feast rapuait. Saturday august s, ist9 J. It. TURNER. O, St. BULL. rCBUSHKD BT TURNER & BULL. TERMS IN ADVANCE O.VK YCJLR 3. Tke European Crops. Europe is seriously alarmed about licr growing crops, and it is evident that in tnanr sections they 'will prove failures. In England all hope oT Us crops is entirely gone. The rain lias been so excessive as to hare destroyed any lingering hope thai there might have been, and the result is a dullness in the markets and on 'change that fa almost painfully distrctslng. In France ltd Germany the same state or Tiflairs prevails, heavy rains having afflicted hem as they have England. In this emcr. Ifceacy, therefore, it ts very evident that aSar&pc iftnst look to the United States for fcc suDply of breadstufls, and, fortunately, she will find bs well prepared. Although the crop of this country is not so enormontly abundant as it was last year, it is lair to estimate that it is fully two-thirds of an average crop. This will enable us to sap ply not only ourselves but Europe as well, and although it is hardly probable that rainy of the great fortunes that it is antici pated will be made in wheat will be realized still it is safe to assume that the foreign exports will average very high figures. It lanstaot be lost sight of, however, that in Southern Russia the crops are as bountiful as in this country, and the land of the Czar will, therefore, be a competitor with us in the European market. In the mean time, there has been intense suffering in the United States, and there arc a few sec tions where the crops have been almost entire failures, so that we can sympathize with Europe in her want of the grain that has grown so plentifully with us. IV cw CeRstitntioa Party. The San Francisco Chronicle says the New Constitution party of that State is now fairly in the field, and the cost thoroughly organized political power that ever waged a campaign iu California. Its State organ, zation is strong and energetic, and is sup ported by County Central Committees, and 233 local Clubs scattered through all the counties of the State Granite Creek. Mines. From the Grant County Xaa glean the following pertaining to the mines : Mr. Sam Parrish spent several days in our cityjast week and this, fie says that everything at Granite Creek is on the rc 'ahead, aod tbej expect to hare a lively camp there this &2L ich leads are being -f-trsck every day and -all feel confident that She camp is bound to be one of the best on She coast. He says that the mill will soon fee up aad then something definite can be 4d ss to how the mines there will pay. uoxvxxszxu The Sassys: That is tic name of the bcw town on Granite creek at the Mona- Tnratal mine. A store has been opened by Messrs. Stcmme & Co., of this cs:y. The Mosumental company has a saw mill run " e r - . niBg, catling lets 01 inrafccr oauy, j aaa a DncC yaru in tuu O(craiion. 1 tie Biill is upon'thc groand. and eighty men are employed in "dating it in position and working about the mice. Moncmcaul promises to be a live little town, and the saiae promises to yield much ballion. lass. A crest many people in our tj have given up the idea of wailio for the opening of the rcscrration to setthvjpJaa. Raley was in lon this steek aur- ib est, aad have taken homesteads north of tows, land that three ears ago was con sidered worthless. To-dar, ride orer the hSk and on cither side yea are met with the sage brash ground turned upward, nd a. rood portion two foot high with the Bkest kiadsof crowing grains. Teacup ' is pregreaiisg finely. Harhed wire is , used to some extent. Let this good work I os; there is plenty of the lana left, and j in