fpe fern feilSjiBesi Firbmrn s Annual Parade. Tle j ide of the Portland Fire De- annual parade lament was , a very itn posh,, .flg agS5wSlarS Delegations of firemen from Salem, Or-H?"S,' , uncomfortable, incon- .'on CJtv,. Albany,, VatiQpuver and As- loria wre present. Dalles and Walla . rpi. m.i aiia were au-o rq.R-iuvu. - I'. S. Infantry nd led the procession. . ' . iid ilininK-room, and howthepan The Ka$t Portland band wasbalsofout, jry ghould be arrangetl. It is singular !.iv.i imiwr or tne saiem. Aioanv anu Aurora. baiMls vrcjfi present. At two o'clock the several companies were pa raded, and at half-post two the proces fion was formed and proceeded through the principal .streets of the city. Two littlejrjsrom Albany, arrayed in mus' lin and flowers, rode the Albany englnoibuildjiisawiiJioiUK! ;wkhtlie bath-room and .arreted much attention. ie whole display was magnificent, and had it not len for whisky there would j nnininrnintnl liarmonv. ; AVe . acknowledge a respectful invitathfn to notioiiMtit itt ilio lvimdi siml horn put' H4t HI. l'fc- - - the dinner, and hereby return thanksfor the same. AVe also resiectfully return tiie firemen's salute through the col umns of the New Northwest, and of fer them the following toast, which we pledge them In a goblet of,clear, cold wa- u'r: - - - f - -1 The 'PircfucH of tKcr Xortlitfctt: In stant in season and out of season; as ready to extinguish a false fire alarm as a true one ; the guardianst)f -dOffliomcs and the bulwarks of our prosperity. May their numbers never grow less and their good will never diminish! Insank ASYirtTJt. Dr. Ellis makes the following report of the number of inmates in the Insauo Asylum, for the quarter ending August 31st : "beri 01 paueiHSJuno.jsK-.ninics,jUi; iumaics, 30. Totalt 143. Admitted during the quartBrf Mle4fl5; fcmal&ftl rotal, 17. Discharged during the quarter, Hi. Died during the same period: Males Henry Brudt, A. C. Loonoy, M. Iaroose; Females Sarah Barnaburg. lv-caiel-rr Dwight Hurlburt, of Clatsop county. Number pf;paticnkii thfl Afylum, Au gust 31st: Males, 105; feniales, 40. Total, 140. SpkcijiknS Wa"xtkd. MrCJ 1.' Fer ry, real, ustatc agont,.of this city, con templates mrfking a visit to the States shortly. He intends during his absence to visit,as many Stato.andicounty agri cultural fairs as convenient. . Hewill be greatly obliged for samples of Oregon productions, with full particulars as to soil, production per acre of wheat, oats and other grains, as .well as fruits and vegetables. Iu audition to thankfully receiving' 'articled gratuitously, he is willing to pay for good specimens. Suspension Bridge at Okkgon City. The Oregon City Enterprise says that articles of incorporation have been filed in the Clerk's office in Clackamas county by John L. Barlow, W. H. Pope and F. O. McCown, as Incorporators, whose object is to construct a suspension bridge across the Willamette river, at someJpolntbotweonFourth.andeveinth streets. This an important enterprise. PBACiiKS.-Mrs. Pearsy, who liycs a few miles below Portland, has brought wiien sucti samples as itiesc can oe i grown in our vicinity it would well re- (armor in nnv mnr ntlcntion I to the cultivation of this delicious fruit, j PflOSPKBixo. The Albany liegUlcr, Coll. Van Clevc proprietor, has closed its tliinl volume. "Tiiclnltialliuniber of i A,wii vninniB will nimonr in an on-1 , , , rr.iT. :c larged form. The Jiegtstcr is an ccel- lent local paper, devoted to the interests r T.tm, Aniinrv. mill nertainlv evinces .. n,irti nmsnoritv !-'Sns ?f "yJ'U. t sale of tiie I T. Co's PitoPBRTY. - j has sold thoir line of steamboats, wharves, etc., to the Willamette Trans portation Company, which has recently been ineonrarated bv Bon Holladay, .W. 1 HhIsc.v ami George Weidlor. TheT price paid Is said to be SiMO.OOO. KxTKApKDiNAitY Fall. From Ma rion county comes the following extra ordinary aeeouut of a fall: A boy named us a basket of peaches of the "Crawford's i inches wide against the surface nest the Early" variety, which we have never wofk IS calchMashe of pafntT . . , seen surpassed anywhere. Certainly Ul'SSSSI ISeed JW1 ninety feet out of a fir treakpe mixed with inferior pigment. iSiuc- which lie was trimming, and strange to j wJ,, th? I say got off with nothing worse than a broken leg. '" Walla Walla Fair. e acknowl - edge the receipt of a complimentary ticket to the Washington Territory An- nualilPaft.lhehnTtSfehces Kept. 20th ami continues lour Hays. Cb.SHD ItuNiNC The fcteamcr Al bany'has ceased running to Salem. The water is very low, and she will not run again until the' river is somewhat im-nrnveil. )i.penaiv.Oi:iiui uurauic wiuieJiuisu is urns In Session. The Oregon Supreme j given: One coat of shellac varnish; four tJOUIX lllftJV llloSsiOU at,aaIem.