THUR8DAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1S80 LOOAL KEWS. Ttiree youihIb railroad imo. are now discharging Ttw public eeboob of the opeowl yesterday. eity were A Haneoek Club has In Cooeh preeloct. !eeu org&uixed Alteky & Hegele have received a laree I a E . iw w umerii oysters. The Board of Equalisation for Molt soman county la In Mion. "The Fin Baptiat Cbureli of East r-oruana" dbs uen Incorporated. itev. J. is. Denotata in .vIiir very III at. nia reetaeoee In Kast Portland. Dorloe August, Portlaud's poliee ar- icbku joz men ror being arunK aud dis orderly. The County Clerk of Multooeaali Is sued thirty-four, marriage liecDses lu August. Judge W. B. Norma d, at one time in busiBeee lu tli eity, died in Stoektou, Cal., ou tbe 3Bib ultimo. A party of gentlemen from Portland have visited the lake near Mount Hood aud named it Liel Lake. Articles of Incorporation of the Ore gon Humaue Society have been filed in the County Clerk' office. Hon. A. J. Dufur Is superintending the construction of bin residence ou Holladay avenue, East Portland. Fred. J. Bills, aswietatit book-keejwr. for the eommiaelon bouae of Dubota A King, committed aoicide last Friday. Owing to the superior iiulsli and excel lence of work, A bell stand pre-eniluent as a photographer. Give him a call. A Are la the fallen timber near Mil- wattkfe last week came near causing the oo of Mr. D. II. Jleuilee's Bartholomew-, an eneioeer on roJ between the Urine r and thu vacae, uieu in tin city y Hawks, manatrer of Mar. acr, Jidwwura raetne Type Foundry and editor f tbe Pacific Specimen, is lu toe ciiy. To aH and seeoud officers of the OemtaB bark Joeela were fined $15 each a TaeeOay, for brutally a "vaulting and the cook. OjjfW grocery store, oorner Eleventli streets, was destroyed hj eveuing. Xioss, $5,000 ; ! probably send a nine to to pfttielTWte In the base-ball flhmmaaient to be held there during the latter part of this month. The Scotch ratlroa I company has had petition asking tbe Coun- tbe DUblie levee for tbe ftbefr limited road. Ckriatopber and Edward ail nin MMMK 'UHM'H. mm win SiaiBnralnlll 9tl ter a pteaaant visit In tills eity, lft for ,6m Franeteen on to Columbia. Qea. G. B. Wright, of Indiana poll, who baa Tlsiled fb IMeirtc States, aaye be ree-arde Oregon's ntare as decidedly tLr p -Meat of any Tft'eteru State. A. . Walllog and T.O.ltarker sailed ni' ii ' xlnmbia for Itaonto, to attend !'.. (. ! Lodge I. Q. 0. F.. which will , :u that t ity on tbe 27th inetaut To- .iaiaU ra will tess. to make aevca' aataadtnenta to Portland'H char ter, fciioag tbwn t.elng one tn allow the eity t eatabliah a paid Fire Depart nwi'V. The most - rnprebenelbie traUbe on dise- of blood, ami tbeir treat meut, in ec toed In one bottle of Pfauder'e Or. a Btood Partner, If used according to d ectioue. Oo Salarde veiling. Mr. H. J., eld est eon of z- aator Curbett, and Mias Helen K., ale. .1 daughter of Mr. W. S. 14L witt married. Only the Mends of toe on trading partlex will be present. The adverti -tent of Mr. John A. B ok. tbe relia.1 - Froat-sUeet jeweler, appeals uuder e This week." He oases specialty ni repairing watelies and torciKbiiig ctadea and other op tical gOOi'fl. Jim Turk, the foprietor of tbe sail or's bearding bo 'W on C street, has been arrested ot th eJiarge of attempt ing to ogliai" ir get out of the way a sailor nhaied Henry Stamford, the proeeealing witress acalnet the first male of