view of what this land can prodece, it . will be, is another two years, almost Im-1 posibc to select a fair pince for a borne- j &tead. For those who hare "grit. and I esergy aad are willing to go to work in ' earseat east soon mane lor measeires Tahsable hosie. Yosnc man. do not let thk fioe opporta-ity pass, hut pull off your coat aad goat it in earnest and yoa will serer regret it; do not .allow the at tractions of the city to detain you. 1b tkc City. Gen. J. IL Turner, editor of that excel lent paper published in Pendleton, the Exst Oebgoxiax, and which, both for erigiBal bcws and wit and neat appearance, has bo cobs! in the eastern conntry, arrived is the dry oa the Cascades boat last even ing. Be k the same whole-souled, jovial geatks&za as ot yore, notwithstanding the vexed legal aeijisaa he k called upon to explain away while attending to his law practice, which extends tbsbugboai the Umatilla Cesntr Bible Seclety- The aamrcrsary of the Uaiatilla consty Bible Society was bd at the Eptit churc in Peadietea, Sabbath evening, July 27th; J. M. Beatley, vice pressdeat of the Society in the ehatr. The Secretary, Mr. Gayer, read the min Btes ef the previou SBeetiae. The Treasarer. Dr. J. M . Frnett, read his import, which showed the receipts of the Society to be 967 3. Tbe disbcrsmeats wereaafoUowa: j?a2 for two blaak books $ 1 SO " freight oa books from Portlaad SSI " Cosnmiwiirvi aa fiaks ......... 469 " Os'a SiWe Sy as a donation . . 8 35 ""- for books.... 3S 48 Bibles aad tactasuetshave been received aariag the year to the valse of 73 15; books have been soM to the value of $46 93. The valae ef the books aaw In the Deposi tory k 136 17. The following persons were chosen as officers ef the Society for the ensuing year: PresHoBt, Rev. J. C.Kirkaaa; Vicc-Presi-deai, J.M. Beatley: Secretary, Dr. J. M. Prartt: Treasarer. J. IL Baler: Exccnlive CosBBsisrioaers, Sev. W. II. Pruett, Robt. I Bmee aad Janes Bowman. Sr. I . - At the close of the business aeetiBZ a short address on the Bible cause waa delivered by P. C Iletzler, District BapedatoBdeBt for the Asaarican Bible So oiety. Mr. Hetzler held scnicc in the saoraiag at the M. E. Church. Daring the day $1 s were received in caaa aaa cab scrirAioB to the Bible cause. The books of the Society will ba kept at the store of Messrs. eett & Raley, where they may be obtaiaed 1 eesi prtees by all who are able aad desire, te bay, sad wheie arc who arc set abk te parchasa them may be supplied wftiHHtf Bseaey aad without price. Ckrk k HeBaersoc, of I'ortlsBd, have started ia baaiaess agaia on a solid basis. From Westen. TVestos, August 5th, 1S70. Editor "E. O." Weston is bednnlne to realise the benefit of the railroad, James Young has distributed about $4,000 amonp the tie makers. The ties have been ins ctcd and not ono rejected, which speaks well for.! Mr. Young as a tie contractor. Lively times. Clly blockaded with farming Im plements. "Fruit and vegetables in abun. dance. Our city marshal is busy attend, ing to the Inebriated. George, yoursooJh in? syrup docs not agree with them. Weston affords an Imported masher, that is he makes mashes on the corners. Say Jake, who wasdod masher, dod barbarian ? No IIoncA it was dc do do Hurry, or I will tell you. it was dod French frogg cater around de comer. Yours muchly. Sot. Polk Count- Items. ' July SO, 1S79. Ed. "E. O.1' Since writing yoa last, we have had two or three days rain and almost a week of weather during which it was not rninini;, but cloudy mornings. Oa the 11th and 12th it rained exceed! icly hard for July. There is complaints coming from rarioas farmers that wheat is blighted, but as far as is