i ' A'' - 1 - . . THE KEW . NQRTIIWEST, THURSDAY OOTOBKIV-14, 18S0. -"V !?' PORTLAND. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER Hr im. LOCAL EPITOME. Semi The appearance of the streets la much Improved fcy the removal of the swinging signs. In Tortlantl there is much opiMwltiorr to, the jMuutage by the Legislature of amendments to the flty' charter. OwinK to the superior flt)Ilv and excellence of -work,-Abcll,Btau4la prcfmint'iit a a photographer. . dive him a call. r . ' - ' : '; . 1 .. . . Mr. Www. No. 64 Morrison street, has a full supply of DemoreHt's reliable pattern. - -stamp for-catalogue.. . ; 'V Win. Johnson lias -pleaded guilty tathree ludet ments forjareeny ana been sentenced to the Jni tentiary TorVlx years. -' ; president Hayes and party, now on Puget Sound, t are pleaded with the country and. ttie! people of 1 Wasliingtou Territory. i - , ; plunder's. Oregon Klood PHrifler Is the great ...conqueror- of.. billousnt-HS .and liver, complaint,' Relief certain In every cane. . .;' ' Tho State Sunday School Convention Is In ses sion In the Firwt Presbyterian Ciidrch, corner Third and Washington streets, r . - r Hon. Geo. II. Williams did not speak in this city last Saturday night, poHtnonlnjr his address till after the close of the Mechanics' Fair. -:- Suear-coated Pon-coirn flarire doll with everr gross), wholesale and retail, at Post Office Candy Store, In new building opposite the post office. The Republicans of this city will have a grand torchlight prooession in this city on Saturday - night. Theyliave hearu rrom Ohio and Indiana. There is room for severalmope pupils In the In ; disn School at Forest Orove, and Captain Wilkin--- son will take a trip uj the Columbia to secure the . -necessary number. . ,i , Broken candy is 20 cents, mixed candy 25 cents, and fancy mixed 40 cents a pound, at the Pout Of fice Candy Store, iifnew. building opposite the postomoe. . . V . ZGuy Itankin, whose daughter lost her1-life by falling through the East Portland Fourth-street " bridge, has commenced suit to recover foOOO dam ages from the city. "" , Articles of Incorporation of the Portland Trans fer Company have been Med in the County Clerk's office by James- Casey, Theotiore OldendortT and 'Mrs. Catherine Norton. 1 ' . The third of the series of socials of the present season was given by, George WrIglrHoftt,-No. 1, G. A. It., last night in Masonic Haiti and was as r - " enjoyable as its predecessors. . .. , . ' - ... - Ex-Governor Gibbs and Colonel Hawkins ad- IrcwnttfaerttaTflcW and Artrrar-t?i night, ami both were accorded much applause for ihclT stlrring and patriotic remarks. -A-iull' wtock nt rHutUrlek's-v4IebraUHt iMtttei limt lxpn reectviMl at No. 64 MorriKQuIatri! Any one sending a stamp will receive a catalogue. Particular attention given to stamping. .,.'' Attention is called to' the card of Mrs. A. J. Drazell, of No. 131 Third street, who has a system of cutting that enables-her to fashion any style .or shape of ladies'" children's or gentlemen's gar ments. . - ; .