tbe Cuiwater, Xlebols, under bonds to answer tb charge of eruelty to a aeamai.. li aptears that Turk aud Nichols are both in a bad scrape. F0REIOM 3TEWS. The Greek oavy will be placed on a war footing. fitonos have doae great damage around Madrid. V ucb corned beef Is put up at Victoria for the Lnndou market. The Albanians proWM to defend Ja!.:u, Arta aod Prevowi. A ew bank at Qaabee has been ea Ut,;!' ed by the Book of Paris. A waterspout at Zllg, Switserlaud, bat caused great damage to property. Tiie " ranch Jeaaits will establish a miiinu in Central Afrfoa to propagate ttur fsltfa. ...i ;! Robertoha about 14,000 men ki Afl'hani'tan avafinble for an attack or Ayni,b Khan. l'-prich uriaat bas married one of h.- paribonera, Pew Hyaclnlhe offici al i m Pere waraed them to prepare U r ;CM-?atio. i I e UuaoR Bay JSsmpany's steamer l "er basheco wraeketl al iielia liena, 5 o ai 'et north af Vlolerla. All the passengers and part af the cargo were av-d. the occasion of thslllrth of the ex pecei heir uj tbe Spnl throne, the t.virmnei twill graut 4ronety to all fcl!ain! rgai Imprisoued in mbetta la STl22!,,K w Gr,e,v' ald appears regoteaKl- but 1,,a iu Sau Fraucibco?' ki" ru Several Prussian oh-.. . . sanction of tbe German ,:U1' t"e and the war office, ba,e foj'e"!ment cepted appointmeou in tbe 2",y ae; tbe sultan cf Turkey. ' rv,c of Sitj -.e Miliary hrt,-jp a cablegram m?. fc'iric mvr uwu.uut; uuiiuretl n,..t fort duels in i laucej'hut tbe oalnV yr.iw tnv.u d, not merit! on an Instance ju wb.cL ser" hi. i. jrry resulted. rui; Tbewi ' s or iso. tf J vi I uowatbliic of ;ne oui n i as punctureu rnunv oubb.eaud left i liMl lt.Sany heart- u iruings. ine ruCUlai hrouput low thepret ,rna ano cttlee, b 'lt wbe have bee' ' kideey fiie -e '.i. t' j Jlklpay Te it-fi, mm. saej- uMye,aoauwj fj r -c. i .oiti rataiaHDIaoturric .' tr . SSjEUgtirea bave W il"!M'M't:'"""""i QE8EEAL HEWS. Kaoaaa has a rouml million of inbabi tanls. Hubert Bnuer wauls to buy St. juiien During Augaet. tbe national debt was red wed $12,027,167. The Chinese ship Ho Chung baa ar rived at San FranciBeo. Sapovonari is mentioned as tbe prob able successor of Chief Ouray. Work has been resumed in- tbe coal mines around Serauton, Penn. New York City's debt wi reduced $3,430,385 during the past year. Senator Coiikliosr wilt make four cam paign speeches in Indianapolis. A reunion of U. S. Colored National Guards has been held at SL Louis. St. Jnlien lowered the trotting record to 2:11 at Hartford on last Tliunday. The liot weatber in New York contin ues, and the deaths exeeed tbe births. At Sacramento, President Hayes aud party will be tbe guests of Lelaod Stan ford. A negm has been lynched at Bowling Oreen, Ky., for assault on a white woman. Cottrell's tobacco works, at Owens born, Ky., have been iHirued. Loss, $350,000. - Hon. Bobert MeClellaml, a member of Pleree'rt Cabinet, dleil at Detroit ou Tuesday. Chief Ouray, of the Utea, Is dead, and there is now no hope that the treaty will be signed. Tlie rteamer Marine City was burned on Lake Michigan last Friday. Some lives were tost. A verv lieavv rainatorm flooded Klchmoiid, Va.. on Tuesday, and much uamage was done. Rev. D. K. Uelliiehs. a Methodist olerxymau of New Jersey, committed suicide ou Tueeday. Miltoo Terrell is under arrest at At lauta, Georgia, for- outraging his four teen-year-old daiiRliter. The Silesia hroiipht $1,425,000 In French francs ami German marks