The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, September 02, 1880, Image 4

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She Hen? flcdwstlissffi
It doesat seam-now does It, Jack s If poor
Hwm were dead ;
Twas yesterday at noon lie bad to take
Ms be.
T be day before be played flnt base, and ran
Aast MMffl l Itrp away so ely twas cot at all
Tarn Saw y 1 aatni too big to take. Most any one
will Had
IPs sometimes hard to get a man well laid oat
xad Brown wee Jan acre with life, Twouldiil
scare we. 1 avow.
To hear a -whoop and seethe man go rushing
aatkare now.
Poor Brown! be lying In his room, as white
as drifted snow.
I i-adleu ansa It were, an boor or two
as j.
.v racking lata Brownie room seemed awk-ward-like
and queer:
' We haven spoken back and forth for some
thing; like a year.
We didn't pall together square a single night
or day;
Howe's I want, he soon contrived to And an
other war.
' He am against me In my lose; we picked a
itaaea bones
About that girl yon used to like the one tl at
married Jones.
I worked against me in the das before my
very eyas:
.Ms peeed Bp and scooped me square out of
the Janior prise.
la the last eampus rush we came to strictly
tiniliiaas blows.
A ad from the eye he left nndimmed I viewed
hia damaged nose.
la feet. I easae at last to feci end own it with
Thai life would be worth living far if Brown
were oat the way;
Bat when I beard that he was dead my feel
iocs lacked, and then
I woald have glvtn ball my life to get his back
X called upon him, as It were, an hour or two
, The town was neat beyond excuse the women
made It so.
Be sore he had no band In thai, and naught
about it knew.
To see the trier lying round bad made blni
A -weet Vi anqnet ol girlish flowers smiled In
Ibe mo of Death;
Straight threat; h the open window came the
moraine's fragrant breath;
Clou raged, a small canary bird, with glossy
yolMK- throat.
Sk .apart drearily from perch to perch, and
a note.
W Itb hair swrasaally combed, sat poor McPar-
A! ercatajtr perusing Greek and wrestling with
A, homely Httle girl of sis, for some old kind'
Was ebUHg In the corner as if bar bean
woald break.
The books looked worn and wretched like, a!
most as If they knew.
Aad seamed to boa-whispering their lilies to
my Tiew.
Hia rod and gun were in tbelr place; and high,
where all mlgbi see.
Gleamed Jaawtily the boating cup be won last
year from me.
I lifted up the solemn sheet. That honest.
Showed signs of culture and of toil that Death
could not erase.
As Teste aides at twilight mark where late
the sun has been.
Brown's Jhot revealed the mind and soul that
once had burned within.
rv looked so grandly helpless there upon that
lonely bed!
. lack! those manly foes are foes no more
when they are dead !
-Old boy," I sobbed, "twas half my fault.
This heart makes late amends.
I took the white, cold hands In mine -end
Brown and I were friends.
Two Chapters of a Life.
"Going, going, gone 1"
The auctioneer was u fine-looking
young man, and the melody of bis rieb,
deep voice called In many a paaeor-liy
from the sidewalk. We are too late, as
be has made bia last sale for the tiny,
and is just leaving the store. We can
follow him, however, and see whither
be goes so hastily. He soon turns
from the busy thoroughfare Into a quiet
street, and, alter walking several blocks,
ascends tbe steps of a somber building,
on the door of which is a large brans
plate, bearing this legend:
Kot at all abashed by this impresstvo
notice, be jingles tbe door-bell and se
renely awaits a response. Being ush
ered luto tbe parlor, be asks to see the
Priuuipal, who presently rustles iuto the
room, the customary beulguaut smile
wreathing her countenance. This smile
extends beyond its accustomed limits at
sight of tbe young man, aud verges on
to something like genuine cordiality.
"Mr. Cbauning, I am truly delighted
to see you. oa have been quite a
stranger to us f r some time. Miss
Mary has be rtal'y alarmed about
' Quite .unnecessary, I assure you
Mrs. Lake. Surety one of my vigorous
frame atioald not oauee any over-weening
anxiety. You don't notice auy
hieus of a decline, do you?"
"Xo, I am glad to say. I do uot ; yet I
cannot chide your abler for reeling a
lull uneasy when she does uot bear
from you fur more thau a Week, and
your boardiug-house only a few squared
away. However, I will go ana an
nounce that the cause of her troubles is
id tbe parlor."
Boon after Mrs. Lake's departure,
Mary Cbannlni; entered tbe room, and
continued tbe lecture on her brother's
long absence.
"Well, well, Mary," said be, at last,
"I plead culltv. But I fear wbat I
have come to say will not, under tbe
circumstauees. prove verv accentable.
I have just received a call to go over to
J , anu sen out a large stock of dry
goods. A good commission is offered
me, and I hope to make a neat little
sum be Tore I return. I eball be gone
about three weeks."