-.Xlial ljody a few dnys since passed resolutions eulogistic of tho late Hon. Lansing Stout. Pick of " HE.VT. Tiie cash price wheat is one dollar per bushel at Albany, witli few sellers. One firm offers one uontir anu ten cents per bushel in dry SOOdS. Mail Link. A dallv ninil lino lms been"o!blIshod'beWedli mib- and1 Hrownsville in Linn county I urons me in Mini coumj. Will Appjui-2Jext.Wei:k. An ar ticlo on Oregon by Mrs. Carrie F. Young, and a poem by Isola Worth. ports that fcprlet fc,verragng in Yam hill county. MiSS.tP'TiiONa , .LKTURBjroltlicydesccndetl denoted that a mighty, ! Ffno Hall' iyaf, crowded Jast night witli airless cavity below gavo strength to the In.lin !llll tmiiflPTllOn CWllO listellCtl tO.Klir.ltm. nml 11. r, cunrlnir fmtllV fn.'llll' Miss Anthony's lecture. We were una 1,1c to be present, but have icarnext mat Mis-s Anthony isa fluent, urgumentative speaker and well sustains the cause she advocates. Orcgonian. Worth 'While for "Women to Know. "Every wis" woman, toys Solomon, JJut there are "builtlctii her House." many wibe or, at least, not foolish wom en now-a-ilava who not only don't build or j,eip to liuihl their homes, but don't know how they should be done. If they veient, houses Especially the finish- ing oujrht to be iookcu attcr uy me mis Umsanf.a house. She knows what coloj mii knows wlnt ilnf 1 1 . lL l"c iveiiieut are pure anu e.em Mic Knows wnat color i n. i,. n -i(!r, u ti,t- :,'.. t J .inn- f r ivoll for nr. tuat women arc iu otcu pations which touch their peculiar sur- rounuiugs. mrt.-i ui x nuuiaii architect, or indoor painter, or uphol sterer. Theconsequenee is thatwehave warped doors and furniture ; blistering walnut paint; unhandy arrangements of stairs leading into bath-room (actually I have known a practical carpenter to cUller too coao or too far off. ,m-rrow. stairs; and sinks with the drain iu the nlpvated end blunders which vex a woman 1... i... t remedying by prevention, by applying herself to the correction of such details widle her home is building. She ought to know as much about plaster and paint as she does aliout wall-paper and cur tains; for it is much more important that the walls should be warm and dry, and the paint durable, than that her parlor should have French satin paper, and the bed-rooms be finished olf in Pommdour chintzes. When the firt rough coat of plaster is on the walls of a house, and the doors and window-casings up, a woman's province is ready for her oversight. If it suits her to have the work completed in the most economical manner possi ble, let the walls be washed with tills hiziiijr: Two itounds of irlue in hot wa ter, which is reduced with eight gallons of cold, and thickened with twelvo .1. ..-...!. ::.... tvi.t., ..t..... ....t. - sllJvh5ch mha AVafclHi hl eol(l w:l. ter, instead of iieeding to be whitened every year. It is applied with a white wash-brush, and forms a smooth coat to receive paper; or it may remain, for kitchens and servants' rooms tinting it a pale irrav with a little cobalt. Where there Is a suspicion of damp walls neither paper nor wash will last, and no application will bo tolerable but n water-proof jKiint. For painting, u woman who Is ambitious enough to attempt the work herself needs a low chair, sup ported bv barrels laid on trestle-work or benches, which may be changed for lower ones as she reaches the base of the wall. A paint-pot must be pro vided, which may be made of n white lead can, with thick wire ball put in, and a hook attached to hang it on any convenient projection. A number 5 brush, partly worn, is best for iusido work, as new brushes are too soft. When Iavins aside work, cover the iwint in the can with cold water to keep the dust oil, and hang the brushes in so tiiat the heads wiil be covered. In laying paint din the brush only an iuch.into the pmui, and tap it once or twice apiinst the tides to let surplus tlakes fall oil', then make straight strokes of the brush witli the grain of the wood, not against It, drawing downward on vertical and from left to right on horizontal surfaces. Carry the brush off, and lift, at the end of each stroke. Make the first coat the lightest and thinnest one, stopping all cnidks antl holes with putty alter they are dry. Paint all crevices, bevels, and headings, before you do the fiat surfaces next them, witli a full brush. Work the paint well into the wood by passing tli brush vicoroiislv lmek mid forth 1 when each coat is on. For sashes and I fine work use a number 4 brush, and (carry it only one wav, not back and , Protect the glass in the sashes, fni.: ..