- -".. i v GENERAL NEWS. Last Saturday was the ninth anniversary of 'the unicago nre, .. Georgia's Democratic majority is about as great as Aiaoama-s. , , J. M. Stewart, postmaster of the House of Rep- reseniaiives, is deaa. . The Protestant Episcopal General Convention is in session in riew lork. . " , - - General Grant has InH'n re-eleeted Commander- in-Chief of the Hoys Jn Blue, t . The Catlkollc immigration to Minnesota from Ireland and Belgium is large. - , -On Saturday' evening next, tliesoclal season in East Portland will be inaugurated with a compli mentary nan at eppnen's iinuov iToressor Henry, whose dancing academy last Winter was so popular. - ; . , T The strictest attention Is given to country or ders nt the Post Ofllce Candy Store, in the new , building, eorner J-'ifth and MorrlfipnWtreets, where . there is the largest and finest variety of candies in - Portland. Tlu? proprietor asks a trial. . . .. -Last Frily nightt ume contemptible thief n-teKHl-tla-C;Hgri'gatioit-hurch-iii-HolIalHv' Addition to Eust Portland and Carried ofl'the aisle caqn'tlngH, which the ladies had purchased with the proceeds of entertainments given last Winter. . Chaplain . Stubbs . of the Prtland; Seamen's .iFrlend SiK-lety has rendertn) his quarterly reiort, ! showing the good results accomplished by v the rJJethot'worlniuriHg the-past three nionths, ami citing the fairly properousoondition of the society. . Messrs. A. Hackett and N. Finch have, petl . Honed the County 'Commissioners for a licence oj- run a rerry rrom Annua to a point on me west -side of-4l rlver-Wm. Carroll. remonstrates, as he has a license for a row-Uwit, with the right to - run a steam ferry when the business' will 'Justify ; the expenditure. 's..r-.- r-:-.--,-. Messrs. Ix'wls A Strauss, of the White. House, No. 123 First street, have received-their stock of Fall millinery gontK Confident of their ability to please all customers, they only, ask the at tention to their stock of parties Intending to pur chase, being satisfied that if their goods are . examined they will be bought. Everybody visitlnir1 Portlatid-during-tlfe-Me- chatties' Faiaought to call In at Davidson's gnl 'lery and examine his display xf pltoto work. He still maintains low prices and enjoys a larger trade than ever befnv. His new operator, Mr. J, C. Williams, Just from San Francisco, is. one of the Wst.that has ever been behind theeamera in Portland. - : . , ' - J. W. Bailey, No. 47 Yamhill street, Wtwcen Second and Third, curries a large stock of staple and fancy groceries. He also does a commission business in fruits and groceries, and buys all kinds -of-produce Goods are dellveml iree to all- pa trons in the city, and orders, from a distance re ceive prompt attention. His prices are low, and us goods nrst-c lass. . The Scotch railway company having claimed gonlan has taken thetrouble to'took up the rec ords, and finds that the City of Portland not only . . .hold a title La. fee sim pie. lo the. prpiertyJrom Stephen Coffin and wife and C M. Carter and wife, for which $2,500 was paid, but aho a like title from the Oregon Central Rattrond tVmnnnyK : rniro-irwCTireu to nun any cnum iatueevee mat mtgnt be made iy that railroad company. The, New York llenttd calls for President Hayes to "return to his post of duty.,"" - Some $30,008 worth of whisky has leen; seizes oy revenue omcers in iennesme.. , .c The demand for silver dollars at present Is altout eiual to the supply rrom thetmius. "- Chicago's Itcautiful west side theater the Acad emy or music, was gutted iy nre on Tuesday.. "Yhe railroad business of the wuntry during last month was 22 per cent greater than in September ' - J ' r- --- . , 1. . An accident on . the Chicago, Milwaukee and St, Paul Railway, on Monday, caused the death and wounding oi fourteen men. Freeman, .who killed his child at Poeasset In the belief that God would restore her to him, has escaped from the Insane asylum. J Under