Cjic (East (Brtgnmait. SATURDAY MAHCK12.18SI l, H. URN KR. I- B. COX. itbushkd bt TURNER & COX. X. 3LS- aCT3-C, 3E TERMS IN ADVANCE Okk Year $8, LOOK OCT FOR THE TIVE! &OCOH9- The ground has been broken, the field hands at work, and the railroad is in process of construction from Umatil la up the Umatilla river and across the oat aujoininc Pendleton. This is set tled, and debato on the question dosed. On Monday evening last Mr. T. F. Oates, "Nice President and Manager of the O. It A- N. Go,, and Mr. IL Thiel- sen, Chief Engineer, visited Pendleton for the purpose of taking a survey of the proposed route their road would take, and to make a preliminary loca tion of the depot grounds. 'While here, they finally and officially announced that the route chosen as that along the river bottom, bringing the road im mediately alongside of Pendleton. The grounds chosen by these gentlemen for a depot location, lie' opposite the end of Main street, near the race track, at the foot of the bluff on the south, or Res ervation, side of town, and from there they project a snitch to the mill of Byers Co. They asked that, in conformity -with the agreement made by our citizens some time back, we should secure to them the right of vray along the river course, for which a bond had already been given them, and on Tuesday morning Judge LaDow went down as far as Happy Canyon with an agree ment for the proprietors of land along the line to sisn. He reported on his return that he found universal support of the measure, and no impediments in the way. With but one or two excep tions the farmers all agreed to donate a right of way through their lands, and all others professed themselves as de siring only reasonable compensation. The exact course the road will take ; cannot now be stated, as the engineers are locating slowly just in advance of I the laborers, but the indications are that the route will be along the Uma tilla river from Umatilla to the ' Four Mile House," or thereabouts, from which point it will leave the river. striking it aeain about a mile above : the "Twelve Mile House," and from there it will follow the river course the whole way, passing by Pendleton and the Meachaxn Creek route over the mountains. This was Mr. Oakes' first -visit to Pendleton, and he expressed himself as greatly surprised and much pleased te find it a place of such size and business activity and promise. 2fow let us but get possession of the fiat near town and two yeexs will see us far ahead of any town in Eastern Oregon, and on equal footing with "Walla "Walla. "We would respectfully, but earnest ly, call the attention of Mr. Ben Simp wn, or whoever the proper individual may be, to the condition of our mail service if it may be considered that we have anything worthy of the name. The mails we receive come by chance, it would seem, and with nothing ap proaching regularity, while every day or two we have complaints made to us concerning the irregularity with which this paper reaches its subscribers. "We do not pretend to say where the fault lies, or that it lies on any partiralar individual, but this we do say, that what we presume should be called our "mail service" is a sham, a delusion and a fraud. The machinery seems to be out of gear the whole country over, and is sadly in need of "reconstruction." Ix our last issue we took occasion to comment somewhat sharply upon Mr. M. Becder for his action in ordering his paper to be stopped. After the publication had been made we learned that we had done him