The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, June 14, 1879, Image 4

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    Berkley's Masquerade.
"Better "o Dick" said Hatton. "Lots
o' fun Iho grandest tiring of the sea
son. Tho masts and git-ups all of tlie
latest and funniot Parisian style."
Dick Berkley took tho cigar from his
mouth, blew out a spiral cloud of smoke,
and reflected a moment. They were in
Betkley's sitting room, and the door
which opend into tlio hall was slightly
ajar. Both men liad their backs to the
door, and faces toward the Ulazinc grate.
"I would go if 1 was sure 1 could
keep my "wife from knowing it," haul
"Win- to be sure vou can,'' replied
his friend Hatton, a cay bachelor of I
thin or more. "What is the use of
bting bound in the iron bonds of petti- J
coat government, tied to a works's apron
strings, and make both a slave and a
fool of yourself all your life. 1 tell yon '
men like us, who are kept in court ami j
among 'ega! papers and documents, need i
a little recreation sometimes."
"Mv wife would raise thunder if she j
sncr o: my going to a mtteraae.
' The deuce she need never know it,"
replied Hatton vehemently.
At this verv moment Mrs.
Berklev ,
eras rcssint: throoch the hall, aad paused
at the door, having heard her husband's I
"Let's see, when is it T asked Rerk- j
ley. ;
"2s est Thursday night."
"I II go." !
'5S will I, thought Mrs. Berkley, as ;
she disappeared unobserved from the
door way.
"In my carriage V as-ked Hatton.
"Yes, expect me in front of the Lin
dell, from there tre can drive to Kruths
cr Mrs. Purcell's for our costumes and
Thursday sight came, and oar two
friends were at the masquerade. Berk
lev was discuised as a Turk and hia
rr.end is the hideous sarb of an Indian.
There was one faultless form, dressed !
as a page of the olden time, which In drinking lemonade, vou may de
seemed to he the admiration of every toct only the sweet or only th four,
one. Our friends were not long in find- One man i thankful fw bis blewa.
ing tLis strangely disgobed and evidently Another k morose for hi ttusiortanes.
fast young lady, as she nude herself , One man thinks he i entitled to a
especially pleasing to Berkley The better work! and i dissatisfied brcttue
latter promenaded and danced with her, : be hasn't got it. Another thinks be is
' 1 they reared to another room for not justly eutitlej to any. and i mtiaued
rcin.-uiu. TV eyes which gieaaei j -ahh this.
cat from the holes of the mask our hero ' One man enjoys what he baa. Anotb
declared to be the most lovely he ever . r suffer what he has not.
beheld. 'While chatting and drinkin One says. Oor good i miavnl with
sparkling chain name with the artful t e-il." Auotber -vvs "Oar evii is
beauty he chuckled to himself to think
wlat a nice trick he had played on his
'So my charmer," he said, pouring
cat a glass of champagne, "I drink to
your health alone, and vow I love no
other ; after which I ask, as we are by
ourselves, that we unmask."
"Bah, Sir Turk ! yon do not pretend
to say you kve me t"
"More than tongue can telL"
"And that you uever loved another f
'2s ever, by the jumping Jehosaphat."
''Nonsense, I'll venture yon have a
-sife and half-a-dozen children.'
'1 swear by my beard I have not,"
vowed the Turk.
"Pshaw ! we women know you men
too weJ to believe what vou sav. Men
must have some 'recreaaon,' you know,
- 1
sail tfee artrul oeauty.
"But know, dearest, adored on
known, ' began our hero, pnshtttg his
chair just as close to the pare as he
could get it, and placing one arm asec
ucnately around her waist, "taat 1 have ;
found my afanity in you, that I never ;
loved till I saw you, and that 1 adore ;
on.v vou. 2so" I have made a toll con
fession, and after requesting the
or seeing you home, please allow me to
remove this mask that must cover a face
of exquisite loveliness."
