k feast rcpuait. BATUItDAY. DEC. 14, 1878. UMATILLA COUKTY BUtECIOXY. Coufilr Jodga.... . .....H. C Yfunc Ran. AVxLDEX. Ceaunlenocen J J. II towv Stata Seutor .8. M. lsxtorox. . . I J. & Wuitk. KfI,raeUUTt J ......... .I....LTOXX KTAST. fHirriff J. L.Stkv. Ctafc... ...... A B. kKrr. Treasurer G. W. Vsa. SfaoelSseriBteadral J. CAksoia Oireaer . Dc J. a Lccwur. Atsewor i"h.?T""JCU" Jualteeot Peace, rasdletoBPKC..G. W. tuiua feWTfjor......:. J- H. Riixr QUE. AGENTS. H. H. Giukt J. S. Dbxtax, R. X. Snoo. t4 S. V. Ksox,EKl C B. Kobssts .... .- N.T.Citox, Efq T. I- WooEHorst. As Titlo ., Saltm. ... ... HTPH- VTkM. .mlUcc Apex. Villi. WH. , L'matOU. Ntiion. Mohct! Money!! MHey!!! Having closed business I must have all my outstanding accounts settled. Air per. son knowing themselves Indebted to me are hereby notified to come forward and settle without delay, cither with cash or by note. 3Ir. T. JI. Coffey has charge or my books and settlement can be made with him or with me. AVu. SwrnTEn. Peiuosal. Our old friend J. O. Mc Coy was la town on Tuesday last and called on us. AVc learn from him Uiat be has re-built and now has a house ajala la i which to live. His loss by the fire was ! about $0,000. Too bad fur good men like Mc. to suffer such loss but be Is plucky and will recover. Retcrxed. County Clerk J. B. Keeaey arrived home last Sunday from an extended business tour in California. Mr. Kecney AnToftfboTreoUKnzti to meire ud re- j went down to arbitrate and settle matters between two contending Stage Companies. was satisfactorily arranged by eeirifor motwy due ihl oZx 1ACAL. AXObTHEK lNTKLUGEXCB GorcrHsaeHt Lands- Hmc to esquire in wy quantity vi&out ttttlemext. I cm now prepared to sell Soldiers Addi lional Homestead Scrip at the following Tates: For 40 acre tracts, ?3-75 per acre. -SO aad 130 acre tracts.... 335 "Will also sell on time at a slight advance oa above Tales, accepting in payment notes with approved security beanos interest at ewe per ccat per month payable when patent issues. -D. II. Talbot. Sioux City, Iowa. 34. CMoobk, Agent, Walla alia, . Miujsert. Mrs. Card en takes pleas tire in announcing to the ladies of Pendlc toa that she has opened a millinery shop, on Johnson street where he keeps a well selected stock of the latest styles or ladies liats aud all articles that go to make up a 2o. 1 establishment. Call and examine Go to Steve's and get a square meat Tie has pig's feet, iysters,lobslers,ssrdines and sour cront, Cp stairs. Sheet Lost. Some three weeks ago something over 00 head or my irether yhecp strayed from rry band in Webb's Blongh. Said sheep branded -S"' on the hip. Any person giving me information of tbe whereabouts of said sheep will be liberally rewarded for Lis trouble. H.Stoveb. Ckkktxas Baij- There will be a grand ball gives afMllarkey's Ilall, Pen- dkton.cn Christmas ntgu" by iiat iaiot. Johnny Crawford assisted by ether music iaas will be in attendance, Lom rail to come out as a way up time is an lie: paled "Tickets S2 50. Chew J ackson'sBest Sweet Navy Tobacco. Go te S teres Saaaale Boom aad sample some ol the best samples of nor aad cigars yoa ever sampled in vocr life. Oar friend J. W. Minto has been re-elected City Marshall or Salem. He is a good boy aad will make a good