to New York on the 2Sth ult It Is thought Sitting Bull's warriors cannot now number more than 150, so many have come to iort Keogh. ueiroit nas reiuieu a license to a company of "bare-leggeJ blondes" who wisoea to give an euterlainment. A storm has destroyed the quarters of me onieers ami men at f ort Morgan, Arizona, rnree men were Killed. Tbe Republicans have several Irish orators in Maine, endeavoring to wean tlie lristt from the Democratic party, The now of gold from Europe to the uniieai males is creat. There is now $25,000,000 worth in tlie U. S. Treasury. President Hayes ami wife and Gen eral Garneld and wife attended tlie sol diers' reunion at Canton, Ohio, yester day. Tbe National Democratic and Remib- licau Finance Committees report larce sums of money on band for campaign purposes. Minnesota's wheat yield this vear will be 40.000.000 bunheK California will now probably rank as tbe second grain-growing State. John Kelly says Tammany's Stale Convention will be abandooed if the regular Democracy of New York intend to hold a convention. Tbe nun who was Secretary of Stale under Governor Garcelou of Maine has declared his purpose to set hereafter with the Republicans. Tbe Virginians who were arrested on a charge of being about to engage in a duel have been placed under So. 000 bonds to keep the eaee. Squire P. Dewey is suing the bonanaa millionaires for an accounting to tlie stockholders of the California Mining utniny. i ne sun is similar to tuat of Burke vs. Flood et. al. The Chicago, Burlington and Oniucv Railroad bridge over tbe Mi-oun Jtiver tietuw i'latteioouth, Nebraska, is com pleted, aud has satisfactorily stood a se vere test. It is made of steel. A State Convention of Infidels closed three-davs session at Marshalltown. Iowa, on the 2Sth nit. Matthew Farm- i tig ton presided. Among lhoe who ad dressed tbe convention was Mrs. Lake of California A California Democrat has written to Washington City that Governor Per- klos removed Registrar Kaplan so that me Jtepuoiicaus can commit frauds in registration, and says Kaplan had the commence oi every Dotiy and all parties! the best proof of the faet that the nileu trade dollars, reeentlv illimverMl in large numbers, were madn hv Chl- ueee, is fouod in tlie fact that It would oe wortu more titan a dollar's work at American wages to drill them out aud rill litem witu solder. It Is uuderelood at Sacramento that President Hayes and party will arrive tliere on the 8th Instant, bo to Oakland to attend the Admission Dav exernUea on the 11th, depart soon thereafter bv i . r - ' . . y iwr ureguu, nu return overland to Sacramento, which eity he will prob ably reach on September 2Sth. Secretary Sherman said in Ina t'irt cinoati fcpeech on Tuesday event!. g : "I liHve never aaid one word In.j. ju int Uelieral Arthur's honor r lute: ,ty as a man or a gentleman. He was re moved from tbe office of Collector be cause he waa not in harmony with tlie Administration In the management of tbe Custom House." KEWS ITBMS. STAT a All TKKaiTOaiAL. Wheat on Howell Prairie hi unusually heavy this eeaeon. The taxable property of Polk eouiity foots up S1,747.10S. Several cases of scarlet fever are re ported at Pendleton. Umatilla county's taxable property amounts to $1,881,625 A driving park aud raee tree will be laid out at Colfax, W. T. The Walla Walla fair will begin on Mouday, September 30th. Mrs. George Finch, of Douglas county, is a eouein of General Garfield. Mr. W. L Nutting and Mies Itour ette conduct the Canemab tcliool. Five grain warehouses In the Willam ette Valley have been burned the pres ent seasou. Tlie freeuet in the Colombia last June niiieii nearly an tue uiums atone North I'aelfic Beach. 