-:,: f ,wuUAr. tnvnS. doc3 not 1M.notrate, do not try to save thoipaper, but strip it olf, and'apply a delicate tint, mixed with boiled linseed- . ery gallon of winch a quarter softened by lieat, with a very little wa ter to prevent It from burning. An other more elleetual coating is made of five pounds of rubber melted in a gallon of boiled linseed-oil. Tho mixture i should be heated in a tin kettle sus- dc, hl honlus .. go tmt it wiH 0t, sike fire. Coat the wall with this, I reducing, if necessary, by more oil, and paint or paper above it. One gallon of the preparation fchould coat fifty yards U surftice, a.l never be XKijetRtted by . ' i 1 . r .1 glue Tequires iuiu puuiiu u. uij paint ground in it to give two coats to forty square yards of surface, ise' nothing but boiled oil for inside j work: Uio raw renuires nearly a fccason I ..tCidry.. A good drying is m.-ulo by I boiling one ounce of sugar of lead, and the same of sulpnatcof zinc, wun two ounces each of litharge, red-lead, and j umber, in a gallon of linseed-oil, till It j will scorch a feather. White-lead gives the most hotly to paint, and is most durable, but turns yellow, and is apt to fiuisll. The first js caHe,! priming, ami j i3 the only coat In which oil should be i used, for in tho upper coats it is apt to ! turn yellow by exposure to the air. The cheapest priming Is given by a coat LA" wliW fS ofoilon which whiting is rubbed, fill - wrcs or tiie wood witli a tnin nutty, which preMcnes it well, and leaves a Smooth surfnen fnr K-ilnf A good common finish is given by mixing a second coat of zinc-white with enough oil to moisten it, and reducing witli naphtha; then a third coat of zlne in naphtha, with one-third Tamnmr var nish. Thi3 gives the glossy white so dear to neat housewives. The most ex- coais ui lmiu jhk- gruumi in on ami mixcu viiiii luriiciuiiiL', uacn uoai wen dried, and the whole rubbed down with pumice; ami nnaiiy two coats of French 1 zinc in varnish. This is hard, shining, nddlnCjinsciiaincL Harpqt'irJtazar. . Grcat jUc iias been a sort of j mystery to scientific and geographic . explorers, jc nasuccn suppose", inac its rcrC"el,I at ?"",rnL1?Vcl bi - the process Ol CVaporaiio", since nu oui- ' lot was known, and yet it was fed bv streams from the Rocky Moun- tobis. Recently, however, the inystery i,i,f t, Knlvcd in the dlscovorv I o ii.uut,..v w of n subterranean outlet. In a voya; ' on the lake a schooner was caugnt the vortex of a maelstrom. Iho captain of the vessel states that during the detention caused by the accident, the r-ir-inuvr than the water out - 1 sjdc the .rlpL ftr" breeze which fortunately sprung up at ' tho iim Tim liniso of the waters as - 1 above was like the boiiimr of a niani- moth caldron. It is inferred that this is the safety valve of the Great Salt Lake, and that probably there may be other. similar outlets. 1 Mrs. J. B. Frost writes a long letter to the Statesman against woman suf frage. We have read it with some care, and don't think" It nleets the case, in asmuch as It isniore a condemnation of free love than of the doctrine of suffrage for woman. Perhaps It is unfortunate for the cause of woman suffrage that some ofi Is advocates have promulgated the hideous doctrines of free love, but ills only just to say that these advocates are very few. Most of those who sup- 41.! . 1 who answer their arguments must try something else than an outcry of Indig nation against free love, which, though very well in itself, doesn't meet the case at all. Orcffonian. A loy near Omaha, the other day, struck upon a rattlesnake near his fath er's house, and as he was temporarily in charge of his little lister, he gave her the reptile to play witli. Presently the snake, tired of the child's fondling, be gan to hiss viciously and rattle. The boy then discovered its venomous na ture, Buatched it from his sister, and at tempted to fling It away. The snake fastened about his wrist and threatened to bite. The boy alarmed his father, who was not far off, and by caution the latter succeeded In enticing the reptile so that it left the boy. When killed, the rattlesnake .was found. to be full growh,"bver'twb feet longj and witli six rattles. "My dear it is very wrong for young people to throw kisses.'' "Why, mamma, they don't hurt if they do hit." XEW THIS WEEK. BANCROFT & MORSE, Wliolowile ami Itolall Dealers in BOOKS AND STATIONERY, ' '...AND...' Publishers' antl Manufacturers' Agents, ,101 .rirstSlrtet, Xojktrtpor to Hie PfMloffliru, i'(irti,.mi o i: i:: ox Kci'j contantl- on llaml ..OK. . Miscellaneous Books, SCHOOL bB00I&, 'JUVEXILK BOOKS, And everything in the Itook Line. AIM), a Larce anil 'Well Selected Stuck of STATIONERY, seen as r.vpKit, ENVELOPES, IILAXK BOOKs. INKS, MUCH-YOK, SLATES, PENCILS, PENS, PKN-IIOl.TIEllS, llLOTTrNG PAPKIt, (IAMBS, COPYING BOOKS AND PRESSES, TItACING PAPER AND CLOTH, PERFORATED BOARD, DRAWING PAPKIt, BRISTOL BOARD, PORTFOLIOS, ALBUMS, WEDDING AND MOURNING STATIONERY, WO.