known, in the neighborhood of this place there Is an excellent crop. The fob lowing farmers hare cut grain, in this neighborhood: W. IL Fulkerson has cut oats, Beaj. Weite, oats, add Thoa. Pearce, barley. Thousands of acres of fall wheat will soon be harvested. Tlmra a . n.:.nr tmn I the wire or Mr. Wesley Cravens about Hie first of the month, the mother has been ! cjnlte ill but at last accounU was improv. plentiful in some nuts. We liad two smoky days last week, dur ing which it was very warm on Saturday and Sunday. The thcrrnornelor reached 84 deg. in the shade and 115 deg. In the sun on Sunday. Haying is going on in some parts still, but the greater portion of the farmers have finished. The Oregon Central Railroad is pro pesiinff slowly. The narrow gauge is likely to be finished to Dallas, according to the say so of the Dallasites. Respectfully, Dick. Ileppner Notes. BT OCR OWN COStCSTOXDEST. Jclt 29th. 1S79. Ed."E. O. Our stew is very scarce this week and nothing taking place, but will soon, as there has been rich quartz supposed to hare been found close to this little town lately. Geo. Laid and J. C. Franklin are the lucky men. The quartz Is' thought to contain silver and j gold. A specimen of the rock has been sent to Portland for inspection and if it proves to be good murine, will at once commence working the ledge. More particulars next week, probably. Hot weather is all that conversation can start from now when we meet on the streets. The thenhosaetoe stands 10B in the shade. It was reported In the neighborhood, that an old man fell dead sot long slnc one Sunday while sitting in the parlor where rusdaatuteraaa yonnjr lover were spark ing. It may be that the conduct of the t young couple caused bis death, if so. the -old folks" had be tier look a "ltetle out" hereafter. Several of our citizens are going to the moon tains on a fishing and Imcklebtrry expedition. I wish them rood lock and a pleasant trip wtien they start, crowd is completed with a few ladles. The , The sure bouse that was neatioocd In my last, still goes os. The wall is about 12 fect hich tad the stone Iavers are itill inling them up. J be workmen are Mr. C. onng and E. IL Halley. 3Irs. J. B. Fetkins rctarned home last nizht from her visit to Pendleton. To more donbta about onr school boat : work was commenced oa the foundation j this morning, and will be seabed rajadlr ahead nntQ completed sereral are ncre looking lor locations for the pnrrxc of halldice immediatcJr. reyinc. C. MaDory has just retsrnctl from Port land, where be has been for about six weeks, lie brought home with him one of tiic Cacat carriages he could find hi Port land. For the benefit of his lady friends he tried it last ere: ing aad could find bo faalt only that it had one scat too many, He Is ahead of the boys now. James Hager of Weston Is la oar town looking for a location to build, Mr. "Ileppner has a nephew juit from Xew York. lie is a daguerrotyphcr and came here with the intention of Joe-tin? In unr midst, and proposes to bcild immcdi. aiateH'. V The The yonnr ladies of town was out last night serenading. For what purpose I have not been able to Jearn. They were singing "I aas lonely to-night love, witliout thee." t F. W. II. A lad about 16 years of age, bv the name of William Jones, vealnrcd out fn the Wil lamette river too far and became cramped and was drowned before assistance could reach his. A Miss Rosetta Johnson was drowned near Rainier. The Dalka Monlaiur contains the fol lowing: "It is not true tiat Mr. Bascosa left her bed and board. Her bed was told before ahe left. (Signed.) Mrs. Mary Bascosi, The Dalles, Oregon, July 26:h, 