oficer. The East Obegoxias has more readers lbaa any paper in Eastern Oregon -and is the best advertising medium. Another weekly paosr is to be eisrted is tik county at an early Say Weston b the place wbcre itkto be located, and it is to be iadepeadeat La politic so we are informed. Ihe more tie aexrier. Ia the case or F.J. Moreno agaiosi. Sargent, the jury found a verdict for. nlaistifTfor 8320 00 and costs. And in the case of O.F.Clark acainit J.H.Kunzie aad Frank Jladdock tbe plaintiff" obtained jndgcaeat for $7S0. ThwiVi to Mrs. Hexter for aa excellent BHSeepie gives this office last SaianUv Ye editor, ye devil aad alL are grwriag tti os the gaod tkiej of this world. Don't be eaackward ladles, keep cp this coarse of pro- We keep sobody around this of- Everythlug him. Ex.Clcrk J. II. Sharon acted as Deputy Cletk in the absence of Mr. Kecney. Welcome home, Jo. Interesting I'aragrapk. They all take IL Quite muddy. Delightful weather. Send in your brands. Christmas is near by. Times very dull now. Court has adjourned. Silver the same as ever. See ads, in ad. column. Gold at par at this office. New year is close at hand. Ex-Sultan Murae is still feeble. Head our new advertisements. Kearney says be dosent swear. Time to harvest your sauerkraut. Japanese women do not ue pins. Greenbacks taken ut par as usual. Dont fail to call around and see us. Boston is to have an elevated railroad. Uamlet ha ben put into Illscostance. Call at Sicvr "Say, take something." Mat. Taylor gives a grand hall Chritmas. Our circulation is rap'dly growing 1000 Bycicllng is all the rage at Harvard Col. lege. Miss Clara Louise Kellogg wears a num ber 2. We do different kinds of printing at this office A Hives medal has been struck off for the Indians. The Erie railroad company Is to build a new depjt at Erie. We have had tczeral calls trotn our lady friends this week. Abiocrapbyof Wa. Cobbctt, by Wm. Smith, is in press. Paper tabl&cloUu are the latest novelty in Cnicaco. Chase, the Fall river thief, Is getting fat in prUoa. . Edison is aa enemy of thi gtseratioa of gas. The Lord's reaver Las been trass'atcd into Chinese. Politics in agricalmrc is barroviag. Gas companies love darkness rather than electric light. The Queen of Msda-ascar has been con verted to Christianity. Eastern nevsptpers report times Im- over the country. - Tire. Russian po'ice are authorized to For yowwiater reading we know of no psper tkat -trill be as acceptable as the "E O." Only 13 00 per year. EirraRTKtsr. The Wwtos Steam Floar- isg Mffi k bow is operation, and is taming ot tbe chmect flour. The people of this floaritkisg yoe&g city deserve great credit for tk4s eaterprise. Look. Our advertUlng columns begin to assume a healthy appearance once more- It say become accessary In course of hu. maa eveals to enlarge. We hope so. Xonct. Mays Jt Zeigler, Pendleton's best carpestera, did a splcadid job on thoo Uin at Stove'. The work speaks for it elL When you call in to sample Steve's choice driaka don't fail to see this work. Prtxteks Cabixet. Bound's Printer Cabiiut for July and October, a double number U oace mote athand. The CMntt sunds at the head of all other publications la the field ll occupies. We couldn't do wlthost IL Pat ct. All persons indebted to the underslgaed by note or account are request. ed to call at their mill at this place and pay up oa or before the 1st day of January 1ST8. After that date we will sell only lor cata. H'.S. Bteks & Co. Axothex Crasse.