I - fe- I' 1,'.... r . . THE NEW NORTHWEST, ' THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 18317 8 I FUNEREAL. ' JUDEEM DELTVEBED AT THE OBSEQUIES OF MBS. ! MABT1IA J. POSTER, OF ALBANY, ON FEB.. ' 2s! 1881 BT JIEV. T. JT. WILSON. ' ssBBSBSB i w' .... - W are here to pay the last tribute of respect to COT departed friend. The circumstance Attend Soc the deAth of the loredne we mourn were certainly very peculiar,' And the Announcement of the fAet Itself was calculated to shock the comma Bit, And paitlcaWly those standing in near rela tionship to the' deceased. Blnce, however, we Cisy not choojMj the manner-of our , decease, nor order ita Attending' circumstances,' may we not bid our hearts be still respecting the, event itself And all matters connected with it, and, with full Confidence In the wisdom And loving kindness of oar heavenly Father, rest in the Assurance that it is well ordered And wisely fdr all concerned 7 Death, in this Instance was very sudden, and slrlystsrtllng lu 1U unejiMtedness. Thesum- mons came without the least previous nonce, ami " illustrates most forcibly the declaration of our . Lord, "Watch, therefore, for ye know neither the . day nor the hour wherein, the Bon of Man com th." In the enjoy meot of usual health and of excellent spirits ; without .premonition or warn ing of Its approach ; without Any of the ordinary circumstances ttndtngeTreiceor-lndlcAt Inf the purpose of the VKIng of Terrors, she literally fell asleep "Asleep in Jesus," may 'we not readily believe, to awake in the light and jfloryof heaven And to be satisfied with the like ness and In the immediate presence of her divine Sartor? And what a striking lesaon do we learn here of the Absolute necessity of Immediate And Complete preparation for death and the Judgment day. It furnishes a forcible commentary on An other of the sayings of our Lord, "Be ye Also ready, for in such An hour as ye think not the Bon - Of llAA nmh.M , " The messenger of deAth came to her while en gaged !i a ministry of mercy. Watching with the sick, And warding off, as best she couldlhe dADger threatening her friend and relative, she furnishes in herself a shining mark for the quiver drawn with unerring aim. Hhe Is standing At her post, performing the duty of a sentinel, doing the lodlnut Assigned her, wheirihe Ti called Vy Avolce, that disturbs not In the lesst the silence of the night not startles In any way her own sensi tive organization, to come up higher and rest from the care And toil of earth in the peace of heaven, in the love of GodrJesus, whose disciple she was, And In whose steps she was following, must needs be About his Father's business while he lived here in the world. "It was his meat Arid his' drink to do the will of his Father and finish his work.'1 His' career was devoted to a ministry of love, Yott And I Are reminded to-day that we are to be employed In service for the Master, doing good as we have opportunity, the rule being "diligent In business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." Death found her Away from her home and sep arated from her family, a part of whom were at borne end a partmong friends Ina neighboring City, but All utterly unconscious of the black shadow following her so closely, And all equally InApprehensIve of the blow so soon to strike, and "Wow -Uriah lu the ground 'so wished hopesrHh went out on the evening of her deAth of her own Accord, And to a tAsk of her own Choosing. The place and work were of her own selection, and were in entire keeping with Chrls tlsn conduct? and here It was that death found "Tier. , AndTsl fliot weir? Could h u man wisdom have planned it better? In your recollection of Other friends who have gone to the "unseen city," Are there any or, at any rate, are there, many Woo have crowed over where the circumstances, tAken an