1S79." Ilardlya week passes bat drunken In diss nuy be aeea on the ostskirts of the city of Use Dalles. Those who furnish then the lieaor abeali receive the fall benefit of the law. The Portland Grfffonia cays that a tele gram received at that ofice froaa Washing ton says that the free delivery system will be established ia that city, cosmcscisg Oct. 1st. Last Saaday East Portland had a fire. Thefoaadryof Messrs. Tboapaon & Cooeey was found to be on fire. The loss is put down at about $1,250, with $250 iamraace. A notice in a North Carolina hotel din ing room reads: "Members of the Legis lature will be sealed first and the gentle laea afterward." Special Agent James seized 1.400.000 feet of caw logs at Palouse city, in Whitman coanty, last week, for violation of Uncle Sam's statutes. Last Wednesday the alarm of fire Was giiecin the Dalles, bat was put cat is time to prevent it getting under fall head way. Pat Maloney brought to Jacksonville aa immense beef-hide weighing 63 'pounds wnea ary. it came irom Uig nunc. There Is plenty of snow on the mountains l near Baker City and the thormotnetoria the I ey 83 degree. In the shade. Rev. Kirkman and wife went to Walla Walla Ibis week to attend the coaferencc. Particulars next week. The Grant County ifeirs goes for friend Parker, of ll Walla Walla Etdaman, ia Its last luo- Mrs. Wa Lee will start Xaat la a few days to her haebaed, rrho wcat two weeks ago. The Albany Democrat has arrived at its thirteenth birthday. Dr. McKay has moved his place of buei Bess to his residence Wheat rust In Douglas couaty, iflst of Letters ' . . i i yr - Ti 1 1 . . Jtemaining in mc posiomcc ai icauicioa August 1st, IS79: Allen Lamy Moore Belle 2 Murphy Richard Mltchci! Mary N Morris James L Marsh Man- E McLead M Motom Franklin MoWillianu RJ black Llisrlw'J Rlakrly Win 2 Burnett TS 5 Brookoff Fred Bennett J S Bryau Frauk 4 Hlackley Lou Burger H T McThomas I Blckerton Winfield S MeEntoch Jerry Barclay W L Newton K BcaclcJ 11 AolJe 1 o Bale Henry Blake J 11 Brcnard James D Beck John I Conrady LL2 Crawford J H Cooper Wra A Colvert S Conley Church K F Cabell Louisa Coffin D Dannals Harry 2 Daniels Carrieis Enos W II Fall D I, Foster NT Gevrcg F M 3 Garrely James Oilman Levi B 2 Graves Geo F Griffin William Grizzle Lucy Hillhouse Marion 4 Ilcnnca J 3 G Planting GustUl W Padgett Silas Palmer II C Price Miss Sarah lbithrock Carrie 2 Kuthrock A B Rabcrtson David Rice James M Itwim Clifford RuJ W E Rochester Ramly Sainmervillc K J 2 Saw telle Georje Snwtelle Mary Shaftr Wm Stephens Mrs Mary Siutshimer Elic 2 Sbutrutn Georcc 2 Salisbury J W Stevens Elrai I) Slruthcrs Archie Smith Gen L Stroud Saraael Strnuter Jaonb Thompea M 112 Tlbbetts Sarah A Thatcher Geergc Torrance II J Vert John VInninj: Mrs F C Wells L B 2 Willi II A Wood Edith M White Millard E Ward Frank V Wan; Jeremiah WlUiaras KebrccaS WartinserJ W WringlcVQ JOT A C2 it ijZf -r j jm q Harrall Emclia Helmes B Johnson J Johnson Clurley Jams Henry B Jipson J W Lothron Thomas Lamston Sylvester Lawrence Wm J CetatuiiBicatioB. Eo. "E. O "-When Dunn's plaa of the new bridge was adopted, it was acceded by all that we were zomg to have the bct bridge ever built in the county; bat thisgs have chanrol siae the ceo trie t was lei, and in teal of siriBgers etkty feet we are peine to have them spliced tm save a couple of hundred dollars. Iatcadof gui&g to bedrock, as plainly indicated on plan, we arc golar to haTe an end en a leakier that looks u if it misbt have bees daated, and the ether end cn gravel vrv Mule, if any deeper than the bed of the stream. The contractors oapht to le anie that dc vutinfr from plans erdered hy the Coaaty