-JTENHOLM'S -POCKET KNIVES, VISITING CARDS, RUIIIIER GOODS, INITIAL PAPER, INVOICE FILES, ETC., ETC In tact every conceivable thine In tho Station cry I.lne, ami at price that will prove KaHf"foiry. ISOOICS EVERY STEAMER. RECEIVED BY Give TJh it Call I Addren alt communications to BANCROFT & MORSE. 101 Firit street, Scpt.S,lS71 nI9 Portland, Oregon. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Empire IIot,cl, MAIN STREET. DALLES CITY, OREGON "OOARD BY TIIE DAY, AVcck or Month, on Jj the moKtreaHonniiicjoniix. Superlornccominodatlons for families, Cancord Coach to and Trom tho liono free. A lareo (uife for the keepliiR ot valuables. House open all nlslit. n!7 THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. ftjj -nasiCivST.a Brvnch, lil FiiistSt., hax Fu.vscico. f i Poctl.vm,0(..v. M . CRAY, Importer and Dealer in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Sole Ajrcnt Tor the Pacific Coast .F0IJ. STEINWAY'S AND OTHER FIRST-CUSS PIANOS, ..Asn... 'Tlie " Biii'tlelt " Oisrn.iiK The Best in tho World! i r. o..,o r vnuns iu nuni And rcntnpplletl to purchase. ALL KIXDS OF MUSICAL IXSTKUJIEXTS Tit net I nml Itcpnirrd. Every Instrument rully "Warranted FOR FIVE YEARS. WANTED: Ecrj- Town in Asrcnt. iu Itic Stale. ojue and Price Llkt fcent free on appll- cation to . i nci'KAX.s, Manager Gray Branch Muic store, 121 Fin.t. St., Portland, Oreeon. AugusH.isn. inn NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE!! Unparalled Inducements to Clubs! The New Northwest, .a joi'rxai. rou the i'eople. AXI DEVOTED TO THE INTETESTS OF HUMANITY. Our Intensely Intcrostins Serial Story, "JUDITH REID, A. Plain Story of a Plain Womnii," I now being published from week to week, and U atlractliiR universal nttention. A limited supply of back numbers yet on hand. Arrangement have been made to secure the Services of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any nndall subjects of Public Interest. The. New Northwest I not a Woman' Bights, but n Human Itlghls organ, devoted to whatever policy may be necessary to secure the greatest good to the greatest number. It knows no sex.no politico, no religion, no party, nocolor.no creed. Its foundation Is fastened npon the rock of Kternal Lilcrty, Universal Emancipation nnd Untrnmmelcd Progression. PUR PREMIUM LIST. Ax nu inducement tor our friends to make exertions to secure large clubs for the New Noiitiiwbst, woolTerthc following list of val uable premiums : ror twenty subcrlbers, at $3 CUcnch.uccom- panlcd by the cash, we will give the HOME SHUTTLE 8KWINU MACHINE, without ta ble, iMiiutlfully ornamented. IMce, .. For thlrty-flvo subv:riben, at tJ 00 each, nc- comiianlcil by the cash, wo will given HOME .SHUTTLE KEWINH MACHINE, with Black Walnut table, bronzed and nicely finished. Prlw, Si For forty ub!crllerK, at Si Ou each, nccum- iaiileil by t ho cash, we will give u HOMESHUT- TLE SEWINO MACHINE, finished In extra Myle, with Black Walnut table and cover. Price, im. TIip alovc Sewing Machines, which unwar ranted llrt-clas In c-co iwrtlrular, can be M-onnttlio ofllcc of Geo. W.Tmvcr, 112 Front Mrect, Portland. For fifty subscribers, at $.1 1) each, accom- IMiuled by Hie cash, wo will give n MASON & HAMLIN POItTABLE OHOAN, four octave, single reed, with black walnut case, automatic Iwllows swell, two blow pedals, Improved cen tor pressure reed valves, etc ItIcc, J.jO. or seventy-live hiibscrller, at S3 00 each, ac- companieil by tho cash, a double reed MASON HAMLIN OHOAN ; rexmbles tiie tlrst ex cept that It has also a kneo stop. Price, $73. For seventy-rlvc subscribers, at S3 10 each, accompanied by the cash and twenty-five dollars additional, we will givo a MASON A HAMLIN OHOAN, Of FIVE OCTAVES, ONE OTOP, MKEIXVIIICSTISO llEEli VALVES, IM- PROVED 11KI.I1WS, TCEMUrT AND KNEE- sweli. Price, S100. For one iiuiidrcd subscribers, at 3 00 each. and twenty dollars additional, we will give a MASON A HAMLIN OP.OAN, five octaves, FIVE STOIS, TWO 8ETS OF ISIUKATOKS TIIIIOVGII- OCT, I3CI-ROVEU C!KAJ)UATEI hELF-AIUUMTIXU IEnVALVIN,IMPItOVlItl nEI.U)W,TKKIUL.VNT AND KNEE-SWELLS. VIOL.. DIAPASI1V. i'j.u 1 1-., iiii.Ji ui..?.t. Price. S12i Those who do I re to work for the premiums can send the names and money a fal as re ceived. Tiie subscribers will be placed to their credit, and If