great injustice in charging him with being delinquent in the payment of his dues, as it seems they had been paid for him by Mr P. C. Thompson to our agent, Mr. Roper, a fact of which we were not aware at the time the article was published, but have since learned. While the lan guage used reflects our sentiments on " general principles, we are entirely free - and willing to withdraw it application to Mr. Becder, and regret that it should have been used in connection with his name. Says "the editor" of the Tribune: The East Obegosiak, before it fell into the clutches of Cox, and always while runnine a patent outode, con t&ined a little reading matter on the outside which was quite palatable; but since thev commenced runnmc both .sides "there's nothing in it" This is iust about the size of but . wc won't notice you, bub. The public '. - knows you arc not responsible for your utterane. THE CABfXET. Garfield has appointed his adviser, and thcr are as follows: Secretary of State, James G. Blaine; Secretary of Treasury, William Win- don!, of Minnesota; Attorney General, ayne McVeigh, of Pennsylvania; Postmaster General, Thomas L. James, of New York; Secretary of Interior, Samuel J. Kirkwood of Iowa; Secre tary of War, Robert T. Lincoln, of Illi nois; Secretary of 2avy, . 11. Hunt, of Louisiana. Of Mr. Blaine we expressed our sen timents some weeks back, when he was first announced, and a repetition is un necessary perhaps it is a good ap pointment, and perhaps not. The ap pointment of Mr. Windom as head of the Treasury Department we think is a questionable move. He may have the ability to fill the position, and Garfield should know, but he has always occu pied a very ordinary position in the Senate, and has been there long enough, too, to show what there is in him. Wavne McVebh will doubtless make a good Attorney General, and perhaps his appointment is the best of the lot. Thomas L. James, we anticipate, will succe&sully administer the affairs of the Post Office Department, as will Kirk wood those of the Interior. Kobert T. Lincoln is the son of his father, and, as far as is known, nothing more. Our admiral-in-chief, Mr. Hunt, we do not know. It had been generally anticipated that the Interior Department would be filled from the Pacific Coast, and it would have been an eminently proper thing. We had no aspirant for the position except Senator Mitchell, but California could have supplieJ several persons, any one of whom would have made a competent official, and had it gone for Mr. Garfield it would no doubt have secured the position, Cut the custom of giving the spoils to the victors precluded her claim. Three members of the Cabinet were taken from the Senate. HLRKAH FOR MAX COCK! The center of attraction at Washing ton on the occasion of the Late inaugu ral ceremony of Garfield was Hancock. He occupied a prominent position dur- ing the exercises, and the report of his reception is telegraphed as follows: One dispatch savs that Hancock's arrival in Wasliington created more sensation and enthusiasm than Garfield himself, 15,000 persons met him at the depot, toot the horses from the carriage and drew him up Pennsylvania Avenue, Citizens and soldiers cheered enthusias- ticalI.ri threw their jat in the air and : "Hurrah for Hancock" was heard from one end of the avenue to the other. It was the most cutusiastic demonstration ever accorded any one in Washington. We are in receipt of a number of letters from parties in the East making inquiries about Oregon, its resources, etc, and