Berklev had cvidentlv drank too much
champagne, or he would not have been ;
so vehement in his remarks. He threw , rears, and had survived not only Na
one arm around the young lady dressed ;,okon, but also her two daughters,
in the fascinating wume of a jage, j Mario and Pauline. No other woman
raised the mask, and beheld the face o: j w as the mother of so manv monarchs.
his wife. j for while Napoleon was emperor, ber
'CaMieraation: Sailie, let's go home," oldest son, Joseph, waa kins of Spain,
hecn; ?nd in Siteen lainutes ther
were in a cab going toward their resi Mr. Berkley was a very quiet
man for several days, and Mrs. Berkley
ecjoved her victory in silence. A week
or two after the afikir, Hatton asked his
friend what became of the girl dressed
as a page he was coming it over so
sweetly at the masquerade.
"Don't mention it, Ned, for I liave
sworn I will never 20 to another
masquerade while I live
Ned Hatton thinks his friend Berklev-
was bitten some way.
Mullein a Cure for Consumption
A correspondent writes as follows
about the flower of a well known plant :
'I have discovered a remedy for con
sumption. It lias cured a nuinlier of
cases after they had commenced bleed
ing at the lungs and the hectic flush was
already on the cheek. After trying the
remedy to my own satisfaction, I have
thought that philanthropy required that
I should let it be known to the world.
It is common mullein steejKsd strongly
and sweetened with coffee sugar, and
drank freely. Young or ohl plants are
good, dried in the shade and kept in
clean bags. The medicine must be con
tinued from three to six months, accord
cording to nature of disease. It is very
good for the Wood vessels ahjo. It
strengthens and builds up the hyatem
instead of taking away the strength. It
makes good blood and takes inflammation
away from the lungs. It ia the wish of
the writer that every periodical in the
United States, Canada and Euroje
should publish this recipe for the benefit
of the human family. Lay this up and
keep it in the house ready for use."
He came in late the other night, and
was rolling into the bed, when his wife
woke up and said : "Don't forget your
night-cap, dear." "No a; hudzb two
night-caps already."
Men have fought in steel-plated vests,
and men have hanged under tho influ
ence of chloroform, but the end is not
yet. The Baptists are now baptizing
people in rubber suits.
Optimism and Pessimism.
Two boys went to hunt gnje. One
was happy because they found grapes.
The other was unhappy because the
grapes had seeds in thorn"
Two men, lcing convalescent, were
asked how they wen-. Oho said: "1 nm
better to-day." The other said: "1 wa
worse yostenlay."
When it rains, one man says: "Thi
will make mud." Another: "Tim will
lay the dust"
Two boys got an oyater. Owe looked at
it, and declared it natty. The other
tatted it and declared it good.
Two boys examining a bush, one ob
served that it had a thorn. The other
that it had a roe.
Two children looking through colored
glasses, one said: 'The world is Hlae."
And the other said: "It is bright-"
Two boys eating their dinner, one said:
"I would rather have something taiu-r
than this." The other said: "Thin i
: better than nothing."
Two awn vent to see 2sew York,
i One visitod the saloons, and thought
. New York wicked. Tho other visitod
: the hones, and though New York sood.
Two bars looking at
skaters, one
See how thev falL" The other:
"'See how they glide.'
A servant thinks a man's hse is
principally kitchen. A sweat that it is
principally parlor.
Two boys having a W, one got honey
and the other got stung. The first called
it a honey -bee: and the other, a ing
Two boys got each an appk. One , memU-r other example of the sme
was thankful for the apple. The other j kind. That the stability of the de
wns dtesatisned because it wa not two. i indel f mo the weight of the stou- a
"I am glad that I live." cars one man. ' bowa when 1 put my hand undt r tL
"I am sorn' 1 mast die. says another. , latter. The result was that a.-. I i-aiscd
"1 am clad," tars or, "that it is no mv hand the lower tort t4 tL- w-b sria i
worse. I am sorvy
"that it is no better."
Sitting down to thf
man can make his meal
say- another.
of pickles and
another of sweeuneats.
mii.ed whh good." Independent.