"I should not feel your absence so
keeuly, Norton, if you would only be eo
gracious as to urop me a line ooea9lon
ally, to let me know that vou are in
good health. You seem to forget that
lire in a boarding-school is not the
most cheerful existence In the world:
and, although Mrs. Lake, aud in fact
everybody here, is very klud to me, yet
It is not at all pleasant to never get a
glimpse of a home-face the only one
that is left me now."
There was just a dash of tears in Iter
blue eyes as she said tbls, and her
brother, fearing a calamitous couolusiou
to tbe interview, hastened to add a few
comforting remarks, and, by dint of
some extravagant promises of future
correspondence, averted tbe threatened
"spell." ma-rrfll raffii i - isii"nfaaaaa1l
this school wlll be completed, and then
that we spend the vacation at
Martha's. In ennirvlianoe with bur
long-standing Invitation. We will jnst
run wtw in those glorious old hills.
How I long lor a breath of the fresh,
country air! Walter Thorpe tells me
be will be up in that vicinity about
that time, aud tbe amount of boat-rid
ing ami fishing and erudite conversa
tion that will be carried on then will
atone forall these shortcomings of mine.
I think, when I return to tbe city, I
shall at once oieu a law ofliee, and quit
my present uusinesa lor good."
"1 Unru. nji .pin it f-... nr., T
do not like your present vocation, as you
"I know vou ara not nartiai In it. and
I mini cooleN that it has objectinuable
features to me; but it pays well, ami I
manage to have enuia leisure time for
study.. Besides, it is au excellent drill
in oratory, iou ought to bear me ar
gue a ease with an obdurate bidder. 1
just fancy he Is a juryman, and that the
success 01 my case deneiMls upon in
purchasing tbe goods; and the way 1
pile up the evidence before bim Is ap
pal II iii:."
"I'm afraid vou are a nauehtv Itoy
said his sister, fondly : "but if I ever
hear of your swindling any customers,
you may reel assured you will bear from
It is gettinir dark." said Norton.
"and I have to make eonae preparation
for my departure to-morrow ; so good
bye. I will write more frequently in
iuiu let.
Mary stood watchinsr from the win
dow, and. as hia manlv form disan
neared iu the milierine- iln.k. Iir pvm
itiieu wiin tears of pride.
-xiow nottie lie Is ! lie said. "He is
tne very nriuoe of brotlwrs."
Norton, meanwhile, was thinking of
ner. i tiey were orpbaus, and she had
that unbounded faith in his strontr. in
dependent nature which an afleetiouate
child feels in its father. He had noticed
now her cheek fluohed at the name of
Walter Thrope. "Walter Is au excel
lent fellow," he thought ; "I ktiow of no
oue t annum prefer to lilm for a brother
His thoughts were Interrupted by au
alarm or .lire. He fell Iu with the
crowd that always springs, like niRgic,
iuto life at that dread cry, and vonn
reaoneu tne hurtling building. It was
one of those wooden tenement houses.
ami the fire had ma!euch headway be
fore It was observed that the building
was aireauy reduced to a shell.
"There is some one in that third-.Mory
window," shouted a man, and Instantly
the gaze of the crowd wa fixed uimmi
the form of a little eiri that leaned far
out in the vain Msaeb for some means of
eecape. .A ladder was hastily ulnced
against the wall, but it was several feet
too snort.
"Drop from the window." Ihev cried
but tbe bewildered child could uot com
"A man eoold stand on the topmost
rounn ami reacn ner," said one.
"Too late," was the reply. "That
wall could untsopiiort amau's weight.'
Norton's Hps paled, aud his heart
grew sick, as he saw the wretched child
thus left to Its fate.
"What if Mary should ooie day be
pertnl in tins way : lie thought.
"Ob, I cannot see her die without mak
ing an effort to save her."
Hastily muffling his face In his coat,
he Jarted up the ladder. Half way up,
he heard a warning crack, aud, ere he
could retrace his step, the wall ami
part of the roof fell, and he was hurled
in the ruins. The child, beiug higher
up than be was, fell directly in the cen
ter of the flamee and perished. The
firemen, who had just arrived, mauaged
to AVht their way to where Norton lay.
aud dragged him to the street. j
'He Is dead," said oue. j
"No, be has only fainted."
"Stand baek ami give him air." said
another, preeeiag forward as eloeely as
No one wa able to identify tiim. and
so his crippled and senseless form was
earteu on to tne city Hospital.
"Little girl, is this Fifteenth alieet?"
The child screamed iu terror, and ran
aeroas a vacant lot. The man staggered
aejaiost a lamp-poet and groaned :
"O God, am I then en hideous?"
Ten years had pissed since Norton
Chaniiiug came out of that city hospital
cruelly deformed by that terrible fall
iuto the fire. During all these long
years he had lived the life of a vaga
bond. His one aim had been to keep
from his sister the knowledge of his
mifortuoe. He hail contrived to keep
track of her without exciting suspicion.
He knew that elie was married to Wl
ter Thorpe three years after the night of
the lire, and that she was now living on
Fifteenth street. His eyes had been
dimmed in the flames, and he could
see distinctly but a ehort distance. Yet
he had a vagoe hope that be might
look upon his sister's face once more
without her recognizing him. A hot
fever was burning in Ills veins, aud be
felt that lie was sick unto death.