in order to best answer them we have resolved to devote a portion of our space each week to advertising the many attractions of our country, and the inducements it holds out to the im migrant. With this object in view we publish on our outside this week a comprehensive and interesting treatise on Eastern Oregon, clipped from the Willamette Farmer. This occupies more space than we shall devote to the subject generally, and may not prove of so much interest to our home read ers as to an outsider, but we consider that the first object of a paper in a new country should lie its development, and therefore in our endeavors to accom plish this end we shall run the risk of being a little tedious to our home pa trons. Fetbspi the ami celebrated tain of the ge is Mr. H. C. Ettp. oae ot Ibe O. R. & X Cotspiaj's engineers, owing to tbe ex. tensive publication of a wondrous bridge Bra. Parker of th Walla Walla Statesman has informed Ibe world he was con Utn pi at. ing erecting over tbe Snake river. The ori cinal report of Ibft scientific project as pub lished is tbe Etatetaiaa Lai been exteniire- Ijr copied ia aasaj of our northwestern journal, asd none of tbea teemed to have tumbled" to the fact that it was a hoax We didn't think joa would bite to easily. Bro. Parker. The United States Senate was or ganized by the Democrats, Carpenter's death giving them a clear majority over alL The oust season nas commenced in the workshops of the O. It. fc N. Co. at The Dalles, and so great is the press ure that machinist will be compelled to work nights and bundays. An ad dition of 50 feet will be built to the shop at once so as to give the workmen more room, Lonnor O. Kalston, writes to us from Olex, Wasco county, and says that the loss on sheep and cattle has fully equaled 80 per cent, of tbe total aisount running at large. He says "You can count dead cattle here by tat hundreds, and sheep pelts aie counted by the thousands. Varney k Co. had 4 800 and lost their entire band; W. D. Roberts lost his band of 1950; J. Hughes out of 1700 lost 1100; D. Bendel out of 1900 lost 1500, and .ma ny more that I might mention. From the above we judge that the "Olexians" experienced a much more severe win ter than we of tic fair WaQa Walk. W. W. Statesman. EETTEK FROM l'ORTLAXD. , Portland, Or., Feb. 21, 1881. Editor k. o. Leaving Pendleton on the morning of the 15th inst heated upon the soft side of a stuffed mail bag, packed in the stem end of a dead-! ax mud wagon, with the mercury at , 4 degrees below zero I arrived in Walla Walla at 6 r M, the worst used . up inuiviauai pcrnaps mat ever , ... i traveled tho road from l'endleton to alia Walla, uontrary to my usual custom I stopped at theStin House in stead of going to the Kichange, that beine the first place reached, and I unable to go forward. At 8 oclock 1 1 fTinnH wrtwlf lutnrr nHti vl tsi f Fin ' upper storv of the buildins where I -j -- - , . , , , a a . was left by my guide and was soon "wrapped in the arms of morphia:" out sleep was next to impossioie owing ... . , - . to uic act ere puiuiuiug uau mm 1 cvi. I found at Walla Walla, W. L. Black and Paul d'Heirry formerly of the Weston Leader. They are both em ployed on the Statesman; the former as compositor and the latter as local editor. Frank Parker is making his daily a success, contrary to the prcdic- tions of all and tho wishes of some. 1 , 1 T 1 .t . eanesoav moruinz x iook une irsuu for Umatilla, arriving there at 11, x M. The boat had sta.rU d at 5 in the morn ing hence I Umatilla