even moro horrified at tho wretched aspect of Burus'arm at iloss giel and could not compare the habita tion in which the Scottish bard passed so many of his days to a pigsty. ' 'It is sad," wrote Hawthorne, "to think of anybody not to say apcet, but any hu man being sleeping, eating, thinking, .proving and spondincr all his home lifo in this miserable hovel." He praises tho "heroic merit" of Burns for being no worse man amid "the squalid hin drances" that beset the poet's moral and Intellectual development. Hawthorne was right. Low associa iions, bad sanitary conditions and the companionship of the vile aro all but fatal to human virtue. Burns was never utterly degraded. He was always, in spite of his failings, a true man, and his passionate love for his fellow men outlived all his sufferings. His relations with Jean Armou: though they proved hio frailty and hers, were honorable to him in some resnects, for ho left nothing undone to ropair the error of his youth. His intemperance was rather the effect of his convivial disposition thau cf any vicious tendeu cy. It ho sinned, he paid tho penalty, ono might say, with his life. His ca rccr terminated at 07, aud, having re gard to his circumstances and opportu uitics, his record as a poet is unparal leled, for no man ever achieved so much as Burns with so littlo aid from tho world and with such terrible impedi ments in his path. Westminster Re view. WSiat Ailed tho Speech. At tho close of one of the sessions in tho trial of Warren Hastings, when ns"st of those engaged had gatheretl in the anteroom. Dr. Parr stalked up and down the room in his pedantic, pompons wav. CTDwlhi:: out praises of the speeches of Fox and Sheridan, but say ing not a word about Burke's. Burke, sensitive at this omission and anxious for somo commendation from tho great authority, could at last con tain himself no longer and burst out "Doctor, didn't you like my speech?" "No, Edmund," replied Br. P.irr, calmlv eviug his escited quastione: "Your speecliwas onuressed with meta phor, dislocated by paronthesis and de bilitated by amplification!" Youth's Companion. A I'ltruomennn. "Human beings cr.unot sec iu tho dark," remarked the teacher. "Sister can," replied the small pupil resolutely. "Aro you sure?" "Yos'm. The hall was dark tho other night, but sister knew that Mr. Jones had shaved oil his taustacho before ho said a word abant it." Washington Star. More About the Dollar Mark. Teacher Tommy, did you find out anything about tho origiu of the dollar mark? Tommy 1 asked paw about it, ami he said tho straight lines stood for the pillars of society and tho crooked ono for tho way they got their money. Cinciuuati Tribune. Th wheat grown in southern coun tries ccniain.; a larger proportion of al buminoids than northern wheat and is moro snitablo for macaroni. Coleridge left his wife aad children without apology or. farewell and never would sco them ngtiin. iitocU rtrnmls. My stock brand is a cross behind left shoulder and 0:1 left thigh. Ear marks, under half-crop in both ears. Rangoon Mill and Canyon crock. E. 1. (uioiiKiuau. K.-cticttKL- mi: rMWi. Any pti.vni in iXtisil.n comity pur cluifiiii; a piano of Tin; Wi'cy !&. Allen Co. during tho fair at Portland, Or., can have freight bill refunded if presented to T. K. Richiudson, Roeeburg, within lii days after purchase of noods. FOR "GOOD OLD MUDDER." Newsboy Gets a Swell Photograph Taken to Send to tier. When Curtiss. tho photoaranher. cot down to his studio a few mornings ago, ho found a diminutive, tattered and cry dirty littlo boy waiting for him, with a bootblack's kit slung on his shoulder. With an inimitable tough drawl tho boy Eaitl: "Say. Mr. Coitiss, I camo ter git mo tintypo taken. I want ter send it ter me mudder, wot lives in Clovclaud. Sec?" Mr. Curtiss said: "I don't tako tin types, my boy. Why don't yon go to a tintypo gallery?" "Aw, Mr. Coitis3, youso do only pitcher taker I knows. See, Mr. Coitiss," ho wheedled, "hero's do stuff I'vo been savin ter git cr pitcher ter sepd ter mo mudder. Youso ken havo it all. " And ho opened his grimy, sweaty littlo paw, in which reposed a silver dime and a cont 'All right," said Curtiss, "como in, and I'll tako your picture. You needn't pay mo with money. What can you do?" "Say, Mr. Coitiss, I kin do anythin. I'm a wiso kid. Doy ain't no flies on me." Ho was lifted into a chair, and his feet didn't como within a foot of the floor. Ho wa3 trembling with excite ment, and his teeth glistened in a line of whito against his dirty face. After the Ehutter clicked and ho wa3 told it was "all over" ho laughed and said: "Huh, dat ain't nnttin. I cud do dat meself, Mr. Coitiss." Ho was nut to work cleaning tho globes on tho chandeliers to pay for his pictures, and during tho afternoon dis appeared. About G o'clock he came back and said: "I had ter go after mo 8 o'clocks. Hero's a poipy I saved fer you, Mr. Coitiss. And bo drew a rumpled dirty paper from under his coat When tho pictures were finished and handed to him, ho said: "Hully gee! Ain't dat outer sight? Won't de old lady bo proud uv her