"Marv inusn't know," he muttered,
feebly ; "it would make her tiuhappy to
hear of my misery. Better she should
think me dead, as I soon shall be. No ;
Mary mustn't know."
As he staggered on he came to the
gate which the child he hail addressed
had left open, as site ran through it to
the house. She was now in the arms of
her mother, who bad been attracted to
the door by her screams, aud was now
giviug an excitable narration of tier
escape from a drunken rnau.
"There he is now, mamma."
Norton Cuanuiug t-upportetl himself
against the fence, aud turned his ills
figured countenance toward the mother
and her child.
- "I would not harm you, little one,
for all the world," he said, brokeuly.
Tbe mother's cheek paled at thesouml
of that deep voice, and she said, huskily:
"Who ate you, sir?"
It was bis sister's voice, and a great
fear took hold uton him.
"She muatn't know. Mary mustn't
He made an effort lo move away
from tbe fence, but his legs tottered
uuder him, and be lell senseless to the
pavement. They carried him tenderly
into the house, aud summoned a physi
cian. "He cannot live," was the verdict.
"Ills constitution was shattered by an
accident ten years ago tills evening. I
remember distinctly; it was the first
surgical examination I attended after
beginning the study of medicine. I
have often seeu htm waudering about
the streets sluce. I wouder that lie lias
survived 80 long; he must have often
suffered from huncer."
"Walter, it must be Norton," said
Mary, trembling violently ; "It 19 just
ten years ago that be left me so myste
riously. He must have been that un
known man we saw mentioned iu the
papers as having beeu injured while
trying to save an inmate of a burning
teuemeul houee."
There was no lack of kindness now.
The aching head was tenderly propped
up on pillows, aud the fevered temples
bathed. After afew hours the blurred
eyes opened wearily.
' Yes, Norton."
Mary mustn't know
She must be
nappy. God bless her."
"aUFnilgbtn't have kaown ine," jou
TiVJi'uiWim " nnii 3
I lfc Mi M M I I I
KS-i a a. uuuia lit - )
know, be went on, not heetllng her
itieslion, "antl I couldn't have bo rue
that. I tliiuk I should have cone mad.
Perhaps I am not quite right in my
mind now. I tmmetttus think I must
be mail ; bat Mnry mustn't know."
After a little ue erew more Mclitv.
ami imagineil Iilmself unoe more at liu
auctioneer's- desk.
'How much fur this bundle of hopes.
gentlemeu? Xo flaws in in any of
them. The hopes ol a young mail just
Harliog iuto life uone other superior.
How much for the lot? -No iiiiis7 Too
much of the article iu the market al
ready. Give us eoiH6lhltK ele. Ah,
here is a remnant, Keiitlemau, the rem
nant of a life. How much for the rem
nant? C mie, hid up, gentlemen!
Start It at anything?"
".Nobody uanls it," lie adleI, mourn-
fully, ami then, nutkleiily Hie poor,
iHtorUil face hrichtenluK, he urled.
What's that? A hid? Ah, iroiuir.
going, gone!"
The tired ueatl lell naeK Heavily as I lie
remnant wan taken by the highest Bid
der ll'm. A. Onldicell, in Satiember
Chaste, but not Virtuous. A
lady writer has this) to Pay of her own
wx: "There are women wholly chaste
who are In other respects bad earioutnres
on our sex; women who bold up their
ownsKins ami go about strewing gir-
oage lo ilellle others with ; women who
ree I and thrive upon distrust aud husoi
einn; who gather up carefully and with
untiring seal all the bits ofwcandal Hoal-
iug about, to turn over, add something
to ami semi lorm again in the germinal'
ing air, like a deadly miasma, lo le-
strn ; women who are never under anv
circumstance by anybody heard telling
goou oi anyone; nut who, meet them
when you will, can always make vou
miserably uncomfortable, and doubtful
even of a just Providence. Women need
not condone or conceal the fnults of
their sistetH to be olmritable or woman
ly ; by simply being silent r leaving
uuspokeu opinions which can do no
good and muoh harm, they cau do
themselves ureal credit and the sex
honor Unlese a man Is totally de
praved and base, he will keep disgrace
ful tiltle-tnttle to himoeif, ami Mum
companions where sin til talk Is at a
premium. But women who call them
selves lailiee, and whoe ttoeition
society entitles litem lo be such, lend
themselves lo this unworthy means of
killing time-to give it no meaner
name and repeat slanders which, once
gone forth, ean never lie recalled."
Thk ItioiiT Kind ok Pkidk. The
Uilboa (N. k 1 Monitor makes tbe ful
lowiuc sensible remarks for the benefit
of young people who are working their
way: A young man "that works for
his board," tio matter what honest work
lie noes, lias no reason for shame
young man who eats the bread of idle
ness, no matter how much he lias,
disgraced. All men starlinic iu life
might to aim, first of all, lo find a place
where I hey can earn their bread anil
bulter, v. ith hoe, axe, spade, wheelbar
row, curry comb, blacking brush no
matter how. Independence first. Tile
bread and butter settled, let the yomii:
man perform his duty so faithfully as to
attract attention, ami let hi in constantly
keep his eye open for a chance to tin
better. About half the iioor, proud
young men, and two-thirds of the poor
uiscourageu young men, are always out
of work. The young man who jKiekets
his pride, and carries a still tinner-lln.
need not starve, aud he stands a ehauee
to become rich, if be cares to.