enough names are not received uunng me year to procure the premium de sired they can choosen lesserpremlum.or they will bo entitled to receive twenty-It vo tcr cent In cash of tho amount remitted for their laborj OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. A Tub New Northwest has already proved a popular success, we aro decided that It shall also prove n triumph. To enable our friends who may decide to can vass for our paper to benefit both themselves ana us by Increaslngour Subscription Lists. we propose to give the following addltloual Pre miums to canvassers : Any subscriber who Is In arrears for the Nrw northwest, who will send us his orhcrown subscription fee, nnd one new subscrilicr, ac companied uy tiie cash S6 ou we will give : A pair Parian Marble Vases: Or a Bohemian Oiass Vase; Or a Bohemian Glass Card Hccclvcr; Or dozen Ivor- Napkin ltlugs; Or X dozen Plated Tea Spoons; Or 1 pair Alexandre's Kid Gloves; Ora singled Lady's Fan, leathered edge; Or n Bird Cage; Or an Album for holding 100 pictures; Ornn Album (extra) forlinldlng.V) pictures; Orn Fancy Letter Case; Or n box Toilet Articles, Including soap, cliam, perfumery, etc.; Or a Britannia Ton Pot; Or a Kerosene Lamp; Or dozen Glass Goblets; Or JS dozen Glass Tumblers; Or a largo Glass Fruit Pish; Ora Work Basket; Ora Fine Embroidered Hand kerchief; Or X dozen Linen Handkerchiefs; Or a Woolen Tablo Cover; Or 4 dozen Table Napkins; Or J4 dozen Towels ; Or an elegant Portmonia. Any subscriber who Is in arrears for a year's subscription, and who will send his or her own subscription fee, nnd two new subscribers, ac companied by tho cash making $9 00 we will send : A set of Bogers' Table Forks, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Ora set of Bogons'TableSpoons, triple plated on white metal, warranted; Ora set of Eogers' Tea Spoons, triple plated on white metal, warranted; Or dozen Itogcn'.t Itussoll's Table Knives, lxst quality, warranted; Orn handsome Bird Cage. Any erv)ii In nrrearsfor subscription to The New Northwest, who will send his or her subscription fee and three newsubcrlbcn,nc- ; companled by the cash, making ;I2 00, we will 1 send : I A haud-ome Mnrsalllcs ullt; 1 Ora handsome Woolen Quilt, red and white or blue and white; Ora palrofTablo Cloths; Or two pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains; Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Gloves, nny I color or size: urn Japanese luiaiti vtorx nox; Or IS yards best yd. wide Sheeting. For seven subscribers at S3 00 each, amount Ing to S21 00, we will send : An extra Castor, trlploplated, on white mcta! valued ut SlTOO; Or a Lady's Writing Desk, of equal value; Or a Cabinet, Japanese Inlaid; Or an Extra Jnpancse Inlaid Work Box. These articles aro all valuable, and aro war ranted to bo Just as we represent them. Per sons living In tills city or who can visit us can receive theso articles from our own hands at an hour's notice; or if not convenient to visit us we will send the articles by express to any ad dres. No order of this kind will receive attention unless the cash accompanies It. Send money In Postotnco orders at the cus tomary rates of currency, or send draft If pre ferred. All orders promptly attended to. Wc sincerely hoiw that this unparalleled oiler, which is a new feature In the newspaper business In Oregon, will meet with n hearty re sponse from tho many friends of onr paper. who up to tills time have seemed to fall to real ize Uiat The New Northwest cannot be run without money. Now is the time to makeup clubs. Begin before some other person gets the start of you. See what you can do for your self, the Public and Tuc New Northwest. PORTLAND AinRTISEjffiNTS. PACIFIC Boot and Shoe Manufactory! Xlio Oiily ZVTniiufliqtory ! LADIES' AND GENTS' FINE SHOES -tin the Northern Const ! s HOES OF EVEKY CUS3 Made to Order on Short Notice, Wholesale and Retail. untie: "w sTsrxjiEs ARE BEING MADE DAILY. DEPOT AT PACIFIC BOOT AXD SHOK HOUSE, I'rotzmnii, Cllllhnii A Co., Corner First and Morrison Sts., Portland. JUST OUT: The Box-Toed Oxfords and Gaiters, JERSEY TIE, The easiest fitting Summer Shoe made. August 1, 1871. lul GO TO HENDEE'S GALLERY Olt KEMBItANTS. PHOTOOAPHS. SUN- JL; Pearls, Life-size Pictures, nud Picture of Kvery Grade, Children's and I.tdies' Pictures taken cheer fully and satisfaction guaranteed. Prices mod erate. Inl2 DR. J. It. CAKDWKI. I. Dentist. Dextai. Itoosts No. S3 First St., Portland. na-Tlie Latcnnd Imnniveit Styles of work at Reduced Rates. Nitrons Oxide ias Cir the juilniess extraction of teeth. lnli CLARKE, HENDERSON & COOK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Ladlrs' and (imfs KurnWilng Cooin, it., ir.. Cor. First nnd Washington streets, I'ortlniul. Oregon. InJI SHADE & CO. RESPECTFULLY INFORM TIIE PUBLIC that they have established a PIONEER DYEING AND SCOURING BUSINESS In this city, nnd are prepared to receive orders for Dyeing and Cleaning Lidles' Dresses. I CioakH and Mantles. Also, Damask Curtains nnd (Iciifs Clothing. Work done In the ! t style and Warranted. Kid (ilovcs neatly leaiKed. Please cle usu fill at our Dyeing Establishment. First St.. twtween Oak and Ash, opposite the Oregon Bakery. Jiny'j,n.l. villi.' r-ii.vir. o. yj. BOARD AND LODGING. IDY HAS OPENED A BOARDING AND LODGING HOUSE For Mechanics and Laboring Men. on Salmon street, between Front and First. She respect fully solicits:! share of Public Patronage. July si, is.1. vim On Tliii-rt Sti'cct, Betueen Morrison mill YnmlilU. AT JOHN WILSON'S CAN BE HAD: WHITE GOODS Plain. Check and Striped Bishop I.nwn, Victoria I.iwn. Swiss Mull, Hair, Cord and Checks, Twilled Ing Cloth, Pcque, etc. C50RRPT?-In Alilte nnd Orev. Tho lest assonmeni ever onereu iu mis iar- ket all sizes and prices. HOSIERY English, French and German, In !tniiiiur uiiu i-jLil.t ivii.iii-. lui i.vi nr.. Mlses and Children: (tents and Hoy's Hose and Undenrenr, etc LINEM Cunbrlc Handkerchiefs, Plain. liemniiti aim iieiii-jiiieui.-ii,xKjj .iuu (cuts' Hemmeil. Children's Linen Braided Suits, Dress Llncu, Table I.lncti,ctc. BLACK DRESS SILKS-"Af"erIcan finis l.ntin, wurrumeti im. m ui change color, under the severest usage, for years." SUNDRIES Fans, Parasols (silk and al- .nlls' I"nier Collars (a prize in each liox), Loco Collars, Rtihlwr Cloth. Silk Buttons. Trfmmiiignnd Sash Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Lisle Thread Oloves, etc. NEW GOODS Opened ever' week. iil2 ESxelIx' Battery; DELLINGEK CO., Washington St., bet. Second nnTliird, l PORTLAND j,,,.. . pilEfJbx r 3IANUFACTURB AN A'NO. l' ARTICLE or BIUL.D, CRAOKEl'S, . CAKES, And all klndsof Pastry nsuhlly found In aFlrst Class Baker'. e?-Goods delivered to any part of the cltv J2J,;iul2 EW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE UNK WEED REMEDY; Oregon Rheumatic Cure. HISTORY: nUIIS P.EMEDY LS COMPOSED OF THE I . I n.l.nn .r (ha T?nl- W-..A.1 I.".. Thasplum ConlatumOriglnls.Lnt. Indigenous to Oregon. Grows most abundantly and jwr- fectlyln wnsiungion couniy. PROPERTIES, ETC.: It contains an Active nnd Volatile-Principle, extracted uy isuirr, anu a uiuer jonic ran clple. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES: It Is the most sure and speedy enro for Rheumatism, ltheumntlc fout nnd ltheumatlc Pains of all kinds that was ever Introduced Into the Materia Medlca. The UNK WEED REM EDY, ns nrenared liy u. In conseouence of tiie existing bitter principle, possesses the neces sary virtue or ocing a Po-vvciriul Touie, Promoting the Appetite nnd Invigorating the while Digestive Appuratus, thus building up and strengthening the system, while at the same time the volatile principle, being ab sorbed In the blood, arts specifically on the Rheumatic PoImw, removing It from the circu lation and system. There arc few remedies known to the Medical Pnifession which will remove the Rheumatic Poison from the blood, but whoso action is so powerful In depressing the system of the nt ready enrechled Rheumatic patient, that their use lias to be abandoned iH'foru specific effects are obtainable, and hence the want of success lu treating this prevalent and coiisciiiiciitl.v heretofore incurable dlisc. t'nlike the-'.' medicines, already known, the UNK WKKIi REMEDY.aithougli producing as active and a powerful effects on the blood and system in re moving the Rheumatic Polxou, nl-o ikj-imm-nu strong Tonic and Itecn ndlng Element which admits, of its cnntinuul uc even by the most delicate and debilitated. TIius we have the combination for the first time of theo two necessary elements in one remedy, which ac conntsloritssiipcrlorand iicver-falflng curative cflects In Rheumatism, Rheiuiuillu (.'out and Rheumatic Pains of nil kinds. N. IL Tiie UNK WEED REMEDY is partic ularly APPLICABLE TO I.ADIES, ill conc quence of Its Tonic (ualltles. TESTIMONIALS : We are aware of the fact that It is generally an eay matter to procure certificates attesting the clllcacy of patent remedies from a certain class of thoso who n.-ethem. Wc have sclwttst the following lccause the names nttachiMl to them are those of men of the most careful and scrupulous character, and because the larce class of their acquaintances in Oregon will not. ror u moment, accuse or suspect incm or any exaggeration in the statements they may make: Certificate from the Deputy Jailor of Mult- nomau vouiuy jaii: City Jail, Portland, Oregon, i June 7. 