and paxl for, is breaking the coatract a their part, and thrava them on the merer of the iaperinteadaat who, e believe, see jotttce done to the ccBty. Tax-Pattk. The yellow fcrer seeurgc is raging with some severity in Memphis and XewOrloaas. A few iioUtcd caea have occurred imf the refugees from the above chics in Lai rfllc and other cities aloag the Ohio. Many of the soathera cities have bcea qaaraatia ed ntahlv Xatchez aad SkmrtMtrt. TWr aulbcxkjcs re putting ferth every exertiaa in meir power to prcresi we ipmvi m im dreaded pestilence, aad it Is to be hprl the aaaitary measares bicb they axe is asguratlas may be productive of good. Fmra a nfiraie letter we leara tkat Umm mta ucrc kdl-d a few days ago in Yaa Kee r nrfc. I he atUir is saiJ to be Uc re mit of claim jumping. Oar teforauksK cmU nt get the foB particatars. The mines there prodscc quarts that pay to has 1 39 miles. In Oreroa. for tlx? fermd eeirtcr ef ISTf. there were fesrteeB faihrra, amwiBtmr la ' I10,50T, and far the tint six bkmIh of 1570 there were twenty-tfaree fattem, ameuntiag te ? IS4.721. Orea- WaiB corsrares Tery fatomUy with States ? equal proportion. - a "The Chinese aut ga," says Kearney. And they are guise CTerywherc. Sse i them are starting for the Xortii Pole, says the AiU Cdhfmu. Tsuie of the InArptn&c'. calls as Mho key. Tisbrtier !o ! called a aoakey than the ' ocUide of a bolozna. TTEW TO-DAY. Final Settlement. "vroncxis ucncsr cites thjit the o- Oerccsrd IJuMriUll hm SM bee Sail te cncix u tbe bUU of narrxoa llak. oVcraanS. a4 UMftadirar frptmim. UTS, b set lartsa! &uu; Of nsx ay ererr ai ta coan. c. w. nxtixr. CTXTHIA J. HALT, JUsitatniftL JlBrta-SC 33. Sxddlc nntl llariios MAKER, ri3fDLET0.V. VntGOX. KEEP Ccplittiy oa hastf a censfUr ttfftr Bararra. SwUfin, Erv3r, Xir. ."ran. Cairn , BaSun, Soctm, aa4 rmyfUax B4al ta aar Kae. CaSaed a u ttterr ttlff. a-Erjdi les rncsftiy ttmiei ta. Scott 4 Raley, DEALERS JX Paint oils DyestulTs, Glass putty, Patent medicines And Perfumery. STATIONERY- School Books. Fancy &. Toilet Goods. WINES AND LIQUORS: rare Llqaore. MUSICAL. IRSTHUMKSTSs Sheet amir, Maalca! books. Lamp tiatnp flzlarcf. Moalitlnra. mtt Plctare ten tut , TAc, Etc. rreacrtiHtont artfully prrtxraaM. ifi rwiclleton, - - Oregon. ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale! 30,001) Pounds. SHEEP DIP, Leaf Tobacco. Fifty Barrel, of Sulphur. 70 Bads of Lime and 40 Ions AI.I AT LOWEST PRICES. Woc4 hU l PwtU! xai &i rrxcdwo by ear ml dmt J4t6rfcr 5i rr rrrt. eatatioa. CU TTosJ ftMki,Sletn, tlaUi uj lUbJ lnD oa LuxL All or dn itxl taftww of oJ rrovm UI Receive Prompt Attention. JOHNR. FOSTER & CO., Umatilla, Oregon. uarxfcS V) Sao W. HALLER, Watchmaker fc Jeweler. Sfvre at ikvtt di Hatty', 1'cndltUm, Or, linf More lUlf kT rtrt lUtMM La bMoru uj iiAtf fooi rronr. a 4urr f ;er fulrocu; 1 -UMATILLA UMATILLA. - - OR. I MVERS, lYepritter. Hfftxrt Uulrt met t4 m Vtl . Ti lv tamr l"Ji so hl&t UtuXt. XI Ctp trrA, rU. Flour exchanged for Wheat, juctir ton TNT RESTAURANT! avtr. rNTE&yctn tskim ruascne i.vav . Mt:libcftmU(llalUtucori FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT, STIVE'S SAMPLE ROOM. PEXDLETOX. Oil EG 0.Y. Wkt7M eutu tl JBEsST TABLE North cf San Francisco, NO CHINA HASH yiy Rcxtnuraut. CaS il tnx sm i trul u unify jvmK A. LAPIERCF, Com m ere 11 STABLE. FEED SALE & LIVERY. J W B.azva rnfc . . , . . n it n fl : Mam S reel fli p. Druar Sore,: ....... - --j rr b . I'euuicioii, urcjron. Hanra ala f ta arser aM rrMf Mr aar. Usnts Btsrdtd ty tic Dy r iri. ai ..