The ancieulH had queer ideas about
mourning for the dead. The Egyptian
women ran through the streets crying,
with their bosoms expowed and their
hair disordered. The Lyclans regarded
mourning as unmanly, aud they com
pelled men who went Into mourning to
put ou female garments. In (Jreece,
when a popular general died, the whole
army cut oil their hair and the manes
of their horses. At the preeent day the
Arabian women stain their hands anil
leet witii IuiIIko, which they sutler to
remain eight tiays. They also carefully
abstain from milk during this time, ou
the ground that its white color does not
accord with the gloom of their minds.
In China, the mourning color is white.
Mourning for a parent or husband is re
quired there by a law, under a penalty
of sixty blows and a year's banishment.
When the Emperor dies, all his subjects
let their hair grow for a huudred days.
In the Fiji Islands, on the tenth day of
mourning, the women scourge all the
men except the highest. Ex.
The Chinese skill iu dwarAng plants
is well known. The Chinese ladies
wear In their bosoms little lir trees,
which, by a carefully adjusted system of
starvation, have been reduced to the
sir.e of button-bole bouquets. These re
main freh and evergreen in their dwarf
slate for a number of years, just as lir
trees in mountains are evergreen, and
tbus are excellent symbols of erietuity
of love, to express which they are used
by the ladies of the highest rank In the
Celestial Empire.
Miss itraddnn (Mrs. Maxwell), whose
novels have ehowu such steady growth
aol fine power, Is a notable housewife,
nml composes her intricate plots while
going about Iter duties, subject to tile
interruptions of butcher and baker and
eandle-stiek maker. She Is not hand
some, aud resembles George Elliot.
A stenographer sat at a telephone
seventy-eight miles from Almira, a re
cent Sunday, and took down the sermon
of Thomas K Beeeher, who was preach
ing in nis own pulpit at Elm Ira.
"You were nut at poor Maurice's fun
eral V" "Xo. I was not there." "You
did not treat him well." "lUb ! He
will uot oome to mine, so we are quite."
Mrs. Lauglry and the other profes
sional beauties Iu London will not have
the Held all lo themselves next season.
Ben Hutler is going over iu the Kali.
It is said that young laborers will soon
become scarce iu Ireland if the present
rale of emigration continues.
The following persons are duly authorised to
act as Agents for tbe Nw Northwest :
It. I). Gray...- Albany
Mrs. J. A. Johns -Salem
Mrs. lx)ttle Keain ... Eugene City
Mrs. U K. Proebstel LaOrande
U. I. wunams
ii 1 1
Mrs. Laura UeForce Gordon -California
Asbby Penree
Benton county
ji.r uwen
W. W. Reach
" Woman's Journal"
U. P. Porter
Mrs.CS. Koltx
Mrs. M. A. Warner-
Mt-x Mary Blsbop
Mrs H- A. Loughary....
It T. itoblson
Mrs. It. C. Uullson
-Coliax, W. T
-Boston. Mass
Hhedds, Or
San Jose, Cat
. Spokane Falls, V, T
Forest Grove
Willamette Slough
Mrs. M. Kelty
11 rs. J. lie Vore Johnson Oreeon Cltv
Mrs. DonnelL.. .The Dalles
Dr. Bayiey rrallis
Mrs. R. A. Vawters Wslla Walla
Mrs. 11 B. Blsbop - -Pendleton
Mrs. J. V. Jackson -Kugeue City
A. W. stanard .. Brownsville
Mrs. M. F. Cooke Lafayette
Sirs. J. II. Foster AlbaO)
J. T. Scott, Esq Forest Grove
Mrs. A E. Corwln Astoria
Lee Lauzblin North "la
ali every post, office throughout Oregon ana
The Great Commercial Center
of the Northwest.
Ttf-! Present sintl ITiitiivo.
It has a population of 21 ,000. It Is to Oregon,
and Ibe Territories of Washington and Idaho,
what N'ew York City Is to tbe state of New
lock, and bears tbe ime relation to that state
and those Territories that,. dues to Illi
nois, 8U Uxiis to Missouri. Philadelphia to
Pennsylvania, and New Orleans to LouUiana.
It haa more territory tributary to 11 than any
other elly in tbe Untied Mates, aud will soon
be numbered with the foremost cities In the
Union. Even at tbls time tbe bammerand the
saw ean be beard In all parts of the city; tbe
demand for bnildlncs Is so great th:il the in
element season of Winter does not check the
onward march of Its growth. Wllh the vast
number of ships constantly plying; between
this and foreign ports, freighted wlt!i our con
stantly increasing agricultural products, and
tbe numeious railroads now tributary lo, or
terminating at. this city. It will not' require
more than ten years to swell tbe population of
our beautiful and growing city to luu.ouu souls.