-!. II. Turner and Muasoa Bull have parcbascd the office and matorlalof the East OKEooxtix fublUh. ing Ccu, aad have assumed control or the . r . . . t , m paper, no wiip lacn unuouooeu success in their acw undertaking. Btdrock Dane. cnif. Boat Itej. Pass boats at Umatilla, up Mondays. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Satur days. Down Mondays Wednesdays, Thursdays. Saturdays. o boats cp or down on Frida-s. Schools Proff. Arnoli will close the Pendletna High School on Fridsy Decern ber 0ia 1S73 and reopens Monday, Janu ary 5:b 1S79, giving two weeks vacation The school, we are glad to annouce, is in a prospeross coaditioo, having in attendance sixty Jive pupils. Notice. Our patrons will take notice that we go to pros on Fridays ab- ut 10 o'clock in order fo bare all our mall leave Saturday morning. Therefore we rrqurt that all Vopj" be handed in before o'clock oa Friday mornlnr. Our large circulation force us to make this an. BOuacemeBt la order to please our subscri bers at a distant with the East Obxcoxiax oae day sooeer than heretofore. Row. "Dnriag but we.r ai an early bour during the evening ourstreeu were made pretty lively by the gathering ot sev eral persons in (rent cf Sunre Sanferd's Sample J loom and the Wcb-Joot saloon. some cryisg take him off! others let me go hold my coat! keep away you Man. Service Ixcreased. In reP0asc to a petition numerously signed bydtiicas of Jackson and Lake counties aad through the intervention or the Oregon benators, the Post Office Department has ordered the mall now carried between As-bland aad Lakevicw to be Increased from trl-weckly to a daily service. The onicr is to taxe effect linmedlstely and the contractor. M Col well, Is already at work making aeccs sary arrangements for the change. Accord log to regulations ot iuc uepanwcai,pay for the service will be Increased la proper, tlon to the additional labor required to perform the same. Wc congratulate the people of Lake county upon their success In securing a daily mail. It will facilitate business and hasten the development of that Important and rapidly Improving por. lion of the Stale. Timt$. Those overcoats at It Alexander k Co.' are just tho thing for this market t pres ent. Winter Is coming on and they nave a larre sunnlr or men's winter clothlnir just suited to the wants or the people, all or which tbey are selling very cheap. If you want an overcoat dont fail to go there to get It as we uave aune so, anu aaow wucrcoi e speaK. Mr. Hathaway bath a way prepared to make old asd young happy. He has an immense stock of all kinds of Christmas tcys and candies, the best cheese ever brought to litis market, tobacco, cigars, green apples and all kinds of fruit. Aho vsters. sanltnes ana canneu truita. uo see for yourselves. MnucAL CoxcrnT. The ladies of Pen. illeton will rive a concert at MUarkcy'a Hall, I)cr. aoth 1873. After the concert there will be a Church fair and sapper. Doors onrn at 1 r. x. AdmiMoa SScts. Tta proceeds for the benefit ot the Episco pal Cuurcn. The cltlxrns of Pendleton