The Mother of Napoleon I.
How little i known of the mother of
I Napoleon. Letitia. the wife of I'arlo
Bonaparta, was married at 17. and be-
! came the mother of thirteen cbiidrcs, of
whom nve sited in infancT. She
only 19 when her second child, the
wonderful Napokon was born. At the
age of 35 she a left a wsJv. with
eight children, of whom thre- wr
daushters. Joseph, the oldest, and Ka-
oleon were then attending cnooL and '
the remainder ot the tamily were soon '
compelled to remove from Corsica to es- .
cape the dangers of the war. Within
two years from this time Letitia Bona-
pane saw her second son the nrst gen
eral in Europe. When he became tni- ,
a wn 1
peror, ne removed to nartp. ana was 1
appointed pctKector 4
a chan table
and ber I
lnsawtion. Me was tnen j i
intense anxietr concerninr Napoleon '
rendered her lite on ot constant dn i
treaa. The reptioa of Joseph uv, the
retreat from Russia, the exile to
Elba, and IVaterloo, were among her
sad memories. She was C5 whoa ho
w&s banished to St. Helena, and etx
years afterward sL- heard of his
death. After his fall she retired to
Rome, where she died in 1:36, beins
then 56. ribe lived in widowhood 51
while the vounsest. Jerome, was kins
of Westphalia.
IjOuk was at the
earn- time ting ot Holland, I.ccien,
Prince of Carlo. The three daughters
l'nrz lc. lvkMI. lr, mm rmm Mjtk vatel
,i :..;... ? . . .;.i n.?.
to the ci"mtv o: a nnncesa A recora
..r A...ti t.... iwiM.t . . i. ".
going has never been met with.
bt. Pauls Personal AppeerHnoo.
i When 3L Kenan was received at the
I academy it may be remembered that M.
Mezieres asked hiw from what docu
meats kno n to him alone be had drawn :
his description of the person of Si- Paul.
A bookworm remarks on this subject '
that 31. Benan, in tracing hie somewhat
realistic tortrait of the Apostle, had onlv
to reproduce that drawn by St. Clement j
of Alexandria, wLo wrote in the third j
renUsrv. and whose nortraits of St. Paul.
St Peter and of Jesus Christ arc to be
found in his works. St. Paul is de-
:t..j . .- ...... ;.t.
bald forehead and a thick beard,'' as 31.
Henan said when iu his discourse.
"Jesus," observes S4. Clement, "had
nothing li&nd&oinc about his face, nor
had he an agreeable form ; he only pos
sessed the beauty of the soul, which ia
tliQ true beauty." The writer adds that
St. Ireuieus, the disciple of SuPolycaqi,
who had been the disciple of St John,
declares that he often heard the ldoved
Apostle say that the hair of Jcmis Christ
had begun to turn whito when he under
took Lis mission. Gibbon, in his ac
count of the "image of Edesstt," main
tains that "primitive Christians were
ignorant of the genuine features of the
Son of God, and his mother and his
Apostles." The portraits of Christ,
being taken from the napkin with which
the sweat and blood of our Sax-iourtras
supposed to have been wiped, could
hardly give a just idea of his features.
Pall Mall Gazette.
Smith, who has always beon n "tough
one," lias just died. The physician is
met coming from the house by Brown,
who asks, "Doctor, how is Smith 1 Is
ho out of danger?" Phyuician i"No,be
is dead, poor fellow, but ho is far from
being out of danger, I fear."
Spiders as iingineora.