In al were so favorable ? Death, then, may Arid us anywhere and in anv service, doing good or doing evil. Happy are they who, pure in heart and upright in life, are found where they ought to be, doing such work AS Ood calls them to, though widely separated Irom. those they love best. The great lesson of all, then, Is that we should always live in readiness for. death. ' . "Brethren, the time Is short" time In comnari- jon with eternity, over whose borderejnust Aoon pass ana particularly the time of our natu- raJLiue. n is as -a nrcAm-whu cue alooketih "II Is as a shadow which contiuUeth not." "It is the night of a bird, the' passage of-the weaver's shuttle In consideration of this fact, "it re mAlnetbiV salth the Apostle, "that both they who hare wlvesbe as though they had "none ; and they who weop as though they wept not; and they who rejoice as though they rejoiced not ; and they who buy as though they tnssescd not ; and they who use. this world as not abusing IU For the fashion of this world iaseth away." . .Even the most Intimate and endeared of earthly relationships -the acred union of -4usbaiid-And ' wife should be entered into and continued under An ever Abiding sense of the liability of Its speedy dissolution. The same consideration shouldimod erate our grief as well as our Joy. Our friends die And Are removed from our sight The objects of fond endearment are taken away to return no more. And we weep for them, and Nature her tlf bids us weep; but we should not yield our- CsleWAta the hsIs,afingrUfyAr siiTiis shmsIwh to be overcome of It; neither should we give way TJCSCCSJUf Jut lnthgTuuie fa? 01 ably conditions . tl life. Assist us In putting a proper estimate on All earthly possessions, and should dispose us to hold end use them as the stewards of Ood, And who ere responsible to Him for An early settlement; and the reason assigned for All this for thus, viewing life and conducting ourselves in the various cir cumstances of It is, "For the fashion of this world pAsseth away." Like the shifting scene of the drama which Is put on the stage lo pass quickly from It and be succeeded by another, so with the drama of human life.- It Is. brief In duration, Its form Is aV illusion, And it Is. subject in Its very nature to sudden end opposite vicissitudes.' We should pass through it with all its relationships, however Intimate, and Its griefs and oys, how ever heartfelt and real, and with ah its interests, however nearly affecting our welfare, in complete subordination to our God and the higher and bet ter Interests of heaven and the eternal world. Eternity I Eternity! . - T - How tons art thou. Eternity I .. A ring wboee rblfc still extends. """""And, ne'er beglnnlug," never ends; , Always thy center, Kin Immense, - - And 'Never thy circumference; Mark well, ph msnEttmUyJ!!! All that Is here left us of our late and dearly' be loved friend Is the mortal body. We have still the clay tenement, but Its occupant Is gone. The casket is stljl here, but the jewel has been taken to adorn a crown, to dazzle and blaze in undimmed luster forever. Husband, children, sisters, broth ers, friends of her who is gone, I commend to you the God she worshipped, the Baylor whom she trusted and endeavored to follow, and the religion of Jesus which was the solace of her heart ; end In this presence, before God, sod on the verge of the open grave, I "adjure you to receive4 Jesus Into your hearts, and to consecrate your lives to His service. Bring all your trouble to Him In entire confidence and submission, and be assured Of His warmest sympathy and most tender regard. In alt your aftlietiotv I Ie-4s-h I mself afll ic ted I ler s- not one wlio cannot be touched with a feeling of ojurjnflrmltles, Jjutwasjn allpolntatrlei like as we are, yet without sin. - Come to Him with your sorrow, and He will comfort -you with the bless ings of dfVlne grace, f- '! , .A WOMAN IWKfrmiL. : From the Western' Gasette, ah English psper.l An exceptional woman received a well-won ap pointment the other day1 In New York, when Mrs. Annie E. WJlson was made inspect ress of the New York Custom House. Born In the Bay of Bengal, and reared on shipboard, she married a Boston captain when 14 years of age. For' seven years, this child of the ocean continued to sail the seas by her husband's side without Accident; but In 1872 their vessel waS struck by a storm on the banks of Newfoundland. The captain, her hus band, had his shoulder blade broken by the fall of a mast, and the first mate and a part of the crew were also disabled. The second mate gave way to panic No sooner, however, bed the jcaptaln been carried down, lashed on a door, to the cabin, than his wife, then a woman of one-ahd-twenty, hur ried on deck. "Boys," she said,' "our lives are In danger. et us stick together and all of ::ug work with a will. I will take mv iiin'"'"1'' p1" take voju tosometeportJlTheyittoJworsv cleared off the wreckage, manned the pumps, and succeeded In weathering the gale. After It sub sided they rigged up a Jury mast, put the ship be fore the wind, and 'went to r?t. Thomas, which they reached In 21 days. After repairs, the in domltable woman, fluding her husband was stilf helpless, navigated the ship to Liverpool, making the voyage without-eccldent In 30 days.' Her husband was never able to resume work, and for seven years She kept him and her child by work ing as a clerk In a dry goods storeTTEIght months ago her husband died. This jnonth Secretary Sherman appointed Mrs. Wilson, who Is not yet 3(1, to an Inspectorship of the New York Custom House. . , . If Ya Wan AatUffeetUa, v Take your , old sewing machines to Garrison's sewing machine store, 167 Third street. lie has employed .one of the best adjusters and sewing machine repairers on the coast. Charges reason able. All work warranted for one year. T ry ,JM-Tr send t hM a mht-and-tablcs rf your rVwing Ma chines to Garrison's Hewing Machine Htore when 'ou wish to get them retired. Take the machine lead from the table and pack it in a box, thus lessening the cost of expressage.- - -.,.. . ., - .. Miss Matt son, millinery and hair work.. Mas querade, suits and wigs for rent. 90 Morrison t. Aucx-rVroR the hew xokthwkmt. The following persons sre duly, authorised to act as Agents for the Sew Northwrsti t. IX ry...........,. ...... .... Mrs. J. 11. Vlrr Mrs. K' II ITiMrUUi I. U Wllllsma. Mr. Iiir 1 Force Oordon..., Ahhy IVrce....T...i. w". w, itw'h!Ziri'..: J.". Womrr Journal"., n. P. iviier......, Mrs. J. U . Jnckaon., VAIbssy Fell as may be our cup to-day, to-morrow may it emptied of All It contains. This, too, should M rm. ijnrtte H-m. M rm.1 -. H. Fotu Mrs. It. A. lioughary. mm Mry iiuticp Miss Kllen HcoU. Mrm. J. IieVore Jobr lC9teUXflliiiiMiiii Mr. H. A. Vawter Mr A. K. cvrwln., IeIMirhllii.... Mrs. H. M. McDonoagk.. Mrs. b, u. ws4inpv .. ...Culirortiln Ik-nton county winel.C'sl ..lfi., W. T ij .Mhedils, or IAn Jim, Csl MrMlnnvllle . .. Hrnwnwvl i le Koreat Urrrre jUoldendsle, W. T MIHCELLANEOU8 ADVERTISE MEM TK irOTTCE! TII23 OLD CTAHD-BY! X70TICE t The Keyctone Reotaurant, Chop and Cofifee-Houce, roiiEi er riarr ad iuisi mrm frwaa A A at. till 1 mt Mesto rrasn IS tto twar Ths Beat onen the Coast. The steward, the old Plne-atreet Coftee-niaker, has charge oT the Coffee Depart- rartment, wblrb Is a guarantee to old Coffee Drinker that It Is tbs beat. Try as I Try us I Oysters only SO mtm per Plate. I'm ate Itooins for Ladles and Families. 