Cholly boy wen sho gits dis? Say, Mr. Coitiss, mo mudder'fl a good old lady, and she's got six more kids ter wash fer, so I fought I'd skip." Ono of tho pictures was mailed to "de good old mudder" in Cleveland, and the boy had. ono for himself. Ho looked at it admiringly for a moment and then said: "Say! Won't dis kill do kids at de Junction dead when I show it to cm? Aw, say! Photograffed by Coitiss. Where's me chrysanthemum, Cholly?" and ho strutted out Kansas City Star. Switzerland a Modern TJabel. Switzerland, with its mixture of races and tongues, is a sort of modern Babel, a fact which causes much trouble in particular to tho military authorities. ! At- Wnllrnsf-nrlf tlin nfhpr rlnv nt tho i - . . . , -- .. - j t . recruiting station, thero was a guard composed of fivo men. The chief was a lieutenant who spoke German only, the second a sergeant who spoko Italian only, tho third a corporal who could speak French and Spanish, the fourth, a private who conld speak French aad German, and tho fifth a private who could speak French and Italian. When tho lieutenant had to transmit an order to the sergeant, ho had to get tho last namrtl man to interpret for him. When he wanted to communicato with the corporal, he had to requisition tho fourth man, and so on, great delay and confu sion being thus occasioned. London News. Defrayed by n Fin. No matter how masculine a woman may become, there is always somo little womanly weakness about her that inva riablv betrays her. Sho mav wear real men's shoes and tie her own tie, but her masmvliat has a hatpin through it Her coat may be made by a real tailor, but it is tight at the waist. Sho is still and always the woman. Now, for example, in Tim Murphy's play, "Alimony," there was oue of tho dapperest young things you ever saw. She was a real lit tlo gentleman, from the crown of her billycock hat to the sole of her hunting boots. Her corduroys were real cordu roys, and her shirt had link sleevo but tons, bnt sho had her high boots pinned up with safety pins. Sho did, and I saw them. Wasn't that tho woman of it? Washington Post. On a Unslncss Has is. The banker was talking to the bach elor broker about his f ntnro state, so to speak. "Why don't you get married?" ho in quired. "You'vo got money enough." "I presume I have, but you know I tako no stock ia matrimony." "Pshaw! That doesn't make any dif ference." "I think it makes a great deal." "Of course it doesn't," insisted tho banker. "Don't yen very often mako a mishty Rood thing by assuming tho bonds of a concern you wouldn't take stock in under anv circumstances?" Tho broker hadn't looked at it in that light before, and ho took tho proposition under advisement. Detroit Freo Press. Danger In Everythlnp;. Science shows that possiblo danger lurks in everything. Butter, for iu stance, may contain patnogrnic germs, and every one knows now bad they are. So also it is shown in the London Lan cet that bread contains many kinds of liviuK bacteria. And tho conclusion is reached that many unaccouutablo dis eases may bo eventually traced to tho agency of bread. New York Tribune. Kqunl to the Occasion. Bob What did tho lecturer say when you threw those cabbages at him? Dick Oh, he 'said ho had hoped the audience would bo pleased, but ho real ly hadn't expected they would entirely losf! their heads. Louisvillo Courier- Journal. Annapolis was so called in honor of Queen Aiiue. Tho Catholics, who settled it, called it St. Mary's-. It v.v.s renamed Arundeltou. in honor of t!:o Earl of Arundel, still later was e!-' itened Anno Arundel, and fiuallv ,-r,,f..t uani0 v7as bestowed. Tlie aj:ltott Water Motor Of capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse power u iTord 5 the most convenient, eco nomical and reliable potter for all lisht scrvico. One of these may bo seen run ning at Uih ollice. Send for circulars, ThciYlton Water Wheel Co., 121 Main St., San Francisco, Cal. SIortKitKC l.oaus. $1000 erty. to $5000 on improved farm prop- D. S. K. Buick Go to tho Roseleaf for tho best cigars. SOUSA'S DISCIPLINE. General acuo field' .Funny- Urease as to the Conduct of nn Orchestra. How Conductor Sousa was taken to task by General Schofield for his laokof disciplino is told by the Sah Francisco Chronicle. The la3t echo of cno of Sousa's over tures was just dying away over the sand biils south of tho fair grounds when General Schofield stepped in front of tho band and saluted tho distinguished leader. Sousa returned the salute and Bent one of his men to escort the general up into the band stand. "That music was beautiful beauti ful," exclaimed tho general as he shook Sousa's hand warmly. "I am astonis.h cd, sir, that you get such results with eo little discipline." Thero is nothing that Sousa prides y himself moro on than being one of tho" Strictest of disciplinarians, and he was naturally nettled at tho general's criti cism. "Why, general, ray men aro under perfect control. I'm sure they aro thor oughly drilled, and I can hardly believe that thero is any lack of discipline. I have never noticed it." "No, that's just it; you don't