On sjftiiu? round tin gankm this morn
ing, I pewit ed what heenutl A siuall
piece ofcheeM, ajjan-utlv noating in
the air wUaight before me. On coming
up to it I found that it uas kumik!i1
from a glider's w-b, whirh was Kpuu
right acroMi th jth. ( )ne'x tirat haaty
thought wm that thin pider Um found
a jtieoe of obtx-so U-low, and Utkiit a
fancy to it, wm then drawing it up into
its w4t to eat it. Farther examinatkm
howev. r, showed that the Mthatance v. as
not cheese, but a small t,lbi- much
S iwbling that edible, CMdVntlv
from the gravel walk bnta;L TLerv
was nothing lor tae uuvr to att-u t.i
web to on the walk, o be had lrvtd a
suitable stoue to ImIjumv hi ul.t.-n
indeed it did aluunblv, the - ring .
attached to ir on ttth-T aide of the
walk, aad weighted below lv the rtuue.
i m a u ue ueanv in a iktix-dvucu: ir
position. The stone was connected with
the wt b by a three-told eorJ, tLe strards
of i:ioh ete attached toditT-nM jajt
of the sU'W. 1 vi-ited the wvb two r
three hours after the sfider had tini-dird
it and found that hi ingenuity ud iw-u
reaarded, a the ct contained, beside
a large ir, on which am was dining, tuote
! small (lies than I ba vver let.r- --en
! in a web Neither myself nor thoae of
i my friends to Lmu 1 showed the wK
j hart- eter seen anything of the kind be
, fore. Readers will iatef-t-J in an ex
' attiplr of Lu:h iuatinct i:. a .'idr. and
' those whu arc uutr- virard in natural
historv than mvs it aiav 1 abiv t-
uaily coliel, but wmc toe Xnr
suft-red aain to tall gently the r.r, r
wrnsd iu oarr shape. The web v.
abont te feet from Uk- ground.
EfHiW cncioo-iing i a ! snt-ret
ing subje. t, nd w tl.t I l. i.t
hSar in .idyitig I hate workrd t
aUOSi CC th' JrtJ4.U tu COBaMCU itl
h. but the weight oW; I havr not
yet barn aide to Y4atn. Some apt irr
will um ties . but i-tber-
4 -aatJ t-
u- a -tjcLt. al
UMMtgb tit irvumstanc unirt i.-.t;
both baihl are appareutlv inular. Hit
bow 4o" the -pi'hr ra:- t!.- w- ! !
This 1 could !- r rxplait. U tuy v '.i-
; metson, as ot th- --igL't an
; mrge that it r ww-ly j t!y
' could lift tLitu ly a lu't. I'-
, fdl-, theji aiii put on. fW. t- --t t. !
' weisbtK in a fear iur U-t'.-r- a wm-i. t-.
.fix their structure- The industry ani
j ingnaity rf the spider psaaei lulnef to
, ali those who bane seen them at work.
i but no mare jwofitable day can be spent
by a roans engineer than a dar after a
st4in in a path through the gone auh
ity a syeder conMroctinf iu e) li.:
is th litimate way of seina: tit crk
ioue. but ther ar- otL-r 'Msr", ::'"
brv-skiLT down tb web at.d ar-
the poor ovii rv.!..iricr tb 1 l-ud
and 'svr.
Dr. Roy Isold's Testimony .
Ir. Reynold", the t-nij:ranoe
stlist. who has done xb coo r ce in
the West during U last two Winters,
flls our bieago civrrespondent that in
ilirhiraii tinetv per cent, of th- Z-'l'J.OW
Bitl l' Jl on rJ riMn during
uia campaign to years aso, are uu
wearing it and living up to it and that,
too, when etrhty-ave per cent, wore
drinkers. Within that period, alx
there have been 25,000 conversion to
Christ, mainly due to the f-mperance
work. Having now come from a pil
grimage through his own State. Main,
he declares that bardr temperance wrk
is not Wing done in any other Stat
than in Maine, that poiiticiaa. and v
ciety have become m nnanimoos on that
one point that both (amies are radical
probiUtionista The fact that only nine
men upheld the liquor interest ia iu
Irgislatare at 'bt last session, stimulates
the unanimity, and a bill was diaftd
which is certain to become a law. mak
ing the sale of liquor a felony, and pun
ishing the nm gdensv by a 1.000 ne
and tbiw months in pri&un. even now
in the citv of Bansor no man can set a
drink short ot the darkest wan ot
1 .... , . .
i some 'i
lark cellar. Christian L'nton.
