xsmiiM »- UMIMK. NEW TO DAY rouiiaNi» au \ hu uhi mknth . STOP ! The latest, mrwt complet«' and most Mcsnowa, March 12, 1881. K vitok E. O: It has been acme MARCH IS, 1881 reliable count of the late electoral vote time since 1 last wrote yon, but aa I is a* follow» ; liave Muiiewhat to say 1 will communi­ Mauuút» imív » ami •I-«1»» in «II kiMde «4 «*■* TlfcNC«. U I COI Gen. Garfiehl............. 4,116,484 cate it bv word of pan and pa|«er. I —rVIUMW BY— Gen. Hancock.,,,. . 4.134,590. will 6r»t »ay that we of the Meiulowa 31 3.8931 Mr Weaver . :.......... A art l-leaa-al with hewllh and g»xxl ap I Il**« J uki mo<»1 mio H.« Ir ris­ Wh*« y«w* coni» to toww, and *1« a»l t.il to Neal Dow.................. 10.791 petitea ; the glass is starting tin -ly and ani naw quarto!*, al ths «?«> Scattering..................... Mauldin**, lira, kvi*. Kb’ 8,255 G ET HIS PRICES. _________ we will soon be in high «over. Spring «•aaocad Anialtod hitnlu-r v->iuii*a!ly e ^aggy riding with the gay young wiil- t — A F ine A ssortment of -- the following dispatch »e -he W. W. IHI ABI.ISHEh Itti. „ they will conunue to favor us. W„ 1 1 tkink she knows beana John FANCY * TOII.ET IRTK l.l* ton. We have n large .»luck of Statesman is the most satisfactory we Ladies and Misses are compelled, however, almost ever» ,'*’l»'* ‘“’"7 I 1st class l.caf I obacco,Sulphur, have seen: ! , . . * *,u‘ U1.v luiprvsMon u that ha intetuU Cloaks, Knit Shawls >tock Sult, Wool Sacks. l-’leecv _________ —----- returning yesterday w*‘k u' tfany wn,p rt"”U)’.uioations to have a house keener there. Mrs. a mt* a *!» tuMrisTK muck or As the Crar i»ed Juckeln Twine, Shears, Etc. All of at 2 ». *., from parade a bomb was ■ over for want of apnn*, w'meh w* other- Raley has left us and left Ifon to "batch," BOOKS AND STATIONERY, In which great bargains iVrv lofi <|HI< HO rrtotl Mtrrrt, thrown and struck the h«wk of the cor- wise would like to P'-.oliah upon receipt. l,ut *rt',n »ppearsuros he seem* pretty w Inch ive «»Iler at bottom price*. l otl'e red nage, toanng it away and killing an U1 b _ tired of it and propoae* to wek a help - ORKUO.Y All onicis or business ot W ool I OK/7..4.V/», officer and two soldier*. The Crar was ■ . , , , mate soon. Our town of Echo still LEHMAN BLUM, Growers will receive prompt ! Mauulaviur*«* an,l Wb->l<-**la aw»i Rvtoil uninjured and aligthd from the cam- J5' ‘ ' toi.clse language as posai- stands on the river bank and we hear LAMPS A LAMP FIXTURES |\ ndletou, < -»■-ttoalvr* io — age when a second bomb was thrown l le- _ ___________ the sound thereof. Now tiiat Spring utteution ns tn past years. la X«« MyW« aad IW<«< which struck at his feet, broke both, ~ has couie and they will not need much1 i legs, injured his body, and tore one 11,1 nrowood, 1 think they will do well, BRIDLE8, Wllll-H AND 1UCNKS, eye out its socket. He was take-., to. M*h°n* vote* with the Republicans in Oh. that we had a bridgs! Even rrvaertatlaaa Carvrall) « awipaaMje*. ----- S A V E D----- rrc. rrv. I ’ matilla, Or., Jan. 1 I, 1880. the palace where he died. Tb.tt assas- order to force them into obligations to like Yoakum's—we might then cross aarlS It sins were dressed as pewsan«», one stood himself in the matu-r of official patron- l,n flK’t “» !easl> kut now as it is hen -------- AIAU- - on one side of the .tree« and one on the D.vld lnde- 41 »ravel for Fendlet.m hw to go I.IVEIIY.A FEED STABLE. SADDLERY IlARDA ARE