till forced to stop at .. - ,,r . WIS v.i... ; .v.;. r course is to say the least BUUU I travelers, and shows that 0 P Jt j X. Co. have as little soul as the old 0. S. 2C. Co. and a great deal less accom-! modation. People of the upper coun try did a great deal of growling at the latter company but they will find that there has been a change of masters only and that change for the worse. The train between Celdo and The Dalles ws kept lying in the snow for hours unui its cargo or numanuy auca the movements of a sand tram, but of course the sand was of more importance to the managers than was the comfort of the passengers. But there's no use in growling, for there is no redress. If people don't like the arrangements and doings of the O. IL T Co. they can stay at home and not travel over their lines or if they wish to travel they can go some other way. About dark we reached The Dalles, where we found the snow 3 feet deep, and still falling. I was told that there had bxen 12 feet of snow at that place during the winter. I found at The Dalles two daughters of Mr. Richard son of Pendleton, Eva and 3 Irs. Getch ell, the former quite sick. They went on to Portland on Saturday and are now here, but will leave for San Fran cisco in a few davs and thence East. I There has ben connderable snow here as well as East of the 3Iountain , this winter, but it is now warm and pleasant and to ray utter suprise is not raining to-day though we had a nice little shower jesUrdaj and it looks as ' if more was coming, j Business of every kind ii dull and jail complain of had times. When Eastern Oregon sufiers, Portland croons and well it should for without us their coaers would never be so well filled. The freight for the E. O. was shipped to-day and by next week you ill -c able to discard your patent out- and give your readers a complete ; home production. More next week. T. I Ihia should nave appeared in our last, but was inadvertently crowded out. Ed. BTA7KASD TERRITORIAL. Dixie, Polk county, has organized a wolf dull. There are 1S3 prisoners now in the penitentiarr at Salem. The Catholics of Walla Walla in tend building a 15,000 church. The lis saw mill at Ainswerth late- Ir cut 30.000 feet of lumber in a half a dar. Tr-a-l l-a . . r.oen smiin, uie new recuter at me Vancouver Land Ounce, is but 3 feet inches high. The many friends of General Jovph Lane will regret to learn of his being in very feeble health. Lee Kounts of Coos countv, a boy 1 1 years old, went out hunting a few days ago and returned with a small bear. Lee shoul be called the Daniel Boone of the Coquille. D. D. Earn, of Juniper Canvon, Umatilla countr, recently killed 65 rattle snakes in one day. Whisky ought to sell well in that neighborhood. Standard. It da G. W. Hilliary and S. S. Govenor, of Springfield, sold W. S. Watkins, of Albany, 84 beaver, A otter, 10 mink, 3 wild-cat and 20 coon skins, caught on Alsca river in two month time, worth eoo. The Northern Pacific Railroad Com pany is putting in a boom on tho Yak ima that will cost some ten or twelve thousand dollars. It be about two miles further up the river than the Harkness boom. The territories have a total popula tion of 605,633, as follows: Arizona, 40.441; Dakota, 135,180; Idaho, 32, 611; Montana, 39,1571 New Mexico, 118,430; Utah, 143,906; Washington, 75,120; Wyoming, 20,788. A young man was arrested at Wil bur recently, charged with disturbing a religious meeting. Hie evidence so well sustained the charge that he was fined $10 and costs, and in default, was committed to jail for five days. The city of Portland, Oregon, dur ing the ast year spent about $'240, 000 upon street work alone. This is an average of over $12 for each inhabi tant We doubt if anythcr town on the coast can make as good a showing. It is also stated as a fact that Portland is the third city in actual and represen tative wealth, in proportion to its pop ulation, in (lie world. Frankford-on- -u. tr.: : 4i. c. tt if i ,.. 