8 The North Yamhill Academy will 1 GX-S" mb- ,B or t ?8Dy im.m,E'an waKons pan tbrouch Lake oounty en rou.e to EasYern Oregon and Washington. 'VBoa Pike, fish from the ,.i, WlDB trout, but larger, are caught off "e Supreme Omrt, ! i H. Canu's resWeueel1' - remove to 'Affilitv Ann n JHirobased iv-tzano ualel a l toe WtaJ ama, and wIIIistf.w i.-r-rro occupy it as a Court OOSe. I county, was thrown from a horse last week and seriously bruised. Several Immigrant families, four mouths overland from Kentucky, ar rived at Walla Walla lust week. Whitman county, W. T., Is redeeming warrants dollar for dollar, and will have money In tbe treasury by January let. The telegraph line lu Southern Oregon and Northern California is being put In condition to stand the severe Wluler storms. The boiler of Counor's stave factory at Empire City exploded on Monday, badly injuring Chas. Riohardaon, the engineer. W. A. Wash, U. R Ox and Mlw Ella D. Nelson have been employed as teachers at the Goldendale (W. T.) Acad emy for the ensuing year. Yakima county has an area of 7 61S square miles, and Is easily capable of supporting a population of 100 to the mile, or 761.SO0 Inhabitants. Mrs. Anion Shook, of Alkali Valley. Lake county, has completed a line large qulllcontaiulngl,73 pieces, sue migiu have employe! tier time sua eyesigui in something better. Miss Anna Savage, a young lady of Southern Oregon, last week shot and killed a large and ravage catamount which had been treed by dogs. It was her first shot with a rille. A (joruelius gin was ineu ueiore a Justice of the Peace last week forattault on a Chinaman, she having scalded him, but was acquitted by the Jury, who thought her action justiuable. The trustees of the Willamette Uni versity have granted right of way to the O. A U. it. it. Uo. to run a side track from near the oil works at Salem through the university grounds to tile lluuring mills. Dr. Coon, the noted temperance orator of Douglas county, who organized tlie Order of the Champions of Honor, has fallen into his former habit of drink and has been expelled from the order he did to much to establish. Dr. Watts, President of the State Temperance Alliance, has issued a call to the friends of temperance, asking them to meet in Salem ou next Saturday to determine the best course to pursue In securing an onward movement In the work. DIED: SCOTT At Potest Grove. September 1, ISS0, after a nainfitl lllneaa uT tvrentv flan. John Taeker Srott, axed 71 Team, 7 raottlh sad tt darn. Funeral will take place lo-morrow (Friday) at 11 o'clock a. x., from the tale resi dence of deceased. Tbe subject of UU notice was bora In Ken tucky on the UjUi of Keoronry, IMS, removed to Illinois, then a wilderness. In bis youth, and resided for many years In Tasewell roonty nf that Stats. In H9I he crosssd the plains to Oregon, and rextded In this Stale, for ibe greater part of tbe time In Washington county, until hi death. Dear and honored rather ! Kver kind and laithral friend ! Tears blnr oar eyes ss we write these lines, and we pause Involantartlf for word that shall fltly tell of thy life of noble endeavor, thy considerate and patient care, thy watchful and loving kindness. Hal lowed forever In the memories of thy mourn ing children are thy manifold deeds ot love, imperishable the ebsplet of Immortelles with which grateta! memory garland thy name. Care forgotten, sorrow remembered no more, uttering ended, thon hast entered forever Into the peaceful possession or that "Rest that re- malneth to the people of Gad." C NEW THIS WEEK. JOHN A. BECK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. 