the "auspices of the Masons, the corner stone ror the Egyptian oieiisk was laid in ten irai i btk, qw .iora, on me vui uisiaui. - Census - Superintendent Walker declares the South Carolina census of 1870 was grossly defect ire, but that or the present year is substantially. correct.. - Tlie widow of the late W. C. Ralston, of San Francisco, charges Senator Miaron with fraud In settling her huslmmi's estate, and Is suing for an accounting; - . -'. "Desert e1, or a Saint's -Affliction," a new opera was produced at I laverly's ' Fourteenth-street Theater, New York, on-MondayTitght7aud proved a decided success. - Over 700 head of cattle were burned to death- In sheds iiear Sterling, Ills., on the 9th. The moan "ihg and bellowing of the poor brutes was frlghtfu beyond description. ' During the Mormon Semi-annual Conference last week, Geo.' Q. Cannon, himself a Delegate to Congress, defied "hell and the Government to abolish Mormonlsm.V . . A collision on the Indlanaimlls aiul St. Louis Rallroail at Nokomis. III., on the 11th. resulted in the burning of several cars and the injury of sev- erai iwninnti: imt none rutullv. ' It is discovered that a subsidy or o,uuu ner rear for the racinc Mall sti'amship Company has tHggwtitrmtgh-v'ongri-ss under cover wj proviso lit the post onice- appropriation bin: The Bureau of Engraving aiuf Printin wil hereafter -nrlnt the Internal revenue- adhesive jttamiwthe iwork hvinKjbciUJLjaktnwyjRmii Saturday night, at Twentieth street, Pittsburg, an excursion train from a Democrat Icmeeting collided with a freight trainband twenty-one per sons were killed. Many others were hurl so badly that they will die. - r- -" Hancock, when asked if lie was offered the command oT the Army of the Potomac beforeTlf was srlveiLla Grant, replied that he Mas detained one-month- In-WashlngtonlwlthUliat obJect in W lew iruii aa iivt n can v a as t uuu sav 7, cept it." -T--"7z&-f-. ' , rr Tlie outturn'of American-whwat'this year is es timated at 4V,l!Kl,(XX) bushels by Bradstmt's Journal of trade, Oregon and California being credited with 3M,otWMin. ' The surtlus for export is placed at 184,000,000 bushels, (.'alifornla and Ur cgon fu rnlshlng gHtooo,ooo. - FOUEIGN NEWS. It is now denied that a Panama canal syndicate has tecn formed in lris.1 " : General Ro'U has leeii proclaimed President of the Afgentluej'onuHieratlon. ' , Irish landlords are asking the Government to protect their lives and proiierty. A great insurrection of Mohammedans in Kajthgar against the Chinese is rcK)rteI. Counties Gal way and Mayo, Ireland, have been 'declaml In 4 state of dlsturlance, requiring ad-4 ditional sllce." 7 . . . Catholics of Ottawa have leen forbidden by the priests to send their children to the model school (preliminary to the normal, school) on pain of deprivation or sacraments. King Tliebau of Iturmah will make war-on the British if Burmese sulieets are not indemnified for losses occasioned' by Nyoungoke's expedition. He has 10,000 tnsps on thW frontier, and the num ber will be doubledJ.-..JS?