A LEATHER. Mher. Onlv one has been arrested. . . . . »... «»d twelve miks and «ven further I< V Miandllcltl, AU the Governments have sent I*'«»«»'» <»>»“’’•■ h»* refused the chair- K ^4^ UDo* would let AH r-»*ta cuarantrv.l I* giva Ballarseli«»* proprietor. dresse* of condolence to the Imperial ’u*n*hip of the judiciary committee, the county help us as much as it helped bulli lu qualfiy au-i prke Oregon mthl) family. The Cxaiowritch entertains dif- ; but vote* with the Democrats to con- Yoakum and Tom Raker, we might feront view* on government from his tinue the proseut oroanizatiou of the **in B bridge in this thickly set I fcal — 11 —t. ,-Uich wi!l he done. ded lmsjely trayeleci, mid highly culti father. There is _ a doubt .< ;f he will ___________ , , ______ i vat«xl |»rt of mat 11 la county, when1 i punish his father s d w'h or even carry Abo fcrept* contbuilly on hand, and Os our first page w.U be found a ‘ » brid^ 1» »0 much newled and where i out hi« own views, a.tle cheap, ft full »Un k of iu* MOKHBOU. ist as to the policy of the murdered , to cat 'em all up," t I dead. Czar, but whatever may have l-een his The bank statement for December At the town election held in Jackson­ course in after life towards the lower ville last week, 178 vote* were east shows the subscribed capital to lie 862-' ua.i.v* ta classes, and they it s-’-ms have been agaiast 167 in 1880. i 069, 533; paid up capital. *58,819,403; WOOD t COALSTOVES inrhIO among the most disaffected.his first great At Wm. Hume * cannery, Astoria, notea in circulation, £27,328.528; total H W WasBLt*. Las W miiiib liabilities, 8121,481,528; total asset». F.Getchell, with a force of twenty-nine act towards them should have excused CITLEBY, 8192,537,674. J. A. STROWBRIOOE, a multitude of evils. We allude to men is making 20,000 cans per day. BOLTS. Seventy Vvars ago three to four I Half of the cattle in Dakota have thrrrl Ittiportrr au«l l»r«Jvr In hi* general emancipation of the serfs, perished and a fearful less of stock has pounds of wool to the flew of ewes SCREWS, which he effected immediately upon Notice tor Publication, been sustained throughout the north­ and six to seven pounds to the nun Ar* now prepared lo supply the Spring getting control of the government, in west. HINGES. »•••O- the hewt fleeces of imported Mer- I L amm < irrte« tri*1 » a * d « o « i trade with everythin* in ll-eir lina. ».b 11 h, |«*| J No l*»y Front Mirrot. PurtltH«!, Or 1855. Fanners throughout Grand Ronde 1 mo*. Now the prize animal». Amen • And all kinds of Fbr m-»«’ rrltatl« and he«» e«tabll*liw1 h»tr«o * Hi* son has been duly installed as «•alley are busy preparing for their can Merinos, shear from 16 to 201 V* »TD F 1* H rw’ • g »»« »« I ■ • ; n.inr-l .N • » i r. ; «i n il. .k» ' pounds for ewes and 25 to 30 pounds PLOWS. tn affr*it* f«»r Kirby • his successor, under the title of Alex , Spring crops. An abundant yield of bu.*! proajf m *u|qa>rt -d Ina riait*«, and llsal ***>«» |.»w f ft«uta Clui m »I« leallicr. j for nuns. «.Il b» itis.l lie-or»- i'wigbt A Ual.ov M.risaie. Pu» h- . grain is predicted. HARROWS, m«|i 12 ander III. _________ t fVr.«Hs-».m i rnillll. • u •».«’ un M ,r«t» î*»h l*’l v g J. W M<< <»HMW M K, D d nan f -rtb. <•* —" ••• ------------- There is a band of Hope Crusaders DRILLS and SEEDERS. •rc If. rp 3 N. H 3X «-fl "f kl I U ri . y-ri .n H- NEW TO DAY. We like a little exhibition of “cheek " at Beaverton, Washington county, 50 t'A’v». ib» foli,.