precinct are rraursted to meet at the Court House, on Saturday the 14th Inst, at A o'clock r. tor the purpose ot organtztns a company of militia. J. H.TcfcsrR. Brig Gen. 3d Brigade, O.S. M. Ben. Beagle has been suffering for some time with a catarrh In Ith 'hand. It if about well and he will return to Granite after the holidays. J.M.JInrrHof Butler Creek called oi us this week. The aid man Is as active as a boy. Pork is selbng la VaxUttca at TO per hundred. Kov is the time to Ur in yocr nci feet ceatlesea. aad Voc will oftt be sndertbe Btceatityof going into yoar Bfigb bars say&e boae. Camtax. D- The odor. Umatilla All kl.tds of Oregon and the Liquors cholsest WINES. CIGARS, etc .... i s kept constantly on band at this popular r.ESOBT. GIVE ME A CALL QEXTLKMEX AMD rOlt TOCtUKLVES. I b&Te jtut xtctiiei. a larga awct- Mack of Crottttn, rrevlttoai, Hrlirt. Drr Conli u4 Gnu rsrsltatsf Gao&s wfakh I tB tril cta tJT cub Country Product Taken in J.ieAangc KiXli J. BEXTEK. JOHN Past Grand Matter. D. G.Clark of Alba- ny, passed throarb ton this week oa bis mkv borne irons avuit to msurouicroo Birch Creek. Pirs fect at Steve's Sample I loom. SEE HEW GOODS! & CO. R. POSTER UMATILLA. Forwabdixg and Cojohssiox 3IEUCILAjrrS, Agents Oregon Staam xcariga- tlon Co. iieaiers ut Dry Good-s Clothing, Groccriea. Hardware aad Gcatral SftrtkaadiM. Mark Goods art J. . P. c. JomcK. rosnrxkco. iM' THING N Cnrallars ft (arc. w Jesse ir'ainng. IlIKU. MANUFACTURER& DEALER Umatilla and Pexdixtost, - Okagox. Also ascnt for tbe SEWWIL305 SfcWIXG XACSUX price ".o to $50 Doors, Windows and Door Trimmings, lowest rates at the Umatilla Store. Alt It, TS. Prurrr In Pendleton Dec. Sth. of diph theria. Delia, daughter of Dr. J. M. and Prcckxis I "reel t aged 1 year, 11 maolhs and 15 days. OUB BRAND COLUMN. a--Kator IVU iham aaWriW Uc Iti tmjrr caa Wtr iSxtr aurt aaJ IcewM salnd la St wriimriSj a-ltbact Atgt. TlM laa M nnl t&t the principle was taken to his little bed aad all assamed a quitt scene. Lvraovorcsrrs. Prof. Are old xs oae asaoeg the enterprising: be has built two winter cellars, which may be used in tbe spring for the prstectioa of the better sex dasiag Abe expected EapJeaaaataes. Oar bis let opposite the High School and oae bick of bis residence In Arnold's additioa to Pesdletoe. t t 1 WHcm oj-L-oving all See wbe does sot like good things to Waea ia Portland laet we csHed at the bease ef P. Scllieg, -nrbcre we focad. cloth sag ef tbe best faalRy being sold at fabn seas lew prices. We advise oar friends from UawteBs, trhen visiting Portland, to f'vetakbeaseacalL He is a brother of . SeHiBgof Better creek. j Mrs. Daalway has bees lecturing in tewB tkk week to good audiences. To base wae are iacliaed to deride the woman asev-aeat, -we say, go and bear Iter aad sbe will at least cause you to re. ect. Sbeis ajpsod reasoner and is labor iag le liberate ber sex. A good cause. Hear ber before you condemn her. DoirliDg ooaes to As w3l be sees, Mr. ihe frsat to-day wkh his "ad." He has rested tbe Pioaeer Stable aad goaraatecs saafactioB. Des't fail to call and patro Btfe kim m be tells Tcru trhat be baa and -what be proposes to do. Ms. D. is sot of tbat cms who hides bis light under a based. If yoa patroake him yoarboracs trill be well cared