1S71. i Dr. A. 31. Loryea & Co.: I was attacked with a severe case of riieumatisnu It was in my iiugns, nips, nngcrs.Minuiucr oiaue inuceu in all tlio Joints of my body I suffered great pain and anguMi. I wax attended by a regular phy sician, but with uoeffect.' I wax Induced to try your Utile Weed Remedy, and It immediately cured me up. I consider it, from my expe rience, tho best remedy fnrrheumatlsm known. ALFRED F. TURNER, Deputy Jailor. This 1 to certify that the above statement Is correct to my own Knowleage. JOHN P. WARD, Jailor. Al tn California Book and Job Printing Otllce,") Si California street, San Francisco. Juno 1. 1S7L 1 Dr. A. 3f. Ixirj-en A Co.: For several years I have tx-en subject to rheumatism In my right arm and shoulder, rendering me unable to work. On a recurrence of the attack, some time since, I was induced to try your "Unk wetsi iiemeuv," anci ine resuu was a perfect cure In a few days. I took only two-thirds of tne foments or one ixittle. Mr nnn belief Is that the "Unk" Is a certain cure for rheuma tism lu nil Its mrms.nnd I would heartily rec ommend all nttllrtcd with that dreadful dis ease to try your "Remedy" nnd lie cured. JNO. It- JIcLANE. Certificate of A. R. Shipley, Esq., special con- inouiorio me - iiiameiic r anner," ana Sec. rclary of the Oregon Horticultural Society: Oswego, Oregon, Slarcli 2S, 1S71. Dr. A. 31. Iir ea: S,me four weeks ago I was entirely prostrated with rheumatism; In ract I was almost helpless. I sent to yon for one 10 ouiicc bottle of the "Unk Weed Remedy, by the ue of which I experienced almost Imme diate relief, anil by the time tho lottle was eono the rheumatism was rone. t.mni mv own exierieiice, nml from what I have heard others s:iy who havo useil the Unk Weed, I iiriiuu ii it, iv ii f-viiimi L'ua'iurnH'umailMtl. Yours respectfully, A. It. SHIPLEY. Certificate from Hon. A. J. Dufur. cx-Prcsl- dent of the Oregon State Agricultural Society and author of "Statl-ttes of Oregon:" East Portland, April 1, 1ST1. Dr. A. 31. Lnryca Co.: I was afflicted with a j severe attack or chronic rheumatism; wascon fliicsl to my bed most of the time from Jnnnarv to July, when I ued the Unk Weed and it cured me up. A. J. DUFUR. Certificate from James Bvliee. the celebrated stock-grower and "King of the Oregon Turf:" j Sauvic's Island, January It, 1S7I. To Dr. A. M. IryeaACo.: Thlsistoacknowl-1 edge the efficacy of your"Unk WecU Imedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure." I was afflicted for mouths with a very serious attack of in flammatory rheumatism, and tried nearly all of the so-called rheumatic remedies without any relief perceivable. I then tried your Remedy, and Its use resulted In the most happy cflects a perfect cure. Truly vours, JA3IES BYBEE. Certificate from the well-known merchant, O. W. Weaver, E-i.: The Dalles, 31ay25, 1871. Dr. A. 31. Loryea & Co.: I have used the "Unk Weed Remedy," and can cheerfully recom mend It to persons afflicted with Inflammatory rheumatism. It cured me orthat disease. My hands, wrists, ankles Indeed, all my Joints were swollen and very painful. O. W. WEAVER. Certificate from Hon. Nat. 11. Lane, Pilot Commissioner or Oregon, and u member of tho City Council ot East Portland: East Portland. April 19. IS71. Dr. A. 31. Loryea A Co.: I have liecn nfnicted lor several years pasi witli "weakness In the back," and wandering rheumatic pains, ac comiKinlcd by severe constliatlon. By the use of-one lwttle of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure." I have been entirely relieved, and I cheerfully recommend It as a most valuable nnd eftertlve reined v. NAT. II. LANE. Certificate from Hon. Gideon Tlbbetts. a member of the City council of East Portland: ' . Kat Portland, April 7, 1871. Dr. A. 31. Loryea A Co. Cents: This is to in form you that I have ucd your "Unk Weed" ror neuralgia nnd rheumatic pains, and found relief from tho use of onlv one bottle, nml citi recommend It to those In need or such a rem-' cdy. Yours, GIDEON TIBBETTS. j Certificate rrom Hon. E. L. Qulmby, ex County Commissioner of 3Iultnomah county, Oregon: East Tortland, April 1, 1S7L Dr. A. 31. Lnrvea A Ct: I have useil tin, "ITnk Weed Remedy," and am satisfied It Is a valua ble medicine. It regulates and invigorates the system. This Is my experience witli the Rem edy. Truly yours, E. L. O.UI3IBY. Certificate rrom the celebrated musician, Prof. Otto VIcuxtcmps: Oregon Musical Institute. 1 Portland, 31ay 2. 