-i . Riots are , reported In Russia, owing to reduc tions of wages. Industries are so paralyted that proprietors can hanlljpay-Avages, and prices, of foot are so. high that employes cannot stand re ductions, and riots result. ; : . . The Chileans have lHmbardcd the defenseless Peruvian towns Cherillos and A neon. This was done to avenge the blowing up of the, Covadonga a. m f . a iv I'eruvians. uneriuos is a lasnionauie watering place, where foreign and native families had sought refuge from an attack on Lima. - The Sultan's flrmncsfTTn refusing to yield Dul cljrno causes the iwwers no enI f annoyance. They dislike to force compliance, ,btit have gone ho fur with their warlike threats and nrenaration tlon is like this : If he yields, Dulclgno is gone ; if he is flrnif hrmajrave thrcityr hef Ir forced: he will be in no worse poltIon than if he had yielded. His only' chance of gali4 h to awalt.Ie.f Jiwaa relopments. ? 1 jnay.Jbe'di'mentevia-some Continental papers charge, but there is method in his madness, The latest rumor is. that he will . THE 0KE0O5 HID.tEI TKA.. ' If your back aches,, or if you have any trouble with your kidneys or urinary organs, don't buy some nostrum that you know , nothing about, made in some distant city to sell, but buy a rem edy that has never been known to fail, made from nerbs pnsiuced in uregon, and put up by a nrm known all over the coast. Patronize home Indus- yield. Drasmaklng Catablishrnant, , ;. No. UlTblrd atrMt, iwtwfen Wskklactoa and Alder. I PROPRIETOR OF THE "1 X A NEW BVOTFM Or Caltlnf Lll' and C'blliln-n'a Hultn; la fart.lt will cut every ptcla uf garment, t all and ae lu AsenU waated. ... v - octMtf - BUSINESS WOMEN OF PORTLAND. 7fjUe Xuliem trill be insrrtrd in this DirrHory (trith on topy paprr rrpularlf drlhvmlj fur 50 rrnU per month. TV InttiM mmtiomett an eommemttd to the mtlm tf the Xrw XorthweU$ reliable alwin1hy,ttf p,itromiie,6mt rvery re iptmHblt buaimet womm in IMrUand should be named im ihit tutttntn,- . ' MRH.URADUX, Ilutton-bule Maker, No. 16.1' Third HIMMONM, Dlearbf r' an4 irvNiter, No. 82 Main 4 ATKI Nm 1 niwinakeni,. No. 1 Milliner, No, Hoohik, northriiNt MRK. tree?. MlHSKS THAYER Third ulreeU M1W. A. H WEHTLWholw.ale and it m lUinliiKiuD aireet. -MR). W1LIJH, EloKsntlr arnlHhMl earner Fifth and Hi ark Htrcta. MRS. M. HARMXO, Kimc.r Umx1iT and Notion, Fifth p(reH,0Mwltethel,oat Offlw. , MRS. J. r. PARUHH, M. !., (Iat of New Vork),rhyl elun aud Murgeon. ime Flmt ntret. ... ' . MRS. SI. J. ENsUJN, No. 2 VlM tret, n-r,Mln,rU ami baatea aulta fop tL IVarl i'orn Powder fnrjlev MRM.M. J.ritlTM P, lHwlHkor and Ts-lior of Mi-Clare'a MiH-lianleal MhIumI of flitting, Room t, 167 Flmt trHt. MRS. A.J. BRAZEI.I.A Ct).,l)rcinnkr,l:UThlril at.ent all klnda of patterna by a nw uielhoHNatlHfwilon aaminl. ANNIE MATTSON, Mllllnorv and Fancy Oo.la, Htanip !;, Httlr work, apd IHuiicnOc iSttterna, No. IW Mtrrlon at- BIKINENN HEX. IR. A MRS. Itr.su; PhotOKrapliera, at the Oull'rJ llo alte th MMit offleej . , ' v J. C. H'CKEU Proprii tor--oIumbla HoMpCn!, No. art! HxH'ond atrret, corner of Mad Imoii. MR. A MRS. WHITTI.E. AVl-alUe Chop Houe and 1U- . A. PANOUEI'EOER, Frem h laundry, No. 211 Third airet, net ween Taylor ana Hal mnn. BAYER 4 -WATCH, Owners for Orevon of the Nallvel Iatent Chimney, the beat and anfeat No. Q Meond atroet. OREGON BliOOD PURIFIER. My atomaoh la dreadfully weak and my dlfeatlv organs all 11 weaker. Htrengtben them by truing Waa. rfauaders Orfm BlMd rwrlBer, I mi Unigglal aeeps II fur ra. MWCELLANEOUH ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW THIS WEEK. NOTICE TO MILLINERS WE HAVE OPENED QVll HtranirrM will flnil every inducement offered them tri iiihkc ineir purcnaaca at our store. ' I Mall oiMcm promptly and Intelligently filled. I i I J iagBBflgtBHaaaaaasaiBSaVBaaBBaSBBlB MILLINERY GOODS I iisi.iiios..ptLi-.i Direct from tho Manufacturers. - - A , ' ' : .". A t- I fl M I1 1 fit trm . . m' lm A nmA.MM t ' .