The baitguan'a r-p- in a sort of
line, m far as lifa is onoerod
A Valuable Mcdloine.
Da. Fnazirk "My constitatioa wan
very much broken down fcr years. My
digestion, towels and nervous system
were ia a very bad condition. My ys
tem vaz not woerir nourished. After
eating 1 was distressed, and my food
would nut assimilate properly, so that I
received little benefit I was wak and
moat miserable, but on Hying your I toot
Bitters I semed to be wonderfully act-d
- ,.- -
I find ?j for mz
ami tner nave civcn me rreat
Msiae tbom. Eacinsed
bottles which pleas -end
me mul J. J. Swxniso,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Dr. 1'Ktzitn: "I liAve bad a s4-ndid
trade on your Boot ltiuers. They en
tirely eared on of my customer, a wo
man, of Dysfiejtfia, who liad i!d all
kiml; of medicine without any good re
xnltM. A.J. Miller, Druggist,
234 Southwest street, Indianapolis, IimL
See advertisement headed " Life in a
Bottle" in anothor column.
If you arc going to paint your Itouae,
barn, vAfron or machinery, the wotMlcr-
ful Im)crisual4o Mixed Paint in urely
tho Ik, for it is w.rrantel by thir
agenU iu your own town not to chalk,
crack, peel or Mister, to cover better and
work cutler than any other paint. Toe !mpr
labable IVttnt w awarded the Drt premium,
ovrr all olliT the California htato
Fair, t73. and tUo (uld Mlal at tlio Ofson
Hta'o Fair. UTS. (irt a circular from their
Acent, which explain thu vrondrrfHl dlcov
err. Try ttie paint and jou rcrtaln'y froeld
All Illllrra are wuttkr In a dUgnUrt rami.
It 1 far brltrrand tuorclionuralile for aman
tolirnrr np In a bar and rail far wuliUj
than lu anralt in lite hack tJoor of ll houw
vtllba Iwlllc or Blllrrt uadrr hi coal. II
wbltky In a Ixtltle "all Ihe unt." u nhlf
kj In rrondrr'aOrrson Blood I'urlDrr.
If any ilroraUt will protc br analf tbil
any patent niedlrlnconbl ilichri I a ixllrr
rrntrdy ihnn rrundcr' Orrcon tlood Inrl
Brr, lili rorlunc It made. If be vyll tend Ibr
roi-Btnla to nt. 1
- CO
: cz
ZC In inaUInc anj
jiurrlin ur lu
it riling In itioiic
tu mi" nl-rllf-
uirnl lu llil piH-r)ou ulll . !-. in. 11. ,
Tlu Mt Valuable Metlieai li-v.ri
Known to the World N M
for Quiiiie, ('aioiiH-lur Mineul P't
on 1 jf- U:' the Hlou-I,!. t'-.r
th- Nent-v and Health f. r A".
an i:t..n uirFnTit t7thi: I'
11. iiD( that by i-lftmuc lh lil i-J
I ui a in; ibr r Dt.tulln lb- .; I'u-
: li.:.uii Jlir. o t In .iU l
wii'ii rtLmntlijH(.'lRk."r)' Hi' rU
t .Vra .oii lb -. tltolioo. Tlr . !.! alter
Hyiac Hw bt ibteln yinc- nt toy
Wliif- ..r mn k!tJ t f mrjirli. m.v t.
Nhout r. ..Imi a prraDra! cr. I br;n J-
ael 1 I ortuua'r.y Jioirj a u.uJr
1 fill H t!rc t li.l ' radtrr. Ib. flft hut' !
wttirii ( i-- lit aut vt". anl in tinir
r8J eu t. I wufrtr r-
1 tana, mjr .ur.s t-rra 'riMtj m4 tooo3 bt-
wkurv. mad 1 havr ti"l ot tliiity K-omli
t,.uSrx:: Ji crty in slleii.. 1 epfr.l
auotiir 'fbr Ho- Bl!t. ana in il
mmri itiii car km aivM r-nri
uwb "-!' abI latitat tbc na n
larr qoaa'St . an I sow 4- A a.i ftij '
try ait alrIf i- BamT aiTTKK-. lu
a n4 asar ! n4iw
t -f awa ita up by IrlrttJi aa4 fcy:-.-..