7 1 av. j ' Vu' v"id"elHaEtiocse wd other improremeou on the Connecticut, the second in this re-1 ft. Tcriu ressousbk. Apply at tU ( r-jct. Celnmba CkromcJa A few days' since Mr. J. I. Taylor living near gravel ford, had his house burned down and We veryUiing therein contained. On thu same uisrht the house of John Sturdivant caught fire and narrowly cscnjxxl being converted Jnto a pile of ashes. And at the same time the hous; of J. K. P. Klliot was burned, cvervthiny beine destroyed ex- cent the clothini; worn bv the family. " . frtU. -..i.. m- n S Mill-r L.tutU whWi mul t,.. M. Chutes river near its mouth, all swept away excepting two bents which stood in the middle of the stream, one ira ! miwltntoK- ivilr tna tn Intro tlin Lriilve nhuxu auj bent on the east siue, wnen, a lew uays ago, another flood came and took away all the new work, fche lias airam com menced to rebuild and will continue work untij u u compi,,,,!. The death of Dr. J. C. Hawthorne, superintendent cf the asylum of the insane, will not in any manner inter fere with the management of that in stitution, as the administrators of th estate will assume full control of the same and carry it on under the cxist- ing contract which remains in full force. Dr. S. E. Josephi will succeed to the superintendence, and his long connec tion with the institution makes the ap- pomuaent n admiraUe one m every respect, Owmr to his intimate knowl- respect. Uwmg lt xiaw: jumaur, nu long cijnciiw: tit aw tenumg to mrm, navmg oeen cona-cru with the asylum for the past fifteen years, and his well sustained reputation as a physician of more than ordinary merit, all combine in recommending him to the important position, and his appointment will give general satisfac tion. It is not probable that any chan grs will be made, but that all employed in various capacities about the institu tion will lie retained. Ibe adminis trators of the estate of Dr. Hawthorne will be his wife and Jovphi. Standard. NEW TO DAY. Eatray Notice TAsrrr bt Tsr.srB bib t tic it-cr IX mO i,i if llwf I ftii'i. . Wr a&r- Uvl II turn, iui I ---t UuirtmtlrU aWftfck4 r u4 7 1. o-f ltl,MlHlltttk 114 Wr njf SM pf Ut r. ttt fc l! tr- stfti Arpnm-t tf 114 CO tiiM Sri r Murk, llfcl. ty X, &Ba7. J r. J. r SHE. jrcrCARSON, Vxtrtrrr u! -'r U X tf Sash, Doors, Blinds, Frames, MouMinr. Brcsei. Etc Seatoocd Cnlibil lcmr cnoataallj .ImpnrttT f . . Pal nla, Oils rirmh And a faH line t4 rAjy ri'r.s' ma tejiia ij Order fnwn Ih' roanirr H' xrie prompt ana carilal atata. S'rrrta- F-K-trrT: III Yrm NL At flHIr HIIU restTL.vwi. OKKGOX. mchlS J. B. Coxglt. J. B. Wrarr. ESTABLISHED 1S33. J. 6. Coaglo & Co., JOS and HO Front Strtvt. FORTLASD, - OltEGOS Manufacturer and Wboltttla xai Retail -Dealera lo- lialdl BRIDLES. WHIPS AND TRUNES, ETC.. ETC -ALSU- SADDLERY HARDWARE Jt LEATHER All cnnJa faarxntrtxl ta jirt satisfaction balh ia quality sad price. tnchia Dayton, Hall & Lamberson, SLT CL -w el r , WHOIJSALE ASD RETAIL, 1D4 Flrat Street, roitlamt, Vgn. Oor Good are all bought and shipped di ract from Eattera Manufacturers, and we offer I bam at Bettom Prices lor Catfh, Or approTed credit. mrbl2 WM. GRAY & SUNS, DLULKRa IS COOTS t SUOES, NO. H3 FRONT STREET, BETWEEN ALDER AND MORRISON. mclill J. A. STROWBRIDOE, Direct Importer and Dealer in . LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, No. 183 Front Street, Portland, Or. Tlieraost retiabla and heat r-atablUlied lionaa 10 Piiltland. 