seo it," persisted the general. "Isawit, though. Do you know that as soon as you turn your back on ono side of your band to shake your baton at tho other those fel lows all quit playing? Of course you don't seo it, for as soon as you-turn around thoy begin again." The fun in this, at the expense of the general, lies, of course, in the fact that when a section of Sousa'3 men became silent as ho turned to tho other wa3 when the musio so required. But the general looked upon this lapse a3 he would upon tho suspension of a section of his artillery when ho turned his at tention to another part of the field. CASSIUS M. CLAY'S MISTAKE. Hoir tho Sa;e of White Hall Incurred the Czarina's Displeasure. However valuablo aid Mr. Clay may have rendered his country at court while in Russia, his autobiographic memoirs are full of proofs that ho was no moro a trained diplomat than a trained military man. Oue incident will suffice the story of how he lost the favor of the czarinx Ono day he was invited by the czar to Czarsko Selo, a private estate 18 miles in circumference, containing forests and lakes. Tho czar sent him for a drive in his carriage, which, of course, had tho royal livery. Tho Princess Suwarrow, a member of the royal household, had gone rowing in a light boat and invited Mr. Clay to go with her. It came on a rain, and tho princess was in a light summer dress. It wa3 thu3 necessary to go to shore at once. ut now was tlio princess to get home? Mr. Clay proposed that sho should tako the carriage, and that he should find shelter under tho trees till it re turned. Tho lady seemed reluctant to do this, but at length got irrnrVdrovo off- The result w&3 that she was seen driving in tho czar's carriage. The czarina did not forgive Mr. Clay for this. Mr. Clay afterward explained tho circumstance to Prince Alexander Dol gorouki. Ho says, "I saw tho prince took my explanation in good part and believed in my sincerity, but ho Emiled in a sad wav, which S3 much as said, It's all over with you.' " "Washington Star. PelUsson's TJttlo Adventure. Pcllisson was frightfully ugly. One day as he was walking down the street a beautiful Iaay took him by tho hand and conducted him into a house close by. Dazzled by the lady's charms, and flattering himself that thi3 adventure could not possibly entail any unpleasant consequences, ho had not the strength to offer any resistance. His fair captor introduced him to tho master cf tho house, saying: 'Lino for line, exactly lifco this," whereupon sho took her departure. Pelhsson, cn recovering from his as tonishment, demanded an explanation. The master a! tho house, after sundry apologies, confessed that he was a paint er. I havo undertaken, " ho added, "to supply tho lady with a picture of tho 'Temptation In tho Wilderness. Wo havo been debating foracouploof hours as to tho modo of representing the tempter, and sho ended by saying that sho wished mo to takoyouforamodoL'' Revue Anecuotique. llappeus Onec Every ,;0O,0CO Tears, A remarkable freak iu moon phases was noted in tho mouth of February, 18CG, a month which has gone into stronomical annals as"the mouth with out a full mcou. " Iu that year January and March each had two full raocus, but February none. A writer in a leading astronomical journal uses tho following language in describing it: Do you realize what a rare thing iu nature is was; it lias net uappencti eoioro sinco tho beginuing of tho Christian era or probably since tho creation of the world I It will not occur again, according to tho computations of the astronomer royal of England, for how long do you; think? Not until after 2,500,000 years from I860!" St. Louis Republic. Two Jlerits. The Hibernian gift for courteous speech was seldom better displayed than by a certain Irish boarder. His landlady, a pleasant spoken body, had poured him a cup of tea and presently inquired if it was all right "It 13 jist to my taste, Mrs. Halla- han," said tho boarder "wake andl cowld, jist as I loiko it" Youth's Companion. Close Itescmblance. ' Crimsonbcak Do you know a mar riage scrvico always reminds me ol a' prizo fight? Yeast How so? "Why, tho parties talk about it for' mouths, but it only requires a couple of seconds for the event." Yonkars Statesman. Hetvare of Ointments for Catrtrrft tltat Contain Mercury. as nicrenrv will surely destroy the ensu of smell and completely derange the whole syjstcnc when entering it tlirongh mncu surfaces. Such articles should never tensed except om prcserlpt;cn Imra reputable shyslelaus, us thej damage thev will do is ten fold ti the good you. can poslblv derive froa them. HnU's Catarrh. Cure manufactured, ay F.J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taten In ternal, acting directly upou lh tod ami mucous .surfaces of the system. In buying HnU'w Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It i taken Intcmaliv and mailt' I- Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney .t Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 73 c. rer bottle. Trespass notices printed 011 cloth sale at this office at 5 cents each. for