!! Mf mDBti; ntrt asn ' i
rUt Kw.rf"a?arfh.-iti.lUiBf--lwava.
Ml l. tw
maitfi ivU . A y a irvs. . u
( tl- M-. . -1 '-.
i. -. i t.t ti fc m . i r w a
l,. a.,i t lot V-. J
rat.1 .1 y.MiS- fcr Kl b f . H
r.a tu.i r- tt y ! I las " ' -
Si4t!U J"i " S l.a
Mtgt. 4 ta.t a M rTfR
N tuat'ai b-t f lr :. ym v i
aa ta :wi . i:
B.t:. Ituan an aaul af irK. '
y M tal a ant,. 4M tt V.:-.f
atoac. H aa- y .i
I too thai ja r;. daa . .
aaashatc " l ' cvm ai)
nf tl ".t aatjata. wi ! -. jt i ay
4f a i.4 4 ra a! a ta pla asy K tr
BlXTt-Rl" a (t a ( xlS.a aliaia tbtf htrit
.4 ait ILa .n 'r. tafa;SMt ta a;.4
U if . a I twul drocctafe i j1
v,( 't it. i a-.t. ' -r ty X l aoi f-
V ' lo't.a t fc f. I .
rwr.i JiJl! -u-- aay ar-
rla ' ! I " " It- - !
J. I at
n - lOlft M.tlrf fltVl
2tH" I TtR.ib5Ttfc.'a .a.
r. al ili. iliiulf wua..tiJ
av.N a a a rat. Uif --t.
a Ofrrjor r-C. t rUa4.o
F.-.r lKlra br
Rrdtnslou A t.. Han frntlwi. fal.
L. K. C. Smith,
Cigars and Tobaccos
. , t l lfatT.-!- i . I
. ... t. U- .jsV'-: -
a. v :? fe -t -f
tar.l'raul uil Mark l..IartlaiitI.Osn.
T. H. Chandler,
.t.L a.-U-
. 1 t T.
Iraal l.. fattliB'l. '
kV4E.. Oa-T 1
t r-MT Tr ! aai A'-W itwu.
U -
i tf
(Jcntral Asent. j
Committea nnd Forwarding Mfrthats ;
Us Kot tlftt. i.l WOi:oitoB tlrr.
rvl.t4.wa- Sac l'raio. Cl
nvli' attti".oa t:rn in tb f
Hat d'lt I1-I.t: l-- r ar.l an t-a
Hem ait
r.. i'rtsr-'f 'l kit J al pnwi.
liV WM. Itl'C'IC tV moN.
IW'W t rx n
v. a. i-rrno'witiimc. is.
!rwt laraftf aat Dar la
Ill St.. 1'ortlan.l. Or
CS ron ntt;fc ul pliur.
ITIour Hulpliur,
CTnrltollo Mhccp I"lp,
Ittiolion'n clioep li,
Walceleo'H hhoop Until,
rtllplmto Zluo,
Arninlf') t
Tiirc hr. vi KCi.2 is Mirxr
Carriage Factory,
Fourth Ktrect between Taylor and Kalmon,
A flnr
kM-trtmcnt of pasclcf, I'ti-rlon. Cr-
e.Kipre Wron..elc.routuntly
on hand and made to order.
on hand and toads to order.
Tup Itaccl and Kitonilon Top Carrlc
prlally-maklnaDec!alty In tbl Una and
manufacttirlnca Iarc quantity, wo can oCrt
letter ladttcemenu iban any otber boute in
tJiegnn. Topllucclc fiotn f2 to 1100; Open
IfcMlCle dom 113 to SA.
fall anil arc oar SttS Ku;;j.