Having a lancer territory than San Francisco
lo support It, we may confidently assert that In
less tban a quarter of a century Portland will
be the foremost city on the coast In point of
wealth and population.
we will here enumerate the many railroad
enterprises already Inaugurated. Someoflbem
are instructed, and others In process of con
struct ion, all making their termini at this city.
Is building rapidly west from Duluth, on Lake
Superior, and also from tbe Colombia Hirer
east, and will be completed at an early day,
tbus connecting ns with all our sister States.
Terminates here, and Is having an Immente
Formerly tbe Oregon Central, Is doing a good
business. This road runs through tbe fertile
country on tbe west side of tbe Willamette
River, aud Its soot hern terra In us at present is
at Corrallls, 97 mhes from Portland.
Will be built through hundreds ol miles of fer
ule lands, the produce of which must bo
brought to this city for shipment. This road
will connect with the Unl:n Pacific K. K..tbus
securing twncotupeting ltne from the Atlantic
to the Pacific. It Is now a settled fact tbat tbe
Will be constructed at an early day. Thlsalll
give ns three transi-oullnenial roads.
A borne company, with unlimited capital.
has been orcauisd under the name ol the
Oregon ltailway Co. to construct uarruw-vanae
roads from this city to the Interior portions of
uwmsm. uiumaieiy connecting wiin me cen
tral Pacific, with branches wherever Induce
ments may offer. This enterprise Is being
pushed vigorously to completion, so tbat It
may be in readiness to move inis Kail's crop.
Have been filed to construct a road from Battle
Mountain, Nevada, In tbe direction of Oregon,
loconncci wiin me .tregou rianway l o s rmiu
and make Portland Its terminus. will
give us direct communication wllh the richest
silver mines in the world, and will make Port
land one of t he greatest rail load centers In tbe
We shall soon be connected by rail wltb the
Northern I'aclllc K. It.; also with Chi-azo aud
the Atlantic cities. Thousands of linmlKranis
are constantly arriving from ail nans of the
civilised world, and the millions of acres of
agricultural lands that He still unbroken by
the plowshare, and awaiting the advent ol the
sturdy farmer, point moNt eonclualvely to tbe
fact tbat an era of prosperity is already dawn
ing upon this fair young stale. When ibe Im
migration has reached Its full tide, aud three
millions of acres are under cultivation, then
will Oregon be known as tbe wealthiest Slate
Iu the Union.
The land In this enterprise lies adjoining the
city, and Is only from ten lo niieen minutes'
walk from tbe Court House, and a leas disto nee
than tbat irom one of tbe beat public schools
in tne city, it is uiviaeu inio
Fifty by one hundred feet in sise, with str.-cts
sixty feet wide.
All lots will be sold tor tlOO.00 each, payubl
In Installments of t0U per month, or thermal I
sum of ISJi cents per day. No Interest will
charged, and a good and sufficient Bond f tr
Deed will be given upon tbe payment of the
first Installment or S&M), and a Warranty Deed
upon receipt or last installment, both without
expense lo purchaser.
Those not finding It convenient to mate their
payment wben due, will be granted twentv
daye grace in which lo make such payments,
as It is desirable tbat all shall have every pos
sible opportunity to keep np their payments.
Those desiring to make full payment at the
time the BoodTs issued, will be entitled to a
reduction of IIOAI on each lot, or V 00 on each
tStUM paid In. As tbe
Is tbe most certain and rapid through real es
tate Inveatinedu, this enterprise offers far
more Inducements to tbe public than any
other on the coast at this lime, as tbe price and
payments are within tbe reach of all. Do not
let this chance pass. Buy a lot. build, and
make yourself Independent. Many of yon
wbo live in rented houses pay more every year
for rent than would purchase a lot and build a
roof over your bead. Yon then would be Inde-
Iiendent ol exacting landlords, and In truth
mve a place to call "home.
Tbat not many year ago some of the best lots
In san Francisco were sold for an ounce of
gold dust, ami that now they could not be
bought lor ilOOnQ. Also, remember that In
Chicago some of tbe best business lots were
once traded lor a pair of old boots How often
is tbe remark made by old residents of Port
land that once they could have bought lots for
IG) that tal)8 would not boy now. It Is not
wise to "despise Ibe day of small things.'
IT is tkuk,
fliatof all real estate Investments the home
stead plan Is the beat and safest, as all wno In
vest are interested In making tbe whole prop
erty more valuable. To Illustrate: Suppose A
builds a bouse on his kit, and K owns a lot ad
joining; B gets the benefit ol A's improvement,
while A Is not Injured thereby. Tbls philoso
phy will apply to the entire property.
We have donated a lot lo each of the princi
pal churches for church purposes.
In addition to the above, two lota ara set
apart tor public school purposes.