for, aad if you Trait a aaddie bone he is the man to patronize. We call attention to the professional card ef Messrs. Halncs & Lawrence, Attor. Beys at law, ia this issue. These genlle aea are well kaawa to the people of tlic Ftfrfe Jadkrial District as careful, compe- leat attoraere.to whose care besines mav I tonal Is on our uble. be eBtrasted with the assurance that the j specimens of new job type. clieaM iwerew wiu iecsrtaniiy gaaroea. Mr. Lawreace will devote much tunc and tteBtka ta basiaess ia Union' county. As aa etoaaeat talker, a profound lawyer and iadef stigaale worker be has few equals search workshops at any hour. The cannon maker. Krspp. keeps the shanty in wnicb be began business. The Chinese are Increasing in cumber in the Pennsylvania oil regions. At Tokio, Japan, 7XXK) workmen are era. p.jycd in making safety matcnes. The King of Spain is not going mad ia jconstqcenccorthe death or the lateQueea. ! It is feared tbattbeex-PresideatorSaa j Domingo, Gozater, has been lost at sea. The Louisiana rice crop is the largest ever harvested. Jcnca. once a favorite European baato. died lately in Pans. The Colifornia rrane crop llfu rear is the largest ever gathered. In 16S0 an nternatioa&l exposition will be held at Buenos Ayrcs. Tbee-Ban is the same of the new Hag of Bnrmah. 3Ir. P. IL DcArcy lias been appointed den. of tbe Soprenie Court of this State. The largest room in the world is said to be lbs room for improvers enL The ladies ol Pcndltcon are seoa to bare a -Ladles Fair." Proff. Kinc's dtndng diool is bow ia full blast at MHarkey'a UalL Indiad to be bung on the 17th of Best j month. Wood is selling at Pendleton from 5 to S3 per cord. Wt-ifon't nranoselo sar anrthlaeaboHt Steve's Sample Boom this week. Will some one bring us some vegetables onions aad cabbage. Do, please, aad we will remember you in devotions. If Kime-body would build a dozen or more bosses in town fur could all be rest- : ed immediately, and it pays. The Cincinnati Tvpe Foundry's Oau It contains over w tr w. VTk. OvUV. j xr aa am. wx- Urn txt ia V-.1 aoi Ur ImS trt? U nii tar. Bw W aa bfl iMLkt iim J K. keo-a XX tm ntSI i4Ur. CaU. aaat as nrtl tia, ova S Oa UCl rftS. U carrS t la nxMrtx UaW Cavsr. rnaUBA, X. arab a talf Oftl TTT lactan. aa RxM rraa a tin rn U4 anaa amtM la rtfil tar; Bancs, nn bru4 ad Srft aSr. HAWIiBY, BOBB & CO, P0ETLAHD, 0ESG02T. Offer for Sale at the Lovest PoMiMe Prioee. HARDWARE. IRON AND STEEL Consistiaj ia part of rill HARROWS SSssders. We have been particularly careful to recommend no Implements save cfe as arc really the ur.e flus ultra" oft?.c:r class, believing the best are not caJy thar cheapest but safest to both to consumtr and dealer. Our price lists will be ha nuhei on application, and we sell no goods that wc are afraid to guarantee War would call opectal atte&icn to the m E? Fbwp Over 1.000 Sold In Oregon end, n. i. in we icizi j years. alih a ailiry Jr. aaJ tslta tr Uf. W am tU nKial r ajT.j jCafn aaaSaKaiBafay TaETaL. al f a aaawaj TVt fc-Olir t,Txiimct tX S sminUt bfSM. imbJ oolf la l am la I iprt fiucL Ak )ir briitU La ttaXi rT7s.d ta Vm tsxsen rntth atbirs Oa trr Umt bwn. emu U- M .Vi. i Boa U Vat cUguint to pirCtrsUAu, oU aZ ttliafteo l tkm I Bate DEERE'S MOUHE PLOWS, Randall's Minf Cutter