Onlrrcfrotn the country aollclted and prompt
ly filled, New lop luruUa-d torder by aend
The Physiology of Life & Marriage,
ny J. H. Jof 1 J n. M. D.
Tti UfM tnUtiMlr laUmtlnr "tk er tuueil fiant
tlx icon, .irxohn; In atlnctltcnra tb Itowu ufk
A Ur MUihu,, ItraJUofh th aucUl rtfarax r.uJlin.
brunt, tin. iwr wui frirnJ
Tlw w.1 Kntl vMm U iulltT UJJ .t , lu Up
ruc lt tair b rraj br any our In any 4c Tb
uk of Id ad diaraM IttUy MjJaload la a KUBWt
lbt rlvea tb rubVcl tb Uiurrtt U a rrrl w ljttk ol
iri'eli. Nearly 1W sr of raluaU lolurrmUoo for
(TrrtboJr. I'rlrr U Crnli. AdJran all ordtn to
MAM'KANCISCU NEWS CO.. No. 113 Wuhbuten St.
Sao rrxndew. Cat, or tcJ tl canU to the aatbor. Nft
?S5 Sutter St , Sin rrxneuco. p IS- Iro
"S S " d CO -2
1 M J I r
Tanmra - - 1 - r"TLir " r 3tmgLiti
tr. .
r A
S - M -
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I. - ;
.1 . r.w ! i . : 1
Doors, Window, Blinds .md
WH-.i. : . ' : -.!'. 1 1
ll'x If mil M.. t,rl. UikIiIuiI'H . r.
! Jir H't II-M'. -'
llt'llM)Hs ( ajM-iMl'
L- Porous plast'ri
. :j
tfk)'.'.f t a .
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t r:a- t K. r Li:- lt-. If.- ..ttt! " .. I
r.l I . . I t . .fli K. :!) C
W I. - ; '.-c '"SS. 0-?Ht nf h-ait. E
at. . Srr tit ! a r r j
u- ! ' !n. r tbbt I- I- r-nSr !
i. TTTS :
OR . E
. 1 UXj.:
General Ksrchar.ii:-:
i units S
i faf S :.. ;jk
Centennial 8iock,lhe Store
.V. If annul 17 I Srroml St.
Comstock S Piter.
. lllrBtt Iji.t ).!. l'rtlB rj.a.
Dubois . king,
Woo! Commissifrfl Merchants,
Vtltaucr n ontCB WH t.
ti: w .HivTV T .
Ma rr;rta
CKUtan Mai atSaT lti rax
Martn fcraiiSit a ffir!, !. r 1'
T IVIoiatsoraorv'-'a
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rnnil M . La
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t. c n.f 5 " "
K it A
s r.i mi a r.ii
I r :
1MANO fAIvIIt ur.l'I'I Nl-It
Ivranich A. Bach Pianos.
(Jabler's XewScalel pric'l Pianos
Hurdplt Orirans.
J PJiip Pinnn Slools
rint 1 ,r " i,l""l-. s.
.T-Irl?. - 1 l. x.. .
nir.liuan mini !., near injiar. i nn
land, ttrrjo". :"
The Best Spring Medicine and
Beautifier of the Complexion in
use. Cures Pimples, Boils,
Blotches, Neuralgia, Scrofula,
Gout, Rheumatic and Mercurial
Pains, and. all Diseases arising
from a disordered state of the
Blood or Liver.
rtoi.i imnnasTN.
Tr rf ...
' '
hi: : alb j
Porllit.iJ, OlBMOn.
jolr At'"-nt-j for T ij
Tlic I.cnilln llarcttitz JIaclilue of llic World.
c a. : t o
Nrw Iti Oct. -til nut! t:-ii
cmi ft-niurt-. iisTiscrrx vi;
and 11 -C I I.I V It. mill lt:it-.