10 Knout street, Portland, Oregon. A Fine Assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SPKTACIES AT IjOW I'KICKS. Impairing a SpecialtyAll Werfc War- ranted. Purehastne- AMERICAN" WATCHRR IKim and for Cash, and having the advantage M Ixw Rent, I can safely promise Lower Prices than any other boose In Oregon. reins rompeirni, i will repair vonuDon of Fine Watebea satisfactorily. SPECTACLE and OPTICAL GOOD6 a Specialty. Elfin Silver Watches JM.S0 Ut HM Walthani tsllver Watches tltM to MW BOOKS ran THB PUBLIC SCHOOLS Singly or by the Hundred, Nlnrk nml I'irit Strrcts. All dealers In Sk-Iio ! B-vks and stationery an- rcmln.l-'t ii.n w. .n till all pl r in tills lino at oiif. at lowi t p-i'-s. nu.s tt niMODEUD; NEW TEACHERS, NEW METHODS. Devoted to the preparation for bmlnis af fairs of either sex or anraifp.ln anurlal muiw of bookkeeping, penmannblp, bdimna calcu- iauu, rnrms ana asaxes, eommeri'ial law, business eorreapondenee, and a praetiral training in the Kngllsb branches. For lull lnformatioD, call upon or address W. LYNX WHITE, Manager and Proprietor. Ornrt-Xo. 12S Front street, or Box HM, Port land, Oregon. anas If X. 37". jEPO-77-2Z!DEI.S. Mannfaetnrer, Importer and Jobber in FURNITURE. BEDDING, CARPETS, PAPER HANGING. . .'St. . Wli.tJ KIT, rv.i, T-..." ' Vf. Cnraer Fro..: NEW THIS WEEK. VOLUME 31. Enlarged and Improved. On Thursday, Sept. 1G, THE NEW NORTHWEST Mill Dtslu Its Tenth Year WITH ATI ENTIRE H"E"W DRESS! AND IX EIGHT-PAGE FOR 31 A Now Serial, "WILLOW GRANGE," A Story of Life in Eastern Oregon, Hv MILS. I1KLLK V. COOKK, Will be commenced at that date. Other literary features will be added, and the iwblMters hope to make the New Northwest tlie most attractive literary Journal lu Oregon. In theVuture.aa In tlie pat. It will battle cosMsteully lor the rixht ami In defence of tlie oppressed. SUBSCRIBE IMMEDIATELY! Terms S3.O0 per Year, in Advance. Hood Agricultural Implement House NEWBERRY, HAWTHORNE & CO., IMPORTERS AXD DEALERS IN . General Agenbi for the CKI.Rint.VTBl) MORRISON PLOWS, IMPROVED WIIITKW.VTKR "WAGONS, RBAPBRS, mowers. self-binding harvesters, hbadbrs, threshers, engines, "farmer's friend drill," the bstkrly seeder "and cultivator, railroad harrows, railroad and mining shovels, hobs, scythes, snaths, cradles, porks, picks, Ami a Full Line or Wood, ixxrei. Stool Goods. N'tis. SOI nm! 253 I'm lit mi I -U3 mill SEND FOR SMOTICE TO MIL. 1,1 N E MS. VB HAVE OPENED OUR MAMMOTH STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS, Direct from tho Manufacturers. Persons Visiting this City are Spe cially Invited to Examine Oar Stock Before Purchasing:. IEWIS & STRAUSS, "o. 123 First Street. t ' JLLjjiJaijgjaraasaggaz.'bi't iii.ii " u SPECIAL. w fE WISH TO CLOSE ENTIRELY OUItl) r present cstocK oi Gents' anil Boys' White and Colored SHIRTS) And offer the whole lot, until September lst.i AT LESS THiX MAXCFICTUUEKS' miCES. "W'ortli For lents' Laundrled Shirts 81.T.T Sl.oo 'Jems' LaunIrll