-Utasntllc llMa.. Plcntv rPeed and -a free use of Comb and Brnsh. Bart, One aaj 5re tie. -LIVERY- Ha. Strrtt, tir sase Ileue, WaSa WaSU.' - Prop. 1Ut tHUe U kearc at iU KtO FTABIX. Boneabaardalby the dy ot wk at rcamublc nla. Wbea mm Iff UtU ay ttof alia e bora. jjtr Special Inducements Offered to those contemplating bimr.g STOVES. JBtrr a pat aawrtaai of !jrIa Cok Sure aa4 Eaaftra wfca t aia vctL ctxap tut caaa. If jouwantto save money, don't bay until vou have priced my stovca. I have Iargu and comdlcta asxort ment of TIN WARE which 1 will sell at whole sale and retail price and at prices to suit the tunes. Also Pumps, Wrought Iron and Pipe 1 am prepared to cut A ICD tl rP ' 4airnt Wa?h ta rslt rear eCs i. Uj tUrk ( Wool nd KiHrw W,n U 6- aa4 in to atMcWai. u U tbrt'.'i. All Llel ef Jabbtar aa4 rriirlsf dooe llh acatccM and tf"f Thanking tho public for tbeir very lilicnil tatron ago during Uio jait, nnd solio a continuanco of the saine. Mybutseuat Hrjiw U la charja of T. W Uallry. w. T, Leezer WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, The Dallu, 0r?o. Has renaa&retly located lo ea Srcoc4 xrrri la oot of Um era itorka of K03C T0CT'.! Kr.m os naxn a n.vr. trr or Jcwxxnr, WilcbasdCic. Alwdera REPAIRING, At reauotU rU. tti4 ta year oraera. tS"IUa Atmva at Living Prle.-&S A sent foe Ne X. , Wheeler 4c Wil'es Sewisf Xackise MILLS, crrV M and - Sign 1MINTIiG u. Ktsns or quxamex TIL LLTTERIXQ AND SIGNS EXECUTED IN THE VERY BEST STYLE. filU&uJoQ Gbsnalrrd. Carriage Painting, ExhWit of Dr. to. Ami. ofluniBrei by wewir for "l oo xxoat of rntjeriT Hz Dttta, 5w fUU'i ippenJofUMs! Koasly' iBicsUl Exhibit of Or. T.Ts rl la tcSt cu!!U4 DewiJS. rtc Often fmn Ute ttnaltj ftiAapitf tlti la. Dttlsqstst Stef up Mtlrt hlmr the rxrm Lioc uj U!arti Icrmtn. ....... TrlHm Imm,. ............... inwal rmitfl it wra Su Vjll 7M run u4 ml tm It famjt , Sl f psri tCreu ,. MtoCTtjllXOBI Willi tlu tface. Ukfrttal CO. ADVERTISEMENTS. Stxayed. IriROU TtlK JU.NCI NER rXXPLETO.V. XE . nM eun. UT la farrb4, a!nf yran K, mtMaWtoMllMHlV t4rr H. ceft a W rrvteUy TtM WuibatwdalaMBtlatikw. Hk tle c4 Mrrlii imi. S tna be( ! j !, vtac aba 1 wrd SOry 2 jr U. um Wit. urlafOTTtt I4uttif nS:niR tr tm lrrlUL dm toxi. t ywtkac tnr-l Mry. tut ta fcrrtmt Vi A miri f t W imI allaiSr II tmiruwttm uMUiU cm it IVaHrti. cr Uf uhnulM ta vril lot to ttrtr ncrrtgy, br l- rajif rrjc4 XMmt U Ijtm n arrt MrMSctoa, Vrnn. Jwel(3- WU .V.WCtXK. V00D! WOOD! TV kn(r4 ii a -Tml w Nffy l& pre Jr PCSULETUX Kb94. XI vim 7wwrt IUarMSr 9tSy Mlto rv niin cry w lliauf UmmM wS ntUsraPim U ui eirh- ar a. r uaac BirraSTasf G. . BAILEY. GENERAL LAND AGENCY, ri' CflMM. HartXC kV trot k f r4 crwy Tw M VbmMbU wVuy. bI Vib miu Miftlri tk tic t-Ufca m4 naUr U U Mp C-cMy. I - at wear ba4 JSa s4r Uf "( I at T F. rrArr gwnin rwatfMia. TtajT cwltaiv Uam Raatw PutwaUr wutm t" to 1 '"."ta vi i UfSra lol aUlsu la drfMiumi i TSt9C LA Dl Jib JiAZAil.g XX .TACUHNa WOCL -'1 laaarWiUSirariuaiHBB4 zrMSttzttzsz laat MILLINERY t MILLINERY t DRESS MAKING ta aW lam if it. aa4 la tUbMUIWpnrUnl umM u.a tili, 1 im re mtt tna fzTnau-n a Wjt Twnj f C0OM Ttc Laiot Jy Vi ft Baml'i raam. S-CaX t t a " curtUX XKS. BECBKTX k STXXXXHSG. Dirsolntlon If oticc. riiacesrAirryceBir aexxntrase rxisrws L rira X. Lu( ai X. J Strwgana. trr a Staa t.iia af laa; k tonajmi la It star Brrarry. haSHia. H llai r tarmimt. X. taxz PT al 4taealMtt tra as ah 6rVu m wt p7 V. a A. Lao. Jatt S, tin. A. J. !min A. 31. Spaiks' SAL80.X, PraidUtoa, Orr(f. KECTS OS BA3T0 TBC5AMC C00D OLD MVS. Main Sltrt, aippaaltc AI.xa.Mlrr alart. EalablUtird la 163. JAS.H.KOONTZ, Forwardiug and O o m m 1 ssion And Agent for Shippers. Fire-proof "wareboiijia for storage. -Ata fVaVr la- General Merchandise, Wagons Ac4 Farra Uacatacry. Il'nnT V41 la IVriUl rr