8le agenU lor Kifby'a Santa Cinz sole leather. 8cbl2 VOX MALE. A dealrabla parcel of land litoaltd aear the flourlnp mills la 1'aadlcioa, cvnuatinj: i of twn and a half lota with aalxtsnl lata. ntM H. TV. Wattus. Lit WiiiUi. Wheeler Bros An now p rep t red to supply the Sprlog trsde with ertrjthiog in their lice. PLOWS, HARROWS, DRILLS and SEEDERS. BARBED FEXCE.W1BE, ALSO Wlr for Itrlu-c ea Ralls. We will ship largest tfKlt of this scston the best sad Hanresting Machinery EVER BROUGHT TO THIS COUNTRY IF j3u n. 3Sj DE3 S Plesie call ssd rxsmine ourttik. rEKIiLETOX. OR. rorSiT Thit apace merrrd far warmoth & mum THE CITY DRL'C STORE. Lnok aftla next eei. SOMMERVILLE & RA EY'S -XT THE .r En- jilt icr' STORE! ttiUl IX D R U Paint oil. lhe stuffs. Glass putty. Patent medicines And Perfumery. -STATIONERY- Sckoel DoekKp Fnncy JL Telle! GeetR WINES AND LIQUORS; Iar Laara Ml'alCSU llhlJlKIT.l Stafal aaaulr. I Mailial baaika. j Lpaoapa tad i laap lltaitt, 1 "",a,"-r.f Elc, rraarrtpasa earaTalj taaapaaatX, irenaieien, - urtjoa. A. HEALEY, BOOT AND O 3E3 ;M AHUFACTURER. P K. D I. ETO., OREGON SHOP aa Mata f lr, rfattxa raarl Cataa. Alt aia4 a aart aat ta ITt baat at; U, aa4 at rra. aaaaSU ram. Jaif I BmIc Marble Works1 T. C HAtKlsZ c"vfATtR'0.,. Harbin & PaC r on, rKorotrc ASUFACTCKFR af Uarbia Xxmmu. Ha asoeaa. raMrta, a e Alan fata tara -I.Np.Owa lara. U'aah !caD4 Maa. MaatWa, llirrur blTra. and aU aiada tf rnarbla aara. It jaa. a.h aatlhlDf la aar l'Ca, wrtu at. firint a aVmtpaj tf ahat iaa aaat abd r mid aaa4 jao hartalaa af aar waft a4 prcr la cbaaaa iruat, Alt ordart praptlf Blard aa4 SATZSrACTIOlT GUA3AN7EI.&. Va 36, 'alia) on il bl tat mA nti. PQRTILAKI. K- a If Notice li lirrrliT ifien thai tlie following liranila of catlle belnt to the Undi-ralronl. it: Row-luck on left lil: atlrrup on IrD lilti; 1 on left Lip, snd male auoa on right hip. All peraens are heibr warned not tn in. trrfere with catlle harlot; the OTe iiranda. i-llhrr dral or alirc. Cattle skinners will therefore let them slooc W. II. Babb. I. C. Rooeks. tmr3t3 Jum: Moore. STOP! it mm blm's Wbs ; ceta to la t4 ia l f.H U G ET mSPRlCES. iTHE ENTIRE STO' X OP DRY GOODS, 'HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, wnTinwQ nrr J Must be sold within sixty days to make room for improve-, mcuts. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO A Pine Assortment or Ladies and Misses Cloaks, Knit Shawls and Jackets In which great bargains are offered. LEHMAN BLUM, Pendleton, Oregon. W. J. LEEZEB, DtALCX IS WOOD & COAL STOVES BOLTS, p FCRKWS, HIXGE3. And ali kinds of IMRDirJlRE. X fnml uMOta tf ii jcurs a5 ibm nrr. rvRvnacD I t crvT r rmc sts. w j li nrr. i STAR MEAT MARKET! R. C. HAGARi (Ssccraanr The. Rvbbtsa.) aa4 ta t rWoa aaaaia tf a-4 ki4 ai r-aaaca Mp rap ar a Vaia atnat. aaasu Ibt Caalt WESTON ACADEMY, ! WESTON, OR. tread Una aav Vrfia. i MCXDA Y, JAX. 31, 1SS1. I 1 -ILU-KMI. ftl I Hf - anrasa las Li'-VlU Sot Sc Ija'bra arp" at laa rtsn Far (aiun ET.T t W. CITY HOTEL. OEPPXER, Or. J. W. GILMuHE, Pbopkietok j at CUa aa. Xtrrr Six; ara. Caarj-rt I BaaaaajaVla. aafSEtr PRANK DUNN, -asr BUILDER, PEXDLETOX. OHE(.'0X. tatlil W. S. BYERS & CO- TK rKICTOXS PENDLETON MANXraCTCRIES A.M DCALZXS IS FIOCK Crala. tit a-rioar aiciiai-d Ux ptf aSaalCa aat; 25 Dollars 25 S AVE D By buniK ytmr SKWIXG Muchines at thu FURNITURE Store in Pcndlwton. T WILL ..!. KACHINK-t IOR 14 AS AiKirt tr i a 1 from Waraaa fa L ast brtlrr than ran la hoaiai I ram in 1'yoa lata rrasi Wifai joq km ib sua (brlbaanef hla tram.. I karp la atnrk iba TV aat jwarrfttl tad lifbuat rasitcf nacbiaa aaad. Tba latnat tatprarad Kpa u vM ear aa la tarjr but. Aba lha world rtaoasfd IVeav ma fl V aai a rrWrron IZi la tM. Alao WJ, Srrdlaa, Xxlra pana, Eic, Ibr all aMcSlaaa. lot. W I ITottce for Publication. I Omcu at I- n f. 1 Fro Kill. IM1 I "VWE l ISflthr gnr thtl I MoU( ril'rtM4 Ctm trxt kit lttn.lt-ot prunf ta Mpfft f b rUfm a4 ttut ui4 f wM lx mmU lftr llf tit tunrj StJUnn rofclir. tix J. 1 MtOkKMACK. O. X", tbrtvr H c It, f I S, : Zi, rl t W idMbc MrrMxa. H timmonv. ! LL Clrrs Caon of ll Kiu f Orrfix. br tk CamMf tf rtutiK M. Wu R. aUi pta!an& n l. R Cirt fftllist. rpo r.. K ctTK.. nrrtxttAXT iHTItr. K X Om fuu tf 'fi'm. tmi rr bTtirj rlf4 pra4 tnsrrtS'ORapLptu IUt ziue 7 IS lWibniilM vum, axbts tn 41 tnak th 4rit - T - ':rEt & j"" irTY . a ..,., , 1,7 pwvuo. b-- t. ur Jib X ft IMI It uw t-im iwr Srrl Ut tf lS tt trjaltr trrm tf UtVTJ I mnn tf t&e fuu f rr. Ur utlSrro',ib' frnliS viStakl J(nl oix brut tan M I Bior. m nr to. s4 tm mU tm4 itWwsnU tf tSa tfUom. T7 . ...... . r . . TB44 lmm p4Mt.D my nwr "t w n-v. t m MlJTfcir Jof tf txA CmR, mAm U tXamhm vi4 Wnt(6UOallkrr Ji3rr. X.V 1U1 Tttxta an. dfuraiaena. cBir tf rt-. ia. a. fw u4 J 11 t.ax. pmrtutrt, Cxt "-a-Wtfc' 9ra Bf x4 Hf-n'JM. K. ttfitt II rjv t a tx.. or.rESDjrr is the .vke J tf lb flAit tfOr-ro jmm ir lmhfixj v tjnr ul mmrvrr & mpiiin t4 tftltK j ta ii gimwt Bkis irm t-s frMB IS I ttutf tmr wrnr tf An irnwry Ji tfr ! tmltm Cmitj: r. (farrow la &Tl rrCmtJtf ifex t tV tar fm lS O t iX rr-cr tf iSw Haaw apaa jvm. a4 tt axr4 h fn At. Iktr r ttr I3)1t CT tf A t 1 M I lX Uat 11 iru ur illli rvxt rrU tf Cm Crt tf iz ftxu tf Orr Smr rtaa C; . aa tf J"" tut . frmttf lUr-ml IV F-utf-Z' 1 UX 4r"-l wuu tr ti tm tf ftX Uz4e mt T'ltr. I - H ItKt Ull tVaOar flWM4i mU ai . cTr4 V t riuatifa ta Ja uS tm caau &4 i wnn-wt tf !& cu T u itsBCJ pM-SaJ ay rr tf IS H- L. I VtXriXmT. J(c tf uat Caan, aSr at rbaaiM-i u ly.rar alataaKllCir afjuaarr. A. O lial I rrasix cjx. j.ar rtrxajt. Sam men. Is lb Ctm Oan tf as 'lata cf Ott1-. !tf ti Cmxit tf tnatJU ax Ju E Tetfrr ttA J H Caaa. anaan. aait tcac am vsr ira a ' uA at l tf Jsa. K. Ftaur a C. rcMSi ra E E Calaa. Crr4aat. T E E Can. PCrEXNT It THE MSCI tf At Suit at &". ja r S" rr-x-r- ta ajw ai aaTtfc caaiaian tW ao,aat jai tx t-. l9 mat aJa. trs aara Iraa I 4xu ' iX i-rita tf tSa Haawt saa r la ta -t O-ca'T . aT ta aar mtirr t xit tf tv. lkm a la tavatj aari frar IS La t tf . it m t rap tf uta msw Hpp . a n ! ' J ax-.t-. tV-aaa ar b-tora taa ISA lf 3 'u, I a It ltl. aW iipj- 'mU ana C f li axt a n ia rrr'artr9 i r-ai -ar foutaa G-: . w pui tv ' ta 'rrc an pc IW Sua ar Ora- Cpam aal e U aa a aaa-ar, Sa rUtatXt al ul ym&ca-zl UiOJl raa Sar tia M9 tf r 2 aT- u4 ?Traty i HO O eaiCO iveara. aa tW raocr tail aa4 ar.fa4 u( aay aTaana1 la aaa. J-t Ur can aa4 8aaa,r- aat af ta anm i Tata aa paj- Vy arftar af tba Eca U t . I Vein iXr f a4 Caain. wti at rtaalwi avt Ipaanax aa! l& ITlS Car aV aaavr. i D IUI Guardian's Sale. , tt f:i t r a erx or thx cocvt J iJ l aart tf rauaata ( pa Mr farxaa, aa ila it a j as rpCT7. v t a i-- .3 - HarfM. aar sp.TT-m " j mmi ip -t rim r ta t Jaa Em t-Trp. Uui Saj Kp.rp aa aa. Ta wn Xrw. a laltihuTuil aa W. a 1 x ta tmtffnAa ka rsvpbCpuir tNt-aa. ' 7nu tf pW ataAir caft is Sas. la mata 4 uwanrt) tSntapnt(ra 4a fcnupt aail a aca t-ar ) tstrr-at t t&a rua af trs pr avM. aaaaat Ct i la arr-van a a at aXTaaap af purtur;. BttlB cemttV itmia ibrr. Cca-Oa cf avl san. CtaraVaaa tHyx ftaX ftlcw It-i. laft :nt Notice of Final Settlement. I .1 rrtoa4 Itotntnur tf t& Catata af Ja&a ' Taj- a-a Sp4 aat acracat i-c sal a-aaajt ! s aW abara taa rataia. a tSa I aiti; Caan tf ' rii OaatT. 5aia of frpfaa. aat MaariT it- t a . car af aftal lali. at ta r af l odxt aa Ha a Itit 1 1 1 eat tf aaal aar Caa a-ra art rr aaM oatrt tor t&a ' Vaiaac aratpcaiasata aol actvast aa4 tba -l Irent aa aamvi aa.a p. nkii. XTrru a VTarr. anra. XaatsauaSar. rVMKt Notice of Final Settlement. ta ta Cacair Caen tf raawiEi Caaiatr, Stair cf Pi iinaa. rpas rvnrE5 k:ed Btnxc rturp srt rrxau L umil ta t&a aSarp aar caan aa ttaaurrv WaCta-ppatalaaa' aT aHtar. VtpV crrra 1U1 XfaxiiT tkr 4 ear tf Ajrf 11 his l-a 1mI Vt 4 Oart r l- WU( tf aO J'ICTppTI la tt aao- aad te aaulraapat ISa-a lacua Crrra. iuy JUEX. HALSTEan. ScxsunoQs la lit Orcail Caan tf a 5l tf Orrtaa, tmr l&a Cpbj af CaaaUB' Marram rvma pUiaatf ra Wa Car a X Saaa. ca arta-n saaW t&a Sia saaaa aad atjla af CX a aaa, artra acta. r wm a ix a a. sajh. co-rAKTsota. e rXSDlNT? -lataaanaarUkaMaiaallTrt?. Toa af- trrr7 rrr;iir-a ia a prar aslaaaaprtSa no rl Sia4 acaiat Too. ia lb alTa ratalol attpax. a-atia las dara frees lia lt tf tV pan VP tf li iman a-a ?aa, af arrrat la tsaa Caaxlj. or. IT tTTp4 la asr pf v'aaMr af tku Utn C l taraty 4in na tSa aa of iN prrnrr tf lit ram: a apoa yoa . ar tf arrrl V paKw-aia-a. tlpra am laa lattfar tf iht nx rrralartpna afapt caan. ta. - -a ta"4 Scarf .T aa laa A. O lN Aa4 if ! Ta f.M ao la aaaarr. Sir tSaraaC U f riatauT ! aril tatt am.at afxtaat aao. aa4 raca af p,t ISa aata tf Ta Ha parrel 4 iktraaa 4aiara. ah tm far erst, rar aaaaaa taaraat ca a. at ana tnm tl ttlh tea af As-cat. a D. 194. aat far Ut DtU aa !--bcrpnaaaia af tata artaaa ta ba tan4. iM-KT a LXA.-rxc. raa. anra. Tari rearacait i,irtpM t. ra wlVrJT tf aa crOr of Ht !l-o--r L. U Venkar. Jafp af aSata 3. VUri Qrcal- Coart. Cail at Ctaaiara Farearr 3r4 A dart bar hnrv brantVJ with 11iv!a Watnprt's brinil ( ZZ o the right hip) enni ing a-Trn jnn oW, nn white fore Umt ao.1 cm wlutr hitvl fiwit. CP-aaj. h5 bcr crraeil well hack, inmard his wethers, a fa aaitdle m uka ami small tar in fbrrbead. ' H ItioiK hlh ur I hara! ouia. 1 wtll jrira S10 it any mr deliTrTin? the horar at Kaary U-ia-nian a atahle ia lVndlelca Feb. 22. l.-rSir A. G Uxtuhxk. Tgr $alg I offer for sale my bwel and atack ia Pilat Rck, hs I am ciuiH-jH tcle ur beat, nr.. on a co hi ill ut ill b!th aud the recent death if my wife. This U a goo oprtunc fur an rnirrpname man and will prove a jjou,! Iiuiinea iavrvjnwot. Ftr tcrina ap. plj in prrta ot b letter to v 1 D. M. Gaclt. Pal. 22. 'Sl.-WuU Pilot Rock, Oragna. Stallion Per Sals Captaia Sllaratl. 'via nf the fjnat bones for hrrrtling tlrpaca in Umatilla coaotr Ia alx jers" oMj )1 hfndi Inch sad will vreUlli ba in pAii riadltion 1700 pounds. Hr u a heaalifiil dsA bay In roW, ruaad body, clean jonn and excellent brate. I of Shfat aryj Bertraai Mock, ptiaiesalns: tli rare cooibloatioa of bh good siza and fine acliiia U the fsraiu'a buna of all work. For terra a, etc apply Jo Harry GarflalJ at the. Howell rncb oa Wild Horse, wbera this bore iato be seen. Fab. 01th I6S1. tfl