Shirts .no I. in! ienU' iAnndrim Shirts 2.SO 1.T3 Oents" UnlaundrieU Sblrts l.oo col Boys' Shirts at proportionate rates. Look over jour ll'anlrobM Xoiv l the Time to Replenish. OXJ3S & KING, Pfo. 1-1.7' Tliix-U Street,! rOUTLAKD, OREGON. GOTO THEAURORA R ESIT AUIR ANTJ SolFthtatfcAfaFnMAcdAlder strcetn The only p7i? lrbrtjijKf wherie'ttf' A GOOD SQUABS Tor IS CocU. SOt! l'li-st Street, I'orttnud,, Oregon, CATALOGUES. ' JeS-S0 REMOVAL. W. H. MARSHALL & CO, 0 WING TO TIIK VERY LIBERAL EN- eonragement we have met with slnee our commencement in tbe Grocery Business, we have been compelled to seek lurgerand more central quarters, as oar late premises were quite Inadequate to meet the de mands of our constantly Increasing trade. We have therefore much pleasure In an nouncing to the publle that we bave se cured Stalls Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7. Central Market, And we purpose making this place The Central Rendezvous and Depot For everybody to purchase all de scriptions of Staple and Fancy Groceries. We are now dtoptajrlBg, ex steamer "Geo. W -BWer," AN IMMENSE STOCK IS'ISAV GOODS, Iarebad with especial reference to our new departure. Our Prices are Lower than those of any other honse in the city, and onr Goods are all Fresh, New and Well Selected. We earnestly Invite the attention of Housekeepers, Heads at Families, Ho tel and Boarding House Keepers, etc. to whom special Inducements will bo offered to our facilities far supplying them with the best class of goods at the Lowest Possible Price. BV Goods delivered free and promptly to every part or Hie etiy, aiso to an mum unu steamboats. RE5IEMBER THE PLACE, Central Market Grocery Store, Stalls Noi. 4, 5, 6 and 7, (Opposite O-Sbeo Bros'.) W. H. MARSHALL & CO. res tr X-3MCjES - OILS I Crockery and Glassware ! A SPECIALTY OF LAMPS AND OILS ! ?REIIUWED1II ERQ" OIL BEST tVatittlebi as only. 0(? tors in"' Mir-wiuM pniiupur aueu. enu -rt try IIEKO OH tjatlsUctlon gnaranio-d. r- her to please. ' OLTS RtlMMVW '"is ' a OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. Worms In the human gyntrm are prifduoed in people com pelled to subsist mostly on Pork and Bacon. Get your stomach In good order, by us ing Wm. lruniIerN Oregon IIIikxI Purifier, und get rid of all worms, etc, etc. Tour DrujsM bss II for sale. MISCELLANEOUS. D. W. PRENTICE & CO., THE LEADING Music Dealers! North of Sau Francisco. THE LARGEST STOC K OF PIANOS ! From $200 to $1,000! THE LARGEST STOCK OF OE.G- AN"S ! From $25 to $700! TIIE LARGEST STOCK OF SHEET MUSIC AND BOOKS! la the Northwest. Instruments of All Kinds Sold on Easy Payments.', SCBSCHIBE F0K 3). Tr7. PRENTICE ,& CO'S Monthly Musical Journal, t Which contains from SIS to $94 worth of new vocal ami instrumental muoe aim valuableaml Interestlnc read ing matter each year. Only 75 Cents per Year. D. W. PRENTICE & CO., No. 107 First Street, (J. K. Gill's old stand), PORrLAND OREGON 9-11 PLE1SCHNER, HAYER & CO. Front and First streets, bet. Ash and A, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. FALL SEASON. MR. MAYER HAS MADE VBRY BXTBN slve purchasesofa lull line of MILLINERY GOODS, Direct from the Manufacturers and Importers In New York. Our Stock: will consist ol the latest sty lea and shades of ITetltlterw tuitl Plumes, French Flowers, Hats, Shapes, Ribbons, rialn, Grps Grain and Fancy, Silks, Yelrcls, etc., etc., To which we Invite the attention of the Milli nery Trade of Oregon and Washlnaton Terri tory- Being tbe only Wholesale nouse In tne State Importing MILLINERY GOODS direct from New York, we will be prepared to offer extra inducements to our Frlnds and Patrons. 