The Overland, Oregon and California and
tbe Western Railroad Companies have pur
chased all tbe lands from Ibe east line of the
Homestead (which Is Ninth street) to the wa
ter front for tbelr terminus, depots, machine
shot, etc; also tbe main line of the cregon
Railway Companyjfl Limited) will have Its ter
minus near by. Thus the greatest railroad
center on the Pacific Coast lays In close prox
imity to these lots. This purchase bas caused
arise In all surrounding property of 100 per
cent, making the Iota in this Homestead from
"o lo MM per cent cheaper than any other real
estate In lurtland. Inasmuch as this Home
stead was advertised to be sold for a stipulated
price before the recent advance, unpleasant as
It Is, we shall strictly adhere to our advertised
contract with the public to sell these lots fur
SKA each lor tbe next ninety days.
The two hundred lota that were reserved for
actual settlers are now all sold, and tbe de
mand lo select lots being so greet, we have
been compelled to place more lots on the
marcet from which the public may select for
tbe next ninety days. This affords an oppor
tunity for persons so desiring Us purchase the
most beautiful residence property.
Thla proiwrty Is now selling very rapidly,
and those wishing to buy will do well to call
or send Immediately for a lot or iota.
All butlbe first Installment must be p ild at
the Banking House of Ladd J. Tilton, in the
city of Portland.
1-KBaoNs raox a dutakck
Desiring a lot, may forward $3.00 lo the
General Manager, and a Bond will be immedi
ately forwarded.
Money may be forwarded by registered let
ter, money order, or Wells, Fargo x Co s Ex
press, at my risk.
For further tiartlrulars, apply to
J. M RICK, General Manager,
Portland, Oregon,
fig Mortison street.
I certify that I am the owner of the lands In
the Portland City Homestead the title thereto
Is perleet, being a U.S. patent and 1 uutlmriie
J. M Rice to sell said property on tbe loiego
ingplan. P. A. MAKyVAM.
V"-r,x rranz a.
. it. mines.
-. Merchant I
The 3Iost Successful Physician on the
Pacific Coast
lour of tbe Eastern States for the past four
months. The Doctor visited all the principal
medical Institutions in the large cities of the
United Slates, and comes back with all the
modern methods, instruments and appliances
known to the most scientific meu Iu tbe pro
fess on. The Doc'or has also brought charts
and manikins to illustrate his lectures.
Da PAUL M. BRENAN has been 15 years
lecturing on tbe Laws of Life and Health. In
bis private and public lectures be has taught
men and womeu the true system of life, how
to be healthy and happy. If they nouldonly be
guided by bis wlsecounsel. But all cannot bear
bis delightful and Instinctive lectures, nor can
be tell everything necessary for suffering hu
manity to know from tbe public rottrum be
fore a promiscuous audience. There remains
much to be learned from him, as his experi
ence extends over broad Debts of active pro
fessional life. Thta knowledge so necessary to
tbe welfare of surferers ean only be gleaned by
Erivate Professional Consultation at his offlee.
Its experience in tbe vartoos uarts ol Enrone
and America gives him such opportunities of
learning we ueiicace uiseases wpicn tne nu
man familv ara nrane to. their mode of treat
ment and permanent cure, as ao other iinyst-!
clan ou tb Padnc Coast ean claim, lie has
not only treated these diseases most success
fully, but has made tbe to a life study, as a few
momcnis- consuiiauon win orove.
Ite has become an exnert in tbe treatment of
disease, weakness and derangement of tbe re-
proauctive organs or both male and female,
including diseases caused by the
nichs. or Loss or PKaracT V it lit v. Nearly
two-thirisol all tbe Chronic li'sease spring,
either directly or Indirectly, from some de
rangement of tbe sexual ssteui, and yet this
subject Is neglected by tbe majority of Ibe
uicuicai proieasion.
IT IS TltL'i:
Thatpersons who are unamnnate enough to
oe auiicieu uy any form oi sexnai disease nave
a delicacy In calling upon the proper physi
cian in ume, irom a sense or mouesty, ami
sometimes from Ignorance, and permit tboe
dl eae lo exist until their constitutions be
come corrupted, their organization broken
down, and tbe bone of future hanniness blbrht-
ed, until death becomes a welcome messenger
to carry them out of tbelr miserable existence.
Tuose wno call in ume upon DM. PAUL M.
BltENAN need have no fear but what he will
restore tbem to perfect health and visor, inake
their bodies pure and tbelr minds content, if
they will onfy follow bis ad vice and treatment.
catarrn, uroucnttis. Throat Diseases, Skin
Diseases, Rheumatism, Kidney Complaint and
all Diseases ol tbe Eye and Ear. stomach and
Bladder, be can cure without fall. No Quack
Nostrum used; no slop treatment; no false
promises Everything strictly cnnHdential
nnueraii circumstances.
t'oHsHltiillou free, and a list of nrinted
questious sent lo those llvlugaladistance who
cauuoicousuu mm personally.
All Surgical Operations performed.
Office No. Ci First street, between Oak ami
rine. Office Hours From 10 to 12 A. 31., 2 lo S
and 7 to t i. M.