Hm Buckeye Broad Cast Seeders, Deere' Sod Plow SCcliAo doss SPIqtvs., 75'okimym Srllly, DXSaiTG CTJLTTVA.TOE3, CHAKPIOS" YAM HUSO KZLLS P&rsa, Grist and Feed Mill?, Wood-worlds g Tafia friary; Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagon WUk Uie Kew TXUIXEXGm Pat. BXAZX. t&a laxtert Axrlea: Sarciai; Xa aXsea te vatr est tlraa, wOl'itaSd.a. vac baeVwr or clsc fat ssnL "Wa ara also la Ajfeata fmr T5TAG02TS, fM Mi Too well known to need com ami t. Send, for Circulars and. Price LUt. IU.WJLEY, I) ODD CX Gr W. Web'b. Ant. Pe-vl!eton,Orrsron. FREE A VALUABLE INVENTION, Spscia! Inducements r THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE In workmanship Is qua.l to a Chronornctsi' Watoh. aMf as alanntlt tinuBhd mat a -nriat Piano. It rm OfTered u those contcmplatins bayiag, the h!ght awards at ths Vfmrina and Centennial STOVES. T TUrr a fmt artsst af Lrafix Caek Slerct ' aa Kttim alx I at aril ft? Sar oak. bar inr lar-e X. lunmt; R. Alexander Jc Ce. J. a Franklin of Bailer Creek In this county Is tbe inventor of tbe nost Inrea- ioEs soger ever gives to tbe public This anger with a rotary asotioa bom a square bale aad Is so arras red that without anv trouble it can be ealarred or diminished, w e bare seen tr la operation aad pro-1 Booacc it a s access. I VTc have corapkitd oar cellar and barn ocr Jnslor has settled things with his girl and we will bare saore time to look areesd la the fntare. Wc will call on oar ssbscribers atlTestoarXUtoa, Walla Walla asd Ileppaer sooa aad woald be pleased to find thea all with f3 00 laid np ready to receive as. Will job? LcU start the new year clear. Major Comoyer.TJsBatilU led Ian Agent, goes East sooa with Young Chief and IIowllshwasBBO, two ol the Chiefs of thU reserve. lie will takes these to Wasbing. toa aad will also take a few renegades to tbeladiaa Territory; wish he would take thaaalL. A coaipaay of Militia was organized at Pilot Rock kstSaamtday, aad tbe following ece elected: L G. TbacupsefL Castaia. JaaK XcdeTW, First Lieotesaat. J. L. Wiboa, Seeoad Iieateaaat. L. 1'. Schab, Orderly Sargest. The Coasfiaay cOEBfrt of twenty-nine tsenbert, rvbo will crganite the next cOKpaay i Wc Lave jast received the ProrfSKert of tbe New York Sterrotyplng Company, a weekly advertising paper pablltbed every Moadsy at41BcekBaa street New York. It is aeat aad tasiy la its make-np aad cast a las a great deal of asater of inter, eat to the craft. 3 H 533 . Ihciii in la LITER.HOKE BEAGLE. Post OtSeo Building, Xain street, l'endlcton, Oregon. Dealers in general MERCHANDISE Etc, Etc If von want to save money, don't until you have priced stoves. I have a and coaidlcte assort ment of TIN WARE which I will sell at whole sale ami retail prices) and at prices to suit the times. Also Fuart&v Wnm-iit Iron ami Pit. I ant rremreJ to cut l X9 tt r a 6frHUsx ta fait mr vcSi i. Mravrtaf Waal uI7m War it arv aa4 iaaasUoaaattWcicrnt. All OA af JatettS al rrfamsc aasa arnttal tsA MjaTrt. Thanking the public for their very liberal patroa a) during the nst, and sol le ft continuance of the same. Umatilla City, Oregon, March 16, 7S. "w. 3T . Loozor sltkms-ki IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than othsr machines. Its capacity Is unlimited. There are mors' WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States titan the combined sates of ail the others. The WILSOM MENDING ATTACHMENT for doing all kinds of repairing WITHOUT PATCHING, gfVfi FREE With SSOh mSOhtflS SSL WILSON SEWING MACHINE CDs: 827 82S Broadway. New York; New Orleans. ta.f Ctr.SisfefcMateSt Chlcacop Ms.; and San Franoisos.C&. JAeseFziliofr Agent, Pcadleton, Or. J. Leanex. BOOT AND SHOE 3CXKTS. 