« h .g w i>nr*ka>» to pfrsvr hl* roni!«n>riia BARBED FENCE WIRE, rr.iAea « «pon a d « <■ uva|b>-> «M «> i <1 In», <•» sometimes, even if it cost* u* *omc- strong, organised for the purpoa« of 1 )«»bri *ba», »»• «>»ÿe •luit um. John tloi>i>«y • r rgr thing. The following extract from a' “PP’^*">8 die tobmxo and whiskey A .V D SUO VELA A ND SPA DES. 1 Hebt *r, all of l'tMS-ll. ti»»i. * riiritllla • i.«i«.l, • »regon Lb *Sl HXKT* DWI .Hf, K«g alar a an t trade. r < w c w Pari • N ------ALSO------ card received from one of our patrons _ . . . _ _ . > *. /r, . a u «1 i Th* tn>l °* P«vne for unlawfully UTAH, IDAHO A OREGON Harkin« & Pnlrr on, Wire for Fanten In* « m Raila. (7) in respond to a “gentle reminder, lnvadlng ,he Terriu>ry WM howev.r, came* our patience to the on March 7th at Fort Smith, Ar-j STAGE CO.Ul'.l.V}’. AT Tnt limit of forbearance. Say our friends: kanaa*. before the United State* court. Piag'-a wilt tear« Tha’ly for We will at ip thia »«ao- n the beat •nd “ We have delayed performing that Able counsel i« engaged on both »ide*, larga** Iteck of Umatilla, M al!a 11 ulla, Dalle*. which was perhaps our duty to have The report that Villard's syndiciUe B-‘i.a an.I K-ainn. done earlier, in the hope that the re­ has obtained control of Jiortheni Paci sults of our advertising would yet be tic stock is confirmed and is ronsidend NF.IV COACHES, I GOOD «TOCK. realized, but seeing no immediate pros­ as best for Oregon and Washington 1 , Skilled Ci Ive a and reliable preforma»«*« of erri ire <*• pect of success, we regret to state tiiat Territory that they have control. The . .TIM* EVEH BROUGHT TO THIS COUNTRY we are unable to meet our advertising price paid sat *27,000,000. FARES GREATI Y contracts." JohnT. Reed who has been wintering n e i> r c e D! llrppner. l'iiin'llln Cr, We would get mad, if it were not his band of sheep on the south side of for the reflection that we deserve to get the Columbia river hills, reports a loss B-iliabury H>»i’v »V (’<» Proprtelnr*, John Have their Sawmill now in Please call «od riamine our mock. J- P. BVRJ íj ZX, PR û P’B. llaily H*pl “bilked" for having accepted a propo­ of about 300 head of sheep, and says it running order, and are pre­ C ft .IACKS«>N, Afent * PENDLETON, OR.* Th* taH* «»Il «»war* ** f imi b<-«i »'th th* sition which was not endorsed by a was a common thing to see horses eat­ pared to fill al) order* on b»«4 iba mark »ri afford« mrStf ing the wool from off dead sheep. known and responsible party—and then short notice. TL« bad« ar» ti«»!» *«••» and »!»•■ ......... A young man by the name of Fred , we have so much company we can af­ A •»• proof MfW ot Iba dqxiail o’ valuabk«. C. Hill committed suicide at the Occi-; ford to rejoice with each 'other The dental Hotel in Portland last week by Ail th* Stares to and from I eppnsr frauds are know to the world under the shooting himself through the head with »tsp at this Het I. jnn*A J I* BVBRRR cognomen of the “Only Lung Pad Co.” a pistol. He was a comparative stran­ ST THE------ j ger in the place and no cause has been O.V BAA'D of Detroit, Michigan. IP© RYLAND, OB. assigned for the act. XEH’ BRTCK' STORE! Ilot unii Cold? T hese are two legislative bodies in On Tuesday last, A. Mathews, a | no-« DEAL». KU ■ ■«• « la«. the United States, whose members we farmer of Pleasant Hill precinct. Lane Our Mill 1« tue nearest would like to