Ria TmxUvo u Uaik ceoda ct af J. IL C. Vnatitta. a rtrM CONSOLIDATION OF THE STAR & CEKTML BREWERIES. LASG Jc STAXG - rropridort. I RC '0W PBKTARCD TO FT RXtJH THE BEST J httt auaebctarTti la Eaitrrs ttsn. Larartcf tkl lirlpiraOag as4 brauar! brrn win tad It to trmr tntrrrat 10 on m vr kw iar orarn 10 Brtatty. PRICES REASONABLE. ( rtn.1 it ) raws or wnn a ... Quit bo0 r d&aa. f3M ricttiaUksr'vdaafa.. t SO Onfen kft st ellbtr fto et bciicwa wtU rrvrtr rvoas altnUoo. $1 TO tXKO A YEAR, ar f 1 to tS s oar ta roar oa Iccalllr. No rut. Weraradaaa arrll u atn. Uaar taai mora taaa la amonat UlrJ abere. Si 0t caa Wt to mat mcey tut Asy eea raa i ! work. Yoa ui makf iroo 10 tceu la 13 aa boor by daivUaa roar emler tsd rrart lira la ine txmncn. oUt. lit Ilka It fur tMMT wtaklrs ttft oStrfl WtJtt. Boat tmpliiUUtd Mrtetly booenbla Kraifr, Ifyoa rct U Ibovu all aboal tb htl lriBC bvaum Us tun i be poWks. ad ai ywor aiMrtn tad we wt0 scad yoa rati txMtoilirs aad WU trmu ttre; umpire arorift ; alio nrr; yoa caa inm nt ap year in lad Mm EXHIBIT OF UMATILLA (I0ITF, -tarv- Finances of Umatilla County for the Fiscal year ending Jnne 39th 1870, on account of Property and Foil taxes .11,321 U9 CO by eUrtiX. CO Tool. .tl,'JUpU 03itS(ICiUry immmta x r.uan: f 9.T71 i . 4.CM U rasd... .. 3,13 Si! fsll uMUMUby Jiwnaor. I czfi ic atom! . i"ni $ Uoo TUl propnty a4 poO imnml.,. I11.M3 M.i receipts and dlsbursenients of VmatUla County for the Fiscal year ending June HOth by I 7 Mi stcrtff. IxnM... uljtoorlKro- by Xmtor " thenS. 2,441 ai ita eoj o eoj UZ Ur ITS, .... Z,7U M 21 M n:s -- IKi 1K1 1KS.M mi J 1M 17 3m a 7t hrUttotm at cni a wj 317 U ftcnyti. ... ...... Tol tt u J WJ ITOJ. un JXf J7.IM Bltae S t,3 7l n to - 1J, 871 S.13S7W TtU tsbUWTM UCa. la Uu Utoso eq ADVERTISEMENTS. PENDLETON BAVt aracar. THIS CENTRAUsTT LOCATED ASS HfltSE rOPCLAtt roi citK BAT1SC BEEX EST1RELT aSFITTED aad JL2FTJ25ISKZD is awr crzxrs roa The Reception of Gnemts, THE TABLE nitiaeiMVf ln(!tnar(ine UrnrTV tb KartK tStri. aad rtrrj tuna uu U atcf THE BEDS if al ar-v. aad lb rrai bar brra rcna.4 ia iW BraWatxyUasrfwaarieyeawarajaica vsaCySveai laaraltlU. THK PKNIilfTON nOTEn. ta alax rrTsasU wja a? vaa tla tm.ai4 tSc ftmt la nnnrt Ikal a LaS it tbr rrntM brCTf ta trry 2Ei7 HOf-ii: Lot vC Or Kaaaritra 7b nilU aaS tntrf raSOe art nayafaBy la S, 3sl. Pennington. JACOBSON & CO. Main St., - - rendleton, Or. UH der te tbt career vroaasu 1Ta.Saai3rr"a Retail dralm in Fine Wines LiqntKS k Cigars If joa dcrirc a nice coolinj leYcraijeT such aa will make troubles and sire to lire alvajs call oa oa at tie popular resort gou forget all your aad talc a smile W tar a N. 1 fc4 UUt Sa islrrcea yac CaSaraaad. Fla atara, bfaan aad cif.- alrm kr4 as baad. D- Theodore. Uuatiujl ' Orxcox Ail Wads ot Liquors Bd choUest WINES, CIGARS, etc kept coastantly on baud at this popular KESOKT. aire uc x call cEsnxMCi xnd see roa TOCKa ELVES. & Dasia. I. C Emai Heppner Flouring Mills. J Heppner, Orcgsjii. DEXIS ct JIEW1SOX, Irvjmctort, TUU y IU. IS SOW TCRXtSR OCT AS GOOD AN arlicto ef dear aa aab Snad aoy wtea. Tb blffenf caab prww faM for w beat. rVoar. 00 nral, bwsiay aad mill frrd aiwaja ea baad for aak, ae-S Saer (trra ta xduca br arbnt. rarLacU LIYERY & PEED STABLE. R.2Y.Stand.teId, proprietor. Unu tills, J Oregon Vlso keeps constantly on hand, and for sale cheap, a full stock of sad dles, harness, etc, etc. XES.HEXTEK. Desires to anaannee to ibe laditw orrraUlrica aid Ttclally lbl ah b J1 rtlanwrl rrrm b wbere tba baa parrbarM a Urje aad csnplrta llock orXilliscry aad Flury (ocds, naillac ef aira.rauxoG, aaacaoiKtaa.urt,acaarB. aaeisa rsaaavaaa, tc, rrc I woeM rrarrruelty lar.lc all le ran and (itialoa By tlock wbkb Urocar4rte a rrrr paHicekr, aod lb title will wit ibt iaot rxtidioaa. Vlt JiKS. J, HKXTER. Cr. lire, tuu and s,r t .. ujm is ... 