All letters for professional business must be
addressed to Dr. Paul M. Brenao x. Co., No. Ci
First street, Poriiaud, Or. 8-7 ly
TreittMiill t'liruuic nml Special Disease,
effect ot Youthful follies or indiscretion
will do well to avail themselves of this, the
greatest boon ever laid at tbe altar of suffering
uumanuy. nit- ri..t'Ji will guarantee lo
torf' it S3UI for every case of Seminal Weakness
or private disease of any kind or character
w uicu lie undertakes and tails to cure.
There are many at tbe age of thirty to sixty
who are troubled with loo freouent evacuations
of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight
smarting or burning sensation and a weaken
ing of ibe system in a manner the patient can
not account for. On examining the nnuary
urK.iia, m rwpjr uiment will miss uviusss.
and sometimes small uartlelesor albumen wll (
appear: or the color will be of a tbln. milklsh
hue. again changing lo a dark and tor old an-
pearance. There are many men who die of
wis uimenuy , ignorant or ine cause, wnten is
tne seeonu stage of seminal weaciiets. Dr. s.
will guarantee a perfect cure in all such eases
and a healthy restoration of the senllo-urlnary
offlee Honrs-10 to 1 and lo S. Sundays,
irom hi io ii a. m. consuiiauon tree, xnor-
ojgli examination and advice, fnu.
tailor ad tress D8..SPIN.NEV A CO.,
No. II Kearny st.,Saa Fraacteeo.
P. 8L F! pri-a v diseases of abort stamllnc
a 'iii niiii.i ,ii me i ibiod. utucieiifc tor a vrv
r::it all i n-'rtij: iu-o, will be sent to any ad'
dies' on ro.-eipt of IMUM. myat tootl
No. 10-2 l'irit street.
jv ana complete stoe: or
Which are nastu'passed, and which be
ulll malts up
Printed on heavy trass paaar ami band
somely bosusil jf m
Pull gin, extra ss)
For saw by sMok-satlscs or by mall, post
IaW, by
S. It.Wlil.I.S .t CO., I'nl.lKlirrM,
No. 77 Broad way, New York.
General Forwarding; and Commission,
m n.l I f i. i , , , -.. .
with dispatch. Pianos and Purnlture moved.
Orders for Hacks Promptly Attended to. Day
OMlce S. W. Cor. .Second nml Stork St.
Bir Mark. Care of O. T. Ou. 7-
.imtSifm1 'SSWysor One Vaca-
.ua, ii. . iea-i
A Weekly- Journnl
Independent In rolltlcs and Religion!
nal begins Its Ninth Tear of Publication
with Its issue of May 1st. IKS, aniler Ibe busi
ness management of the Domwav Publish-
i'o Company, to whom all letters connected
with the Editorial, Advertising or Subscription
Departments of the paper are to be hereafter
The New Northwest Is not a Woman's
Rights, but a Human Rights organ, devoted
to whatever policy may be neeessary lo secure
the greatest good to the greatest h timber. It
knows no sex, no polities, no relbrton, ao patty,
no color, bo ereed. Its foundation H mstaaetJ
upon tbe reek of Eternal Liberty, Universal
Emancipation and Untrammeled Progression.
OFFICE OF rUHI JATMN rJtra I b went cor
ner of Front ami Washhteton .Streets, (up-
slutr), Portland, Oregon.
Was esmnienced In eurtseue oT Noverabsr SH
HUH. nUNIWAY'S peSMlmrlr tHiginal style
af Kdltorlal Corret pood ante will eontlnne
from week to week, to stirs ot tbeosands of
readers, and Bditorlals are proratoed upon all
tbe leadlns topses of the day. CORRE
SPONDENTS are also employed to famish
weekly letters from Washington, New York
ami various parts ot Europe.
No pains will be spared to make THK NBW
NORTHWEST tbe landtag newspaper ot its
els", In America. lis literature Is always
moral In tone and Instructive rind elevating In
character, and Is sought after by the best and
most iatelHsent class of readers. As a medium
(or Advertising, tbls Journal bas no superiors.
rnngte corses, one year.
Sax menlhs ,
Three montlis.-
- 1 W
Agents and Canvassers !
Rally, Friends, to tbe Snpport or Unman
Klelitn and The People's Paper.
Corner of rnvSwShilriston streeUP
trance on Wasbraiton),ortrsjM), Or.
DaOy (Sunday excepted) as follows:
- IiKAVF- Al
Portland 1 A. Jf . I Rose burg 7:S .
lioseburi; M9 A. x. I l"orUMs r. it.
Sally (except Sttndaya),
as follows:
1 p. x.
I Albany
I I'orUand 1
Albany I
Dally (exeat Sunday)
A3 follows:
Portland a:B a. v. I Junction- tlM P. M.
June Uon kS a. k. 1 Portland 535 p.
The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry
makes connection with all Regular Train.
Oloae enn msaiiss are made at Bnashnrg with
the stages of the Caillbmia and Orsrro Stage
s ncaeis aw sale toaii tne ptixsuipsii pwsi
la California and tbe Kawt,at Company's osTOee.