3 Iain Street, ojjosite Court House, Pendleton, Oregon. k 1 U. triert yrxfCj tXxtzAei ta aai at rrka t -f Cn isaca. Bajuimj Sea waA atatartl alaUk. Ji)Sh IS i ll mom, FosKASDKCi coKMSsios JcntcmjsTr And Dealer in general merchandise t! NEW FIRM! NEW store; NEW GOODS! ft I A full, complete and entirely p"new atocr of renersJ merchan aaT ' a , i Last Friday the two remaining Indians in jail were tried, aad tbe old maa acquitted, aad Aps eeav&ed of Ha ardor in the first degree. He will be eseetd oa the 17th ef Jaaa&ry la the peoseace of twelve legal voters ef tbe eeeaiy, jest ese week after the tiase set for tfee execution of Wliitc Owl aad Qait-j-taaspc. The Indians are restkes, aad we apprehoad trouble. Be prepared far aay emergency, S ovr advice. TVe are tetoraual that abere are tame 209 araed warriors ea the Cetaabla river alwve yfd lala thk aaeaas foatetbia. Hiey are said te be yrapariag aa asasaally larae oupply ef rafc, killiag cattle aad jerkiag mi aryiag the asaat as if tbey were prepar isg for a wister eaaspaaga. Tbe govers iieat ijIiQwU at eaee sead sewe irooj i iso iais sosttOBt-aad the aalliiia naoald e or aVaiiM. i wadiaaw saM'libe daager is past. Doa't forpet os wbea you sell yonr liojts. If you can't pay all. pay us what you caa "spare." "Spare" the ribs to us oa sub scription and advertising. Focxn. Charley Ross has been fosbd again. This time in possession of a blf brccd Indian residing in Pen&fylvaal by the name of Vanderpol. BcsT-Tbe business or this office has in creased that we are compelled to enploy three typos and arc pushed all the time. Bring on your work. We hare room for more printers. One more case vacant Prof. Kiag's daaclag school Is now in fall blast, harlag a boat twenty conple la attesdaace. Tbe scheol asects twice a week, oa Wedaesday's aad Satardar'a for practice, ladlea at 2 o'clock aad gentlemen' ia the evsebsg. Ooase oat today at S o'clock, ladles geatlessas, thla ercalsg. The Materials for a new paper, to be pabllshed by Xr. W L. Black at Weston, Casatilla ceaaty, arrived by the Idaho. Xr. 8. leforiM as that ate psper will be called the Wertea Lea&tr Attune. Ua-laa, Oregoa, te pattiag oa airs. It has bees reeeatly lacorperated as a city, asd has aow a fall-iedged Mayor aid Legal tea4ers ia Pertkad bayteg, eel Hag. par. oHvereaM la rartlaaa meuaaas quote: l!ltllaercaYt.sl(eH3at. ' aw - . uxa .zcaaare ea ew lerk. l percent. Accidest- D. Theodore of Uasatilla met witb aa accident dnrinr laat by being kicked by a cayuse above the ! rfcht eve Inflictinir a scrioas woacd.nnuBtaa kaockiag him senseless. He Is coavates- Coin Zxchaa re ea Saa Fraaeteeo. r. ctat CweacyEsclsaBfe oa Xew York 1 per xcu. jri(BMker- days ea Leadea, where he has beea during tbe past twe ) weeks. lie says he saw the sua oace 1 1 a!grahle traafleri ea Xtr Yerk. 1 Iajt Ii la cA.