Mtuudn titer
:wa T
Thmlicrmen who Iiavo tucd or
rmplofed this sec tyl of
Thresher, all onlte in ttifylnt;
that ther ar tho 2T TZZZZ"
-- It 1 deiind
and bailt exprtii y for Oregon
and Washington, far ene who
thoronchlx understand the reijnl-eicents of the cn.ry, and the dlSLctiltiM
to ba orcrcone. -fctitt for
Spcc'a ly Imprtv 1 fc- ts s Seati.n Tan or Twelve feet cut.
' '.'j v. c:a huail
Schuttlcr Farm, Frc!ght, - r.z
Studcbakcr Wagons, : v; r.r.? Hacks.
Regulator, Wind Rf.Hfs, .' :..'.,:e windmill ia use.
Elwartl Harveslors, . .. . : j ar. other haad binder
it Lctur : -
. -
mmmtf-r'iaSX? 5
k-i BBBBBBmaaBMa aVmmm aS 'iS'ftn
Agricultural implements
Newbury, Chapman & Co.,
Farm implements and Machines,
261 and 263 Front Street, and 262 First Street, Portland, Oreo
Brr.-h H-'tt-'-s it W: j, V . .... W T . .: i A.i in;.. -,a
A..n-at il important p. inta m r-.-:.. Va; T-rnt.-iy and Western
1'iaho. General A gr.t f-- l M tWw i'x j Mor.
and Self-lk&dui Harvet-r. ImproveU Whitewater Wagons,
Mornson Br"'. PI..w. L.n Self Ijrp ilky Kah
i Is y Haokt, M -.r-.-- -a ThreLers. Headers.
W .;. .,i... B ;,irr pr: I .-. Fri-r 1 lr..:s. Ev-r . Br Lt S-ei
r. aj.d a F-.i I i W.-: t
C-?"! '- t Bmdisc WA. . M:l 2 tf
11. !l ljar. rartatlr I War ant! o.. III1.. K'lllac llalb. -uiaiurv. jvralar.
Lratbrraad Kohlxr K Ilia-. a.l larrjil Ulll I nrnl.hia..
r- j i.'-t of the manufarctur. r ; a , ; i .. .T.pti th Agen-y for this State and
the adjoining Territories t tit- r. ni-:iy 0. It-brated Macliinos. sttitdied ott pelves that :he aUt-.e are really SUPERIOR Machines, and
ire reeoRMaettded by fanners rh- them hvt seaion as THE BEST Ma
. hinen they have ever seen.
r"?end for Catalogue and l.--riptie t ircularv
irt-nta wanted in e.r t- ut.ty in ti.i tat. and th. Territotie.
VI 3 tf
Clothing !
--end far I'rlrr Ul or mil u
kV o iiox 4in p. SELLING,
t or. Tint acd latuhlll ntreelt, rurlland. Orrjon.
Etch n-tr
So l-itf. a. portion of tlte Grass and
drain Croj.i or tho Pacific Coast kaTS
tvu ( H. by the BUCKEYE, that bo far
mar lieio rr.n ha Ignorant of Its mritS
ur .r-julra urucient to conrlnco kim ol
It, -prIeHtr; am it I too veil and fa
voralily knovn to nood comment! It Is
t!.o jicrfectien of all Reaper and l&Var
iati alnebine.
i'.-t caH eificcial attention to our New
and Perfected
lilltn rriLn.and elenie
Taylor Sulky Rakes, zc'J Dump-
:rg -.-,11 ii
rtlonilor : Straw Burning Er-
Sscd fcr Special Catalogue, also fee
our New Price List.
irt on
it- .
eiriii5fe ....
wnrthnn llroann
:..ate tb.s
ft L
. . r ,.'t tlal
Au'i nts ftr
K. V. VI I'ivjL mw.d ktf. Wisconsin,
Mill Bu'ilders,
And Mill Piirnisliers !
Mi'am rnim. Flour Hill Machinery,
1 t 1' 1- -.,t t
. I rth rrnl Mix l. rartlaad. Orrsaa.
Portland, Oregon.
rocenes i