3.M1 U ... j,mt .. : 99 V (ft ... M ... T S3 .. ssas Hdtocl estir. Deforest Uxm, U7 By AlaUMraief uiu ... ...... .... . Stliua A tfUaiaet4 Uzn, Utt: .., Tut ii,sa i 181'J. Ca. r wet Clran U-rt lUII sltry CcijJadt. Ua V0 Cotes uocr Ztt 09 Ttmanr tat (tiBtUff, TJ fknl itspnaznittl...... . .... MS ca Ooalr Junwr .. , .... 713 M n Oa(f CVfi, 1. H. firon .... SH U Cosaiy CUrt, J B. Kety.. I.IU M " nbmS Z.itrttat J jet XS -SfcCTls; . . Vn7 Sf AU&rzaj A Nacxnra M " rjpfuct, JuUe' Coaru lH M Jalft tod Ortt oftiOci. ii Rami it Brr... 1JU 3a CoroMr! L)ciu. c. it " " tarxVxtil J,nt u .-Stjrt u - rrfttta Um nccpu. ua U TauJ J. B. KEEXEY. eu.iY Clekk, ADVERTISEMENTS. 3. X. Bdiut. Jf.tr.Kaa-at &SAWJT. PLANING MILL SASH & DOOR FACTORY, DE23Laj.0tO23L, rUatrt ia aU iu braattci tee psscfCly aad ea tuaa Wtadav rraaca, Saab Bliad aad Cbca fmSlt 01 ail DcscriptMaa. W are jo-parrf U 13 erden at I kt Wwtar (cites acsSaorsc and r-rtfiT fatslaaia; aad vera tS M err US trrL BrrrSni wcat!irrenir3rax&aafdSar 1 foct mm& S totb rina- KnUrr, far fcr txA, orraf rV- ii gri Pt1MSpc :ararxaUdatfraa K niaSS OS. aaaai Vy vaaatay SIM C-iUaufc.7caacXT. tl TJ. Va4b-Voirdx SiSprr doxra. OaaabiXlaer(rlxoft3tabnItdaUaa S Va caa. UtXiizi c etal prr fcaci prr tx Kcal. FURNITURE CfaK kiada Bade la crtrr ea abort aetxeat TaCa, TTaRa pnecs. 5 W ar. nnuLril wkb a faB rttf af -ark a?7 ear aad a IB takr rrearaoj Jar aciWtaf bacjia ml aX dracraia cacapicic UHDtRTAking a rciaSy. mi rf a r AgrRir.istrayain' ITotice. -v-ancg r hebebv err ex that the csnsx- 1 Kxard baa tra apoaard AdaaMtramz CftW fin rt H. tT. JUym. dnaaanC JLJ nc bar ttc au ari: Kd otatr arc f-airr t -canca tb aasr I bmi wtta lb fmmi rm'Wii. tt axa rot rsr Bear KottiSx tnsiisf ail cavtba 2Ka cair. Kf US. r. KTEXi A STEXX layavrewataara. aad aa rrttiik rA.r4. Tac cu piv tb In la aa a tnal vaaiact rzToaa. Ttc brs etycrtaajty frrrr eZrre far i'.r wdBax aa wara. Tac tTieaM try Mtbscdaa cats yea r far yaarwIT t twc. raa da at laa t au 1 m we egg. M i cXTixav. am. Twcaamu aByagrtaaaaraaJyywaf apara seaa te Lb baatsoa. aad Bake jrrat pay far mry Wr tbat yea rst Taotra Make aa aaacb aa saw. Sci Scr ral rrrtiVt tern sd paracalara. wbeS wetaadbve. J J actll frr IVat caaaptaia af asd. tLaawbCeyea bare neab arbaaas. addnaaSLBaL 1X77 k CO.. rtlaaC JCaise. jljMly HAEDWARe STOKE I ia to G.WT WEBB'S 1 - l-'or your hard ward, Tin-n-are, etc . etc, where you will find such, as saws I OCXS, atxiiY XXsUH. rxox ruiiss, ' SVC;. And in fact eyery thing kept in a first-class Hi ED W ASS STOKE. Aba a reoririe aaajctxest ef COOKING STOVES aaSascat Wiiek I Kill nil at Jhrtland price. riU av jrauxi cauoa. A full stock of tin-ware at W&alsals &ai Xetail U Ty lew prlcca, A! b-ddK Atwajs ea baad tbe abort tataUoaed aad aha. PUMPS & IRON PIPcS ripe rat to salt coaucaera, JTOB "SXTOUBL of alt binds ikee at sooJm- prkrw aad ta ml Iba UaKS. CaS and see bribre pairbailss rterabera. JAIX Street rpmU tit ( vrrt ffowtr G. W. WEBB. Stray Hcrvcs. The rounirtxa nnsc hired stoats cax balbaadat r.newrn taac&eainu Hone. 1 dark bar tatra baoda blzb ta r tZyrara eU. eH. lar nark. bnadl E Fea kftabobirr. IbrowaEtar SyeaiaeU. aabiaad, little wane tpot lt back f wrlbrra. I brirbt aorrtl stare 3 ytan aU, wbU atna, la tacr, bnaded M D raaafcird oa kft abooUer. Tbewaerraa(rilb nxi by calltacM HwtH"x race) aad rayUf cbarsta. JrJ5- McCenrric Lyoa. BARBER SHOP, (HSaaax,j Itair CUItif. Sbatlas aad Sbasraoia Mot Baths Always Ready, Ititn sTrrrtj Iv&tHca, f