5-il tbe kw iuHinn isbx uo nave vdte in nis line to call upon or address him. Estimates given on application, and all imiulries 8-tI Ice Cream and Soda "Water ! ALISK.Y fc HECELE'S, Flmt St., bet. Alder and Morrison. myl AMERICAN STEAM DTEIKE AND CLEANING wrier? I AVB A-NO CLEAN ALWraNDHSbEisiriVj I I rr. ""vuciuijiuiMSITiTrj tnu hhu i uineis etean4i an.i m .-i ... n V"? Hlanketarand Pur , ,mv n. a i O I , a PROFESSIONAL Jon.V H. MITCHEW- RALPH 31. MITCHELL & DEMEKT Attorncys-at-Law. OFFICE-Corner First and MorrifOl t:e(i'. rooms rormerly occupied byBuchlel I 'ctere Gallery. J. X. DOLPH. JOt ION. C. A. DOLPH x. c bkos Anon. ooLpn, Buo.tADGn, Botrn i mi Attornev-at-Iiaw ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE, POETLAXU s-iatr JNO. M. DALY-Attornoy-at-Law1 DALLAS, OREGON, WILL PRACTICE IN THE DISTRICT AS i United States Courts. - DR. J. G. GLENN, Dentist, Southwest corner First and YamtlU PORTLAND. OREGON. MISS DR. ANGIE L. FORD. OFFICE Itooras 1 and 5. Monnastes's Bulla- Inu'. ltT and 1 First streeU RESIDENCE No. 91 West Park street (cor ner of Stark). tar Special attention eiven to Disea Women and Children. Jy MRS. DR. M. J. SOLANDE. New School Physician, HAS RECENTLY ARRIVED IN TiIM cltv.and will nay particular attention t the chronic diseases or Women and dlli i-i. during her stay. Shecan be consulted, rr. . Room 17, Occidental Hotel. She Is rfp irmi to furnish special remedies for the du-eae ol Women. All consultation strictly c-.n3d.n-tlal. JiM MISCELLANEOUS. GRAND EEDTJCnON" OF PEICB8! SUMMER CLOTHING! FISHET, &; ROBERTS'S. Blue Flannel, Casslmere, Cheviot and Wnted SUMMER SUITS. Made Without Linings, and Light and Coot. Large Assortment of Linen and Alpaca Ofllcc Coats and Bisters AND Plain, Fancy and White Sack YttU. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S ClQTWNfl A Specialty. Found only at FISHEI. & ROBERTS'Si Corner First anil Alder atreefa, PORTLAND . OBXXiJiS Jyi R0BBINS & YATES, IJUORTEKS Wholesale and Retail Dealers Frames. Mouldings, Cliroraoi, Encravlngs, iiukt(is, riiuio. lutiiers, vetvei Frames, Mats, Passepartouts, Picture Cord, I! rackets. Picture Rail Easels, nd everything that pertains to a first-class picture store. Also, the celebrated WHITNEY & HOLMES ORGANS. These Onrans we buy Direct from the Fe. lory, and can therefore offer superior Induce ments w jttireuasers. HP ZANOS : Decker Brothers', J. & C. Fischer's and the McCammon. BB" Small Musical Instruments and Mnl.-nt Merchandise of all kinds constantly on band. ltOnillXS & YATES. 229 First Street, Portland, Oregon. JyS3mo SCHOOL BOOKS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. COUNTRY ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED IHcEEIICIIER & THOMPSON, Portland, Oregon. aul&tf CORBETT'S LIVERY, HACK AND FEED STABLES, Pnacnnahla PheHMs r. ITi.. m Hack orders promptly attendei, Day or Nighu nuuiiWAUU cKJIAUUOX, PropH. 8-29 WIBERG & KIERNAN, I BOOTS AND cunro I c riU OHObS, 115 ?n' street, between Alder and Morrison, Portland, Oregon, HAVE JUST R AH IMMENSE STOCJ EMPIRE B VOSS & -H. , (Successor to I"et r ursnufacta. o Bread, Cakes, Pastr;. ?ni,, emit Plrnlr. Hiuir Mmimi. ... ' ' .. x r, i . t, .-n ei. c - .r ie tr. I .'Vl.l .-rati ,