(naaru ifikftfttl ni n I i ' jyvwi t aai aaa due, Hats, 1 Caps. Boots and . Shoes And the largest and most complete stock of ready made a 2i just received direct 14 Francisco. 1 Ett brou"l:t to Fendkion, from San 4 0tll X1X JXt3311 33. Oar goods before tmvinz eke- wiKire. Couatry produce taken at ahighet each pnee. 5 as Goods said at WALLA mm tWALLA liees. I Alexander & Co CXXTILLl OSZCOX TJTA3 JVSt ntttrri a tcrl aaBrttMCt et Dry - G-oocajB9 CLOTHING, ETC. 1 nXJt wtarOrMatsrtieakaaiUdaiS tX. W SJ4 al O. loatst Sfwr. PENDLETON ELOURDfG MILLS. Mays & Zelsier, Fetdletox, ----- Oaxcor. CARPENTERS, CABINET 'urERTAkERS I AST) GEMSAL "STOOD TT0KKXR5. QTHoasc baUdla a speciality. JE3 JACOBSON & CO. XainSt, - Pendleton, Or. aril ioor to Ike corwr crfaafct Wat. SaSaVf'a IZeLail dealers ut Fine Wines Liqirs & Cigars troubles and do sire to live always call oa cs at the popular resort If you desire a nice cooling leverage, such aa will make gou forget all your f and take a aatSes. W fcrr a Xa. 1 pod " U taamal rt (aaanMsd. nsa lsam as4 tfn rpHE TOfPIXTOy IXOCSIXO WHS rt acv a. Baarittti aaJ la tcZ trunliaa rwtrvutba EXCHANGED FOR WHEAT ..Or tH... Cass Kattleck. PXXDLETOX, Orrywa Liquors, Wines, Beer and Cigars Of lk trt cnlitT !sr oa 1mg4. Ka aWWUOl ana&s Mil; Kia ana ia w rauom. ALSO a 6e UHUrJ US4 for iSi-a Jl ol iy lairees. Mala Stmt ant Ax la R. Akxaaaer k Co.s start. BTtf Highest Cash Price Paid Will For the Mave. griad Cora and Chop Fred, for any day in ike week. tell, FLOUR, BRAN AND For sate at all tiatt. FEED : moKa 1 dvict uit aei saall rroSta. K mil . GUAXAXTEX THU 1ST FLOTJJ. Ih tho counlrr. as we have the beet MILL Xut ef thtt Gasetiet. W. S. Byek k e.. UTAH, IDAHO AND OREGON STAGE COMPAIST. On and after July 1st 1S7S, CTAlt. IDAHO and ORKCIOS ataje Ce. A XT III. LSivK rexnurtw rw tmi 5lariT u(i.I. rrtmrla frwa I'avullaaott lara oa arrtnXi ofbocu tfca ra3. WUt kara datlrair lha Dattca. tU. 11V Raelc aa4 Htafttr, at. Sr. a. Wn kart Aalr SarWaamWaaa Uir. x rs? Batat CH t ta.a. Ulah, Idaho and-Oiepn Kara Kn CwIm. SMA Prtrtrt aa4 aM frltraor(fTleeaaitaMaKt. llMkaMmartea WHiaf. jlaftTtotST UTWtMflaW, Art. &tUSeCXr, aUILaY YrfiH. ir R. MORENO. sad - Sip - faWiif, l U. aUSra Or QKSXSUSStXLji SIGXS ZXECUT3H - , THE mi 1ST STTEE- fMrnoa Caxraataal. ShoponiUin Street Bextdoor teinf. nore i'entueton, urrcoa. BREWERY. x PENDLETON, ORE- Acroa the bridge opposite Pewdie tm.r' ADOLTS i W.H.im nr. jcr. Srwfna toW.g.ttnat'T.- Skaa)b!a SttvH rrZtm Saul, "TTrOaK dae 9VA iMattS aa4 at If A3 aara puuini. JUt af ayWafcawH tsOMSts ai ea aat lar aWa. WOOL-GROWERS AOtOtOftQn 0-tOI 0Tay The undersinied will oSer special' i-' fiwawi ta that a41at la naulfa, WgOgOgLgS- to their well known Hboer- in San Francisco, who haw asade Oregoa wools a speciality fer the kstUrcanaa4 Mscrtarrina; Entire Satk&ctiem v Uwag waHftiac te tfwp Xart: JCBnav. JarjStr SOSAUX9! roniaaoe R. & Bex SA.V Saa rriettiiMiCaU r.o.1 -UMATILLA MILtS UMATILLA. - - OK, Hlifeat 5trlrt Pric pill W. TJal bt or elnj on kak4 fcr safe. Abecbca) SNJ.etc Flosr exchanged for Jaacttf LEiAl BLANKS PRCEBSTEL BROS; VeH8K, - - rs Hare on hand and' will con eUntly keep the finest ac- sortment of dry goodg,. readjr vds CrOthia hats, hardware, tcv tht ever caaw to Eastern Oregoe,. Giy as a call befbm go- Valla - w