1S7L ( Dr. .V. 31 loryea A Co.: I was attacked Willi severe Inflammatory rheumatism, suffering great pain, and was so prostrated that I was unable to tend tomy business. I used one bot tle of your "Unk Veed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure," and was entirely cured bi ll alone. OTTO VIEU3?TE3tPS. PUT UP IN TEN-OUNCE BOTTLES, One Dollar nml I'lfty Cents per Bottle. PREPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL LABORATORY, m- DDI. LORYEA &; CO., EAST PORTLAND, OREGON. esr Fort Sale bv au Druggists. lul2 - , rm im. :.- Stitzel & uptoK REAL ESTATE BROKERS! CORNER FRONT AND WASHINGTON STS.. PORTLAND. ORF.CSON. Agents Tor the Sale or Lots ami Blocks In HOLLADAY'S ADDITION TO EAST XOK TLAIS'B . rpo OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC L fienerallydeslringtniiinkeSAFKnml RK- I.IAIiLE I3 V15HIJ1E.MS 1(K.I 1'llUl'- ERTY.we leg leave at this time to cull your attention to this Desirable Tract, whleli has Itcen subdivides! Into Blocks and Lots, ami I now In the market, to bo sold In Alternate Lots nnd Blocks. No one has ever visited this body of Inrui but wlint will say that It is the most el lei We Sr Suburban Residences of nny ofltrcsl In this market, tiie land having a grailusl snipe, rrom the river back to Seventeenth St.. there bain M-areely any Block In tlicentlre tract but whHtn i-.iir v lew oi ine uiiy oi l'oninnu anu me Wil lamette river can be had. Another ndvantage this property will liavo for residences : No hisli water will ever attest the drainage of Iho city. THE O. A C. R. If. COTj NEW lliRRY BOAT Is now makimrresular trios from the foot of F St.. Couch's Addition, to the foot of Oregon St., Holladay's Addition. IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE: Aside from gigantic Improvements now in contemplation by tne Railroad Coniiwny. lu me construction oi w narves, arenooses ami Jlachine Slioiw, quite a numlierof citizens will comnionec erecting Fine Residences ami Bus iness Houses. Also, street Improvements, un ilcr contract, bygrudingnnd planking HoBaday A venue Its entire length, to connect with the Sandy mad. We can say that at least Half a Million IKJIUirs will ive ujiiwimt-u iiiiraimnnnik lniprovcnicnts on this Addtlon the present Temit of Sale: Forty per cent, cash down ; deferred pay ments, six and twelve months, with hiten-ttat the rate often per cent, per annum. NO QUESTION AS TO TITLE! STITZEL& UPTON Offer for sale n Inrge amount of PORTLAN ! and EAST PORTI.AND RKS1DKNCK rxt BUSINI2SS PROPKltTY. Parties wishing to purchase farms or fafads will be conveyed to them and shown UtesBRM tree or ciinrge anu at all times to suit the convenience of our patrons. A large amount ofcholce FAR3IINO LANDS for sale situated in Multnomah, Witshlntm, Yamhill, Folk, Benton, Lane, Markm, dftek amas. and other counties of this Stnfe. For PRICE LIST call at our office. FOR SALE: Eighty Acre Lot for sale, adjoining irntitwfoym Addition on the east. Apply to Stitsel A Upton. Five ami Ten Acre I)ts for sale, aiiJelnlM East Portland, on reasonable terms. Apply if stitzel A Upton. Five and Twenty Aere Ids for sale en lb MeAdainlzeU road three miles south of tlt city limits. Apply to Stitzel A Upton. r.tRMS TO KENT. We have a numlierof Improved Farms, altu ated In Washington county, from fourteen to twenty miles of Porland. WANTED. At this ofllcc, immediately, from Two to Three Hundred Dwelling Houses, situated Jh Portland and East Portland. Tenants WMIUMr patiently. nl STITZEL A UPPQN". JACOB MAYERS-' Importer antl "Wholesale Donlerfn 1 . - TDLS GOODS, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Gents Furnishino Goods, Ladies' nnd Miis.-s" TRI3I.M3IED AND UNTRI3I3IBD HATS AND BONNETS, Frames, Braids, Conls, Ornament!, Flowers Ribbons, Trimmings, ete. Dress Goods, White d'oods tlons, Ktr. Yankee o- Ladies' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AGI"NT OF THE ELLENDALK 31 ILLS CO. WOOBHN A Full Stock of Blankets, YarnJlQii vcru, Tweeds and OnmnierQ t , Constantly on Hand. .1 !-! LATEST .vrYI.HS BY EVERY .STfiAjiHlt. HTf PARTICULAR ATTENTION T'" Orders. xns. Acre, Wi TUST RETURNED; FR03I SAN FRAN t) clseo witli a large and Splendid Stoek of XH."3T GOODS, SILKS, WORSTED GOODS, GRENADINES,-. Japanese Silts, Poplins, Alpacas, liawns, Marseille, Etc ...ALSO... A Large and Beautiful Assortment or MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, Pine Lacer. Etc., Or every variety and description. Straw Goods, Parasols and Kid GIotcs 01 tiie best quality. JEWELKY, I'.VXCY GOODS. ETC. On band and made to order. , CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Of nil descriptions. Call and Examine the Moc.'." " Goods Sold to Suit tiie Ziince. L i Acir.b r; Flrt street, Tortland. tug- CONSTANTLY Receiving New Supplies by every Steamer.