'r -j- - M t . Ho o cT A g r Ic u 1 1 u r al Implement HoUoe! M i NET7BEIIRY, HA7THORN it CO IMfORTERS AND PEALEItH IN , A GUI C ULi T URA Ij I MPLE ME NTS Oeneral Agehu for the Celebrated Morrison Plows, Improved Whitewater. Wagons, Reapers; Mowers, lelf-BindiBT Hanrerters, Headers, Threhers, Engines, Farmer's Friend Drill," the Esterly Seeder and Cultivator,7 Railroad Barrows, Railroad and Mining Hbovels, Hoes, fk-ythes, Rnaths, Cradles, Forks, Picks, and a Full Line of ,.' ' Wood and Steel . Goods. Nos. 201 and 203 Front And 200 and 202 First 8trot, Portland, Oregon1. S Bend for Catalogues. ' - . r . ' . jeS-SOr CURE YOUR BACK ACHE And all dlsesnea of the KIdneya. Bladder snTt Urinary "DrganiTLy wt-urlng the TT Cures by AE0MKITIO3f tNature'a way .ALsLb LUNQ DISEASES. THROAT DISEASES, REATKIKOJTAOUBI Improved 1 Excelsior Kidney' Pad. , It is a MARVELbf HEALINQ and RELIEF. ' Simple, Sensible, Direct, Painless, . .. JrOWeXTtLl " It DRIVES INTO the aratem en r&l In mn i..fiJ k..ii. . , ' . m Ur.IUB medicines. It DRAWS FROM the diseased parts the poisons thai T cause death. . . . . . THOU8ANDH Testify to Its Virtues. - It CURES where all else falls. A REVELATION and REVOLUTION In Medicine. AbMorotlon or direct applica tion, as opposed tounoatlHfnctorylnternal medicine. Hend for our treatise on Kidney trouble t sent free.. Hold by druggists, or-sent by mall on receipt -of price, SS. Address v THE 03H.Y' LlN PAD CO.. WllllaaM Blek. Detroit. Mlefc. SVThls Is the Original and Genuine Kidney Pad. Ask for it, nd take no other. -, no4Sm YOU CAN BE RELIEVED AND CURED. Don't despair nntll von have tried this Renslble, Easily" Applied and RADICALLY EFFECTUAL Remedy. ' ASe by M11' op Bt bjr m" on reelpt of prier THE OSfl.T tsVUO PAD CO- Wllllaans Blfe. Detract. Sflefeu r Rend for Testimonial and oir book, "Three Mllllcmr sYesr." Hentfree. - no4 6ra BOBBINS & YATES Otzroot 220 THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK Picture' Frames Mouldiagt, Engravings, -Cliromof, . Brackttir Velvet Goods, Relief Pictures, Toilet Articles, - - - . . ' , Photographs, '"I " Accordiom, . .-u Card Board, ' , " ' Albomi, Chrittmai Cardi, . ' ' To be found In Portland, and at PRICES THAT WILL SUIT ALL. nillLiLiINERY GOODS I del :..i':.. USE ROSE PILLS. 'Ol'R OTHER GOOD WOnK. O W WOMEN OF Oreintii. hv eixyHirarlna- HOME IXDI'NTItY to the mm, f yur ahlllty. slnmi.1 -you, your hti.lwjml. or your friends neel wnrlhlncln the line of lKI9ITlSil. nlease cnllouorad'IrcMi . HIMC8 THE PRINTER, S WnttingtM Htreet. Prtlsi4t IW fore en1lng abmit'd He wlil guarantee you ffood work at the lowmt living iirlim. . mr Maicaxln aul mmIc Ifawiks bound In the beet stylea. fit-Ksl Kisnk of sll kinds for aale. and Catalogues sent on ai'pllratlort. felOU ,? ORECOTrTRAHSfERTjDI.lPAWY. Conoral Forwarding and Commission. Frelrht and Rttartare forwarded and dellveiwd wMb du. patch. PtanOa and Furniture moved. Orders for Hacks promptly attended to, isyr or ignu W. C'r. Wee a4 sua4 Btark ass. anr Mark, Care of O. T. Co. ' (mfrn CHy JUtsOJaUrs. (K-ill .Walla Walla .Astoria .North Yamblll .Willow ftprlngSiOr , Marengo, w T Pcs::::lJ3;-f.;:!l:n:Lj:Drcss-c:fcr; x' ' . Al tbs store opposite Stoas A Cos Oroeery, e Trmmt airwvi, BeatUe. W. T. V ao4 If NOTICE TO MILLINERS 1 Mommotli" Otoclc .OF- Direct from the Manufacturers. Persons Visiting this City are 8pr Jclally Invited to Examine Our : .1 Stock Before Purchasing. LE7I S&r-SXRAUS &T Ho. '123 First Street OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS AND CHROMOST ...POB SALE ITiimM VIOTOIt VOLNEY, . " . . ' rietwr Frass) Maker. Frames Made to Order. Old Framea Re-OIIL Black Wslr - nut Composition Ornaments 'Presaed. Orders by mall Immediately attended to. V . Crar Tklrd svsmI MrrlM Htreeta. rwrtlaa. Ofr- USE ROSE PILLS. joscrn sraKHARD. ' f ' mostow m. sr aVldiso. PACIFIC UARKET. r" Tlritnhflrg txrA T em rr or And Dealers la AH Klndaof FREftH AND CURED-MEAT), BACON HAMS s LAWV S3 and 37 B Strovt, Cornor of Sotfondf PORTLAND, OREOON. ' Special AttenUoa given to aupplylnf Mlp ' Mil 1 V 4- s ... -1 J