Cer. F aid Frest Ss.,nl Ferry Lanems, PerllSBd.
DStora will be Charged on Freight re
maining In Warehouses over " ' nra.
Jrr Krehrht will not be recel . for si foment
after 5 o'clock: i: Jt.
J. BK, DT, Jr.,
0 n n.n Bnnl
Gen. Freight and Passenger Af tt.
Portland to San V anoisco.
Carnlnrr U. S. Sail and We s.IaMB
Co.'s Express,
Tbe Oreaon RailaVav and Si
pany anu raci uc coast l
will disnatch. everv Ave
port, one of their new part .ffssanl A 1 Irt i
steamships, vis:
LeaTtng pnruana at la - t
nal Cities in the TJHited StatessMsTO
for particulars for Passaaas Sad WW
nlT la G. W. STfclDIJCT
teamsnin us rw. at i. i
W1U Mil WW - , A HI M.IWI, VI
r c . trvil I. . o a a
as, sz anit at jtortn rrosn, cu., tronmnu, kjt
KOOMS-Coraer Fir
over LasM A TUtazCa Bank.
asntalas Grer KfeM
Ostct .isek
Over 100 Papers and
Jloiitbly Diiea SI eo PnystHv tjanB-ieriy
DlKSCTOUrS Wm. B. Ladd.P. C. Sebtr .Jr..
M. r. DesKtx.ll. W. Corbeit. w H. B .. ief
A C. OlbbSjdiH. Iwis.if . W. r -cftl-.e! . r,l.
Failing, L. Blnm.
P. a SCHUYLER Til . . .
.. -faile-r
Tfll leot
. .TsTS ar
-posaH! S
. 'td Re .f
Obtained for Invei ' rs in the- I'aiied vta
Canada, and Euror . at reduce.! nrtcaa. Win
our principal offlee .ocatedln v. asuUtora. dt
recuy opposite ine i nneu nusnt Oance
we are abb; to atte id to a' I patent Rustars
with greater Dromntaessacd dl-inatehaixt It-
cost tban other patent at urney. who are at
distance from Was'ilngton, and who bav .
therefore, lo eaanlov "-iate attorneys.
We make prelimfna 7 ex. nloatius and fi
nish OOittlOlia aa -o 1: - rj.l,llrv fr
charge, and all who u-e .ou-rst; in new ti
ventions and patenb are icvl'cd e ite'id for .
copy of our "Gakto for ('ig i'.ttents,
which Is sent free to ibi an.'r ik.i , 1 .
complete instruction l . j 1 1 0it ' patent.
ana otner vainanie i.r r ; fr,- to th
Uerman-Alner lean Nsimi liuug VsahlBi
ton, D. C; the Royal fK, sb, Norwegian, .r
Danbih Legations, at W.uhi. M... OT t.
Casey, rate Chief Justice U. 8. iMirt of Clatmt
mi uiv uhkhh m fcoe i. . c. t-atent umea. an .
to Senators and Members nr r , av.
every State.
Address: LOUIS BAdOER A t a. SoOettOT.
of PatenU and Alton. . 4-at-ldiw. La Droi'
Halloing, Washington, !. C.
sujjys ..
y' fu"uomah,ra
f.i ift. :-. Nallii C.
nli 1 Mar ray, I-
I orwregoo abrtneoon
Orlando S. Murray, I
Mnrray, Defendant. 1
fondant : In the aaane
you are hereby requtrei
tbe complaint filed as
entitled suit within tan
the servies of tads at
served within Maltaon
In any other County of
twenty days front tbe
this summons npon yo
cation ot summons, or
flr An of the next raa .
',1 Ort . on ,
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irorr ibenaseo1
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aie .r tie tervlee o'
1' .1 served by pabh
borw'.se. then 6 tii
I ir 1
rm tt the anot
entitled Court next toll-
tlx weeks publication :
day of October, A. D.
swer. tor tbe want tliirt
ply to tbe Court for the
complaint, to-wit: for r
rlage contract exlsiina
Defendant, for ibe can .
John K. Murrav. mlno
Deisadant, and tot rsucl
lief as Is jni-t and eqnlt j
The jerviee of tbls
publication is made In
made by the above-e.
day of July, AD.
llsbed once a week fo
in tbeNEWNoBTHWt-
Anl2t Mto
ie ?xpL-atloa
' i-wit: tbe lit
- you fall to at
1 maadsil In tut
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t'laiatlff an '
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ti. ce of an ordt
. -: Court on tbe It .
'-tin that It osfsui -
lisecutivft we 1
-in. Ptalatltt
lof Oregon for the Cm.
V. L. Stone, Plaintiff,
fendaiat. To Jane A.
MTlt.. f the Sta
. .1 1. .
ii'iai. :
f i .
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hereby required to
complaint filed agalt
entitled suit within tei
tbe service of this s
served within Multnoi
In any other County u
twenty days from tbe
tbis summons npon j
cation of summons, c
first day of the next re
entitled Court neat fol
six weeks publication
day of October, A. D.
.. Aw ,h want t .
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