- 3 -7 f t:-.- mlt) .-5- j : : ' ; , ; Iirtland. .' Han Franclaco. J - . 1 : " ; Etabllhed-1 0P7. 1 Persons Visiting this City are 8pe cially Invited to ExamlneOur ZZZT Stock Decora Purchasing. LEWIS & STRAUSS, . Ho. 123 Firrt Street IN ADDITION to our largo stock of X Lamps, Chandeliors , Olio, Unbroak . obloChlmnoysVCrockory, Close and. . -PJatod Waro,wehavoboon appoint od 80I0 Agents for tho Tubular 8 1 root, Hotel and Outside Lamp, which lo warranted to burn without a chimney In the fiercest gale. 8ampleo on exhibition. Received, m full oupply of Fancy" and Ordinary Flower Pots, Vasei, and Cardan Ornaments, at very -low prices. ISO First Street. The EDISON LIGHT OIL Still Ahead. ; - ae lm -. - T O R T H LADI Z S . MB. AND MUH. . A. WIL1IAMK. . From Hie Eaat, HAVE fXJME TO 1-ORTLAND fOR THE PIIRT of offering to the pcopl a au potior aMortincnt of . IIAIll. GOODH. They can be found at No. ill ttccond atreet.and will be pleaae! to receive calls from tboae wiahln anrthlns In their line. I jMllea having Comblnn or Cut Hair can ret It mads un n-flrat-claaa aty le. alretl and Tornm llcuMonublc. REMEMBER THE PLACE, 4 Mmtm, U0B roTb PI LL0. Steam Dyeing and Cleaning" Works v YE AND CLEAN A 1.1 KJNIM OF aiUC, WOOLEW M r -ii iwr, whvtt im itni nrwrmiitarnitn and French ayaUma. Kid Ulovea and Feathers cleaned and lea fy a new proceaa. iiianketa and Furs cleaned nloalr. J . 1 1 . . .t . L t 1 . W- uirini u CI y a new ing and elng OenU' Clothing a aneclaltr. IV1XKAI1 CO., ESTABLISHED 1856. OLDS & KINCI, .RKALKKM 4N.i.... Dry and Furnishing GoodtJ ' . f ...... v .147 Third Street, Portland. We make a apeclalty of HOUSE FURNISHINQ QOODS, And offer a very com plet assortment of Blankets, Sheeting jQuilta, Marieillet Spreads, . Comfortert, Towels, Kapkini, Table Lin- - ens, Crathet, Curtains, Tidies, " ' Materials for Lambrequins, . . . Fnrnitore Corere, Ete. , -SHINDLER & CHADBOURNL Frwsit mm riral Mta kIV Merrlaoa smhI TaMklll, ' - ItRTIVNI, OREOON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In ' 1 Furniture a n d Bedding: ! . ok EVERY DEMCRIPTION, a - Carpetv Oil Cloths, Mirror, Wall Papers, Etc OLDEST HOUSE IN THE FURNITURE TRADE, Headquarters for Hrhool Desks Fine Furniture a Kpeclalty. FACTORY, FOUR MhIf.H FROM EAHT PORTLAKIX acUU,. . ...... . KL. ... . ...... . OLDS & SUMMERS. 0 2 OS Crockery and Glaooware ! A SPKCIA LTY OF LA MPS AND OILS I A Complete Assortment of the Latest Styles of Chandeliers. . . . .. HOLE AOENTH FOR John Maddech A Son's Fioyal Seml-Poroelaln, The Beat In tha Market fiW. CKI.EnitATED "HEIMV OII-Bl-iMT IN UHE-FOR V saia oy us oniy.-iimers rrom tne country prompt! filled. Hend and try HERO OH. We are here to please. i No. 18.1 First street, l-ortland, Or. Hat Israel Ion a-naran OI.IIH a HUMMKRM. itiy teed. K. OLDKXIlORrr. HFCB.SER. OLDENDORFF Heal Estate and ll-X FlrHt Ht.. & HEUDFICR. Honey Brokers. oor. WiiMlilnixton. HOUSE RENTS COLLECTED WITH rUNCTUALiTY. . ResldentAgenta. oJI - HOME INMCnNOVC.. New York-Asset JTT riHENIXltiUUunJ, tiMileut-Ass Agcnto of the " NORTJI Gi:r.MAN -LLOYD STEAMSHIP CO. Tickets laeucd to and from all parte of Europe r We respectfully aakthapatronags of thapnbllo. selllm ' IMHUUTI BUIKJT riOV ASTIMA AX lALriTKIl The Scottish Thistle Medicinal Fumes, - .. (PATENTED DEa DP. M7B.I; ? , Will J be seat by mall on receipt of prlee-LOO Per Box. :' C. IC WOODABD CO-BrwfffUU, fry, and be cured at the same time. . raei, 1 , Portland, Oregon.,.. . - '-if.. .,' No.lOBalmoaati