have th^ileasurc of meet­ county, delivered in Eugene City, to STAR MEAT MARKET! John Moores, 19 head of stall fed beef' ing and of treating to an oyster sup­ for which he received £985 16. The j Pendeton. J. W. GILMURE, 1’ koi ’RI btor per—the U. 8. Senate and the Legisla­ cattle averaged 1483 pounds gross, the ture of the State of Indiana. They largi-nt weighing 1890 pounds and the | •vl,-„ . n-i-.rrvl nu. Ililn »I Clan* lion«*. Kvery lilnf ne* ( barfes V.I.MV, IHl'KI'llln WSTlIIlll have both most effectually “ sat down smallest 1210. Three and one-half — Renaonabl* —«>«11 or HH.vin wim, i, Vu, " muioaeudlo ’ (SucCMAor to Th«»«. Robbin* ) upon” the woman suffrage propositions cents per pound gross was paid for the •». ITOKK, cattle. Paint oil«. brought before them, and all glory to 1 7ï’.?.,.c,ü’"ro rr' ,r"e'»» «nd eiptt. Are our AGENTS at PEN­ R rv I rk Opened a n*w Ifeat Market Tux case of J. W. Manning vs. - - Oregon. élan, N. W. r„r. l irai «urt Morrl- I>ye stuffs, *• are prepari to «Hijpiy thè jw«i(.|a Heppner* them for their action, say we. But »'••• wtr.-.-le, ■■urllN„roie«a rhoirval maaia ot all kimi al r«*«Mon i Gov. Porter of Indiana ha* a tender county, involving the constitutionality with them will receive prompt l,l».moii«I H|»«clnvle». b|r r«<»a Rh#»p on Mata alerei, uppoaita ito» Court 1)RRPARRD T<» MARR < .1 A. MALLonr, Messrs. Dolph, Bronaugh, Dolph m the date oí iba nervi«« of thm Mum MVBICAL IM íh IMUT íi raso we do not feel equal to undertak­ the higheat punt on the Columbia river to any prrroo leivlng »neb laformatlon with 0. mona upon you, or if aerved by piiblkaihm. ihm on •heel marlr, la Peodletou, or 1». A. Kirkpairkk, But ihe let «lay of the n«*| r'-guhr Icon and emiri, to- hills —came upon a snowslide in which ter ( Walker, ing suak a task. re* k, a« will lead to ih« recovery of the following Mualrml iHooke. wli: on ib* Ind Mcmdnv in Imm, A I» HÍII And If ------ PR' iPRIKTOHR-----— Lamp* and they found 24 head of horsos imbedded d- arnbed boraea. wb ch were law ween about the flr«t you fall «<> io «newer, Mr w ml tlmmof, ii ,« plaintiff of M rrb, INI, on McKay Creek, near thecro-a ng of Lamp Altar««. will lake |u«lgim nt a«a|md /mi, mid each of you, ft»r Cot. C am , who killed Col. Shannon in sigh«, and were unable to make an tbe rnnd fradln* roto Pendieutn to ril<4 R«eM, vit : the mini of Tw«i Hundred ami tim- «eu dollar« with ten Moatdlnflr«. t»ue Bev M>alliuo, braodee T on the left «boulder: on* estimate of the number underneath the per rent, per annum Lil. real on aelil atnn from the 37th Fletar« frame«, in a duel in South Carolina some little Hay Gelding, braD>ld work bo.*«, aud more or lee* marked with the Fraarripikm« carefully compounded. Tin« atimmona puhiiahofl la by auihorliy of an order anufacturer « ani » oeai . em in futur upon an indictment for muruer, ha* ing with legs broken, stifles out ,tud bat Bera Aho, oue Hmwn Horae, that Wi l weigh HOP nn Main nppoftlt« rourt h«>•!•«•. All of Hm Honor I, L VL Aiihur, Judge «»f a«ihl abavo en Grain, Etc. S kind« »«f work rd ehveo or twelve bundted. badly marked with the been acquitted otherwisa tunimed. Pendleton • « Oregon •a*'». m-ntt LLCnX I*T f RT. j «f axchar.y'! h«r f I w I km * u-i: Frinah> rwl«K J'tAVMlf i* .d»J SATURDAY. J. C. CARSON, G HOW EKS TURNER A COX. Sash, Oucrs, Us, Fumes, ATTENTION. CU y Drug Store I 2 1-2 PER J. K. Conile & Í2S Dollars 20 John R. FOSTER i Co. II cv r